Saint John Chrysostom Catholic Church Rev. Edward J. Hallinan, Pastor October 19, 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time To sow is to love: Grow in Love! (Mk 4:1-20) God the Father, I want to thank you for your Word sowed within my heart. 617 S. Providence Road, Wallingford, PA 610-874-3418 Office Hours: 610-872-1741 (fax) Weekdays: 9am-5pm Sundays: 10:40am-1pm Parish Hostess today: Debra Traini Email: WHERE CAN I FIND... Clergy ………………………...…...………………….. 6 Mass Intentions and Remembrances ...… 5 Ministry Events / Announcements …1, 3, 4 Mission Statement …..……...………............. 3 MPRCS, PREP and RCIA News …..……….2, 3 Please Remember In Your Prayers ……….. 5 Sacramental Information ……………………… 6 Schedule of Masses ……………………………... 6 Staff Mini-Directory …….…………………..…… 6 Weekly Calendar .…………………………….….. 5 Visit for Catholic news in The Archdiocese of Philadelphia every day. Sign up for a free, weekly email newsletter at Jesus, I want to become your messenger. Increase my faith so that I may be able to look at the poorest of my brothers and sisters and discover your presence. Teach me your hope in order to sow around me grains of forgiveness and joy, of happiness and peace, of friendship and solidarity. Grant me the ability to love as you love, to forgive as you forgive and to live according to you love. Today and always. Amen. Chester Volunteer Expo Please come view the Chester Volunteer Expo next Sunday, October 26th after the 9:30am Mass in the Lower Church Hall. Thanksgiving “Loaves and Fishes” Once again, St. John’s community will be providing food baskets to our neighbors in need this Thanksgiving. If you would like to donate a turkey, or help with organizing food items, please contact Julia White at 484-4833416 or by November 16th. Turkey’s may be dropped off on Sunday, November 23rd between 9:00am and Noon. If you would like to make a financial donation, please make the check out to St. John’s and please make a notation “Loaves and Fishes” and send it to the Parish house or drop it in the collection basket. Food baskets will be assembled by the Middle School Youth Group and 6th grade Confirmandi on Sunday, November 23rd in the Stevenson Center. Thank you for your continued support in helping our neighbors. Welcome! We strive to make our parish a beacon for all who seek God’s light and warmth, and we want all parishioners and visitors to feel at home here. Ministry with Persons with Disabilities Ministry with Persons with Disabilities meeting on October 19th at 1pm in the Stevenson Center. Everyone is welcome, including persons with disabilities, their family members and parishioners who are interested in being a part of this new ministry. Childcare will be available if requested prior to the meeting. The meeting will focus on facilitating Sacrament preparation for children with special needs. Developing a mission statement will also be discussed in preparation for the next meeting. Please contact ministry coordinator, Kristina Vacha at or 484-274-8957 to RSVP or if you have any questions. Please know that your privacy will always be respected. If you are unable to attend meetings, but would still like to join our email list, please email Kristina. Junior Lector Inquiry Meeting Wednesday, October 22— 7:00-8:00 PM in the Church Children currently in Grades 5-8 who are interested in participating in the Ministry of the Word as Junior Lectors are invited to an initial session on Wednesday, October 22, 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Church. Children considering this ministry should bring a commitment to being excellent readers, confident speakers, and dedicated ministers. For information, please call Pat Rizzo at 610-876-4748. Mother of Providence Regional Catholic School (MPRCS) MPRCS Home and School General Meeting— School parents and parishioners interested in learning more about EITC mark your calendars for October 21st at 7:00pm. The school will be holding a Home and School General Meeting. A representative from the Healey Education Foundation will be speaking about the school’s partnership with the Foundation and the many exiting things we have planned to accomplish our development goals. In addition, a representative from BLOCS (Business Leaders Organized for Catholic