Pendleton and Clarence Ctr., NY PENDLETON SITE Rectory & Mailing Address 5442 Tonawanda Creek Road No. Tonawanda, NY 14120 716-625-8594 • Fax: 625-8365 Religious Ed: 716-625-8817 ST. AUGUSTINE CAMPUS 8700 Goodrich Road Clarence Center, NY 14032 Rev. Daniel A. Young, Pastor Rev. Augustine Ayaga, In Residence Deacon Robert Bauer, Permanent Deacon Brian Karaszewski & Donald Spoth, Trustees Rick Paolini, Bookkeeper Michael Denz, Director of Religious Education Barb Carpenter, Secretary David Fischer, Maintenance Clayton & Beverly Merlihan, Advocates for Persons with Disabilities M ASSES Monday: ........................8:00 a.m. ....... Campus Site Tuesday: ........................8:00 a.m. ....... Pendleton Site Wednesday: Healing Mass ..........7:00 p.m........ Pendleton Site Thursday & Friday: ....8:00 a.m.. ...... Campus Site Saturday:.......................4:30 p.m........ Pendleton Site Sunday:..........................9:00 a.m. ....... Pendleton Site ..........................11:00 a.m... ... Campus Site R ECONCILIATION Saturday: 3:00 p.m. to 4:10 p.m. –Pendleton Site, or by appointment. N EW P ARISHIONERS B APTISMS We acknowledge the blessing our parish receives when a baby is born into a parish family. Baptisms are celebrated on scheduled Saturday’s of the month. A Baptismal preparation class is given to the parents. Godparents must be registered in a Roman Catholic Church and attending Mass on a regular basis and able to receive a letter of recommendation from their Parish Priest. Call the Parish Office to schedule a time and date for a Baptismal class. M ARRIAGES Arrangements must be made at least six months prior to the intended wedding date. Dates are reserved only for registered parishioners. Each couple must meet with the Pastor before any dates will be reserved. Attendance at a Diocesan Pre-Cana Class or weekend retreat is required. S ICK C ALLS If you are confined to home and would like to receive Holy Communion or the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, please contact the Parish Office. Privacy laws prohibit all health care facilities from contacting us. Families must call us directly to inform us of individual needs. RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is an ongoing process. Adults wishing to join the Catholic Church should contact the Parish Office. LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION A letter will be given to registered parishioners who attend Mass regularly, who have received the Sacraments of Bap- Page Two TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 12, 2014 SATURDAY, October 11th, St. John XXIII, Pope 4:30 pm Florian Frankenberger by Loving Family SUNDAY, Oct. 12th, Twenty-Eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time 9:00 am Glory Judith Makena by Gary Vergils Family 11:00 am Richard & Elinor Acquard by Family MONDAY, Oct. 13th 8:00 am Deceased Members of Scheeler & Mahoney Families by Loving Family TUESDAY, Oct. 14th, St. Callistus I, Pope 8:00 am Carolyn Thiele by Ken, & Mary Lynn Lefort & Family WEDNESDAY, Oct. 15th, St. Teresa Of Jesus 7:00 pm Esther Pegler by Marty & Joanne Berger THURSDAY, Oct. 16th, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin 8:00 am Rev. Edward Schroeder by Estate FRIDAY, Oct. 17th, St. Ignatius Of Antioch 8:00 am All Parishioners by Pastor SATURDAY, Oct. 18th, St. Luke, Evangelist 4:30 pm Myron & Viola Fiegel by Loving Family SUNDAY, Oct. 19th, Twenty-Ninth Sunday In Please Pray for our Sick: Beth Adams, Diane Anderson, Carol Barber, Chase Bartholomew, Betty Lou Beiter, Catherine Beiter, Ruth Blair, John Blersch, Alice Body, Cathy Bowler, Ellen Branicky, Judy Brzyski, June Burngasser, Patrick Callahan, Alysca Cantrell, Gene Cassidy, Cindy Colello, Sharon Curtis, Louann Delaney, Jim Fiegel, Henry Fink (infant), Dennis Fitzgibbons, Rosie Frost, James Furey, Payton Furner, Jim Garlock, Paul Gawrys, Josephine Genco, Joseph Godzisz, Darcy Gow, Alice Guenther, Geralyn Hens, Alyssa Herbst (child), Heather Hornsby, Dolores Kae, Jamie Kauschinger, Joseph Kedron, Marjorie Keith, Jim Keller, Caroline Kopacz, Timothy Koszelak, Dave Kowalski, Stella Krzos, Tina Langlotz, Loretta Layer, Bob Liberto, Ron Lindemann, James Lombardi, Joyce Lombardi, Wesley Londos, Donna Keith McCain, Joseph Malahosky, Mark Malenda, Mariana Maniscalco, Barbara Manke, Patricia Massey, Matthew McJury, Gloria Meehan, James Merlihan, Linda Miller, Colleen Mondello, Jose Montaner, Alan Morlock, Linda Moskal, Theresa Muffoletto, Vincent Muffoletto, Jesse Palumbo, John Park, Josephine Park, Christina Pelsh, Patrick Petrie, Mary Raybor, Kristie Rush, Yolanda Sherriff, Madelyn Sikorski, Sharon Siminski, Kathi Smith, Ellen Sponholz, Dave Trietley, Michele Vergils, Charlotte Wald, Marilyn Walsh, Trudy Welsh, Doris Winter, Geri A Look Ahead: Mon. Oct. 13 Bible study-after 8am Mass, Campus Mon. Oct. 13 7pm Prayer Group Sat. 5:30pm Oktoberfest, Pendleton Hall , Ordinary Time 9:00 am Elzina Orzel by Loving Husband Parish Office Hours 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Closed 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. for Lunch Collection for the week ending Oct. 5th: Regular Fuel Maintenance Catholic Education Seminary $6, 619.00 365.00 289.00 45.00 5.00 Capital Campaign Week Ending To Date $ 1, 005.00 *55, 387.00 Total Number of Donors 133 Oct. 18 Tues. Oct. 21 7:00pm Rosary, Honsberger Home We remember all those men and women who are serving in our armed forces and pray they come home soon and