Chamber eLink

Serving the Business Community Throughout Davie County
Chamber eLink
Working Together to Promote a Strong and Vibrant Business Community
September / October 2014
in this issue…
message from the chamber
PG. 2 Upcoming Events
PG. 3 Member Milestones &
In the News
PG. 4 New Member Benefit
Additional Information…
Expo Vendor Application
Christmas Parade
Board of Directors Nominations
What it Means to be a
Board Member
Ambassador Program
NEW Chamber Benefit
Business Resources
NC Works
Small Business Center
Business North Carolina
Small Business Administration
Business Link North Carolina
NC Department of Commerce
Business &
Shopping Expo
After Hours
Thursday, Nov 6th
4:00-7:00 pm @
As the holiday season fast approaches, get ready for a Great Gift
Shopping Experience while learning more about the many businesses
who call Davie County home. The Davie Chamber is doing its part to
make it easy for everyone to get their gift shopping done locally at the
upcoming iSHOPDavie Business & Shopping Expo. Retailers, caterers, vineyards and service providers will be on hand to help you find
the perfect gift for everyone on your list. This Expo is also an After
Hours so bring plenty of business cards and enjoying a very festive
networking event! The iShopDavie Expo will kick off our very social
“Get Great Gifts & Get Local” campaign this holiday season! Want to
showcase your business? See enclosed vendor form.
Davie County Chamber of Commerce | 135 S. Salisbury St., Mocksville, NC 27028 | 336.751.3304
Davie County Chamber of Commerce — Working Together to Promote a Strong and Vibrant Business Community
upcoming events
2014 Chamber Officers
Scott Gantt, Chairman
First Choice Personnel
Stacia Parker
Chairman-Elect/VP of Membership
DC NetWorks for October
Tuesday, Oct. 14th | 7:45 - 9:00 am
Ketchie Creek Bakery & Café | 844 Valley Road, Mocksville
Chad Bomar, Treasurer
The Bomar Law Firm
Breakfast is optional but networking is Guaranteed!
Lee Rollins, Past Chairman
Town of Bermuda Run
Hampton Inn | 196 NC Hwy 801 North, Bermuda Run
2014 Chamber Board of Directors
Jeff Allen
Allen Geomatics
Tuesday, Oct. 28th | 11:45 - 1:00 pm
Part II of “Making Most of Your Expo Booth”
Business After Hours
James Blakley
Blakley Landscape Services
Terry Bralley
Davie County Economic
Development Commission
Brad Chapman
Davie Construction Co
Bermuda Run Stroll
Thursday, Oct. 16th | 4:00 - 6:00 pm
5539 US Hwy 158, Bermuda Run
Visit Hillsdale Real Estare, Bizzy Beez, Edward Jones - Slayton
Harpe & end with refreshments at Classic’s Sports Grille!
RSVP to the Chamber @ 751.3304 or
Rebecca Duke
Funder America
Let’s Celebrate!
Open House & Tour
Wendy Horne
DavieLiFE Magazine
Marc Moore
The Computer Guys of CNA
Kyle Swicegood
Swicegood Group Real Estate
Friday, October 17, 2014 | 333 Ashley Furniture Way, Advance
Chamber Staff
Carolyn McManamy, President
Caroline Moser, Member Services
Julee Triplett, Visitor Services
2:00PM - Facility Tours Begin
5:20PM - Davie High School Marching Band
5:50PM - Governor Pat McCrory Raises NC Flag
6:00PM - Program Starts
click here for invite
Check Out Our Calendar for Upcoming Events
Davie County Chamber of Commerce — Working Together to Promote a Strong and Vibrant Business Community
member milestones & in the news
Davie Chamber’s HR Managers Luncheon
The September HR Managers Luncheon on September 18th was the kick off event to the Chamber’s focus on
critical issues impacting our employers: work force development, skills and education gap, multiple generations in
the work place, mentoring and knowledge sharing. Guest speaker, Pat Hatley of CenturyLink, and author of “4
Generations @ Work” spoke on the characteristics and motivations of the different generations currently in the workplace and how they are impacting businesses. Attendees gained important insight to understanding the employees
of the Veterans, Boomers, Gen X,Y and soon Z generations and how to get them working together.
Interested in learning more? Copies of ”4 Generations @ Work” by Pat Hatley are available at the
Davie County Chamber of Commerce for a special member rate of $10.
Davie County Chamber of Commerce &
Lewisville Clemmons Chamber
Partnering Together
From left to right: Jason Lawrence, Phil Morris &
Georgia Taylor with members of Pack 574 & Troop 575.
Welcome One of Our Newest Members
The Davie County Chamber of Commerce is so excited to
announce one of our newest members, Boy Scouts of America.
We were excited to be a part of the Fall Membership Drive
and wish them great success in Davie County.
We are proud to announce the Davie Chamber and
Lewisville Chamber of Commerce are partnering
together to offer Chamber Members more opportunities
to network. Since Business Doesn’t Stop at the Bridge,
we will extend an invitation to the Lewisville Chamber to
join us at our networking events and education/special
events and we will be invited to attend theirs. This is a
great opportunity for all our members to grow their
business and develop new relationships. Look for more
information in our weekly emails and newsletters. We
believe this is a great benefit to all our members and
look forward to seeing you at
some new events!
We want to showcase your accomplishments so please let us know and we will place you in our next Chamber e-Link Newsletter.
Email us:
Davie County Chamber of Commerce — Working Together to Promote a Strong and Vibrant Business Community
Introducing our Newest Chamber Member Benefit
The Davie Chamber is excited to announce a new benefit for Chamber Members. Through our
membership with NC Retail Merchants Association our members now have access to a new option
for Worker’s Compensation Insurance coverage through First Benefits Insurance (FBI). We join
several other chambers of commerce throughout North Carolina who are already participating in this
Coverage is quoted and written through FBI approved insurance companies. Johnson Insurance
Services in Mocksville is our first approved agency and can be reached at 336.751.6281.
