The Triton Challenge Cheerleading Competition Open to All High School/Middle School/All Star Squads Competition Date: Sunday October 26th, 2014 Competition Cost: $10 per HS/MS/All Star Cheerleaders $75 per HS/MS/All Star Stunt Teams $50 per HS/MS/All Star Individual Cheerleaders Competition Location: Iowa Central Community College Hodges Field House (Main Gym) One Triton Circle Fort Dodge, IA 50501 Sunday Oct. 26th High School/Middle School/ College Divisions 8:00am – Registration/Check-in 8:20am – Coaches Meeting – for coaches who have never attended this event 9:10am – Competition Begins *Each High School Squad will have the option to perform TWICE. The first performance will be judged and used for awards. After awards are completed coaches will be allowed to meet briefly with the judges to get feedback/score sheets. If your team would like to perform twice the competition floor and warm-up mats will be available. All Star Divisions 3:00pm – Registration/Check-in 4:30pm – Competition Begins Floor: High School will use 42’ x 42’ cheerleading mat All Stars will use 54’ x 42’ cheerleading mat Team Rosters: Please submit official competition roster by October 14, 2014 to or by Fax (515)574-1363 or Mail to Iowa Central, One Triton Circle, Fort Dodge, IA 50501 Attn: Amanda DeBaunMurphy Medical Release Form: Each participant must complete the required Medical Release and Appearance Form. You will turn in the original form the day of the competition when you register your team. Competition Schedule: Will be posted the Wednesday before the competition. Warm-up Areas: There will be assigned warm-up areas the day of the competition Admission: Adults/Students: $7.00 Judges: A panel of 3 judges will be used along with a script judge Awards: All awards will be presented 30 minutes after the last team has competed EVERY TEAM RECEIVES A TROPHY ** GRAND CHAMPIONS RECEIVE TROPHY & BANNER Concession Stand: A concession stand will be available throughout the day. You will be able to pre-order team meals. Kids (under 4yrs): Free The Triton Challenge Cheerleading Competition T-Shirts Teams can pre-order t-shirts at a discounted price of $15. T-shirts are $20 day of event. Coaches will receive 2 free shirts with a pre-order of 12 or more shirts. Pre-order t-shirt forms must be submitted by October 14, 2014. Competition Director: Amanda DeBaun-Murphy (515)351-0641 (C) (515)574-1344 (W) (515)574-1363 (FAX) or T-SHIRT PRE-ORDER FORM – (Due October 14th, 2014) School/Gym ___________________________________________________________________ Coach/Director (Contact Person) ___________________________________________________ Phone Number _________________________________________________________________ Email _________________________________________________________________________ Youth Price Small $15 Medium $15 Large $15 Total Adult Small $15 Medium $15 Large $15 XL $15 Total Amount Due **Add an additional $1 for every size greater then Adult XL** The Triton Challenge Cheerleading Competition Registration Form School/Gym Information Name ________________________________________________________________________ Street Address ________________________________ City, State, Zip _____________________ School Phone ______________________________ Fax _________________________________ Signature of Principle or AD _______________________________________________________ High School Teams Must have this form signed by their Principal or AD in order to compete at this competition Coach/Director Information Name (Contact Person) __________________________________________________________ Street Address __________________________________ City, State, Zip ___________________ Home Phone ________________________________ Cell ______________________________ Email _________________________________________________________________________ Cheer Divisions List each division in which you will have teams competing and the number of cheerleaders for each # Females # Males Division/Age Team Name/ Level Payment Information Check/Money Order/Purchase Orders Made Out to: Iowa Central Cheer Iowa Central Attn: Amanda DeBaun-Murphy Total Amount One Triton Circle Owed Fort Dodge, IA 50501 Must be received by: ______________ October 14, 2014 # Squads x x # Stunt Teams # Individuals Cost Amt. Owed $10 per cheerleader x Cost x $75 X Cost $50 Amt. Owed Amt. Owed The Triton Challenge Cheerleading Competition 2014 Medical Release & Appearance Form Participant Name: ____________________________________ Date of Birth: ______________ School/Organization Name: ______________________________________________________ Parent or Legal Guardian: ________________________________________________________ I, the undersigned parent or legal guardian, do hereby grant permission for my son/daughter to participate with Iowa Central Community College. I further acknowledge and understand and agree that by participating with Iowa Central Community College there is a possibility of physical illness or injury (minimal, serious, and catastrophic) and that my son/daughter is assuming the risk of such injury by participating. I authorize any representative of Iowa Central Community College or the event party to consent and authorize any medical attention, treatment, surgery, or administration of drugs by qualified and licensed medical personnel for my son/daughter which may become necessary. I understand I will be notified as soon as possible in the event of an emergency. All expenses of such treatment will be assumed by me or my insurance company. I agree to protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless Iowa Central Community College, including its owners, directors, officers, employees, and sponsors from and against any and all claims, demand, losses, suits, liabilities, costs, or other damages including court costs and attorneys fees, arising from and injury to, or death of son/daughter, the undersigned, or any other persons or damage to or destruction of property arising out of or in connection with any damage to third parties occasioned by, incident to, arising out of, or in connection with my son/daughter’s participation. I understand that Iowa Central Community College produces promotional material about their events. I understand that my son/daughter may be included in video tape or photography taken during this event. I hereby grant Iowa Central Community College its successors, assignees, licensees, sponsors, and television networks and all other commercial exhibitors the exclusive right to photography and/or video tape my son/daughter and further to utilize my son/daughter’s name, face, likeness, voice, and appearance as part of the event, and in advertising and promotion of the event, without reservation or limitations. In granting this license, I understand that Iowa Central Community College is under no obligation to exercise any of its rights, licenses and privileges herein granted. Rules/Regulations No smoking, consumption of alcoholic beverages or use of illegal drugs allowed. Iowa Central Community College reserves the right to discipline any participant for unruly behavior or for conduct unbecoming of the event. Participants must respect all venue rules and regulations. Participants must obey all curfews and time allotments established by the Iowa Central Staff. Participants must obey all rules and regulations set forth by the event. I have completely read and understand the above release and rules/regulations. Signature of Participant: _______________________________________ Date: _____________ Signature of Parent or Guardian: _________________________________ Date: ____________ Street Address: ___________________________________ City/State/Zip: ________________ Home Phone: _____________________________ Cell Phone: ___________________________ Medical Insurance Company/Policy #: ______________________________________________ Emergency Contact: _______________________________ Phone Number: ________________ The Triton Challenge Cheerleading Competition 2014 TEAM ROSTER School/Gym Name: ______________________________________________________________ School/Gym Address: ____________________________________________________________ Coaches (2 free): ________________________________________________________________ Division: ___________________ please copy this form and use one for each team and division # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 First/Last Name High School Grade All Stars Age as of 8/31/14 Coach Signature _______________________________________ Date _________________________ The Triton Challenge Cheerleading Competition 2014-2015 High School/Middle School/Rules/Divisions High School divisions are teams whose members attend the same school and cheer for a school athletic team. Routines may have a combination of music and cheer and must not exceed 2:30 minutes. All routines must follow the National Federation of High School Associations (NFHS) Spirit Safety Rules as approved by the NCSSE. Division Grade Gender Members Non-Stunt Mount 12 grade & below Female up to 12 members 1A 12 grade & below Female up to 12 members 2A 12 grade & below Female up to 12 members 3A 12 grade & below Female up to 16 members 4A 12 grade & below Female up to 16 members 4A Large 12 grade & below Female 17-25 members Small