www.celhk.com since 1982 NOVEMBER 2014 LEARNING & DEVELOPMENT Course Catalogue Management Skills & Leadership Specialty Courses November 3p.2 November 12 Innovations in Leadership Web Marketing Fundamentals (a process-focused approach) November 4p.3 Mastering Strategy and Turning Strategy and Objectives into Action November 17p.5 Operational Risk Management November 18p.6 November 14p.3 Change Leadership November 20-21 p.4 Survivial Skills for Managers and Supervisors Crisis, Brand and Risk Management November 25 Information Technology (Please download from website) November 13p.7 Win-Win Negotiation Presenting with Confidence Mobile Web Systems : Development and Testing p.10 Web Application Security: Hacker Attacks & Defense November 7 p.8 SMALL WINS INNOVATION & Growth November 19 November 3-4 November 5-6 p.8 Speed Thinking & Ideas Blitz November 18 p.7 Interviewing Skills to Recruit the Right Candidate Personal Effectiveness November 17 p.5 Cloud Computing for Business and IT Professionals November 10-11 Web Application Testing: Principle & Practice p.9 November 13-14 Cloud Computing Systems : Analysis & Testing Please contact CEL for quotation if your are interested in organising any of the topics as in-house on-site off-site Pleaseorshare thistraining. brochure with your colleagues. Thanks. 1 Management Skills & Leadership Innovations in Leadership (a process-focused approach) MEDIUM : English COURSE CODE : INL DURATION : 1 Day FEE : HK$3,480 EARLY BIRD : HK$3,180 3 November, 2014 (Monday) I ts difficult to find anyone who disagrees with the notion that leadership at every level of todays organisation is a critical success factor. But how is this achieved? We know that there are only a few great leaders and that leadership skills are very special. This program will provide you with the critical processes needed to be and effective modern leader in any organisation, in either the Public or Private sector. This is a unique opportunity for you to really master the latest techniques and processes that will make a difference. You can use these powerful techniques yourself or for showing others. This is a very practical program: 1. Master new research on how to use the critical leadership competencies 2. Regardless of your current skill level this program will make a big difference to you 3. Take away from this program useable processes to use yourself or when developing others 4. You will get information based on the latest proven research 5. You will be able to use a range of self-analysis tools unique to this program Objectives At the end of this program, participants will be able to: 1. Have completed their own self analysis to show their existing preferred style and have a plan for development 2. Know the best way to balance work to get the best from others using a proven process 3. Understand what work in leadership today and be able to avoid misinformation on old leadership ideas 4. See the critical behaviours of leadership in action and be able to understand how to put them into practice in day to day work 5. Use a quick process to be able to understand others styles and get maximum advantage to the benefit of your organization eg. Conflict resolution 6. Gain self confidence and establish faith in the process and benefits of the new methodologies of leadership through practice and case studies during this program Training Methodology Individual Impact Those attending will 1. Know that they need to do to be an effective leader in any orgnaisation today 2. Improve communication skills using a variety of techniques and have the opportunity to practice in a very supportive environment 3. Have seen how the techniques work in the work place so that the leadership skills can be seen in context 4. Have a detailed manual which is fully indexed to provide you with a great reference in case you don’t have the opportunity to put the skills into practice immediately 5. Gain confidence throughout this program 6. Decision making under pressure 7. Creative problem solving Who should attend? Managers, executive, supervisors; in fact anyone who wants to excel by managing and leading people to get outstanding results through others. Also anyone who just needs to understand how leadership processes work in today’s international business world. Course Outline 1. How to create leaders at every level in the organisation • Introductions and program objectives • What is the difference between managers/supervisors and leaders? Exercise • Who are the great leaders and why? – team exercise • Examples of day to day leaders in organisations – DVD clip (CS) • Unlikely leaders – so how are they successful • Does personality have a part to play? – discussion • What do you think are the key leadership behaviours – exercise • What restricts you from developing (group work) • Review • The process approach – how anyone can be a leader Very participative; with individual work and group activities. During the seminar three (3) key questionnaires will be used to establish current style and finding out what’s appropriate to improve and develop on. Use of current and recent case studies with supporting DVDs all of which will be carried out in an enjoyable and supportive environment. 2. Critical tools needed to master the leadership process Organization Impact • What you will get from sending people on this seminar: 1. Most people can become leaders at every level in the organisation – the talent pool is therefore bigger than previously thought. 