We anticipate other companies will be added to the list soon. See the enclosed inserts for more info.
A very special Thank You to Steve Shepard of RayLen Vineyard for introducing this program to us.
We believe many of our members will be interested in this new benefit. Thanks Steve!
who’s hiring in Davie County
Recruiting Firms
Ashley Furniture
Christy Trucking
First Choice Personnel
Ingersoll Rand
Debbie’s Staffing
Novant Health
House Of Raeford
The Resource
For a list of updated jobs in Davie County please visit: The Davie County Blog
Davie County Chamber of Commerce
Hometown Christmas Parade in Historic
Downtown Mocksville
Sat, November 22, 2014 - 2:00 p.m.
Parade Theme:
Winter Wonderland
Company/Entry ________________________________________
(PLEASE PRINT for parade listing in the newspaper)
Contact Person ________________________________________
City, State, Zip
) _________________________________
List any special requests or requirements for line-up prior to parade:
Will group be performing?
 Yes
 No
If yes, please describe ________________________________
Parade Entry Form
Entry Deadline
Friday, November 18, 2005
Select only one :
 Decorated vehicle(s)
Type of Vehicle? __________________
How many? ______________________
 Float - (Truck pulling trailer)
TOTAL Number of Feet needed for line-up
 Horse(s) – How many? ______________
 Walking – How many? ______________
 Other ___________________________
Select one  only:
 Business Entry
 Church Group
 Civic/Non-Profit Group
 School Group
 Single/ Individual Entry
 Other ______________________
* Additional charge for multiple vehicles
 PRIZES: 1st = $75, 2nd = $50, 3rd = $25
Entry Deadline: Monday, Nov. 17
Complete entry form and return to:
Davie County Chamber of Commerce
135 South Salisbury Street
Mocksville, NC 27028
Phone: 751-3304 Fax: 751-5697
Payments must be received with the Parade Entry Form.
Consideration will be given for line-up order
on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Please make checks payable to:
Davie County Chamber of Commerce
Date Received by Chamber:_____________
Davie County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Nominations
The Nominating Committee is currently meeting to prepare a slate of candidates to serve on
the Board of Directors for a two year term beginning on January 1, 2015.
The 2014 Nominating Committee was recently formed and is comprised of the following
Scott Gantt, First Choice Personnel
Jeff Allen of Allen Geomatics
Wendy Horne of DavieLife
James Blakely of Blakley Landscape
As stated in our Bylaws: "Any member of the Davie County Chamber of Commerce in good
standing may nominate one member for the office of director by notifying the Nominating
Committee on or before October 15th." To nominate a candidate, please complete the information below and return it to the Davie County Chamber of Commerce office :
By Fax: 336.751.5697
By email:
By mail: 135 S. Salisbury Street, Mocksville, NC 27028
Name of Nominee: ____________________________________________________
Nominee Business:____________________________________________________
I hereby nominate the above named nominee as a candidate to serve on the Davie County
Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.
Print Name
(Nomination must be signed and dated to be valid)
The Nominating Committee will interview each candidate nominated and secure his/her
pledge to serve faithfully of elected as director and to determine that he/she is a member of
the Chamber in good standing. Ballots will be sent by mail or electronically no later than
November 1st. An official vote consists of all ballots received at the Davie County Chamber
of Commerce office by November 20th. The candidates receiving the greatest number of
votes shall be declared elected by the Board of Directors.
Workers' Compensation Insurance
Done Right!
First Benefits Insurance Mutual, Inc. (FBIM) is a North Carolina-based mutual insurance company that
specializes in providing workers’ compensation insurance. With over 20 years of experience, FBIM
prides itself on personal service, sound underwriting and aggressive claims management.
First Benefits Insurance is an out-growth of the North Carolina Retail Self-Insured Fund, d.b.a.
CompCarolina which was created in 1992 by the North Carolina Retail Merchants Association
(NCRMA) as a resource for small business workers’ compensation needs. With 220 independent agents
servicing over 2,000 insureds, FBIM is NCRMA’s most active member service.
FBIM continues to be a membership-based workers’ compensation program, adding several partnering
chambers and associations to better serve its client base. FBIM requires insureds as well as agents to
hold an active membership in one of the following endorsing associations:
+57 North Carolina Chambers of Commerce, for a current list please see our website at
FBIM has been approved as an underlying carrier for Umbrella policies for the following carriers:
Cincinnati Insurance Company
Selective Insurance Company of America
Erie Insurance Company
Allied Insurance Company
Penn National Insurance Company
Auto-Owners Insurance Company
Central Mutual Insurance Company
Employers Mutual Casualty Company
All Liberty Mutual Companies including Montgomery
Created by business owners for business owners, FBIM provides competitive rates, with flexible
payment plans, and is able to offer Employers Liability Limits up to $5,000,000. Did you know that
most businesses with 3 or more employees are required by State law to carry workers’ compensation?
Now accepting Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express.
As a NC business owner, you may have experienced the frustration of an unresponsive insurance
company. Our toll-free number is staffed by folks who understand your frustrations and provide you
with the kind of customer service you deserve! The entire FBIM staff, including all claims adjusters, is
located in North Carolina. Call today for a free, no obligation quote at (888) 393-2667 or check us out
on the web
FBIM is a member of the North Carolina Insurance Guaranty Association.
The NCIGA is a nonprofit, unincorporated legal entity created by Statute to protect North Carolina
Insurance policyholders and claimants from severe financial losses and delays in claim payments due to the insolvency of a
member property and casualty writing insurance carrier.
One product. One state. Focused on you.