Corpus Christi Parish Community 234 SOUTHERN BOULEVARD • CHATHAM TOWNSHIP, NEW JERSEY 07928 (973) 635-0070 • FAX (973) 635-5518 Mary Jane Cece, Pastoral Associate, Catechetical Ministry • ext.715, Sr. Margaret Dincher, SCC, Pastoral Associate, Spirituality • ext.714, Fran Guy, Business Office • ext.713, Robert Long, Minister of Music • ext.716, Rev. Msgr. James T. Mahoney, Pastor, Ph.D., V.G. • ext. 5, Blog: Roseann McDonough, Parish Administrator • ext.725, Chris Medeiros, Administrative Assistant • ext.711, Elizabeth Nowik, Handbell and Children’s Choirs • ext.728, Mary Anne Psomas–Jackloski, Pastoral Associate, Youth Ministry and Formation • ext.718, Betty Spinella, Administrative Assistant • ext.710, Lisa Traum, Jr. High Religious Education • ext.740, Linda Wass, Pastoral Associate, Marriage and Family Ministry • ext.720, Maintenance Staff • ext.721, October 26, 2014 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time All Saints Day—All Souls Day—Mass of Remembering Next Saturday is the Feast of All Saints, but not a holyday since it falls on a Saturday. Next Sunday is the Feast of All Souls, which will replace the regular Sunday prayers and readings. It is a special time to pray for those who have died. We invite you to come to our annual Mass of Remembering on Monday, November 3, 7:30 p.m. During this Mass, we will pray for all of our family members, parishioners, and friends who have gone home ahead of us to God. Everyone is invited. Be an Ambassador for Christ—The Bishop’s Annual Appeal As you know, the theme of our annual diocesan appeal this year is: Be an A mbassador for Christ. You and I are called to be disciples, to represent Jesus. A practical way to do this is to support the many ministries and services that receive financial support from the Appeal, to literally touch thousands. The appeal focuses on funding immediate operations in Catholic Charities, seminarian education, our diocesan priests’ retirement residence, and our inner-city schools. The weekend of November 1-2, we’ll hear a brief taped reflection from Bishop Serratelli and have a chance, if you have not already done so, to make a pledge for the Appeal. Please Help—Feed and Clothe the Hungry This week the food donated will be going to the Father English Community Center, Paterson, NJ, one of our Catholic Charities agencies. Here are the items most needed by the Food Banks: Cold Cereal, Oatmeal/Hot Cereal, Pancake Mix and Syrup, Brown/White Rice, Pasta and Pasta Products (side dishes), Macaroni & Cheese, Soups (canned, mixes, ramen noodle), Cookies and Crackers, Canned Meats, Fish and Fruit, Peanut Butter, Parmalat. Please consider purchasing low-sodium and low-sugar items. Please help support our local programs by donating Clothing, Shoes, and Household Items in our donation bin located in our back parking lot. Sacraments • Parish Organizations CYO BASKETBALL PROGRAM EUCHARIST Weekend Liturgies: See Corpus Christi website ( or call Jim LeMon at 973-701-1602 or email or Drew McKenzie at 973-635-1342 or email Eucharist for the Sick and Homebound: Senior Citizens ~ Priscilla Ursino, Coordinator Saturday, 5:00 p.m. Sunday, 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 12:15 p.m. Weekday Liturgies: 7:30 a.m.—Mon—Friday Every first Friday; other times upon request First Eucharist: nd Usually celebrated in 2 grade for children. Celebrated at the Easter Vigil for adults. BAPTISM Baptisms are celebrated at 1:15 p.m. on Sundays: monthly during the summer, and twice a month during the rest of the year. A required orientation for parents of babies being baptized is held on the third Saturday at 10:30 a.m. (July & August by appointment.) Please contact the parish office in advance to register for the orientation and to schedule the Baptism. No Baptisms are scheduled until after the baby has been born. Adults: participate in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. Through this process, the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation are received. For further information, contact the parish office. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SESSIONS The parish offers a comprehensive program in religious education for pre-school, elementary school, junior high, and high school. These sessions are held on Sundays or Mondays. We also offer a program for students who are educationally challenged. Adult education programs are scheduled periodically and announced in the bulletin and newsletter. For further information, contact the parish office, extension 711. ALTAR SOCIETY Coordinators: Kathleen Magill and Dorothy Shanahan MEN’S SOCIETY ~ Joseph Cooney, President CONFIRMATION Parishioners of high school age are confirmed following a two year preparation program, usually culminating with Confirmation in the beginning of junior year. Adult parishioners are usually confirmed at the Easter Vigil. For further information, contact the parish office. PENANCE For all parishioners: celebrated on Saturday from 4:15-4:45 p.m. in the area behind the sanctuary of the church; outside of these times, upon request. Communal Penance services are held in Advent and Lent. First Penance: Usually celebrated in the 2nd grade. MARRIAGE Please contact the parish office a year prior to the wedding. Preparation for Marriage includes: Pre-Cana or Marriage Encounter, as well as meetings with the priest who will witness the Marriage. Weddings may be scheduled any day Monday through Saturday. No weddings will be scheduled on Sundays, eves of holidays, holidays, or holiday weekends. ANOINTING OF THE SICK This sacrament may be celebrated with any person who is seriously ill. A communal celebration of this sacrament is held periodically. You may request this sacrament at any time, especially in case of emergency. Any parishioner who is in the hospital and wishes to see a member of the parish staff should notify the parish office. Parish Council St. Anthony’s, Meets first Friday of month at 12:30 p.m. ~ Liturgy & Lunch October – June Bobbie Veeder, President Our Sister Parish Our parish is linked with our sister parish, Saint Anthony’s in Passaic. Our Men’s Society joins with Saint Anthony’s in various projects. If you are interested in helping, please contact Roseann McDonough, Meets second Monday of the month, 7:30 p.m. or as announced in the bulletin. YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY For those in their 20s and 30s, through social, spiritual and service activities, “Fire and Light,” a Network of young adults in various local parishes meets once a month, and also networks with other groups. Contact Psomi for further information. YOUTH MINISTRY 6th Grade: Friday Night Open Gym held once a month during certain months for all 6th graders from Corpus Christi parish and their friends. 7th & 8th Grade: Friday Night Open Gym held once a month during certain months for all 7th/8th graders from Corpus Christi parish and their friends. Other activities include On-Line with Jesus, Souper Bowl Sunday, Corn Maze, Jr. High Dances. High School Youth: High school youth have a variety of activities to choose from including, but not limited to: U-Turn (service), Pancake Breakfast, Senior Prom, Passion Play, Habitat for Humanity, soup kitchen, Extreme Faith (youth music choir), Confirmation preparation, and many other ministries. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Knights of Columbus is an international fraternal, family and charitable organization. Locally, the Parcells Council of the Knights of Columbus jointly serves the parishes of Corpus Christi and Saint Patrick. Membership is open to all Catholic men over 18. Visit the Knights of Columbus website at: For further information contact Dan Otten at 973-335-1435 Al-Anon Meeting Al-Anon meets every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. This is open to any persons in the community who are family members or friends of those suffering from any type of chemical dependency, such as alcohol, etc. The meeting is held in the double classroom area. Enter the parish center through the main doors from the rear parking lot. This is not affiliated with the parish, but the facilities are offered as a service to the community. The participants are to maintain strict confidentiality and require anonymity. Page 2 - 603 Corpus Christi LITURGIES FOR 5:00 p.m. Gene Daquila Sunday, October 26 Arthur Sheehy Brian Maher Francis Polakowski Christine McGuinn Monday, October 27 7:30 a.m. Harriet Raimonde; Patricia Ann Jackvony; For the People Tuesday, October 28 7:30 a.m. Bill Haller (1st Anniversary) Wednesday, October 29 7:30 a.m. Josephine Battaglia; Jean Albano; Elaine Claire Tino Thursday, October 30 7:30 a.m. Carmela Russo; Jean Claire Murray; Thomas Roche, Jr. Friday, October 31 7:30 a.m. Christopher Ripp Saturday, November 1 5:00 p.m. Mary Carroll Anderson Sunday, November 2 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m. 