aChurch of St. Francis of Assisi CATECHISM CLASSES i.lile, Jalan cheras, 43200 Setangor, Malaysia. PARISH PASTOR: REV. ANDREW MANICKAM OFM cap Tamil: 09.00am - 10.30am 5g1g Chinese: 09.30am - 1 1.00am English: 1 1.15am - 12.45pm B. Malaysia: 3.30pm - 5.00pm (3'dwk) t (email: : 03- 9074 5258 FR.ANDREW (DrREcr L|NE) PARsH TEL: 03-90758236 FAx: 03 - 90758236 WEsstrE: wuiw.sFA.oRG.ldY PARsH E-MArL: my . PaRtsH SFA SUPPORT GROUP * Single Asain 4il, ,r.g,, HouRs (cLosEp oN puBLtc 09.30 am - 05.00 pm PAR|SH OFFTCE Mon- Fri : Sunday : 10.30 am - 12.00 fr-r;rnc\c MASS SCHEDULE FOR THE SUN 19 OTHER CLASSES: (sUNDAYS} 7th Connie Loo 019-3546632 * Assisi Eeloved Communitv Raymond Letchmanan 012-3056387 HoLIDAYS) noon MASS IN RIP: 09.00 am 09.30 am / Mt 22:75-21 Mark Rajendran &fly / / 7rh B'day blessings for Eric Low Chua Eng Wah Joe Diosav / Julian de Costa / / Evelyn Cheong / MA55 - st. Agnes 'St.Charles -St. Dominic : Lect YearA pay ll the Rosary Pnyer 30 minutes before Mass dailY. Archdiocese Theme: Discipleship: Called, ch6en, Senl Focus: Each one of us has been alled by name and thercfore we are unigue' SENT TO DIALOGUE cAPEsrRANo,PRlEsr,MEMoRlAL Eph 3: L4-2t; Lk 12: 49-53 FRI 24 ST.ANTHONY MARY 06.30 pm 07.00 pm DEVOTION TO THE DIVINE MERCY MASS TG: B'day blessings for David Chin / B'day blessings for Nikitha Rajendran. Building Fund donors / Nicholas Yap,Terence Yap,Jonathan Yap. RIP; Richard de Rozario Souls in Purgatory, Sl: / Lim Bee Bee ORDINARY 25 08.00 am WEEKDAY Building Fund donors RIP: MASS EPh 2: 1-10; LK 12: 73.27 05.15 pm 06.00 pm MASS Sl: / ROSARY FOLLOWED BY NOVENA SUNSET MASS TG: Nicholas Yap,Terence Yap,Jonathan Yap. Sl: ST. JOHN PAUL 07.00 pm MASS , Francis & Felicity Eu / lsaac Tan Vincent & Monica Cho / Richard de Laurence Loh,Lucy Lin, Josie Rewcastle, Richard Loh Rozario / Diana Harban Singh / George Kesavan Nair / Esther Titus & Joseph / Clarice Yap Tsin Chang Yeon Lien. TUES 21 Eph 4:7-16; Lk 13: 1-9 oRDTNARYWEEKDAY SAT IN BAHASA MATAYSIA MASS Eph 4: 1-6; Lk 12: 54-59 CLARET,BISHOP,MEMORIAL Annie Yap TG: B'day blessings for Hilarior K.Gabriel/ Moo Kok Wai. Building Fund donors / RIP: ll Eph2tt2-22; Lk 12:35-38 Fong. TG: Johanna Gan Suat Khlm / Caroline KongYin Seong. Sl: Building Fund donors / Nicholas Yap,Terence Yap,Jonathan Yap. RIP: Marv Theresa Santiago. 22 08.00 am sr. JoHN oF 07.00 pm MASS IN MANDARIN RIP: Agatha Lim&AnthonyTee/ GeorgeYapPangFooi/Helena WED Knowledge Knowledge Knowledee Sun. We @lebnte reconciliation & - St' Pio ' New St.Clare - St.Fidelis cabin / IN ENGLISH MASS TG: TG: 20 THUR 23 D.Sinnappan Edward Ng / Edward Khoo Vincent Ng / GoonKit/ Michael ChuaSweeHock/ ClariceYapTsinFong /DianaHarbanSingh /Mary Fernandez,Magdalene Lewis / Michael Lo Lai Sim / Souls in Purgatory. MON Ol.Oopm io:.:opm ; Form 5 gibte gible O4.OOpm - 05.30Pm : Form 4 o4-ooom - o5.30om : Form 3 Bible New St.clare study I Weekday LecLl"t reading: Year ROSARY LED BY SUNDAY SCHOOL RIP: 07.00 pm 1O.00Pm : African Community Bible Brev./ Psalter TG: Joe & Zanariah Francis,/ B'day blessings for Fr. Paul Cheong. Sl: Building Fund donors / Felicia de Padua / Nicholas Yap,Terence Yap,Jonathan Yap. RIP: Anselm / Clarice Yap Tsin Fong / Souls in Purgatory. wedd.Anniv. of Mr & Mrs Henry Jude / Gabriel Chen, Janet / Mother Mary / Mary Chong Yoke Thai Sl: BuildingFunddonors/ChoyChoongYeen/ ChoyWengKean&flyl JoannaMarieNesan/ FrancisChua/Paul Chua/JohnTan /AndyChoong/BenjaminC.D.Bok/Msgr.Daniel Lim 05.30 pm ' THURS: O8.3Oem- 1o.00pm : RCIA (EngLish) 08.