Education) will be speaking to us about EITC tax contributions for scholarship funding. Did you know that if you pay PA business taxes they can be used towards scholarship funding for our school through the EITC program? Come hear the details October 21st. Mother of Providence Regional Catholic School (MPRCS) offers a strong faith-based academic program to children in grades Pre-K 3 through eight. Please contact Mrs. Therese Waters, Principal for more information and to schedule a tour at 610-876-7110, ext. 121 or MPRCS offers CARES (Children Are Receiving Extended Services): Before School: from 7:00-8:00 am. After School: until 5:45 pm Mondays through Thursdays, and 5:30pm on Fridays. MPRCS does not discriminate in employment or enrollment of students on the bases of race, color, sex, age, national origin, or disability, in accordance with all applicable laws. Market Day— Pick-up on Thursday, Oct. 23rd Sunday Program for Preschool Children Ages 3-5 (During the 9:30 Mass) The program provides age-appropriate religious activities for preschoolers in the Lower Church Hall (LCH) while their parents attend 9:30am Sunday Mass. The registration form is on our parish website, or contact Theresa Hedlund at 610-872-4673, ext. 131. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Elaine Mott, Coordinator, 610-874-3418, x107 or We meet on Sundays from 10:40-11:55am (after the 9:30am Mass) in the Parish House Dining Room. We welcome anyone interested in exploring the Catholic faith, including baptized Catholics who wish to completed their Sacrament of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation. Contact Elaine Mott . Baby Bottle Project Mother’s Home in Darby helps homeless, pregnant women in crisis, by providing shelter, safety, counseling and programs to develop parenting skills, job skills and positive life skills. We provide financial support to Mother’s Home each year with our annual Baby Bottle collection. Please take an empty baby bottle and fill it with coins/bills; then, return the filled bottles to the Church by November 8th-9th. Life is a Sacred Gift! October 19, 2014, page 2 078 Saint John Chrysostom Catholic Church Our Mission The parishioners of St. John Chrysostom are called to live out the mission of Jesus. We serve all our sisters and brothers, particularly the poor and needy, by generous acts of charity and by working together with all people of good will for justice and peace. We actively look to help those who are not practicing their faith experience a conversion which will restore the joy of faith to their hearts and inspire a commitment to the Gospel. We welcome all to gather for worship, service, and community. SJC Religious Education Theresa Hedlund, PREP, 610-872-4673, ext. 131 Parents— If you have a child in a private school who will be instructed for Confirmation at their school, but receiving the sacrament at St. John’s, please call the Religious Ed office immediately. Confirmation— Will be held on Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 4:00pm. Information packets will be distributed to all 6th graders. Packets include registration and sponsor forms, and guidelines for Service. Fall Baby Supply Drive for Bernardine Center — Will be on October 19th. Information was sent home with the students. Many thanks for all you do to support God’s poor! Bernardine Center ~ Thank You! Thank you so much for your food donations for September that we distributed to struggling families who seek our help. We are very appreciative of your generosity and efforts on our behalf. We Need You to Make Our New Parish Photo Album Complete! Register now to have your picture taken for the Parish Photo Album. Photography sessions are schedule for Nov. 4th-8th, 11th-15th and Nov. 28th, 29th. All participating families will receive a complimentary 8x10 portrait and our Parish photo album. Make your appointment now. Visit our Parish website ( and click on the Lifetouch Portrait sign-up link OR at all Church exits. 