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Calendar of Events Saturday, October 25 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m. October 26, 2014 Ruth Davis Stella Kuchar Anthony Spinella For the People Feast Days: Wednesday, Sts. Simon and Jude Apostles; Saturday, All Saints Day Today Religious Ed Grades PK3—Grade 8 9:30 a.m. RCIA 10:00 a.m. Extreme Faith 7:00 p.m. Religious Ed Grades 6—8 Monday, October 27 9:00 a.m. Centering Prayer 4:00 p.m. Religious Ed Grades 1—5 7:00 p.m. Adult Handbells 7:30 p.m. Bible Study Tuesday, October 28 10:30 a.m. New Day Bereavement 3:30 p.m. Children’s Choir 4:00 p.m. Penance Makeup Wednesday, October 29 9:00 a.m. Bible Study 10:30 a.m. Praying the Rosary Thursday, October 30 3:30 p.m. Angel Chimes 4:00 p.m. Cherubs 7:00 p.m. Extreme Faith 7:00 p.m. Confirmation Team 2 7:30 p.m. Adult Choir Friday, October 31 4:30 p.m. Harmonia 5:30 p.m. Celebration Ringers Saturday, November 1 All Saints Day Last Sunday’s Collection In Remembrance For the week of October 26, Sanctuary Lights burn in memory of Jack Abbate and Bread and Wine is offered in memory of Jack Abbate Flower Memorials Remember a loved one or offer a Special Intention by having a flower arrangement placed in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. The cost will be $50 or more plus a $10 offering. The Parish Office will coordinate the request with our florist, Carl Lemanski. BLOG: Father Mahoney’s blog is at Presider’s Schedule November 1/2 5:00 p.m. Fr. Mahoney 9:00 a.m. Fr. Murphy 7:30 a.m. Fr. Murphy 11:00 a.m. Fr. Ray 12:15 p.m. Fr. Mahoney Envelopes Checks Cash Total 338 $14,445 $ 4,669 $19,114 Thank You For responding with generosity to our financial needs. To give is an act of faith. We promise to be wise stewards with the funds that you entrust to us. Automatic Deductions for Collections Help Us & You Please consider using our program of automatic deductions from your checking account for your sacrificial gifts to the Church. This is a great regular support of the parish and a convenience for our parishioners. You can have your Sunday contribution automatically deducted from your checking account according to the frequency and amount you prefer. If you are interested in participating in this program, go to this link on our parish web site: If you do not use a computer, then call the Parish Office for an application form. Page 3 - 603 Corpus Christi Welcome! New parishioners are asked to register by calling or visiting the parish office or by speaking to one of the parish staff. Spirituality—Faith Development Contact: Sister Margaret Dincher SCC 973-635-0070 x 714 (phone) 973-635—5518 (fax) Email: Pray for the Sick Pray for the sick RCIA Maureen Alexander, Patty Westerzelt, Jack Washburne, Brian Deasy, Mon Cassius, Debbie Michalski, Charlotte Powers, Helen Powers, Pam Koch, Trish Dowling, David Natale, Elizabeth Hurley, Donald deCastro, Megan O’Neil, Carole DeCastro, Christopher Ciufo, Martin Dubel, James Mulvaney, Betty Burke, Melina Hennigan, James Greendonner, Nicole Crahan, Jeffrey Dowling, Donna Conforti, Carolyn Phalon, Wayne Parisi, Debby Conti, James J. Price, Pat Pierson, Florence & John Hefele, Hank Campbell, Amy Fitzgerald, Mary McHale, Father John O’Brien, John McFadden, Frances Primack, Dorothy M. Torick, Laurie Williams, Howard Daly, Katherine Brown, Larry Stromberg, Maribeth Washburne, Conor Jennings, Barbara Layman, Peter Pietrucha, Craig Wisdo, John Petite, Raymond O’Connell, Marsha Caldwell, Christopher Crahan, Jean McFadden, Joseph Doria, John Fleming, Donna Kugelman, Jeffrey Hodgeson, Kiran Kenney, Helen Dwyer, Margaret Pittaluga, Tina Errico, Earle Underwood, Gina Pisaeno, Nick McGann, John (Jack) Kaplan, Marie Orgo, Fr. Tony Duffy, Lucy Ryan, Sarah Cannizzo, Joann Uibelhoer, Beth Abella, Hazel Townsend, Nicholas DeNunzio, Nicholas Ciufo, Peter Elder, Lori Abrams, Alberto Martins, Brandon Glynnyoung, David Carey, Marylou Perrini, Alan Fischer, John Fitzpatrick, Sarah Addison, Carol Murphy, Michelle Johnson, Adam Goodkind, Loree Goodkind, Likeu Lee, Susan Kosinski, Patrick Larson, Camille Moran, Michael Turinchak, Dorothy Norton, Sr. Anita Talar, Helen and Bill Borkowski, Sr. Barbara Takacs, Marie Folenta, Diane Allen, Al Carrier, Michael, Nora and Callum Lemanski, Lucas Reiling, Dominic Ursino, Andrew Jenkins, Debbie Dwyer, Bridget Noe, John Cunningham, Mary Beth Driscoll, Denise Phalon Cascio, Bob Cheviot, Abigail Brady, Frances Smith, Claudia Fernandez, Tom Warren, Marty