October 19, 2014 TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Daily Mass Schedule: Week Day Mass: 9:00 am (check Bulletin Intention List for weekly Mass schedule) First Friday: 9:00 am Lord’s Day Mass Schedule: Wednesdays ~ 9:30 am to 4:00 pm PARISH MINISTRIES WEEKEND Baptism Celebrated on the First Sunday of the Month Marriage Arrangements with a Priest required at least one year prior to the wedding date. Music Ministry Parish Intern Paul Reuter ~pjreuter@gmail.com Religious Education Ministry: Cynthia de la Peña Coordinator grades 1 through 8 cynthia.delapena@gmail.com https://sites.google.com/site/ stannechildrensliturgy/ Karla Reuter High School Coordinator/Youth Ministry Parish Office Hours: Linda Bradstreet - Administrative Assistant Bridgitte Morgan- Bookkeeper Monday ~ Friday 9:30 am to 3:30 pm (to 12:00 pm on Friday) Telephone 508-485-0141 Parish Fax 508-481-9374 PREVENTING CHILD ABUSE IS EVERYONE'S RESPONSIBILITY: It is every adult's moral responsibility to protect possible victims by reporting suspected abuse or neglect to the responsible authorities. For particular help you may call: Frances J. Nugent, Director of Office for Healing and Prevention, Diocese of Worcester, at 508-929-4363. St. Anne Parish requires Safe Environment Training for all staff & volunteers and CORI background checks for all those who work with children and young people. ST. ANNE PARISH WELCOMES ALL VISITORS AND NEW RESIDENTS WHO WORSHIP WITH US. TO JOIN OUR FAITH COMMUNITY, PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE. 01772 Internet Information: E-mail: stanne403@charter.net Web: stanne-southboro.org SOUTHBOROUGH MA Organist & Choir Director: Paul Crivello 508-366-0821 pcrivello@digitallumens.com (work) pjcrivello@verizon.net (personal) Kathy Bernier This weekend at St. Anne's, we are celebrating "Parish Ministries." We're acknowledging the many areas of committed service our parishioners give to make our Parish the wonderful place that it is! Without your efforts, St. Anne's would not be the dynamic community of faith that it is today! We need everyone's involvement! There's a place for each person's gifts in our Parish community. An important part of our call as Christians is "service", both inside and outside of our faith community. Countless times in the Gospels, Jesus tells us that "greatness" and "importance" in His kingdom is found in a life of service. There's no better way to feel a part of the Parish than to get involved and volunteer your time and talent in one or more of our Parish's ministries. Working together, that's how we continue to be a shining light in our town. During the Masses this weekend, we'll be distributing cards listing all of the areas wherein YOU can be an integral part of OUR Parish. Please peruse the different choices and check the ones you might be interested in. There will be a follow up contact. We invite you either to (a) place the cards in the Offertory basket; (b) bring the completed card to the Coffee and Donuts session in the Parish Hall; or (c) drop your card off at the Rectory. May the Spirit guide you in your choices. St. Anne's needs you! 20 BOSTON ROAD Saturday ~ 5:00 pm Sunday ~ 8:30 am & 10:30 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word 10:30 am Mass during the school year Confessions: Saturday ~ 4:15 pm or by appointment Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: ST. ANNE CHURCH REV. DR. CONRAD S. PECEVICH, PASTOR DEACON STEPHEN LUNDRIGAN PARISH LIFE CONGRATULATIONS, PAT JOLICOEUR! At our recent "Parish Appreciation Dinner" at the Chateau Restaurant on October 16th, Mrs. Pat Jolicoeur was named "Steward of the Year" for 2014, recognizing her many years of outstanding service to St. Anne's Church as a member of the Altar Society. Pat works quietly behind the scenes to insure that the altar linens are clean, the proper liturgical seasons are observed "color wise", and the flowers are carefully nurtured. It's these little things that matter a lot, and Pat's right there to take care of them! God bless you and thank you for the many years you've served St. Anne's! THE 2014 SERVICE AWARD was given to Judy Quinlan for the marvelous job she does with the ordering and arrangement of flowers for the altar area, and the enhancement