LL!..r\ l(slublir of ttr lptililpinls Department of @!uctrtiotr 0 7 OcT ?014 DepDd MEMORANDUM No. l0 , 201a SEARCH FOR THE 2014 CURO AIG PAGI|SA lcantimpala para sa ULirang PagtutuRo ng PAG iintpok at Araling Pansa,lapi 8 s. To: Bureau Directors Regional Direclors Schools Division Superinlendents Heads, Public Etementarl, Schools All Others Concerned 1. The DeparLment of Education (D€pEd) through the Bureau of Elementary Education (BEE), in partnership \"rith the Bangko Sentral ng Pilrptnas fBsP.),announces the Searcl for the 20 14 CttRO iVG PAG,4SA (Gantimpala para sa Ulirdftg PagllltuRo ng PAG iimpok at Aroling Pansalop4. 2. Sihce School year 2Ol2-2O13, the search fot cuRO ng PiGAsc has been conducted every year, to reward outstanding teachers who exhibited exemplaly dedication in teaching the habit of saving money among school children using teaching guides, which integrate financiat literacy ]n Edukasgon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP), Edukasgong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhalan (EPP) dd Araling Panlipunan (AP). 3. The search has been expanded to include the aIAa sa Pag iinpok at PangkabuhaAan /BSP/ Awald, an award for a sustarned savings and entrepreneurial program either by a teacher/student/pupil/c1ass or by a school implementing the said progran1- This award is open to atl sustained saving and entrepren€urial progams that have been running for at least one school year4. As part of the criteria for the BSP Award, schools a.e enjoined to participate in savings activities such as breaking open of coin banks and dePositing the amount in a partner bank, arld the 1ike. The schools are encourag€d to invite representatives from DepEd, BSP and Banking lnstitutions to witness the said activities and the National Savings Consciousness Week among other related special events. 5. A separate nomination folm is enclos€d Ior all who are interested to join the Search for the (BsP) Award. 6. The search fot GuRo ng PAGAS,4 and the BsP Award shall commence on in.tenuarv 2015 following October 2014 and will culminate wiih the Awarding Ceremony rhe scheduled activities: Dete Actlvitv Deadline for submission of nominations to the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinds (either to the Head of Ofiice in Manila or to the three tegiona.l offices End 18 branches of the BSP nationwidel National Irvel Screeninq Documentation of the Finalisls' Accomplishments and Inten'iew of Pupils/Pattners {by members of the National Screening Committee alld Boatd of Judses to be accomDanied bv the BSP) Final Judsino and Selection of winners october 24, 2014 Novemb€r 10 21.2014 November 24 December 5, 2014 December 8-12. 2014 Januarr 2015 (Exact date will be annoutrced bv the BSPI Awardine Ceremony DeoEd codol.x Me61.o Avenue, Pasic ciw l uoo F ur, ,ro",or, ,"ru ,urr'r ro, $ ,,r,, o",o ,o,l o:oq ! '* 'l'n"'r ''"" nt' 7. The guidelines, criteda al1d documentary r€quirements can be found lollowing enclosures: 2oI3 Enclosure No. 2 Enclosure No. 3 ' - Enclosure No. 4 - cuidelines for: Enclosure No. 1 Enclosure No. 5 - Enclosure No. 6 Enclosure No. 7 - in the GURA ng PAG-As,A National winners and Area Finalists Nomination Fom - GURO ng PAC ASA Nomination Form - Bida sa Pag iinpok dt Pangkabuhagan (BSP) a. b. The Search for the 2OI4 GURO ng PAG ASA Bida Sa Pag-iimpok at Pangkabuhagan (BSP) Aaard crireria for the Evaluation of Nominees lor the 2014 Search fot GURO n9 PAG-ASA, and Bil1a Sa Pag-iifitpok at Pangkabuhagan (BS P) Au ard Composition, Dutics a]ld Responsibilities ol the Screening Committees and Board of Judges Awards and Prizes Teachers and schools interested to join the search can download the Teaching Guides from the BSP website: h ttp: / /w*'w.bsp.eov. ph /publications / teachins-asE. These are also available in e copies from the CDD, BEE'DepEd. 