+op. - 09.30pm : chrjstian Meditation TAMIL Mr & Mrs Gerald Ramesh Anthonysamy & Papamah Tsang & fly 11.30 am OS.OOpm- : MLM fiHEME FOR OCTOBER ls 45: 1,4-6; 1 Th 1: 1-5b; 29t" sultoeY oF oRDINARY TtME TG; O8.3opm WED: WEEK: lgh -26h October 20/4 WORLD MISSION SUNDAY 07.30 am ME!: -sAT: MISSION SUNDAY - New St.Clare/St. Agnes OfOOpm- Os.Oopm ; RCIA (Bl'{) - St' Pio o6.oopm- o7.3opm :100 wkt Bible (Tamil) 06.OOpm- 07.45Pm : Charismatic Prayer Meet(Tamil) '5t. Pio (Mandarin) 'New St. Clare 08.00pm- 09.45pm ; RCIA oRDTNARYWEEKDAY (PUBLTC HOUDAY-DEEPAVALI) MASS TG: J. Lee Jia An / lan John Sl: Building Fund donors / Nicholas Yap,Terence Yap,Jonathan Yap RIP: Josephine Mary / Alice Annamal SUN Eph3:2-L2; Lk 12: 39-48 30'" 26 suruoavoFoRDtNARylME 07.30 am 09.00 am 09.30 am MASS IN TAMIL 11.30 am IV]ASS IN 05.30 pm 07.30 pm 08.30 om MASS IN BAHASA MALAYSIA RosARy LED By BEc sT.RApHAEL/ Ex22:20-26;1Th L:5c-10; Mt22:34-40 sr,tuoe MASS iN ENGTISH - MANDARIN HOLy HOUR AT OLD ST.CLARE'S ROOM.(FOR JUST ERADtCATION OF rHE EBOLA GOW.. VICTIMS OF FLIGHT DISASTERS.HUMAN TRAFFICKING.RELIGIOUS DTSEASE, VlclMS OF WARE AND lSlS, INjUSTICE AND ABORTED BABIES. WORLD MISSION SUNDAY encourages prayer and financbl support for the missionary work of the Catholic Church throughout the forld. lt enables the Gospel, the Good Newt to reach millions who have yet to hear it and it supports many who daily expe;ience a significant lack of basic needs. World Mission Sunday unites Catholics all over the world in prayer and mutual support both material and spiritual. Toda)/s collections will go towards this need. Please contribute generously. ROSARY SCHEDUTE FOR OCTOBER 2014 FR..ANDREW 19 Monday, 20 : Sundiy School, BREAKFAST SAI.E SCHEDUT"E FOR OCTOEER 2014 wltL - AWAY FROM THE pARtSH fiom wednesday 22, October. A counter will be set up this weekend, Oct. 18 & 19 for those who would like to make Yellow Card contributions and censis uodates. MASS TIMES FOR ATT SAINIS DAY (DAY OF OBLIGATIONI ROSARY SCHEDULE FOR NOVEMBER 2014 Saturday, : : : : : : : : ri October November - l 8.00pm (SFA) 7.00am SFA) Sunset 7.00am (l.J. Convent) 9.0Oam(Elessing of graves) 6.00 pm (SFA) St. Augustine St. John de Bosco FR.,S VIS]T 7.30pm-8.30pm To pray for the eradication of the Ebola disease, for victims of war and lslt a just government, victims of natural disasters, families of victims of flight disasters, victims of human trafficking, victims of religious injustice, aborted babies. Sundav School - No class on Sun, 26 Oct. - Wedding Banns are announced between: Damian de Costa and Foo Sook Peng who will be married on 21 Nov '14 at AND Adrian Luke a/l.lohn and Dharchini Rajasingham who will be married on 29 Nov '14 at SFA. tf anyone should know of any impediment to these marriages, please inform the parish priest, (Details on the notice board). SFA HOIY HOUR ON SUNDAY. 