2014-2015 NATIONAL REGISTRATION FORM Registration Checklist – Please complete all items Page 2: Complete the Organization and Contact Information Section. Select your event. Enter the total number of participants and crossovers from pages 6-9. Use the chart on page 2 to determine your participant rate. Enter the number of additional coaches (1st two coaches/team are free). Calculate your grand total, deposit of $35/ participant, any late fees, and balance due. Read and sign our Payment/Cancellations policies. Page 10: Detail your crossover information. Page 3: To pay by credit card, complete the Credit Card Authorization and fax your registration forms to (352) 376-0487. All faxed registrations must be paid by credit card and must authorize charge(s) for a minimum of $35/person deposit. Page 12: FOR NON-ALL STAR ORGANIZATIONS ONLY: Complete a School/Rec Team Roster for each team on your registration and submit at Event Check-In. Page 11: FOR ALL STAR ORGANIZATIONS ONLY: Athlete ID is required for All Star Cheer and Dance athletes competing at all USASF Sanctioned Events . Register all cheer and dance athletes at USASF.net. Create and print USASF Official Event Rosters for each team prior to each event and submit at Event Check-In. Follow the deadlines on page 2 and send your completed registration form (pages 2-10) with $35/person deposit payment to the Varsity Gainesville offices. Your registration confirmation and all future correspondence will be sent to the Contact Email Address. Please do not mail forms without payment or fax forms without credit card authorization. Page 4: The head coach of every organization is required to read and sign the Code of Conduct. Page 5: Read and complete the Hotel Information form. Pages 6, 7, 8, 9: Select your divisions and indicate the number of participants, crossovers, and coaches for each team. Total your numbers and enter this information on page 2. Late Registration Fees: A $250 late fee will be added if your completed registration and full payment will not be received in The Varsity Gainesville offices by the balance due date of your chosen championship. An additional $250 late fee will be incurred if the balance is not paid in full 2 weeks prior to the event start date. Rules & Scoring Guidelines are available at spiritcheer.com. Verification of Stunt Legality will be done by video review only [Standard VHS, DVD or video clips via email (10 MB limit) are accepted]. 1 118 NW 14th Avenue Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 800-462-8294 (P) 352-376-0487 (F) 2014-2015 NATIONAL REGISTRATION FORM Organization Information Organization Name Contact Information Program Director Name Contact’s Name (person to whom all info will be emailed) Organization Address Organization Mailing Address (if different) City State Organization Phone Organization Fax Zip Organization Website Address Organization Email Address Select Your Event Title USASF/IASF Gym Member Number Beast of the East—Atlantic City, NJ Jan 16-18, 2015 Best of the Northwest—Tacoma, WA Feb 20-22, 2015 South Florida Nationals—Ft. Lauderdale, FL Feb 21, 2015 Motor City Nationals—Detroit, MI Mar 21-22, 2015 Minuteman Championships—Worcester, MA Apr 19, 2015 (Sunday) State Zip Contact’s Home Phone Contact’s Work Phone Contact’s Fax Contact’s Cell Phone Contact’s Email Address (to which future correspondence will be emailed) Deposit Due Competition City Balance Due Additional Late Fee After: Participant Rate School/ Rec (one day) Prep (one day) Solos/ Duos/ Trios/ Groups Crossovers Oct 24, 2014 Dec 5, 2014 Jan 2, 2015 $140 N/A $80 N/A $80 Nov 28, 2014 Jan 9, 2015 Feb 6, 2015 $95 $80 $80 $125 $80 Nov 28, 2014 Jan 9, 2015 Feb 6, 2015 $85 $80 $80 $125 $80 Dec 26, 2014 Feb 6, 2015 Mar 6, 2015 $99 $80 $80 $125 $80 Jan 23, 2015 Mar 6, 2015 Apr 3, 2015 $85 $80 $80 $125 $80 X # of Participants = Participant Rate From Chart Above X # of School/Rec/Prep Participants 1. Participant Total $80 = School/Rec/Prep Participant Rate X # of Solos/Duos/Trios/Groups Participants 2. School/Rec/Prep Participant Total $125 = 3. Solos/Duos/Trios/Groups Total Solos/Duos/Trios/Groups Rate X # of Crossovers $80 = 4. Crossover Total Crossover Rate X # of Additional Coaches (1st 2 coaches/team are free) $50 = Additional Coaches Rate 5. Additional Coaches Total Upon receipt of your registration and deposit payment, additional information will be emailed to the contact person listed on this form. Please be sure to complete that information clearly and accurately. To pay by credit card, fax the completed Credit Card