Document 344395

September/October 2014
Edition 1, Volume 5
Before you realize it, in the next three months or so… out with the old year and in with the
New Year. There were many things that happen in 2014, some good things happen in our lives,
as well as some not so good. We received several sad news of many of our family members
and close friends who have passed on throughout 2014 as we said our final “Ahui Hou” until
we meet again. Soon with the New Year of 2015 rapidly approaching us, what will happen
next… we will never know what lies ahead in our future, only time will know? Next year will
also bring several new changes within our Aha Hui O Na Maka’i Hauola Club.
For starters, this will be Charles Duncan’s (newsletter editors) last issue
of doing our club newsletters. He has done an excellent job for the past
four years and has really put together a fabulous editorial newsletter by
highlighting the activities and events, which our club members were
involved with. He emailed all of our newsletters to members who have
access to a computer and forwarding a copy to SHOPO to print copies
for mailing to members who have no access to a computer. So that
every club member, as well as those living in Hawaii and throughout
the mainland will read about what is happing at home.
Our sincere “MAHALO” from all of our Ohana to Charlie Duncan for
all of his endless time and dedication of keeping us well informed of
our current events and photos of our members.
President’s Message
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report
Next Pa’ina Lunchen
Aloha Roll Call to Ohana
Humor Column
Last Edition
Photo’s from 24th Hui Ana
The month of February 2015, is our General Membership Meeting which has not been decided where we
will have our meeting (we will inform you of the location later). Several of our current staff and board of
directors have decided not to run for another term. So keep in mind of who you would like to represent you
in the next election. We need someone with new ideas and motivation skills to keep our spirits in a fun and
happy mood.
A Hui Hou! Malama Pono, Meke Aloha.
Vernon Ka’ahanui
24th Hui Ana Hoolaulea Celebration:
No club luncheon was scheduled for the month of August. Instead, members attended the Hui Ana’s 24th
Hoolaulea Festivities on Friday August 1, 2014 at Pearl Harbor. The following are some of the members
who attended. Roy Helepololei, Water Simao, Steven Burke, Augie Roback, James Sequin, Joy Aipolani,
Keith Perry, Skippy Sweet, Clarence & Vi DeCaires, Charlie Duncan, David Heaukulani, Arthur Medeiros,
Clyde Vierra, Kalani Simerson Chester Kahapea, Vernon Kaahanui, Hope Ah Loo, Donald Marumoto,
Mitch & Mana Kiyuna, Bently Alama, Wayne Fergerstrom, Joesph Aveiro, Alice Ome, Dennis Appeles,
Forrest Broome, Michael Hama, Danny
Cappo, Kalono Johnson, Johneete & Varney Range, Francis Nobriga,
Rodney Baptiste, Rene Matsuura, William Ornellas, George Gibbons,
Glen Tomasu, Thomas Hutchinson, Donald “Big Red” Nielson, Kevin
Thomas, Marietta Langer, Robert Schmidt, Jeff and Barbara Yamashita,
John & Connie Collins, Al and Shirley Streck, Donald “Ned” Campbell,
Mel Chastain, Sylvia Dawson, Donald & Twila Dias, Lee & Luci
Donohue, Lloyd Faulkner, Glen Kamanao, Robert Miyasato, Rags
Scanlan, Thomas Sherman and Philip Sunada.
If I left anyone out, it was because list was created from memory and
pictures taken by Alice and the gathering.
Secretary Report:
Secretary Johnette Range stated in order to keep an accurate up
to date list on the membership, we need to hear from you if you
are still interested in being a member or decline to continue your
membership. If you are not sure of your current dues status you
can contact any board member to determine if you are delinquent
in your dues.
Treasurers Report:
Treasurer Richard Wyrgatsch, reported income of $150.56 cents
for the month of August and $75 dollars in expenses, leaving a
balance monthly balance of $75 dollars.
The current Credit Union checking Account balance is
$13128.09, with a Savings Account balance of $37 dollars.