2. Improved communications and organisational harmony 3. Standard approach to real business focused leadership 4. Using a process focused approached maximum benefit can be achieved as there is a standard methodology that can be duplicated 5. The process is appropriate at every manager/supervisor level in every discipline 6. Your employees will return to the work place with their own individual Action Plan for their development 2 • • • • • • • How we organise and execute work – the three (3) critical areas The three (3) key elements of the process of leadership - questionnaire Discussion The TASK, TEAM and INDIVIDUAL approach in action – DVD (A) and group exercise The importance of leadership style –leadership profiler – demonstration and practical uses Predominant styles in different cultures Recognising others style and working in harmony Conflict –how to handle it with great style 3. The six (6) critical Behaviors – a Master Class in Effectiveness • • • • • • Leadership in action – why the six (6) behaviors are so important DVD – a master class in being a leader Group work and presentations Six (6) behaviors and six (6) clear examples – group work and feedback How to motivate others – techniques that produce measurable results Getting work done through others – two (2) tools that will really get productivity results • Use of the leadership baton • Review and your Action Plan All public and in-house programs are delivered by Senior Trainers/Consultants of CEL. Please contact CEL for trainer profile(s) if needed. Management Skills & Leadership Management Skills & Leadership Mastering Strategy and Turning Strategy and Objectives into Action MEDIUM: English FEE : HK$3,480 COURSE CODE : STM DURATION : 1 Day EARLY BIRD : HK$3,180 4 November, 2014 (Tuesday) Techniques for getting things done through others, on time and within budget This new program is about getting things done. Be it strategic action, corporate objectives or tasks from appraisal –this practical program will show you how to do it. The program is suited to anyone is a supervisory or management role who need to get work done through other, even if they are not you direct reports. Priortise strategic requirement using time zoning Use the new strategic template to master strategy using a schema template which will standardise approach and save time Translate strategic requirement into action objectives A way of putting action plans together that will give you results You will learn the best method to set clear objectives not SMART or SMARTER which no one uses but the SAT method You will be able to use a number of techniques to keep things on track and delivered under budget Who should attend Anyone who needs to get results through others at any level in the organisation. Those who have to set target at performance appraisal. Change Leadership MEDIUM: Cantonese / English COURSE CODE : CH-L DURATION : 1 Day FEE : HK$3,480 EARLY BIRD : HK$3,180 14 November, 2014 (Friday) A fter the financial tsunami, corporations must rethink very carefully about how they can adapt to the new circumstances and excel. One thing is certain: if a corporation refuses to make change and follow the old ways of doing things, it is unlikely to survive in the coming decade. This workshop focuses on the changes that are happening in the current business environment and investigates how corporations should cope with such changes and turn crises into growth opportunities. Program Objectives Upon completion of this workshop, participants will: Be aware of the changes that are happening and the need for change Learn about the latest business trends especially on customer service and ways to cope with them Understand how to be an effective manager and the corresponding management expectation for such leadership role Be able to lead change and cope with the challenges during the process Target Audience Managers who need to take up leadership role during the change process Giveaways Delegates will get an A3 colour copy of the Strategic process map, full manual and a copy of all slides used. Course Outline 1. The paradigm shift in modern business Course Outline • Paradigm shift and drivers for change • Strategic thinking for future • Analytical tools for understanding the macro and micro environment in the industry 1. Understanding strategy 2. Getting started for the change process • New strategy – new results – getting clarity in approach and decision making • Timing of strategy 2013 and beyond – what’s changed • The process map for strategic planning • The three (3) component parts of strategy to time zone (first way to priotise) 2. Getting strategic approval - Putting strategic actions, department actions or projects into action • Why do we so often – Over spend, deliver thing late or not at all – discussion • Putting a process in place – two (2) key tools to get things done • How to construct action plans – group exercise • What happens if you don’t use a process – DVD 3. Setting objective and managing costs • • • • Why SMART objective setting does not work – the reality SAT objectives – exactly how to set and measure them SAT in action A non- finance persons advice on delivering within budget • Forward thinking and vision creation • Identify the future road map • Assessment of organizational change readiness 3. Identify the key areas for change • Using four (4) action plan to identify the change areas • Prioritizing the critical areas for change • Creating the time table for change 4. Communicating the message effectively • What is effective communication • Why communication is critical during the change process • The art of listening 5. Coping with the resistance during the change process • Why resistance exists during the change process • The role of a change agent • Creating the mindset and culture for change 6. Resolve conflict and adjust the pace of change • How to handle conflicts • Coaching for better performance • Listening and adjusting the pace of change Please contact CEL for quotation if your are interested in organising any of the topics as in-house on-site or off-site training. 