8. 9. For more informa.tion, al1 concerned may contact either Mr. Jetzet M. Tan, Aciing Assistant Manaser, Banska Sentrul ng Pi]]ipinas at telephone no.r (O2) 708-7140 or Dr. O. Doies, Senior Education Progam Specialists ISDPS), Cur.iculum Development Division-Bureau of Elemeniary Education {CDD-BEE), Department of Education Cenbal Office (DepDd CO), 2"d Floor, DepEd Comptex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig Ciry at telephone no.: (Oq 63a-4799 or send a message through al,ly of the email addressesi j4la!@!!p.g9y€b rogelio donev@yahoo.com.ph, and on facebook account: httpsrwww.facebook-com /suronqpasasa, Rogelio 10. lmmediate dissemination of this Memorcndum is desired. RO FSC Secretar-y Encls.: Reference: DepEd Memorandum No. 117, s. 2013 To be indicated in the Pemetual Index under the following subjects: Leaming ATea, EDUITASYON SA PAGPAPAKATAO, EDUKASYON SA PAGPAPAHALAGA AT ARALING PANL]PUNAN PRIZES OR AWARDS SEARCH TEACHERS SMA, DM Sedch fo! th.2014 Ouro ns Pas-asa 0617 s€ptenber 12l13, 20r4 October 7,2014 DepE0 Memorandum No,1Og s.2014 Search Forthe 2014 Guro ng Pag-Asa (Gantimpala para sa Ulirang Pagturo ng Pag-iimpok at Alarlng Pansalapi) r lll Office ofthe Regional Director District District of: Schools Divlslon Superintendent olvlslon of: Su petuisor AND OISSEM|IIAIED BY: RECEIVED schoolPrlncipal Name ofSchool District: Div;sion ofl lnfomation and Communication Technology Office [rrrivrd: lottl 1o, ltv hlr\6 ], ltl {Enclosure No,1to OepEd Memorandum No. 108, s.2014) a. 2013 6URO ng pAG-ASA National Winnere Reqion Ms. Jeanette Z. Bagtas Caba Elem€ntarv School, Cab:, La union Ms. Rowena D. de la Pefia Sumilihon central Elementary school, Butuan City Ms. Mae E. Pangantihon Sta. Barbara central Elementary School, sta- Barba€,,loilo Ms. Ague& A. Pal iwen Lucban Elemeniary school, Baguio City b. 2013 GURO ng PAG-ASA Area I Learnins Area Edukasvon sa CARAGA VI CAR Paopoookotoo {EsPl Edukosyong Pontahanon ot Panqkabuhoyon (EPP) A.oling Ponlipunon AP) finalist winner Resion LearninpArea Mr RamilD Dorol Aurora A. Quezon Elementary School, Manila Ms. Gmelina A. Tavera Eugen;o S. Daza Pilot Elementary School, BoronPan Citv Mr. Danilo B. Bambico Eaguio CitySpecial Education, Baguio City Ms. Feliza M. Verzosa Pasia Elementary School, Pasif City Ms. Brigida P. Borra Passi I Ce ntra I School, Passi City, lloilo c. NCR Edukosyon so Poapopokotoo lEsP) v t CAR NCR Edukasyong Pontohonon at Pangkabuhayon (EPP) Arcling Pohlipunon (AP) 2013 winner for the Best Sustainabllity Program - The class of Ms. Mae Pangantihon of Sta. Barba€ Central Elementary School, Sta. Barbara, lloilo. E. (Enclosure No.2 to DepEd Memorandum No,108, s.2014) Please attach recenl 2, nrlRumoN9: Pleaseusebra.k inkand ornt 4iblyor use a tylawrirs A.dhplirh this rolh indupri6te (2copia, incrudinsMd (r)2!2corored phoros NOMINATION FORM CATEGORY EN]EREO: tr Edukasyon 5a Pagpapakatao D Edukasyofg Pantahanan at t. (EsP) n Araling Panlipunan (AP) Pangkabuhayan (EPP) NOMINEE'S PERSONAT OATA (f,4R./MS./MRS) F!llNam€ of Nominee3 School: . [. Have any administraiive/civll/crimin€t cha rges been brought aBainstthe nominee? giv€ detaik, cunent status and final adjudkation, ifany I NSTRUCTIONAT COMPETENCE AN 1. No, of yB- in seNke as a teache. 