The Messenger 20 14 N ew sl et t er of t he Fir st C ongr eg at i o na l C hur ch of Le e, M as s a ch u set t s An O p en an d Af f ir m i ng C ongr eg at i o n of t he U nit e d Ch ur ch of Chr ist World Communion Sunday The first Sunday of October (October 5) is World Communion Sunday. We share the sacrament of The Lord’s Supper with people of faith all around the world. The Common Cup and the Shared Loaf remind us of the motto of the United Church of Christ, That They All May Be One. All are invited to participate in that service of unity. Construct Walk on October 19 This annual Construct Walk is set for Sunday, October 19. The goal is $50,000 to support the needs of local families as they seek to stay in their homes. Plan now to walk if you are able and to generously support the walkers if you are not able to join them. There will be food and music at the end of the walk which will conclude at the Great Barrington Fair Grounds on South Main Street. Come to Janet’s Installation On Sunday, October 26, the Rev. Janet McKinstry will be installed as the Pastor and Teacher of the Richmond Congregational Church. Janet was ordained here at Lee. She is one of ours! In addition, her service will incorporate the Fall Gathering of the Berkshire Association. The emphasis will be worship and music. The time is set for 2:00 P.M. Please join our Vitality Team and others. Ride-sharing will be available. Berkshire Organizing Continues The next large Leaders’ Meeting for the Berkshire Organizing Project will be on Wednesday, October 15. The place is St. Mary’s Church in Cheshire. There will be a brief training event at 4:00 P.M. The main gathering goes from 5:30 to 7:30 P.M. Both Ken Galdston of InterValley Project and Tara Parrish of Pioneer Valley Project will join Wendy Krom and others as we plan actions for our two Issue Teams and prepare for our Founding Convention. Put January 25 on your calendar now. Our Founding Convention will be held at 2:00 P.M. that afternoon Our next Leaders’ Training will be held here at Lee on Sunday, November 2 from 1:00 to 3:30 P.M. That training will have both an Introductory and an Advanced component. Relationship building and Leadership Development are two primary goals of our Organizing Project. New Mission Project Did you know that the number one cause of maternal depression and childhood stress for low income families is directly related to diapers? The cost of buying diapers for infants and toddlers is the number one stress for many low income mothers. They cannot leave their child at Day Care on Monday unless they have a full week’s supply. Diapers are not covered by SNAP or WIC. They are a huge out-of-pocket expense. The Berkshire Diaper Project is a brand new mission whose one goal is to provide diapers to those who need them. Contributions of cash or diapers may be made through our church. The Lee Food Pantry is one of three centers in Berkshire County for their distribution. You will be hearing more about this in the near future. Thank You A huge thank you to everyone who helped out and/or attended the organ re-dedication concert. We had over 200 people in attendance. Aside from my computer not cooperating for the slide show, all went very smoothly. People were very pleased to have the organ playable again. Tari Roosa “It is the aim of this church to present a religion as considerate of persons as the teachings of Jesus; as devoted to justice as the Old Testament prophets; as responsive to Truth as science; as beautiful as art; as intimate as the home and as indispensable as the air we breathe.” STATEMENT BY THE FOUNDERS Reverend Bill Neil, Pastor; Elaine Miller, Director of Christian Education; Jim Morrison, Music Director; Michelle Bouché, Administrative Assistant; Glenn Withers, Sexton First Congregational Church of Lee, United Church of Christ, 25 Park Place, PO Box 395, Lee, MA 01238 413.243.1033 | | Another Milestone Moderator, Garth Story In the horse and buggy days people used to mark the trails and roads with stones called milestones. There is a stretch of road near Calais, ME that still has the