*********************************************************************************************** PROGRAMME FOR THE WEEK (SUNDAY 08 FEBRUARY 2015 – SUNDAY 15 FEBRUARY 2015) ********************************************************************************************** SUNDAY 08 FEBRUARY 2015 FIFTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (Psalter week I) Job 7: 1-4, 6-7 Ps 146: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 1 Cor 9: 16-19, 22-23 Mk 1: 29-39 Mass THM Catherine Foo, Francis & Anna Maria fly, Daniel & Rachael Bavin 8.00am SP IN Chin fly, Bernadette Chin, Vivian Low RHM Joseph Leong Choo Chong, Thomas Wong Kit Tai, Catherine Cubinar& George Valentino Cubinar, Rev. Fr. Andrew Volle, Michael Yeoh Thiam Choy, Alice Tong Chun Too, Eric Lim Fung Tsoon, Dominic Yip, Lohydas & Margarat, Alan Jude Chin Fook Loong, Patricia Chin Boon Fatt & Agnes Chew Cheng Imm, Bridget Beatrice Ooi Lean Phaik, Kenneth Goh Chor Jim, Alice Tong Chun Too, Louis Thong Git Sin, Francis Phong & Agatha Ho, Francis Khoo, Magdalene Albela, Johnny Boo Kok Hooi & Lucy Ooi Saw Leng, Anna Grace Lim Gaik Sim, Kenneth Goh Chor Jim, Immaculado C. Motus, Arman A. Esquivel, Paul Leong Chee Fook th (13 anni)& Agatha Vong Khoon Yin, Steven Burr,Patrick Low Ah She, Souls in Purgatory 9.30am Rosary 10.00am Mass (C) THM Teresa Chai SP IN Wong Sai Weng, Mary Ann Chong Lin Nyok, Jane Yong Foong Min RHM Michael Chong Tet Shin, Mary Hoo Mee Nyok, Nyok, Agnes Loh Lai Yoke, Joseph Chong Chong Yoon Onn, Paul Foong Meow Phun, Teresa Lim Yan Lan, Andrew Liew San Tet, Michael Ng Kheng Yoong, Anne Tang Chu Len, Maria Chung Soot Cheng, John Baptist Loh Khoon Seong & Agatha Hiew Kim Foong, Mary Tan Poh Choo, Anthony Lim Kai Ann, Maria Ng Ah Yoon, Maria Ng Moy, Michael Yoon Yee Shan, Rose Chai Set Khyun, Mary Chai, Henritte Wong Kok Lee, Monica Lee Chew Foong, Paul Lim Jia Xin, Joseph Lee Kim Seong & Maria Low Fook Moi, Mary Law Mei Lai, Souls in Purgatory 5.30pm Mass THM Melvin Fong SP IN George Fong & fly th RHM Noel d’ Oliveiro, Paul Lau Ah Yik (5 death anni), Francis Phong & Agatha Ho, John Ho Poh & Maria Lui Sin Kiew, RoseLui & Peter Phong Chee Mui, Paul Yoon Phooi Kwong, A. Selva Ras, Marie Anthony & A. Mariapushpam, Peter Wong Kin Choy, Deceased members of Spykerman fly, Joseph Lai Fook Sing & Agatha Kok MONDAY 09 FEBRUARY 2015 Gen 1: 1-19 Ps 103: 1-2a, 5-6, 10 and 12, 24 and 35c Mk 6: 53-56 5.20pm Evening Prayers & Mass SP IN Francis Toh, Judy Mary Hendricks RHM Michael Yeoh Thiam Choy, Deceased members of Paul Sivagnanam fly TUESDAY 10 FEBRUARY 2015 St. Scholastica, Virgin Gen 1: 20-2: 4a Ps 8: 4-5, 6-7, 8-9 Mk 7: 1-13 No Mass (Clergy Recollection) WEDNESDAY 11 FEBRUARY 2015 World Day of Sick Gen 2: 4b-9, 15-17 Ps 103: 1-2a, 27-28, 29bc-30 Mk 7: 14-23 No Mass (Clergy Recollection) THURSDAY 12 FEBRUARY 2015 Gen 2: 18-25 Ps 127: 1-2, 3, 4-5 Mk 7: 24-30 5.00pm Padre Pio Novena & Mass SP IN Judy Marie Hendriks, Joyce D’Oliveiro THM Michael Liew Kit Meng, Theresa Chua, Maureen Lim, Alexis fly, Anthony & fly RHM Michael Yeoh Thiam Choy, A. Selva Ras, Marie Anthony & A. Mariapuspam, Allan Chua, Vanniasingam, Charles Reutens, Paciencia Vanzuela Dain, Philip Voon Say Tuck, Peter Wong Kin Choy PDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition www.CutePDF.com FRIDAY 13 FEBUARY 2015 Gen 3: 1-8 Ps 31: 1-2, 5, 6, 7 Mk 7: 31-37 7.30pm Rosary followed by Mass (Marian Devotion) THM