3 Management Skills & Leadership Survival Skills for Managers and Supervisors MEDIUM : Cantonese / English COURSE CODE : SSMS DURATION : 2 Days FEE : HK$6,180 EARLY BIRD : HK$5,680 20-21 November, 2014 (Thursday - Friday) I n many organizations, frontline workers are often promoted to become managers/supervisors because of experience or performance. While these supervisors are technically competent, they often lack the necessary people skills to carry out their responsibilities effectively. Many even have the false belief that supervisors are essentially fault-finders, making themselves and others miserable. The result is decreased morale and productivity. The purpose of this course is to provide managers/supervisors and supervisors-to-be the necessary skills to carry out their work effectively. Skills acquired in this course will result in more productive relationships, better teamwork, greater harmony and higher morale at the workplace. Objectives At the completion of this workshop, participants will be able to: • Recognize the roles and responsibilities of a supervisor or manager • Manage self and priorities • Delegate with confidence • Give and receive feedbacks • Communicate with others • Report upwards • Make decisions • Handle complaints directed at your subordinate • Handle conflicts Methodology Discussions, demonstrations, role-plays, mini-lectures, simulation exercises, games Benefits 1. To the organization: a. Harmony at the workplace b. Happier workforce c. Improved communications among workers d. Better alignment of efforts to achieve the organization’s goals 2. To the individuals: a. Improved leadership skills b. Improved relationship with other employees c. Better ability to handle conflicts Course Outline 1. Roles and expectations The day will begin with a simulation game followed by a discussion intended to lead participants discover: • The value of a manager/supervisor to an organization • Responsibilities of a manager/supervisor 2. Managing self A major problem for managers and supervisors is in prioritizing tasks. This module is a simulation exercise and a discussion from which participants will learn how to: • set priorities at work • retain control amidst interruptions and chaos 3. Delegation While all will agree that delegation is the ultimate time-saver, it also carries a high risk especially when not done properly. As a result, many managers ended up taking on far too much work themselves, much of which could have been delegated to others. This module presents a real case example followed by a role play. Participants will learn: • why delegation can benefit you, your subordinate and the organization • when to delegate • key steps in delegation 4. Giving and receiving feedbacks Open and honest feedback is not only conducive to effective teamwork, it will, if done properly, help to develop relationship between you and your subordinates. Through discussions and role plays, participants will learn: • when and how to give positive feedback • when and how to give constructive feedback • how to receive feedbacks 4 5. Communication and reporting Ineffective communication is often the root of many organizational problems. Through exercises, games and discussions, this module will help participants learn: • how to ask for the information you need without being intrusive • how to get your idea across with impact and respect • what should be included in your message when you need to report up 6. Decision making Making decisions that can balance the interests of all concerned is perhaps the toughest task for a manager. Using simulation exercises, this module will present: • some quick and effective decision making tools • getting consensus 7. Complaint handling Managers and supervisors often need to handle complaints filed against their subordinates. Many are at a loss not knowing how to handle the issue without frustrating the complainant or the subordinate. Through a case study and exercise, participants will learn: • how to get to the core of the matter without making anyone upset • how to turn a complaint to a learning experience 8. Managing conflict Conflict is a necessary evil in all work places. How to work with others across differences in opinions and interests remains a major concern to many managers and supervisors. In this module, participants will learn: • how to use collaborative language • how to resolve a conflict by focusing on interests and objectives • how to generate win-win solutions All public and in-house programs are delivered by Senior Trainers/Consultants of CEL. Please contact CEL for trainer profile(s) if needed. Specialty Courses Specialty Courses Operational Risk Management Web Marketing Fundamentals MEDIUM: English FEE : HK$3,680 COURSE CODE: WMF EARLY BIRD : HK$3,380 DURATION : 1 Day 12 November, 2014 (Wednesday) MEDIUM: English FEE : HK$3,480 COURSE CODE : ORM DURATION : 1 Day EARLY BIRD : HK$3,180 17 November, 2014 (Monday) T T This course deals with important Web marketing concepts and procedures. This is a practical, hands-on course where attendees will have the opportunity to experience the latest tools and techniques currently used by successful Web based enterprises. This highly practical course equips delegates with the tools and templates they need to complete a comprehensive risk assessment of their business premises and processes. It will allow the delegates to identify any weaknesses and single points of failure which could put their business at risk. he potential of using the Web to market businesses, products and services, regionally as well as internationally, in a rapid and profitable manner is massive, ‘if’ done correctly. However, there are multifarious factors that need to be considered and leveraged for successful Web marketing to be accomplished; there is no single element or approach involved! It must also be combined with existing ‘off-line’ marketing procedures to give optimum synergistic marketing results. Attendees Will Learn To 1.Understand the fundamentals of various Web marketing techniques 2.Develop efficient online Web marketing plans 3.Conduct Web search engine and directory promotions 4.Deploy highly personalised Web-based marketing 5.Exploit the potential of mass Web marketing using viral techniques 