stones along the side with the mileage, counting down to town, carved in each one. As our church has moved forward, we also can mark the trail. We have just accomplished another one of the milestones along the way. Our great pipe organ has been fixed so that we can enjoy the many wonderful sounds that can only come from real pipes that were all made by hand. For years, many of you worked tirelessly on the fund that would ultimately provide for the rebuild. As we saved, the price of repairs needed to fix the old electro/pneumatic controlled organ moved way beyond our budget into the range of $500,000. Modern technology came along to save the day. New digital control systems came into use that would make it feasible to restore an organ with tired leather, lots of leaks and damaged wiring. We finally had a match between our funds and a means of repair! I’m writing this on Sunday, the 21st, after just hearing Jim play all of the accompanying organ music from a new Hammond keyboard down front hooked by a MIDI cable to the pipe organ up in the back. Alongside that cable are a pair of CAT 5 cables that enable Jim to also switch a number of preset pipe combinations from the Hammond! This is no simple feat and probably practically impossible as little as five years ago. Ah, modern technology! We had a couple of articles in the Eagle and Berkshire Record as a result of our rededication concert. The Record article appeared after the concert, and to say the least, it was a great review!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL! We have reached another milestone. Super Saturday It is not too late to sign up for the next Super Saturday which will be held at Keefe Technical School in Framingham on October 25. The workshops are listed on the MACUCC web-site. The Rev. M. Linda Jaramillo, Executive Minister of Justice and Witness Ministries, will be the keynote speaker. The workshops are designed to both inspire and equip local church members in our many ministries as the people of God. From the Pastor This past summer has seen the emergence of (at least) two deadly outbreaks that have brought suffering and death to portions of our world. One is the Ebola virus in western Africa. The other is a small but vicious group of terrorists who call themselves the “Islamic State.” I abhor violence. I think that almost every war that has ever been fought was a mistake in its use of violence, even if its goal was proper. The goals that led to the War of Independence could have been accomplished with patience and non-violent means. Slavery would have disappeared without the bloody battles of the War Between the States. World War II was the direct result of the revenge inflicted by the victors at the end of the First World War. Bib Laden’s excuse for Al Qaeda was the presence of infidel boots during the First Gulf War. I was able to register as a Conscientious Objector in 1969. If I had not received a high number in the Draft Lottery, I would have done two years of alternative service. That said, the way to control an outbreak of Ebola is to separate those who are infected from their friends and families. They must be quarantined and treated as soon as they become contagious. Past outbreaks have been contained by this method. In the current struggle, hundreds of people have become infected and have avoided hospitals. They have remained among their loved ones. The infection has spread dramatically. Whole villages may die as a result. I see the appropriate response to the so-called “Islamic State” in the same light. If they had been diagnosed as a radical, murderous, terrorist organization and had been quarantined and kept in a limited geographical setting, then we had hope of containing their death-dealing behavior. Now they are widespread in Syria and Iraq. They have beheaded captured journalists. They have tried to murder tens of thousands of people who belong to differing religions. Even among their fellow Muslims, their specific practices and beliefs can be the cause of summary execution. These two grave concerns, Ebola and ISIS, have brought the