W e b : w w w . h o ly r e d e e m e r c c . o r g Mailing Address: P. O. Box 916, Palm City, FL 34991 R EGULAR M A SS S CHEDULE Monday Monday— —Friday Friday— —8:00 AM Saturday Vigil—4:00 PM Sunday Sunday— —7:30, 9:00, & 10:30 AM C ONFESSIONS Saturdays —2:30 2:30— —3:30 PM Saturdays— R OSARY IN THE CHURCH Monday—Friday Friday— —7:30 AM R ELIGIOUS E DUCATION Tel: (772) 463 463--1579 S ACRED H EART N OVENA AND ADORATION ON FRIDAYS IN THE S ACREAD H EART C HAPEL 8:30 AM AM— —9:30 AM S ACRED H EART N OVENA First Friday A doration IN THE S ACREAD H EART C HAPEL 8:30 —3:30 PM 8:30— C HURCH O FFICE Monday Monday— —Friday 8:30 AM AM— —3:30 PM Tel: (772) 286 286--4590 Fax: (772) 286 286--8792 HOLY REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH R e v . M a r t i n B . M u l q u e e n - Pa s t o r TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME O CT OB E R 19, 2014 IN “REPAY TO CAESAR WHAT BELONGS TO CAESAR, AND TO GOD WHAT BELONGS —M ATTHEW 22:21 TO GOD.” Everything belongs to God The first reading from the prophet Isaiah concerns the Persian King Cyrus, called the Lord’s “anointed.” Cyrus deserves this title because he ended the Babylonian captivity of the Jews. However, Isaiah reminds us that it was God who gave Cyrus his power. He may be a great king, but “I am the LORD and there is no other,” says God (Isaiah 45:5). Today’s Gospel is also concerned with worldly power. In the passage from Matthew, the Pharisees try to trick Jesus into speaking against the emperor. His famous answer is the perfect reply. Like the kings of old, Caesar can be given the respect due his position, but everything belongs to God. In the second reading, Paul gives thanks for all who are faithful to Jesus Christ and his gospel. He, too, reminds us that our call and the power to be faithful come from God. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Parish Stewardship Collection October 11 11--12, 201 2014 4 st 1 Collection (Offertory) ......... $ 11,658.78 2nd Collection (Stewardship) ..... $ 3,608.75 Thank you for your continuous and generous support to Holy Redeemer and those in need. 2 MASSES FOR THE WEEK Monday, October 20 8:00 AM Mae and Wallace Murray TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 8:00 AM Mary O’Grady WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 8:00 AM Anthony Parrotti Thursday, October 23 8:00 AM Henry Tanacki Friday, October 24 8:00 AM Roy Martin Sr. Saturday, October 25 4:00 PM Christina Schwarz Sunday, 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM October 26 Parishioners of Holy Redeemer Jeff Amodie Albert (Albie) Mazza The Sanctuary Lamp prayer intention in the church this week is for Brock Gebhardt. The Sanctuary Lamp prayer intention in the chapel this week is for Christina Feola. 809HR101914 Our parish community extends a warm welcome to all who have joined us for today’s liturgy. We invite you to become grateful stewards of God’s many gifts and to be an active and participating member in every aspect of parish life by becoming a member of our Parish community. If you would like to become a registered member of our parish, please register by taking the registration package at the entrance to the church or stop by the office. Today’s Readings FIRST READING—The LORD said to Cyrus, his anointed, “I am the LORD, there is no other” (Isaiah 45:1, 4-6). PSALM—Give the Lord glory and honor (Psalm 96). SECOND READING—Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy to the church of the Thessalonians: We thank God always for all of you (1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b). GOSPEL—Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s (Matthew 22:1521). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Readings for the Week MONDAY—Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21 TUESDAY—Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab-14; Lk 12:35-38 WEDNESDAY—Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48 THURSDAY—Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lk 12:49-53 FRIDAY—Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59 SATURDAY—Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9 SUNDAY—Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 Treasures from our Tradition When the fathers of the Second Vatican Council met to discuss the sacrament of penance, they were required to draw up a new rite, including several forms. The hot button for debate was so-called “general absolution,” by which a penitent could be absolved of sin without confessing to a priest. This was a difficult debate, compounded by widely varying traditions in both East and West. Some were surprised to learn that the Holy See had already given permission, during the First and Second World Wars, for this form. In 1944 the Vatican issued a decree saying this form was valid under extreme conditions, which bishops in mission lands and Latin America took as a kind of “blanket permission.” Thus, the fathers of the Council were alarmed to find this practice fairly widespread, not only in war, but in peaceful places with huge numbers of faithful and few priests. Although they eventually produced a ritual with three different forms, the forms are not considered equal, and the enriched and revised individual form is preferred. The enrichments include a welcome of the penitent, a sign of the cross with an encouragement to trust in God’s compassion, new texts rich in the Word of God, praise for God’s mercy, and a dismissal. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. 809HR101914 3 Sacraments Baptism We are happy to welcome new members to our faith. Infant Baptisms are usually celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month after the last Mass. It is highly recommended that parents be active registered members of Holy Redeemer. Both parents and godparents must attend a Pre-Baptism class in their respective parish or at Holy Redeemer. After the necessary paperwork, which may be obtained at the office, is filled out, Pre-Baptism class is attended, and Sponsor Certificates from the godparents are received, then the Baptism will be scheduled at your convenience. The only exception is major holy days such as Christmas and/or Easter. No baptisms will be performed during special occasions. It is important that parents follow the Baptismal guidelines as dictated by church law. Please call the office at 286-4590 to confirm class attendance which is held the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM, 2nd floor office building. God’s Word Today “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” These words, uttered by Jesus in today’s Gospel, issue a challenge. What does it mean to “give back to God what is God’s”? One pastor often reminds parishioners that when we enter this life we do so completely naked and when we leave this life we will take nothing that we have amassed with us; we leave this life in a naked condition as well. This pastor had caught on to an important aspect of the Christian life. Everything we have on this earth is a gift from God. We are responsible for using these gifts wisely. The wise steward is certain to provide life’s necessities for oneself and one’s family and provide for the future. At the same time wise stewards are aware of the fact that too many go hungry and homeless. The wise steward gives back to God by providing for these poor ones. Let today’s readings inspire us to live lives of good stewardship. From Saint Margaret Sunday Missal, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Company Matrimony First Friday Adoration We welcome all couples planning to marry at Holy Redeemer. We suggest at least one year’s notice so that a date can be scheduled and it can be determined that nothing stands in