Please note

Please note
This is a translated, unaudited
summary of the annual report.
For the complete audited report,
please refer to the Swedish version
Annual report 2011
Trustbuddy International AB (publ.)
TrustBuddy International AB – Annual report 2011, unaudited English version
Summary of 20113
The AGM of TrustBuddy International AB will be held on Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 13:00.
CEO´s comments4
Location: Law firm DLA Nordic KB, Kungsgatan 9, Stockholm
Short about TrustBuddy, Market overview
Ownership structure, share structure
and share performance in 2011
Board and management
Directors’ Report8-10
Result from group11
Balance group 12
Cash flow from group
Annual report distribution policy 14
Shareholders wishing to attend the AGM must be entered in
the register kept by Euroclear Sweden AB share register as of
Tuesday 19 June 2012, and give notice of attendance to the
Company at the address TrustBuddy International AB (publ),
Östermalmstorg 1, 114 42 STOCKHOLM, by telephone + 46
8562596 00 or by, no later then
Thursday, 21 June 2012, preferably before 16.00. The notification shall state name, social security number, address and
telephone number and number of shares.
Shareholders who cannot personally attend the Meeting may
appoint one or more agents. Shareholders shall then issue a
written, dated and signed authorization for the representative.
If more than one representative are appointed, the respective
power of attorney also indicate what proportion of shares the
agent represents. The power of attorney shall be brought to the
meeting. Representing a legal person shall also bring with them
proof of registration or equivalent document showing relevant
Shares registered with nominees
Shareholders with nominee-registered shares must temporarily
register their shares in their own name in the share register kept
by Euroclear Sweden AB to be entitled to attend the meeting.
This procedure should be requested from the trustee in advance of Tuesday 19 June 2012, registration must be completed by that date.
Dates for financial information 2012
Annual General Meeting 2012 2012-06-26
Interim report Q1 - 2012 2012-05-31
Interim report Q2 - 2012 2012-08-30
Interim report Q3 - 2012 2012-11-29
All reports are available after publishing on the website:
For additional information, please contact:
TrustBuddy International AB – Annual report 2011, unaudited English version
Summary of 2011
Initial information
TrustBuddy took over 360Holding AB June 30, 2011 through a reverse acquisition. After taking over 360 Holding AB changed its
name to TrustBuddy International AB and now owns TrustBuddy AB to 100 percent. The acquisition closed down all the activities
previously conducted at 360 Holding AB. Comparative figures for 2010 and earlier are related to the operation of the previous activity in 360 Holding AB.
»» Net revenues amounted to SEK 6.3 (10.5) million.
»» Operating result was SEK -5.8 (-14.7) million.
»» Net income after tax was SEK -5.9 (-14.4) million
»» Cash flow from operating activities after changes in
working capital amounted to SEK -9.8 (7.1) million.
»» The Board proposes no dividend for 2011
Net revenue, KSEK
Result after financial items, KSEK
Balance sheet total, KSEK
Solidity, %
ROI / Return on investment
6 268
-5 853
98 967
10 506
-14 784
20 681
10 738
-2 534
23 348
6 390
-4 412
17 495
1 813
-40 313
10 957
Parent company
Net revenue, KSEK
Result after financial items, KSEK
Balance sheet total, KSEK
Solidity, %
ROI / Return on investment
-16 150
97 200
2 207
-4 958
26 846
23 537
-2 677
14 501
-39 833
6 011
* 2010 and previous years concerns 360 Holding AB
Equtiy as a percentage of total assets
ROI / Return on investment
Net income, as a percentage of average shareholders’ equtiy.
TrustBuddy International AB – Annual report 2011, unaudited English version
CEO’s comments
Initial information
Trust Buddy is a social lending platform, based on its proprietary and self-run web-based software. The company’s portfolio is the issue of
small, short-term loans, by their own P2P (Peer to Peer) lending platform to qualified borrowers. The loans are funded by third party capital invested by clients. The group behind the brand Trust Buddy, consisting of TrustBuddy International AB (OMX: TBDY) and its wholly
owned subsidiary TrustBuddy AB (Sweden) and previous names including ”Basiq Networks” (2006) and ”360 Holding”(2011). Operational markets in 2011 include Norway, Sweden and Slovenia. The company has also used the resources for planning the company’s
international expansion in the coming years.