Authorization and registration forms to (352) 376-0487. All faxed registrations must be paid by credit card and must authorize charge for a minimum of $35/participant deposit. To pay by check or money order, a minimum deposit of $35/person must accompany registration forms in order to be processed. Please send one payment per organization (individual checks WILL NOT be accepted). All checks and money orders (no cash please) must be made payable to Spirit Cheer. Please return your registration forms and payment to: Varsity Gainesville—Spirit Cheer 118 NW 14th AVE Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 352-371-0775 phone 352-376-0487 fax Grand Total Add lines 1-5 above Deposit (minimum of $35/participant due with registration) CANCELLATIONS/REFUNDS: There are no refunds on deposits for any reason. For a refund (less all deposits) notice of cancellation must be received in writing in The Varsity Gainesville offices by the balance due date corresponding to the championship chosen. There are no refunds after the balance due date has passed for the championship in question. Your signature below indicates that you have read, understand and agree to the Cancellations and Refunds Policy stated here. + Late Fee (add $250 if balance due date has passed, add $500 if additional late fee date has passed) = Coach’s / Sponsor’s Signature Date 2 118 NW 14th Avenue Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 800-462-8294 (P) 352-376-0487 (F) Balance Due CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION Organization Name: Contact Name: Contact Phone Number: Email Address: Name of Event: City/State of Event: Date of Event: Note: Many credit cards feature charge limits as a security precaution. Please be sure your credit card company will accept the amount you wish to charge. If you need to split up your charge over multiple days, please make a note about that below. Special Instructions: (Please include your Invoice Number if paying on an existing registration/balance) Ex. Due to credit card charge limits, please charge $1000 on Oct 1, $1000 on Oct 15, $1000 on Nov 1, etc (to meet the balance due by the deadline.) Cardholder’s Name: Cardholder’s Email Address: Cardholder’s Phone Number: Card Billing Address: City/State/Zip: Credit Card Number: Security Code: Expiration: Deposit to Be Charged Now: $ Amount to Be Charged by Deadline: $ I, __________________________________________, authorize Spirit Cheer to charge the above listed credit card for the amount listed above. By signing below, I agree that I am authorized to make charges to the above listed credit card. Furthermore, I have read, understood, agree to, and signed the “Cancellations & Refunds” policy on page 2 of the registration form. I agree that all fees must be paid to attend the competition and that there will be no refunds for any reason after the balance due date listed for the event, including but not limited to my disagreement with the results of the competition. Cardholder’s Signature Date 3 118 NW 14th Avenue Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 800-462-8294 (P) 352-376-0487 (F) CODE OF CONDUCT In an effort to provide a positive, fair and professional competition environment, Spirit Cheer has implemented a Code of Conduct for all events. This Code of Conduct is to be followed by all coaches, competitors, family, friends or anyone else associated with the below stated program. As the coach of the _______________________________________________ cheerleaders/dancers, I agree to the following guidelines. RULES/REGULATIONS/SPORTSMANSHIP 1. I have read, understand and will abide by all Spirit Cheer rules and regulations. 2. I understand that competitive cheerleading and dance is an activity that presents the possibility of injury. As a coach who understands this risk, my athletes have received proper progression training. 3. I understand all risks associated with competitive cheer and will always place more emphasis on the safety of my athletes than on competitiveness. 4. I will follow all Spirit Cheer, USASF and AACCA rules and regulations. I understand that any violation of these rules and regulations could result in a penalty point deduction, or, disqualification. 5. I will abide by the age and/or grade requirements (USASF/AACCA Guidelines) for all divisions that my teams are competing in. I understand that I will be required to provide proper age and/or grade verification in the event that the age of one of my athlete’s is questioned. Falsifying age and/or grade requirements will result in disqualification from competition. 