Congress and the President together as none of the other pressing issues facing our country have done. In each case, there is an opportunity to work widely with many other nations and the United Nations for a common cause. My hope and prayer is that all unnecessary suffering can come to an end. Both disease and terror can be stopped. The cure is isolation and intensive treatment. Both require considerable cost and sacrifice. Inviting, Developing, and Strengthening Disciples toward the Full Maturity of Christ Rev. Bill Neil Newsletter of the First Congregational Church of Lee, Massachusetts, United Church of Christ – OCTOBER 2014 2 Worship Attendance SEPTEMBER 7th 72; 14th 77; 21st 60 includes 6 in church school From the Music Director Well, fall has arrived. All in all it turned out to be a nice summer. Now the leaves are starting to fall, a chill is in the morning air, and that can only mean one thing - time to start rehearsing for the Christmas Concert. I have been working on the program for the past few weeks along with a couple of my elves. Actual rehearsals will begin on Tuesday, October 7th. And this year we will be rehearsing in Lee. So choir rehearsals will be on Sunday mornings from 9:00am to 10:15am rather than Tuesday nights. It may seem early to you, but the concert is only 12 weeks away. I think almost all of my singers and band are returning this year, and I may have a few new people. We will also have the ability to use the refurbished Hook and Hastings Pipe Organ for the concert. That will definitely add to a few of the songs that really require and organ for the best possible performance sound arrangement. I will have an update on the concert progress in the next newsletter. In the meantime, please remember the date, Friday, December 19th at 7:00pm, and it is not too early to start telling your friends and family. I wanted to thank all of you who made it out to the Organ Concert on Saturday September 13th. What a great night that was for the Church, as well as all of the people who so diligently worked for many, many years to make that night possible. It was fun for me to play alongside of some of my associates and to be a part of such a nice program. For me the highlight of the night was Alex and Michael's, two-part arrangement of Paul Anka's "My Way.” The balance between the two instruments was perfect. Being able to use both instruments in tandem may open up a world of new possibilities for us in the future. My other highlight was the choir's performance of "Gloria.” They did such a nice job on Saturday night and Sunday morning was just as good. It was a lot of work, especially considering that many people in our choir do not read music. On a sad note, the news that Bob Birch has taken a turn for the worse concerns us all. I had hoped he would have been well enough to come on the 13th, and when he was not there, plans were immediately made to get him a copy on CD and/or DVD. From what I have heard, Bob was sort of the driving force behind this entire restoration project. And if it hadn't been for Bob and a few others, I am sure that the 13th would have never happened. And because of Bob's relentless drive, this church has a great instrument that will be enjoyed by many generations to come. Thank you Bob. Happy Fall. Jim Morrison Report from Open and Affirming Committee The Committee met on September 14th after church to plan for a celebration of the first year anniversary of the adoption of our ONA Covenant, and to continue our discussion of ways to implement our Covenant. Our celebration will be on Sunday, November 23 at which time the Just Peace Players in coordination with Pastor Bill will be responsible for our Sunday morning worship service. The theme of their play will be ONA since this also a celebration of the fact that thirty years ago the Mass. Conference of UCC started ONA. Then in 1985 the UCC General Synod adopted a resolution calling on congregations to declare themselves “Open and Affirming.” Following the service lunch will be provided. Ruth Francis has volunteered to make a vegetarian soup. From our