2015 Parish Guidebook & Directory If you do not wish to have your phone number listed in the directory portion of our Parish Guidebook, please contact Barbara at the Parish House office at 610-874-3418. If your phone number was not listed in our 2014 Guidebook, it will not be listed in the new Guidebook and there is no need to contact us. Instrumentalists Wanted Currently we are examining ways to enrich the music at all liturgies. Our initial focus involves energizing the Saturday 5pm Mass via the presence of a strong rhythm section. If you are an experienced lead guitarist, bass guitarist or drummer and are interested, please contact Patti Georges, 610-833-2012 or New Study— Priest, Prophet, King Join us for a journey into deeper relationship with Jesus Christ in this inspiring DVD spiritual study by acclaimed speaker Fr. Barron. Fr. Barron will help us explore the Old Testament foreshadowing of Jesus, it’s ultimate fulfillment as priest, prophet, and king. What a great way to prepare for Advent and the coming of our Messiah! Six Wednesdays at 7 PM starting October 29th.Great for teens also. To sign up or for more information, contact Jerry St. Clair at 610-565-5279or Saint John Chrysostom Catholic Church Sisters of St. Francis Annual Raffle Just a $10 donation will support the elderly retired Sisters of St. Francis as they journey from their active ministries to their retirement home, Assisi House in Aston, PA. Next weekend, October 25th and 26th after each Mass, you will have the opportunity to support this fundraising effort. Please come prepared with name stickers and cash or a check (made out to the “Sisters of St. Francis”). Thank you. Memorial Mass for our Beloved Deceased Sunday, November 2nd at 11:30am Mass Please join us in prayer and remembrance on the Feast of Holy Souls. Invitations were sent to families who buried a loved one this year from St. John’s. Their deceased loved one’s name will be listed in the program. We are also happy to remember parishioners’ loved ones who were not buried at SJC. If you did not receive an invitation, please contact Theresa White at 610874-6320 or no later than 10/29. Come and support those in our Parish family who are grieving. SJC Widows Group Sponsors Inspirational Speaker Gina Gallagher On Monday November 3rd at 10:30am in the Stevenson Center Gina Gallagher, a published author and Bible study teacher, will present “The Best Place to Be”, a meditation on two familiar Bible stories, the woman at the well (John 4:28,29) and Mary and Martha (Luke 10). Come and bring a friend! For information, contact Theresa White 610-874-6320 or Little Sisters of the Poor ~ Thank you! Little Sisters of the Poor “thank you” for sharing in our recent visit. Your support for our elderly community at Jeanne Jugan Residence echoes the vision and mission of our Foundress, St. Jeanne Jugan. We will continue to keep everyone in our daily prayers. Please visit our website at to learn more about our family. St. John Chrysostom CYO Basketball 2014-2015 Contact: Bob White at or 610-874-6320 Additional information and registration forms are available on the CYO tab of the Parish website (httP:// Tryouts held the week of Nov. 2-8 for girls and boys grades 5-8. We expect to have 2 teams at every level so everyone who registers will play. Practices begin early Nov. for high school boys and girls grades 9-12. We expect to have a varsity boys team (grades 11-12). If we get enough interest from players and coaches, we can also form a JV boys team (grades 9-10) and girls team (grades 9-12). Information for grades 1-4 intramural basketball will be available later in October. Coaching Opportunities: If anyone is interested in coaching one of our teams as a head coach or assistant, please contact Bob White. October 19, 2014, page 3 078 Please Pray for: Our Parishioners, Relatives and Friends who are Sick Joyce Honer, Elizabeth LaSpada, Philip Kulp. Donna Buckley, William Zamulinsky, Cheryl Ann Revenis-Glovas, Baby Andrew Francis Revenis-Glovas, Baby Gabriel Fergone, Jason Porter, Sr., Dr. Patricia Koehler, Frances Barr, Jane Banik, Anne Bryson, Ralph Cocci, Frances Devito, Chuck Dwyer, Patricia Hammer, Charles Houck, Linda Jackson, Anthony Joes, Chuck McCall, Christine McGarvey, Gene Rullo, Charlotte Rullo, Ned Russell, Arlene Silva, Guy & Janet Sileo, Charles Terry, Evelyn Costas, Sr. Anne Johnston, IHM, Wayne Bunch, Lew and Loretta Maylath, Georges Family, Jackie Farnschlader, Donna Travers, Gerry Petrillo, Pat Quigley, Thomas Mortimer (PLEASE NOTE….Names will remain on prayer list for 30 days