6. I understand that any action taken by a parent, family member, friend or competitor in approaching a Spirit Cheer staff member or judge will result in a penalty point deduction as well as forfeiting the coach’s right to protest or review tape. 7. I will promote fairness and demonstrate appropriate sportsmanship throughout the competition, as well as require all persons affiliated with my program to conduct themselves with the same appropriate sportsmanship. This includes if a division of mine is combined with small teams and a large or vice versa. I am for the spirit of the competition. 8. I understand that Spirit Cheer reserves the right to remove any persons from a competition for unsafe or unsportsmanlike actions. 9. At all times, I will support the results of the competition as I am a role model for my program. Any deduction or score range questions must be submitted in writing and in compliance with the Spirit Cheer Routine Review Request policy. Force Majeure: Spirit Cheer shall not be liable for failure or other delay in performance of obligations under any agreement to the extent such failure or delay is due to circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation, acts of God, acts of public enemy, fires, floods, war, civil disturbance, participation, sabotage, lock-outs, labor disputes, acts of any governmental or quasi governmental authority, theme park, or any other force majeure. Head Coach Signature Date 4 118 NW 14th Avenue Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 800-462-8294 (P) 352-376-0487 (F) HOTEL INFORMATION Tournament Housing Service is excited to bring you Partner Perfect Hotels – great hotel rooms plus a rebate for your program. Our new program rewards YOU the customer for staying in our partner hotels by giving your program back $5.00 for every room night you book! You can also earn FREE coaches rooms and it's as easy as clicking a button! Visit www.thsweb.com to book your hotel rooms today! All teams coming to Spirit Cheer events are required to stay in a partner hotel and book through THS. TEAM EXEMPTIONS - Exemptions will not be granted to teams staying in non-partner hotels for the 2014/2015 season. Please do not contract with a hotel directly. If you have any questions or concerns, we are happy to help you find the perfect hotel for your traveling party. Please contact THS at 1-888-536-8326. INDIVIDUAL EXEMPTIONS – We do allow a few exemptions for individual families in unique situations such as staying with family in area, timeshares, etc. In order to receive an individual exemption from our partner hotel program, the main team contact who registered the team for the event should email Kelley@varsitygainesville.com. In order to be considered, exemption forms must be requested, signed and submitted by the main contact person registering the team for the event. We know making housing arrangements for your teams can be challenging. We have developed a system to accommodate your group's unique booking requirements, making the process easier than ever and an exciting fundraiser for your team! Benefits of the Partner Perfect Hotels Rebate Program: $5.00 per room night booked and utilized will be paid back to your team! For every 15 nights booked and paid you receive your 16th night FREE (be sure to look in “Show Details” for the hotels that are participating in this program) Booking your Hotels is easy....Simply visit spiritcheer.com or thsweb.com and you'll be on your way! We have negotiated the best rates at the best hotels. All you have to do is decide which hotel fits your needs! You can manage your room block and make changes to your rooming list online. Your room types are GUARANTEED! For those teams that book individually instead of as a group, you can still earn $5.00 per room night back for your team by simply noting your team name at the time of reserving your room. All individual reservations will still get credited to your organization for the rebate. (Please note—for individuals booking separately there must be at least 5 rooms booked with the same team name to get rebate back for team). Questions about Partner Perfect Hotels Rebate Program: When will we receive our rebate? THS will issue rebate checks 30 days after the event. When will we get credit for our comp or coaches rooms? Immediately, this will always be applied to the designated room specified by your organization and will be subject to your pick-up at the time of check-in. What if we always set up our blocks through a travel agent and