6.Measure and evaluate the effectiveness of Web marketing his intensive 1 day training course is specifically designed for operational personnel who are involved in activities such as security, risk assessment, facilities management and health and safety. It gives delegates the information they need to employ the latest Operational Risk Management Techniques within their organisation. We provide a truly international perspective to our training and highlight ‘Best Practice’ in Operational Risk Management for all industries and provide an overview of the International Standards of Risk Management. Course Outline Who Should Attend 1. Nature and impact of risk This training course is suitable for all who are interested in exploiting the Web to extend their business operations regionally as well as internationally in a rapid, inexpensive and effective manner. It will be of special benefit to business management and marketing professionals. 2. Principles of risk management Course Outline 1. Web Marketing Fundamentals • Low Risks, Costs and More Benefits • Broad Customer Base • Push-Pull Strategy • Powerful Branding • Prospect Generation • Building Trust • Giving and Selling • Reasons for Failure 2. Web Marketing Plans • • • • • • Strategic Planning Situation Analysis Customer Analysis Market and Product Focus Pricing Strategy Product Distribution 3. One-to-One Web Marketing • • • • • Site Personalisation Building Web Site Community Targeted Advertisement Delivery Real-time Product Customising Online Customer Service and Sales 3. Drivers for risk management 4. Templates 5. Site inspection 4. Viral Web Marketing • Viral Internet Marketing - Rapid, Inexpensive, Harmless and Unobtrusive • Viral Marketing Techniques • Successful Viral Marketing Strategies 5. Web Search Engine and Directory Marketing • • • • Robot Compiled Search Engines Human Compiled Directories Pay-Per-Click Search Engines Important International / Regional Search Engines & Directories • Correct Web Site Promotion Procedures 6. Measuring Web Marketing Success • • • • • 6. Operating Procedures and Processes 7. Safety 8. Evacuation Procedures 9. Security 10. Identifying Single Points of Failure 11. Problem Staff Profiling 12.Investigations 13. Health and Safety 14. ISO 31000 Framework 15. Other international standards 16. Business Impact Analysis Measuring Hits Measuring User Sessions Measuring User Click-Paths Measuring Revenues Measuring Tools Please contact CEL for quotation if your are interested in organising any of the topics as in-house on-site or off-site training. 5 Specialty Courses Crisis, Brand And Reputation Management MEDIUM : English COURSE CODE : CBRM DURATION : 1 Day FEE : HK$3,480 EARLY BIRD : HK$3,180 18 November, 2014 (Tuesday) Design successful crisis response and reputational management strategies What You Will Learn risis management plan is in place. Lack of preparedness may compromise an organisation’s ability to recover from an incident and irreparably damage the business. The first few hours of a crisis are crucial to the orgaisation’s ability to recover successfully. a. Discover a methodical and practical approach to identify how, why and when crisis appears in your organization and manage their consequences b. Learn how to develop effective and holistic plan to manage crisis c. Learn how to deal with the media and get them on your side d. Achieve a state of crisis preparedness e. Create the most applicable strategies to build your brand and prtect it in times of crisis f. Embed your organisation’s buy-in as one of the success factors in mitigating crisis C Who Should Attend Business Continuity Managers, Operational Risk Managers, Technical Support Managers and staff, IT Managers, Security Officers, Health and Safety professionals, Financial Controllers, Facilities Managers, Audit professionals and Insurance Managers By attending this interactive program you will : Corporate governance, compliance requirements as well as the need to protect stakeholders’ interests demand that effective Course Outline 1. Anatomy and Types of Crisis 4. Building Optimal Crisis Mitigation Plans • Crisis analysis : classification of crises • Reasons for crisis • How crisis evolves : current, emerging and dormant • Physical crisis • Environment crisis • Product counterfeiting/contamination/recall • Reputation crisis • Crisis impact assessment • Appropriate action to de-fuse a potential crisis before it becomes an issue • Strategies to prepare for the unexpected crisis that may arise • Techniques to aschieve a state of crisis preparedness • Timeframe to mitigate crisis 2. Crisis Management Team (CMT) Selection • Build enthusiasm for crisis management through awareness • Make each executive want to be part of the team • Work within the executive ranks to select the best team 3. Development effective CM Strategies : the Road Map • Developing accurate guiding principles and processes for effective crisis preparedness • Recognize the opportunities for converting catastrophic events into manageable situations • Strategies to deal with crisis quickly (before, during and after the crisis) • The golden hour : managing the first hour after the crisis breaks before key stakeholders and the public learn of it from the media • The importance of pre and post crisis management strategies • Crisis recovery strategies and development 6 5. Developing effective, quick and practical media and communication Skills • Learn how the media work and how to work with media • Strategies to communicate to the media, stakeholders and the public • Handling fast communications on the internet : new media – bloggers, cellphone, google journalists, twitter and tweets • Convincing stakeholders that your company can be trusted • Training communicators (director/spokepersons) to get them quoted accurately and get the message across • Rebuilding confidence and trust among employees by effective communications 6. Brand Building : strategies