29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Oct. 18th & 19th, 2014 – Volunteers needed to assist with the operation of the sound board during parish liturgies and celebrations. No technical experience is necessary; training and mentoring is provided. Contact Johanna Dietrich, Music Ministry Coordinator, at johanna@dietrichconsulting.com or (780) 919-3747 for more information. STM SOUND MINISTRY WOULD YOU LIKE TO SPONSOR SOMEONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO BECOME CATHOLIC? FOR ADULTS wishing to be initiated into the Catholic Church, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) will run from Sept. 2014 to 24 May 2015. This year we have MANY Inquirers who will need faithful, practicing Catholics to SPONSOR them in their Journey of Faith. This richly rewarding experience of sharing faith is also an opportunity to learn more about the “treasure” that is already yours. A pamphlet depicting the four-phase RCIA Process is located at the entrance of the Church. Visit the RCIA links at www.stmparish.com for more details including audio & slide shows of the teaching sessions. Contact Darlene Smigelski @ (780) 435-3370 or 434-6313 ext. 226; or stm.rcia.coord@stmparish.com. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE– on Mon. Oct. 20th members of STM CWL will be participating in this Pro-life campaign across the street from the Women’s Health Options Clinic (12409-109 A Ave) at 11:00 a.m. for a 1 hour prayer vigil. Parishioners are invited to join them; if you want to car-pool please meet at the south-east side of STM parking lot @ 10:30 a.m. St. Thomas More Parish 210 Haddow Close Edmonton, AB T6R 2P3 CLERGY FRANCISCAN CORNER: We have met (to our surprise and pleasure) some of you who have been professed 3rd Order of Franciscans some time ago. Would you kindly contact us: Bill Wallis (780) 487-2705 or Charlotte DeRudder at (780) 4466357 as early as possible. Pax et Bonum. If you are a busy person, this ministry is for you. sT. THOMAS MORE PARISH ROSARY CIRCLES MINISTRY is inviting all parishioners to join with them in praying ONE DECADE of the rosary a day. Each month you will be assigned a different mystery of the Rosary on which to meditate as you pray your daily decade. The Circles meets bi-annually in May and October, but meetings are not mandatory. The October meeting of the Rosary Circles will be held on Wednesday Oct. 22 in the Church hall at 7 pm. For more information, call Kathy Gust at (780) 436-2455 or June Iwanicka at (780) 633-0123. Blessed Pope Pius IX said, "Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world". SPIRITUAL SHARING CIRCLE: will meet on Tuesday, Oct. 21 at 1pm at St. Thomas More Parish, 210 Haddow Close. A documentary explaining what Opus Dei is and what their place is in the Catholic Church will be shown. Everyone is welcome. For more information, Call Maureen Gouveia at (780) 438-7060. would like to invite all ladies to our meeting in the Chapter Room on Tuesday October 21st after the 7pm Mass. Come and meet some new friends. For more information, please call Nancy at (780) 430-0459 or Clover at (780) 434-5955. THE CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE PASTOR ASSOCIATE PASTOR PERMANENT DEACON RESIDENT PRIEST ARE YOU REGISTERED WITH THE PARISH OFFICE? Being registered with the parish office is of the utmost importance. It allows us to serve all parishioners by providing a better vision of the active populace so that we may respond to the needs of this growing and dynamic parish. Please do not assume that you are automatically registered if you or your children have received sacraments at STM or if you live within the parish boundaries and attend Mass. The only way we can register you and your family is upon your submission of a registration form. These forms are on the counter at the main entrance. If you attend St. Thomas More Parish and have not yet registered, or if your information is not up to date, please fill out a registration form and return it to the parish office. NEW PARISHIONERS / CHANGE OF ADDRESS - Please fill out a Parish Registration Form located on the counter below the bulletin board at the church entrance. INTERESTED IN PRE-AUTHORIZED DONATIONS? – The Pre-Authorized Donation (PAD) Forms are located on the counter below the bulletin board at the church entrance. PAD tokens are available on the counter at the church entrance. Each of us has a responsibility to help the homeless, the destitute, the abused, the disabled, the addicted, and the unloved. For 53 years, the staff and volunteers of Catholic Social Services have carried this mission of bringing the unconditional love and hope of Christ to those in need. Monica Bober You, too, can help. On the weekend of October 25th and 26 , a Special Collection for the annual Sign of Hope Campaign will be taken. I ask that you please respond generously to the Sign of Hope. Your gift will ensure that their vitally important ministry continues to flourish. Ext. 227 th Kathleen Eistetter Diane Middleton Johanna Dietrich Darlene Smigelski Kathleen Gust Ext. 226 Ext. 226 Ext. 235 Ext. 233 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST BOOKKEEPER MAINTENANCE/GROUNDS EVENING RECEPTIONIST David Matwie Judy Williams Dora Jankowska Arthur Connick Doreen Schmidt Ext. 236 Ext. 228 Ext. 222 Ext. 231 Ext. 228 TELEPHONE 780-434-6313 FAX 780-438-2088 OFFICE STAFF WEBSITE www.stmparish.com Masses Offered Oct. 20 Oct.21 Oct. 22 Oct. 23 Oct. 