2. Present pos'tion and rank 3. Subjects being handled No. of wars teaching per s!bject D TEACI]ING EFFECTIVENEsS pholo III. PROFESSIONAI AND COMMUNIIY INVOTVEMENT List down the applicanfs lnitiative program{s) that aim to promote financial educ:tion in the school/communitv: Ordseusasep at.5he.t rn<e*rry) tr Othe6 cERTlFlcAnON oFTHE NoMINEEE {To be filled out byrhe nomi.ee) TO THE BANGKOSENTRAL NG PILIPINAS (85P): I hereby certify to the best ot my knowledge that allthe information contained in thisfo.m are trle and correct I am aware that any wlllful misrepresentation of facts nated herein cln be used as basis for mV SiEnature over prlnted name NoMINATED 8Y lTo befilled out by the nominator) TOTHE BANGKOSENTRAL NG PlLlPlNA5 (BSP)l I hereby nomirate (Mr./rvls.) ofthe Bangko sentralng Pilipinasforthe to the Search for the 6URO nq P.46',4s4 awards Date Signature over printed name RECOMMENDED BY (To be fllled out bythe s.hook Dlvlrlon SuPetlntend€nl) Sienature over printed name INSTRUCIIONS e.compikh the nominatlon iorh (GURO ng PAc'AsA and/or BsP Award) together whh the required doc!m.ntation in dup icate (2 copies).lncludinStwo {2)2, col.red pholos. one {1)set of forhs and doc!mentation lor GURO ns PAG-asA afd/or BsP Award duly ack.owledSed/E.eived bv rhe Olvision schoo offce shallbe sentto the Bangko sentralnC Plllpinas, do The corporate Affans c{fr.e, Rm.412 5 storey Bldg., BsP compl.x, Manila 1004, on or before october 24,2014, The noml.€e shall€lain a copyofthe nominauoi Iorm and complete d.cumenlary requirerents duly acknowledged bythe Division schooloifce ior €feren.e. Each nominee must VIII. REQUIREDATTACHMENTS 1. Nomination Form signed by principal and/or head teacher or in their absence the Public School District supervisor {PSos) and duly recommended by the schools Division Superintendent (sDs). 2. One (1) page personal essay highlighting ca.eer achievements & accomplishments related to financial education. 3. Performance Rating forthe last 2 years (at least very Satisfa ctory - VS). 4. Documentation of all lesson plans (attach copies) and their implementation {How it is being taueht) bythe nominee forthe entire schoolyear. 5, Oocumentation of innovations developed to further make the lessons interesting to the class. (e.g. songs, dance, poems, teaching aids, teaching approach, etc.) of financial education lessons by students outputs {e.9. class projects, programs, coin-bank project, cash from trash, entrepreneurial activities, 6. Documenlation et..). 7. Testimonials from sludents on how they save, how they use their savin8s, or how they were influenc€d by their teacherto save. 8. Documentation of pupils who have savinSs {home, school, and banks). 9. Documentation of the nominee's efforts/initiatives to extend financial education to parents and othercommunity members (e.9. Community Se.vice rendered, PTA programs initiated, implemented and sustained, etc.). l0.Testimonials from co-Teachers, school officials'. parents and comtnunity members, regarding the nominee's efforts/initiatives to extend financial education in the school and their cornmunity. {Enclosure No.3 to DepEd Memorandum No.108, s.2014) EIANGKO SENI'FIAL NO PILIPINAS SEARCH FOR BIDA SA PAG{IMPOK AT PANGKABUHAYAN (SSP) underlhe Guro n€ Pas asa A{ar& Proaam Acmmp Bh rhB rorh Ln duprL.are(zcopietindud'isrwo P *3e forros eretullYalllheinnru lrl2, corored phobs. NOMINATION FORM PERSONAL/GROUP REPRESENTANVE OATA ClvilStatus: Group Name: Role . {e.s.: kh@r setion) FullNam€ of Norninee's school: oftheGroup Representative: (Adviser, lvlentor orGroup Head) admlninr.!velcivil/criminal chaGes been brought against the nominee? cudeni rEtus and f'.al adtLorcrtion. if 3nt detrik, eive Ha\/e any . GROUPMEMBERS lPh:*die*F6krhe' ridderyl SUS'AINABILITY PROGRAM 1. 2. 