discussion of ONA in print and art the following was decided: o Brochures – Marilyn Rossier will coordinate with Vitality o Pastor Bill will be responsible for getting rainbow comma on all church papers, stationery, etc. o Ruth Francis will check on getting a permanent flag/banner for the narthex. o Barbara Mahony will speak at Council about rainbow comma on our long rectangle sign in front of the church, contact Dick Lindsey from Berkshire Eagle about an article celebrating our anniversary of ONA Covenant, contact Kelly Hecht about our involvement with GLBTQ youth. o Barbara Mahony distributed copies of “We’re ONA-Now What?” and “There’s More Than One Way to Live ONA!” for the members to read in preparation for discussion at our next meeting that will be held on Sunday, October 5th after worship. Marilyn Rossier volunteered to prepare for Word, Share, Pray. As always we welcome participation from other members/friends in our committee. Newsletter of the First Congregational Church of Lee, Massachusetts, United Church of Christ – OCTOBER 2014 3 First Congregational Church of Lee Prayer Ministry Bible verse of the month: “That’s enough! Now know that I am God! I am exalted among all nations; I am exalted throughout the world!” Psalm 46:10 The Prayer Ministry meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 1:00 p.m. in the Perkins Chapel to pray for each person whose name appears below. Everyone is invited to participate in this Prayer Ministry. If you have names for the prayer list, please complete the request form and place in offering plate or submit to the church office. Names are kept on the prayer list for two months unless otherwise advised. WE PRAY FOR 09.23.14 Our Friends and Members: Sister Alberta (friend of Martha Congdon) Jill Allen (friend & co-worker of Pam Naventi) Nick Audi (friend of Susan Tucker and Isabel Fassell) Virginia Beach (friend of Diane Wheeler) Mavis & Ken Beam (friends of church) Norma Berry (member of church) Pyper Brady (friend of Melissa and Karl Myers) Rosemarie Buffoni (friend of John and Gloria Arnold) Matthew Calautti (friend of Barbara Mahony) Markel Carras (friend of Susan Tucker) Evelyn Chaffee (member of this church) Stephen Cozzaglio (Husband of Sandy Cozzaglio) Barbara De Stefano (friend of Sandra Cozzaglio) Marge Driscoll (friend of Joyce Monachina) Rita Dupont (mother of Lucille Tillotson) Paul Fassell (son of Isabel Fassell) Betty Fitzgerald (friend of church) Major Dulce Fletcher (friend of Maddy Tremblay) Doug Guinan (friend of James and Sarah DelSignor) Jeffrey Harford (son of Lynn Lanoue) James Harwood (brother-in-law of Denise Harwood) Barry Hawley (friend of James and Sarah DelSignor) Bud Hendricks (co-worker of Betsy and Bob Matarazzo) Tracie Johnson (friend of Denise Harwood) Jean Primmer Kenison (cousin of Sandra Cozzaglio) The Ketchen Family (members of this church) Ellen Krupka (member of this church) Bill Lambert (son-in-law of Barbara Mahony) Darren Lee (friend of Denise Harwood) Andrew Lori (neighbor of Marilyn and Stan Rossier) Chris Ludwig (mother of Jessica Drenga) Elizabeth Mack and family (friends of Sandra Cozzaglio) Jo Anne Magee (friend of Barbara Mahony) Nancy Maleri (friend of Bonnie Tillotson) Blanche Matarazzo (mother of Robert Matarazzo) Christine, Paul, Liam, Bailey, and Cameron Merritt (friends of Denise Harwood) Gail Morrison (wife of Jim Morrison) David Ohman (son of Conrad and Margaret Ohman) Maddie Ohman (mother of Conrad Ohman) Newsletter of the First Congregational Church of Lee, Massachusetts, United Church of Christ – OCTOBER 2014 4 Richard Paul (friend of Maddy Tremblay and Tari Roosa) Kendra Pixley (daughter of a friend of Danna Snow) Hayleigh Porrini (friend of Susan and Lindsay Clayson and Sandra Cozzaglio) Tina Porrini (friend of Susan and Lindsay Clayson and Sandra Cozzaglio) Joe Quinn (brother of Jane Gleason) Walter Rathbun (friend of Judy & Ray Morehouse and Kathy Withers) Kristin Rocca (friend of Denise Harwood) Larry Simard (friend of Maddy Tremblay) Jean Smith (aunt of Robert Matarazzo) Nancy Spazak (friend of Bob & Betsy Matarazzo) Lisa