Our Lady of Mercy Parish 16 Baboosic Lake Road, Merrimack, NH 03054 Website: www.olmnh.org Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/olmnh Mass Schedule Welcome New Parishioners! Saturday - 4:30pm Sunday - 8:30am and 10:30am Monday, Tuesday, Wed, & Friday - 8:30am Holy Days - 8:30am and anticipated 7:00pm Sacraments of Initiation Parish Staff Rev. Msgr. Paul Bouchard, Pastor Email: FrPaul@olmnh.org Mr. James Patterson, Deacon Email: cpatterson1@olmnh.org Mrs. Christine Patterson, Pastoral Associate Email: cpatterson1@olmnh.org Mrs. Nancy King, Business Manager Email: nking@olmnh.org Mrs. Elaine Lamb, Director of Parish Religious Education Program Email: emlamb2@olmnh.org Mrs. Kathleen Rush, Administrative Assistant for Religious Education Email: kjrush1@olmnh.org Mrs. Alyce Bolduc, Receptionist/Secretary Email: alemae@olmnh.org Mrs. Nancy King, Director of Music Email: nking@olmnh.org Parish Office/Rectory: 424-3757 Religious Education Office: 424-4477 Fax: 424-1780 Mission Statement Our Lady of Mercy Parish, founded in 1954, is a Roman Catholic community that shares in the life of Jesus Christ, obedient Father, and guided by the Holy Spirit. As a faith community, our mission is: to celebrate the sacraments and to proclaim the Word of God; to minister the spiritual and temporal needs of our parish through prayer, works of charity, personal witness, education, and evangelization; to welcome all people to active participation in our parish community; and to preserve the faith of the church amidst a changing world and diverse social climate. We commit ourselves to this mission, under the patronage and protection of Mary, Mother of Mercy, with faith, hope and love in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. May 1999 All new parishioners should formally register with the parish by visiting the Parish Office and filling out a registration form. If you move away, please notify the Parish Office. Baptism for infants is usually celebrated on the last Sunday of each month. All parents must attend a parent enrichment session prior to the Baptism of their child. Please contact the Pastoral Minister, Christine Patterson, at the Parish Office to sign up for the class. It is recommended that parents attend these sessions during pregnancy. Preparation of all parishioners for Confirmation and First Communion is an integral part of living the Catholic Life. Please call the Parish Office for more information and assistance. Sacrament of Reconciliation and Confession Parishioners are encouraged to experience sacramental forgiveness on a regular basis. Confession is available on Saturdays at 3:00pm and by appointment. If you wish to set up an appointment please call the office to speak with Father Paul. Special communal reconciliation services are celebrated during Advent and Lent. Weddings The policy of all Catholic parishes in the state of New Hampshire is that couples must contact their parish priest at least 6 months prior to the intended wedding date. Couples should never make any final arrangements (especially for the wedding reception hall) prior to meeting with the parish priest. A Marriage Preparation Program is also required. A parish Wedding policy brochure is available upon request. Sacrament of the Sick If possible, please do not wait until a critical moment to call a priest for the Sacrament of the Sick. Anyone who is seriously ill may receive this sacrament of healing and hope. It is recommended that family members be present for the celebration of the Sacrament of the Sick. Hospital Visitation A Catholic Chaplain is available at all our local hospitals. Please contact the Parish Office if you wish a parish priest to visit a family member of the parish who is hospitalized. Outreach and Home Ministry Please call the Rectory to inform us in the event you are homebound and would like to receive the Eucharist or the Sacrament of the Sick or that you need other ministry. Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time SATURDAY, October 18th Vigil: Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:30PM: James Fischer (12th anniv) req by his family SUNDAY, October 19th Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30AM: Richard “Poppy” Driscoll req by his wife & family and for all parishioners 10:30AM: Helen Invester (1st Anniv) req by Lee Parker MONDAY, October 20th St. Paul of the Cross, Priest 8:10AM: Morning Prayer 8:30AM: Robert Coyne req by Muriel TUESDAY, October 21st 8:10AM: Morning Prayer 8:30AM: Robert Coyne req by the Ladies Guild WEDNESDAY, October 22nd St. John Paul II, Pope 8:10AM: Morning Prayer 8:30AM: Linda Brooks req by Tom & Elaine Lamb THURSDAY, October 23rd NO MASS FRIDAY, October 24th St. Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop 8:10AM: Morning Prayer 8:30AM: Edward & Betty Walsh req by their children SATURDAY, October 25th Vigil: Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 4:30PM: Don Lyons req by his wife and family SUNDAY, October 26th Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30AM: Matthew Bechard req by his mother and for all parishioners 10:30AM: Donald Belavance (5th Anniv) req by his family Nashua Catholic Regional Junior High School, Nashua Open House on Wednesday, November 5th at 8:00 pm Take advantage of this opportunity to meet our teachers, discuss curriculum, see student activity and tour our facility. For more information, visit our website www.ncrjhs.org. ********** St. Francis of Assisi Elementary School, Litchfield Open House, October 25th at 9:00 am We will begin with Mass at 9:00 am and a welcome