& Fall Festival Chili

the Meetinghouse
O c to b e r 1 2 , 2 0 1 4 • Vo l u m e 8 2 • N o. 8
Chili &
Sunday, October 26
After Worship Service
We need your best chili!
Sign up at the Welcome Table for one of two
categories – Carnivore for those who like meat or
Herbivore for those who don’t – or let Rev. Ryan
Steitz know your interest by Monday, Oct. 20, at
rsteitz@fccla.org or 213.355.5232. Put on your
apron and join in the fun!
Join us for our Third Annual Fall
Festival — a celebration for kids
and adults of all ages! Everyone
will be judging the Chili Cookoff
and kids may come dressed up in
Halloween costumes. There will be
carnival games for prizes!
for the Journey
by Rev. Tom Eggebeen
Friend of First Church
Editor’s note: Each and every
Sunday we try to make sure worship
at First Church is the best it can possibly
be. Provoking the mind and inspiring the heart. Encouraging
people in a way that makes a difference in their lives. Giving
them something to think about for the week ahead. A few
weeks ago, Tom Eggebean wrote a poem after worship. It
inspired us and we hope it inspires you too.
Believing Deeply
It’s the music.
Always the music.
Hymns to the glory of God.
Choral music rich and Latin.
Pipe organ wealth of sound.
Minor and major, somber and playful.
Great words of God’s love.
God’s faithfulness to creation.
Grace abounding.
Forgiveness unconditional.
My heart is moved.
Tears unbidden.
choked throat.
Faith, hope and love.
Something True.
Without a map.
It’s the music.
Always the music
The Meetinghouse | October 12, 2014
Film Forum:
The Silver Linings Playbook
TODAY – 12:30pm – Shatto Chapel
The Silver Linings Playbook is a romantic
comedy/drama written and directed by
David O. Russell and adapted from the
book of the same name by Matthew
Quick. The film is about intertwining
relationships and how the characters
navigate and cope with their emotional
lives. We hope you will join us today,
after worship service, for the movie
and discussion.
Support the
“Walk to End Alzheimer’s”
First Church member Jason Malone is heading up a team to
support the Alzheimer Association’s “Walk to End Alzheimer’s.”
Over 5 million Americans have this devastating disease and
that number is rapidly increasing. Join the team and support
the cause by making a donation
or by participating in the walk
on November 2. The route
is 5K/3.2 miles and will take
place in Century City. To learn
more, or to make a donation,
please http://goo.gl/dzN9dX to access Jason’s team page.
Altar Dedications
The beautiful flowers gracing our Altar and Chancel
Arches are gifts provided by members and friends
of First Church. Altar Flowers are $80,
Chancel Arch Flowers are $60, and
Altar Candles are $35. If you would
like to dedicate flowers or candles,
please contact Tim Gonzales at
tgonzales@fccla.org or 213.355.5228.
You can also sign up at the Altar Guild
table at Coffee Fellowship on Sundays.
First Church
Photo of the Week
Southeast Symphony’s
First Concert at First Church
Maria Moon shares
her “Peace” scarf of the
Korean peninsula with
Dr. Colglazier. During
last week’s World
Communion Sunday
service, Maria was
one of several church
members who led the
Passing of the Peace
in their first language.
Get social and stay
connected to everything happening at FCCLA. Follow us
on our social media accounts and your photo just might get
featured. Photo submitted by Maria.
First Church’s newest musical
partner, Southeast Symphony,
performed in Shatto Chapel last
Thursday evening. Althea Waites
and Anthony Parnther presented
their new concert series, “Up
Close & Personal.” They played
an impromptu jazz improvisation
as a special tribute for members of
the Symphony who have recently
passed away. Southeast Symphony’s
next concert will be in the First
Church Sanctuary on Sunday, October 26 at 4pm and will
feature the full orchestra. Stay tuned for more information.
Looking Ahead!
This Month at First Church
Every Week at First Church
Cathedral Choir Rehearsal
Adult Education: Seekers Class
First Kids First: Childcare
Chancel Ringers Rehearsal
Prelude on The Great Organs
Worship Service
First Kids First
Coffee Fellowship
Architectural Tour
Sunday, Oct 19 – 12:15pm
Women’s Association Board
TUESDAY, 10.28
Finance Committee
Board of Trustees
Fall Sunday, Oct 26 – 12:15pm
Chili &
Gay Freedom
of Los Angeles
Sunday, Oct 26 – 4pm
“The Grieving Jesus”
Sunday, Oct 19 –11am
“The Compassionate Jesus”
Sunday, Oct 26 –11am
With Scott Carter
Sunday, Nov 2 –11am
Sunday, Oct 19 – 3pm
The Meetinghouse | October 12, 2014
Architectural Tour
Sunday, October 19 at 12:15pm – meet on the Chancel Steps
Did you know that First Church was constructed in 14 months, employing
500 tons of steel reinforcing within poured concrete? This is just one of many
interesting facts you will learn on our monthly architectural tour. One Sunday
each month, we conduct a guided tour highlighting the majestic architecture of
First Church’s neo-gothic cathedral. A group meets right after worship service on
the Chancel Steps in the Sanctuary. Please join us for this informative event!
Gay Freedom Band of Los Angeles Concert
Sunday, October 19 – 3:00pm – Shatto Chapel
With Halloween just around the corner, the Gay Freedom Band of Los Angeles’ Fangs for the
Memories concert on October 19 will get you into the spirit of the holiday. The band will perform
the complete Divine Comedy of Robert W. Smith, taking listeners from the depths of hell to the
gates of heaven in four movements: The Inferno, Purgatorio, The Ascension, and Paradiso. The
program will include plenty of other spooky surprises—and feel free to come dressed in costume!
The GFBLA was formed in 1979 and is led by artistic director Justin Raines. Want to get involved?
Band musicians and volunteers are always welcome to join this talented and lively group. For more
information, contact Roger Allen Ward at rogerallenward@mac.com or 626.310.3860.
This concert is free, but tax-deductible free will donations are gratefully accepted.
Book Talk: The Little Way of Ruthie Leming
Sunday, November 9 – 12:30pm – Shatto Chapel
The Little Way of Ruthie Leming follows author Rod Dreher from his residence in Philadelphia back to his
hometown of St. Francisville, Louisiana after the diagnosis and death of his younger sister, Ruthie, from
cancer. Moved by the way the people in this small town of 1700 rallied in support of his dying sister,
Dreher began to wonder whether this ordinary life in a small country town was a path to hidden treasures
and spiritual richness. Now is a great time to get your copy of the book—available at the Welcome
Table for $15—to give yourself plenty of time to read it and then join us for our discussion on Sunday,
November 9, after service.
the Meetinghouse
is published weekly by
First Congregational Church of Los Angeles
Jeanine Colini, Editor jcolini@fccla.org
540 So. Commonwealth Ave, Los Angeles, California 90020
Telephone 213.385.1341 • www.FCCLA.org
Visit us at www.FCCLA.org
The Meetinghouse | October 12, 2014