St. Teresa of Avila Parish Cincinnati, OH Sun., October 19 – 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 Living & Deceased of St. Teresa – Fr. Dettenwanger 9:30 Robert Beck – Fr. Schmitz 11:30 Martin Hellmann – Fr. Schmitz Mon., Oct. 20 – St. Paul of the Cross 7:00 Kevin Cook – Fr. Schmitz 12:00 Maria Leonardi (Birth.) - Fr. Dettenwanger Tuesday, Oct. 21 – Weekday 7:00 Lou Faillace – Fr. Schmitz 12:00 Mary Roberto – Fr. Dettenwanger Wednesday, Oct. 22 – St. John Paul II 7:00 Vince Lonneman- Fr. Dettenwanger 12:00 Gertrude Sand – Fr. Schmitz Thursday, Oct. 23 – St. John of Capistrano 7:00 Intentions of Kumiko Puttmann – Fr. Dettenwanger 12:00 Harold Kendall – Fr. Schmitz Friday, Oct. 24 – St. Anthony Mary Claret 7:00 Harry Steinriede – Fr. Schmitz 8:30 Donald V. Thien, Sr. – Fr. Dettenwanger 12:00 Adam Renner – Fr. Schmitz Saturday, Oct. 25 – Weekday 7:00 Linda Fisher – Fr. Bidwell 8:30 Yvonne Ramundo - Fr. Bidwell 4:00 Jim Meyer (Ann.) - Fr. Dettenwanger 6:00 pm Erhart/Weller Wedding – Fr. Bidwell Sun., October 26 – World Youth Day – 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:00 Living & Deceased of St. Teresa – Fr. Dettenwanger 9:30 Jennifer Sherman – Fr. Bidwell 11:30 Rhea Delaney – Fr. Schmitz Please pray for those who have recently died: Sandy Neff, Tom Helmheckel, Lillian Menner, Larry Bacon Alice Koch & Loretta “Grace” Rack. May they quickly share in the glory of Heaven. If a family member dies, contact the office and we’ll include them in prayer. Anyone in need of prayers can call the Parish Office or Cherie Frey (coordinator) at 921-1251. We have a “Holy Hour for the Dying” every Tuesday morning after the 7am Mass. If you can’t join us, please call and let us include the names of your relatives and friends who are sick and dying in our prayers. Call Ruth @ 251-4770 to leave their names. October 19, 2014 Today is World Mission Sunday! We are invited today to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Your prayers and generous gift to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in the collection today help the work of priests, religious and lay leaders in Mongolia and throughout the Missions who offer the poor practical help and the experience of God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. (Please use your special Mission envelope included in your donation envelope box or use the special envelope at the end of your pew). For more information visit Celebrate our Universal Catholic Heritage and experience the spirituality and expression of the Asian Catholic Churches, Oct. 19, 3:00pm Eucharistic Liturgy hosted by Stephan T. Badin High School, 517 New London Rd. Hamilton OH. Food and cultural entertainment immediately following the Liturgy. Sponsored by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Mission Office. Contact Dr. Mike Gable, 421-3131 x 2630 for more information. 1st Week: Kevin Erhart and Jenna Weller on October 25 at St. Teresa Church. St. Vincent de Paul Reflection: Jesus, servant of the poor, may we help the poor by acts of compassion that alleviate their needs and give them hope. Please remember our Society with your prayers and donation. Dear Fr. Bidwell, The Pregnancy Center West would like to thank you for the gifts from the Respect Life Baby Shower. The baby items you donated will help support moms in difficult circumstances who have chosen life for their babies. May God bless you for helping protect these little ones. We ask that you also keep our clients, staff and volunteers in your prayers. St. Teresa of Avila 7th/8th Grade Youth Group News: World Youth Day is Sun., Oct. 26 – The Youth Group will be celebrating World Youth Day by participating in the 9:30AM Mass, followed by refreshments in Avila Hall for all of the Youth Group Members in attendance. Contact Shannon Darnell with questions @ 235-0297. St. Teresa of Avila Parish Cincinnati, OH Monday, October 20 12:00pm Team I – L. Federmann, C. Gramke Tuesday, October 21 12:00 Team J – V. Nicolaci, B. Wimmers Wednesday, October 22 12:00 Team K – G. Martin, H. Morgan Thursday, October 23 12:00 Team N – J. Darnell, P. Paschka, L. Vale Friday, October 24 8:30 Team R– R. Chumbley, J. Ramstetter 12:00 Team Q – S. Prince, L. Schneider, A. Williams Saturday, October 25 8:30 Team S – M. Bareswilt B. Erskine 4:00 Team O – H. Herzner, J. Timmers, S. Goins Sunday, October 26 7:00 Parish Adults 9:30 – M. Bihl, M. Cavanaugh, C. Dattilo 11:30– G. Martin, A. & J. Ramstetter