TrustBuddy took over 360Holding AB June 30, 2011 through a reverse acquisition. After taking over 360 Holding AB changed its name
to TrustBuddy International AB and now owns TrustBuddy AB to 100 percent. The acquisition closed down all the activities previously
conducted at 360 Holding AB.
Comparative figures for 2010 and earlier are related to the operation of the previous activity in 360 Holding AB.
2011 was a year dedicated to the listing process, development and
testing of the platform and focus on future development and operational strategies for growth. The main focus has been to adopt,
and implement long-term strategies and activities to strengthen
the TrustBuddy brand and the financial status. The efforts have
resulted in a Company that is well prepared for an international
presence and expansion in the coming years, while the local
alignment for each market is maintained. In 2011, TrustBuddy has
successfully built and maintained an image as the friendly ”Buddy
lending” company. This is confirmed by a positive camaraderie
among TrustBuddy´s members and customers.
A key focus area for TrustBuddy has been the custom web-based
software solutions where resources have been invested in 2011.
The result is a solid platform that is proven to be very stable, and
at the same time scalable. The system scalability is essential for
TrustBuddy as a leading player in the P2P lending market that is
showing significant growth, both locally and globally
In 2011, two private placements were completed in TrustBuddy.
The first was held before the ”reversed merger” which was conducted by 360 Holding AB, and the second was conducted in autumn in order to achieve a greater spread of ownership in accordance with the listing requirements of NASDAQ OMX (the spread
of ownership declined as a result of the ”reversed merger” that
took place). Both activities have resulted in an increased spread
of the shares of TrustBuddy, where the single largest owner now
controls about 27%.
If you have been a shareholder in 360 Holding for a long time, I
hope you have found the transition to ownership in TrustBuddy to
be a positive experience. It is my hope we gain your trust to take
care of your investment in the future. I would like to welcome our
new shareholders and I am looking forward to an interesting and
profitable journey together. We continue to work with our long-term
goals and our strong belief that positive results will form the basis
of a growing interest not only for our company but also for investing in the TrustBuddy share.
In 2011, the total amount of loans disbursed by TrustBuddy amounted to SEK 52.5 million, a figure that is expected to exceed SEK
200 million in 2012. The results of the primary operating company
in the group, TrustBuddy AB, is reflecting the strong growth that is
expected to continue the coming year.
Jens Glasø
CEO, TrustBuddy International AB (publ)
Telephone: E-mail: Internet: +47 40 40 47 50
TrustBuddy International AB – Annual report 2011, unaudited English version
Short about TrustBuddy
Market overview
TrustBuddy is a credit intermediary in the market for short-term
financing. The company offers individuals to borrow and lend
money among each other, so-called Peer-to-peer lending or P2P.
TrustBuddy is Scandinavia’s first and largest P2P operator, operating in markets in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland.
The market for short-term financing in recent years has grown
substantially and is now a more mature market with a number
of serious players. TrustBuddy has quickly established a strong
position and is currently in a leading position in the segment and
is among the major players in Norway and Sweden.
The business is primarily conducted through TrustBuddys proprietary website, in which all customers become members by
registering an account, and specify whether they want to borrow
or lend money. The loan agreements are established between
private citizens, while all administration concerning the loans managed by TrustBuddy.
TrustBuddy see no evidence to suggest that the market is saturated, but leaves plenty of room for continued growth in existing
offering and new product and serviceofferings.
A member of TrustBuddy offers a safe and easy way to both borrow and lend money to the clearly defined costs and benefits.
Those members who register must, as a safeguard for all parties, verify their identity by BankID and then register and activate
their account. In connection with the registration, and operating
in regular time intervals, control is performed by the member to
verify and ensure creditworthiness. The security measures are
required to get the safest service possible for both lenders and
Today there are no competitors using a similar IT-based, Peerto-Peer, P2P platform, indicating that in the foreseeable future
there are no serious threats that could disrupt the Company’s
market position.
The market is clearly signaling a continued strong growth and
demand for all of TrustBuddys geographic markets, Sweden,
Norway, Denmark and Finland.
Saving in a TrustBuddy account s as easy as in a bank and a
loan application is both secure and easy.
Operations are conducted through its subsidiary TrustBuddy AB
org. No. 556794-5083 from office in Stockholm.
The group’s parent TrustBuddy International (publ), reg. No.
556510-9583, which is listed on NASDAQ OMX First North.