the way of the valid and licit celebration of the proposed wedding (canon 1066), and to begin the preparation process. It is highly recommended for couples who reside in our parish that they be registered active members for at least six months prior to the marriage by attending Mass regularly and participating in the envelope system. If the Catholic party lives outside the parish, they need to register and participate where they reside. We are happy to help couples in a positive way prepare for their joyful wedding day and later married life. Please call Rebeca Carver at 2864590 for preparation and information. Please note, First Friday adoration hours are 8:30—3:30 PM. All the other Fridays remain the same, 8:30-9:30 AM. For information please call Tisha Piazza (561) 707-3125, or Joanne Stanton (772) 283-6858. 4 Welcome Back Winter Visitors! It is that time of the year when our winter residents begin their trek South. If you fall into this category, please remember to call the office— 286-4590—Elizabeth—to let us know you are back. Thank you. Coffee & Donuts Coffee and Donuts available this Sunday after the 7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 AM Masses in the Parish Hall. If you would like to volunteer, please call Donna Kotula at 221-0402. 809HR101914 Parish News All Saints Please note, All Saints Day falls on a Saturday, it is not a holy day of obligation, however, at Holy Redeemer we will have a Mass on Saturday, November 1st at, 9:00 AM. All Souls Novena Envelopes Your loved ones will be faithfully remembered in the Novena of Masses celebrated at Holy Redeemer during the month of November. Novena Envelopes are available from the ushers, or at the entrances to the church. Please return the envelopes by Thursday, October 30th. All Souls Day This year, All Souls Day falls on a Sunday. We will be praying for your deceased loved ones at all Masses that day. A list of all the deceased members of Holy Redeemer Parish and their families who passed away this year will be posted in our bulletin board. Dear Parishioners Thank you for your attendance at my Mass and Reception celebrating my 30th Anniversary in the Deaconate. I appreciate your friendship and prayers. Special thanks to Fr. Martin Mulqueen and the Women’s Guild. Sincerely, Deacon Frank Gluhosky Traditional Choir We welcome Scott Newman who is our new Choir Director. Our choir started rehearsals on Thursdays at 6:00 PM. The choir will start singing on Sunday, November 2nd at the 9:00 AM Mass. New choir members are always welcome. Please contact Scott at (845) 5145252 for further details. 809HR101914 Women’s Guild W. G. Board Meeting Women’s Guild Board Meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 29th at 9:00 AM in the Parish Hall. High School Youth Group HSYG Meeting Meet & Eat, Sunday 6:308:30 PM in the Youth Room. We'll bring food - you can bring a snack/dessert/drink to share. All students in grades 9th-12th are invited! For information please contact Desma Cowhill joedescow@yahoo.com or call (772) 678-2941. Middle School Youth Group Middle School Youth Group MSYG will be meeting on the first and third Friday of each month from 7:00-9:00 PM. All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders are welcome. Parent volunteers are needed to chaperone. Our next meeting will be October 24th. For information please contact Kerry Potts kerrymsyg@hotmail.com or call (757) 6469368. Knights of Columbus Meetings Knights of Columbus Martin Council 6241. Meetings take place at 7:30 PM the 2nd Wednesday of every month. Please call (772) 286-7507 or contact us www.kofc6241.org. Thank you for your attention to this matter. When you pray for God’s guidance, do not complain if it is different from your preference. 