msc ama Master of Science in Aerospace Mechanics and Avionics Head of program major Helicopter engineering ■■ Prof. Anis HOR E-mail: Duration of studies: Two year full time Beginning of classes: September Location: ISAE Teaching language: English. ■ Aims The Master of Science in Aerospace Mechanics and Avionics is a two-year studies program that allows students to develop a high level of competences in engineering science, current technology and design related to aeronautics and space. It aims at preparing students for careers in the aerospace industry and research in Europe and worldwide. The program consists of a total of 4 semesters of 30 ECTS each, i.e. 120 ECTS credits for the whole program. The MSc AMA starts with a first semester emphasizing aerospace engineering and control to prepare students to the majors to be selected for semesters two and three: «aerodynamics», «aircraft control and guidance» or «aeronautical structures». Five majors are offered in semester 3 covering the main domains of aircraft and space vehicle domains. Students have strong opportunities to develop scientific skills through research projects in ISAE’s laboratories and practical skills during internships in aerospace industry. ■ Organization Head of common program and gobal teaching coordination ■■ Prof. Didier DELORME E-mail: Head of program major Aerodynamics ■■ Prof. Emmanuel BENARD E-mail: Head of program major Aircraft control & Guidance ■■ Prof. Yves BRIERE E-mail: Head of program major Aeronautical and space structures ■■ Prof. Patrice LONGERE E-mail: Head of program major Aeronautical engineering ■■ Prof. Didier DELORME E-mail: Crédits photos : © Dassault Aviation - P. Bowen ■ Pedagogical approach The ISAE Master’s programs are designed with a combination of lectures, personal project and assignments and thesis projects to be performed in industrial environment or in ISAE’s laboratories. They are taught in English. The MSc AMA program includes three-semester academic session, in ISAE’s premises, provided by permanent professors and experts from aerospace industry bringing current knowledge and experience, including: lectures, tutorials, case study, personal project in laboratory and industrial visits. The last semester consists in master thesis to be performed in a company or a laboratory in the aerospace sector. After the project, students having obtained 120 credits under examination will be awarded the Master of Science in Aerospace Mechanics and Avionics from ISAE. ■ Syllabus Semester 1: 30 credits Common part - 112 h Mathematics - Matlab refreshing - Foreign languages Aerospace and mechanical engineering - 257 h Aircraft structures - Aerodynamics - Propulsion Representation Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems Computer Aided Design (CATIA) - Vibrations & Modal Analysis - Flight dynamics - Applied Aerodynamics - Modeling for aeronautical structures Semester 2: 30 credits Common part (320 h) Foreign languages - Soft skills - Certification - Quality and Project - Production and maintenance of aircraft Research Project in ISAE’s laboratories (250 h) Students have to select one major among: Major 1: Aerodynamics - 127 h Softwares for computational fluid - Acoustics - Flight characteristics - Experimental approach in fluid mechanics 1 Major 2: Aircraft control & Guidance - 119 h Control implementation - Flight characteristics - Aircraft control - guidance - Navigation Major 3: Aeronautical and space structures -130 h Materials for airframes - Calculating structures - Dimensioning structures - Design project - Aerodynamics - Flight dynamics - Materials for aerospace structures - Composites Semester 4 : 30 credits Students conduct a thesis in aeronautical industry or organisation, in France or abroad and supervised by a tutor from the host organisation and from ISAE. The Master thesis is concluded by the preparation of a report and a public defense. Semester 3: 30 credits Common part - 200 h Foreign languages - Research Project in ISAE’s laboratories (150 h) Students have to select one major among: Major 1: Advanced fluid dynamics - 214 h Turbomachinery - Aeroelasticity - Advanced aerodynamics of turbomachinery - Physics and modelisation turbulence Aeroacoustics - Numerical fluid mechanics - Parallel Numerical programming - Dynamics of aeronautical structures Major 2: Control and Guidance - 187 h Multi-input Multi-output systems - Control of flexible structures - Robust control and Space applications - Systems identification and estimation - Optimal control- Hybrid and non-linear control Major 3: Aeronautical and space structures - 200 h Flight Dynamics - Dynamics of aeronautical structures Mechanics of materials and structures - Aircraft Techniques AMA - Architecture of launch vehicles - Structure of launch vehicles - Advanced Structural Dynamics Major 4: Helicopter engineering - 227 h General Helicopter Overview - Vibrations-Modal Analysis - Helicopter propulsion and motorization - Certification Aerodynamics-Flight qualities-Performances - Helicopter dynamics - Helicopter construction materials & technics - Systems Prototypes-Tests-Production quality assurance Major 5: Aeronautical engineering - 190 