in times of crisis • Techniques to recapture brand and reputation value for your organization • Strategies to build brand’s name – before, during and after crisis – that will build corporate brand identity, renew public trust and renew stakeholder value • Develop a plan to minimize disruption and damage to the brand 7. Case study/scenario exercise : a real life Crisis All public and in-house programs are delivered by Senior Trainers/Consultants of CEL. Please contact CEL for trainer profile(s) if needed. PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Specialty Courses Interviewing Skills to Recruit the Right Candidate Win-Win Negotiation MEDIUM: Cantonese / English COURSE CODE : ISW DURATION : 1 Day FEE : HK$3,480 EARLY BIRD : HK$3,180 MEDIUM: Cantonese / English COURSE CODE : WIN DURATION : 1 Day FEE : HK$3,480 EARLY BIRD : HK$3,180 25 November, 2014 (Tuesday) T he workshop enables the participants to master a result-focused process to select the right candidate successfully.The training concepts are based on Harrison Assessment employee selection and development tools. The participants will gain confidence in practising the following interviewing techniques: • Design of interview • Communication during interview • Evaluation of the candidates Who Should Attend Middle Management 13 November, 2014 (Thursday) A ll businesses, not matter large or small are engaged in negotiation activities every day. There are needs for these enterprises to create competitive advantages and negotiation is one of the most critical skills in fulfilling such requirements. In fact, all executives in sales, marketing, procurement as well as other functional departments should be able to cope with different kinds of negotiation strategically so that they can provide better service and creative ideas to serve their customers. This workshop aims at providing a comprehensive framework of how win-win sales negotiation should be conducted and the relevant skills that one needs to possess. Methodology Objectives Lectures, Discussions and Role-plays Upon completion of the workshop, participants will: Course Outline 1. Common Pitfalls at Interviews The participants will learn from survey data that interviews do not always succeed in getting the suitable candidate. They will work in groups to use a problem-solving approach to address some major pitfalls: • Lack of an agenda • Irrelevant information • Inconclusive progression • Be able to understand the nature of win-win sales negotiation • Learn how we should prepare for a negotiation strategically • Know how we can formulate strategies to handle the object of sales negotiation • Use the appropriate the tactics required to achieve our negotiation objectives Methodology Lecture, game, discussion, role-play and video recording 2. Assessing Suitability • Learn to identify desirable and undesirable traits in candidates for job success • Rate the traits’ importance for the effective delivery of results • Forecast the candidate’s personal drive based on job interest 3. Decision-Making Criteria The participants will learn how to use a decision matrix to maintain objectivity in candidate assessment by: • Setting priorities of job skills • Building systematic measurement of suitability 4. Developing Questions The participants will practise developing questions based on the selection criteria focusing on: • Skills assessment • Attitude assessment • Communication ability assessment • Questioning sequence 5. Interviewing (Role-Play) The participants will role-play an interview based on the questions that they have developed. Course Outline 1. The nature of negotiation • Understanding the elements of win-win negotiation • The principle of exchange • Five (5) characteristics of a good negotiator 2. Preparation before negotiating • Identify the objectives of negotiation • Power of knowledge and information in negotiation • Psychological principles for negotiation 3. Different types of negotiation strategies 6. Review of Role-Play • Sources of Negotiation Power • The negotiation process • Predict opponents’ style and behaviour 7. Deportment for Visual Confidence 4. Negotiation Tactics 8. Professional Interview Etiquette • Various negotiation tactics • Coping with tactics by counter-tactics • Tactics in team negotiation The trainer will review the role-play in Module 5 to reinforce the do’s and don’ts at interviews. We will discuss the overall aspects required to create a successful personal image which includes the “Dress for Success” philosophy. The participants will review the following etiquette to project a positive Company image: • Seating arrangement •Introductions • Small talk •Conclusion 5. Resolution of negotiation deadlock • Side-stepping and making concessions • Getting to close • Contract signing and implementation monitoring 9. Personality Analysis The participants will learn how to recognise personality types and relate their suitability to the job. Please contact CEL for quotation if your are interested in organising any of the topics as in-house on-site or off-site training. 7 PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS SMALL WINS INNOVATION & Growth Speed Thinking & Ideas Blitz MEDIUM: English FEE : HK$3,480 COURSE CODE : STIB DURATION : 1 Day EARLY BIRD : HK$3,180 17 November, 2014 (Monday) T his is a unique course for any individual or group leader. This course is based on Dr Ken Hudson’s insight and best-selling book – Speed Thinking. Ken noticed that people often produced amazing ideas & solutions when they were encouraged to accelerate their thinking. This processed ensured that people did not filter or judge their initial, rich, original thoughts. Then through a five(5) step process and tool kit he called Ideas Blitz, participants learn how to transform their initial ideas & solutions into action plans in minutes! Target Participants MEDIUM: English FEE : HK$3,480 COURSE CODE : SWI DURATION : 1 Day EARLY BIRD : HK$3,180 18 November, 2014 (Tuesday) L eaders and managers know that innovation is the key to driving growth. Yet they struggle with exactly how to do this. In this breakthrough course, leaders will learn a new, faster, simpler and practical approach called small wins innovation. The idea is to engage more people in the innovation journey by making it easier to innovate across the organisation. Small changes, small actions can have a big impact. Target Participants 1.All managers and leaders that are responsible for innovation & growth. 