We have Bingo every Tuesday. Doors open at 5 pm, games start at 7 pm. SPECIAL GAMES EVERY TUES. JAILHOUSE & BLOCK OF NINE, EXTRA COVERALLS; Buy 1 Get 1 FREE, Buy 2 Get 2 FREE, etc! EVERY SECOND TUESDAY IS FREE DESSERTS! Last week’s jackpot was up to $16,034.00. Thank you to all the volunteers, players and dessert makers. If you can give a few hours just one time per month please call Tom at 9225122. We need volunteers for the Concession Stand or on the floor – if you can help one evening a month call Tom. We appreciate any time you can help. SENIORS: All those 60 & above are invited to our meetings on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 1:00 to 3:00 pm in the Church Undercroft. Our next meeting is Thursday, November 20, we will play Bingo and have a small lunch at a reasonable price. Call Maria for details, 921-9200. All Men 18 and older are invited to our Men’s Friday Prayer Group from 6 to 7am in the undercroft. Come and join other men for support and prayer. Contact Roger at 251-7729 for more information. Children’s Liturgy of the Word presents the Sunday Readings to children in a way that is appropriate for their age level at the 11:30am Mass. All young children are invited to participate. HOMEBOUND: Diann Funk distributes Holy Communion daily to homebound parishioners. Diann needs help to reach persons that would like to receive this service. Please call 513-607-3663. Tune in to Sacred Heart Radio 740 AM/89.5 FM October 19, 2014 Sun., October 19 – 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time Shopper Gift Cards available at All Weekend Masses 9:30am PSR Monday, October 20 1:00 Ladies Card Marathon – Avila Hall 6:30pm RCIA – Avila Hall 7:00pm PSR Grades 2-8 – School Tuesday, October 21 12:30-1:30pm “Julian of Norwich” – Avila Hall 7:00pm Bingo – Undercroft Wednesday, October 22 7:30pm Choir Practice – Choir Room Thursday, October 23 12:30-1:30pm Confessions – Fr. Schmitz Friday, October 24 6:00am Men’s Prayer/Support Group – Undercroft 12:30-1:30pm Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction 6:00pm Pumpkin Carving - Undercroft Saturday, October 25 Shoppers Gift Cards available at All Weekend Masses 7:25-8:25am Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction 9:00-9:30am Confessions – Fr. Bidwell 9:30-10:30 Pro-Life Prayer & Picketing – Ferguson Rd. 2:45-3:45pm Confessions – Fr. Dettenwanger 7:00pm AA Meeting-Undercroft Sun., October 26 – 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time World Youth Day Shopper Gift Cards available at All Weekend Masses 9:30am PSR 10:30am 7th & 8th Grade Youth Group – Avila Hall 12:00-5:00pm Carmelites – Avila Hall Breakfast with Jesus: Deacon Doctor Marc will begin the series with his own story of conversion. All are welcome, Our Lady of the Visitation, 6:30am in the Reception Room on the last Tuesday of every month. The Sisters of Charity is seeking S.T.N.A.’s, R.N.’s and L.P.N.’s. We offer competitive wages and benefits. Please call 347-1000 for details, or come to HR at 5900 Delhi Rd., to complete an application. EOE Adult Trip sponsored by St. Teresa to the Biltmore Estate (Ashville, NC) is definitely on! The Christmas Tour will be a great way to get ready for the holiday season. November 1012, 2014. Cost is $315 Double Occupancy or $375 for Single. The first bus is full, if there are enough calls, we will get a second bus. Call to put your name on the waiting list, 921-9200. St. Teresa of Avila Parish Cincinnati, OH Dear Family of St. Teresa, I was recently sent this email and it made me really think about some of the things that are truly important in our lives - I wanted to share it with all of you. Isn’t it strange how a 20 dollar bill seems like such a large amount when you donate it to church, but such a small amount when you go shopping? Isn’t it strange how 2 hours seems so long when you’re at church, and how short they seem when you’re watching a good movie Isn’t it strange that you can’t find a word to say when you’re praying but you have no trouble thinking what to talk about with a friend? Isn’t it strange how difficult and boring it is to read one chapter of the Bible but how easy it is to read 100 pages of a popular novel? Isn’t it strange how everyone wants front-row-tickets to concerts or games but they do whatever is possible to sit at the last row of church? Isn’t it strange how we need to know about an event for Church 2-3 weeks before the day so we can