because of the extensive list of request) Our Loved Ones Serving Overseas in the Military SMSgt. Patrick McNally, Ryan Murphy, Capt. Drew Hammitt Our Beloved Deceased Abelardo “Al” Arango, Wanda “Ann” Diakow, John Golden, Susan Mattero Reborn of Water and the Holy Spirit October 12, 2014 Emma Elizabeth Edward Daughter of Elizabeth and Timothy We welcome you with great joy Emma Elizabeth! May God bless you always!! October 18, 2014 Stephanie Alicia Williams and Stephen Conron Congratulations Stephanie and Stephen! Prayers and Best Wishes from St. John’s Parish Family!! World Meeting of Families Philadelphia 2015 I encourage you to check for updates on the new website…. to follow the extensive social media postings on Facebook at WorldMeeting2015 and Twitter@WMF2015. Saturday and Sunday Collections October 11 & 12 2014…$14,428. October 12 & 13, 2013…$14,310. +++ October 4 & 5 , 2014..$19,503. October 5 & 6, 2013….$19,765. Thank you for your generosity! October 19, 2014, page 4 078 World Meeting of Families Prayer God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of Church. May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all the families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us! Wanted ~ Coordinator for St. John Hospice Ministry For details, please contact Jean Mulcahy at 610-8743418, ext. 105. St. John Hospice Casseroles— Please place casseroles in the Aid for Friends freezer located in the Lower Church Hall. Thank you. Catholic Life Congress The Archdiocese of Philadelphia invites everyone to come explore the beauty of Catholic faith, to re-discover the joy of knowing Jesus Christ and to respond to Christ’s call to make disciples of all nations will be Saturday, November 1st at the Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown Hotel from 9am-4pm. Archbishop Chaput, O.F.M. CAP will open with Mass. For questions, please go to Saint John Chrysostom Catholic Church Weekly Calendar The Sanctuary Candle this week was donated in memory of Crispina and Cristobal Esmilla The Bread and Wine this week were donated in memory of the Dec’d members of the Farley and Krupinsky Families Sunday, October 19: Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time (2nd Collection is for Mission Sunday) 8:00 am Mass 9:30 am Mass 11:30 am Mass 10:40-11:55 am: 12:30 pm: Offered for Anne Lombardo (Baby Bottle Project) Offered for the People of St. John Chrysostom Parish (Rite of Acceptance and Baby Bottle Project) Offered for Bill Boylan (Mass for the Anointing of the Sick and Baby Bottle Project) PREP Classes RCIA in Parish House Dining Room Baptisms Monday, October 20—Saint Paul of the Cross MPRCS Parent-Teachers Conferences (no school) 8:00am-4:00 pm: 10:30am-11:30 pm: 6:00am-8:00 pm: 7:00pm-8:30 pm: 8:00-10:00 pm: Widow’s Support Group in Convent CYO Girls Varsity Volleyball in Gym Cub Scouts—Troop #605 in Lower Church Hall Men’s Basketball in Gym 7:30 am Mass 6:30 –7:30 am: 10:30 am-12:00 pm: 1:00pm-3:00 pm: 4:00-5:00 pm: 6:00-8:00 pm: 7:00-9:00 pm: 7:30-9:00 pm: Offered for Daniel Lockwood Men’s Bible Study in Stevenson Center Wallingford Nursing Home Prayer Shawl Ministry in Stevenson Center SSJ Associates CYO JV Girls Volleyball in Gym Choir Rehearsal in Church St. Vincent De Paul in Stevenson Center Tuesday, October 21 Wednesday, October 22—Blessed John Paul II 7:30 am Mass 9:00 am-4:00 pm: 6:00-8:00 pm: 7:00-9:00 pm: Offered for Dec'd members of the Agne and Westhoff Families Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in Parish House Chapel CYO Girls Varsity Volleyball in Gym Jr. Lector Training in Church Thursday, October 23—Saint John of Capistrano 7:30 am Mass 6:00-7:30 pm: 6:00-8:00 pm: 7:30-8:45 pm: 8:30-9:30 pm: Offered for Gabriel Buemi Market Day Pick Up in School Kitchen CYO JV Girls Volleyball in Gym Boy Scouts—Troop #605 in Lower Church Hall AA in Stevenson Center Friday, October 24—Saint Anthony Mary Claret 7:30 am Mass 6:00-8:00 pm: Offered for Michael Bilisnansky Parents/Disabilities in Stevenson Center 3:00-10:00 pm: 5:00 pm Vigil Mass (Sisters of St. Francis Annual Raffle) MPRCS Home and School in Gym Offered for Susan Simmons (Baby Bottle Project) Saturday, October 25 Sunday, October 26: Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am Mass 9:30 am Mass 11:30 am