Special Christmas Luncheon in November :
I mentioned in the July-August newsletter, that Pacific Woolen Company who
has custom tailored all of our police officers’ uniforms since the early nineteen
seventies have lost their contract bid and will no longer service the Honolulu
Police Department, a new mainland company have won the contract and have
already replaced Pacific Woolen’s Company. To show our appreciation to all
the employees of Pacific Woolen, the Aha Hui O Na Maka’i Hauola Club will
be honoring them in a special farewell luncheon. In conjunction, with our end
of the year Christmas luncheon. This will be held at…
Ala Moana Hotel, “Hibiscus Ballroom”
410 Atkinson Drive
Saturday / November 29, 2014
10:00 am.-2:00 pm.
Dress Code:
Casual Attire
Thirty-Five Dollars ($35.00) per person (for members &
guest) Includes tax & gratuities
Open Bar: No Host Cocktail Available
Special menus have been selected especially for this event, including
entertainment and door prizes give away. Mark your calendar for Saturday,
November 29, 2014. I am encouraging all fellow police officers’ and
employees of the Honolulu Police Department, whether you are retired, still
active or moved away from Oahu to other locations outside of the Hawaiian
islands, to please join us in this special Aloha farewell luncheon.
We are now collecting money for
this event. Please make your check
payable to “AHONMH” (Aha Hui
O Na Maka’i Hauola) and send to
AHONMH at P.O. Box 235675,
Honolulu, Hawaii 96823-3511.
The last day to send in your
payments is no later than Friday
November 7, 2014. We need to
submit an accurate head count to
finalize our reservations with Ala
Moana Hotel by this date. No
reservations will be accepted after
November 7, 2014 and no
reservations will be accepted at the
Table setting of ten (10) people to
a table. If you have a preference
of whom you would like to sit with,
please send us your list of names,
that will be on your table, along
with your payment and we will
reserve a table for your group. A
table of ten people (10) will cost
Members of HPRA, Keys and
Whistle, Hawaii Law Enforcement
Federal Credit Union, SHOPO,
Aha Hui Ana, HPD Civilian
Employees, Family and Friends of
police officers, are all invited to
this get together.
We are expecting over 200 plus
people, so please make your
reservations early. For more
information, please contact club
President Vernon Kaahanui @
cell…277-4047 or email We would
like to extend our appreciation and
thanks to SHOPO for their
continues support in helping with
this special event.
Finally, SHOPO wants to remind
all Honolulu Police Officers retired
and active members, about
Accidental Death and
Dismemberment Insurance. In
today’s world health insurance or
any type of insurance coverage can
be a burden upon our family
members if something would happen to you. It is so important to think ahead
about having a plan that is just right for you. Here is an affordable plan that is
prepared by SHOPO. In addition, many of our retirees do not realize that you
may have a plan in existence and have forgotten about your insurance or who
is your benefactor. Up date all of your insurance coverage, because your
saviors’ may not known that there is a large sum of money to be claimed. For
more information, contact Miss Lynn Sugihara at SHOPO office to up-date or
apply for your benefits. Phone # (808) 847-4676.
The Plans are: $150,000.00 for $6.00 per month
$360,000.00 for $14.00 per month
$610,000.00 for $23.00 per month
Up to 70 years old. For an additional $2.00 per month you can carry a family
plan. No medical history is required to sign up.
It is a sad occasion when someone who is so dear and so close to our heart has
passed on in life. In celebration of their life for those who have recently been
called back to our father’s grace, our condolences and prayers go out to their
families. The following names have been recently added to the honor roll in
the Kingdom of heaven, they are:
Harold Kawamoto (84) passed away on July 31. 2014. Harold
was a retired Lieutenant with the Honolulu Police Department.
Aha Hui O Na Maka’i Hauola
Established October 29, 1947
P.O. Box 235675 Honolulu, Hi 96823-3511
President – Vernon Kaahanui
Ph: 808-277-4047
Secretary – Johnette Range
Ph: 808-256-2389
Vice President – Chris Gaylord
Ph: 808-239-4576/808-306-9833
Treasurer – Richard Wyrgatsch
Ph: 808-486-0554/808-927-6317
Director – Bently Alama
Ph.: 808-392-8363
Director – Charlie Duncan
Ph: 808-393-4764
Director – Jeff Yamashita
Ph: 808-677-0461/808-864-8902
Director – Joe Aveiro
Ph: 808-395-1863
Director – Alice Ome
Ph: 808-841-0088
Manny Barros (70)
passed away on July
31, 2014. Manny
was a retired
Sergeant with the
Honolulu Police Department,
former Solo Bike Officer and
worked in District 3 for a large
part of his police career.
