Sts. Anne & Joachim Catholic Church 5202 25th Street S., Fargo, ND 58104 October 19, 2014 Contact Information and Mass Times Phone…....701-235-5757 Fax………701-235-0764 Web… Office Hours (M-F)....8 a.m.-noon., 1-5 p.m. School Year Mass Schedule Monday-Friday: 7 a.m. and 12:10 p.m. Saturday: 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Anticipatory) Sunday: 7:45, 9:15 and 11 a.m. 12:30 p.m. (St. Bakhita’s Community) Sacrament of Reconciliation: Weekdays: 6:30-6:55 a.m.; 11:40-12:05 p.m. (Mon-Fri) 6:30-8 p.m. (Tue) Saturday: 8-8:25 a.m. and 4-4:50 p.m. Sunday: 12-12:20 p.m. (St. Bakhita’s Community) By appointment if needed. 40 Days for Life Campaign ~ ~ ~ Sts. Anne & Joachim parish has been asked to cover all hours of prayer October 23-26. See page 6 for contact information. Page 2 Pastoral Staff and Parish Leadership Fr. Paul Duchschere, Pastor ( Fr. Troy Simonsen, Parochial Vicar ( In Residence: Fr. Duaine Cote ( Fr. Robert Irwin ( Msgr. Robert Laliberte Fr. Charles LaCroix, Shanley/Sullivan Chaplain ( Deacon David Eblen ( Deacon Michael Dodge ( Lee Mayer, Business Manager ( Karla Schell, Administrative Assistant ( Connie Dulany, Religious Education Coord. ( Cindy Hoselton, Music Coordinator ( Sue Ripplinger, Youth Ministry/Parish Outreach Coordinator ( Ted LeMier, Property Manager ( Katie Wise, Communications/Events ( Parish Leadership Lay Directors: Mike Bannach and Mary Feltman Pastoral Council: Erica Boyle Finance Council: Mike Bannach Knights of Columbus: Wade Frank, 218-790-2849 ( Catholic Daughters of America: Anna Marie Hiestand ( Social Concerns Ministry: Sue Ripplinger Sacraments and Parish Nursing Sacrament of Baptism: Please call the church for scheduling. Attendance at a baptism class should be within the last two months before the birth of the child. You must be a registered member of the parish. Parents are required to attend a class for each child. Sacrament of Marriage: Visit our website to view our wedding policy for details on marriage preparation and wedding details. Our wedding coordinator at the parish office must be contacted at least seven months in advance of a wedding date. Communion to Shut-ins: Please call the office to receive communion or a pastoral visit for the homebound. Anointing of the Sick: Anyone having surgery or wishing to receive this sacrament is asked to call either the office or the rectory. Please notify the pastor upon admission of a family member to the hospital. Parish Nurse Ministry: The parish nurses give spiritual support, answer medical questions, provide referrals and make home visits to bring communion to the sick and homebound. Please call Kris Hintz, parish nurse at 730-2909 Parish Calendar Oct 18-19 Time and Talent Survey will be distributed at all Masses. EVERYONE must complete a survey EVERY year to remain active. Oct 19 Scheduled Baptisms-3 p.m., Church WWME-3:30-5 p.m., St. Joseph Room Adult Catechesis with Fr. Paul-7 p.m., Social Hall Oct 20 Journey with the Holy Spirit-6:30 p.m.-Ava Maria Room Social Concerns Meeting-7 p.m., Social Hall Prayer Quilt Ministry-7 p.m., Maria Goretti Room Oct 21-25 Photo Directory Pictures -St. Cecilia Room (Go to our website or call the office to schedule an appointment) Oct 21 Jan George Bible Study-7 p.m., Social Hall NFP with Kayla-7 p.m., St. Michael Room Men’s Cursillo-7:30 p.m., Breakfast Nook Oct 22 Religious Education Classes Oct 23 Oct 24 Oct 25-26 Fall Food Drive Oct 25 Cursillo Study Group-7 a.m., Breakfast Nook Cenacles of Life Rosary-8 a.m., Magnificat Chapel Endow-9 a.m., St. Joseph Room Kayla Anderson & Jonathan Weigel Wedding-2:30 p.m. Stewardship Sunday, October 12, 2014 $13,643.00 Envelopes $10,413.75 Credit Card & Bank Withdrawals $11.22 Children’s Envelope $1,493.29 Plate/Visitors $25,561.26 TOTAL $125.00 New Earth Mass Intentions for the Week Adoration Hours: 7:30 a.m. Monday to 7 a.m. Friday. Please call the parish office to schedule a time to adore. Parish Registration Welcome to our parish family! Please stop by the parish office for registration information 8 to noon or 1 to 5 p.m., Monday—Friday. October 20-26, 2014 Mon: Tue: Wed: Natural Family Planning Instructors: Clarence & Betty Vetter,; 701-428-9168 Natalie Aughinbaugh, RN, BSN, 701-866-7890 Joseph & Kayla Lorsung, RN, BSN, 799-9918 or Marissa Oster, 527-6470 or Bulletin Deadline Wednesday at 9 a.m. - Contact Karla Schell at 235-5757 Online giving is a safe and easy way to support our parish and its ministries. Get started today by visiting or scan the QR code to the right! Please pray for our ill parishioners… Adoration and Prayer Chain Prayer Chain: Please call Eve at 235-0295 or send email to Gr. 1-7, 6:30 p.m.