Mass 10:30 am: 10:40-11:55 am: (Sisters of St. Francis Annual Raffle) Offered for People of St. John Chrysostom Parish (Baby Bottle Project) Offered for Dec’d members of the Carr and Sansonetti Families (Baby Bottle Project) Offered for John Dindor (Mass for the Anointing of the Sick and Baby Bottle Project) Chester Volunteer Expo in Lower Church Hall after 9:30am Mass PREP Classes in Lower Church Hall RCIA in Parish House Dining Room Saint John Chrysostom Catholic Church October 19, 2014, page 5 078 Clergy Pastor: Rev. Edward J. Hallinan Weekend Assisting Clergy: 610-874-3418 x102 Rev. Christian Beretta, OSFS Rev. Patrick Kifolo, OSFS, Rev. Brian Zumbrum, OSFS Permanent Deacons: Sunday: Tuesday-Friday: Holy day: Civic Holiday: Walter Lance (St Vincent DePaul) 610-876-4185 Raymond Vadino (Pre-Jordan) 610-872-2732 Mass Schedule 8:00, 9:30, and 11:30 am Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm 7:30 am 7:30 am and 7:00 pm Holyday Vigil: 5:00 pm 9:00 am Eucharistic Adoration School Friday, in Church: 2:30-3:00 pm w/Benediction Wednesday, in Chapel: 9:00 am—4:00 pm Sunday: 12:30 pm Saturday: Penance / Reconciliation (Confession) 4:00-4:50 pm, in Church, By appointment In the Parish House Baptism Contact Deacon Vadino for instructions / scheduling Marriage Couples should call the Parish House to make an appointment with Father Hallinan at least six months prior to their desired wedding date. Pre-Cana Day is offered at St. John’s twice a year, Spring and Fall. Parish Staff Bookkeeper Facilities Manager Business Manager Parish Secretary Music Director PREP /Sunday Coordinator RCIA Pastoral Associate Fr. Ed’s Secretary Youth Ministry Bereavement Admin. Assistant Maureen Culbert Jerry Dewees Rosemary Endres Barbara Fergone Patti Georges Theresa Hedlund Elaine Mott Regina (Jean) Mulcahy Michelle O’Hanlon Julia White Theresa White Anna Wilson School Secretary Advancement Director Principal Joan O’Brien Linda Rooney Therese Waters 610-874-3418 x111 “ x113 “ x108 “ x101 610-833-2012 610-874-3418 x131 “ x107 “ x105 “ x102 484-843-3146 610-874-3418 x110 School Administrative Staff October 19, 2014, page 6 078 610-876-7110 x120 “ x122 “ x121 Saint John Chrysostom Catholic Church MINSHALL - SHROPSHIRE - BLEYLER FUNERAL HOME, LTD. D'Anjolell-Barone Memorial Home and Cremation Services Rte. 352 & Knowlton Rds. Middletown Twp., Media PA 19063 Edward Barone, Funeral Director Supervisor and Parishioner 908 South Providence Road Wallingford, PA 19086 610-874-7700 "COMPLETELY RENOVATED" Victor R. Burgos & Son Inc. General Building Contractors All Types of Home Remodeling – Alarm Systems – 610-876-1939 Rosalie Spelman Attorney Wills • Trusts • Estate Planning Business Law • Creditor's Rights 484-472-7209 Phone: Email: TANCREDI'S 610-876-4213 Norman C. Shropshire, Supervisor Michael Aaron Okon, Funeral Director John J. Burdsall, Funeral Director Carmella Imburgia-Westover, Funeral Director Delaware elaware County’s Oldest Established Funeral Home PA Lic. #006806 FREE INSPECTION Auto & Truck Repair, Inc. Established 1985 Auto & Light Truck 500 Fairview Road, Woodlyn Cirilli Associates, Inc. Since 1990 Civil / Structural Engineering Foundations, Wood, Steel, Concrete, Retaining Walls Storm Water, Drainage, Erosion Control Assisting Homeowners and Contractors in Structural design of beams when removing bearing walls for home additions and renovations Design Repair for termite damaged wood Design Repair for basement foundation wall cracks Nick Cirilli, PE 610-541-0881 610-833-2270 Hours: Mon-Fri 7:30am-5:00pm Truck, Bus & Trailer RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 610-789-3717 1010 E. Fourth Street, Eddystone 484-487-0800 Hours: 7:30am-5:00pm Joe Tancredi The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia is your single source for charitable giving by supporting what you care about most. Serving PA, NJ & DE 610-696-0100 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: See What PLUMBING & HEATING KITCHENS BATHROOMS ALTERATIONS Drain Cleaning Sump Pumps • Hot Air Hot Water Boilers 119 - Yale Square Swathmore 610-543-6063 215.587.5650 PA Lic. #PA058725 Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted Can Do For You! FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! 