Listen to sermons online at PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N Financial Information If you’re visiting, please do not feel ob- PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N ligated to give. Our collection of tithes and offerings is a joyful act of worship PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N for our Church family. This section is to communicate transparency of our income, expenses, and financial goals to our Church family. All donations are first applied to our core expenses. At the end of each month our overflow (the balance after core expenses have been met) is then directed to PHOTO REMOVE Men are invited out on Monday nights atDNFOR ONLINE VERSIO 7:00pm to Trevor Watts’ home (32334-14th PHOTO REMOVE D FOR Avenue in Mission). Call Eugene Dagneau ONLINE VERSIO N at 604-859-8415 for more information. PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N General Ministry ($7,942) Office supplies and equipment, personnel, events, food, development, etc. PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N Isaac Dagneau, Intern 604-226-7415 Building Expenses ($8,930) Mortgage, utilities, taxes, supplies, maintenance, janitorial, alarm, inspections, etc. Budget Oct $12,897 $20,100 2014 $173,537 $201,000 Chris Kim, Youth Min. 604-302-5759 Giving Options During the service we collect tithes and offerings, but there are three other ways to give: 1) Interac terminal at the Info window in the Lobby; 2) Online through PayPal at; or 3) Pre-Authorized Debit (pick-up a form at the office. PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N Cindy Watson, Office Admin. PHOTO REM OVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVE D FOR 604-820-0718ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVED FOR Vaughan Williams, Seniors Min. ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REM OVED FOR 604-850-7614 ONL INE VERSION PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N Dave Parsons, Assoc. Pastor 604-302-8418 PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMlist, For a complete visit www. OVED FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N Chad Raible, Council Secretary 604-820-0718 Monday (20th) 7:00pm - Carpenter’s Sons Friday (24th) 2:00pm - Seniors Gathering Tuesday (21st) 7:00pm - Preteen Night Sunday (26th) 6:30am - Early Morning Prayer 9:15am - Continental Breakfast 10:00am - Sunday Gathering 5:00pm - Life Group @ Veenstra’s 6:00pm - Life Group @ Manning’s PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N Welcome. PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2014 So that all might know, grow, and sow Jesus. PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N ? In Today’s Service New Here? PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N Thanks for being here. There’s alway room for more in our family. If you have questions, please ask a greeter or somone near you! PHOTO REM PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N Nursery PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N We have a nursery in the Kid’s Wing for kids (up to two years old) and nursing moms. Part way through the service our kid’s will be invited to attend their Sunday School class, but they can stay with you too. $ Donations & Offering During the service we’ll pass a basket for collection of our tithes and offerings. If you’re a guest just let it pass! Continental Breakfast 9:30am Pre-service Prayer 10:15am Kid’s Progam & Greeting Shoeboxes PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N 9:15am 10:00am Welcome & Singing OVED FOR ONLINE VERSIO N Kid’s Program This Week at Parkside: October 20-26, 2014 Wednesday (22nd) 9:00am - Morning Prayer @ Ewert’s 7:00pm - Edge Youth PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N ONLINE VERSIO N Thursday (23rd) 7:30pm - Life Group @ Dagneau’s 8:00pm - Men’s Open Group PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N TO REMOVEDMin. Alison O’HaraPHO , ONL Worship FOR INE VERSION PHO TO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSIO N 604-820-0718 Diane Kim, Children’s Min. 604-820-0718 PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N OVED FOR ONLINE VERSIO N VERSION PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N If you’re in PHO grades 8-12 then come on TO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE out Wednesday at 7:00pm and bring D FOR PHO TO REMthis OVED FOR ONLINE VERSIO N ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR a friend. Talk to Chris Kim for more info ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE ( D FOR PHOTO REM Clint Nelson, Lead Pastor PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR 604-329-0803 ONLINE Peter & Viola Ewert, Prayer Min. 604-826-0579 PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N Edge Youth Contact Info for Ministry Leaders Our Monthly Expenses Income to Date PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N prescribed contingencies and ministries. PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N Carpenter’s Sons PHOTO REMOVE D FOR ONLINE VERSIO N Share God’s love with children in need! Fill a shoebox with a variety of gifts that will bring joy to a child. See gift suggestions in the brochure found at the back of the auditorium. Fill as many shoeboxes as you want! Shoeboxes need to be brought back to the church by November 16th. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Nicole Raible at 604-826-7011. Pick up Your Apple Next week is Apple Pie Sunday so please pick up your symbolic Parkside apple on your way home today. You can make any apple dessert for next Sunday. While you’re at it... double the batch and give a dessert to your neighbour! 