h Aircraft techniques - Helicopters - Propulsion - Aerospace engineering environnement - Mastery of aeronautical products Toulouse is at the hub of the European aerospace industry, and hosts leading European engineering and postgraduate institutions. The majority of graduates find positions in the aerospace industry (aircraft, engine and equipment manufacturers), and government agencies all over the world. They have senior positions in industry as researchers, experts, and heads of projects or managers. Several MSc AMA graduates are recruited for PhD studies at ISAE or other worldwide universities. Companies recruiting our students Airbus Group, ALTRAN, Aeroconseil, CNES, Sogeti High Tech, SAFRAN Snecma, EMBRAER (Brazil), Bombardier Aerospace (Canada) MECACHROME (Canada), Airbus China, AVIC (China) ASPECT RATIO ENGINEERING SERVICES GMBH (Germany), Airbus Helicopters (Germany), MTU (Germany), SHELL (Netherland), National Defense University Malaysia, ALENIA (Italy) SINGAPORE TECHNOLOGIES AEROSPACE (Singapore),… Aeronautical engineering major supported by CEDAR Chair Two-year program organization Year 1 September October November December January Semester 1 Common core February March April May June Semester 2 Common core, Major and research project Year 2 September October November December January Semester 3 Major and research project 2 February March April May Semester 4 Masters thesis June July September Master thesis defense Masters of Science in English ■ Career opportunities Common ISAE’s admission procedures ■ Masters of Science Academic requirements Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree or equivalent degree, in the following areas: ■■ Bachelor in aerospace or mechatronics or mechanical engineering Tuition fees 2014-2016: > Students • 15 200 € for the two-year master program • 9 200 € for European students (students graduated in the year of enrolment or the year before, and with no professional experience). > Public agencies and private companies employees: 21 000 € ■ Selection and admission Admission to ISAE’s master at: Selection and admission are made by an admission committee: ■■ possible interviews can be organized if necessary Deadlines for application: ■■ several admission committees scheduled from February to July 2015, see schedule on our website: Application fees: ■■ 67 € (non-refundable) ■ Language requirements Language qualification requested: ■■ TOEFL (Paper-based): 550, ■■ TOEFL (IBT): 79, ■■ TOEIC: 785, ■■ IELTS: 6.5 Your contacts at ISAE Philippe GALAUP, Head of recruitment and Contractual Relations - Phone : +33 (5) 61 33 80 27 Laurence BALLARIN, Senior Admission Advisor - Phone :+33 (5) 61 33 80 22 Marie GUIBBAL, Senior Admission Advisor - Phone : +33 (5) 61 33 80 28 3 ISAE in few words ISAE is a world-class higher institute for aerospace engineering education and research. Nowadays with a student corpus of over 1500, ISAE is one of Europe’s largest Aerospace Institute offering graduates and postgraduates programs. Yearly, ISAE awards around 20% of master’s degrees in Europe in aeronautics and space field. ISAE develops its worldwide reputation on the prestige of its master’s programs, the fame of its teaching staff, or the excellence of its research but also on the high-value of its graduates, their skills in engineering or management, as well, their capacity to evolve within a very high-technology environment, their enterprising mind and international opening. ■ Key figures ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ 2 Graduate Engineering Programs: SUPAERO and ENSICA 15 Advanced Masters including 10 in English 3 Masters of Science 5 Research Masters 6 PhD Programs 1550 students including 1300 masters and more than 220 PhDs 80 international cooperation opportunities in 25 countries France Toulouse 50 academic and research partnerships ■ Identity card Name: Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace (ISAE) Legal Status: Public Institution of higher education and research Trustees: Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA) [French Defense Procurement] - Department of Defense Endorsements and awards: CTI agreement of the two Graduate Programs, Conference des "Grandes Écoles" for postgraduate Advanced Masters and "Ministry of Higher Education and Research" for Masters of Science Staff: 420 permanent staff ■ A campus close to all conveniences ISAE-SUPAERO campus is a 54 acres site located in the very heart of Toulouse and along the Canal du Midi. It is composed in 2015 of : ■■ wide range of sports facilities including swimming pool, tennis and squash courts, sports hall, football and rugby fields, climbing wall and fitness room, ■■ 6 students halls of residence : 1000 rooms and studios apartments, all connected to high-speed network, ■■ a restaurant. The campus is located in the Rangueil scientific complex, close to : ■■ ONERA aeronautical research centre ■■ ENAC - French Civil Aviation School ■■ CNES - National Centre for Space Studies ■■ LAAS and CESR, 2 CNES laboratories ■■ Paul Sabatier University ■■ INSA engineering school Crédits photo : © LCR Architectes 4 Useful information ■■
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