of the sanctuary for special occasions such as Christmas and Easter. Your expertise is deeply appreciated! God bless you! OCTOBER IS RESPECT LIFE MONTH: During this time we’re called to reflect on the sacred dignity that human life holds at all its stages. The former Cardinal Bernadin referred to the “Respect Life Issue” (Pro-Life) as a “seamless garment” to include every stage and facet of human life. All life is God’s gift—a valuable commodity that demands reverence! Too often our contemporary world loses sight of that fact. THANKSGIVING BASKET: The Parish Advisory Committee is organizing a “Thanksgiving Basket” to be raffled off in mid November. The proceeds will go towards the Haitian Apostolate to help build the Food Canteen at St. Anne’s School in Camp Perrin. We are accepting any and all donations, monetary included, to complete the basket. Donations can be dropped off at the Rectory. DIVINE MERCY IMAGE: We are most grateful to Jim and Monica Shay for their donation of the beautiful “Divine Mercy Image” which hangs in the side entrance of St. Anne Church. May this precious image remind us in our comings and goings of the infinite mercy found in the heart of Jesus Christ! BOOK OF THE GOSPELS”: The Parish recently purchased a Gospel Book to be used by the priest or deacon when the Gospel is proclaimed. If anyone wishes to have it memorialized with names of a loved one(s), the cost of the book is $100.00. Please contact the Rectory if interested. BIBLE STUDY meets on Wednesdays from 7-8:30pm at the Parish Hall, Children’s Liturgy Room. This week’s topic: The Holy Spirit in the Bible.” Come and join us as we attempt to open up the Scriptures and uncover their meaning for us today! Newcomers are always welcome! TO HAVE YOUR CHILD BAPTIZED Call the Parish Office if you are planning to have your child baptized in the coming months. If this is your first child, you must arrange for baptism preparation prior to setting your baptism date. Baptisms are generally celebrated on the first Sunday of the month. VISITATION OF THE SICK Our extraordinary ministers are always pleased to bring the Eucharist to parishioners who are unable to join us for weekly worship. If you or a family member would like to receive Communion, please call the Rectory. If you know of someone from the parish who is in the hospital, please let us know. ANNUAL REMEMBERANCE MASS: We will again have this Special Mass to remember our deceased loved ones who have passed away during this past year. It will be held on Monday, November 3rd at 7:00pm. A light reception will follow in the Parish Hall. All are welcome to attend. If you have a loved one that as died in the last year and you would like them to be remembered (other than those who have been buried from St. Anne Parish), please let us know so we can remember them at this Mass. Please call the Rectory with their name, 508-485-0141. UNITED PARISHES SOUTHBOROUGH FOOD PANTRY: Thank you so very much for your continuous generous contributions. Currently we are in need of: canned pineapple and pears, canned peas, beef stew, chili, tinfoil, plastic wrap, baggies (all sizes), toothbrushes and toothpaste (adult and children) and laundry and dish detergent. Donations may be left in the foyer of the parish hall. Pantry hours (located at Pilgrim Church) are Tuesdays from 7-8 p.m. and Fridays from 10-11 a.m. Pat Draper THE PILGRIM QUEEN DEVOTION Blessed Icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe): The Pilgrim Queen awaits a family to host her in their home. This is a wonderful way to pray with and for your family. Never underestimate the power of prayer. The icon is placed on the altar. Please place your name on the sign-up sheet when taking her to your home. CONGRADULATIONS TO DEACON DONATO INFANTE who was ordained to the transitional diaconate on Thursday, October 2nd in Rome, Italy. St Anne’s is Donato’s home parish. His parents, Dan and Jean Infante, were members of St. Anne Parish before moving to Lancaster, MA. We hope to celebrate “Deacon Donato” when he returns to the States. STEWARDSHIP NOTE FOR THE TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME: EACH YEAR AT TAX TIME, WE CONSCIENTIOUSLY GIVE “TO CAESAR WHAT BELONGS TO CAESAR.” DOES MY STEWARDSHIP INDICATE THAT I AM AS FAITHFUL ABOUT GIVING “TO GOD WHAT BELONGS TO GOD”? (SEE MATTHEW 22:21) PARISH LIFE & STEWARDSHIP STEWARDSHIP REPORTS FOR: October 11 and 12, 2014 Weekly Offertory Collection…………...