The Leopard Ledger Longleaf Middle School Newsletter “Where Children Have Deep Roots and Branching Aspirations” Upcoming Events 10/18 - Walk For Life 10/22 - School Spirit Day FB/VB @ BMS 10/23 - Math Technology Night 10/24 - ZooBot 6th Grade Field Study 10/24 - End 1st 9 Weeks 10/24 - Career Fair 10/28 - School Board Mtg 10/29 - School Spirit Day FB vs. SPMS 10/30 - Picture Make-Up’s 10/31 - College Colors Day 10/31 - Report Cards Issued 10/31 - Early Dismissal 11/4 - Election Day Volume 5 Issue 5 October 17, 2014 From the Principal’s Pen Hello Longleaf Families! Thank you for your quick response as we dealt with the threat of dangerous weather earlier this week. Fortunately, we did not experience any significant weather! We now have a beautiful extended weekend to enjoy! Congratulations go out to our football team - they won Wednesday against Muller Road! I know the coaches are very pleased with how hard the students have been working and I’m glad that their hard work has paid off! Please see the important message from Nurse Parks below regarding dental services available to our students. Please make plans to join us Thursday night for our first Parent University which will focus on mathematics and technology at LMS! Our teachers and Technology Learning Coach have been working hard to put together an informative and interesting evening! Our Career Fair will be Friday The first marking period will come to a close on Friday, October 24, 2014. Please check Parent Portal now and contact your child’s teachers if you have any questions. We want all of our students to be successful this year so let’s work together to help them get off to a great start! Finally, report cards will go home Friday, October 31, which is also our next half-day. Don’t forget to vote on November 4! Inside this issue: Sincerely, Sports 2 Curriculum 2 Inside this issue: Health Room 3 Stay Connected P.2 Media Center 3 Kudos P.2 Library News Cafeteria News Make-Up Picture Students Football News 3P.3 P.3 4 P.3 Math/Tech Fine Arts Night ZooBot News Community and 4P.4 P.5 5 P.6 P.E. News District News Walk to School P.7 Chorus News P.7 Cell Phone Policy P.8 Angela K. Thom Health Room News, Nurse Parks, Ext. 31607 Attention Parents & Guardians: Did you know that the #1 chronic disease in children in the United States is tooth decay or cavities? In light of that fact, does your child have a dental home where they receive dental cleanings and preventive dental care every 6 months? If so, has your child been to see their dentist in the last 6 months? If your answer is no to either of these questions, you may be interested in the Health Promotion Specialists (HPS) Dental Program. HPS is a privately owned and operated group of Registered Dental Hygienists (RDHs) throughout the state that come into schools to clean teeth, apply fluoride and place sealants on teeth. If you are interested in your child being seen by HPS during the school day, all you need to do is complete the parent permission form that will be sent home with your child. Your child should return the form to Nurse Parks. Please see the attached flyer for more information about the HPS program or call Nurse Parks at x31608 with any questions!!! Thank you! Page 2 Stay Connected! Fundraiser News, Mrs. Kernan Did you know that Longleaf is on Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr? Check us out!! THANKS TO ALL WHO PARTICIPATED IN THE FUNDRAISER. WE APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT. Congratulations to.....OUR SCHOOLWIDE SALES WINNER, Jezari Felder, and the runner up, Robert Johnson both in the 6th grade! Longleaf Middle @LongleafMiddle #lmsleap Longleaf Middle Orchestra News, Mrs. Hines, Ext. 31304 HUGE congratulations to Caimoni Hawkins and Zyion Stephens (8th graders) on making the 2014-2015 South Carolina Region Orchestra. Caimoni and Zyion are both bass players. Caimoni made 5th in the Region and Zyion is 6th in the Region. They will have the opportunity to participate in an orchestra weekend featuring the top orchestra students in the Richland 1, Richland 2, Lexington 1,2 & 5. They will also have the opportunity to audition for All-State orchestra, against all of the middle school bass players in the state in January. Very proud of these students! Go LMS Orchestra Leopards!!! Page 3 Library Neews, Mrs. Johnson Picture Make-Up Day Do you have an overdue book? Are you short on funds? Fine Free Friday is Oct. 24th. All books returned that day will have the fines erased. Check your lockers, your Picture Make-Ups are scheduled for Thursday, October 30 from 7:30 8:30 a.m. in the MultiPurpose Room. MakeUps will be allowed for for students who were absent the day school pictures were taken. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Goodwin-Gary at Congratulations LMS Leopards! The Leopards won against Muller Road, Wednesday, October 14 in a grueling match. The Leopards scored the only touchdown for a shutout against the Mustangs. Rumor has it that Coach Tinman, Coach McMahon, and Mr. Mann have haircuts in their near future! Page 4 Math Technology Night, Thursday, October 30, 2014. Page 5 ZooBot News, Kristin Ziegler, Ext. 31609 ZooBot is collecting items to support Carolina Wildlife. This nonprofit organization has treated and rehabbed more than 55, 000 animals representing 200 species. .As human populations across South Carolina rapidly encroach upon animal habitats, this organization fulfills a need for increased education about our eco-community and how to care for and protect the wildlife living here. They house and rehab injured and abandoned wildlife until they can be returned to their habitat. This organization is in dire need of supplies. Please consider donating any of the following items. Items can be brought/sent to Room 205 (Mrs. Ziegler). Food – Year Round Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Canned Fruits and Vegetables (No Salt/No Added Sugar) Whole Wheat Pasta Canned Sardines Canned Salmon Mozzarella Cheese (shredded) Purina Dry Complete Cat Food Acorns Shelled and Unshelled Nuts (Pecans, Walnuts, Almonds) Science Diet Puppy Chow Innova or Evo Kitten Food Wild Bird Seed (Millet, Black Oil Sunflower Seed, Sunflower Meats) Cherrios Creamy Peanut Butter Rodent Block Hodgson Mill “Untoasted” Wheat Germ Baby Food (vegetables, and fruits) Fresh Red or Green Leaf Lettuce (and other dark leafy greens) Pedialyte or Equivalent Meal Worms and Super Worms Fresh Berries – Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries Plain Yogurt Fresh Melons Seedless Grapes Frozen Mussels/Clams Frozen Plain Crawfish Frozen Silver Sides (for turtles) Apples Sweet Potatoes Cauliflower Squash Mushrooms Cleaning and Bedding Dishwasher Detergent Dishwashing Liquid Laundry Detergent (NO SCENT) Laundry Bleach Trash Bags – 13-gallon, 35-gallon, & 55-gallon Facial Tissues Paper Towels Brooms & Mops Liquid Hand Soap Nolvasan Disinfectant Towels, Sheets, Blankets Fleece Blankets General Supplies Feather Dusters – Only New Scotch Tape Post It Notes Light Green Card Stock Scissors Latex Gloves (all sizes) Garden Hoses and Spray Nozzles (heavy use) HP Printer Cartridges 564 (colors) First Class Postage Stamps Pine Straw and Mulch Scrub Brushes Newspapers Pet Screening 75W Reptile Heat Bulbs 100W Night Heat Bulbs 48” UVB Fluorescent Bulbs Page 6 Physical Education News, Ms. Casteal, Ext. 31401 Why Is Physical Activity Important? Regular physical activity can produce long term health benefits. People of all ages, shapes, sizes, and abilities can benefit from being physically active. The more physical activity you do, the greater the health benefits. Being physically active can help you: Increase your chances of living longer Feel better about yourself Decrease your chances of becoming depressed Sleep well at night Move around more easily Have stronger muscles and bones Stay at or get to a healthy weight Be with friends or meet new people Enjoy yourself and have fun When you are not physically active, you are more likely to: Get heart disease Get type 2 diabetes Have high blood pressure Have high blood cholesterol Have a stroke Physical activity and nutrition work together for better health. Being active increases the amount of calories burned. As people age their metabolism slows, so maintaining energy balance requires moving more and eating less. Some types of physical activity are especially beneficial: Aerobic activities make you breathe harder and make your heart beat faster. Aerobic activities can be moderate or vigorous in their intensity. Vigorous activities take more effort than moderate ones. For moderate activities, you can talk while you do them, but you can't sing. For vigorous activities, you can only say a few words without stopping to catch your breath. Muscle-strengthening activities make your muscles stronger. These include activities like push-ups and lifting weights. It is important to work all the different parts of the body - your legs, hips, back, chest, stomach, shoulders, and arms. Bone-strengthening activities make your bones stronger. Bone strengthening activities, like jumping, are especially important for children and adolescents. These activities produce a force on the bones that promotes