10:20am Singing 10:35am Announcements & Offering 10:40am Message 11:15am Closing Song 11:25am Coffee & Juice Upcoming Events OCT 26 OCT 28 OCT 30 OCT 31 NOV 14 NOV 17 NOV 21 NOV 23 Apple Pie Sunday Ladies Dessert Night Serving at Hope Central Youth Fall Festival Youth Merge Event Shoebox deadline Youth Conference Christmas decorating “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 A Foursquare Church of Canada 33837 Prentis Avenue, Mission, BC V2V 2J7 CANADA | Phone: 604-820-0718 | Fax: 604-820-0791 | PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION From the Web PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION “‘This coming weekend is the Parkside PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION Ladies retreat. There are 11 of us going. Please pray that we have a relaxing joy- PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION ous time with each other and with Jesus. Youth Fall Festival That we leave the retreat feeling that we can take on the challenges of life and a passion for our God given gifts.” - Elisa W. (10/14 fb) “‘Thanks to all the new folks that signed up to help serve on Sunday mornings! There is a new schedule available at the back of the auditorium. Thank you to all the folks that continue to serve year in, year out. Your service is a an act of wor- New Guys Group Join us on the 2nd and last Thursday of the month in the Library at 8pm for a men’s group based on “Open” by Criag Gross. Visit for more details. Contact Tyler Offer for more info (788-99-8377; tyler.offer@ Ladies Dessert Night All ladies are invited to a night filled with games, make-up tips, worship through music, sharing, and dessert! It’s happening on Tuesday, October 28th at 7:00pm at the church. Cost is $5. Talk to Renee Pringle for more information at 604-308-6610. ship and a blessing to our church family.” Youth in grades 8-12 are invited on October 31st for a Fall Festival. Come dressed as a Superhero and get ready to eat a bunch of candy and climb the rockwall. Cost is $5 and your guardian needs to sign a waiver to climb the wall! Talk to Chris Kim for details. Serve at Hope Central Hope Central is a ministry of local churches and businesses who are feeding and helping our neighbours. Our church is on to serve dinner on Thursday, October 30th (4:30-6:30pm). If you can help, please contact Clint Nelson ( PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION RSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION New Preteen Night PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REM ONLINE V PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMO ONLINE VE PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOV ONLINE VERS PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FO ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION Read the book of Jonah. As you read, compare and contrast the story of Jesus and the story of Jonah. What do you notice? Now go and read 1 Kings 10:1-13. Compare and contrast the story of Jesus and the story of the Queen and Solomon. Again, what do you notice? Phone or email your prayer request to the Ewert’s ( or 604826-0579). • Son recovering from dog bite (AE) • Newborn in ICU (ED) • Family that lost a son to ALS (PT) • Infant in ICU (AE) • New teen mom group (JO) • Friend with growth in brain (EW) • Sister with undiagnosed pain (CN) • Friend with lymphoma (VW) • Friend with severe anxiety (DP) • Friend will malformation (EW) • Families affected by drug abuse (VP) • Co-workers’ daughter (ED) Apple Pie Sunday Facebook Group Save the date for our annual “Apple Pie Sunday”! It’s the Sunday we bring apple desserts to share and remember our call to grow and sow the fruit of Jesus. It’s happening on October 26th. “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good!” - Ps. 34:8a Did you know that we have a church facebook group? You’ll need to have a facebook account and request to join. It’s filled wiith lots of fun, sharing, and prayer for one another. Find it by going to www.parksidechurch. ca/fb. “But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, Even though we are 2,000 years apart, we can sure act a lot like the scribes and Pharisees. You see, they wanted their religion to stay put, but Jesus kept moving it. Whenever Jesus moved their idea of religion, they would scream and yell and throw rocks. They “worked” for their religion, thinking it would save them. And they were “wise” in their own eyes, creating rules and regulations for every law. Jesus, the salvation and wisdom of God, is standing before us. How does this make you feel? The fact that Jesus IS salvation means that we don’t work for it. And the fact that Jesus IS wisdom means that everything we need to know is found in Him and Him alone. The terrible reality is that if we continue to do life on our own – even if we call ourselves a Christian and go to Church – we will ultimately be condemned, for we are acting just like the evil generation in Jesus’ time. Take time to get on your knees because something greater is here – Someone greater is here. Are you really trying to work for Jesus’ salvation and love? If you are, it will leave you in a more damaging place than before. Take Jesus’ words seriously as He says “something greater is here.” For He speaks about Himself, and He desires you to believe Him. but according to his own mercy ... so that those who have believed in God may be careful to devote themselves to good works.” Titus 3:4-5a, 8b ESV Listen to today’s sermon again at and join a Life Group to discuss with others what was shared from God’s Word. The Gospel of Matthew reveals who Jesus was, is, and is to come. As we learn more about Jesus we are drawn to become more like Him, to follow Him, and to increase His ministry and mission through our faith. Speaking Today: Isaac Dagneau Isaac grew up in our church, graduated from Pacific Life Bible College, and is the new Director of “indoubt”, a ministry of Back to the Bible Canada (www. Our call is to preach Jesus Christ, God’s Son, as the Saviour, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, Healer and coming King. PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION PHOTO REMOVED FOR ONLINE VERSION OCTOBER 19-25, 2014 | PREPARED BY ISAAC DAGNEAU Love Through Prayer PHOTO REMOVED FO ONLINE VERSION We’re updating our preteen nights... students in grades 4-7 are invited out this Tuesday, October 21st from 7:00-9:00pm for a night of fun and games in the Youth Centre. For more information contact Seyong Kim at 604-8143297. Live Out The Sermon - Clint N. (10/17 fb) PHOTO REMOVED ONLINE VERSIO
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