OCTOBER 19, 2014 19TH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST THE CHURCH AT WORSHIP 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m. Gathering VOLUNTARY LIFE IN THE CHURCH Rev. Rogers (8:00) Rev. Sanderford (9:30) Rev. Rogers (11:00) FAITH IN ACTION Annual Giving Campaign Jane Hayes CALL TO WORSHIP One: O give thanks to the Lord, for the Lord is good; All: God’s steadfast love endures forever. One: What shall I give back to the Lord for all God’s bounty? All: I will take the cup of salvation and070-what call upon the name of the does the-776.mus, Page 1 Lord. I will pay my vows unto the Lord in the presence of all God’s people. GOD’S COVENANT WITH ISRAEL One: With all we have and are, let us worship God. What Does the Lord Require of You? * HYMN Capo 3: ( G ) Bb (D) b & b 43 œ œ œ What does the b3 & b 4 ú. ú Jus - b 3 3.Œ œ œ b & 4 To seek (C) &b b ú. b &b Œ ú. ú. tice, œ œ œ œ the kind Œ ú jus - tice œ and walk Bb ú œ Lord œ œ ú ú hum - bly of - œ œ and love ( Am ) (D) Cm F ú re - quire hum - bly œ ú re - quire (G) What does walk œ Lord 2. b &b œ ( Bm ) What Does the Lord Require of You? D m F Gm *1. Eb ( Em ) œ. with ú with œ you? ú. ness, œ ú kind - ness (G) Bb .. Repeat as desired ú. you? your ú. God. your God. œ moon ú. of j œ œ 70 ú. .. .. *The three melodic phrases may be sung consecutively, as a canon, or in any combination. PRAYER OF CONFESSION Almighty God, your faithfulness runs unceasing from generation to generation. You are gracious to us, forgiving of us, and ever more ready to accompany us than we are to walk by your side. Too often our motivations are impure and our actions are selfish. We worry about what we cannot change and look for security in things that are fleeting. Free us to respond to your goodness with our very best. Inspire us to trust you and to give not from our excess but of our very selves. We pray in Jesus’ name. SILENT CONFESSION ASSURANCE OF GOD’S FORGIVENESS * PASSING OF THE PEACE You are invited to share signs with one another of the peace we experience as forgiven people. Greet one another saying, “The peace of Christ be with you,” and respond, “And also with you.” * CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen. Proclaiming PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION Cheryl Gulbranson (8:00) Judy Slade (9:30) Anne Colvin (11:00) OLD TESTAMENT READING Micah 6:6-8 This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. ANTHEM (9:30/11:00) We Walk by Faith and Not by Sight Michael Burkhart Choir 1 We walk by faith and not by sight, No gracious words we hear From Him who spoke as none e’er spoke,But we believe Him near. Choir 2 We may not touch His hands and side, Nor follow where He trod; But in His promise we rejoice and cry “My Lord and God!” Choir 3 Help then, O Lord, our unbelief; and may our faith abound To call on You when You are near and seek where You are found. Congregation 4 Music copyright © 2008 Concordia Publishing House. All rights reserved. Reprinted under OneLicense.net License # A-720542. A CONVERSATION WITH YOUNG DISCIPLES (9:30/11:00) Children through grade five are invited to come forward. NEW TESTAMENT READING Romans 12:1-2 This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. SERMON * HYMN 555 Rev. Dr. Fair Responding Now Thank We All Our God nun danket alle gott WELCOME Rev. Roederer (9:30) Rev. Dr. Monnett (11:00) Please sign the Friendship Pad and pass it to others sitting nearby. OFFERING OF TITHES AND GIFTS Offertory I Was Glad C. Hubert H. Parry I was glad when they said unto me, We will go into the house of the Lord. Our feet shall stand in thy gates, O Jerusalem. Jerusalem is builded as a city that is at unity in itself. O pray for the peace of Jerusalem, they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and plenteousness within thy palaces. Psalm 122:1-3, 6, 7 * Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. * Prayer of Dedication SACRAMENT OF COMMUNION (8:00) See Communion Liturgy Card PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. Sending DEDICATION OF 2015 COMMITMENTS Please bring forward your commitments to the Lord’s work while singing the following hymns: Hymn 442 Hymn 435 The Church’s One Foundation We All Are One in Mission * CHARGE AND BENEDICTION * CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE We all are one in mission, we all are one in call, Our varied gifts united by Christ, the Lord of all. A single, great commission compels us from above To plan work together that all may know Christ’s love. * VOLUNTARY * Please rise in body or spirit. Those parts of the service of worship in which the congregation participates in word or song are noted in bold type. Hearing-assistance devices and large-print bulletins are available from the ushers. Welcome to all! Please know that all, including visitors and newcomers, are invited to share in the life of the church. A full description of church events may be found online at www.firstpresbyterian.org. If you have questions, please visit the Welcome Center, just outside the Social Hall. Greeting you there today are Jennifer Hoy and Pam Wood. Church Office volunteers are Ruth Weber and Diane Johnston. Greeters are Joan and Rodney Bentz and Nancy Kaegi at the 9:30 a.m. service, and Catherine Kendall at the 11:00 a.m. service. The prayer team is available for those desiring prayer in Hillegonds Chapel, to the right of the piano, after the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. services. Prayer team members are Marolin Bellefleur, Tom Brandt, and Jerry Gray at 9:30, and Marolin Bellefleur at 11:00. After the 8:00 a.m. service a minister is available at the Communion Table for prayer. Prayer does not mean simply to pour out one’s heart. It means rather to find the way to God and to speak with him, whether the heart is full or empty. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer Ushers are Bill Austin (head) and Martin Reineman at 8:00 a.m.; Bill Austin (head), Dick Carlisle (captain), Len Rezmierski, Kerry Colligan, Merri Lynn Colligan, Jim Cameron, Marty Swindle, Connie Swindle, Keith Horngren, Dean Gilchrist, Keith Bilby and Sheila Bilby at 9:30 a.m.; and Bill Austin, (head), Ralph Winter (captain), Linda Lampman, Cyndy Colton, Jim Douglass, and Jeanette Middleton at 11:00 a.m. The chancel flowers are given in loving memory of Robert C. Ressler by Margaret Ressler and family. TODAY’S EVENTS Worship is at 8:00 a.m. and 7:07 p.m. in Monteith Hall, and at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary. Radio Worship service is broadcast at 11:00 a.m., on WAAM (1600 AM), and on WAAM’s website, www.waamannarbor.com. Musicians assisting in worship leadership this morning include the Children’s Choir at 9:30 (Doris Granum, director); brass quartet (Mitch Wechsler and Andy Perez, trumpets; Chris Haddlesey and Alan Stahl, trombones); vocal quartet (Lorna Young Hildebrandt, Sally Carpenter, Jason Berger and Benjamin Clements); and Chancel Choir. Join us for Coffee Hour immediately following the 9:30 a.m. worship service. Cookie bakers are Betsy DiMaggio, Susie Falconer, and Cindy Crawford. At Coffee Hour, First Pres travel coffee mugs are available for purchase for $10. Mugs and the updated church directories are available in the Church Office, Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Enjoy the Fall Photo Show, featuring the work of church members and friends, in the Social Hall today through November 2. Contact Marion Powers (761-9859 or mmpowrs@umich.edu) if you are interested in participating in a future show. All levels of experience are welcome. The Red Cross Blood Drive, sponsored by the Deacons, is today, 10:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m. in the Youth Room. There are still some openings for donors so please check with Susan Scott or John Yodhes. It’s not too late to donate. Children’s Ministry Opportunities: Sunday School classes are held for crib through fifth graders at 9:30 a.m., and for crib through young five-year-olds at 11:00 a.m. Worship totes are available for children attending worship at 11:00 a.m. Youth Ministry Opportunities: Sunday School is a great way to meet new people, learn about God, and discover something new about yourself. Munch & Mingle is in the 100 level hallway with Washtenaw Dairy Donuts and catching up at 9:20 a.m. Sunday School classes meet from 9:30 –10:30 a.m. 6th/7th graders meet in Room 104, 8th grade Confirmation meets in the Curtis Room on the 300 level. High school meets in the Lewis Room on the 100 level. Youth Choir rehearses 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. in the Choir Room. Youth Dinner is in the Vance Room every Sunday at 5:00 p.m. Students coming from Youth Choir grab a plate and head to youth groups. Dinner is $5 or free if your family provides one dinner per semester. Mids meet tonight at 5:30 p.m in the Curtis Room. Keystones leave from church at 5:30 p.m. tonight for the Corn Maze. Pick up is at 8:00 p.m. Participants must RSVP by noon today to RJ. Campus Ministry Opportunites: All college students are invited to our FREE Campus Dinner with home cooked food on Sunday nights at 6:00 p.m. We’ll meet in the Vance and Lewis Rooms on the 300 level. Adult Education Opportunities: The Bible @ 9:30 meets in the French Room/Library at 9:30 a.m. Come explore the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes and biblical Wisdom Literature. The presenter is Rev. Ed Koster. First Couples meets at 9:30 a.m. in Monteith Hall to discuss Toxic Charity by Robert Lupton. Members of the class serve as presenters. Exploring the Faith meets in Monteith Hall at 11:00 a.m. to continue the series “Presbyterians Today: a fast-paced tour of the heart and soul of the Presbyterian Church.” Today’s session, “Presbyterians Today: A Church Connecting, a Global Church, and a People Networked” is presented by Rev. Rodawla. Food + Faith, an Adult Ed class that explores the connection between food and the Christian faith, meets at 11:00 a.m. in the Lewis Room. All are welcome to join this new series for the Common Ground Class. T2A2 Sundays@11:00 joins Food + Faith in the Lewis Room. The Nicaragua Mission Team meets in the French Room/Library at 12:15 p.m. All are welcome. ANNOUNCEMENTS The First Pres Church Office has been temporarily relocated