they rely on a commission? We can work with them. Simply call THS Reservations Department at 888-536-8326. We are not able to give team rebate and travel agent commission. The team will need to choose to whom the rebate will go: the team or the travel agent. Why has Spirit Cheer gone with this new program? Quite simply, it has become the only way that we can continue to get the desirable hotels, in the exciting cities, with the premium competition venues on the dates you want! Hotels request that we do this so they can fill their properties. The Convention and Visitor's Bureaus love Partner Perfect Hotels because they can get an accurate reporting on what impact our event had on their city which in turn gets relayed to the facilities – so that we can get the space we need to run a good event on the dates you want! By staying in our partner properties you are patronizing the hotels who TRULY value your business and who have jumped in and said they want to work with us to host a great event in this city! When we all work together EVERYONE WINS! I understand that Spirit Cheer has a Partner Perfect Hotel Policy in place and that I must book through THS at a partner hotel in order to participate in the event. Championship Attending: Organization Name: Contact Name: Contact Signature: Contact Email Address: Contact Phone Number: 5 118 NW 14th Avenue Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 800-462-8294 (P) 352-376-0487 (F) ALL STAR CHEER DIVISIONS Organization Name: ____________________________________________________________ # # + Participants = Crossovers Total Team Members # Team Name Cheer Division Age Female/Male Number on Squad Coaches LEVEL 1 + = Tiny Prep (2 min, no tosses) 5 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-36 Members + = Mini Prep (2 min, no tosses) 8 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-36 Members + = Youth Prep (2 min, no tosses) 11 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-36 Members + = Junior Prep (2 min, no tosses) 14 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-36 Members + = Senior Prep (2 min, no tosses) 10-18 Years Female/Male 5-36 Members + = Tiny 5 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-32 Members + = Mini 8 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-32 Members + = Youth 11 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-32 Members + = Junior 14 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-32 Members + = Senior 10-18 Years Female/Male 5-32 Members LEVEL 2 + = Mini Prep (2 min, no tosses) 8 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-36 Members + = Youth Prep (2 min, no tosses) 11 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-36 Members + = Junior Prep (2 min, no tosses) 14 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-36 Members + = Senior Prep (2 min, no tosses) 10-18 Years Female/Male 5-36 Members + = Mini 8 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-32 Members + = Youth 11 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-32 Members + = Junior 14 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-32 Members + = Senior 10-18 Years Female/Male 5-32 Members LEVEL 3 + = Youth Prep (2 min, no tosses) 11 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-36 Members + = Junior Prep (2 min, no tosses) 14 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-36 Members + = Senior Prep (2 min, no tosses) 10-18 Years Female/Male 5-36 Members + = Youth 11 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-32 Members + = Junior 14 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-32 Members + = Senior 10-18 Years No Males 5-32 Members + = Senior Coed 10-18 Years 1 or More Males 5-32 Members + = Youth 11 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-32 Members + = Junior 14 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-32 Members + = Senior 10-18 Years No Males 5-32 Members + = Senior Coed 10-18 Years 1 or More Males 5-32 Members + = Open 17 Years & Older Female/Male 5-32 Members Senior 10-18 Years Female/Male 5-32 Members LEVEL 4 LEVEL 4.2 + = LEVEL 5 + = Youth* 11 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-36 Members + = Junior 14 Years & Younger No Males 5-36 Members + = Junior Coed 14 Years & Younger 1 or More Males 5-36 Members + = Senior Restricted* 10-18 Years Limit 0-4 Males 5-36 Members + = Senior# 12-18 Years Old No Males 5-36 Members + = Senior Small Coed 12-18 Years Old 1-4 Males 5-20 Members + = Senior Medium Coed 12-18 Years Old 1-8 Males 5-30 Members + = Senior Large Coed 12-18 