REGISTRATION For registration visit: COURSE FEES Advanced Course €1200 PLAXIS VIP Members of PLAXIS VIP may apply for a 10% discount on the course fee. Please create or login with a VIP account during registration to receive this discount. EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT When registering before September 14th an additional discount of 10% applies. This discount will automatically be applied at checkout. COURSE ORGANISATION Plaxis bv P.O. Box 572 2600 AN Delft The Netherlands FOR PLAXIS SOFTWARE Plaxis bv P.O. Box 572 2600 AN Delft The Netherlands Mr. Dennis Waterman Tel: + 31 (0)15 2517720 Fax: + 31 (0)15 2573107 Email: Mr. Erwin Beernink Tel: + 31 (0)15 2517720 Fax: + 31 (0)15 2573107 Email: GENERAL INFORMATION Directly after registration participants will receive a letter of confirmation, travel suggestions and additional information. Please include e-mail information for fast correspondence and check our website for the latest information on the course. registration participants will receive a letter of confirmation, travel suggestions and additional information. REGISTRATION In order to attend the course, please register via before October 1st, 2014. The total number of participants is limited to twenty five (25). Registrations will be accepted in the order in which they are received. Participants who require a visa are suggested to register early. The process of obtaining a visa may take up to two months. VENUE The course will be held in the American University in Dubai, Brought to you by PLAXIS Academy Please finalize the payment before October 6th 2014. For registration and cancellation our Terms & Conditions apply ( More detailed information will be sent after registration. Under PLAXIS Academy we can offer: PLAXIS Courses: Standard & advanced courses on computational •geotechnics In-house training PLAXIS Trainings: Workshops, trainings, and seminars on the use of PLAXIS • Numerical modelling and analysis • Review and mentoring of Plaxis projects For information visit our site: To register for the course, please complete the registration form via our site. Directly after ADVANCED COURSE ON COMPUTATIONAL GEOTECHNICS 14 - 16 October 2014, Dubai, U.A.E. ADVANCED COURSE ON COMPUTATIONAL GEOTECHNICS 14 - 16 October 2014, Dubai, U.A.E.2008, Amsterdam, Les Pays Bas Centre International de Séjour de Amsterdam, Les 15, 16 et 17 octobre INTRODUCTION The well established advanced course for experienced PLAXIS users is organized every year as a continuation of the basic course on Computational Geotechnics. This course teaches the application and parameters of advanced soil models. Where the standard course concentrates on the Mohr-Coulomb model, attention is now fully focused on the Hardening Soil model and the extension to include the small-strain stiffness. Other advanced models discussed are the Hoek-Brown and Jointed Rock model, and the new Shotcrete model. LECTURERS Experts with a thorough theoretical background and an extensive experience in practical finite element modelling have been invited to give lectures and to prepare exercises and case studies on the topics mentioned earlier. Lecturers are: • Dr. Ronald B.J. Brinkgreve - Plaxis bv / Delft University of Technology • Prof. Helmut F. Schweiger - Graz University of Technology Another aim of the course is to teach the numerical analysis of geotechnical problems, such as excavations, soil improvement, embankments and foundations. On solving practical problems the latest versions of both PLAXIS 2D and PLAXIS 3D will be used. SUBJECT MATTER The main subject of the course is the practical application of the finite element method (FEM) for stress, deformation, and stability in geotechnical engineering and design. mesh generator based on graphical input of soillayer geometries, and several features to facilitate input and analysis of complex situations. FORMAT Each day consists of a morning and an afternoon session. Each session deals with a specific topic and starts with a general presentation, followed by an introduction to the practical application and a hands-on computer exercise. At the end of each day, extra time is reserved to complete exercises and to discuss the computational results. The course concentrates on the following issues: • modelling complex soil conditions • analyzing deformations due to phased construction and excavation • obtaining input data and model parameters from soil investigation • interpreting computational results The course provides the necessary background information for a proper use of the finite element method in geotechnical engineering applications. BENEFITS After the course, participants will receive an official letter / certificate about the number of Professional Development Hours (PDH) they have earned from this course. LODGING Please note that lodging is not included in the course fee and registration. Several hotels are located near the course venue. Participants must make reservations by themselves. SOFTWARE Exercises and case studies are based on the PLAXIS computer programs. PLAXIS 2D and PLAXIS 3D are user-friendly computer programs that are used by geotechnical engineers worldwide for deformation calculations, stability assessment, and consolidation analysis. It contains special options for soil-structure interaction. It has a fully automatic COST The cost of the computational geotechnics course is € 1200. The registration includes a full set of instruction manuals and the use of a computer. The fees also cover all lunches and two tea breaks per day. TUESDAY, 14 OCTOBER 2014 ON SOILS WEDNESDAY, 15 OCTOBER 2014 ON ROCKS THURSDAY, 16 OCTOBER 2014 ON FOUNDATIONS • Concepts of Plasticity, Brinkgreve • Shear and Density Hardening of Soils, Brinkgreve • Hardening Soil and HS-small Model and Parameters, Brinkgreve • Introduction and Demo to PLAXIS 2D AE, Brinkgreve • Deriving HS Parameters from a Site Report • Excavation using HS-small (exercise) • • • • • • • • • • • • • Rock Modeling in PLAXIS, Brinkgreve The Concrete/Shotcrete Model, Schweiger Embedded Piles, Brinkgreve Shorings, Anchors & Rockbolts, Schweiger Soil Improvements, Schweiger Getting Started with Plaxis 3D, Brinkgreve Case Study Soil Improvement Columns (exercise) Dates: 14 - 16 October 2014 Location: Dubai, U.A.E. Course leader: Dr. Ronald Brinkgreve Organisers: Plaxis bv Analysis of Piles and Pile Groups, Schweiger Pore Pressures in Plaxis, Brinkgreve Excavation and Dewatering (exercise) Piled Raft Foundations, Brinkgreve Applications of Embedded Piles, Schweiger Piled Raft Foundation (exercise) SCHEDULE
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