Andrew D. Linden, M.A. EDUCATION

Andrew D. Linden, M.A.
274 Recreation Building—The Pennsylvania State University—University Park, PA 16802
Ph.D. in Kinesiology (In progress; Anticipated Completion: 2015)
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
Specialization: History and Philosophy of Sport
Advisor: Dr. Jaime Schultz
M.A. in Education (2012)
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Specialization: Sport Humanities
Thesis Title: “The Cultural Nexus of Sport and Business: The Relocation of the
Cleveland Browns”
Advisor: Dr. Melvin L. Adelman
B.A. in History (2010)
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Specialization: Modern U.S. History and Sport and Leisure in the U.S.
Graduate Teaching Assistant (August, 2012-Present)
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
Program is part of the Department of Kinesiology within the College of Health and
Human Development
Research Assistant (July, 2012-Present)
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
Research assistant to Dr. Jaime Schultz
Graduate Teaching Associate (September, 2010-June, 2012)
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Program is part of the School of Physical Activity and Educational Services within
the College of Education and Human Ecology
Collections Intern (June, 2009-September, 2009)
Pro Football Hall of Fame and Museum, Canton, Ohio
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
Antunovic, Dunja and Andrew D. Linden. “Disrupting Dominant Discourses:
#HERESPROOF of Interest in Women’s Sports.” Feminist Media Studies (accepted).
Schultz, Jaime, W. Larry Kenney, and Andrew D. Linden. “Heat-Related Deaths in
American Football: A Critical-Historical Account.” Sport History Review 45, no. 2
(November 2014): (in press).
Schultz, Jaime and Andrew D. Linden. “From Ladies Days to Women’s Initiatives:
National Pastimes and Distaff Consumption.” The International Journal of the History
of Sport 31, nos. 1-2 (January-February 2014): 156-180.
Schultz, Jaime, Dunja Antunovic, Adam Berg, Justine Kaempfer, Andrew D. Linden,
Thomas Rorke, Colleen English, and Mark Dyreson. “A Brief Taxonomy of Sports that
Were Not Quite American National Pastimes: Fads and Flashes-in-the-Pan,
Nationwide and Regional Pastimes, the Pastimes of Other Nations, and Pan-National
Pastimes.” The International Journal of the History of Sport 31, nos. 1-2 (JanuaryFebruary 2014): 250-272.
Linden, Andrew D. “Looking at Losing: Presentations of the Media’s Narrative of
the Cleveland Browns’ Relocation.” The International Journal of the History of Sport
29, no. 18 (December 2012): 2575-2598.
Book Chapters
Linden, Andrew D. “‘The Drive’: Regional Memories in Cleveland and Denver.” In
Playing It Again: Historians Revisit Twenty-Four Dramatic Moments in America’s
Sporting Past. Ed. Steven Gietschier. Champaign: University of Illinois Press (under
Film Reviews
Linden, Andrew D. Review of LT: The Life & Times by Showtime Sports (2013).
Journal of Sport History (submitted).
Book Reviews
Linden, Andrew D. and Adam Berg. Review of Getting Physical: The Rise of Physical
Fitness in America by Shelly McKenzie. Journal of Sport History (in press).
Linden, Andrew D. Review of Money Games: Profiting from the Convergence of
Sports and Entertainment by David M. Carter. Journal of Sport History 40, no. 2
(Summer 2013): 334-335.
Linden, Andrew D. Review of Sportista: Female Fandom in the United States by
Andrei S. Markovits and Emily K. Albertson. Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce,
Media, Politics 16, no. 9 (2013): 1213-1216
Other Publications
Linden, Andrew D. “Ernie Davis.” In American Sports: A History of Icons, Idols and
Ideas. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. Ed. by Murry Nelson (2013).
Linden, Andrew D. “Pro Football Hall of Fame.” In American Sports: A History of
Icons, Idols and Ideas. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. Ed. by Murry Nelson (2013).