—Sullivan Middle School Gr. 8-9, 6:30 p.m.—Youth Center; Gr. 10-12, 8:00 p.m.—Youth Center Choir-6:30 p.m., Church and Social Hall Jeff Cavins Bible Study-6:30 p.m., Social Hall KC officer’s meeting-7 p.m., St. Joseph Room RCIA-7 p.m., Christ the King Room Cupcakes for Life-7:30 p.m., Social Hall Thu: Fri: Sat: Sun: 7:00 a.m. 12:10 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:10 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 12:10 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 12:10 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 12:10 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. 7:45 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. + Ben Ziegler + John Heinze + Neil Little + Alice Germanson (Touchmark) + Kathy Veghle + Janette Kensok Willis Clemenson (Elim) + Ralph Majerus LaVonne (Levine) Torres + Kathy Veghle + Frank Hammers Arnold and Verlee Heinze + Thomas & + Elizabeth Denney + Art Kinsella + Eleen Murdock Maria’s deceased family members Parishioners John J. Schmidt Tina Berger Everleigh Borr Matt Butler Heidi Fritz-Eukel Heidi Frie Jane Gillund Gina Hutchinson Margaret Krause Diane Krings Jason Lundblad Christine Meier Christi Orson Wayne Rice Marian Romanoski Joan Schultz John Smith Helen Steffen Nick Traynor ~~~~~ If you would like your name added or removed, please call the parish office. Page 3 PASTOR’S PAGE AN ORGAN - THE LAST BIG PIECE OF THE PUZZLE Ever since our new church was dedicated in February of 2010, we have been busy trying to finish it up. Obviously the main construction had been done by then, but as most of you know, there was still a lot of things left to do – and for the last four-plus years we have been doing just that. We’re still not completely finished. But there’s one particularly big piece of the puzzle of this church left to do, and it’s time to do it: an organ. Our parish has never had an organ. That made sense as the first 15 years of the parish were spent in temporary worship locations that did not allow for an installed organ. However, when the new church was designed it was designed to have an organ installed permanently in the choir loft. For various reasons – mainly all the other things that needed to be done once the church was completed – I have put off dealing with the organ issue. But it is time. When Bishop Folda had his Solemn Vespers here last year before his consecration as bishop, he brought in a temporary organ for the service. The beauty of that sound in our liturgical space finally pushed me to start moving ahead with a permanent organ of our own. Earlier this year a group of parishioners and myself looked into what would work best, and we decided to move ahead and purchase our parish’s first-ever organ. It will be what is called a “hybrid” – part pipes and part digital. It will be a good fit for our church. I understand it is important to find the right one – some organs can be too small, of course, but some can also be too big. This should be just right for our church and its size. During this month of October it will be installed in the choir loft of the church. (For that reason the choir loft might be closed off on some days.) You will see that it will be a beautiful addition to our church, and one that is deserving of helping us praise God who has made all these things possible and has so richly blessed our parish. Our plan is to have an inaugural organ concert in later November and at that time we will also start using it regularly during our weekend Masses. We are fortunate – and blessed – to already have some organ players in our parish. And for those of you who enjoy our piano accompaniment, as I do myself: don’t worry – our parish is not going to go completely with organ music. We will continue to use all kinds of music and accompaniments to worship our God, but now we will also have an organ – the classic instrument of Catholic liturgy - as part of our liturgical experience. When you see the organ many of you might wonder: how much was it? It wasn’t cheap – but it would have been silly to put in a cheap organ in our beautiful church. The organ’s cost is $435,000. We’ll use the Lord God’s money to pay for it – He just has to get it out of your pocket . . . I’m wondering if some of you might be more than willing to do some special almsgiving in response to this opportunity. I am