Erickson, Mary Beth Bonkowski, Anne DeLuca, Carey Jenkins, Aurora Tremaroli, Aubrey Baumbach, Christopher Green Cunningham, John VanDam, Ethel Gasda, Patrick Ford, David Kelly, Patrick Murphy, Jr., Helen Huk, Stephen Mandzak, Cathy Caputo, Rui Boos, Jane Maher, Joe Cooney, Edward Mastellone, Joseph Todisco, Marie Skurka, Arianna Khelil, Sister Theresina Flannery, RSM, Gina Pelillo, Dorothy Craig, Sr. Betty Jean Takacs, Stephanie Quiroga. We are looking forward to journey with those who would like to receive the Sacraments of Initiation or wish to learn more about the Catholic Church. On Sunday, October 26th an information session will be held in the Atrium Conference Room after the 9:00 am Mass. For more information call or email Sister Margaret. Centering Prayer We are called daily to sink deep roots into God’s enormous love to discover the presence of the Spirit within. Each Monday morning in the Emmaus Room from 9:00 am to 9:30 am you are invited to begin your week in prayer to deepen this awareness of the presence of God in daily life. Bible Study...Monday, October 27 The Acts of the Apostles: Good News for All People, is the topic for Bible Study. The study focuses on the message left by Jesus to his followers, how they lived the message in their daily lives, and the struggles faced in spreading this message in the early Church. The next session will be held on Monday, October 27th at 7:30 pm in the Upper Room on the second floor. Bible Study...Wednesday, October 29 On Wednesday mornings from 9:00 am to 10:00 am a Bible Study is on “Revelation.” The study will be held in the Atrium Conference Room. It will be led by Sister Margaret. Pray for those who have gone home to the Lord Nicole Crahan, sister of Remy deVareene Elaine Claire Tino, wife of Jim Spiritual Direction Spiritual Direction is an invitation to grow in our relationship with God as we reflect more deeply on God’s presence in the daily experiences of our lives. For more information contact Sister Margaret. Book Club The next Book Club will meet on Thursday, January 22nd. The book being discussed is Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult. Page 4 - 603 Corpus Christi Family/Marriage Ministry Women’s Retreat “Make Space for God” Contact: Linda Wass 973-635-0070 x720 (phone) 973-635-5518 (fax) email: An Evening of: Prayer...Presentations… Reflection...Sharing… Gourmet Meal...Mass Marriage Preparation When November 22, 2014 Time 4 pm to 10 pm Where Corpus Christi Parish Presenter Eileen Carmody, PBVM Cost: $25 Check payable to Corpus Christi Congratulations! Please contact the Marriage & Family Ministry office 8-12 months before the big day to schedule an appointment to begin your preparation for the sacrament of Marriage. Pre Cana Spring 2015 Session March 28 Our next Pre Cana program for engaged couples will take place on March 28. To register or for more information, please contact Linda Wass: [or] 973-635-0070 x 720. Registration Forms at the Spirituality Table in the Atrium and in the Bulletin November 3rd Marriage Encounter P Nov 7-9 Morristown NJ rayer Shawl Ministry May you be wrapped in God’s embrace At Corpus Christi Parish a Prayer Shawl Ministry has begun. The Shawls which have been completed will be blessed at Mass and distributed throughout the month.. If you are interested please call Sister Margaret. VISITING THE SICK If you or someone you know is in the hospital or at home and wishes a visit and Communion contact Sister Margaret. Weekly visits are made. Sister Margaret—973-635-0070 x 714 or On a Marriage Encounter weekend, married couples can get away from jobs, kids, chores, and phones and focus only on each other to deepen, enrich, and grow in their relationship. Visit for more informationCONTACT:Mike & Eileen Mor gan 1-877697-9963x7 Help for Troubled Marriages Nov 7-9 Retrouvaille is a weekend program with follow-up sessions to help couples with marriage problems, including those who are separated, to heal and renew their relationship. Morristown, NJ To register: Programs for Spiritual Growth At the spirituality bulletin boards are outreach programs and days of renewal offered at Quellen Center in Mendham and at St. Paul Inside the Walls in Madison. Eucharistic Ministers, lectors and Altar Servers Additional Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors and Altar Servers are needed for Sunday Masses. The Eucharist calls each person to go forth from the Sunday celebration and be Eucharist