safe. Please pray for peace. RCIA Have you considered becoming a Roman Catholic? The process for becoming a Catholic is called RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). There are several steps along the way before entering the Catholic Faith. The process includes instruction, prayer, Scripture, sharing and discernment. If you or someone you know would be interested, please contact the parish office at 625-8594. Brian Haseltine, a parishioner and director of the parish RCIA, will OKTOBERFEST We are in need of “Theme Baskets” for our Oktoberfest Chinese Auction, Saturday, October 18th. Please bring them to the Parish Office during normal business hours between 9am and 4pm before October 18th. If you would like to volunteer, please call the office at 625-8594. Page Three October 12, 2014 A Word From the Bishop Religious Education News Dear Diocesan Family, Schedule: 9:45am Sunday October 26th is our next Religious Ed. Class I write you with exciting news. In December 2014, the Diocese of Buffalo will launch the Catholics Come Home campaign. In the first six years, Catholics come Home messages were aired as TV commercials in 37 dioceses, and nationally, reaching 200 million viewers and helping lead hundreds of thousands home to the Catholic Church. I invite you to visit www.CatholicsComeHome.Org to see for yourself. Catholic Trivia Question: Who is the patron saint against bodily ills, headaches and sickness? Saint Quote of the Week: Let nothing trouble you, let nothing make you afraid. All things pass away. God never changes. Patience obtains everything. God alone is enough. St. Teresa of Avila, Feast Day, October 15th SCHEDULE CHANGE: Please take note: The invitational messages of “evangomercials” from Catholics Come Home will be shown on network and cable TV stations, throughout Western New York this Christmas Season. The messages that people see on TV may bring them to our doors, but only we can welcome them in a spirit of enthusiasm and generosity. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE A Buffalo-Mid Point Rally will be held on Saturday, October 18th at 7pm at the Buffalo Woman Services. 2500 Main Street, Buffalo. For more information, contact the Pro-Life Office at 847-2205. Many of us know of family and friends who have drifted away from the Church. The great majority of those who leave do not leave because of a disagreement over church teaching. The initial separation is most often caused simply by the busyness of life. And many do want to return, but feel embarrassed, and wonder if they were really ever missed. In fact, the reason most often reported by those who choose to return is simply, “I was asked”. Who might do you know that has simply drifted away? Who might be waiting to hear that invitation from you? SIDEWALK ADVOCATES A training for Sidewalk Advocates will be held on Wednesday, October 22nd from 9:30am to 3:30pm at the Catholic Center, 795 Main St. Buffalo. For those who have registered, please confirm that you are attending and for those who have not registered, please do so ASAP by calling the Pro-Life Office 8472205. SUNDAY TV MASS 7:30AM WUTV Fox TV29 Oct. 12 Fr. Robert Yetter, Oct. 19 Fr. Ronald Sajdak, Oct. 26 Fr. Ronald Sams, SJ. This Christmas season we will have an opportunity to let the hope of Christmas shine bright. Each parish will be equipped to welcome Catholics who come home. Dennis Mahaney, Director in the Office for Evangelization and Parish Life, will organize our preparations. And these preparations will start with a workshop led by Sr. Louise Alff OSF, entitled “When They Come Back, What Makes Them Stay”, which will be held on October 24-25 at Christ the King Seminary. DAY OF HOPE & HEALING Saturday, November 1st, Deacon Mike Dulak and Cheryl Calire will lead a Project Rachel “Post-Abortion” healing at Christ the King Seminary, 711 Know Rd. East Aurora from 9am to 4pm. If PARISH BUILDING CAMPAIGN After reviewing all the bids for our roofing project at the Pendleton Site, our Parish Council, Finance Committee and Trustees have recommended that we award the project to Wm. Rott and Son. We have used them in the past on other projects at the parish, and they do quality work. Please pray with me for the success of our efforts. Look for more opportunities in the weeks ahead to grow in faith, as we share our faith, through Catholics Come Home. Yours sincerely in Christ, Most Reverend Richard Malone Bishop of Buffalo We still need $26,468 to meet our project goal of $81,855. Work on the roof has begun. If you have not donated to this project yet, please consider a gift now! I am very grateful to all who have already contributed to this building campaign. God will generously bless you! *Please note, our Parish has had a video of the Come Home A heads up for next year. One of our major parish projects under consideration for next year is the rectory roof at the St. Augustine Campus. If the project is approved by the Parish Council, Finance committee and Trustees, we will conduct another building campaign. This project is expected to be considerably less than our current project. Good stewardship calls us to maintain our buildings and PRO-LIFE COMMITTEE This committee will be collecting diapers for St. Gianna’s Pregnancy Center from Sun, Oct. 5th to Sun. Oct. 26th. Please leave diapers, especially size newborn and 1 in the box at the back of both worship sites. Please call Mary Lynne Lefort, 625-6248 .
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