….…$3,397.50 Fuel Offering……………...…….………...….$1,063.00 OCTOBER: Second collections: Oct. 5 ~ Capital Improvement* *(Basket passed twice) Oct. 12 ~ Fuel Offering* Special Collections: Oct. 19 ~ World Mission Sunday* *Diocesan Collection, (submit with regular white Offering envelope) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CHILDREN’S LITURGY: at the 8:30 am Mass. All children grades K-5 are invited to join in hearing the Gospel and reflection at an age appropriate level. Younger children are welcome with a parent. High School or adult parishioners interested in participating in this program starting in the fall can contact Joanne Flathers at jflathers@charter.net or 508485-4345 at any time. CONFIRMATION REGISTRATION SESSION FOR STUDENTS AND PARENTS: Oct. 5 at 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall. This program is open to High School students 10th grade and older who have completed one year of High School Religious education either in a parish program or at a Catholic high school. Thank you for your ongoing, generous contributions! HAITIAN APOSTOLATE UPDATE: The total amount received is $11,685.00 towards a goal of $30,000.00. Donations are always appreciated. Checks can be made payable to St. Anne Parish, Haitian Canteen Project. Camp Perrin is our sister-parish to which we have been linked in our Worcester diocesan “Twinning Project.” PLEASE CONSIDER ELECTRONIC GIVING: To give through Parishpay visit the Parish Web site stannesouthboro.org and click on Parishpay or go online to Parishpay. You may also contact Parishpay at 1-866PARISH1 to have a Customer Service Representative assist you with enrollment. THE CHURCH OF SAINT ANNE DEVELOPMENT FUND: The Development Fund will be used for future projects for the buildings and grounds of the Church. Donations may be made in memory of a loved one, deceased or living at any time. GENERAL ANNOUNCMENTS MARIAN HIGH SCHOOL: OPEN HOUSE on Tuesday, October 21 at 5:30pm-7:30pm and November 9 at 1pm -3pm. All students welcome. High School Placement Test dates: November 14 at 8:30am-10:30am and December 13 at 8:30am-10:30am. HSPT Prep Course dates on November 1 & 8 from 9am to 12:15pm. October Class Dates Sunday, October 19 Sunday, October 19 Sunday, October 19 Monday, October 20 Monday, October 20 Sunday, October 26 Sunday, October 26 Monday, October 27 Monday, October 27 Tuesday, October 28 First Communion Grades 1-3 High School Grades 1-3 First Communion Grades 4 & 5 Confirmation Grades 4 & 5 Grades 6-8 Grades 6-8 3:15pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 4:00 pm 5:00pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 4:00pm 7:00pm 4:15pm OUR FATHER'S TABLE: (For students in grades 6-12), October dates to cook Wednesday the 22nd and to serve, Thursday, 23rd. Please watch for the sign up email. YOUTH MINISTRY HOLLOWEEN PARTY: Saturday, Oct. 25 7-9pm for 6th - 8th Get your costumes ready early. There will be games, food and fun. There will also be a costume contest with prizes. Bring the whole family. If you would like to donate items such as food, candy, or decorations, please leave them in the youth ministry office at the end of the parish hall. kkreuter1@gmail.com GOSPEL INSIGHTS: "Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God." Jesus had a brilliant way of navigating tricky situations. In today's Gospel, the Pharisees "plotted how they might entrap Jesus in speech." But he outwitted them, as usual. They wanted to catch him being a political rebel; they expected him to suggest that paying taxes to Caesar was unnecessary or even unjust. But instead, he shifted the focus. He emphasized the importance of fulfilling our civic responsibilities but also the necessity of giving to God what we owe him. So, how do we know what we should "repay" to God? Well, Jesus' response to the Pharisees gives us our answer. He looked at the Roman coin that bore the image of Caesar on it. Then he concluded that the coin belonged to Caesar because it was made in his likeness. Now, what bears the image of God? What is made in his likeness? We