in our everyday lives. Becoming a Eucharistic Minister, Lector and Altar Server is one way to share the Eucharist with others. If you feel called to these ministries a sign-up sheet is in the Atrium. Call: Linda & David: 973-723-7090 email: or Visit: Bereavement Group session 3: 9 Tuesday mornings 10:30—noon. Upstairs in Conference Room One Contact Linda Wass: Page 5 - 603 Corpus Christi Oct 28 A Marriage Moment “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mt 22:39) To do this depends on an honest love of self and then transferring that attitude to your neighbor — and of course, your closest neighbor is your spouse. Don’t put yourself down today. A Parenting Pointer “You shall not oppress an alien, for you were once aliens yourselves in the land of Egypt” (Ex 22:20). Talk with your child about what it means to be an outsider and different. Tell them the story of Exodus. Check out for ideas on how to reach out and help. Baptism Preparation Nov 15 For first-time parents 10:30 to 12 noon, Atrium Conference Room Third Saturday of the month To participate, call 973-635-0070 x 720 or email CAP meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month for encouragement & support, information & resources, friendship & faith. All are welcome.. Contact: CAP is now online! Could you use some support and guidance but can’t attend the monthly CAP meetings? “CAP Corpus Christi” has a new private online group at where you will find all the resources from our meetings and can connect with group members. To join, go to and click the Caring for Aging Parents logo…. MILITARY FAMILY & FRIENDS SAFELY HOME: LT Ryan McDonough, USN, Afghanistan Nephew of Roseann McDonough and Maryellen Yeager. To display a photo when a loved one is deployed contact: 973-635-0070 x 720 Round Table Family Life~Work~Faith Take Out Magazine: Family Faith on the Go! The NOVEMBER issue is here! Get your copy in the atrium! Monthly Meetings … by dads...for dads with kids of any age Gather....Discuss....Encourage….Inspire Contact: Â\à |á |Ç wç|Çz à{tà ãx tÜx uÉÜÇ àÉ XàxÜÇtÄ _|yxÊ Mass of Remembrance We invite you to join us for this special Mass to remember and pray for all our loved ones who have gone home to God, especially those who died during the past year. REFRESHMENTS after MASS in the ATRIUM Every-other Thursday, 9:30 — 11 AM Resurrection Meeting Room; Babysitting provided in Atrium Conference Room Monday, November 3, 2014 at 7:30 pm 7:30 pm Page 6 - 603 Corpus Christi RSVP: Religious Education Contact: Mary Jane Cece, 973-635-0070 x715 (phone); 973-6355518 (fax); email: for PreK—Grade 5. Contact: Lisa Traum, 973-635-0070 x740 (phone); 973-635-5518 (fax); email: for Jr. High (6-8) Contact: Psomi, 973-635-0070 x718 (phone); 973-635-5518 (fax); email: for Sr. High (9-10) Religious Ed Classes November 2/3 November 9/10 November 16/17 November 23/24 Nov. 30/Dec. 1 Classes for all grades NO CLASSES Classes for all grades Prek—Grade 8 NO CLASSES Music Ministry Contact: Robert Long, 973-635-0070 x716 (phone); 973-635-5518 (fax); email: Corpus Christi Choirs Parishioners of all ages are invited to share musical talents with Corpus Christi. Singers and instrumentalists are invited to join one of our many choirs to help lead sung prayer at mass. Adults - Corpus Christi Adult Choir, Funeral Choir and Handbell Choir Students - Cherub Choir (K-2), Joyful Noise Choir (3-8+), Angel Chime Choir (1,2), Christmas-in-a-Box Information regarding our Christmas “gift giving” project has been mailed to all families in the Religious Education Program. Please return the response form to the office by Monday, October 27th. Youth Bell Choir (Grades 3+), Harmonia Orchestra (3+) Click on "Music Ministry" at for more information. Penance Renewal Penance Renewal for children preparing for the sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation will be held: Friday, November 14th at 7:00 pm (A-L) and on Saturday, November 15th at 9:00 am (M-Z) High School Religious Education All Sundays All 7:00—8:00 pm Schedule & Topics Session 3 Oct 19 Community Night (Year 1) Relax: God’s in Charge (Year 2) Session 4 Nov 2 Relax: God’s In Charge (Year 1) Community Night (Year 2) Session 5 Nov 16 Morality & Sanctity of Life SPECIAL Session Nov 23 Science & Religion with Father Mahoney Session 6 Session 7 Session 8 Session 9 Jan 11 Jan 25 Feb 8 Feb 22 Session 10 Mar 1 Show & Tell Mass Media & Technology Watch out for Snakes Catholic Q & A with Father Mahoney The