Linden, Andrew D. “Goalposts: Tackling the Last Bastion of Male Monopoly.” On the
Issues Magazine (Spring 2012).
Invited Presentations
Linden, Andrew D. “Sport in Nineteenth Century America: The Rise of Football’s
Popularity” at the Pro Football Hall of Fame Educational Seminar. December 27,
2012. Canton, Ohio, United States.
Schultz, Jaime and Andrew D. Linden, “From Ladies Days to Women’s Initiatives:
National Pastimes and Distaff Consumption” at The Lives (And Deaths) Of American
National Pastimes. October, 2012. Pennsylvania State University, University Park,
Pennsylvania, United States.
Conference Presentations
Linden, Andrew D., Adam Berg, and Jaime Schultz. “Like A Punch To The Face:
Manliness, Social Class, and Esquire Network’s White Collar Brawlers” at the North
American Society for the Sociology of Sport Conference. November, 2014. Portland,
Oregon, United States (accepted).
Linden, Andrew D. “Social Politics on the American Gridiron: Gender, Contested
Space, and Women’s Football in the 1970s” at the North American Society for Sport
History Conference. June, 2014. Glenwood Springs, Colorado, United States.
o Organized “American Football in the Twentieth Century” Panel.
Linden, Andrew D. “Women, Contested Space, and American Football in the 1970s”
at the Penn State Women’s Studies Graduate Organization’s Annual Conference.
April, 2014. University Park, Pennsylvania, United States.
Linden, Andrew D. “Gridiron Masculinity in 1970s Film” at the Tri-University
Conference for the Trans/Disciplinary Study of Sport. March, 2014. London, Ontario,
Linden, Andrew D. “Loyalty is a Two-Way Street: Allegiance and Franchise
Relocation in North American Professional Sport” at The International Association
for the Philosophy of Sport Conference. September, 2013. Fullerton, California,
United States.
Linden, Andrew D. “Rustbelt Renaissance and Civic Identity: Cleveland and the
‘Save Our Browns’ Campaign” at the North American Society for Sport History
Conference. May, 2013. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Linden, Andrew D. “‘It Is Not Fair To Say That We Are Unionizing’: Jack Kemp and
Labor Conservatism, 1966-1970” at the Tri-University Conference for the
Trans/Disciplinary Study of Sport. March, 2013. University Park, Pennsylvania,
United States.
Linden, Andrew D. “The Lingerie Football League: From the Subordination to the
Perversion of Women” at the Midwest Popular Culture Association Conference.
October, 2012. Columbus, Ohio, United States.
o Panel Chair, “The Mediation of the Female Athlete in Popular Culture.”
Linden, Andrew D. “Images and Meanings of Sports Entrepreneurship: The
Polarization of Art Modell’s Representation” at the North American Society for Sport
History Conference. June, 2012. Berkeley, California, United States.
Linden, Andrew D. “‘We’re Throwing Every Pot and Pan at the Issue’: Cleveland’s
Civic Activism and the ‘Save Our Browns’ Campaign” at the Midwest Popular Culture
Association Conference. October, 2011. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States.
Linden, Andrew D. “Looking at Losing: Presentations of the Media’s Narrative of
the Cleveland Browns’ Relocation” at the North American Society for Sport History
Conference. May, 2011. Austin, Texas, United States.
