Wednesday Headlines Corpus Christi Home & School Association Weekly Newsletter Issue 23 February 18, 2015 Administrative / School Notes School Office—860-529-5487 Health Room—860-529-7261 Happening this/early next week!! BOYS’ NIGHT OUT ROCK CLIMBING OUTING: All participants in the rock climbing event February 19—H.S.A. Dress Down Day $1.00 February 20—Six Flags Read to Succeed Reading Logs Due scheduled for Friday, February 20, 2015 must complete the on-line Central Rock Gym waiver when requesting tickets by February 20—Boys’ Night Out Rock Climbing February 18th. Once the waiver is completed on-line, the form Outing must be “confirmed” via email. Tickets will not be available at the door as the event coordinator needs to provide an accurate count in advance to the Central Rock Gym. DIRECTORY: All Corpus Christi School families should have received the blue 2014-2015 Directory Enrollment form. In order to be included in this year’s directory, families must complete, sign, and return the Directory Enrollment form to the school office. All forms that are returned to Corpus Christi School are processed into the system so families can view the participating families in the directory via the portal. If you have submitted your form to the school office, please review the information on the portal. If you have not yet completed the Directory Enrollment form, please consider completing and returning the form as soon as possible so the directory can be completed. Coming soon!. March 6—1/2 Day of School March 19—HSA Meeting, 7pm Library March 21 All State Band concert—2:00 p.m. CCSU PLEASE CHECK THE FOLLOWING TV STATIONS FOR SCHOOL CLOSINGS: WFSB, NBC, and FOX-CT. Mark your calendars! March 30—April 6—Easter/Spring Break April 3—Good Friday April 9—H.S.A. Dress Down Day $1.00 Administrative / School Updates, continued Volunteers: All parents who wish to volunteer at Corpus Christi School, and all schools in the Archdiocese of Hartford, in any capacity such as classroom volunteers, field trip chaperones, chairs of social events, etc. must take a course on the Protection of God’s Children called Virtus training. There are Virtus training sessions being held at the following locations: Location St. Augustine (Hartford) St. Joseph (Bristol) Date Saturday. March 7 Tuesday, March 24 Time 9:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Please contact each location directly if you are interested in registering for the session—or see online instructions below. Anyone who took this course before does not need to take it again. Once you have completed the course, please submit a copy of your certification card and Code of Ministerial Behavior signature sheet to the Corpus Christi School office. Register or find additional sessions at: / Click Registration / Select Hartford Archdiocese A message from Linda Keenan, School Nurse Send in photos of your winter pictures—snowman/snow woman to be featured in upcoming Wednesday Headlines!!! Please send photos as attachments to: Hannah G, from 3rd grade and a giant icicle! Term 2 Honor Roll GRADE 8 HONOR ROLL Brooklyn Bradley Katherine Brough Francis Brown Nicholas Carso Atticus Deleon Francesca Discenza Megan Faulkner Michael Foster Ian Gelberg Katelyn Glendon Kasey Goggins MyLinh Griffin Kayley Hallisey Clara Marler Billy Marquardt Hannah Mascaro Amy Milewski Lordina Onyina Cole Paiva Tess Penders Christopher Ragazzi Isabelle Raymond Hannah Rossman Annmarie Rotatori Molly Russ Rafael Serrano Elizabeth Veilleux Madison Webster GRADE 8 HONORABLE MENTION Kellyanne Cahill Tyler Lappe Amelia Martin Lordy Onyina Francisco Quintana GRADE 7 HONOR ROLL Montana Andrea Sydney Brown Catherine Cannamela Julia Cannamela Mia Carbone Julia Carso Patrick Codeanne Sarah Dziatko Victoria Esquibies Grace Fenton Amanda Greco Emily Crusberg Zachary Grenier Jonathan Humphrey Emily Karwic Josie Kendrick Holly Lewis Madison McHenry Summer Mitchell Julia Morgan Meaghan Murphy Julian Nunez Nathalie O’Neill Alyssa Pilecki Sarah Ritter Ashley Rodriguez Isabella Samse Alexa Scalise Vanessa Slack William St. Pierre Kevin Susanin James Turner Megan VanSteenbergen Lauren Viveros GRADE 7 HONORABLE MENTION Kaitlyn Malloy Natalia Travaglini Jenna Ifkovic Home & School Association—2014-2015 Calendar of Events* 8-19 Jeannine Fundraiser 16 HSA Meeting** 22-10/15 Lyman Orchards Fundraiser 3 5th/6th Grade Social 3 3rd/4th Grade Social 21 HSA Meeting** 24 Halloween Party Pre K- 2nd 1 Walk-a-thon 10-17 KidStuff Fundraiser 21 7th/8th Grade Dance 21 Jeannine/Lyman Delivery 7 20 HSA Meeting** 6 Sadie Hawkins Dance 20 Mother/Son Outing 23 Jeannine Spring Sale 19 HSA Meeting** 21 Easter Egg Hunt 21 HSA Meeting** Santa’s Workshop 11 Golf Tournament 4-8 Teacher Appreciation Week! *Events may be changed or added **HSA Meetings are at 7pm in the library All Year! Scrip Fundraiser Gift Cards Home & School Association H.S.A. Scrip—ongoing: H.S.A. will be selling SCRIP cards in the lobby. Please stop by, purchase some gift cards, and see what is new with the SCRIP program this year! Fridays between the hours of 1:45—2:45 p.m. in the lobby Tuesdays from 7:15-7:45 in the office Uniform Swap—ongoing Feel free to take what you need and/or donate uniforms in good condition Donated uniforms are located in the Main Building, in the hallway area just past the Health Room and restrooms. Questions? Please contact Lisa Torneo at H.S.A. Dress Down Days—ongoing H.S.A. Dress Down days—2nd Thursday of the month. This may change based on events and/ or activities happening at the school. Children will be notified by their teachers and a notice will be in the Headlines. Please bring a $1 donation to your child’s teacher. Please consult the handbook for appropriate dress on these days. Please note the change in schedule for the February 12th Dress Down Day. The February Dress Down Day has been moved to Thursday, February 19th. Flyers & Forms Flyers & Forms Spring Jeannine Fundraiser Fundraising Makes it Happen! Our Students Need Your Support! This fundraiser helps fund our HSA initiatives for the year. Every student, teacher, and classroom benefits from these programs. Thank you for your support! Thank you in advance for making this fundraiser a success! Brochures will come home at the end of February. More information coming soon! Flyers & Forms EARN A FREE SIX FLAGS TICKET JUST BY READING! February 20, 2015 Questions? Contact Mrs. Morse in Library: Flyers & Forms February 20, 2015 Corpus Candids February Frenzy Spirit Week! Corpus Candids February Frenzy! Great job to all the players, coaches and volunteers for a fantastic basketball weekend! To see more pictures from the Frenzy, check out the Frenzy Facebook page: February Frenzy Basketball Tournament Weekend Corpus Candids Congratulations to the Corpus Christi Blue JV Boys February Frenzy Champions! Great job!
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