1.Anyone who wants to improve their performance and unlock their full potential. 2.R&D leaders and new product development managers. 2.Team leaders, managers and leaders who want to improve and accelerate their team’s performance and group work. 3.HR professionals who want to develop a more engaged, productive and innovative culture. 3.Anyone in advertising, media, marketing, R&D, PR or HR who wants to learn a completely new way of solving problems or generating ideas – in minutes. 4.Team Leaders who would like to develop a more energised, creative team. 4.This course is ideal for any trainer, coach, consultant, facilitator, teacher or educator as they will learn a new methodology to generate results fast. Methodology 5.The Speed Thinking process is also ideal for any under or post-graduate student who wishes to stop procrastinating and improve their productivity. Methodology The course will be fast-paced, practical and energising. There will be a mixture of theory and practice in this highly interactive course. Participants will be encouraged to bring along real problems or issues they wish to ‘Blitz’ with others. The emphasis in this course is on doing then reflecting. Participants have to really experience Speed Thinking to really get this new way of thinking and behaviour. Course Outline 1.Participants will learn the insight behind Speed Thinking, why it works and where and how to use it. 2.They will experience and gain more confidence in using the five(5) step Ideas Blitz process. The course will be highly interactive, energizing and challenging. There will be numerous case studies and examples. The course will be a proven mixture of theory and practical tools and processes that can be learned and applied quickly. Participants will be encouraged to bring along and work on real problems, issues or opportunities. Course Outline 1.Participants will experience and learn a new Five(5) step SMALL WINS INNOVATION process. 2.You will learn a new set of creative and innovation thinking tools e.g. Ideas Blitz and The Power of 3. 3.Participants will learn how to apply this new innovation approach across their culture and organisation. 4.You will also learn how to get started on your innovation journey or re-energise your current innovation program. 3.Participants will stop procrastinating and make a start on even the most difficult problems or projects. 4.They will also feel more energised and confident in their ability to solve everyday problems, generate powerful new ideas and make better, faster decisions. 8 All public and in-house programs are delivered by Senior Trainers/Consultants of CEL. Please contact CEL for trainer profile(s) if needed. PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Presenting with Confidence MEDIUM : Cantonese / English COURSE CODE : PWC DURATION : 1 Day FEE : HK$3,480 EARLY BIRD : HK$3,180 19 November, 2014 (Thursday) M any professionals report experiencing a high level of reluctance and anxiety when asked to present in front of an audience. Others are having problems keeping a presentation on focus and on time. The result is an appearance of the lack of professionalism at best, and a loss of business opportunities at worst. The difference between making good and mediocre presentations can be vital for a firm. The purpose of this course is to provide participants the skills, techniques and opportunities to practise the planning and delivering of an effective and professional presentation. Who Should Attend Objectives To the organization: • Clearer, more professional and persuasive presentations for clients • More effective communication and learning within a team and between teams At the completion of this workshop, you will be able to: • Manage your internal state of mind and resources for a presentation • Prepare for an audience-focused presentation • Deliver a persuasive presentation professionally • Handle questions effectively All levels of staff Methodology Discussions, mini-lecture, role-play, demonstration, NLP exercises, presentations with feedback Benefits To the individuals: • Greater effectiveness and confidence in planning and delivering a presentation • Greater ability to interact with audience and handle questions • Reduced anxiety in giving speeches Course Outline 1. Introduction 4. Delivery Components Participants will give a 3 to 5 minute speech about themselves. This speech will be videoed and analyzed later. The speech will be followed by a discussion in which participants will share their feelings and experience on making presentations in the past. In particular, the discussion will focus on: • What constitutes a great presentation in the participants’ minds? • What is preventing the participants from making a great presentation at this time? In this section, participants will learn practical tips regarding various delivery components, including: • Enhancing a message with appropriate body language, including posture, gestures, walking patterns, and eye contacts. • Reinforcing a message with appropriate tone, pitch and volume. • Adding clarity to a message through proper enunciation. 2. From preparation to delivery: Process Overview Participants will learn of an 8-step process that takes them from the preparation to the delivery of an effective presentation. 