bone growth and strength. Balance and stretching activities enhance physical stability and flexibility, which reduces risk of injuries. Examples are gentle stretching, dancing, yoga, martial arts, and t'ai chi. For more information please visit or contact Ms. Casteal at 691-4870. Page 7 Longleaf Celebrates Walk to School Day! On Wednesday, October 6 over 175 participants took part in our early morning walk to help celebrate International Walk to School Day. International Walk to School Day is a global event that involves communities from more than 40 countries walking and biking to school on the same day. It began in 1997 as a one-day event. Over time, this event has become part of a movement for year-round safe routes to school and a celebration – with record breaking participation – each October. Thousands of schools across America – from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico – participate every October. Coach Brown and Ms. Casteal coordinated this year’s event. Chorus News, Mrs. McDonald, Ext. 31301 Congratulations to the following LMS Leopard Chorus students who auditioned and were selected to participate in the 2014-2015 District Honor Choir. Way to go Leopards!!! Elicia Covington Mia Eaddy Kori Edgerton Je’Von Fickling Jade Frasier Khaleel Hunter Destiny Kennedy Angel Merriweather Khaieem O’Neal Ashari Owens Emma Schaefer Ana Simpson Maria Simpson Zyion Stephens Kyra Stewart Chinia Wilson Page 8 Online Cafeteria Website: Meal Assistance Program Breakfast: $.30 (Reduced) $1.00 (Full Price) Lunch: $.40 (Reduced) $2.64 (Full Price) Even if a student was previously eligible for free and reduced meals, a meal application must be submitted for this school year by October 1, 2014. You can access the meal application online by following the link: (Please know that the meal application process is expedited if it is completed online.) Completed paper meal applications may be submitted back to either your school or the Food Services Office at 124 Risdon Way, Columbia, 29223. All fields must be filled out for the meal application to be processed in a timely manner. Thank you! Cell Phone Policy Cell Phone & Electronic Devices Policy The use of cell phones and other electronic devices is forbidden on school property and buses. Please refer to the student handbook on page 12. All devices which are confiscated will be available for pick up on Thursdays from Mrs. Angela McDowell, school secretary, in the Main Office from 12:00 to 3:30 p.m. Richland County District is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, national origin, sex, age, handicap or disability in admissions to, access to, treatment in or employment in its programs and activities. Inquires should be made to: Director of Personnel, 6831 Brookfield Road, Columbia, SC 29206. HEALTH PROMOTION SPECIALISTS 100 Old Cherokee Rd. Suite F, PMB # 14 Lexington, SC 29072 (800) 276-2398 YOU CAN PROTECT YOUR CHILD! By completing this consent form and returning it to the school, you have the opportunity to protect your child from the number one chronic disease of children in the United States – tooth decay/cavities. Ninety (90%) of all tooth decay occurs in the biting surfaces of back teeth. Dental sealants have been proven to not only prevent decay, but to also stop decay from growing. WHAT IS HPS? HPS is a privately owned and operated group of Registered Dental Hygienists (RDHs) throughout the state that go into schools to clean teeth, apply fluoride and place sealants on teeth. We will see your child every 6 to 9 months. There is a charge for our services. WHAT ARE SEALANTS? Sealants are thin plastic coatings that are painted in the grooves on the biting surfaces of back molar teeth to prevent and stop cavities. Sealants are placed on permanent teeth. WHAT ABOUT COST? If your child has Medicaid or SCHIP, they will be billed and there will be no cost to you. If you have dental insurance, we will file for you and bill you for any amount your insurance does not pay. All others will be billed for the cost of services. Costs for HPS services: Teeth Cleaning – age 11 and under, $40 for age 12 and older, $54; Fluoride Varnish -- $26 Dental Sealants – only on permanent back teeth, $29 per tooth HOW WILL I KNOW WHEN YOU CLEANED MY CHILD’s TEETH? A letter will be sent home the day your child is seen. It will let you know what was done and if your child has any obvious cavity. If you complete this consent and your child receives preventive dental services by a dentist within 6 months of the hygienist visiting your school, your child will not be due for another cleaning and may not