Coed 12 grade & below Female/Male up to 16 members Large Coed 12 grade & below Female/Male 17-25 members Middle School Middle School Non-Mount 8 grade & below Female/Male 5+ members 8 grade & below Female/Male 5+ members **Cheer Teams may have one male cheerleader on their roster and still compete in the all female divisions. ** 2014-2015 High School Time Out Cheer Division Teams will perform cheers and chats. Performance may not exceed 1 minute. Refer to your State Association guidelines for more information. Division Grade Gender Members 1A, 2A 3A & 4A 4A Large 12 grade & below Female/Male up to 12 members 12 grade & below Female/Male up to 25 members The Triton Challenge Cheerleading Competition 2014-2015 High School Stunt Group Rules/Divisions Stunt group divisions’ routines must not exceed 1:30 and use all-music and must follow NFHS safety rules. Stunt routines may not incorporate choreographed motions (other than the flyer during a stunt), tumbling (unless part of the stunt/transition), dance or jumps. Stunt Groups – will be made up of a maximum of 5 members. Teams may be made up of any combination of female/male combination. **Coed Stunt Groups** – will be made up of 3 members - one boy, one girl and a spotter. 2014-2015 All Star Divisions All Star Teams are teams formed for competition purposes and do not cheer for any other organized sport. All routines must follow USASF Rules and Level Guidelines and team members must all comply with USASF Guidelines set forth for divisions and age. The age of the competitors as of August 31, 2014 will be the age used for competition purposes throughout the 2014-2015 season. Routines are all-music and may not exceed 2:30 minutes. USASF Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Tiny Mini Youth Junior Senior 5 yrs & Younger 8 yrs & younger 11 yrs & younger 14 yrs & younger 10-18 yrs Female/Male Female/Male Female/Male Female/Male Female/Male 5-32 Members 5-32 Members 5-32 Members 5-32 Members 5-32 Members Female/Male Female/Male Female/Male Female/Male 5-32 Members 5-32 Members 5-32 Members 5-32 Members Female/Male Female/Male No Males 1 or more Males 5-32 Members 5-32 Members 5-32 Members 5-32 Members Female/Male Female/Male No Males 1 or more Males Female/Male 5-32 Members 5-32 Members 5-32 Members 5-32 Members 5-32 Members Female/Male 5-32 Members Female/Male No Males 5-36 Members 5-36 Members USASF Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 Mini Youth Junior Senior 8 yrs & younger 11 yrs & younger 14 yrs & younger 10-18 yrs USASF Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Youth Junior Senior Senior Co-Ed 11 yrs & younger 14 yrs & younger 10-18 yrs 10-18 yrs USASF Level 4 Level 4 Level 4 Level 4 Level 4 Level 4 Youth Junior Senior Senior Co-Ed Open 11 yrs & younger 14 yrs & younger 10-18 yrs 10-18 yrs 17 yrs & older USASF Level 4.2 Level 4.2 Senior 10-18 yrs USASF Level 5 Level 5 Level 5 Youth* Junior 11 yrs & younger 14 yrs & younger The Triton Challenge Cheerleading Competition Level 5 Level 5 Level 5 Level 5 Level 5 Level 5 Level 5 Level 5 Junior Co-Ed Senior Restricted* Senior Senior Small Co-Ed Senior Medium Co-Ed Senior Large Co-Ed International Open 5 International Open Co-Ed 14 yrs & younger 10yrs-18 yrs 12 yrs - 18 yrs 12yrs - 18yrs 12 yrs - 18 yrs 12 yrs - 18 yrs 14 yrs & older 14 yrs & older 1 or more Males Limit 0-4 Males No Males 1-4 Males 1-8 Males 1-18 Males No Males 1-12 Males 5-36 Members 5-36 Members 5-36 Members 5-20 Members 5-30 Members 5-36 Members 5-24 Members 5-24 Members 1-12 Males 1-15 Males 5-24 Members 5-24 Members USASF Level 6 Level 6 Level 6 International Open 6 International Open Co-Ed 14 yrs & older 17 yrs & older USASF Prep Level 1 Level 1 & 2 Level 1, 2 & 3 Level 1, 2 & 3 Level 1, 2 & 3 Tiny Mini Youth Junior Senior 5 yrs & younger 8 yrs & younger 11 yrs & younger 14 yrs & younger 18 yrs & younger Female/Male Female/Male Female/Male Female/Male Female/Male 5-36 Members 5-36 Members 5-36 Members 5-36 Members 5-36 Members 2014-2015 All Star Stunt Group Divisions Stunt group routines must not exceed 1:30 and use all-music. All star routines must follow USASF rules (see specific level guidelines below). Stunt routines may not incorporate choreographed motions (other than the flyer during a stunt), tumbling (unless part of the stunt/transition), dance or jumps. Mini All Star Stunt Group 8 years & younger Female/Male 4 or 5 1,2 Youth All Star Stunt Group 11 years & younger Female/Male 4 or 5 1-5 Junior All Star Stunt Group 14 years & younger Female/Male 4 or 5 1-5 Senior All Star Stunt Group 11 - 18 years old Female/Male 4 or 5 1-5
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