TrustBuddy International AB – Annual report 2011, unaudited English version
Ownership structure, share structure and
share performance in 2011
Shares and share capital
TrustBuddy has by the end of December 2011, 262 738 903 shares representing a share capital of SEK 10,312,462. The quota
value is SEK 0.04. Each share carries one vote at a meeting of shareholders and all shares have equal rights to dividends and
surplus on liquidation.
During the year the following events occurred:
At the end of 2011 there are no agreements that restrict the transfer of shares.
Number of shares
Share Capital, SEK
Changes in shares
Quota value, SEK
Offset share issue
566 038
12 213 101
283 019
6 106 551
Offset share issue
525 802
12 738 903
262 901
6 369 452
12 738 903
-5 869 452
500 000
250 000 000
262 738 903
9 812 462
10 312 462
Number of shares
73 006 924
58 157 393
30 853 827
25 587 773
23 050 431
52 082 555
Reduction of share capital
Offset share issue
outstanding options
No outstanding options by 2011-12-31.
Listing and course development
JAC Invest AS
First trading day of the year, stock price was SEK 0.58, at the last Nye Cisk AS
trading day, closing price was SEK 0.43. The market value was at
Cryptononymous AS
year end SEK 113 (5.5) million. The share price per 2011-06-30
SEK 0.40.
Rugl AS
Fibitrust AS
TrustBuddy had 420 shareholders as of 31 December 2011. The
table to the right shows the company’s five largest shareholders
by 31 December 2011.
Resterande aktieägare
Dividend Policy
For fiscal 2011, the Board proposes that no dividend be provided.
TrustBuddy International AB – Annual report 2011, unaudited English version
262 738 903
Board of Directors
Mr. Eivind Jørundland, Chairman of the Board
Mr. Trond R. Ramslie, Board member
Born: 1960
Born: 1973
(MBA) has an extensive career spanning management positions in the finance industry and in government agencies. He
career started up with eight years as a manager in the Norwegian Competition Authority and one year as a national expert in
the EFTA Surveillance Authority (Brussels). Later, he has spent
13 years developing and leadingbusinesses in the financial
sector and participated in the establishment of Acta (Investment
funds and other financial services)offices in Kristiansand. He
was a significant player in the development of Fund management company Optimum ASA for seven years, leading thecompany through the Norwegian Finance Authority licensing
process (MIFID). He is currently workingas CEO at Moementum
AS, alongside being an active part of the TrustBuddy board.
Mr. Ramslie has 18 years experience from the printing- and
advertising business. He worked as a teamleader at Bryne
Offset AS before he entered advertising with Domene Fem AS
in 2003. There he worked as a production manager for three
years before he started working for Adsign Advertising AS in
2006. He immediately became a part of the management group,
and is now the CEO. Mr. Ramslie is currently also on the board
of Adsign Advertising AS and Cryptononymous AS.
Share holding: 9 316 232 (private and through company)
Mr Skuland has more than 10 years experience from the
finance sector, both as a consultant and manager. He has 13
years experience within the IT business as a project leader with
responsibility of implementing MRO systems for customers,
consultant tasks and the last five years as sales manager.
Recently Mr. Skuland is responsible for managing properties in
Lærdal Holding AS.
Mr. Rune Glasø, Board member
Born: 1962
Educated at the Norwegian School of Hotel Management and
has been managing Norwegian hotels Dr Holms Hotel, Reso
Caledonien Hotel and the company Scandinavian Servicepartner. He is a competent project manager and has been working
with internal organizational processes. Mr. R. Glasø has also
worked in the borderline between sports and businesses for
several years. He is currently using his knowledge towards
companies in order to increase the experienced value in the
use of internal and external meeting places. Rune has worked
as a project manager for the Varner Group, Terra Real Estate,
AktivReal Estate, Alliance Boots, the Rimi groceries retail chain
and the bank Sparebanken Vest. When not working for the
TrustBuddy boardof directors, he focuses on national and international retail companies.
Share holding: 25 662 773 (private and through company)
Mr. Linus L. Lönnroth, Board member
Share holding: 30 853 827 (private and through company)
Mr. Alf Erik Skuland, Board member
Born: 1961
Share holding: 33 050 431 (private and through company)
Mr. Jens Glasø, Board member and CEO
Born: 1971
Mr. Glasø has founded several technology companies, and has
worked many years in the financial sector. He has been a stock
broker, trader and advisor for SMEs, and wealthy individuals.
In 2005 he was hired as Executive Vice President for Optimum
ASA and was head of the offices in Kristiansand and Brussels.