be seen. WHAT IF MY CHILD HAS A CAVITY? We will give you a list of dentists in your area, and you may choose which dentist you would like your child to see. HOW CAN MY CHILD BE SEEN AT SCHOOL? Fill out the back of this form completely. You must sign it at the bottom where it asks for Parent/Guardian signature. If your child currently sees a local dentist, your child may have already had these services done or be scheduled for this in their office. Please consult your dentist. Medicaid and dental insurance will not cover cleanings and fluorides more than once every six months. Medicaid and insurance will pay for an exam, x-rays and fillings, etc. if your child’s teeth are cleaned and/or sealed at school. It is a parent’s choice of where and who provides services. RETURN THIS CONSENT FORM ONLY IF YOU WANT YOUR CHILD TO RECEIVE SERVICES. *COMPLETE & SIGN ONLY IF YOU WANT YOUR CHILD TO RECEIVE SERVICES AT SCHOOL* Health Promotion Specialists -- School-Based Dental Prevention Program Student Information Student Name: _________________________, _________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/_____ Last Name First Name Middle Male Female Student’s Birth Date: _____/______/_______ Social Security # - ________ - _____ - _________ Day Phone #___Home ___Work (______)_________________ Night Phone # ___Home ___Cell (______)_________________ Home Room Teacher: ______________________Grade: _______ School: _______________________________________ Student’s Home Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Street Apartment # ________________________________________________ Name of school attended last year: _____________________________ City State Zip Medical Questions ALL QUESTIONS MUST BE ANSWERED Child’s Dentist: Date of child’s last teeth cleaning: ______/_____/______ Child’s Doctor: YES NO Does your child have allergies (including Food, Medicines and/or Latex)? If yes please list: Has your child ever had an artificial joint replacement? Has your child ever been diagnosed with rheumatic fever? Does your child have sickle cell anemia or sickle cell trait? If yes, circle which one. List any other serious health problem(s) your child has now. List any medications, over the counter medicines, or herbal supplements your child is taking at this time. Payment Information – You MUST check and complete A, B, OR C and sign at bottom A. MEDICAID ID B Dental Insurance – If your child has private insurance and Medicaid, fill out A & B (CHILD’S 10 digit individual #- NOT plan #) Name of Parent or Guardian Who Has Insurance: _________________________________________________ Home Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Employee Social Security#________-______-________ Employee Birth Date: _______/_______/______ Insurance ID # ________________________________ Group #_______________________________________ Name of Company Employee Works for: ____________________________________________________ Dental Insurance Company Name and Address: ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________Dental Insurance Co. Phone #: (_____)_______________ C. C. I am responsible for payment. My child has no Medicaid or Dental Insurance. Teeth Cleaning --Age 11 & Under -$40.00; Age 12 & older -- $54.00 Fluoride Varnish - $26.00 Sealants -$29 per tooth only on permanent back teeth I request and authorize HPS, their contracting dentists, and staff, duly licensed as Doctors of Dentistry or licensed dental hygienists, to perform any diagnostic procedures, preventive procedures or treatment procedures on my child. I understand that preventive services do not take the place of an examination by a licensed dentist. I understand that photos may be taken for educational purposes. I further understand that if my child is not enrolled in Medicaid, I am financially responsible to HPS for services performed. I authorize payment of Medicaid or Insurance benefits directly to HPS and their partner dentists. I request and authorize the release of any information on this form or acquired in the course of treatment for payment, referral purposes, and to all appropriate school personnel and SC ORS and SC DHEC, as deemed necessary by HPS. _________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature (MUST BE SIGNED) ______________________________________________________ Printed Name RELATIONSHIP To Child_______________________ Date__________________ THIS CONSENT WILL REMAIN IN EFFECT FOR THE ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR A new consent must be filled out each school year. REVISED 01/14
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