Beatitudes & the Gifts of the Spirit SPECIAL Session Mar 8 Leap of Faith & Candle Ceremony SPECIAL Sessions ar e to be attended by all in the Confir mation program: Catholic School, home school, and public or private school teens, along with one parent. Enjoy a Walk Down Memory Lane Senior Citizen Dinner Dance Saturday, November 15 6—9 pm FREE Registration forms are in the foyer, or in Page 7 - 603 Corpus Christi Youth Ministry Goings On... Contact Mary Anne “Psomi” Psomas-Jackloski; 973-635-0070 x718 (phone); 973-635-5518 (fax); email:; www.facebook/chathamyouthministry; Confirmation & Religious Education Sunday, October 19 Community Night—Year 1 Relax: God’s In Charge—Year 2 Sunday, November 2 Community Night—Year 2 Relax: God’s In Charge—Year 1 November 15 Introduction to Christian Morality by Sr. Diane from College of St. Elizabeth November 23 Special Session: Science & Religion by Father Mahoney All teens must attend, accompanied by one parent Retreats Year 2 October 24 Year 1 November 21 Protecting God’s Children As we go through the school year, many will notice that parents will be called on now and again to help out. Some will be asked to chaperone a service trip, others to come in for an hour or so, to help keep an event moving. Whatever the need, all parents must have “Protecting God’s Children” in order to work in any capacity with youth. Thank you to all who have taken the course. If you have not, please read on... All parents of high school teens must take this course. Please go to, and scroll down to the VIRTUS box, click on this, and begin registration for the workshop. Most workshops are given in Madison at St. Paul Inside the Walls. Sixth Grade Open Gym The next Sixth Grade Open Gym will be coming up on Friday, December 5. Open Gym is open to all sixth graders in the Chathams. It is an awesome recreation and free play kind of night. One can register by downloading the form from Corpus Christi website, or by stopping into the front office and filling out a form and leaving it with a check for $10. Teen Volunteer We need about 18 teenager s for each Open Gym night. Teens need to be at the church at 6:00 pm, and they can leave at 9:30 pm. If you are interested, please contact Psomi. 12:15 Mass Ushers We need teen ushers for the 12:15 mass each Sunday of the school year. You need only come 10 minutes early, and stay five minutes later. It’s like a two-for-one—where you get mass in and service at the same time. Contact Psomi. Extreme Faith Do you sing in the shower? Do you bop to the music on your hand-held devise or the radio? Extreme Faith needs you!! Extreme Faith is the youth choir/ band that sings and plays the 12:15 mass every Sunday during the school year. Singers and musicians make a commitment to come as often as they can. We especially need singers and a piano player. Singers come only on Sunday morning, and instruments come on Thursday evenings at 6 pm. For more information, please contact any of the following: Psomi, Andy Barry, Maire Psomas-Jackloski, or Derek Walsh. Senior Citizen Dinner Dance We will be gearing up for the Senior Dinner Dance, which will take place on Saturday, November 15th. This is one of those events in youth ministry where over 50 teens are involved. Some work early and prepare decorations, and others work the dinner dance and clean everything up. There’s much to do, and it’s great fun! If you want to be involved in any way, please contact either Psomi or Maria Garavente. Bridges The next Bridges Run will be on Saturday, November 1, from 8 am to about 1:30 pm. We will be feeding the people on the streets of Newark. If you are interested, please contact Psomi or Kaitlin Maroney. Hillside Community Food Bank On Saturday, November 15, we’ll be going once again to the Food Bank. We are allowed 12 teens and two parent chaperones. We leave the church at 8:15, and come back by way of Panera (Milburn/Short Hills) and are in the parking lot by about 12:30 pm. It’s a quick morning and a lot of fun. If interested please contact Psomi, Conor Sullivan, or Patrick Foca. Habitat for Humanity Our next Saturday Habitat for Humanity trip will be on December 13th. Yes, it may be cold, but they will have us inside painting or putting flooring in. We need 2 parent chaperones, along with 10 teens. If you’re not doing anything, consider coming. It’s fun, lunch is good, and the people are beautiful! Page 8 - 603 Corpus Christi
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