Danish Representation to the European Union Rue d’Arlon 73, 1040 Brussels, tel. +32 2 233 08 11 Organogram as per 1st April 2014 Management Ambassador Jeppe Tranholm-Mikkelsen Permanent Representative (Coreper II) Secretary Elsebeth Krogh (02/233 0871/elskro@um.dk) Ambassador Ole Toft Deputy Permanent Representative (Coreper I) Ambassador Lisbet Zilmer-Johns Representative to the Political and Security Committee (PSC) Secretary Danièle Lauridsen (02/233 0872/danlau@um.dk) Secretary Birgit Frøik (02/233 0971/birfro@um.dk) Management Secretariat and Coordination Counsellor Søren Jacobsen (02/233 0868/sojaco@um.dk) General coordination ”Antici” Coreper II coordination Meetings of the European Council General EU questions, Treaty related questions Secretary of Embassy Jakob Alvi (02/233 0968/jakalv@um.dk) Coordination ”Mertens” Coreper I coordination Infringement procedures Horizontal coordination Europe2020strategy Competence development at the representation The Commission Secretary of Embassy Anne Dorothea Bruun Aubry (on maternity leave from May 1, 2014 - replaced by Stine Grander) (02/233 0855/stingr@um.dk) Faroe Islands and Greenland, Arctic questions and marine mammals EFTA Baltic Sea and Nordic Baltic Cooperation OCT Deputy Antici/Mertens/EP Secretary Elsebeth Krogh (02/233 0871/elskro@um.dk) Secretary Danièle Lauridsen (02/233 0872/danlau@um.dk) Press and Information Secretary of Embassy Mette Østergaard Hansen (02/233 0977/mejens@um.dk) - Press relations - Information and visits to the Representation - Information policy of the EU and transparency in the work of the institutions - Secretary at political management meetings - Responsible for Intra- and Internet Secretary Elsebeth Krogh/ Secretary Danièle Lauridsen (02/233 0871/ elskro@um.dk)/ (02/233 0872/ danlau@um.dk) 1 EU Institutions and legal Matters Counsellor Jakob Nymann-Lindegren (02/233 0829/jaknym@um.dk) - EU institutions in general (GAG) - Relations to the European Parliament - General Legal questions Secretary Birgitte Thoms (02/233 0859/bithom@um.dk Danes in the EU Institutions Minister Counsellor Jeppe Torp Vestentoft (02/233 0925/jepves@um.dk) - Promotion of and contact with Danes in the EU Institutions Secretary Birgitte Thoms (02/233 0859/bithom@um.dk) Coreper II Coreper I CFSP/CSDP Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Safety Counsellor Lars von Spreckelsen-Syberg (02/233 0860/larspr@um.dk) Relex Counsellor Group, Deputy in PSC Common foreign and security policy/ External relations EU terrorist lists and sanctions Food Attaché Peter Hallenberg (02/233 0987/pethal@um.dk) SCA The Common Agricultural Policy Food Attaché Line Groth Rasmussen (02/233 0862/linras@um.dk) The Common Fisheries Policy European Fisheries Fund TAC/quotas, management plans, external fisheries policy, adjustment to the Lisbon treaty Secretary of Embassy Kasper Korsgaard (02/233 0888/kaspko@um.dk) Coordination CFSP/external relations, (Nicolaidis Group) Transatlantic relations (USA and Canada) (COTRA) Human rights/external (COHOM) EU structural funds Food Attaché Jan Bay-Smidt (02/233 0988/janbay@um.dk) Animal health/CVO Food Safety, Animal Feed Safety (hygiene, control, trade) Plants and Fertilisers Secretary of Embassy Henriette Pia Kristensen (on maternity leave from May 19, 2014) (02/233 0818/henkri@um.dk) Civilian aspects of CSDP (CIVCOM) Non-proliferation (NPT), weapons of mass destruction, export of weapons Food Attaché Jacob Løvenstjerne (02/233 0833/jaclov@um.dk) Foodstuff regulation (labelling, GMO, nutrition, ecology, quality) Codex Alimentarius Deputy Defence Counsellor Thierry Legendre (02/233 0826/thileg@um.dk) Political-military aspects of CSDP EU/NATO relations Secretary Li Dong Toft (02/233 0832/lidtof@um.dk) Secretary Birgit Frøik (02/233 0971/birfro@um.dk) 2 EU relations with third countries – including CFSP aspects Employment, Social Affairs and Health Secretary of Embassy Åge Sandal Møller (02/233 0853/agesmo@um.dk) The Middle East and Gulf states Mashrek and Maghreb countries, incl. the Middle East Peace