Geological Field Trip to Lai Chi Chong, Port Island and Ap Chau Meeting Location : Ma Liu Shui Pier (10-15 mins walk from the MTR University Station) (see attached map) Date : 18th October 2014 (Saturday) Time : 8:50 am to 5 pm Cost : $300 (Limited to 40 persons) Includes: Hot Lunch, a 1-day CPD certificate Overview Experienced Geologist will be leading the 1-day field trip to Lai Chi Chong, Port Island and Ap Chau. Lai Chi Chong Ancient volcanic lake deposits at Lai Chi Chong, Tolo Channel, feature a kaleidoscopic pattern of colours and textures. The layers of grey sandstone, dark grey siltstone and orangish volcanic rock of the Lai Chi Chong Formation have been folded by postdepositional events (Figures 1 and 2). Figure 1 Figure 2 Port Island The Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of Hong Kong have long been recognized as comprising a continental red bed succession. A distal alluvial fan or proximal braidplain is thought to be the most likely depositional environment for the Port Island Formation. The presence of cyclicity amongst the facies indicates periodic tectonic uplift in the hinterland that supplied the detritus to the basin. Tilted, layers of red sandstone, mudstone and conglomerate form the cliffs around Port Island (Figure 3). Red conglomerate on Port Island composed of boulders, cobbles and gravel of volcanic rock, mudstone, sandstone and quartz (Figure 4). Figure 3 Figure 4 Ap Chau What looks like a mammoth beast drinking from the sea off Ap Chau, Northeast New Territories, is in fact a natural arch eroded by the sea into a rock belonging to the Kat O Formation consisting of cobbles and boulders cemented together (Figure 5). Figure 5 Please send us the completed form (as attached) to reserve your place. Successful applicants will be notified before 10th October 2014 (Friday) and payment has to be settled within 5 days upon notification. Map for meeting location Ma Liu Shui Ferry Pier (10-15 mins walk from MTR University Station) Ma Liu Shui Ferry Pier Attn: Ms. LI Kam Lin (E-mail: or WONG Chi Mei (E-mail: for members of NTU Alumni Association (Civil & Geology) in Hong Kong Attn.: Mr. LEUNG Wai Kin (E-mail: for members of the Geological Society of Hong Kong Please reserve your place by completing the registration form before 10th October 2014 (Friday). Registration Form Event: Geological Field Trip to Lai Chi Chong, Port Island and Ap Chau Meeting Time: 8:50 am, 18th October 2014 (Saturday) Meeting Location: Ma Liu Shui Ferry Pier (See attached plan) Participant(s) (Mr/Ms/Dr/Prof)* Name(s):…………………………………………… Company: …………………………………………………………………………..…….. Affiliation: NTU Alumni Association/Geological Society of Hong Kong* Tel:………………..………….. E-mail:……………………………………………… Map of the Meeting Point Signature:…………………………………. Date:........................………………………… * Delete as appropriate I, ……………………………………………. (name in full in capital letters), accept personal responsibility for any accidents, injury or illness to me or damage to or loss of my property howsoever arising from the Event as a result of my voluntary participation in this Event. I further understand and accept that neither the NTU Alumni Association (Civil & Geology) in Hong Kong, the Geological Society of Hong Kong, nor any of its members, nor the leader nor any other related organization shall accept any responsibility for accidents, injury or illness to me or damage to or loss of my property howsoever arising from the Event. I acknowledge that I will participate in the Event entirely at my own risk. Please contact Ms. Wong Chi Mei at 9263 3409 or Mr. W K Leung at 9551 7616 for enquiries.
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