24 Oct. 25 Oct. 26 Oct. 26 Oct. 26 Oct. 26 Dear Friends in Christ, Fr. Andrew Bogdanowicz Fr. Jaya Rajan J. M. SAC Dk. Randall Abele Fr. Stan Blaszkowski PASTORAL MINISTRY YOUTH & FAMILY COORDINATOR SACRAMENT ASSISTANT SACRAMENT ASSISTANT MUSIC COORDINATOR RC IA COORDINATOR RCIA ASSISTANT Letter from Archbishop Richard W. Smith 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:30 am 8:30 am 8:30 am 5:00 pm 8:30 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 6:00 pm + Jack Mahon + David Lacey + David Lacey + David Lacey + Robert Chiasson + Macrina Kan + Jim Longo + Cyril Baker All Parishioners Babitha Joseph Through your donation, victims of abuse will receive support and love; homeless street youth will find refuge and help; individuals and families in crisis will receive therapeutic counselling; the disabled will live in dignity; and individuals struggling with addictions will find the hope and strength to overcome them. Your donation to Catholic Social Services also affirms an unwavering voice of support for the unborn; a vice which defends the dignity and sanctity of all human life, from the moment on conception until natural death. In his encyclical, Lumen Fidei, Pope Francis stated that “those who have opened their hearts to God`s love, heard his voice, and received his light cannot keep this gift to themselves…Faith is passed on, we might say, by contact, from one person to another just one candle is lighted from another.” Please, give generously and be that light of hope, and a channel of love and support to our brothers and sisters in need. God Bless. Most Reverend Richard W. Smith Archbishop of Edmonton October 1, 2014 . CHILDREN'S LITURGY: We are in need of volunteer leaders for the 2014-2015 school year! The commitment is once every 6 weeks and easy to follow lesson plans are provided for you along with activity sheets for the children. Volunteers are needed for Sat. at 5:00, Sun. at 8:30, 10:00 and 12:00. Volunteers are needed to assist with offering this opportunity to the children of our parish. Without volunteers, we will not be able to offer Children’s Liturgy at all masses. Contact Cheryl at shinkarukc@shaw.ca. Thanks for giving your time to enrich the lives of the children in our parish. PRIOR WEEK DONATIONS: is for infants to age 7 by which children become members of the Body of Christ, the Church. To prepare for your child’s baptism, visit our website: www.stmparish.com or pick up a Baptism brochure at the church entrance. When you have all the documentation, call Diane at (780) 434-6313 ext. 233 to set up an office visit on our scheduled dates (afternoon or evening appointments available) and register for the Baptism Preparation Session(s). Next Baptism Preparation session will be Nov, 3rd & 10th, 2014. ALL SAINTS’ DAY PARTY ON SAT. NOV. 1ST: Dress up as a saint, angel or someone from the Bible and join us for fun games and activities on All Saints’ Day! The party will take place in the Hall from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. and is a family oriented event open to all ages. Free admission but please bring a snack to share. Hosted by the Catholic Women’s League and Catholic Girls’ League. Contact Jean Ashdown at jean.ashdown@telus.net or 780-435-1861 if you have any questions or if you wish to volunteer. meet every Friday from Sept. to June in the Choir room from 9:30-11:30 am. Anyone who is interested in knitting/crocheting Prayer Shawls is welcome to join the group on any Friday that is convenient for them. No registration is required and there are always needles and yarn available for those wishing to learn. For more information see brochure at the entrance of the church or phone Linda (780) 988-9229 or Maureen (780) 435-4917. FIRST RECONCILIATION AND FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: 1st Reconciliation and 1st Holy Communion are offered to children in grade 2. What an exciting year for these young children to celebrate TWO sacraments. See the green Sacrament brochure in your Catholic school office or the parish brochure stand for details. All Sacrament preparation is done at the parish. St. Thomas More has a Drop-in Registration at the parish to begin this next step in your child’s faith journey. The Drop-in Registration will occur from 9:00 am - 11:00 am on the 1st Sat. of each month (Oct-Feb.). Please carefully read the Sacrament brochure for details regarding the selection of dates and times of meetings. PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY- VOLUNTEER HELPERS, LEADERS AND NEEDED for 2014-2015 K4J (Kids ASSISTANT for Jesus) program. Two Wednesday evenings every month until May. If you are a practicing Catholic and are interested, please contact Monica at (780) 4346313 ext. 227. Oct. 12th Regular Sunday - $16,439. Together We Serve - $1,864. THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM MARRIAGE PREPARATION AT ST. THOMAS MORE will take place March 13, 14 and 15, 2015. For details, email stm.marriagepreparation@gmail.com. Information about other Marriage Preparation programs can be found on the Archdiocese web-site at: caedm.ca. CONFIRMATION 2014 - The confirmation class has attended catechism sessions and a half day workshop at the parish. The group is growing in their faith and understanding of this sacrament. Our next event is Thurs. Oct. 30, 7pm in the parish hall. A reminder that the Red Faith Journey books are to be completed and handed in to the parish office on the weekend of Nov. 30 at a special 3:30 pm Mass and also at the 6 pm Mass. Please note that the 6pm Mass will be very busy that evening due to the Confirmation celebrations. ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS- Do you like to sing or play an instrument? Would you like to share your musical talents with our parish? STM Music Ministry is inviting you to join us in leading the music at the 6 pm Sunday Mass. We rehearse at 5 pm on Sundays (just before mass). If you would like to volunteer or have questions, call the office or Johanna Dietrich, Music Ministry Coordinator, at johanna@dietrichconsulting.com or (780) 919-3747. WILL YOU HELP THE INMATES AT REMAND CENTRE AGAIN THIS YEAR? As part of the Catechism project this year, we are collecting 2500 chocolate bars (100 grams) and decorated bookmarkers for the inmates at the Remand Centre by December 15th. Blank bookmarkers can be picked up for decorating and chocolate bars can be dropped off next to Monica’s office. Please, no ribbons! The Catechism families would greatly appreciate your help! - The St. Thomas More Parish Grocery Card Program is now underway. Members of the Knights of Columbus council will be selling grocery cards before and after all Sunday morning masses. They will also be selling grocery cards on the first Saturday of each month, before and after the 5:00pm Mass. This is a great way to assist the parish and the less fortunate. Please take the time to support the program and our volumes will continue to grow. GROCERY CARD PROGRAM - Star of the North Retreat Centre invites you to attend our 25th Anniversary of Starfest. Bring your friends, and come to enjoy a fun-filled evening, with fine food, draws, live and silent auctions in support of The Star. Join us Sat. Oct. 25th for a sparkling evening at our new venue: Santa Maria Goretti Centre: 11050-90 St, Edmonton. Tickets are $75. For tickets or more information call: (780) 459-5511. Donations of cash and new items or gift certificates for the auction are also gratefully accepted. STARFEST SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL – Divine Mercy Conference is holding its Annual Financial Appeal this week in our Parish. Your generous support in previous years has been vital in allowing us to do our work of ministering to the poor and needy. Our total expenditures in 2013 were $38,495. And, we assisted 431 adults and 260 children. Our expenditures this year to Sept.30 are $41,218. The need continues and your continued support is appreciated. Please put your donation in the envelope attached to this bulletin and place it in the collection basket at one of next weekend’s Masses or a subsequent Mass. We should also remind you that the Society of St. Vincent de Paul’s needs are NOT included in the “Together We Serve” (Bishop’s Appeal”). Remember, if you or someone you know needs help or wishes to donate furniture or household goods call 780-471-5577 or visit our website www.ssvpedmonton.ca. DEVELOPMENT & PEACE FALL ACTION 2014 – This weekend we are thankful for the bountiful harvest that we will be sharing with family and friends. Eat Local and Impact Global, consider where your food is coming from and the impact it has on the earth. Consider supporting your local farmers markets and producers by purchasing local and organic when you can and encouraging your local grocers to increase their stock of local, organic and fair trade food. Consider reading “The 100 Mile Diet: A Year of Local Eating” for an entertaining and education look at how we can lessen our impact on the earth while supporting our local farmers. DO YOUR CHILDREN LIKE TO SING? Are you looking for ways to involve them in Sunday Mass? - Consider enrolling your children in the St. Thomas More Children’s Choir for children in Grade 4 - 9. We rehearse Thurs. at 6:30 pm for 45 minutes & sing regularly at Sun. Masses & special occasions in the Parish. Contact Tamara MacKenzie at (780) 640-8117 or TamaraLynn.Mackenzie@ecsd.net for more information or to register your child/ren Liturgical Calendar “THE SPECIAL PARISH COLLECTION FOR CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES’ annual Sign of Hope Campaign will be taken on the weekend of Oct. 25th & 26th, 2014. Thousands of people being served by CSS – street youth, the homeless, the mentally ill, the addict, abused children and seniors, and family members victimized by violence….are depending on your generosity.” Mon. Oct. 20 Tues. Oct. 21 Wed. Oct. 22 Thurs Oct. 23 Fri. Oct. 24 Sat. Oct. 25 Sun. Oct. 26 MASS 7:00 pm MASS 7:00 pm MASS 8:30 am MASS 8:30 am MASS 8:30 am MASS 5:00 pm Reconciliation 6:00pm Reconciliation 8:00 am Reconciliation 8:00 am Reconciliation 8:00 am Reconciliation 4:00 pm MASSES 8:30 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 6:00 pm Child’s Liturgy 5:00 pm Children’s Liturgy All Masses (except 6pm) Adoration 6:00 pm R.C.I.A. 7:00 pm TOGETHER WE SERVE -YES INDEED OUR PARISH COMMUNITY IS VERY GENEROUS. We have officially met our 2014 parish contribution towards the Together We Serve campaign of $120,000. From now until the end of 2014, for each Together We Serve donation we receive, half will go to the Together We Serve campaign and the other half will remain at St Thomas More to meet the needs of our parish community. Thank you to all parishioners who have generously supported the new campaign. Let us be thankful to God for the beautification of Pope Paul VI
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