T.K.S Alexis, Mr & Mrs Johnson Pereira SP IN C.M. Victoria, Cecilia See RHM Michael Yeoh Thiam Choy, Marie Anthony & A. Mariapushpam, A. Selva Ras, Deceased members of Paul Sivagnanam fly,Charles Wong & Helen Elaine Chung, Souls in Purgatory SATURDAY 14 FEBRUARY 2015 SS. Cyril, Monk & Methodious, Bishop, Patron Saints of Europe Gen 3: 9-24 Ps 89: 2, 3-4, 5-6, 12-13 Mk 8: 1-10 6.45am No Mass 6.30pm 7.00pm THM RHM Rosary Mass SP IN C.M. Victoria,Michael & Patricia Chong Savarimuthu & Catherine , Mr & Mrs Dominic fly, Anna & Agnes Wong, Alotious & Regina Miranda & fly, Michael Chong Tet Shin, A. Selva Ras, Joseph Leong Choo Chong, Utheriamary & Anthonysamy, Michael Yeoh Thiam Choy, Paul Wong Kim Tet & Rose Koieng Yoke Yin, th Francis Loh Heng Thye, Marie Anthony & A. Mariapushpam, James De Rozario (8 death anni), Agatha Liow You Moy & Peter Looi Toong Choon, Arokiasamy, John Gibbson Fernandez, P. Joseph, Philip Voon Say Tuck, Steven Burr, Grace Miranda, Souls in Purgatory SUNDAY 15 FEBRUARY 2015 SIXTH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME (Psalter week II) Lev 13: 1-2, 44-46 Ps 31: 1-2, 5, 11 1 Cor 10: 31-11:1 Mk 1: 40-45 Mass 8.00am Chin fly, Bernadette Chin, Vincent Ambrose & Mary Annie Stephen , Vivian Low SP IN RHM Joseph Leong Choo Chong, Thomas Wong Kit Tai, Catherine Cubinar& George Valentino Cubinar, Rev. Fr. Andrew Volle, Michael Yeoh Thiam Choy, Kulandaisamy Kittriammal & Deeased Children,Alice Tong Chun Too, Eric Lim Fung Tsoon, Dominic Yip, Bridget Beatrice Ooi Lean Phaik, Magdalene Albela, Johnny Boo Kok Hooi & Lucy Ooi Saw Leng, Anna Grace Lim Gaik Sim, Kenneth Goh Chor Jim, Eruthiamary Sebestian, Louis Thong Git Sin, Paciencia th Vanzuela Dain, K. Lourdusamy (35 death anni), Souls in Purgatory 9.30am Rosary 10.00am Mass (C) THM Teresa Chai RHM Michael Chong Tet Shin, Mary Hoo Mee Nyok, Nyok, Agnes Loh Lai Yoke, Joseph Chong Chong Yoon Onn, Paul Foong Meow Phun, Teresa Lim Yan Lan, Andrew Liew San Tet, Michael Ng Kheng Yoong, John Baptist Loh Khoon Seong & Agatha Hiew Kim Foong, Mary Tan Poh Choo, Anthony Lim Kai Ann, Maria Ng Ah Yoon, Maria Ng Moy, Michael Yoon Yee Shan, Rose Chai Set Khyun, Mary Chai,Mary Law Mee Lai, Souls in Purgatory 5.30pm Mass THM Melvin Fong, Mabel Sinnadurai, SP IN George Fong & fly th RHM Noel D’Oliveiro,Paul Lau Ah Yik (5 death anni), Francis Phong & Agatha Ho, John Ho Poh & Maria Lui Sin Kiew, RoseLui & Peter Phong Chee Mui, Paul Yoon Phooi Kwong, A. Selva Ras, Marie Anthony & A. Mariapushpam, Peter Wong Kin Choy, Deceased members of Spykerman fly ASH WEDNESDAY & CHINESE NEW YEAR MASS SCHEDULE 2015 Date Masses Time Mass 18/02/2015 Ash Wednesday 8.00am English 18/02/2015 Chinese New Year 10.00pm Mandarin 19/02/2015 Chinese New Year 8.30am Bilingual STAINED GLASS WINDOWS- The stained glass windows at the sanctuary have been sent for repair and restoration. Once finished they will be as good as new. They are our heritage and we have obligation to take care of them. The cost for restoration is just around RM 50,000.00. Contribution towards the restoration are welcome. LIVE-STREAMING IN CONJUNCTION WITH WORLD DAY OF THE SICK and the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes on 11/2/15. Celebration held at Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Jalan Silibin, Ipoh. Begins at 7.00pm with Novena in English/ Tamil followed by Mass celebrated by Bishop Sebastian Francis, and