26 OCT Time: TO BEcs OURING THE ROSARY MONTH before the mentioned dates. Tues, 18 and Wed, 19 Venue:AtOldSt.Clare'sroom - SOUTS DAY Fr. will join the BEC for the rosary prayer at 8.30pm. Please give hosfs details to the parish office at least 2 days' - New St.Clare - 8.30pm 5 z.lHD -Thurs,13 -St.Dominic - 8.30pm - 8.30pm 3.PCC - Thurs, 13 -St. Pio - 8.30pm 4. PFC - Thurs 20 - St. Pio -8.30pm 5.PPC - rhurs2T -St.Pio - AII z+toffi l.BECCOT- wed, ClerSy Recollection Mass Sunday, 2November - MASSASUSUAL ** The Bishops Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei has decided that'?ll those who have attended the Sunset Mass on 1 Nov. have fulfilled the Sunday obligation." No class (School Holidays) No class (School Holidavs) All Souls Day Friday,31 MASS TIMES FOR BREAKFAST SAI"E SCHEDUIE FOR 2014 '{OVEMBER No class (All Souls Day) 02 09 L6 Schedule of Services atthe Cemetery / REACHINGOUTWARD: TOUCHING HEARTS,TOUCHING UVESPRoJECT' tIFE IN THE SPIRIT SEMINAR - PART TWO us the truth, helps us Cod ,.t, irr. completely different way. That's why the Holy Spirit is shown as a dove: He reveals to understandwhoJesusreallyis,andcallsustoaradicallynewlifeinchrist. Ahar Servers St. Basil St. Joseph St. Francis ofAssisi St.John de Baptist Visiting the sick in our BECs including people of other faiths. Faithfully gathering at our monthly BEC prayer and praying the Divine Office' BE Last week's sale by BEC St.Faustina: RM700l= Thank you for your continued support ofthe b'fast sale. All proceeds are for the Building project fund. 02 09 16 23 30 ROOM' HOLY HOUR ON SUNDAY, 26TH OCTOBER FROM 7.3OPM-8.3OPM AT OLD ST.CLARE'S VOTUI{TEERS NEEDED UFGE'VTL }' II{ THE VARIOUS MINISTRIES- Committed persons to serve the Lord in Flower, Choir, Catechetical, Women's Desk, lHD. Contact: Parish Priest/ Office Columbarium ButHeneverforcesusordeceivesusintodoing and temptations anything we don,t willingly choose to do. That's real freedom: when we choose, against our shortcomings fqom the world, to live the true life brought to us by Jesus Christ. spirit and his action in our ln an age when our minds are soaked by so many distractions, it s not easy to experience the Holy not be worried or lives. tlind it very helpful what that great Christian writer, C.S. Lewis, wrote about the Holy Spirit: "Do two persons (of the Trinity) ln surprised if you find the Holy spirit rather vaguer or more shadowy in your mind than the other lfyouthinkoftheFatheras theChristianlifeyouarenotusuallylookingit(tn.UolySpitit):Heisalwaysactingthroughyou. pray, tryingto turn you into another to helpingyou side, atyour standing as someone son and ofthe front ofyou, in someone son, then you have to think of the third Person as someone inside you'" at our Baptism and ou' The Holy Spirit is not floating around "somewhere out there". We received Him into our lives may be tempted Confirmation. Beginning with those sacramental moments, He has always been dwelling within us. Someone you're not letting Him act to ask: "well, where is He, because I don't feel Him." lf you don't perceive Him, it's probably because in your life. Remember: He will not violate your freedom. Spirit. Listen: "lf you are close to Him, the spray (of the Holy Him, how could he or she not live Spirit's love) will wet you: if you are not, you will remain dry. Once a person is united to forever? Once a person is separated from Him, what can he or she do but wither and die?" C.5. Lewis said something even more radical about the Holy GO, GROW AND GtOw : DATE 28-30 NOVEMBER 2014 - Mt. 28: 18-20 - 1ft 