include it in our agenda, but we can adjust it for other events in the last minute? Isn’t it strange how we believe everything that magazines and newspapers say but we question the words in the Bible? Isn’t it strange how we send jokes in e-mails and they are forwarded right away but when we are going to send messages about God, we think twice before we share it with others? This is just a silly forward on the Internet but it did make me think about the things that are really important. Have a wonderful week and know that for me being the Pastor of St. Teresa of Avila is the greatest blessing in my life, because of all of you! May our Lord bless all with an unending and enduring sense of Love for each other and for Him! God Bless, Fr. Mike Fr. Bidwell will be on vacation Oct. 16 through Oct. 24. Hearing Assistance Available If you have difficulty hearing during Mass, St. Teresa has three listening devices in the sacristy that parishioners can use. Please ask one of the ushers for assistance. Worldwide Marriage Encounter: Enrich and renew marriages and strengthen the Sacrament of Matrimony. Ideal for Married couples of all ages. Weekend experience, combined with presentations and private couple dialog in your own room Nov. 7-9 Maria Stein Retreat Center in Maria Stein, OH. Contact Dave & Jan Stockelman at 1-800-547-1251, code 00. October 19, 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 19 Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 Psalm 96 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b Matthew 22:15-21 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26 Exodus 22:20-26 Psalm 18 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10 Matthew 22:34-40 Reflection on this weekend’s Scripture Readings Many kings of antiquity insisted on being called divine, in direct opposition to Israel’s first commandment. Even so, God was not fussy about making use of someone like Cyrus, king of Persia, as one “called by name” to do God’s will for the sake of Israel. Cyrus gave permission for the Jews to return and rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple. So God can work even in the realm of politics. The Pharisees and the Herodians are trying to trap Jesus with their question about paying taxes. Saying yes would lose favor with the people; saying no could lead to a charge of treason. A Roman coin would have the emperor’s image on it with an inscription claiming divinity. No devout Jew would carry one. Jesus scores his first point when he receives one from his questioners. And he slips out of their trap by advising them to pay back to the emperor what bears his image, but to return to God what bears the divine image that is, themselves-heart, mind and spirit. Pg. 45 Missalette Join us for the Global Prayer Campaign thru Nov. 2nd daily from 7am-7pm & Friday Night Vigils 7pm-8pm @ 2314 Auburn Ave. in Clifton. Bishop Binzer will join us on Oct. 31st. Your presence makes a difference! Call Mary 7914039 or visit,;;, Beginning in November, on the one-year anniversary of the publication of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, Holy Family will host a prayerful and reflective study group. For day and time, contact Paul Schneider @ 2516536 or Papal Artifacts: You’re invited to come and view select items from Fr. Richard Kunst’s private collection of Vatican and papal related items. Tues., Nov. 4 at 6:30pm at Our Lady of Lourdes Church. Viewing begins at 6:30 followed by a brief presentation and Q & A period. Refreshments Follow. Elder High School Band Italian Dinner is Nov. 2 from 47pm at Elder. Tickets are $7. For tickets or questions call Julie at 467-6686 or Sue at 941-5365. St. Teresa of Avila Parish Cincinnati, OH October 19, 2014 SCHOOL NEWs St. Teresa is now offering the Undercroft as a space for families with little ones to utilize during the 11:30am Mass. This space is intended for families with children pre-school age and younger whose attention spans may not allow them to sit with the rest of the congregation for the duration of Mass. Speakers are set up in the Undercroft to broadcast Mass, so families will still be able to participate. NOTICE Our Paper Recycling Bin on the parking lot will be leaving soon. The firm who provided this bin sold their company. Some background for everyone is that the company originally provided this bin, collected the paper and gave money to the school based on the amount of paper we collected. A year or more