Anointing of the Sick. Follow the live-streaming on: http://www.youtube.com/user/liveonlinepenang ASH WEDNESDAY- A day of penance for the whole church of Roman Rite, is to be marked by fast and abstinence. For those who are celebrating CNY, may choose another day to do the Penance. BLESSED OLD PALMS- Please bring your blessed old palms to be burnt for ashes by 15/02/2015. MTTP MEETING – to be held on the 08.02.2015(Sunday) at 11.30 am in St Theresa’s room. New members are welcome. LENTEN BASKETS BY MINISTRY TO THE POOR- Please be informed that 2 food baskets will be placed at the altar throughout Lent. Kindly ensure that the food you donate is not expired. Thank you. WAY OF THE CROSS (E)- will begin on 20th February 2015,every Friday of Lent at 7.30pm followed by Mass. EVERGREENS- Have you got your tickets for the 'Hua-Ren Xin-Nian gathering'? The SMC Evergreens is organising this Chinese New Year luncheon for all Evergreen members and their friends on Sunday, 1st March 2015 at 11.30a.m. at the Annexe of the Oak. Tickets priced at RM10 for members and RM12 for non-members are being sold by Committee Members. There are limited tickets so get your tickets today to avoid disappointment! WARDEN’S MEETING- on 08/02/2015 at 11.00am at St. Theresa Room. Attendance is compulsory. 25th SILVER JUBILEE OF SACERDOTAL ORDINATION OF FR. ANTHONY PILLAI- on 14th February 2015 (Sat) with Mass at 10.00 am at Church of Holy Redeemer, Tanjung Malim followed by a simple lunch for all. Grand dinner in the evening at RM50 per pax (seats are still available). Closing date is 08/02/2015 Sunday night. Fr Pillai's mobile is 0125105190. LCD PROJECTIONISTS REQUIRED- The Multimedia (LCD) Group needs more volunteers to help run the powerpoint projections for all Saturday and Sunday (English) masses and occasional weekday masses. Volunteers must be able to operate a computer and preferably familiar with the MS Powerpoint program. Interested volunteers may enquire at the PC room next to the Cry room before or after every mass or send enquiries and contact details to helenyeapsl@gmail.com. BILLIARD TABLE FOR SALE- A billiard table together with its accessories is for sale to the highest bidder. Interested parties can contact SMC Parish Office for viewing. BEC GATHERING/NEWS: 1) BEC RAPAT INDAH- gathering on 10th February 2015 at 8.00pm at the residence of Mr & Mrs Santhana Dass. Tel 012-5913211. 济贫会 济贫会在四旬期期间在圣堂祭台两侧置放篮子以收集干粮捐助给贫穷 者。敬请勿置放过期食品。 常年期第五主日 圣灰礼仪及农历新年弥撒时间表 日期 时间 18/2/14 星期三 8.00am 18/2/14 星期三 10.00pm 19/2/15 星期四 8.30am 弥撒 圣灰礼仪 除夕弥撒 农历新年弥撒 语言 英语 华语 双语 圣灰礼仪 圣灰礼仪依教会训导需守大小斋。为要庆祝那里新年的教友,可选择 另外一天守大小斋。 经祝圣的旧圣枝 请把已经祝圣的旧圣枝于 15/2/15 星期日带来圣堂以烧成圣灰。 彩色玻璃窗 祭台附近的彩色玻璃窗送去修理及翻新,一旦完成将如新的一样。这 些是我们的文化遗产,我们有责任保护它们。整个工程约五万零吉。 欢迎大家捐助。 斯里并露德圣母堂主保瞻礼 露德圣母堂将在 11/2/15 星期三庆祝主保瞻礼。7.00pm 举行英文/淡米 尔语九日敬礼,然后继续由施恩天主教主持弥撒及病人傅油礼。现场 直播 http://www.youtube.com/user/liveonlinepenang。 青年团迎新会 为了迎接新的青年们,青年团将举行迎新会。欢迎年龄介于 13-21 的 青年及非教友青年请踊跃参与。 时间:2015 年 2 月 8 日 11.30 am- 1.00 pm 地点:圣方济礼堂 售卖春联 为了迎接新年的到来,青年团将售卖对联。有兴趣者弥撒后可在教堂 前向青年团团员购买。一对春联的价格是 RM25.00。请大家多多支持。 拜苦路 四旬期内,英文组拜苦路时间是在每星期五 7.30pm,然后弥撒。华文 组是在每主日 9.45am,然后华语弥撒。 Fr Anthony Pillai 晋铎银庆 Fr Anthony Pillai 将在 14/2/15 星期六 10.00am 庆祝晋铎银庆弥撒, 弥撒后有简单餐点招待。当天晚上有庆祝餐会,每张席 RM50.00。报名 截止日期:8/2/15 星期日。 辅祭组白袍 请已卸下辅祭组工作的华文组辅祭员把白袍拿回圣堂交回给顾问李满 祥兄弟。 桌球台出售 桌球台连同用品以最高出价出售。请联络堂区秘书处观看。 基信团动态 Rapat Indah 区聚会 10/2/15 星期二在 Santhana Dass 家
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