thinking that there are some among us in the parish who might have a distinct love for organ and its music, and would like to make a particular gift to help pay for this new addition to our parish. Perhaps a memorial for a loved one who has died. Perhaps just a gift in response to having an organ in the parish. Whatever the reason: please contact me if you would like to give in a special way to this “last big piece of the puzzle.” It will be wonderful to have an organ in our midst – and I hope that you can help us make it a reality for our entire parish family. * * * This weekend we observe Catholic Daughters of America Sunday! Our parish began its own Catholic Daughters’ court a few years back and they have been such a blessing and help to myself and our entire parish. I truly thank all the Catholic Daughters for their willingness to serve in our parish family. You’ll see an insert in this bulletin about the Catholic Daughters – please read it. And please consider being part of it if you are not already, ladies! I love to see people get involved in our parish, and this is just another way to do that for the women in our parish. At this time Anna Marie Hiestand is the parish’s “regent”, so please contact her with any questions or if you’re looking for more information on the Catholic Daughters. Fr. Duchschere, Pastor Time and Talent Survey is this weekend - October 18-19 (If you didn’t get a survey, please go online to complete one). EVERYONE must complete a Time and Talent Survey to remain on an active list. Page 4 High School Youth Rally Are you joy-full? High School Youth Rally is Saturday, November 22 at Harvey High School featuring Bishop Folda, Mathias Michael, Joe Perry, Beth Hull and D.J. Bill Lage. Registration Fee $45. Registrations are due by Wednesday, November 5. Registration forms may be found on the parish website and in the parish office. Social Concerns Meeting is Monday October 20, 7 p.m. in the Social Hall Fall Lock-In Grades 8-12 Saturday, November 1, 4 p.m. until Sunday, November 2, 8 a.m. ~ Mass, frozen turkey bowling, games food and more! ~ Registration forms can be found on the parish website or picked up in the parish office. Fall Food Drive benefiting Churches United for the Homeless Donating is as easy as 1-2-3! 1. Pick up a grocery bag with an attached shopping list. 2. Fill the bag with the items from the list. 3. Bring your filled bag back to the gathering space by the weekend of November 8-9. The Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet will be prayed every Friday at 1 p.m. in Magnificat Chapel, for the spiritual welfare of our children and grandchildren and for our nation’s repentance of seeking mankind’s ways rather than God’s. Stewardship Moment: Each year at tax time, we conscientiously give “to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.” Does my stewardship indicate that I am as faithful about giving “to God what belongs to God”? We only have a couple of weeks left for the Parish Directory photo appointments. Do you know the names of the families who sit by you at Mass? Are you ever out and about and see someone from your parish and wish you could call them by name? Help us build a tool that will put names with those familiar faces - a new parish directory! Each family who participates will receive a free 8 x 10 portrait along with a hard-bound parish directory. Due to strong participation, we have added 5 additional days of photography if you could not find a time that works for your schedule, please take a look at the new dates that are available! Visit for more information, or scan the QR code to the right. Photo Appointment Volunteers Needed! Adults and high school student volunteers are needed to help parishioner families and the photographers during our directory photo sessions. Volunteers will be responsible for welcoming families and verifying information necessary for photographers. It will be a simple process, but one that needs to be done with care. Call Katie at (701) 235-5757. Page 5 LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR OCTOBER 25-26 5:00 PM 7:45 AM 9:15 AM 11:00 AM Proclaimer Gary Kubalak (1) Ann Toulouse (2) Lori Kalgard (1) Steve Hoepfner (2) Carrie Ward (1) Elizabeth Cronin (2) Marilyn Laliberte (1) Michael Wurzer (2) Usher Lisa Backen Todd Braun Shawn Hanson Jennine and Ben Seitz Dan and Heather Butler Tyler Byron, Joe Schwab Al Hintz, Troy Mattern Betty and Ken Neameyer EMHC Thomas McCormick - Body (1) Gerry Tillman - Body (2) Vicki Tillman - Body (3) Volunteer now - Body (4) Volunteer now - Body (5) Robyn Hoffmann - Body (6) Karen Bakke - Body (7) Michelle Moore - Cup (1) Brian Moore - Cup (2) Dawn Zook - Cup (3) Rick Zook - Cup (4) Janice Rode - Body (1) Pat Breen - Body (2) Brenda Breen - Body (3) Phillip Glogoza - Cup (1) Anna Marie Hiestand - Cup (2) Tom Hiestand - Cup (3) Dean Schneibel - Cup (4) Sharon Beauclair - Body (1) John Beauclair - Body (2) Gail Dancer - Body (3) Timothy Dancer - Body (4) Deb Emo - Body (5) Mary Wangler - Body (6) Pat Wangler - Body (7) Sharmae Vetter - Cup (1) Tonya Anderson - Cup (2) Judi Roswick - Cup (3) Carol Johnson - Cup (4) Gordon Baumgartner - Body (1) Marilee Baumgartner - Body (2) Jean A Critelli - Body (3) Liz Schwankl - Body (4) Kris Hintz - Body (5) Michael Traynor - Body (6) Mary Beth Traynor - Body (7) Vernon Jr. Solum - Cup (1) Sharon Solum - Cup (2) Scott Seiler - Cup (3) Don Nelson - Cup (4) John Koerselman family Brad Motschenbacher Joanne and Michael Warner Jeff Braaflat family Mike Berger family Jamie Mattern Jeffrey Backen Tom Eskro Laura Byron Kevin Lahlum Zakary Catlender Isaac Kubalak Summer Kubalak Jeremiah Moore Jasper Keller Jamie Motschenbacher Ashley Motschenbacher Matthew Motschenbacher Andrew Clark Trevian Fort Olivia Vetter Mason Winkelman Jacob Himle Karianne Himle Cooper Mattern Anna Wurzer Greeter Greeter & Gift Family Altar Server St. Bakhita’s News Community Leadership: Council Chairperson: Charles Mukhtar Vice Chairperson: Clement Nissko Secretary: Thomas Taban Treasurer: Opi Otavia Liturgical Coordinator: Alfred Ngong Dir. of Catechesis & Evangelization: Gama Angelo Social Activities Coordinator: Aziku Dali Youth Representative: Godfrey Tadeo Ministry Schedule for October 26, 2014: Lector: Winnie Likambo EMHC: Rosa Barifagok and Charles Mukhtar Altar Servers: Moriku Hakim and Diana Nissko Bible Readings for this Week (Oct 20-26) Mon: Tues: Wed: Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Eph 2:1-10 Eph 2:12-22 Eph 3:2-12 Eph 3:14-21 Eph 4:1-6 Eph 4:7-16 Ex 22:2-26 1 Thes 1:5c-10 Lk 12:13-21 Lk 12:25-38 Lk 12:29-49 Lk 12:49-53 Lk 12:54-59 Lk 13:1-9 Mt 22:34-40 We extend our sympathy and prayers to Dennis, Elise, Maidsen, Jaylen, Westin, and Kelden Rick on the death of their father, father-in-law, and grandfather, David Rick. May his good works follow him and may he rest in peace with God. Today is World Mission Sunday! We are invited today to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Your prayers and generous gift to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in the collection today help the work of priests, religious and lay leaders in Mongolia and throughout the Missions who offer the poor practical help and the experience of God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please be as generous as you can to today’s collection. For more information, please visit Congratulations to the following couple recently married at Sts. Anne & Joachim Whitney Chandler and David Buchfink October 11, 2014 The Following Received the Sacrament of Baptism October 12, 2014 Liam Joseph Larson See how much the Father has loved us! His love is so great that we are called God’s children —and so, in fact, we are. 1 John 3:1 If you are new to our parish, would like to join, or missed the last Newcomers’ Sunday, you are invited and encouraged to attend Newcomers’ Sunday on October 26 following the 9:15 a.m. Mass. This event is held to introduce you to your new parish and ways that you can become involved. Call the office for details. Page 6 October is the month of the rosary. On May 13,1917 at Fatima Portugal, Mary appeared to three shepherd children. She told them to pray the rosary daily for peace in the world. Please take time to pray the rosary daily. Pray the rosary for peace in the world and conversion of sinners, and help us fulfill Mary's request as she said, ''In the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph and there will be a time of peace." The 40 Days for Life campaign began September 24, and Sts. Anne & Joachim has been asked to cover all hours of prayer for October 23-26. To sign up for an hour of prayer, visit the website at then click on “schedule.” You will be prompted to register if you haven’t done so already and will then be able to claim open hours of prayer. (At time of print, the website was not operating properly, if you have a problem scheduling a time, call Cheryl at the number below.) For more information, please contact Cheryl Jones at (701) 730-6465 or