ago, the company informed us they would continue the service, but could no longer pay money to school because of business costs. We continued with the service since recycling paper did reduce our cost of dumpster service keeping paper out of the regular trash. Now however, if the school wants to recycle, we will have to pay a monthly fee for a recycle dumpster. There may be some advantages to doing this, but we will study our use and costs before deciding. Either way, the dumpsters will be for school and church use only and not for community use. We encourage everyone to do their best to recycle at their home and place items either at the curb or recycle dumpsters provided in communities such as Green Township and others. We will no longer be able to offer this community recycling program here at St. Teresa of Avila. Thank you for your past support and understanding. St. Teresa Night at F & N Goode Chicken: Tues., Oct. 21 3-9pm. F & N Goode Chicken Tenders on Crookshank will donate 20% of all sales to St. Teresa School, when you present a flyer. Email or if you need a flyer. Friday, Oct. 24 is SCHOOL-WIDE Grandparent/Special Person Day! Families will sit together at 8:30am Mass and enjoy a reception afterwards. Picture orders will be taken at the event, $2 each. Parents, please send your RSVP form by Oct. 17. We’ll bring the pumpkins AND the pizza-you bring your families to our Annual Pumpkin Carving Event, Fri. Oct. 24 at 6pm. RSVP forms were due Oct. 10. Last Friday was our Yankee Candle Fundraiser Kick-Off! If interested in purchasing a candle, reach out to your favorite student, or contact Shari or the PTG at the emails above. In addition to Coke Rewards, Campbell Labels and BoxTops, we are kicking off a new program: Aunt Millie’s UPC codes. Send to the rectory or school in an envelope labeled “Aunt Millie’s.” Thanks We all know that Ronald McDonald House appreciates the donation of pop tabs or any aluminum tabs from pet food, canned fruit/veggies, soups, etc. PLEASE consider saving these for the school. St. Teresa joined a city-wide contest to show our school spirit! Let’s show them what our St. Teresa community can do when we come together. Save your tabs & send to school or rectory! Sunday Collection from 10/12/2014 Children & teenage envelopes Electronic Donations Total Weekend Collection $ $ 9,537.20 23.75 1,287.75 11,450.55 Budgeted goal each week $ 10,848.70 St. Vincent de Paul Respect Life $ 5.00 75.00 Weekly Habitat Donations Year to Date Habitat Donations Goal for Habitat $ 0.00 7,440.00 50,000.00 Bingo 10/7/2014 $ 2,009.31 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Please use Shopper Certificates They are available at Church every weekend. We have $25 Applebee’s, $10 Arby’s, $25 Bahama Breeze, $10 Bath & Body Works, $25 Bed, Bath & Beyond, $10 Bob Evans, $25 Bonefish Grill, $10 Buffalo Wild Wings,$ 10 Busken, $10 Burger King, $25 Carrabba’s Italian Grill, $10 Chipotle, $10 Cracker Barrel, $25 CVS Pharmacy, $5 Diane’s Restaurant, $25 Dick’s Sporting Goods, $10 Dunkin Donuts,$25 Flemming’s Prime Steakhouse, $5, Frisch’s $10 Humbert’s, $5 Kentucky Fried Chicken, $25 Kohl’s, $25 Kroger, $25 LaPetite Salon $20 LaRosa’s, $20 Little Caesar’s, $25 Longhorn Steakhouse, $25 Meijer, $25 O’Charley’s, $25 Outback Steakhouse, $10 Panera Bread $10 Papa John’s, $20 Payless Shoe Stores, $10 Price Hill Chili, $25 Red Lobster & Olive Garden, $25 Sears, $ 20 Skyline, $25 Speedway, $10 Starbucks, $10 Steak & Shake, $10 Subway, $25 TGI Friday’s, $ 25 TJ Maxx, $10 Taco Bell, $25 Walmart, $10 Wendy’ s, $25 Willie’s. As always, grocery certificates are available for purchase after 4:00 Sat. Mass and all Sunday Masses. HELP US GET STARTED!! The Education Commission is starting an Alumni Association. Our mission is to keep the alumni of St. Teresa Church and School informed about current church/school activities and events. We would love to hear from you! Please forward your name, address, phone number, and year you graduated to Don’t forget to share this with your family and friends. Let’s get connected. Please contact Colleen Brogan Roth if you have any questions at 600-0286. St. Teresa of Avila Parish Cincinnati, OH St. Teresa Pastoral Council Minutes October 1, 2014 1) The meeting was called to order at 7:03PM in Avila Hall. 2) Roll call was taken. Those in attendance were Fr. Bidwell, Jim Kelly, David VanSice, Chris James, Judy Neville, Shelley Barsan, Thomas Ellis, John Schatzman (Athletic Association), Allen Archibald (Worship Commission for Laura Prince), Maria Williams (Education Commission), Rich Messerle (Finance Commission), and Sue Kreutzer. Peggy Jasper and Laura Prince were not in attendance. 