While he was working for Optimum the company experienced a
significant increase in revenues and the increased its managed
capital with 2 billion NOK. He commenced as CEO for TrustBuddy AB November 2009.
Share holding: 73 006 924 (private and through company)
Born: 1970
14 years experience from the financial sector, including being
an executive vice president for 8 years at the Oslo Stock Exchange until 2006. From here he went to Optimum (Fund managers) as an Executive Vice President with responsibility for the
Swedish market, where he was until 2009. Lately, Mr. Lönnroth
has been working as General Manager withLoft investments, as
well as being on the board of (amongst others) TrustBuddy.
Jens Glasø, CEO
Share holding: 1 101 804 (private and through company)
Mr. Bård Bjerkås, CFO
Since 2009, Born 1971
See above; Board
Born: 1971
Mr. Bjerkås has a degree in Law from the University of Law in
Oslo, Norway, and is the legal expert in TrustBuddy. He has
also experience in the finance sector, having worked as a financial advisor in Norwegian giant Storebrand, and with real estate
investments for many years. Mr. Bjerkås is no stranger to the
world of mobile applications either, having worked extensively
mobile applications and co-founded several of the companies
in the sector. Mr. Bjerkås is the key legal aide in TrustBuddy,
closely monitoring legislative changes and the local cicumstances in the countries where the TrustBuddy JV’s operate
and applying updates and changes to comply with any and all
regulations applicable.
Share holding: 6 592 565 (private and through company)
TrustBuddy International AB – Annual report 2011, unaudited English version
Directors’ Report
The Board and CEO for TrustBuddy International AB (publ), corporate 556510-9583, hereby submit the Annual report for the
financial year 2011.
Events after year-end
TrustBuddy International AB operates in the limited liability company, having its registered office in Stockholm, Stockholm County.
Market Outlook
introductory remarks
TrustBuddy took over 360Holding AB June 30, 2011 through a
reverse acquisition. After taking over 360 Holding AB changed its
name to TrustBuddy International AB and now owns TrustBuddy
AB to 100 percent. The acquisition closed down all the activities
previously conducted at 360 Holding AB.
Comparative figures for 2010 and earlier are related to the operation of the previous activity in 360 Holding AB.
TrustBuddy International AB (publ.), a publicly traded company
listed on NASDAQ OMX First North.
TrustBuddy as a group is an online business/community where
members can meet to borrow money from, or lend money to
each other. TrustBuddy specializes in facilitating and improving
everyday life for you as a borrower or lender. All Swedish citizens
aged 18 and over are welcome to join as a member in the TrustBuddy community. The whole concept is based on fast transactions between members in a safe and secure manner.
We know that many of us can get into a situation where we urgently need SEK 500 - 5000, but that there is no founds in the
account. TrustBuddy utilize a simple way to solve that problem
and also give other members the opportunity to earn some extra
on their savings.
All borrowers must agree to a credit check being done to reduce
risks for lenders.
Lenders are secured in the way that the amount lent is spread
out to many different lenders.
TrustBuddy cooperates with a collection partner for secure payment from each borrower.
Significant events during the financial year
2011-12-16 Trust Buddy notifies changed structure of ownership
2011-11-18 Presentation of the new interest rate model for lenders
2011-09-21 Mangold appointed new Certified Adviser
2011-07-04 Trust Buddy conducting directed new share issue
2011-07-01 Communiqué from the Annual General Meeting
No significant events to report.
TrustBuddy is a market leader in P2P, Peer-to-Peer, lending in
the Nordic region and has since established a strong position
in the Swedish and Norwegian market for short-term financing.
During the first quarter of 2012, TrustBuddy established operations in Denmark and Finland and we anticipate continued
growth in all active markets.
TrustBuddy’s assessment is that the Nordic market for P2P lending will continue to grow in coming years.
Internationally there are a few major players in the P2P lending,
witch all predicts continued growth, and are reporting a monthly
increase in loans outstanding at 10 - 15 percent. This indicates a
young industry with strong growth.
TrustBuddy differentiates itself from all competitors on the active market by offering short-term loans via a P2P platform.
TrustBuddy’s concept has proven successful and has created
a strong and trusted brand and a large base of loyal customers.
In 2012, TrustBuddy will gain further market share and strengthen
its position as a leader for short-term financing in the active markets and will remain the only P2P operator in the Nordic region.
Focus will also be on expanding outside the Nordic market by
establishing operations in Germany.
