Bearcat Cheer Championship Booneville Junior High School Saturday, November 15, 2014 PLEASE SEND REGISTARTIONS TO: Rachael May 835 East 8th Street Booneville, AR 72927 OR by email to: Booneville Junior High Cheerleaders will be hosting a cheerleading competition on Saturday, November 15, 2014 for junior high and high school cheerleading teams. A tentative schedule will be mailed to each coach when all entry fees have been collected. The final schedule is subject to change and will depend on the number of teams attending. Fees: $10 per cheer routine participant ($50 minimum) $25 exhibition teams $25 per stunt group (ALL GIRL- 5 member max per group) $25 per COED stunt group (3 member max including spot) $5 onsite registration for individual tumble and jump competition All entry fees must be mailed with registration. Please make checks payable to BJH Cheer. Entries must be postmarked by October 15, 2014. Late entries will be accepted through November 1, 2014. A late fee of $25 will apply to all late entries. *No refunds will be made unless the entire competition is cancelled. All competitors must have a signed release form. This is to be turned in at registration. Tentative Schedule: Junior High Teams will compete in the morning. Senior High Teams will compete in the afternoon. Exhibition Teams will compete before Junior High, between Junior High and Senior High and after Senior High depending on the number of exhibition teams. General Admission: $5 for adults, $3 for students/children. AAA cards will be honored. T-shirts will be available for preorder and purchase. Cost is $15. Types of Competitions: Squad Competitive Cheer, All Girl Stunt Group, Coed Stunt Group, Individual Tumble Off, Individual Jump Off. Divisions of Team Competition: 1. Senior High All-Girl Teams and All Junior High Teams School Classifications: 1A, 2A, 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A 2. Senior High Coed Teams School Classifications: 1A-4A, 5A-7A Music: Ipod or CD will be used for music. Please bring a back-up. Concessions: We will not allow any outside food or drink. Concessions will be available on site. Hospitality Room: Coaches- you will not leave the competition hungry! We will have a wonderful hospitality room full of snacks, food, drinks and treats. Photos and Videos: Cameras are allowed at our event. Please make sure flashes are turned off. Awards: A 1st and 2nd place trophy will be awarded in each division and a grand champion award will be awarded for Junior and Senior High competitors. A 1st and 2nd place award will be given to the stunt groups and individuals who score the highest in the tumble off and jump off. We are so excited about hosting this cheer competition. I hope you choose to showcase your team in Booneville. We look forward to seeing you in November! If you have any comments, questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to email me at or call 479-2064438. In this packet you will find the following forms: Rules and Regulations Registration Form Roster Form Release Form Score Sheet T-Shirt Order Form Bearcat Cheer Championship Rules and Regulations All current National Federation State High School Spirit Rules will be followed. There will be three routine judges. All participants must have a signed medical/liability form at the competition. All members of the squads must be current members of the official school spirit squads and must attend the school they are representing. 1st and 2nd place trophies will be awarded in each category/division and an overall winner announced in Jr. High and Sr. High. Time Limitations: Cheer routines may not exceed 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Competition Area and Warm-Up Area: The cheer competition area and warm-up area will be 9 standard cheer mats (42 x 54 feet). Every squad will be given 5 minutes on the warm-up mat in the auxiliary gym. Stretching will be done on the back court in the main gym and a mat will be provided there for warming up stunts, jumps and tumbling. Signs and props are permitted. Judging: There will be 3 judges. Judges will score using the same criteria as is used by judges at the AAA State Cheer Competition. All decisions by the judges will be final. Coaches will be provided with their squad’s score sheets after the results have been announced. Score sheets for Competitive Cheer is attached. Procedure for Questioning: Questions concerning performance should be made immediately after the performance by the coach of the team. Questions are to be directed to the Competition Director. Sportsmanship: All participants agree to conduct themselves in a manner displaying good sportsmanship at all times during the competition. Serious infractions of sportsmanship will result in disqualification and/or removal from the gym. Exhibition Performances: If you have a smaller, less experienced team who has a short routine or cheer that they would like to perform, we welcome you. All Star Teams are also invited to perform as exhibition teams. Please let your hometown All Star teams know about this opportunity to work out the kinks in their routines. The cost is a flat fee of $25 and no judging will be allowed. It is a time for your team to perform in front of their families and peers and get the feel of competition. If you are interested, on the Team Registration Form under Classification, write “EXHIBITION ONLY.” The Booneville Junior High will showcase only at this competition! Bearcat Cheer Championship Team Registration Form School Name ____________________________________________________ Classification _________________________________ (1A-7A All Girl or Coed) School Address __________________________________________________ City __________________________ State ________ Zip ________________ Name of Coach __________________________________________________ Cell Phone _______________________ School Phone ____________________ Email _________________________________________________________ Cheer Squad Routine: Number of Participants Competing ____________ @ $10 each= _____________ Cheer Stunt Routine Number of stunt groups _____________ @ $25 each= ____________________ Tumble Off Number of individual participants _____________ @ $5 each= ______________ (can be registered on day of competition) Jump Off Number of individual participants _____________ @ $5 each= ______________ (can be registered on day of competition) TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $_____________ MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO BJH CHEER TEAM ROSTER PLEASE PRINT NAME AND GRADE OF EACH PARTICIPANT BELOW: NAME GRADE NAME GRADE Bearcat Cheer Championship Medical Treatment and Liability Release Form _____________________________ Participant’s Name _____________________________ Street Address _____________________________ City, State, Zip Code _____________________________ Name of Parent/Legal Guardian _____________________________ Emergency Contact Phone Numbers (2) _____________________________ School Name I, __________________, as parent or legal guardian of _________________, hereby grant permission for my son/daughter to participate in the Bearcat Cheer Championship. I further agree to release and hold harmless Booneville School District from any and all liability. In order that my son/daughter may receive the necessary medical treatment in the event that he/she may sustain injury or illness during the participation of this competition. I hereby authorize the cheer coach or other supervising adult to obtain medical treatment for my son/daughter. I understand that this activity will involve risk to my child. I also understand that the Bearcat Cheer Championship will enforce the safety guidelines as set forth in the National Federation of State High Schools Rule Book. It is the coach’s responsibility to know and inform their squad of these rules by which my son/daughter must abide during participation in this activity, and that my son/daughter and I will be responsible for his/her failure to abide by those rules and regulations. ___________________________ ____________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian Date ___________________________ ____________________ Signature of Participant Date 2014 AAA State Cheer Championship Score Sheet SCHOOL____________________________________________________________ Judge_______________________________ COMMENTS CATEGORY CHEER SECTION - 3 5 points CROWD LEADING Crowd Effective Material—10 Proper use of signs, poms, megaphones to lead crowd – 5 Use of Motions to Lead Crowd – 5 INCORPORATIONS . Proper use of skills to effectively lead crowd – 5 Execution of incorporations – 5 MAXIMUM VALUE 20 10 5 OVERALL CHEER IMPRESSION MUSIC SECTION - 6 5 points STUNTS Execution—Proper technique, form, synchronization, spacing – 10 Difficulty—Level of skill, number of bases, transitions, variety – 10 PYRAMIDS Execution—Proper technique, form, synchronization, spacing – 10 Difficulty—Level of skill, number of bases, transitions, variety – 5 TUMBLING Execution—Proper technique, form, synchronization, spacing Difficulty—Synchronized squad tumbling, level of skill, transitions JUMPS Synchronized squad jumps, jump technique, type of jump, spacing 20 15 10 5 DANCE Technique, sharpness, placement, timing, and spacing 5 OVERALL IMPRESSION - 10 points Choreography, visual appeal, image 10 TOTAL SCORE 100 TEAM SCORE 2014 AAA State Coed Cheer Championship Score Sheet SCHOOL____________________________________________________________ Judge_______________________________ COMMENTS CATEGORY CHEER SECTION - 3 5 points CROWD LEADING Crowd Effective Material—10 Proper use of signs, poms, megaphones to lead crowd – 5 Proper use of motions to lead crowd – 5 INCORPORATIONS Proper use of skills to effectively lead crowd – 5 Execution of incorporations – 5 OVERALL CHEER IMPRESSION MAXIMUM VALUE 20 10 5 MUSIC SECTION - 6 5 points STUNTS Execution—Proper technique, form, synchronization, spacing – 10 Difficulty—Level of skill, number of bases, transitions, variety – 10 Use of Coed Skills – Main base demonstrates ability to support skill – 5 PYRAMIDS Execution—Proper technique, form, synchronization, spacing – 10 Difficulty—Level of skill, number of bases, transitions, variety – 5 TUMBLING Execution—Proper technique, form, synchronization, spacing Difficulty—Synchronized squad tumbling, level of skill, transitions 25 15 10 JUMPS Synchronized squad jumps, jump technique, type of jump, synchronization, spacing 5 OVERALL – Choreography, visual appeal, image 10 TOTAL SCORE 100 TEAM SCORE Bearcat Cheer Championship T-Shirt Pre-Order Form T-shirt cost: $15 T-shirts will be available for pick up on the day of the competition T-shirts will be sold at the competition for $20 One t-shirt order form per team please Name ______________________________________________________ School _____________________________________________________ Size/Qty: XS ________ S _______ M_______ L _________ XL ________ Amount Enclosed: $_______________ T-Shirt Design: (Design will be provided at a later date) *Please make checks payable to BJH Cheer
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