breakfast and tour of the school will follow. For more information, please call Emily Schwerdt, 424-3312. October 19, 2014 Reflecting on God’s Word In a country that has a strong commitment to separation of church and state, it is noteworthy that our money, both bills and coins, is inscribed with the words “In God We Trust.” The history of this motto and its relation to our currency goes back to the Civil War. Changing it has never gotten much support. It serves as a helpful reminder about where our true security lies. In the Gospel, the Pharisees, along with some supporters of the Roman regime called Herodians, get into the act of trying to trap Jesus into taking a stand that would get him in trouble with either the Roman authorities or his own people. But Jesus, as much the fox as Herod was reputed to be, slips out of their net by noting that there can be different loyalties without a loss of priorities. Jesus calls on them to produce the idolatrous coin that no devout Jew should carry, since it declared Caesar to be a god. Then he advises them to return to the emperor the coin that bears his image but to return to God what bears God’s image, that is, themselves, made in the image of God. A new order is revealed when we give God’s image back to God by our words and deeds, showing God’s image to others. When this happens, the motto “In God We Trust” becomes not merely stamped on paper or branded on copper, but encountered in living flesh and blood. James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Living God’s Word We pray to recognize what it means to be a good citizen, giving to our country what is needed for the support of the common good. And we pray to discern wisely when loyalty to Christ and the building up of the kingdom of God may call for a response that challenges what civil authorities propose. Copyright © 2012, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. The Sanctuary Lamp for October 18th through October 24th is lit in memory of Walter R. Fariole, Jr. If you would like to have the Sanctuary Lamp lit in memory of or for the intentions of your loved one, please call the parish office at 424-3757. Week #11: Pat Lyons & Debby Chartier St. Joseph Community Service—Meals on Wheels We have an immediate need for volunteer drivers in Merrimack to deliver meals to our homebound. For more information, call Elida 424-9967 or visit our website at www.mealsonwheelsnh.org. OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH Knights of Columbus Craft Fair November 1, 2014 Queen of Peace Council #6725 will hold its 15th annual holiday Craft Fair on Saturday, November 1st from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm in Mastricola Upper Elementary School. Our Lady of Mercy Ladies Guild will run a Chinese Auction as part of the fair. The Council will also have a bake table and a kitchen serving home made meals, drinks and snacks. The Fair will have over 40 vendors, selling a variety of hand made crafts. Crocheted items, embroidery, hand tied fleece blankets, hand made jewelry, wood items, shell wreaths and ornaments, cloth dolls, doll clothes and much more. SEE YOU AT THE FAIR!!!! *********************** Anyone wishing to donate a baked good for the fair -such as pies, cakes, cookies, breads, fudge, etc.- may drop them by the church hall on Friday, October 31st between 9:30 am and 5:00 pm and between 5 and 7:30pm they may be dropped off at Mastricola Upper Elementary School’s All Purpose Room. On Saturday, November 1st you may also drop off items at the All Purpose Room between 7:30—9:00 am. Parish Breakfast and Flu Shot Clinic The Knights of Columbus are again offering their parish breakfast on Sunday, October 26th after the 8:30 and 10:30 am Masses. A free will offering is always appreciated. Just a reminder that at anytime you enter the church you do not bring any food or drink with you. Behavior in the church should always be respectful and reverent toward God. Along with breakfast there will be a Flu Clinic in the church hall for those who are 7 years of age and up. There is no charge with insurance and Medicare Part B. For those over the age of 18 without insurance, Walgreens will have vouchers at the flu shot clinic that will entitle you to a no charge shot. For every flu shot given at the clinic, we will be donating a flu shot to a third world country through our “Get a shot-Give a Shot” promotion. Ladies Guild Meeting Our next monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 21st at 1:00 pm in the Church Hall. All ladies of the parish are welcome. If you are new to the parish and would like to learn more about our ministry, please join us or contact Irene Jenness at 424-2362. MERRIMACK, NH A special Thank you to all our parishioners and ministries that support our Life Matters Ministry During October, Respect Life Month, our parish takes this opportunity to recognize all the prayer and effort of our parishioners and our parish ministries that collaborate with the work of our Life Matters Ministry. These are some of the ways our parish supports Respect for Life. Our Lady of Mercy Outreach programs Christmas and Lenten outreach to area elderly and needy families. Parish wide food drives and weekly collections for St. John Neumann food pantry. Religious Education Program Our Confirmation students take part in the Baby Bottle Boomerang filling baby bottles with loose change and donating the money collected to Our Place at Catholic Charities who provides outreach to pregnant teens and young parents. Writing cards through the Cards for Troops sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Adult Faith Formation ministry Providing educational programs about Catholic Social Teaching to encourage respect and care in all areas of human life and dignity. Youth and Family Ministry Water bottle and shoe collection for the needy of Haiti. Ladies Guild Providing Easter baskets for young children for the Tolles St. Mission. The Knights of Columbus Erected the Monument for the Unborn and maintain landscaping around the monument. Co-sponsoring the Living Rosary on the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Providing support for various Pro-life activities such as the Birth Right dinner. Prayer Shawl Ministry Knitting three piece set (hat, mittens and sweater) for newborns. Knitting/crocheting prayer shawls for the sick and bereaved. Thank you Our Lady of Mercy Parishioners and Ministries who support respect for life! October 19, 2014 Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time All Souls Day Mass November 2, 2014 @ 10:30 AM All Are Invited Trunk or Treat Wanted: Children in costumes to enjoy music, dancing, a Halloween story by Fr. Paul and trick or treating from car to car Adults to decorate trunks and hand out treats ( plan on about 75) When: Friday, October 24th Time: 6:30 – 8:00 pm Where: Dancing and story in the church hall; trunk or treat in the church parking lot. If you have any questions or would like to help out please feel free to call Mackenzie Murphy @ 493-1508 or Elaine @ 4405847. Come one, come all! Life is God’s Gift of Love to All The Month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary Praying the Rosary is a wonderful way you can offer spiritual support for life at all stages and in all vocations by invoking Our Lady’s intercession. Through prayer, you make a difference. Each day of October 2014 has been dedicated to a specific intention. To participate, simply sign your name on the day you wish to pray the Rosary. Each day can be chosen by more than one person. Priesthood Sunday October 26, 2014 Priesthood Sunday is a special day set aside to honor priesthood in the United States. Please take a few minutes to thank Fr. Paul for the dedicated love and support that he gives all of us here at OLM. Let him know how much we appreciate his hard work and sacrifices and continue to keep him in your prayers. All Soul’s Day is a feast day in the Church Calendar year set aside to commemorate those we love who have died. On this day, we do more than commemorate, we express our belief in God’s will that we not be lost, but enter into eternal life. We also express our belief that our loved ones enjoy everlasting happiness. This feast day is really one celebrating God’s tender and faithful love for us. Each year on all Soul’s Day we remember all our family and friends who have gone before us and especially all those who were buried from our parish this past year. We invite the family and friends of those buried from our parish this past year to come and light a candle as we read the name of their loved one. Penny Pickers The Front Door Agency is starting to gear up for their 23rd Annual Penny Picker Campaign. Again this year, canisters have been placed at the entrances of the church for your donations to this campaign. October Baby Shower Throughout the month of October, our parish will remember, in a special way, pregnant and parenting teens, their newborns and children who are in need of assistance. We will be collecting new, unwrapped baby items for Our Place of New Hampshire Catholic Charities. Your gifts may be placed in the baby basket before all Masses. Your gifts will change lives! For a list of items, please go to our website www.olmnh.org. Middle East Humanitarian Relief Bishop Libasci has asked parishes to conduct a free will offering to help Catholic Relief Services (CRS) respond to urgent needs for aid and assistance in the Middle East. CRS has well-established partnerships with the Catholic Church in the region that allow them to respond quickly and efficiently to victims in some of the hardest-to-reach areas. We will take up the relief offering here at Our Lady of Mercy on the weekend of October 25th & 26th. Please respond as generously as you can to provide humanitarian relief and pastoral support to those affected by the ongoing violence there. Sponsored by the Merrimack Police Union Important information that you and every senior citizen should know! Free Free Wednesday, October 22, 2014 9:00 to 11:30 am Merrimack Adult Community Center, Merrimack (603) 883-5822 454 DW Hwy., Merrimack OPEN TUES. THRU SAT. (603) 424-5628 4 Railroad Avenue, Merrimack www.merrimackflowershop.com www.haircuttersltd.com 603-424-3145 5 1/2 Gaffney Street Nashua, NH 03060 www.chickbeaulieu.com • ROOFING • PAINTING • SIDING • GUTTERS • MASONRY • SHUTTERS • DECKS • STORM • REPLACEMENT WINDOWS • WINDOWS & DOORS Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. ADVERTISING He who has a thing to sell and goes and whispers in a THOMAS A. well, is not so apt to get the WARGUSKA dollars as he who climbs a tree D.M.D. 25 Loop Road and hollers. Merrimack, NH Tel.: 603-424-2121 Family Dentistry Your Smile for a Lifetime Are you ever alone? You’re never alone when you have a medical alert! "I feel more independent, safe, and secure with my medical alert." Jesus A to Z Less than $1 per day • No Long-Term Contracts Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS • Price Guarantee A colorful Catholic ABC • A+ Rating with BBB • Made and Monitored in the USA book for kids and families! 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