are! "God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them" (Gn 1:27). If the coin belonged to Caesar, we belong to God. We repay God by giving him ourselves! This self-giving is what the Second Vatican Council called "the obedience of faith." Through this spiritual obedience, we freely commit ourselves to God, "offering the full submission of intellect and will to God" (Dei Verbum #5). Jesus is calling us today to use our will to choose to follow God. Indeed, the one thing we can give God in return for the gift of life is our will. He gave us the freedom to love him or not. And while the choice is always ours, today Jesus encourages us to make the right decision by giving God what is really his: ourselves! 2014 Liturgical Publications Inc. WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE and MASS INTENTIONS: Liturgical Minister Schedule October 18 and 19 5:00 pm Lector: Communion Ministers: 8:30 am Lector: Communion Ministers: 10:30 am Lector: Communion Ministers: Laura Schroeder Maryanne Hanick & Kathy Murdock John Callinan Joanne Flathers & Anne Shea Peter Bradstreet Debbie Kutch & Millie Garden Saturday, October 18 through Sunday, October 26 SATURDAY 5:00 pm: Pamela Misener (Anniversary) and Rose & Michael D’Amico (Anniversary) by their Family 8:30 am: Parishioners of St. Anne Parish 10:30 am: John F. Albis by Peter and Linda Bradstreet SUNDAY October 25 and 26 5:00 pm Lector: Communion Ministers: 8:30 am Lector: Communion Ministers: 10:30 am Lector: Communion Ministers Deb Sandford Jeannette Castelda/Pat Moran Elaine Yetman Doris Campero/Brian Shea Pat Draper Millie Garden/Peter Bradstreet PARISH MINISTRY OPPORTUNITIES Being apart of a parish ministry is important work. It allows all members to recognize with pride the value provided by the parish through its volunteer efforts. The Parish Ministry Weekend on October 18/19 will hopefully focus our attention on the importance of stewardship, time and talent. Here is a list of the ministries that are available for your consideration: MONDAY 9:00 am: Maria McLaughlin by the Shay Family TUESDAY 9:00 am: Margaret Anne Hostage WEDNESDAY 9:00 am: THURSDAY 9:00 am: Virginia Tykes FRIDAY No Mass SATURDAY 5:00 pm: Richard “Dick” Castelda by his wife and Family Sr. Rose Thelma CSFN 8:30 am: Parishioners of St. Anne Parish 10:30 am: Harry Prosperi (14th Anniversary) and Juliette Boulanger (Anniversary) by his wife and her daughter, Georgette Prosperi ADULT FORMATION (RICA) ADULT SERVERS (FUNERALS) ADULT SERVERS ADULT CHOIR EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY (Church/Home Visits) St. Anne Parish extends our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of: JOAN BARRY May she rest in peace. SACRISTY/CHURCH COMMITTEE (Altar Society) LECTOR MINISTRY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/TEACHERS YOUTH MINISTRY LITURGY COMMITTEE We pray for the recently deceased: Laura Lanoue, Jane Spinoza May they rest in peace. BEREAVEMENT MINISTRY MINISTRY TO HOMEBOUND / NURSING HOME HAITIAN APOSTOLATE RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY CANTORS CHILSDREN’S LITURGY LEADERS CHRISTIAN OUTREACH UNITED PARISHES ECUMENICAL OUTREACH PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Angie Pessini, Bob Levangie, Bill MacIver, June Stephens, Steve Coldwell, Irene Waterman, Sr. Yvette Beford, Faith Stephens, Caitlin O’Hara, Jenny Polanik, Michael Bernier, Sr. Paula Norton, Ray Coldwell, Sr. Norene, Sr. Ann Mary Blute, June Phillipo, Jan & Charlie Mangana, Phyllis Dumas, Christian Campero, Fred Anketell, Danielle Taylor, Sr. Ruth Virginia, Sr. Rose Thelma, Jamie Farley, John Gagliano, Cathy Galbraith, Rachel Knoll, Lana Connors (surgery) Stephanie McMahon, Diane Toomey USHERS CATHOLIC WOMAN’S CLUB HOSPITALITY/COMMUNITY BUILDING Next week’s Readings: Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Exodus 22:20-26 1 Thessalonians 1L5c-10 Matthew 22:34-40 Would you like to receive a copy of the bulletin via email every week? It’s a great way to keep up with what’s happening in our parish all summer long! To be added to the bulletin distribution list, please send an email to: cynthia.delapena@gmail.com with "St. Anne Bulletin List" in the subject line.
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