ST. JOHN ANTIGO, WISCONSIN MASS INTENTIONS Monday 8:15AM Tuesday 8:15AM Wednesday 8:15AM Thursday 8:15AM Friday 8:15AM Saturday 5:10PM Sunday 9:00AM 11:00AM NO MASS NO MASS Della Marx Ron Nichols Earl Pavlichek Jerome & Rosemary Filbrandt Bernard Hoppe Fred & Irene Hofmann Saturday Sunday Tommy Blink, Cole Johnson Isaac Cuellar, Volunteer Sarah Duff, Kaylee Bukholt Saturda Sunday 5:10PM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM ACOLYTES LECTORS & COMMENTATOR 5:10PM 9:00AM 11:00AM Kay Sollitto (L) Rose Summ (C) John Heinrich (L) Joan Schunke (L) Becky Frisch (C) EXTRA-ORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday 5:10PM 9:00AM 11:00AM Stacy Beck, Peg Jopek, Terry Hilger Tom & Laurel Bradley, Sue Werdeo, Bud Uelman, Laura McKenna Julie Zalewski, Jenny Schlundt 5:10PM 9:00AM 11:00AM Lana Gray & Choir Joann Kekula & Choir Moira Scupien, Tami Paycer Saturday 5:10PM Sunday 9:00AM 11:00AM Saturday Sunday USHERS Norm Boehnlein, Greg Rusch, Brian Blink, Bill Hilger Miles Cochrane, Jim Darling, Pat Meyers, Tim Murphy Ken Swartz, Joe Guithues Bucky Lynett, Robert Arlen Sr., Jim Perkins or Mary Hilger MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY 5:10PM 9:00AM 11:00AM Saturday Sunday MUSICIANS 5:10PM 9:00AM 11:00AM Trudy Hartman (Carport) Tom Kretz & Pat Galarowicz (West/Front) James & Phyllis Zabransky (Carport) Jay & Deb Darling Family (West/Front) Gary Cernoch & Sharon Marshall (Carport) Shirlee Welch (West/Front) SCRIP Janet Fleischman, Jennie Zimmerman Erla Marvin, Dawn Ofsthun Cindy Erickson, Margie Kirk-Schuh Sales for the two weeks ending 10-12-14 were $32,378.78 with a profit of $1,574.99. Thank you for your continuing support to the scrip program. Scrip Hours: Scrip will be sold in the Scrip Office at the St. John Parish Office from 8am-Noon Monday-Friday. Reminder: When school is not in session, the Scrip Office is closed. Scrip is also sold at SS. Mary & Hyacinth & St. Wencel during regular office hours. CHURCH SUPPORT ENVELOPES ....................................... 8125.00 OFFERTORY ................................................ 524.63 TOTAL ............................................... 8649.63 BUILDING & GROUNDS............................... 538.00 SENTINEL OF THE SANCTUARY For the Poor Souls In Memory of the Deceased Members of the Peter Theisen Family We are again taking names for the Sentinel of the Sanctuary. Please submit name and an offering ($2) to the Parish Office. Remember the names are printed as they are received in the office. There are no specific dates for the Sentinel of the Sanctuary. NATHANIEL HAMILTON ROGERS infant son of Richard & Kathryn (Rehling) Rogers was baptized on Sunday, October 11th, 2014. We welcome Nathaniel Hamilton into the Christian Family and congratulate his happy parents. RESPECT LIFE MONTH October is Respect Life Month. During the month of October the Rosary will be led by parishioners before each weekend mass. Please join us 20 minutes before mass to pray the rosary as a parish community. TIME CHANGE FOR ST. JOHN CONFESSIONS St. John Confession times have changed. Confessions will now be heard after the Saturday, 5:10pm Mass. There will not be a Daily Masses celebrated at St. John on Monday, October 20th and Tuesday, October 21st. A Mass will be celebrated on Tuesday, October 21st at St. Wenceslaus in Neva at 8:00am. DAILY READINGS Monday, October 20 Reading I: Ephesians 2:1-10; Gospel: Luke 12:13-21 Tuesday, October 21 Reading I: Ephesians 2:12-22; Gospel: Luke 12:35-38 Wednesday, October 22 Reading I: Ephesians 3:2-12; Gospel: Luke 12:39-48 Thursday, October 23 Reading I: Ephesians 3:14-21; Gospel: Luke 12:49-53 Friday, October 24 Reading I: Ephesians 4:1-6; Gospel: Luke 12:54-59 Saturday, October 25 Reading I: 2 Ephesians 4:7-16; Gospel: Luke 13:1-9 STEWARDSHIP FAIR The Stewardship Fair will be held on the Weekend of November 8 & 9th. The world makes us look towards ourselves, our possessions, our desires. The Gospel invites us to be open to others, to share with the poor. (Pope Francis tweeted 2/6/2014) Which way will I look this week: toward myself or toward the Gospel? St. Johns Annual Meeting will be held next Sunday, October 26th in Hoffmann Hall after the 9am Mass. TWENTY-NINETH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME FAITH FORMATION All classes for grades 1 through 11 meet on Wednesdays at the Faith Formation Center, 819 3rd Avenue, Antigo. Inter-parish Faith Formation Schedule, October, 2014 There are no classes scheduled for this Wednesday, October 22nd. Grades 1-8 Class: 4:15-5:30 pm, Oct. 29. Grades 9-11 Class: 7–8:30 pm, Oct. 29. SS. Mary & Hyacinth Site: PreK,K Sunday school class for ages 4 through 6 takes place at the Faith Formation Center, Room 2, 10:15 am on scheduled Sundays. Students are welcome to join us for bible stories, prayer, music and games. St. John Site: Liturgy of the Word for Children will begin next Sunday, Oct. 26th at St. John during the 9:00 Mass. This program is open to children ages 4 to 6. See below for registration. St. Wenceslaus Site: Liturgy of the Word for Children at St. Wencel will begin at a later date. Registration Information: To register your child for any of these programs, please call Sue Brettingen at 715-623-3100 or email at BAPTISM PREPARATION The next Area Wide Baptism Preparation Class for parents planning baptism of a child in the near future, is scheduled for Sunday, November 2nd, 1-3 p.m. at SS. Mary & Hyacinth Parish Center. Parents may attend before the birth of their child. Pre-registration is not necessary and there is no fee. Godparents are also encouraged to attend. For more information contact Sue Brettingen, 715-623-3100. PRIESTHOOD SUNDAY is October 26th, 2014. It is a way for parishioners to say Thank you to all of our Diocesan Priests in the area and especially to Our Parish Priest, Fr. Dave. When you see our priests, please say Thank You to them for all they do, all day and every day. WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS If you are a visitor to St. John Parish, or new to our area, we welcome you and thank you for praying with us. We are a church family and care about each other, our church and our community. If you would like to join our Parish family there is an informational brochure in each pew of the church. The staff at ASCS is excited to meet with parents at Parent/Teacher Conferences this Monday and Tuesday. The staff is also working towards religious certification on the sacraments and will complete their work during the in-service on Monday, October 27. All Saints Catholic School will once again be selling raffle calendars for 2015. With the purchase of the $10.00 calendar, the name and code number become eligible for 151 prizes. Each code number is included in each and ALL drawings. The code number remains in the drawing no matter how often it is drawn as a winner. Again, there will be 154 opportunities to win, with a total of $7,225 in cash prizes being awarded. The drawings will be held at All Saints Catholic School at 8:00 a.m. on the designated days. Calendars will be available at the All Saints Catholic School office as well as each of the parish offices. All proceeds from this fundraiser directly benefit the students of All Saints Catholic. Thank you for your continued support! OCTOBER 19, 2014 KC CHICKEN DINNER The Knights of Columbus Chicken Dinner has been CANCELLED for this month. Join us next month for the delicious chicken dinner. Please join SS. Mary & Hyacinth for their Harvest Fair sit down dinner on Sunday, October 19th from 11am-1pm. They will be serving Tender Roast Beef, with Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Sauerkraut & Pork, Home-grown carrots, beverage and dessert – your choice of Apple Pie or Pumpkin Pie. Cost: $9.00 Hot Dog plate also available for $3.00. For Dinner carry-outs, phone 715-623-5255. FR. DAVE’S 60TH BIRTHDAY is Sunday, October 19th. Please join SS. Mary & Hyacinth on Saturday, October 18th for Fr. Dave’s 60th Birthday Celebration. SS. Mary & Hyacinth is having a Celebration Mass at 4:00pm with music provided by Stone Soup Brothers and immediately following mass, Fr. Dave’s 60th Birthday Celebration begins with complimentary Birthday Cake. You will also be able to purchase Burgers, Brats, Baby Reds and Refreshments. 2014 Winners All Saints Catholic School Calendar Raffle Drawing Date 9/29/2014 10/1/2014 10/3/2014 10/6/2014 10/8/2014 10/10/2014 $ $25 $25 $50 $25 $25 $50 Stub 795 1625 219 62 327 1681 Name Rick Warren Zack Wolchesky, Mosinee Liam Burt Mike Turney Lynnette Fittante Fred Kawalski CHOIR PRACTICE BEGINS Both choirs will be having practice on November 6th at 6:30pm. All members of St. John are invited and encouraged to become a choir member, there are no tryouts and it is not necessary that you read music. We do not have an age limit, if you enjoy singing please Join Us on November 6th and Thank You for your Stewardship! Both Choirs also need a Choir Director. If you enjoy music and directing others to sing beautiful songs please contact the Tri-Parish Music Coordinator Sharon Schroepfer at 715-627-2164 or e-mail her at or contact Lana Gray at 715-627-4257 or email her at WORLD MISSION SUNDAY Will be observed this weekend of October 19 & 20th On this weekend, parishioners will have the opportunity to support those who serve God’s children in places of poverty, injustice, even outright persecution.“Our beloved Holy Father. Pope Francis, has shown himself to be a great teacher with the heart of a missionary,” says Bishop David L. Ricken.“Like Jesus, he teaches by word and example, keeping the poor, the troubled and the vulnerable in clear view at all times….Our Catholic Church, at every level and by its very nature, is missionary. Its origin is in the very Mission of Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit.” In the Diocese of Green Bay, the World Mission Sunday collection includes: Society for the Propagation of the Faith, Collection for Latin America and the Collection to Aid the Church in Central and Eastern Europe.
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