Group relationship
Operations are conducted through its subsidiary TrustBuddy AB
org. No. 556794-5083 from office in Stockholm.
The group’s parent is TrustBuddy International (publ), reg. No.
TrustBuddy has as of December 31, 262 738 903 (11 647 063)
shares, equivalent to a share capital of SEK 10 312 462 (5 823
532). The quota value is SEK 0.04 (0.5).
The number of shareholders at year-end was 420. The five largest shareholders are representing together 80% of the outstanding shares. See separate section; Ownership structure, share
structure and share development in 2011.
Sales, earnings and cash flow
Consolidated revenues for the period amounted to SEK 6.3
(10.5) million. Operating profit was SEK -5.8 (-14.7) million. Net
profit after tax was SEK -5.9 (-14.4) million. Average earnings per
share were negative both before and after dilution. Earnings per
share at the end of the period was negative.
Full details are available on the Company website under ”Press Releases”
TrustBuddy International AB – Annual report 2011, unaudited English version
Directors’ Report
Financial position and cash flows
Number of employees
Cash flow for the period from continuing operations totalled after
changes in working capital SEK -9.8 (7.1) million. Cash and cash
equivalents amounted to SEK 2.0 (0.4) million.
The average number of employees in the Group at end of
period 1 (3).
The company has equity capital of SEK 91.0 (5.4) million, and an
solidity ratio of 92 (26) percent, which means that the company
has a strong financial position. The company is self funded and
has no interest bearing debt on the closing date.
Parent company
Trust Buddy engaged in development of the acquired software for managing the database. Capitalized development costs
amount to SEK 1.0 million.
Emissions and share capital
In the first quarter, the equity was increased by 0.5 million through a private placement of 1 091 840 million shares, with quota
value of SEK 0.5 per share as determined by the Board 2010-1029, and registered at Bolagsverket (the Companies Registration
Office) 2011-02-22.
During the third quarter, a reduction of share capital without
withdrawal of shares was performed. The Reduction purposes are
provisions to a fund to be used according to decision by the AGM
The share capital after the change amounted to SEK 500 000.
This is in accordance with the resolution at the AGM 2011-06-30.
In addition to reduction of share capital, the Company, pursuant
to decisions of the AGM 2011-06-30, an offset share issue of
250 million shares. The share capital after the change was SEK
262 738 903.
In December 31, 2011, TrustBuddy International holds 262 738
903 shares (11 647 063). The quota value is SEK 0.04 (0.5). Each
share carries one vote at the meeting of shareholders and all shares have equal rights to dividends and surplus on liquidation.
In the Parent Company’s there are joint Group functions such as
consolidation, business development and management of the
Group’s information flow. The parent company net sales amounted to SEK 0.1 (0.5) million. Profit after financial items amounted
to SEK-0.9 (-5.4) million. Shareholders’ equity amounted to SEK
91.3 (16.9) million, representing an equity ratio of 94 (63) percent.
Guidelines for remuneration to the CEO and other
senior executives
A management company employs the senior executives. The receiving company is invoiced a management fee.
The same principle will be used for 2012. The Group has in the
delivery of this report no on going incentive programs.
Corporate Governance
TrustBuddy International AB is a Swedish public company based
in Stockholm. The governance of the Group includes the Articles
of Association, the Swedish Companies Act, the First North’s regulations and other applicable laws and regulations.
The Board of Directors
TrustBuddy Board of Directors in 2011, have had 8 meetings.
Important issues that have been addressed, besides approving
the annual and interim reports, establishing business plan with
associated budget, are the following questions:
»» Concerning new share issue and other funding issues
Financial Risk Management
»» Establishments and new markets
The Company is self-funded and has no interest bearing debt on
the closing date.
Since the Company has little exposure to foreign currency, the
main financial risk is credit to the lenders. All borrowers must
agree to a credit check is being conducted to reduce risks for
lenders. Lenders are secured in the way that the amount lent
is spread out to many different lenders. TrustBuddy cooperates
with a collection partner for secure payment from each borrower.
With regard to liquidity and capital structure, the Board receive
monthly updates to ensure that the set goal for solvency is in
compliance and to ensure that liquidity is satisfactory.
Stock and stock market related risks
Current and potential investors in TrustBuddy should note that an
investment in TrustBuddy is associated with risk and that there
is no assurance that the share price will perform well. As shown
in the presentation in this section the share price depends on a
number of factors beyond the Company’s business, which the
Company is unable to influence. Although TrustBuddy’s business thrives, there is the possibility that the development of the
Company’s shares is negative.