Our parish will have a couple of prayer hours in front of the abortion facility. Join Fr. Simonsen on Thursday, October 23 at 7 p.m. or Fr. Duchschere at 9 a.m. on Friday, October 24. All are invited! OUTSIDE OUR PARISH Nativity Elementary School Open House for PreK-5th Grade is Tuesday, October 28; 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at 1825 11th Street South, Fargo. And, Holy Spirit Elementary School Open House for Little Deacons 3 yr. old - 5th Grade is Thursday, November 6, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at 1441 Eighth Street North, Fargo. Contact Lori Hager, admissions director, St. John Paul II Catholic Schools, 701-893-3271. Cathedral Requiem Mass is Monday, November 3 at 6 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo. Mass to be offered on behalf of all faithful departed souls of the Diocese of Fargo. Gourmet dinner to follow in the Social Hall. Free will offering. Dorothy Day House Soup Supper and Silent Auction is Thursday, October 30 from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at St. Joseph’s Church in Moorhead. Pick your own hand-painted bowl and try delicious soups from your favorite restaurant. “It’s not about the soup. It’s why we serve the soup” ~ Dorothy Day. On the Road to Jericho, Changing the Language Surrounding Homelessness, Tuesday, October 28 from 7-9 p.m., Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, West Fargo. The F-M sheltering churches will be hosting a night to discuss the language used to refer to our homeless neighbors (now numbered at 800). All religious leaders, lay pastoral person, host site coordinators, sheltering volunteers and other community members who are interested in working together to reduce the stigma associated with homelessness. If you can attend, please RSVP to the Blessed Sacrament parish office, 282-3321. Holy Cross Catholic Church, 1420 16th St E, West Fargo, will be holding their annual Fall Festival on today Sunday, October 19 from 11:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. There will be a homemade turkey dinner with all the fixings, chance baskets, kids games, tractor pull, bingo, country store and more!! Cost is ages 5 & under free, ages 6-10 $6.00 and ages 11 & up $10. Please join us! Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 1420 7th Street N, will host its annual Fall Festival on Sunday, October 26 from 10:15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Featuring a home cooked turkey dinner with all the trimmings, a silent auction, baked goods and candy sale, bingo, kids’ games, cake walk and more. The dinner will be served from 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Adults $10, kids ages 4-12 $4. Take out is $10. Blesssed Sacrament, 210 5th Ave. W, West Fargo, will hold their Fall Dinner and Bazaar on Sunday, October 26 from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. There will be a raffle, buffet dinner (free-will offering), basket silent auction, jewelry shop, country store, games and bingo. St. Leo’s Catholic Church, Casselton, will be hosting their annual roast beef dinner on Sunday, November 2 from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. In addition to dinner, there is a cash raffle, country store, bake sale, quilt raffle and kids games. Shanley Teens for Life presents Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, at its annual Cupcakes for Life event on Friday, October 24 at 7:30 p.m. at Sts. Anne & Joachim Catholic Church, Fargo. Tickets can be purchased at the door for $5, but advanced purchase is strongly encouraged due to possible sell-out. “Guardian Angel sponsorship” available (10 seats for $50). Also, a free-will offering will be made. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This fundraising event will send students on the March for Life in Washington DC. Shanley has been selected to carry the lead banner in this year’s March and will make history by being the first to bring its entire school! Contact Susan Noah (701-541-5689) or Fr. Charles (701-893-3219) for tickets to make this dream a reality! In January 2015, Shanley High School will be leading the March for Life rally in Washington, DC. This is quite an honor, and we are now in the process of raising money in hopes that the entire high school will be able to participate. We are now seeking donations of used (or even new) uniform clothes and used Deacon clothing to be resold after the Sts. Anne & Joachim Masses (5202 25th Street S., Fargo) the weekend