5 Outreach Corner Outreach Corner Volunteers needed Holy Redeemer Catholic Church is partnered with the Palm City Immanuel Lutheran Church to help at their Sunday Soup Kitchen. Holy Redeemer will provide a team every 4th Sunday of the month for serving, clean-up, and eventually cooking and preparing! For information please contact Amy Belisle at hrccoutreach@gmail.com. For information on how you can help with our Thanksgiving Food Drive and Project Bethlehem, please contact Eileen Paust at epaust@hotmail.com. If you need information regarding Young Family Projects, please contact Maria Baxter at mmbaxter@bellsouth.net. You may also sign up for our monthly e-newsletter at hrccoutreach@gmail.com. Marriage Encounter Rekindle and renew your love on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. Available dates are: November 7th through November 9, 2014. Register at: wwmesefla.com or wwme.org. For more info, contact Fran and Frank Kulzer at Home (954) 961-5078 or Frank cell (954) 980-1556 or at frannfrank1967@aol.com. To ensure a place, please register at least two weeks before the weekend. Please use this bulletin for $35.00 off the application fee. Thanksgiving Food Drive Our Family2Family Outreach group will be collecting non-perishable food items before Masses on November 8th and 9th at the church entrances. These items will be delivered directly to local families in need during the week of Thanksgiving. Most needed items are canned fruit, vegetables, meat or fish: cereals, rice, pasta; flour, corn meal flour; boxed cookies or desserts. Gift card donations are also welcome, which we use to purchase a turkey or a ham for each family. Please contact Maria Baxter with any questions at mmbaxter@bellsouth.net. Attention Bakers! The Women ‘s Guild is asking for your support by donating baked goods for their Christmas Holiday Fair on November 15th. Please bring your goodies on Friday, th November 14 , to the Parish Hall Kitchen between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM. Questions? Please contact Tisha Piazza at (772) 219-3244. Women’s Guild Christmas Holiday Fair Saturday, November 15th 8:30—2:00 pm Sunday, November 16th 8:30—1:30 pm There will be a variety of merchandise, crafts and baked goods for sale. Buy tickets to win $200 for the Christmas Raffle. Contact Tisha Piazza at 772-219-3244 for more information 6 809HR101914 Divine Designs All County Funeral Home & Crematory Catholic Family Owned & Operated Crematory On Premises RESIDE ESIDENTIAL ES IDENTI NTIAL AL • COMM OMMERCIAL OM ERCIAL YACHT DESIGN • HOME STAGING Certified Residential Specialist 3228 SW Martin Downs Blvd., Palm City, FL 34990 angie@bhgrela.com • www.angielaviano.com Tpkdesigns@aol.com Leticia (Tisha) Piazza, Parishioner 772-692-4055 Vincent Carole AllCounty.com g alll Servin ounty nC Marti Vince The Sharkey Family Richard A. Krathen, MD Martin County’s Only Mohs College Trained Skin Cancer Surgeon Skin Diseases, Aging Skin & Skin Cancer Surgery Call 772-403-2227 For Appointments 3654 SW 30th Ave., Palm City, FL 34990 Happy Hour Daily 4-6pm 19th Hole Bar Specials $1.00 Off Daily 4-6pm 772-220-4745 3208 SW Martin Downs Blvd Sunset Entrees 4-5:30pm $5 & $8 Appetizers Starting at $9.95 A Maintenance-free lifestyle on the Waterfront A full service amenity package…. restaurant-style dining, housekeeping, transportation, social events, and a full wellness calendar. The only Life-Care Retirement Community in Martin and St. Lucie Counties… An active adult community that offers a full continuum of care. Quality Service Pool Supplies Renovations 3355 S.E. Federal Hwy. Stuart, FL 34997 E-mail: poolmart@gate.net Website: http:/www.poolmart.com Sharkey Air, LLC. 772-220-2487 www.sharkeyair.com (New Customers) COASTAL MS Cleaning Service Best Cleaning Guaranteed LL. M. in Estate Planning, Certified Public Accountant Board Certified Specialist in: Tax Law and Wills, Trusts & Estate Law The Keane Law Firm, Chartered 772-288-0000 1000 SE Monterey Commons Blvd, Suite 202 Stuart, Florida 34996 CRISTINA LAFEMINA Private Events Coordinator 14 Yrs. Exp. • Great References 10% Discount w/ Bulletin (772) 286-8447 ext. 247 (561) 324-7049 Cell 240-0909 cristine.lafemina@ourclub.com William H. Davenport, M.D. • John M. Guerrero, M.D. Nelson C. Klaus, III, M.D. • James P. Truitt, Jr., M.D. Michael F. Carelli, O.D. PAUL D. PARÉ, MD, FACS Board Certified Ophthalmologist OPTICAL SHOP New Patients Welcomed! 