3. Nameof program: (lf any) III. DOCL|MENTATION List dow. the applicant's initiative programls) that aim school/community: lPka* ss lV. CERTIFICAIION OF THE NOM |N€EE fio to promote financi6l education in the be fllled out by the nominee) TOTHE BANGKO SENTRAL NG P LlplNAs(BSP)i hereby ce.tify, for and behalf of allthe members, to the best ofmy knowledge that allthe information contained in this form are true and coriect I am aw e that any wlllful misrepres€ntation of facts stated herein can be used as basis for my/our disqualificaiion. ! enaruredd Priit.d mme V. I{OMINATED BY ffo befilled out bythenomlnaror, Prin.iPeland/or Dlstrid supervlsor) TOTHE BANGKO SENTRAL NG PILIPiNlS (BSP); he.ebv nominate onr proEram to the search for the a/DAsA PA61|MPqK AT PANGKABUHAYAN (BsP) awards lnder the Financial Education P.ogr.m of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas and the Department of Signature over printed name r, concur {ro be fllled out bythes{hook Oivltlon slPerlnt€ndent) sisnature over pdnted name v[. Divhion |NSTRUCTIONS the nomination form (GURo n8 PAG'ASA.nd/or BsP Award) together wnh th€ r€quir€d doc!mentation in duplicate (2 copiet,lnclld ng two {2) 2r2 colored photos. One (1)set offorn< and documentltlon for GURO ng PAc-AsA andlot gsP Award dulY acknowledged/re.ei!€d bv the ovision school oillce shallbe s€ntto the Sansko Sentral ngPilipinas, doThe corpoEte Affai6 ofnce, Rm- 412 s_SloreY BldC., BSP Complex, Manlla 1004, on or before october 24,2014 The rominee shallretain a @pv ofthe nominatl'n form and complete doc!meftary requirementr dulv rckhowledg€d bvthe 0 vlsion SchoolOfficetor rPferehce Each nominee must accomplsh VIII. REQUIREDATTACHMENTS 1. Docunentalion ol r slslained savlngs aid entepEneuri.l progFm (ln-school and at hohe) lndicale prcject descriptio., backbunder, achievements and number oJ yea6 ifrplemented {Notei All achievement, of the nominee5 mLrt be b.sed on the le$ons lparned ortdusht usinCrhe teachinggurdes on Iin.nchl €ducation.) 2. Testlmniallrcm ln 3. a reacher, studed, clastor schoolon the nason whv thev a€ motilated to 3ave and to eng:ge enr€preneurial acijvitles. openins of studenls colnlpic€y banks at the beginninS oithe schoolyear and eventlailv deposit ng the amounr lo partner bankswith pa$book as evidence oltheiriavinB habits (Enclosure No.4to DepEd Memorandum No.108, s.2014) A, GUIDEUNES FOR IHg SEARCH FOR THE 2014 GURO NG PAG.ASA WHO ARE CLIGIBLE FOR NOMINATION? 1. Public el€mentary school teachers handling anyone ofthese thr€e learning areas, fiamely, Edukosyon so Pogpapokotoo (EsP), Edukasyohg Pontohonon ot Pohgkobuhoyan (EPP), ond Atoling Panlipunon (AP), and have been using ihe Teaching Guides on Financial Education in any of the said three learning areas for al least one school yeaf. However, the nominee musi not be on leave dLrring the covered search period, or one (1) year prior to nomination and during the actual search process. 2. 3. 4. Former National winners can be nominated in a cateSory other than the one rn which they were declared winners. Former Area tinalists can be nominated in the same category or in another category that they are cu rae ntly teachinS. Teachers whose performance rating is at least verv Satisfactory (VS) durinS the covered Search Period. WHO ARE NOTQUALIFIED? who have been suspended, reprimanded, or have been sanctioned for 1. Teachers 2. violation of administrative po'lcles, rules and regulations. Previous National winneE who are being nominated in the same category where they previously won. WHO CAN NOMINATE? 1. Principal and/or Head teacher, or in their absence, the Public School District Supervisor (PSDS). B, GUIDELINES FOR A'DA SA PAG.IIMPOK Af PANG(ABUHAYA'V (8SP) AWARD WHO ART ELIGIBLE FOR NOMINATION? 1. 2. All public schoolteacher(s) together with a student{s), class or school, implementing a sustained savings and entrepreneurial program jn school. All sustained savjng and entrepreneurial program that has been running tor at least one (1) year. (e.g. savings habit through bank deposit, entrepreneurial activities and programs, etc,) WHO CAN NOMINATE? 