3. Planning This is about the most important step in a presentation. Participants will learn how to: • Identify the audience and audience characteristics • Identify presentation objectives • Find ideas for a presentation • Organize ideas into a logical order • Sketch visuals • Obtain feedback from others on the presentation plan Exercise: Using the information learnt, participants will design a presentation with key points, examples, and ideas of the key visuals. In coaching pairs, they will give each other feedback on the presentation plan. 5. Handling questions Participants will learn how to handle neutral, friendly and hostile questions effectively. Emphasis of this section will be on: • Thinking on the feet • Maintaining control Different strategies and tactics in handling less than friendly questions. 6. Presentation * Exercise: A selected number of participants will make a presentation with visuals on a topic of their choice. Participants will be encouraged to ask questions to give an opportunity to the speaker to respond. The presentation and the Q&A will be videoed for review and analysis. At end of each presentation, both the audience and the instructor will provide feedbacks to the speaker according to a set of criteria. * Depending on the number of participants and progress of events, the instructor may start this section earlier in the day, and use the feedback at end of each presentation to bring out the points in sections 4 and 5. Please contact CEL for quotation if your are interested in organising any of the topics as in-house on-site or off-site training. 9 Coming in Course Calendar November 2014 Web Technology : September 2014 Sep-17 Change Management [C/E] Sep-17 Leveraging Personal Impact [C/E] Sep-19 Leadership Skills Workshop [C/E] Sep-22 Time and Task Management [C/E] Sep-23 Handling Difficult People [C/E] NEW Sep-25 Crisis Management[C/E] Sep-26 Win-Win Negotiation[C/E] Sep-26 Project Management Workshop NEW Sep 25-26 Managing People for Win-Win Results Negotiating Skills for Buyers NEW [C/E] Oct-10 Service Level Agreements Oct-14 Corporate Imaging + Business Etiquette NEW [C/E] Oct-15 Time and Task Management [C/E] Oct-16 Customer Experience Management [C/E] Oct-17 Blue Ocean Problem Solving and Decision Making [C/E] Oct-21 Effective Meeting Skills [C/E] Oct-27 Managing Conflicts and Disagreements [C/E] NEW 12 November, 2014 (1 day) Web Marketing Fundamentals is a practical handson course that deals with important Web marketing concepts and procedures. Attendees will experience the latest tools and techniques currently used by successful web enterprises. [E] Oct-09 Managing and Measuring Vendor PerformanceNEW[E] NEW 5-6 November, 2014 (2 days) Web Application Security: Hacker Attacks & Defense is a training course that enables attendees to learn how Web application attacks occur, identifies various Web application attack categories, demonstrates Web application security tools and techniques to test as well as defend websites from application vulnerabilities exploitation. [C/E] October 2014 Oct-08 2-4 November, 2014 (2 days) Mobile Web Systems - Development and Testing is a training course that introduces significant factors and features essential for efficient implemention of mobile web system. [E] Oct-30 Effective Communication and Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace[C/E] 10-11 November, 2014 (2 days) Web Application Testing: Principles & Practice is a training course that addresses fully the issues related to Web application testing providing the knowledge and practical skills to identify, plan and carry out different forms of Web application testing, including significant functional, security and performance tests. Cloud Computing : 7 November, 2014 (1 day) Cloud Computing for Business and IT Professionals is a foundational training course for those who need to acquire the technical knowledge as well as experience practical implementation issues of Cloud Computing systems. 13-14 November, 2014 (2 days) Cloud Computing Systems - Analysis & Testing is an in-depth training course dealing with significant aspects of Cloud Computing Systems Threats, Risks, Security and Performance issues in an integrated fashion, enabling assessment of Cloud based system implementations. Please visit our website at www.celhk.com for full details. 10 All public and in-house programs are delivered by Senior Trainers/Consultants of CEL. Please contact CEL for trainer profile(s) if needed. COURSE ARRANGEMENTS Week Course Date Course Title Course Code Duration (Days) Fees* (HK$) Enroll before these dates to Enjoy our Early Bird Rates Cancellation Deadline Medium IT- WEB APPLICATION TESTING, CLOUD COMPUTING TECHNOLOGY 1 Nov 03-04, 2014 Mobile Web Systems : Development and Testing 1 Nov 05-06, 2014 Web Application Security: Hacker Attacks & Defense NEW MWEB 2 HK$6,380 HK$5,880 Oct 3, 2014 Oct 8, 2014 E WAS 2 HK$6,380 HK$5,880 Oct 3, 2014 Oct 8, 2014 E 1 Nov-07, 2014 Cloud Computing for Business and IT Professionals CCP 1 HK$3,880 HK$3,580 Oct 3, 2014 Oct 8, 2014 E 2 Nov 10-11, 2014 Web Application Testing: Principle & Practice WAT 2 HK$6,380 HK$5,880 Oct 10, 2014 Oct 15, 2014 E 2 Nov 13-14, 2014 Cloud Computing Systems : Analysis & Testing CCS 2 HK$6,380 HK$5,880 Oct 10, 2014 Oct 15, 2014 E 1 Nov-03, 2014 Innovations in Leadership (a process-focused approach) INL 1 HK$3,480 HK$3,180 Oct 3, 2014 Oct 8, 2014 E 1 Nov-04, 2014 Mastering Strategy and Turning Strategy and Objectives into Action STM 1 HK$3,480 HK$3,180 Oct 3, 2014 Oct 8, 2014 E 2 Nov-12, 2014 Web Marketing Fundementals WMF 1 HK$3,680 HK$3,380 Oct 10, 2014 Oct 15, 2014 E 2 Nov-14, 2014 Win-WIn Neogotiation WIN 1 HK$3,480 HK$3,180 Oct 10, 2014 Oct 15, 2014 C/E 2 Nov-14, 2014 Change Leadership CH-L 1 HK$3,480 HK$3,180 Oct 10, 2014 Oct 15, 2014 C/E 3 Nov-17, 2014 Operational Risk Management ORM 1 HK$3,480 HK$3,180 Oct 17, 2014 Oct 22, 2014 E 3 Nov-17, 2014 Speed Thinking & Ideas Blitz STIB 1 HK$3,480 HK$3,180 Oct 17, 2014 Oct 22, 2014 E NEW 3 Nov-18, 2014 Crisis, Brand and Risk Management CBRM 1 HK$3,480 HK$3,180 Oct 17, 2014 Oct 22, 2014 E 3 Nov-18, 2014 SMALL WINS INNOVATION and Growth SWI 1 HK$3,480 HK$3,180 Oct 17, 2014 Oct 22, 2014 E NEW 3 Nov-19, 2014 Presenting with Confidence PWC 1 HK$3,480 HK$3,180 Oct 17, 2014 Oct 22, 2014 C/E 3 Nov-20-21, 2014 Survivial Skills for Managers and Supervisors SSMS 2 HK$6,180 HK$5,680 Oct 17, 2014 Oct 22, 2014 C/E 4 Nov-25, 2014 Interviewing Skills to Recruit the Right Candidates ISW 1 HK$3,480 HK$3,180 Oct 24, 2014 Oct 29, 2014 C/E TIME: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm daily VENUE: Regal Hongkong Hotel, Causeway Bay, HK. PAYMENT AND CONFIRMATION: 1. Seminar fees cover full set of course materials, lunch and refreshments. Seminar fees are payable in advance. 