15% OFF To i n q u i re a b o u t t h i s wo n d e r f u l o p p o r t u n i t y, contact us at J o h n Pa t r i c k P u b l i s h i n g C o m p a ny ( 8 0 0 ) 3 3 3 - 316 6 AT THE HEART OF CHARITY IS Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards COLOR 078 St. John Chrysostom-Wallingford, PA (i) Licensed & Insured Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning $75 OFF 20% OFF 25% OFF Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning Carpet Stretching & Repair CLEANING SOLUTION INC. ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Re-caulking, Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major fire hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT 1.866.264.8444 Licensed & Insured CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 • Carr Funeral Home Ltd. 935 South Providence Road • Wallingford, Pennsylvania 19086 DOG WALKING CAT TENDING 610-874-3655 John E. Carr, Jr., Supervisor • Michael J. Carr, Funeral Director • John E. Carr, III, Funeral Director BONDED & INSURED 610-874-4075 Family Owned & Operated • Newly Enlarged & Handicapped Accessible Facility CLEANING Pileggi & Pileggi MEDIA UPHOLSTERY CANDIES Law Offices General, Spring & Deep Cleaning Built on Quality & Honesty Since 1985 Alliance GERARD ZWEIER, PARISHIONER P: 610-565-1217 C: 610-724-4689 RAY MOISE (610) 497-3400 x. 122 Since 1924 "We treat your home like our home" Senior Discounts Window Treatments & Upholstery 484-280-0697 Parishioner 610-566-2211 Wills Estate Planning • Accidents • Business 610-874-7118 215 Bullens Lane, Woodlyn, PA 19094 MICHAEL A. John F. Endres, CPA, MST PLUMBING • HEATING AIR CONDITIONING Authorized IRS e-File Provider, Tax Consulting, Personal Financial Planning Victoria Business Center 1489 Baltimore Pike, Suite 207 Springfield, PA 19064 Francis G. Pileggi, Esq • Dominic F. Pileggi, Esq Installation & Repairs of all your Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Needs 610-613-5872 Parishioner (610) 876-1621 Licensed & Insured BOB HUGHES LAW OFFICES-WILLIAM G. HALLIGAN (610) 566-6030 James A. Basilio REALTOR®, CPA 1055 E. Baltimore Pike Media, PA Licensed Professional Counselor O: 610-892-8300 X8451 C: 484-478-4559 ELDER LAW ATTORNEYS Parishioner Licensed in PA and DE License #PC006075 • Front & Plum Sts., Media • Free On-Site Parking • Home, Evening, & Weekend Consultation Available 110 Park Avenue, 2nd Floor Swarthmore, PA 19081 Phone: MEETING ALL THE LEGAL NEEDS OF SENIOR CITIZENS J. HENNESSY TREE A Veterans Tree Service 2014 ST. MARY MAGDALEN HAWKS FOOTBALL Invites all 2nd through 8th graders to play football! Open to all Prep & CYO School Students from SMM, Nativity BVM, MDP School and SJC Parish. No experience necessary! For more information, or to sign up, contact Head Coach Pete Ruggieri at 610-716-3987 or visit our website at Fully Insured Free Estimates Tree Removal • Crown Reduction • Prunning • Stump Grinding • Firewood 610-506-5018 Robert Hennessy Owner / Operator Glenn Venturini, PT Parishioner Experience Peace of Mind: Pre-Arrange Your Burial at an Archdiocese of Philadelphia Cemetery. CALL 215-352-4001 TODAY (484) 431-8689 Email: Craig Fava, PT Accepting New Clients for Physical Therapy 610-543-4605 kidsteeth 719 S. Chester Rd. (Rte 320) in Swarthmore - next to 320 Market Café Dr. Claire Field 700 S. Chester Rd. BARTON TAX & ADVISORY SERVICES Personal Income Tax PreparaƟon only $69 Ask about Or go to for free Offer for ages 50+ Swarthmore, PA 19081 our FREE es clud State planning kit. Numerous locations. Present this n I 610-285-9883 TAX REVIEW 610-627-1199 & l (A veteran owned business) dera ad to save up to $2,500.00 on a complete burial. Fe Authorized IRS E-file provider – Located in Media PA THOMAS ECKMAN PLUMBING & HEATING Custom Kitchens & Bathrooms & All Your Plumbing & Heating Needs Registered • Quality Service • Reasonable Prices Tom Eckman 872-8495 Parish Member Court Diner & Restaurant Homemade Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner • Great Deals on Great Meals! Mon-Thurs. 3pm-9pm Any 3 Course Dinner Only $12.95 Serving Beer, Wine & Mixed Drinks 140 E. Baltimore Ave., Media PA • 610-566-4403 078 St. John Chrysostom-Wallingford, PA (b) Rt. E John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 •
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