2:2 Gt-ow - Mt. 5: 13-15 GO GROW Go,Grow and Gbw; the theme for the Life in the Spirit Seminar or known as LSS' your to go .nd ,n-.k" disciples of all nations (Mt' 28: 19-21), To go is to 8et out from We as believers in Chrirt .r" zone Every place in order to fulfill your God-given mission. This will also mean something else, to get out of your comfort in the maintaining mode' believer is stuck at the comfort oi their job, business and even ministry. Many churches today are .oriliiGd not believed in? And how can St.Paul in his Letter to the Romans 10: 15-16 say, "How then, can they call on the one they have preaching to them? And how they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone can they preach unless they are sent? faith as we journey with God' lf we go, it will bring us to a new level of maturity in Christ. lt is an opportunity to grow with our why when you go, It will take commitment, courage and compassion to go and make disciples. This is not an easy task, that's you will surely grow. lutheran Garden Cemeterv & Columbarium This experience with God will bring you to a greater height of glory and there you will shine and Sive light to all. As you will grow and glow. a//fA//0 6f fllPnwRED CORNER REGTSTRATION: BEGTNS THtS WEEKEND, 18rH AND 19n OCfOBER AT THE RIGHT 1^/|NG/COFFEE FEE: RM 15/= PER PARTICIPANT' "ln the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Hoti Spirit", the person is baptized with a name. The name and the face are uttimately what makes a person unique, even in Cod's sight' "Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have catted you by DISCIPLESHIP: i name, you are mine" (ls 43:1). [2158] 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time Christian treats the name of a person reverentty, because the name is profoundty connected with that person's identity and dignity. From time immemorial. Christians have setected names for their chitdren from the tist of the saints; they do 19 oCTOBER 2014 so in the bel.ief that the patron saint is WHAT DOES I MTAN TO an exampte for them and witL intercede with Cod for them in a speciaI way: /n Baptism, the Christian his name in the Church. Parents, godparents, and the pastor are to see that he be receives given a Christian name. The patron saint provides a model of charity and the assurance of his prayer BE (ccc 216s). That finaL sentence is very important' BAPTilZED For Cathotics, naming our chitdren after saints isn't an arbitrary rute but an acknowtedgment that we truty betieve in the communion of saints. Thus, when we choose a Christian name for our chitd, we shoutd have a particutar saint in mind. ls Catherine named after Saint Catherine of Siena or Saint Catherine of Alexandria? ls Francis named after Saint Francis of Assisi or St. Francis Xavier? TH A PABIICULAB NAMI? i,]a:iii:ri'ij L',:: I l:ln l ls'L;:iilSs;;l.r'111 lnternal Circutation OntY ji;p1llr::i.ron-: As our chil.dren grow, we shoutd cuttivate their devotion to their patron saint, by teaching them about the Life of that saint and hetping them to learn prayers to that saint. As Christians, we never watk through this tife atone, but in communion with al.L the saints. And that reatity sheutd be reflected in the names we give to our children. *
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