1. Adviser (Teacher and/or co-Teacher), Principal and/or Head teacher, or, in their absence, the Public School District SupeNisor (PSDS). (Enclosure No.5 to DepEd Memorandum No.108, s.2014) Criteria for evaluation -GURO ng PAG-ASA during the screening period A. Reqthements 1 Nomination Form signed by principal and/or head teacher or in their absence the Public School District Supervisor (PSDS) and duly recommended by the schools Division Superintendent (sDs). 2 3 one {1) pege personal essay highliShting career achievements & accomplishments related to fi nancial education. Performance Rating Satisfactory B. - for the last 2 years (at least V€ry VS). lnatructlonal Competence and Teaching Effectiv€ness (75 points) 1 2 3 4 Documentation of all lesson plans (attach copies) and their implementation (How it is being taught) by the nominee during the entire schoolyear. Documentation of innovations developed lo further make the lessons interesting to the class. (e.9. songs, dance, poems, 20 teaching aids, teaching approach, etc.) oocumentation of financial education lessons from students 15 outputs (e.9. class projects, programs, coin bank projecr, cash from trash, entrepreneurial activities, etc.) 15 Testimonials from students on how they save, how they use their savings, or how they were influenced by their teacher to cave. 5 15 Documentation of list of pupils who have savings (home, 10 school, and banks) 75 C. Professional and Community lnvolvement (25 points) 1 Documentation of the nomine€'s efforts/initiatives to €xtend financial education to parentS and other communily members. tit,""J, 2 (e.g. community s".i"" *"J"*J, prn or"tt"t', implemented and sostained, etc.) Testimonials frcrn co teachers, school officials, parents and community members, re8ardrng the nominee's etforts/inrlialives to extend fiTancial education in the school and their community. 15 10 25 TOTAL l0 cr'teriaror BdoS, P :::!t:I"r", (BspAwdrd) Requir€melrt 1. Nomination Form signed by principal and/or head teacher or, ln their absence by the Public School District Supervisor {PSDS) and duly recommended by the Schools Division Superintendent {SDS). B. Criteria 1 2 3 in- Documentation of a sustained savings and entrepreneurial program school. lndicate project description, backgrounder, achievements and number of years implemenied. (Note: Al, achievements of the nominees must be based on the lessons learned or taught using the teaching guides on financial education.) Testimonial from a teacher, student, class or school citing the why they are motivated to save and to engage in entrepren€urial activities. Opening of student'9 coin/piggy banks at the beginning of the year and eventualiy depositing the amount passbook as evidence oftheirsaving habits. to 40 reason 30 school 30 partner banks with Total 100 THE SEARCH PROCESS Aacompliahment of Nomination Form 1. Each nominee must accomplish the nomination form (GURO ng PAG-ASA and/or BSP Award) together with the required documentation in duplicate (2 copies), including two (2) 2x2 colored photos. 2. One(1) set of forms and documentation forGURO ng PAG-ASA and/or 8SP Award duly acknowledged/received by the School Head shall be sent to the Bangko senilal ng Pilipinas Head Oftice in Manila or to the three (3) Re8ional Offices and eighteen {18) branches nationwade on or before october 24, 2014. 3. The nominee shall retain a copy ol the nomination form and shall document and complete the documentary requirements with acknowledgment from the School Head for reference. 