Linden, Andrew D. and Melvin L. Adelman. “The Business of Professional Football:
The Profitability of National Football League Clubs in 1951 and 1952” at the North
American Society for Sport History Conference. May, 2010. Orlando, Florida, United
Linden, Andrew D. “Gay Olympiad: Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Athletes at the
Modern Olympics” at the 15th Annual Denman Undergraduate Research Forum. May,
2010. Columbus, Ohio, United States.
Course in College Teaching Completion Certificate
Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence, The Pennsylvania State University
September 17, 2013-November 5, 2013
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA
Courses as Co-Instructor:
o KINES 141-Introduction to the Social & Cultural Dynamics of Kinesiology
 August 25, 2014-December 19, 2014
 90 Students
 Lead Professor: Dr. Jaime Schultz
o KINES 141-Introduction to the Social & Cultural Dynamics of Kinesiology
 January 13, 2014-May 2, 2014
 90 Students
 Lead Professor: Dr. Mark Dyreson
o KINES 141-Introduction to the Social & Cultural Dynamics of Kinesiology
 August 26, 2013-December 13, 2013
 90 Students
 Lead Professor: Dr. Jaime Schultz
o KINES 141-Introduction to the Social & Cultural Dynamics of Kinesiology
 January 7, 2013-April 26, 2013
 90 Students
 Lead Professor: Dr. Jaime Schultz
o KINES 141-Introduction to the Social & Cultural Dynamics of Kinesiology
 August 27, 2012-December 14, 2012
 90 Students
 Lead Professor: Dr. Jaime Schultz
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA
Courses taught as head instructor:
o EDU PAES 211-History of Sport, Physical Culture and the Body in Twentieth
Century America
 March 26, 2012-June 1, 2012
 40 Students
o EDU PAES 211-History of Sport, Physical Culture and the Body in Twentieth
Century America
 January 3, 2012-March 9, 2012
 40 Students
o EDU PAES 210-History of Sport, Physical Culture and the Body in Nineteenth
Century America
 January 3, 2012-March 9, 2012
 40 Students
o EDU PAES 210-History of Sport, Physical Culture and the Body in Nineteenth
Century America
 September 21, 2011-December 2, 2011
 40 Students
o EDU PAES 411-College Sport
 June 20, 2011-July 20, 2011
 30 Students
o EDU PAES 210-History of Sport, Physical Culture and the Body in Nineteenth
Century America
 January 3, 2011-March 11, 2011
 40 Students
o EDU PAES 411-College Sport
 September 22, 2010-December 3, 2010
 30 Students
o EDU PAES 210-History of Sport, Physical Culture and the Body in Nineteenth
Century America
 September 22, 2010-December 3, 2010
 40 Students
Courses as teaching assistant:
o EDU PAES 210-History of Sport, Physical Culture and the Body in Nineteenth
Century America
 March 28, 2011-June 3, 2011
 100 Students
 Lead Professor: Dr. Melvin L. Adelman
Student Member-at-Large (May, 2013-Present)
North American Society for Sport History Executive Board
o The Executive Board manages organizational, fiscal, and structural needs of
the organization.
Co-Editor and Contributor (April, 2014-Present)
Sport in American History Group Blog
o Launched in May 2014, Sport in American History is a group blog that focuses
on American Sport History and Studies. It is comprised of sport scholars and
graduate students dedicated to developing an active online community
interested in critically engaging current and historical issues in sport.
Co-Conference Organizer and Manager (July, 2011-March, 2013)
Tri-University Conference for the Trans/Disciplinary Study of Sport
o Co-organized the second annual conference held March 21-23, 2013, at
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania. “Breaking
Barriers: Diverse Approaches in Sport Humanities.”
o Co-organized the inaugural conference held March 30, 2012, at Ohio State
University, Columbus, Ohio. “Humanistic Foundations: Historical,
Philosophical and Sociocultural Studies of Sport.”
Graduate Student Council Member (October, 2011-June, 2012)
Physical Activity and Educational Services (PAES) Graduate Student Council, Ohio
State University, Columbus, Ohio
o The purpose of this organization is to facilitate collaboration between the
programs in the School of PAES and to advocate for the needs of the graduate
students in all PAES programs.
North American Society for Sport History (January, 2009-Present)
North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (June, 2014-Present)
The International Association for the Philosophy of Sport (April, 2013-Present)
Tri-University Conference for the Trans/Disciplinary Study of Sport (July, 2011Present)