3) Opening Prayer: Fr. Bidwell. Faith Formation lead by Chris James. 4) Minutes: The September Minutes were approved via email prior to meeting. 5) Old Business A) Bylaws: More revisions were discussed for the Pastoral Council Bylaws. B) Census Registration Form/Website: Per Maria Williams and Fr. Bidwell a timeline for completion of the census will be set and a committee should be formed to formulate and execute it. The Pastoral Council is to let Maria or Father know via email if there are any questions. More reporting on this issue will be given at the next meeting. C) Centennial: *Habitat for Humanity-still working on donations and volunteers. This is an exciting way to give back to the community and for parishioners to work together. Our Living History – Many activities are being planned including an Alumni Night at the festival, a new directory, a historical document (written by Fr. Endres), and getting our grade school involved. A more detailed plan will be released within the next two months. D) Parking Lot Issues: Per Chris James, for safety reasons and with basketball season coming soon, the parking issues should be resolved if possible. David VanSice taking these concerns back to Building & Grounds. E) Binders for Pastoral Council: For purposes of continuity, Fr. Bidwell and Maria Williams have created individual binders to be kept up to date by each individual Pastoral Council member with the minutes and agenda from each meeting. These need only to go back 12 months. Per Chris James, he prefers electronic copy. It was the general consensus that a physical binder should be kept as well, one that could be given to each person’s successor. 6) New Business A) Bingo Report: Tom Ellis presented a Bingo report. *Detailed report available in Church office. B) Parish Picnic 2015 at Stricker’s Grove: Per Fr. Bidwell, we need to decide whether or not to participate in the picnic in 2015. A discussion about cost occurred and Fr. Bidwell will have Maria in the Church office October 19, 2014 provide via email an itemized list of what expenses were incurred by St. Teresa for this event. 2015 is also St. Teresa’s year to prepare food. (Council received an email from Maria On Oct. 2 stating that St. Teresa’s total expenses for 2014 equaled $1,543.56) Council to return to this at a later date. 7) Commission Reports: Education: An electronic report provided by Maria Williams via email. In addition to updating their bylaws, they discussed the Ascend Program, upcoming Grants, and Marketing. *Detailed report available in Church Office. Finance: Provided by Rich Messerle. St. Vincent DePaul Conference Activity YTD report provided by Deacon Dave Steinwert. Also, we will be receiving an email regarding a new boiler for the rectory. *Detailed report available in Church Office. Worship: Council given Worship Commission Minutes (Sue Kreutzer) and the Worship Report (Laura Prince). Sue Kreutzer is the new Worship Commission Representative. *Detailed reports available in Church office. 8) Closing Prayer: Chris James Next Parish Council Meeting: Wed., Nov. 5, 2014 in Avila Hall at 7:00pm. “IN LOVING MEMORY’ Starting in December 2014, a section on the back of the bulletin will be available to list the name of a deceased loved one. The cost is $ 65.00 per name and their name will remain in the bulletin for one year. This will help defray the cost of printing our bulletin for the entire year. If interested, please cut and fill out the slip below and put it in the collection basket OR mail it to the parish office: St. Teresa Church, 1175 Overlook Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45238. You will be billed by Diocesan Publications. Thank You! “IN LOVING MEMORY” (Please Print Clearly) Loved One’s Name: Your Name: Billing Address: (or enclose check payable to: Diocesan Publications) St. Teresa of Avila Parish Cincinnati, OH October 19, 2014 1175 OVERLOOK AVE • TUESDAY EVENINGS 7:00PM DOORS OPEN AT 5:00PM $4,000 IN BINGO AND PRIZES EVERY TUESDAY $1,000 COVERALL (progressive) OR $500/$300/$200 VARIETY OF INSTANTS AND SPECIALS COMPUTERIZED BINGO MACHINE WITH VERIFIER TV MONITORS CONCESSIONS • SECURITY • AIR CONDITIONED
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