TrustBuddy monitors the environmental regulatory where business is conducted to ensure that all applicable and relevant
regulations are complied with, and to promote the continuous
reduction of the company´s environmental footprint. All activities
undertaken under by TrustBuddy should be characterized by
caring about the environment, and restraint the use of non-renewable energy sources. As far as possible, the company send
material for recycling. Restraint should be exercised when the
company and its staff uses various types of energy or other environmentally sensitive resources.
Research and Development
TrustBuddy is engaged in development of the acquired software that manages the database. Capitalized development costs
amount to SEK 1.0 million.
TrustBuddy International AB – Annual report 2011, unaudited English version
Directors’ Report
The market for P2P loans in recent years been is in a major expansion phase and prospects for the future
indicates a growing market. TrustBuddy is a market leader in P2P
loans in the Nordic region and has since year-end 2011/2012 expanded its presence to Denmark and Finland, in addition to Sweden and Norway, and predicts a continued growth in all active
markets. TrustBuddy’s intentions are to continue the international
expansion and add new markets in 2012, including Germany.
The Board believes therefore that the prospects for 2012 are
very good. TrustBuddy intends to quadruple the level of lending
in the coming year, which we think is very gratifying.
Proposed allocation of retained earnings
The Board and CEO of TrustBuddy International AB (publ) proposes that the retained earnings of SEK 71 012 218 is carried
As for the Group and Parent Company results and financial position, please refer to the income statement and balance sheet,
statement of shareholders’ equity and cash flow statements and
associated notes.
TrustBuddy International AB – Annual report 2011, unaudited English version
Result from group
Amount in KSEK
Net revenue
6 268
Other income
6 334
Operating costs
Other external costs
Staff cost
Depreciation and impairment of tangible and intangible cost
Other operating costs
Total operating costs
Operating profit/loss
-6 299
-5 342
-12 125
-5 791
Result from financial investments
Result from share group
Other interest receivable and similiar incomes
Interest payable and similar charges
Total result from financial investment
Result after financial items
-5 853
Result of the period
-5 853
TrustBuddy International AB – Annual report 2011, unaudited English version
Balance group
Amounts in KSEK
Fixed Assets
Intangible Assets
Balanced expenses research and dev.
3 294
84 610
Financial Assets
Deffered Tax receivables
Total Fixed Assets
3 009
90 913
Currents Assets
Short-term receivables
Other current receivables
Prepayment and accrued income
Cash and cash equivalents
Total current assets
Total assets
2 501
3 598
6 099
1 955
8 054
98 967
Balance, continues
Amounts in KSEK
Eget kapital
Restricted equity
Share capital
10 312
10 312
Non-restricted equity
None-restricted equity
86 501
Net profit for the period
Total equtiy
-5 853
90 960
Short-term liabilities
Accounts payable to suppliers
Other current liabilities
1 106
5 711
Accruals and deffered income
Total equity and liabilities
1 190
98 967
Pledged assets
Contingent liabilities
TrustBuddy International AB – Annual report 2011, unaudited English version
Cash flow from group
Amount in KSEK
Operating activities
Operating profit before financial items
Adjustment for items not included in the result
Received interest
-5 791
8 667
Paid interest
2 930
Increase/decrease in current receivables
-5 021
Increase/decrease in current liabilities
Cash flow from operating activities
-7 750
-9 841
Investing activities
Changes in long-term receivables
Capitalized expenditure
Cash flow from investing activities
7 548
-1 016
6 532
Financial activities
Shareholder comtribution
Cash flow from financial activities
4 405
4 405
Cash flow for the period
Exchange difference in cash equivalents
1 096
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning end of period
1 955
TrustBuddy International AB – Annual report 2011, unaudited English version
Distribution policy – Annual report 2011
TrustBuddy’s annual report is provided as a document in PDF format on the company website,
The annual report is provided as a complete audited document in the Swedish language, and a summarized, unaudited version,
provided in English.
This document is designed for readability online and regular printing.
Trustbuddy Intern
ational AB (pub
TrustBuddy Inte
rnational AB –
TrustBuddy International AB – Annual report 2011, unaudited English version
TrustBuddy International AB
Östermalmstorg 1, 114 42 STOCKHOLM
Phone: +46 8-562 596 00