Thomas (aunt of Naomi and Jack Cosmus and Denise Harwood) Claire Tisdale (mother of Sheila Maroni) Trevor Tucker (grandson of Nancy Tucker) Fred Vorck (friend of Marilyn & Stan Rossier) Allie Wheeler (daughter of a co-worker of Margaret Markham) Henry Zukowski (husband of Joan Zukowski) Sympathy Extended to the family of Pliny Hunt Extended to the family of Emily L. Jahn Extended to the family of Joan Miller Extended to the family of Kevin H. Sedelow Our Shut-Ins at Care Facilities: Robert & Dolores Birch (Laurel Lake Rehab), Marion Carrington (Mount Carmel Care Center), Jarolyn Etheredge (assisted living in New Hampshire), Ida Hitchcock (Centerville on Cape Cod), George Sampson (Kimball Nursing Home), Lois Wade (Kimball Nursing Home). Our Church: My prayer and yearning for this church is ______ (please fill in the blank). Bill Neil and his family, our staff, our congregation, Committees, Council, children around the world supported by our church. Our Local Community: For those who are in need of employment, food, shelter, financial assistance, friendship. Our Country: For our citizens to have the courage to carry out the message of the gospel of Jesus and to expect our elected officials to do the same. This message is to bring justice to those in need whether that need be veterans benefits, health care, jobs, protection from discrimination. All Those Who Serve & Protect: Military, police, fire fighters, EMS, and their families. Our World: For the victims and their families of civil unrest, victims of persecution based on sexual orientation and identity, people displaced by ethnic violence, the young women kidnapped in Nigeria, all who are suffering the results of catastrophic climate change, and all those whose lives are affected by war. Prayer Request Form Please Pray For __________________________________________________________________________ Requested by _______________________________________________ Tel ___________________________ Reason for request (will not be printed on Prayer concerns) __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Place Prayer Request in offering plate or submit to the church office Newsletter of the First Congregational Church of Lee, Massachusetts, United Church of Christ – OCTOBER 2014 5 Revised Common Lectionary, Year A October 2014 5 17th Sunday after Pentecost Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20 Psalm 19 OR Isaiah 5:1-7 Psalm 80:7-15 Philippians 3:4b-14 Matthew 21:33-46 12 18th Sunday after Pentecost Exodus 32:1-14 Psalm 106:1-6, 19-23 or Isaiah 25:1-9 Psalm 23 Philippians 4:1-9 Matthew 22:1-14 19 19th Sunday after Pentecost Exodus 33:12-23 Psalm 99 or Isaiah 45:1-7 Psalm 96:1-9, (10-13) 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 Matthew 22:15-22 26 20th Sunday after Pentecost Deuteronomy 34:1-12 Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17 or Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18 Psalm 1 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8 Matthew 22:34-46 Holiday Fair December 6, 10am-3pm. Co-chair Elaine Miller, Judy Morehouse Please watch your November Messenger for a flyer of raffle items as well as your tickets. 1. Painting by Gloria Malcolm Arnold 2. A holiday cross-stitched sampler by Joan Zukowski 3. A quilted sampler by Carol Blakeslee 4. Aran Irish knit blanket by Judy Morehouse More tickets available in the church office. No Children’s room – youth will be working at Fair and with Elaine at lunch. New health inspector in town. If you have made food items like preserves, pickles etc. for the Fair please contact Mariliyn Rossier or Judy. Candies must be made in church kitchen in a ServSafe manner. Gourmet Meals-to-Go – need to be prepared in church kitchen. A suggestion has been made that we get together and create meals at church. Please call Marilyn or Judy – we will continue with bake sale as before but we need more volume to cover possible decrease in meals – cookies, cookies, cookies. Remember – hand mades are very popular. Get those hands busy. Items to wear, for the home, kitchen, the yard, or to give as Christmas