Years Old 1-18 Males 5-36 Members + = International Open 5 14 Years & Older* No Males 5-24 Members + = International Open Coed 5 14 Years & Older* 1-12 Males 5-24 Members LEVEL 6 + = International Open 6 17 Years & Older No Males 5-24 Members + = International Open Coed 6 17 Years & Older 1-15 Males 5-24 Members Any Age Female/Male Unlimited SPECIAL ATHLETES—LEVEL 2 (in addition to no basket tosses permitted) + = Special Athletes 6 118 NW 14th Avenue Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 800-462-8294 (P) 352-376-0487 (F) ALL STAR DANCE DIVISIONS Organization Name: ____________________________________________________________ # # + Participants = Crossovers Total Team Members # Team Name Dance Division Age Female/Male Coaches Number on Squad JAZZ + = Tiny Jazz 6 Years & Younger Female/Male 4+ Members + = Small Mini Jazz 9 Years & Younger Female/Male 4-14 Members + = Large Mini Jazz 9 Years & Younger Female/Male 15+ Members + = Small Youth Jazz 12 Years & Younger Female/Male 4-14 Members + = Large Youth Jazz 12 Years & Younger Female/Male 15+ Members + = Junior Coed Jazz 15 Years & Younger Female/Male 4+ Members + = Small Junior Jazz 15 Years & Younger Female/Male 4-14 Members + = Large Junior Jazz 15 Years & Younger Female/Male 15+ Members + = Small Senior Jazz 18 Years & Younger No Males 4-14 Members + = Large Senior Jazz 18 Years & Younger No Males 15+ Members + = Small Senior Coed Jazz 18 Years & Younger Female/Male 4-14 Members + = Large Senior Coed Jazz 18 Years & Younger Female/Male 15+ Members + = Small Open Jazz 14 Years & Older No Males 4-14 Members + = Large Open Jazz 14 Years & Older No Males 15+ Members + = Small Open Coed Jazz 14 Years & Older Female/Male 4-14 Members + = Large Open Coed Jazz 14 Years & Older Female/Male 15+ Members + = Open Male Jazz 14 Years & Older No Females 4+ Members POM + = Tiny Pom 6 Years & Younger Female/Male 4+ Members + = Small Mini Pom 9 Years & Younger Female/Male 4-14 Members + = Large Mini Pom 9 Years & Younger Female/Male 15+ Members + = Small Youth Pom 12 Years & Younger Female/Male 4-14 Members + = Large Youth Pom 12 Years & Younger Female/Male 15+ Members + = Junior Coed Pom 15 Years & Younger Female/Male 4+ Members + = Small Junior Pom 15 Years & Younger Female/Male 4-14 Members + = Large Junior Pom 15 Years & Younger Female/Male 15+ Members + = Small Senior Pom 18 Years & Younger No Males 4-14 Members + = Large Senior Pom 18 Years & Younger No Males 15+ Members + = Small Senior Coed Pom 18 Years & Younger Female/Male 4-14 Members + = Large Senior Coed Pom 18 Years & Younger Female/Male 15+ Members + = Small Open Pom 14 Years & Older No Males 4-14 Members + = Large Open Pom 14 Years & Older No Males 15+ Members + = Small Open Coed Pom 14 Years & Older Female/Male 4-14 Members + = Large Open Coed Pom 14 Years & Older Female/Male 15+ Members + = Open Male Pom 14 Years & Older No Females 4+ Members HIP HOP + = Tiny Hip Hop 6 Years & Younger Female/Male 4+ Members + = Small Mini Hip Hop 9 Years & Younger Female/Male 4-14 Members + = Large Mini Hip Hop 9 Years & Younger Female/Male 15+ Members + = Small Youth Hip Hop 12 Years & Younger Female/Male 4-14 Members + = Large Youth Hip Hop 12 Years & Younger Female/Male 15+ Members + = Junior Coed Hip Hop 15 Years & Younger Female/Male 4+ Members + = Small Junior Hip Hop 15 Years & Younger Female/Male 4-14 Members + = Large Junior Hip Hop 15 Years & Younger Female/Male 15+ Members + = Small Senior Hip Hop 18 Years & Younger No Males 4-14 Members + = Large Senior Hip Hop 18 Years & Younger No Males 15+ Members + = Small Senior Coed Hip Hop 18 Years & Younger Female/Male 4-14 Members + = Large Senior Coed Hip Hop 18 Years & Younger Female/Male 15+ Members + = Small Open Hip Hop 14 Years & Older No Males 4-14 Members + = Large Open Hip Hop 14 Years & Older No Males 15+ Members + = Small Open Coed Hip Hop 14 Years & Older Female/Male 4-14 Members + = Large Open Coed Hip Hop 14 Years & Older Female/Male 15+ Members + = Open Male Hip Hop 14 Years & Older No Females 4+ Members 7 118 NW 14th Avenue Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 800-462-8294 (P) 352-376-0487 (F) SCHOOL/REC DIVISIONS Organization Name: ____________________________________________________________ # # + Participants = Crossovers Total Team Members # Team Name Division Age Female/Male Number on Squad Coaches SCHOOL CHEER + = JH/MS Non-Mount 9th Grade & Below Female/Male 5+ Members + = JH/MS Non-Tumbling 9th Grade & Below Female/Male 5+ Members + = JH/MS 9th Grade & Below Female/Male 5+ Members + = Freshman/JV