of October 25-26. Please consider dropping items off at the Sts. Anne & Joachim church office or Fr. LaCroix’s office at Shanley High School. It’s a good time to clean out closets and donate items for this very worthy cause! Thanks for your help! Questions? Contact Michele Erickson at 701-361-9363 (text or call). Page 7 OUTSIDE OUR PARISH — Continued On Saturday, November 15, from 9:30 to noon, there will be an Alzheimer’s Conference in Sts. Anne & Joachim’s social hall! The keynote speaker is Jayne Clairmont, an expert in the field of Alzheimer’s Disease. Tickets are $10 and include a continental breakfast that will be served from 9-9:30 a.m. The tickets may be purchased in advance (highly encouraged) at the parish office or by contacting Kris Hintz, parish nurse at 701-730-2909 or . WORLD YOUTH DAY, KRAKOW, POLAND, July 18-August 3, 2016. The Office for Youth and Young Adult Ministry is offering a pilgrimage to Krakow, Poland where World Youth Day, 2016 will be held. This trip is for youth ages 16 and older. If a parent is interested in having a younger child (14 or 15 come along), the parent must accompany this child on the pilgrimage. Cost is $4200/ person, double occupancy. This price covers all major transportation, accommodations, meals, touring, World Youth Day fees, taxes and tips. There is a payment plan that must be adhered to. No credit cards accepted for payment of this pilgrimage. For further information contact Kathy Loney at 701-356-7902. A deposit of $500 is due no later than November 25, 2014. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are November 21-23 Prior Lake & Stewartville, MN and December 5-7 Duluth, MN. For more information visit our website at: or contact Mark and Mary Jantzer at or 701-852-6291. Alex Balk, Sales Ford Certified, Parishioner Tele: 701-232-2350 Cell: 701-721-6973 Southpoint Mall Dan Van Winkle—NMLS #8495 Mortgage Consultant 2300 13th Ave. S., Fargo, ND 58103 701.356.9898 nmls2520 Patrice Koerselman* FICF,CLU,CHFC,RICP Financial Representative 701-282-6427 3120 25th Street South Corner of 25th St. and 32nd Ave. Dr. John J. Pollard Family Dentistry 1221 Harwood Drive Fargo, ND 701-235-6622 Larry Geffre, CRL Owner THE LOCKSHOP CARS OPENED ٠ CARD ACCESS ٠ MASTER KEYING 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE Prompt Service (701)-235-6645 Bonded Bison Center 1404 33rd St SW Fargo, ND 58103 MENGEDOTH DENTAL Mon-Tues, Thurs-Fri 7 am - 3 pm 701-356-1280 2585 23 Ave. S. Ste. C ٠ Fargo Life insurance ٠ IRA and Roth IRAs Annuities ٠ Investments* Retirement planning *Registered representative. Securities offered through MWA Financial Services Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Modern Woodmen of America, 1701 1st Avenue, Rock Island, IL 61201, 209-558-3100. Member: FINRA,SIPC Page 8 Thank You for 10 Years of Support Derek Christopherson Agency Inc. 3535 Main Avenue, Fargo (On the corner of 129 & Main) Bus (701) 232-2222 • Providing Insurance and Financial Services Mike Linster, CFP® Financial Advisor Legacy Financial Partners A financial advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Phone: (701) 232-8886 2731 12th Ave. S, Ste 320, Fargo, ND Beyond Boundaries Therapy OT • PT • Speech 3001 11th St. So. • Fargo, ND 701.356.0062 • LaDonna Bannach Lead OT and PT Coordinator Courteous Prompt Service Serve Infants to Adults Licensed in MN & ND Flexible Scheduling Handwrite it Right Program FREE Screenings Ryan Dietz Contact Wade Frank for more information at 218-790-2849. 1828 Dakota Drive Fargo, ND 58102 Josh Hager Office 701-277-7001 Sylvia Lunski Office: 701.365.4040 St. Francis Thrift Store Helping the needyThe poor’s gate keepers 1425 1st Ave S, Fargo, ND 235-5944 Store hours: M-F: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.: Sat: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cindy Magnuson Financial Advisor 2611 South University Drive Fargo, ND 58103 Bus. 701-232-2091 Ron Boe Realtor®, GRI, CDPE Full Service Travel Agency Locally Owned and Operated 218-236-9606 • 800-999-1586 813 Center Avenue Moorhead MN 56560 Nancy and Paul Aughinbaugh, Owners C: 701.306.2643 O: 701.492.5050 F: 701.492.5055 E: 4342 15th Ave. S., Suite 105 Fargo, ND 58103 *Each office is independently owned and operated. We are more than just an experience… We ARE the Standard 1234 1st Ave. N Moorhead, MN 56560 Ph 218.477.0696 Fax 218.477.0766 Full Automotive & Diesel Service & Repair 701-237-6840 ● 701-219-6964 701-235-9279
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