Jens Magelssen (39)
passed away on
August 18, 2014.
Jens was an Officer
with the Honolulu
Police Department assigned to
District 5.
Kawika Marques (43)
passed away on
August 4, 2014.
Kawika was an
Officer with the
Honolulu Police Department
assigned to District 7.
Clyde Gouveia (66)
of Captain Cook
passed away on
September 9, 2014.
Clyde was a retired
Corporal with the
Honolulu Police Department. Last
assigned to District 4.
Joyce Nakagawa
passed away on
August 31, 2014.
Joyce was assigned
to the Records &
Identification Division.
Lincoln McCallum
(80) of Kaneohe,
passed away on
September 19, 2014.
Lincoln was a
retired Officer with the Honolulu
Police Department, a former Solo
Bike Officer, last assigned to
District 4.
Blue Invasion II
The second gathering of Honolulu
Police Officers “Blue Invasion
II”will be in Las t Vegas, Nevada a
from October 15-20, 2014.
For further information on the daily itinerary and social
events, please contact Mr. Larry A. Rutkowski P.O. Box
905, Keaau, and Hi. 96749. Telephone (808) cell # 3835069
24th Hui Ana Hoolaulea
Humor and Laughter:
My granddaughter asked me what it was like to be old.
So I told her “Put cotton in your ears and pebbles in our
shoes. Smear Vaseline over your eyeglasses. And there
you have it:
Instant old Age”
Senior citizens are the Nation’s Leading Carriers of Aids!
Hearing Aids
Band Aids
Roll Aids
Walking Aids
Government Aids
Most of All Monetary Aid to their Kids!
And remember HIV (Hair is Vanishing)
David Heaukulani, Arthur Medeiros, James DeFries,
Manny Rezentes, Clyde Vierra, Kalani Simerson, and
Chester Kahapea
There you have it….
This edition of your newsletter will be my last and I
would like to thank everyone for supporting your
newsletter. Special mahalo to Vernon Kaahanui for his
timely submittal of his message and much of the
newsletter content and also to Alice Ome and Joe Aveiro
for the pictures that they have shared with everyone.
June and Robert Schmidt
I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge and say
mahalo to Stan Cook, who is our webmaster. He
donates and manages our website. It is through the
website that many of our Blue Ohana on the mainland
can stay in touch with what is happening in Hawaii.
Finally it has been an honor being your newsletter editor
for the past four years but it is time for someone else to
step up and create and even better newsletter.
SEE YA Charlie D.
Roy Helepololei, Walter Simao and Steven Burke
Newsletter Staff
Editor – Charlie Duncan
Photographer – Alice Ome
Historian – Joe Aveiro
Webmaster – Stan Cook
Kevin Thomas, Joseph Aveiro and Marietta Langer
Terrance Kong and Joy Aipolani
Mike Hama and Forrest Broome
Hope Ah Loo and Donald Marumoto
Danny Cappo and Kalona Johnson
Alfred Dela Cruz
Clifford Kealoha, Marietta Langer, Larry Ramiscal and
Robert Aton
Frank Corpuz, Ben Awana and Tony Granito
Aukake Dapitan, Johnette & Varney Range and Francis
Mitch Kiyuna, Bentley Alama, Aukake Dapitan and Joe
Joe Lane, Glen Tomasu, William Ornellas, Debbie
Wilson and A. Mariboho
George Gibbons, with Thomas Hutchinson and
Maggie Hirakawa in the background
Mufi Hannemann, Alice Ome and Joe Ryan
Bart Ravelo, Moana Higa & Frank Corpuz
Wayne Saito, Francis Borges and James Sequin
Aha Hui O Na Maka’I Hauola
P.O. Box 235675
Honolulu, Hi 96823-3511