Non-Mount 11th Grade & Below Female/Male 5+ Members + = Freshman/JV Non-Tumbling 11th Grade & Below Female/Male 5+ Members + = Freshman/JV 11th Grade & Below 0-1 Male 5+ Members + = Freshman/JV Coed 11th Grade & Below 1+ Males 5+ Members + = Varsity Non-Mount 12th Grade & Below Female/Male 5+ Members + = Varsity Non-Tumbling 12th Grade & Below 0-1 Male 5+ Members + = Varsity 12th Grade & Below 0-1 Male 5+ Members + = Varsity Non-Tumbling Coed 12th Grade & Below 1+ Male 5+ Members + = Varsity Coed 12th Grade & Below 1-4 Males 5+ Members + = Rec Mini 8 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-36 Members + = Rec Youth 11 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-36 Members + = Rec Junior 14 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-36 Members + = Rec Senior 18 Years & Younger Female/Male 5-36 Members ***Teams comprised solely of 9th graders compete in Freshman/JV division below*** REC CHEER SCHOOL DANCE + = JH/MS Hip-Hop 9th Grade & Below Female/Male 4+ Members + = JH/MS Jazz 9th Grade & Below Female/Male 4+ Members + = JH/MS Pom 9th Grade & Below Female/Male 4+ Members + = JH/MS Variety 9th Grade & Below Female/Male 4+ Members + = Freshman/JV Hip-Hop 11th Grade & Below Female/Male 4+ Members + = Freshman/JV Jazz 11th Grade & Below Female/Male 4+ Members + = Freshman/JV Pom 11th Grade & Below Female/Male 4+ Members + = Freshman/JV Variety 11th Grade & Below Female/Male 4+ Members + = Varsity Hip Hop 12th Grade & Below 0-1 Male 4+ Members + = Varsity Jazz 12th Grade & Below Female/Male 4+ Members + = Varsity Pom 12th Grade & Below Female/Male 4+ Members + = Varsity Variety 12th Grade & Below Female/Male 4+ Members + = Varsity Kick 12th Grade & Below Female/Male 4+ Members + = Varsity Coed Hip Hop 12th Grade & Below 2+ Males 4+ Members + = College Open Dance Collegiate Athletes Female/Male 4+ Members ***Teams comprised solely of 9th graders compete in Freshman/JV division below*** ALL STAR NOTES *See special tumbling restrictions according to the USASF. The list is a complete “menu” of divisions offered by the USASF. Spirit Cheer reserves the right to combine and split divisions based on the number of teams registered. The age of the competitor as of August 31, 2014 will be the age used for competition purposes throughout the 2014-2015 season. List all teams with participants & crossovers for your organization. The participant number for each team should include all original members. Every participant has an original team according to the USASF age guidelines. Please list any participant as a crossover for the second or third team that they cross to. SCHOOL/REC NOTES Recreation Cheer and Dance teams must cheer or dance for a youth league sport. Proof must be provided upon request! The list is a complete “menu” of divisions offered by Spirit Cheer for School and Recreation cheer and dance teams. The grade level provided should be the grade of the competitor based on the 2014-2015 school year. Spirit Cheer reserves the right to combine and split divisions based on the number of teams registered. Spirit Cheer requires that birth certificates and medical waivers are turned in at time of check in at an event. The participant number for each team should include all original members. Every participant has an original team according to the grade levels provided. Please list any participant as a crossover for the second or third team that they cross to. School and Recreation cheer teams follow AACCA rules and guidelines. 8 118 NW 14th Avenue Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 800-462-8294 (P) 352-376-0487 (F) SOLOS/DUOS/TRIOS/STUNT GROUPS Organization Name: ____________________________________________________________ DANCE DIVISIONS # Participants Name(s) Division Jazz Pom Hip Hop Age Female/Male Number Tiny Solo 5 Years & Younger Female/Male 1 Member Tiny Duo/Trio 5 Years & Younger Female/Male 2-3 Members Mini Solo 8 Years & Younger Female/Male 1 Member Mini Duo/Trio 8 Years & Younger Female/Male 2-3 Members Youth Solo 11 Years & Younger Female/Male 1 Member Youth Duo/Trio 11 Years & Younger Female/Male 2-3 Members Junior Solo 14 Years & Younger Female/Male 1 Member Junior Duo/Trio 14 Years & Younger Female/Male 2-3 Members Senior Solo 18 Years & Younger Female/Male 1 Member Senior Duo/Trio 18 Years & Younger Female/Male 2-3 Members Open Solo 19 Years & Older Female/Male 1 Member Age Female/Male Number 5 Years & Younger Female/Male 1 Member 6-8 Years Female/Male 1 Member 9-11 Years Female/Male 1 Member 12-14 Years Female/Male 1 Member CHEER