2. For enrolment by email, please provide all information per the standard Enrolment Form on this page. 3. For enrolment by fax, mail or email, CEL will issue an acknowledgement fax or email to the Authorized Person the next day from receipt of the enrolment. 4. Enrolments received by fax, mail or email on or before early bird deadline will be entitled to the early bird rate. 5. Joining instructions for confirmed registrations will be sent to the Authorized Person about 2 weeks before the seminar. * Fees includes refreshments and lunch CANCELLATION AND SUBSTITUTION POLICY: 1. There is no cancellation charge for cancellations made on or before the cancellation Deadline. 2. Registrant(s) who fail to attend, or who cancel(s) after the cancellation deadline(s) are liable for the entire fee. 3. All cancellations should be notified in writing. 4. Enrolments received AFTER the cancellation deadline are subject to the same cancellation deadline. 5. Registrants may send substitutions in their place anytime. However, substitutions are not allowed once a seminar has commenced. ENROLMENT ** We accept P. Cards ATTENDANCE CERTIFICATE: A Certificate of Completion will be given to each delegate who have attended more than 70% of the enrolled course(s). CORPORATE DISCOUNT SCHEME & QUANTITY DISCOUNTS: Please visit our Website at www.celhk.com or telephone Ms Mak at 2838 1182 to inquire the above. Communications Engineering Ltd. reserves the right to vary the course programmes or arrangement if this proves necessary. FORM Company Name : Address : Contact Person : (Mr / Ms) Job Title : Direct Line : Email Address : Mobile : Fax : Authorized Person : (Mr/Ms) Job Title : Direct Line : Signature : Date : cel@celhk.com Please contact PD2014-OCT-all CEL for quotation if your are interested in organising any of the topics as in-house on-site or off-site training. © copyright11 About CEL Communications Engineering Limited specialises in providing world-class quality Management Skills, Personal Effectiveness, Information Technology and Specialty Training. CEL targets new entrants and seasoned professionals in all business sectors. For more than 25 years, CEL has developed an excellent reputation for delivering real-world value-added training. The clientele includes many Fortune 500 multinational enterprises, HKSAR government, public and private sectors of Greater China and throughout the region. Our carefully-designed course schedule targets to provide continuing, comprehensive and structured suites of courses that meet career development needs of professional staff at all levels. Our current pool of experts are drawn globally from Hong Kong and abroad, allowing us to offer the best combination available in terms of technology, expertise and versatility. The On-Site Option If there are a group of staff in your organization interested in taking any of these CEL courses, why not consider the On-Site option? We can readily tailor courses to your specific needs, send an expert instructor to your workplace, and help cut costs. If you are interested in organising any of the topics as in-house on-site or off-site traning, and for more information about this service, please contact Miss Mak at CEL at Hong Kong telephone number +852 2824 9978 or at email cel@celhk.com for a quotation and proposal. Trainer Information All public and in-house programs are delivered by Senior Trainers/Consultants of CEL. Please contact CEL for trainer profile(s) if needed. Please contact CEL for quotation if your are interested in organising any of the topics as in-house on-site or off-site training. Announcing…VOLUME ONE of our brand new In-house Course Catalogue is now available In this volume, we have included a sampler comprising detailed course descriptions for 15 of our many programs which are available and popular as in-house presentations. Versatility + Quality + Bespoke Services Please note that ALL public courses from our monthly catalogues are available for in-house presentation as well. On top of that, should you have some topics in mind but cannot find them in our in-house and/or public catalogues, you are welcomed to inquire if we are able to source/ customise such training programs for you. All in-house programs will bear the same high level of quality which underpin all of our public offerings. Executive Coaching Another new area of professional service available is Executive Coaching. Contact us for a detailed discussion and proposal/quotation. Rooms 802-4, 8/F, Hua Qin International Building, 340 Queen's Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2838 1182 (General Line) Fax: (852) 2838 7122 Website: www.celhk.com E POSTAGE PAID HONG KONG PORT PAYE Permit No. 1182 RECORD UPDATE ❏ Please ADD to your mailing list ❏ Please UPDATE my record ❏ Please DELETE my record Company: Business Address: Name: (Mr/Mrs) : Job Title: Tel: Fax:Email: Requested by: (Name) Job Title: Tel: All public in-housetheprograms areordelivered bypage Senior Trainers/Consultants of CEL.label. Please contact CEL forfor trainer profile(s) if needed. box and 2. Complete form 3. Fax e-mail this to CEL together with the above Thank you very much your help. 12 Please 1. Tick (✓) the appropriate
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