283-8444 Are You Concerned: Probate/Estate Taxes? Nursing Home Fees? Shaun W. Wiedrick, P.A. Catholic Attorney • Elder Law/Medicaid • Wills & Trusts • Estate Planning 772-463-4443 304 SE HOSPITAL AVE, STUART Free Consultations drpaulpare.com Since 1975 Mon-Sat 9-5 Sunday 10-4 2090 S.E. 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Martin Highway • Palm City, FL 34990 Tel: 772-288-0060 • fax: 772-288-3218 www.PalmCityRehab.com NIS AIR License #MCFE 6070 Owner / Operator Daniel Lawrence Licensed, Bonded & Insured Serving Martin County Since 1973 Aluminum PVC Wood Chain Link ALL TYPES & STYLES 772-283-2383 COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL www.DanielsFence.com Air Conditioning & Heating Lic. #CACO 41199 (772) 283-0904 Special Financing Deals ~ Rebates ~ Need A New A/C Call Us! New Customers Mention This Ad for a 10% Welcome Discount Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 www.duqcapital.com 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 PALM CITY AUTO LUBE & SERVICES Michael DiTerlizzi, owner * Pennzoil’s 10 Minute oil Change * Discount Gasoline & Diesel Fuel * Food Mart * L.P. Gas * Open 7 Days a Week 3584 SW. Armellini Ave, Palm City 772.223.5823 , LLC Rates Designed to Meet Your Budget & Services to Meet Your Needs allenehennessy@aol.com www.allenesmodernmaid.com PHONE: 772-201-5284 Diocese Member Licensed, Bonded & Insured Margaret Scoboria, LCSW Psychotherapy Healing Inner Wounds Adults • Children • Marriage • Family 759 SW Federal Hwy. • Ste 203 • Stuart, FL 772-220-4755 Medicare & Insurance Accepted SW #0003027 David Seyffart Funeral Director/Owner PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEYS HUBERT S. McGINLEY, ESQ. hmcginley@schwedlawfirm.com 7111 Fairway Drive, Suite 105 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418 www.schwedlawfirm.com Telephone: Facsimile: Toll Free: Español: (561) 694-6079 (561) 694-6089 (877) 694-6079 (561) 691-5856 Sprinkler Systems “Our Family Serving Your Family” Evaluated • Installed Maintained • Renovated ROB TAYLOR • 772.286.4600 PO Box 106 • Palm City, FL 34991 809 Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, Palm City, FL (i) M The only locally family owned and operated funeral home and crematory in Martin County. Over 25 Years Experience 961 South Kanner Highway Stuart, Florida 34994 www.martin-funeral.com Burials • Cremations • Shipping 772-223-5550 John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. 800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net KITCHEN AND BATH SPECIALIST Treasure Coast Ear Nose & Throat, PA. Snoring • Sleep Disorders Adult & Pediatric ENT • Hearing Dizziness • Hearing Aid Sales • Laser Surgery design & remodeling 546-7669 Joe Zangre State Cert.# CRC017467 ACCEPT MEDICARE ASSIGNMENT zgroup-design.com Parishioner/Choir mbr. SS Daniel E. Sharkey, M.D., F.A.C.S. Stuart J. Sabol, M.D. • Robert A. Nunez, M.D. Adrienne Sacco, CCC-A, Certified Audiologist FREE ESTIMATES Lic. # CMP 5471 “No Job Too Small” SOUTH SHORE Plumbing Company 2221 E. Ocean Blvd. SS 220-8459 GREGORY M. KLYM, D.M.D., P.A. Prosthodontist Specialist in Implant, Esthetic, and Reconstructive Dentistry CROWNS, BRIDGES, PARTIALS, DENTURES, IMPLANTS & COSMETIC DENTISTRY 1001 E. Ocean Blvd. • Stuart, FL Parish Member 286-1606 Dean L. Schumm, C.P.A., P.A. 20 years Financial Services, Tax & Accounting Experience Certified Public Accountant 1172 SW 30th Street • Suite 4 • Palm City 