INDIVIDUAL DIVISIONS # Participants Name(s) Level (circle one if necessary) Division Tiny Cheer Solo 1 Mini Cheer Solo 1 2 Youth Cheer Solo 1 2 3 Junior Cheer Solo 1 2 3 4 5 Female Junior Cheer Solo 4 5 12-14 Years Female 1 Member Male Junior Cheer Solo 4 5 12-14 Years Male 1 Member 15-18 Years Female/Male 1 Member Senior Cheer Solo 1 2 3 Female Senior Cheer Solo 4 5 15-18 Years Female 1 Member Male Senior Cheer Solo 4 5 15-18 Years Male 1 Member 5 19 Years & Older Female/Male 1 Member Age Female/Male Number 8 Years & Younger Female 3-5 Members Open Solo STUNT GROUP DIVISIONS # Participants Name(s) Level (circle one if necessary) Division Mini Stunt 2 Youth Stunt 3 5 11 Years & Younger Female 3-5 Members Junior Stunt 3 5 14 Years & Younger Female 3-5 Members Junior Partner Stunt 3 5 14 Years & Younger Female/Male 2 Members Senior Stunt 3 5 18 Years & Younger Female 3-5 Members Senior Partner Stunt 3 5 18 Years & Younger Female/Male 2 Members Open Stunt 3 5 19 Years & Older Female 3-5 Members 5 19 Years & Older Female/Male 2 Members Open Partner Stunt 9 118 NW 14th Avenue Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 800-462-8294 (P) 352-376-0487 (F) CROSS COMPETE PARTICIPANT FORM A Crossovers Use this section to detail your crossovers. From Team: To Team: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. TOTAL CROSSOVERS: (Enter on Page 2) 10 118 NW 14th Avenue Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 800-462-8294 (P) 352-376-0487 (F) Number of Crossovers ALL STAR TEAM ROSTER ***All Star programs must submit an event specific USASF roster for each team at event check-in.*** The USASF is focused on athletes first. We credential coaches, certify safety judges, sanction events and maintain safety guidelines; all to provide the safest possible environment for cheer and dance athletes to train and compete. Following the Athlete ID program that was implemented for the 2013-14 event season, a new, comprehensive and streamlined Athlete Membership program begins with the 2014-15 membership season that will support the key programs of the USASF and our focus on athlete safety, including: Confirming qualified coaches through credentialing and posting passing results of youth sport standard background checks. Ensuring that competitions meet best safety practices through event sanctioning. Administering safety guidelines that protect athletes at every age and ability level. Providing accident and catastrophic insurance coverage at USASF Sanctioned Events and in member gyms. Promoting a positive image for All Star. Who is required to be an Athlete Member? All cheer and dance athletes that compete on All Star or All Star Prep teams must be members in order to compete at USASF Sanctioned Events. How much does it cost to be an Athlete Member? The annual Athlete Membership fee is $30 for all athletes. Do athletes participating on teams with special needs pay the Athlete Member fee? No. Do athletes participating on “show” or “exhibition” teams pay the Athlete Member fee? Although the USASF does allow event producers to offer exhibition opportunities at events, the USASF will not mandate that “show” and/or “exhibition” athletes must join for the 2014-2015 season. Please Note: Unpaid athletes cannot be placed on a roster nor are they eligible for any of the insurance coverage offered by the USASF to paid Athlete Members. In some cases, certain event producers may require rosters to be submitted for “show” or “exhibition” athletes at their events. Please check with the event producer as to the requirement. CREATING A NEW TEAM Log into your gym profile Click on Teams in the top menu bar Click the Add Team tab Enter a team name in the provided area Then select your division: Cheer Teams: Select the level for your team by clicking on the appropriate Level button Select the Division for your team Click Add Team located at the bottom of the page When finished, print off your rosters and bring to event check-in 11 118 NW 14th Avenue Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 800-462-8294 (P) 352-376-0487 (F) SCHOOL/REC TEAM ROSTER One roster per team TEAM INFORMATION Team Name Division Coaches Please provide participant name and date of birth. Participant Name Date of Birth Participant Name TEAM ROSTER 1. 19. 2. 20. 3. 21. 4. 22. 5. 23. 6 24. 7. 25. 8. 26. 9. 27. 10. 28. 11. 29. 12. 30. 13. 31. 14. 32. 15. 33. 16. 34. 17. 35. 18. 36. 12 118 NW 14th Avenue Suite A Gainesville, FL 32601 800-462-8294 (P) 352-376-0487 (F) Date of Birth
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