to the Founders Room just down the hall from its usual location. This move will allow for improvements to the ventilation equipment and a thorough cleaning to improve the air quality. Telephone and email service remain in operation. Church office staff may be temporarily relocated to other offices on the 300 Level, but remain able and willing to assist members and friends in every possible way. A thank you from Rev. Dr. Monnett (a.k.a. “RJ”): “What a joy our congregation and staff are! Thank you so much for the 20th Anniversary celebration of my ordination. The gift stole, a delicious cake, a cook-out, and the amazing words of so many people made last Sunday a Sunday to remember. I am privileged to serve as one of your pastors.” A memorial service for Glenn Hoff was held Friday, October 17 in Monteith Hall. Mature Singles meet for dinner this Friday, October 24, at 5:30 p.m., at Outback Steak House, 3173 Oak Valley Drive. All are welcome! Coats, socks, and batteries (AA, AAA, and D) are needed for our neighbors on the street as the weather turns cold. Donations may be dropped off at Rev. Conrad’s office. The Quad A Brunch/Potluck is next Sunday, October 26! This annual event for those church members who live in Quadrant A takes place in the Social Hall following the 11:00 a.m. service. Quad A includes Northeast Ann Arbor, Dexter, Whitmore Lake, and Barton Hills. Say cheese before it’s too late! Sign up online or call the Church Office this week to reserve your portrait time for the new picture directory. Remaining fall portrait sessions are October 27–30, and November 2. A limited number of appointments will be available April 29–May 2. The Chancel Choir and chamber orchestra will present Requiem by Gabriel Fauré on Sunday, November 2, at 3:00 p.m. If you would like the name of a loved one who has died included in the program, please send the name to Tom Granum. New garland for the sanctuary and other decorations will be purchased for Christmas. If you would like to make a $25 donation in memory or honor of a loved one, please indicate on your check in whose memory or honor the gift is given. The leaves are falling! First Pres’ Annual Leaf Raking Day is Saturday, November 22, at 8:00 a.m. Bring your good humor and willingness to work to keep our grounds beautiful and bring a tarp and leaf rake if you have them. Enjoy multi-generational fellowship, Washtenaw Dairy donuts, and hot drinks. Contact Paul Smith (psmith6641@aol.com or 426-2032) if you have questions. Experienced volunteers are needed to produce our weekly sermon podcast. If you have basic audio editing skills and website editing experience, contact Lisa Haddrill at lhaddrill@firstpresbyterian.org. All are invited to attend Wednesday 2:42, our multi-generational mid-week event, on Wednesdays through November 12. Wednesday 2:42 takes its name from the bible passage, Acts 2:42. “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” Wednesday 2:42 includes: dinner, fellowship, prayer, children’s choir, and adult educational opportunities. Register on the website or call the Church Office. Are you interested in being a Stephen Minister? A new training class begins in January 2015. We will train jointly with candidates from Trinity Lutheran Church and Westside United Methodist Church. Classes will mostly be held at First Pres, and led by our Stephen Ministry Leader Team. Applications are due November 1. If you are interested in applying, contact Rev. Rogers to start the process. Classes are held on Monday nights from January to May, until 50 hours of training are complete. Commissioning will be held in June. We especially need male Stephen Ministers. Pig Roast Dinner to support Philippines Mission Team. All are invited to attend the annual Philippines Pig Roast Dinner on Saturday, October 25, 5:30–7:00 p.m., in the Social Hall. Enjoy delicious Filipino food and music and learn about the Philippines Mission Team’s mission work. Tickets are $13 each, $30 per family, or $30 for three students, and can be purchased at the door. PASTORAL AND PROGRAM STAFF Reverend Dr. Fairfax F. Fair, Pastor/Head of Staff Reverend Melissa Anne Rogers, Associate Pastor Reverend Jay Sanderford, Associate Pastor Reverend Dr. James Monnett, Director of Youth Ministry Reverend Renée Roederer, Director of Campus Ministry Deborah MacVey, Director of Children’s Education and Family Ministries Tom Granum, Director of Music Ministries Carol Muehlig, Associate Music Director and Organist Resident Ministers: Reverend Lindsay Conrad Reverend Kristin E. Riegel Reverend Lal Rodawla Sandy Talbott, Parish Nurse ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Lynnette Conner, Finance Manager Linda Robinson, Office Manager Michael Wright, Maintenance/Repair Manager Dick Cooke, Interim Facilities Coordinator Lisa Haddrill, Technology Coordinator Mary Jones, Communications/Pastor’s Assistant Cindy King, Children’s Education Assistant Lavanya Mohan, Finance Assistant 1432 Washtenaw Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48104 734-662-4466 info@firstpresbyterian.org www.firstpresbyterian.org
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