221-8882 Parishioner “The only call you need to make” Larry Addeo, Parishioner 772-215-5352 RAYMOND JAMES Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC LEO F. GALANTI Our Providers are available any day, and hour of the week. We can help each person stay independent and stay at home by providing loving and compassionate essential services including: Companionship • Light Housekeeping • Meal Preparation • Shopping Transportation • Small Repairs/Yard Work • Overnight Stays • and MORE If you need help or would like to help we would like to talk to you. Walter & Rita Gwinn • Owners/Parishioners HCS #231696 Branch Manager 1980 S.E. Ocean Blvd., Stuart, FL 34996 Tel: (772) 283-9988 Email: Leo.Galanti@RaymondJames.com www.RaymondJames.com/LeoGalanti In Jupiter: 561-204-9099 Wm B. Ianiero Remodeling Solutions Kitchen & Bath Makeovers • Home Renovations & Repairs Water Restoration Services • Home Inspections • Flooring Molding • Decks • Windows • Doors • Siding CBC1252137 Licensed & Insured Free Estimates www.wmbiconstruction.com 772.223.3470 Let Us Help Care For A Loved One NURSES • AIDES • COMPANIONS THE LAW FIRM OF KITCHEN & BATH REMODELS • General Contractor CUSHNIE CGC: 504157 & McMAHON P.L. • Closet Systems Personal Injury • Wrongful Death • Accident Law 543 NW Lake Whitney Place • Suite 106 • Port St. Lucie, FL 34986 www.cushniemcmahonlaw.com Paul McMahon ~ Parishioner paul@cushniemcmahonlaw.com 2026 South Federal Hwy. Stuart, Florida Winn-Dixie Center Serving Martin and Palm Beach County Board Certified • LASIK • CATARACTS • GLAUCOMA • DIABETIC EYE DISEASE • MACULAR DEGENERATION THOMAS C. JONES, D.D.S. INSTALLATION • SALES • SERVICE Licensed • Insured • CAC 1814590 Ryan Osler, Owner 772-224-9486 COASTAL LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Commercial and Estate Maintenance 2688 S.W. Immanuel Drive • Palm City, FL 34990 P.O. Box 105 • Palm City, FL 34990 ROB TAYLOR 772-288-2814 (between Palm City Library and Lutheran Church) Parish Member 286-8600 MANERO’S RESTAURANT La Borgata PICK UP & FREE DELIVERY AVAILABLE BOOK YOUR Steaks, Prime Rib, Fresh Fish “Palm City’s Best Kept Secret” HOLIDAY CATERING! & Gorgonzola Salad Ristorante & Pizzeria 10% OFF FOR PARISHIONERS Open for Lunch, Dinner & Private Parties LUNCHES STARTING LARGE 2 TOPPING www.floridavisioninstitute.com • www.floridavisionlasik.com Port St. Lucie • Stuart • Jupiter • West Palm Beach • Tradition 772-220-3011 505 S. Federal Highway Stuart, FL 34994 Aycock (772) 287-1717 HEATING & COOLING INC. Cosmetic & Restorative Dentistry (877) 259-2020 772-545-2154 • 561-545-2154 772-324-8277 “Best Meats in Town” www.championhome.com • 772-287-5432 • 561-748-7118 THE “EYES” HAVE IT! 257 SE Monterey Road • Suart, FL 772-283-7567 Knights of Columbus Preferred Provider. Trust “YOURS” to the Very Best! 772-335-9219 • 100% Wood Cabinets • Free Estimates JEFF & NANNETTE WALSH Parishioners SUPREME MEATS Our entire staff has been carefully selected with the needs of our clients in mind. We customize our care to Lic# 30211392 suit the individual. Jack Daubert, M.D. FACS J. Kevin Belville, M.D. Zayna Nahas, M.D. Rebecca Bobo, M.D. Quentin B. Allen, M.D. Marc Brockman, O.D. Louis Lima, O.D. In Palm City: 772-223-9950 2851 SW High Meadow Ave., Palm City www.maneros.com AT ONLY $3.00! 3227 SW Mapp Rd., Palm City (Across From The Fire Station) LABORGATARISTORANTE.COM AYCOCK FUNERAL HOMES Serving Palm City and Stuart Families Over 30 years FERNHILL MEMORIAL GARDENS 809 Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, Palm City, FL (b) M PIZZA $9.99 (Tues • Wed • Thurs • Cash Only • Take Out Only) 772-288-2121 • 772-288-2426 Carl Rasmussen Funeral Director/Parishioner Fernhill (772) 283-6246 John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. 800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net
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