gifts. Let’s get excited about the Fair and make it our best ever! ~Judy. Come for lunch and shop, shop, shop. Treasurer’s Concern Our received pledge contributions through 9/21 are $5,000 below the budgeted amount. We are currently at 91% of the year-to-date budget amount. Please contribute to your pledge and conference dues ($20/member) and bring them up-to-date. Thank you, Al Trivers Newsletter of the First Congregational Church of Lee, Massachusetts, United Church of Christ – OCTOBER 2014 6 OCTOBER Calendar – online at Ministry Schedule for Worship Flower Contact M. Trivers Coffee Hr Music & Choir Tuesday First Congregational Church of Lee Diaconate S. Rossier & J. Gleason Wednesday Thursday Greeter F. Neil Usher C. Clifford Friday Saturday Sunday Monday 28 OUT: Rev. Neil 10:30 AM Worship Service, Sunday School, Nursery 11:30 AM Coffee Hr 11:30 AM Presentation: 2014 Mission Trip 5:00 PM BENEFIT: Lee HS Golf Team Spaghetti Dinner 29 OUT: Michelle OUT: Rev. Neil 4:00 PM Room prep 5:00 PM Weight Watchers 6:30 PM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM AL-Anon 30 OUT: Rev. Neil 10:00 AM Sing for Joy! 5:45 PM Zumba 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal OCTOBER 1 8:00 AM AA Happy Joyous & Free 10:00 AM MTG: Pastoral Relations Committee 5:30 PM Community Dinner 2 10:00 AM Study Grp: The Beginnings of Christianity 5:30 PM Zumba 6:30 PM Room prep 6:30 PM Scouts: Troop Committee Mtg 7:30 PM AA Lee Park Place 3 4 8:00 AM AA SOS 9:00 AM MTG: BGP Inc 10:00 AM Weight Watchers 5 World Communion Sunday 9:00 AM Choir Rehearsal 10:30 AM Worship Service with Communion, Sunday School, Nursery 11:30 AM Coffee Hr 11:30 AM MTG: ONA Committee 6 4:00 PM Room prep 5:00 PM Weight Watchers 6:30 PM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM AL-Anon 7 10:00 AM Sing for Joy! 11:59 AM Prayer Shawl Ministry 5:45 PM Zumba 7:00 PM Rehearsal: xmas concert 8 8:00 AM AA Happy Joyous & Free 5:30 PM Community Dinner 9 10:00 AM Study Grp: The Beginnings of Christianity 5:30 PM Zumba 6:30 PM Room prep 7:00 PM MTG: CE Committee 7:30 PM AA Lee Park Place 10 11 8:00 AM AA SOS 10:00 AM Weight Watchers 12 9:00 AM Choir Rehearsal 10:30 AM Worship Service, Sunday School, Nursery 11:30 AM Coffee Hr 11:30 AM Mtg: Hospitality 13 4:00 PM Room prep 5:00 PM Weight Watchers 6:30 PM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM AL-Anon 14 10:00 AM Sing for Joy! 5:45 PM Zumba 7:00 PM Rehearsal: xmas concert 15 8:00 AM AA Happy Joyous & Free 5:30 PM Community Dinner 6:30 PM MACUCC Mtg 7:00 PM MTG: Council 16 17 10:00 AM Study Grp: OUT: Bruce The Beginnings of Christianity 1:00 PM Prayer Ministry 5:30 PM Zumba 6:30 PM Room prep 7:30 PM AA Lee Park Place 18 8:00 AM AA SOS 10:00 AM Weight Watchers 19 CONSTRUCT Walk 9:00 AM Choir Rehearsal 10:30 AM Worship Service, Sunday School, Nursery 11:30 AM Coffee Hr 11:30 AM Mtg: Diaconate 20 OUT: Bruce 4:00 PM Room prep 5:00 PM Weight Watchers 6:30 PM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM AL-Anon 21 OUT: Bruce 10:00 AM Sing for Joy! 11:59 AM Prayer Shawl Ministry 5:45 PM Zumba 7:00 PM Rehearsal: xmas concert 22 8:00 AM AA Happy Joyous & Free 5:30 PM Community Dinner 7:00 PM MTG: Personnel Committee 23 10:00 AM Study Grp: The Beginnings of Christianity 5:30 PM Zumba 6:30 PM Room prep 7:30 PM AA Lee Park Place 24 25 Super Saturday (Framingham) 8:00 AM AA SOS 10:00 AM Weight Watchers 26 9:00 AM Choir Rehearsal 10:30 AM Worship Service, Sunday School, Nursery 11:30 AM Coffee Hr 27 4:00 PM Room prep 5:00 PM Weight Watchers 6:30 PM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM AL-Anon 28 10:00 AM Sing for Joy! 5:45 PM Zumba 7:00 PM Rehearsal: xmas concert 29 8:00 AM AA Happy Joyous & Free 5:30 PM Community Dinner 30 10:00 AM Study Grp: The Beginnings of Christianity 5:30 PM Clergy Community Practice 5:30 PM Zumba 6:30 PM Room prep 7:30 PM AA Lee Park Place 31 NOVEMBER 1 8:00 AM AA SOS 10:00 AM Weight Watchers 6:00 PM Scout Pack Mtg Newsletter of the First Congregational Church of Lee, Massachusetts, United Church of Christ – OCTOBER 2014 7
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