Process General questions concerning Neighbourhood Policy (MEDA) Employment Attaché Simone Heinecke (02/233 0812/sihein@um.dk) Employment, free movement and antidiscrimination (regarding the employment) Labour force immigration Labour Law Health and safety at work Demography (employment policy) Secretary of Embassy Uffe Grøn-Sørensen (02/233 0854/uffgro@um.dk) Western Balkans (COWEB) EU enlargement (COELA) General questions concerning IPA Health Attaché Marie Louise Rostrup Nielsen (02/233 0890/maloro@um.dk) Health Policy Pharmaceuticals Secretary of Embassy Mathias Lydholm Rasmussen (02/233 0914/matlyd@um.dk) Asian countries incl. China, India, Afghanistan, Pakistan and ASEAN (COASI) Latin American countries (AMLAT) GSP Social Attaché Anne-Mette Hesselager (02/233 0896/annhes@um.dk) Socio-political aspects of employment, free movement and anti-discrimination Equal opportunities for women and men Social welfare Social security Demography (social policy and family policy) Integration Racism/ antidiscrimination Adviser Karen Schack Andreassen (02/233 0846/karand@um.dk) Russia (COEST) SNG countries, Central Asia and South Caucasus General questions concerning ENP (European Neighbourhood Policy/Eastern Partnership) OSCE, UN and Council of Europe The Nuclear Working Group Secretary Birgitte Thoms (02/233 0951/bithom@um.dk) Secretary Birgit Frøik (02/233 0971/birfro@um.dk) EU’s Development Policy and ACP countries Transport (Land and Air) Counsellor Jørgen Mærsk Pedersen (02/233 0980/jorped@um.dk) Development Policy (CODEV) EU’s relations to international development institutions Humanitarian Assistance Food Aid Transport Attaché Rasmus Silfen-Jensen (02/233 0804/rassil@um.dk) Air Transport Policy Horizontal Transport questions Satellite Navigation (Galileo) Secretary of Embassy Louise Berth (02/233 0979/louber@um.dk) Developing countries in Africa, the West Indies and the Pacific Ocean (ACP) General questions concerning the Cotonou agreement CFSP-aspects in Africa (COAFR) Transport Attaché Signe Marie Finderup Nielsen (02/233 0870/signni@um.dk) Land transport Port questions Postal Policy Intermodal issues TEN-T Road Safety Secretary Christophe Roberto (02/233 0908/chrrob@um.dk) Secretary Christophe Roberto (02/233 0908/chrrob@um.dk) 3 EU Trade Policy Climate and Energy Counsellor Pernille Falck (02/233 0816/perfal@um.dk) Multilateral Trade Policy Trade Policy Committee (TPC) Market access and sectorial market questions Coordination of political commercial matters G7/G8 and G20 Climate Attaché Rebekka Falk (02/233 0906/rebfal@um.dk) Climate Policy Energy Attaché Laura Hviid Arildsbo (02/233 0889/lauari@um.dk) Energy Policy Secretary Li dong Toft (02/233 0832/lidtof@um.dk) Secretary Julie Richter (02/233 0859/julric@um.dk) Justice and Home Affairs Environment Legal Attaché Kenny Rasmussen (02/233 0805/kennra@um.dk) Civil Law cooperation (JUSTCIV)(except Family Rights) E-justice Property Law/Consumer Protection Weapons/explosives Land Transport (TRAN) Schengen cooperation (SIRIS, SIS-TECH, SCHEVAL) Narcotics (CORDROGUE) Terrorism (ENFOPOL) Data protection and exchange of information (DAPIX) Environment Counsellor Jane Pedersen (02/233 0802/janepe@um.dk) Horizontal Issues Chemicals Pesticides/biocides Air pollution Sustainable development Environmental technology Industry and integrated Product Policy Soil Protection Environment Counsellor Annette Schneider Nielsen (02/233 0801/anschn@um.dk) Waste Water/Sea Biodiversity GMO’s (deliberate release) Planning Legal Attaché Morten Jørgensen (02/233 0901/mortjo@um.dk) Asylum External dimension of migration, HLWG Family reunification Visa Illegal immigration, incl. border control and expulsion Free movement of EU citizens Schengen cooperation (Schengengovernance) Secretary Li dong Toft (02/233 0832/lidtof@um.dk) Research, IT, Education and Culture Minister Counsellor Lise Lotte Toft (02/233 0878/listof@um.dk) Space policy Research and innovation policy Euratom Legal Attaché Anne Vibe Bengtsen (02/233 0898/anbeng@um.dk) Substantial Criminal Law (DROIPEN) Judicial cooperation in criminal cases (COPEN) Eurojust + European Judicial Network (EJN) EU’s internal security (COSI) Police cooperation (ENFOPOL), Europol Organised crime (CRIMORG and GENVAL) Fundamental rights (FREMP) JAIEX Culture Counsellor Torben Hoffeldt (02/233 0929/torhof@um.dk) Culture Policy Media Policy Copyright Sport Education Attaché Mette Mørk Andersen (02/233 0877/metand@um.dk) Education Policy Youth Policy Secretary Christophe Roberto (02/233 0908/chrrob@um.dk) Secretary Julie Richter (02/233 0859/julric@um.dk) 4 EU Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), Budget, Taxation and Customs Policy Competitiveness, Internal Market, Maritime Policy and IT Financial Counsellor Niels Bartholdy (02/233 0881/niebar@um.dk) Economic and monetary policy Financial questions ACP/FIN Counsellor for Business and Growth Mette Toftdal Grolleman (02/233 0808/metgro@um.dk) Financial services (bank and insurance) Counsellor for Business and Growth Katrine Mulvad Thomsen (02/233 0858/kathom@um.dk) IT and Telecommunication policy Industry Policy Tourism Intellectual property right Technical harmonisation Fiscal Counsellor Marie Færch (02/233 0947/marfae@um.dk) Customs Policy Fiscal Policy Budget Counsellor Jacob Kirk Jensen (02/233 0905/jacjen@um.dk) Annual budget Sound financial management and fight against fraud (EU budget) EU administration (Statute group) MFF coordination (Friends of the Presidency group on MFF) Own resources Counsellor for Business and Growth Ulrik Hyrup Mogensen (02/233 0875)/ulrmog@um.dk) Company Law Public Procurement Competition and State Aid Consumer Policy Financial services (securities) Counsellor for Business and Growth Peter Ostenfeld (02/233 0894/petost@um.dk) Maritime Policy Trade Policy Internal Market Policy Establishment and Services Product safety and Market Surveillance Secretary Birgitte Thoms (02/233 0951/bithom@um.dk) Secretary Julie Richter (02/233 0859/julric@um.dk) Corporate Public Affairs Counsellor for Corporate Public Affairs Jakob Skaarup Nielsen (02/233 0830/jakska@um.dk) Corporate advice and services to Danish industry and organisations: EU Corporate Public Affairs Projects funded under the EU’s external financial instruments EIB and Trust Funds Adviser Corporate Public Affairs Maria Heilskou Pedersen Adviser Corporate Public Affairs Casper Andersen (Employed at the Embassy) (Employed at the Embassy) (02/233 0912/mpeder@um.dk) Corporate advice and services to Danish industry and organisations: EU Corporate Public Affairs Health (02/233 0913/caspan@um.dk) Corporate advice and services to Danish industry and organisations: EU Corporate Public Affairs Energy and Climate Secretary Julie Richter (02/233 0859/julric@um.dk) 5 Administration and Support functions Secretary of Embassy Allan Toft (02/233 0944/alltof@um.dk) Administration of the Representation Budget of the Representation Secretary at the administrative management meetings Administration and accounting IT-section Chief Accountant Helle Gram Petersen (02/233 0848/hegrap@um.dk) Head of IT Jan Bagge Olsen (02/233 0836/janols@um.dk) Accountant Louise Geertsen (02/233 0820/lougee@um.dk) IT-assistant Michael Bramming (02/233 0821/michbra@um.dk) Administrative assistant Maria Lind (02/233 0834/malind@um.dk) Reception Housing Receptionist Ninna Thune Mikkelsen (02/233 0811/ninmik@um.dk) Housing administrator Trine Hoppe (02/233 0835/trihop@um.dk) Receptionist Martin Genesteix (02/233 0880/margen@um.dk) Documentalist Drivers Documentalist Stine Rønsholt (02/233 0828/stiron@um.dk) House Inspector Jacob Madsen (02/233 0992/jacmad@um.dk) Archive Driver Xavier Vandenwayenberg (02/233 0993/xavvan@um.dk) Head of Archive Signe Vendelbo Bouilloux (02/233 0843/siveje@um.dk) Driver Luis Da Costa (02/233 0995/luidac@um.dk) Assistant Ingelise Jørgensen (02/233 0886/ingjor@um.dk) Driver Fabio Piseddu (02/233 0990/fabpis@um.dk) Assistant Lars Kristian Thøgersen (02/233 0842/larsth@um.dk) Driver Paul Aerts (02/233 0991/pauaer@um.dk) 6
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