4. The BSP, upon receipt ofthe nomination form and documents, shallphotocopy three (3) sets of all submitted documents and shall likewise submit to the National Screening Committee on or before November09, 2014. u (Enclosure No.5 to Depld Memorandum No.108, s.2014) COMPOSlTION, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILTTIES & BOARD OFIUDGCS OF THC NATIONAI SCREENING COMMI.TEE National Screening . Corn mittee The National Screening Committee will be composed of two (2) members recommended by the DepED-Eureau of Elementary Education (8EE). The BSP wil select one (1) independent representative. The BSP will appoint two (2J rcpresentatives to observe the proceedings of the search process {without voting power). . The National Screening Committee will evaluate, screen, select and docurnent all nominalions submitted by the School Heads. The National Screening Committee will then select twelve {12) flnalists from among the nominations submitted for the deliberation by the Board ofludges (BoJ) as follows: 3 for Luzon {1for 3 forVisayas (1for 3 for Mindanao (1for 3 for NcR (1for 12 Total Finalists EsP, l forAP and l EsP, EsP, for l forAP and l EsP, l EPP) for EPP) for AP and 1 for EPP) l forAP and l for EPP) The National Screening Committee will do on-site validation by observation of demo classes of the finalists, interviews with co-teachers, pupils, parents and school officials and will be accompanied by one (1) Bangko sentral ng Pilipinas stafl who willdocument the proceedings. For the Demo Class, the topic will be selected by the National Screening Comrnittee on the day of the observation. The National Screening Committee will also evaluate, screen, select and document the top nominees for the SIdo 50 Pog'iimpok ot Pongkabuhoyon (BSP ,4wold., for the best sustalnability program for deliberation of the Board ofludges. The National screening Committee will function as resource peasons during the, final deliberation by the Board ofludges to suppoft their vaiidation ofthe finalists of GURO ng PAG-ASA and the BSP Award. l2 B. lhe goard ofJudges (8ol) . The Board of ludges {BoJ) will be composed of three (3) members to be . BoJ will be tasked to evaluate the twelve (12) finalists, as recommended by both the BsP and the DepED. recom me nded/docu mented/a pproved by . the N ationa I Scree n ing Com m lttee. willbe tasked to evaluate the top three (3)finalists forthe Sido 50 Pog-iimpok Pdngkobuhayan (BSP Aword) for the best sustainability program, as recommended/documented/approved by the National Screening Committee. Bol dt . BoJ will view the demo classes and interviews conducted by the Nationa Screening Committee. . BoJ . BoJwill be in-charge ofthe deliberation and announcementofthewinners. willconduct the Finalint€rview through video-conferencing. l3 (Enciosure No.7 to DepEd Memorandum No. 10&s.2014) AWAROS AND PRIZES GURO ng PAG.ASA . . The GURO ng PAG-ASA National Winners will each receive P100,000.00 in cash, a GURO NG PAG AsA Medal, and a Certificate of Recognition. The winners' school willeach receive a computerwith printer and a projectorand screen. The nine (9) remaining GURO nB PAG-ASA Area Winners will receive P50,o00-00 in cash and a Ce.tificate of Recognition. The Winner schools will also be awarded with a Certificate of Recognition. Bida sa Pag-iimpok at Pangkabuhayan (BSp) . The Winner for Bida sa Pag-iimpok at PanglGblhayan (BSP) will receive P25,000.00 in cash that will be utiiized for the purchase of the entrepreneurial materials. Likewise, the winner will receive a Certificate of Recognition for thelr achievement. . A report on the utilization of the cash prize will be subm;tted to BSP copy furnished the DepED-Bureau of Elementary Education. 11
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