South Western Sydney Local Health District The Centre for Educaon and Workforce Development Educaon Opportunies 2014 Core Skills Improving paent centred care through educaon and career development SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 2 Table of Contents Content Page Foreword 4 SWSLHD Centre for Education and Workforce 5 Development Introduction to Skills Pathways 6 Core Skills 7-9 Governance 10 - 13 Education and Research 14 – 15 Leadership and Management 16 – 19 Support Services 20 Clinical 21 – 35 Contacting the Centre for Education and 35 Workforce Development 3 SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 Foreword Advanced educaon provision for the health workforce is an integral part of improving the delivery of health care. A competent, well -educated health workforce is essenal for opmal paent safety and promotes innovaon and crical enquiry, thus increasing the likelihood that health pracce will be informed by evidence and result in improved paent outcomes. Paents are at the centre of all health care provision, and in such, form the basis for all educaon implemented in South Western Sydney Local Health District (SWSLHD). Naonal and State Governments recognise the importance of educaon in supporng the achievement of high levels of performance consistent with applicable legal and policy obligaons. In response, the Centre for Educaon and Workforce Development has developed an educaon framework to support this goal including the CORE values of NSW Health. The suite of workshops, units of competency and naonally recognised qualificaons contained in this booklet, have been developed and/or reviewed for applicability to the health workforce, following considerable consultaon over the last twelve months with managers, clinicians, universies and consumers in SWSLHD. They aim to inform the health workforce and provide them with the tools to build on their current knowledge and skills and improve the paent journey through the health care system within SWSLHD. SWSLHD Centre for Educaon and Workforce Development SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 4 SWSLHD Centre for Educaon and Workforce Development Welcome to the Educaon Opportunies 2014 Handbook, by the Centre for Educaon and Workforce Development (CEWD). The CEWD is a key educaon service provider for South Western Sydney Local Health District (SWSLHD). It is a centre of excellence, that is commi8ed to ensuring our workforce is knowledgeable, skilled and effecvely supported, to promote the provision of high quality care that meets the needs of the community. The suite of educaon programs offered by the CEWD, have been developed in consultaon with industry partners, in response to idenfied State and Federal Government iniaves and priories. The on-line learning programs created by the Health Educaon Training Instute (HETI), have also been included in this handbook, to assist the health workforce navigate the diverse range of educaon opportunies that may be applicable to their learning needs. Programs are currently in the process of being mapped to EQuIPNaonal, to support facilies when planning for accreditaon. This informaon will be available on the SWSLHD CEWD website in 2014. To promote career development and uptake of relevant educaon within SWSLHD, the CEWD have idenfied five ‘Skills Pathways’ that are enhanced and complemented by Core Skills. These pathways aim to more clearly elucidate an Educaon Framework that supports the key funcons of the health workforce. More informaon on this framework can be found throughout this handbook. We hope this handbook acts as a valuable resource in planning and accessing appropriate educaon to enhance your pracce and support future career opportunies. 5 SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 Introducon to Skills Pathways South Western Sydney Local Health District (SWSLHD) is commi8ed to the educaon and development of the health workforce and is proud of its comprehensive, innovave and strategic approach to the provision of educaon and training. The Centre for Educaon and Workforce Development (CEWD) is integral to this and provides a suite of educaon and development opportunies that aim to improve paent centred care through skill development and career pathways. We have idenfied five Skills Pathways that are enhanced and complemented by Core Skills: • Governance (Skills Pathway 1) • Educaon & Research (Skills Pathway 2) • Leadership & Management (Skills Pathway 3) • Support Services (Skills Pathway 4) • Clinical (Skills Pathway 5) These Skills Pathways have been developed to make it easier for our staff to engage and access relevant and mely educaon that supports their career development within SWSLHD. These courses and programs will equip our staff with the knowledge and skills required to provide high quality paent care and associated support services. These courses are delivered in collaboraon with various partners including: SWSLHD Clinical Governance Unit, SWSLHD Clinical Redesign Unit, Centre for Applied Nursing Research (CANR), Ingham Health Research Instute (IHRI), Health Educaon and Training Instute (HETI), University of Tasmania, and the University of NSW. NSW Health Registered Training Organisaon (RTO) The CEWD is a major delivery site for Naonally Recognised Training under the auspices of the NSW Health RTO and has the capacity to award qualificaons ranging from Cerficate III to Graduate Diploma levels. This enables CEWD to provide accredited training, resulng in qualificaons as part of the five Skills Pathways. Naonally recognised courses are idenfied in this booklet and on the CEWD calendar by the logo shown below. SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 6 CORE SKILLS Courses that sit within the ‘Core Skills’ category are those that are important for every employee in SWSLHD and are transferrable into every workplace. Core Skills Courses are allocated into the following categories: • Cultural Awareness • Customer Service • Paent Centred Care • Code of Conduct • Documentaon Cultural Awareness Respecng the Difference This is an Aboriginal Cultural Training Framework for NSW Health. It comprises of an online learning module and contextualised local face-to-face training. Cultural communicaon for health professionals who have English as a second language DEV1202 (1 day face-to-face) Facilitator training: cultural communicaon DEV1215 (1 day face-to-face) COM915 Part 1: Online COM922 Part 2: Face to Face All staff within SWSLHD are required to complete both components of this program. 7 Work effecvely with culturally diverse clients and co-workers HLTHIR403C (1 day face-to-face) SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 Cultural Awareness Foundaons: working in culturally diverse contexts COM935 (online) Health Language Services: interpreng and translang COM1235 (online) Refugee health awareness COM1234 (online) Mulcultural Health Service: understanding cultural diversity COM1250 (online) Customer Service Providing service excellence in healthcare DEV1230 (online) Effecve communicaon COM931 (online) Deliver and monitor a service to customers Customer Service Champions BSBCUS301B (1 day face-to-face) Ministry of Health Online Courses • Client communicaon skills • Telephone skills • Handling difficult customers Access via: h:p:// First contact - customer service COM920 (online) SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 Customer service for people with a disability COM1236 (online) 8 Paent Centred Care Community and consumer engagement coming soon... (online) Carer support coming soon... (online) My wishes CSK12212 (Online) Code of Conduct COM924 Code of Conduct This e-learning module aims to provide you with the knowledge to guide and promote your ethical day to day conduct and decision- making in the workplace. It also introduces staff to expectaons under the code of conduct and to the CORE values of NSW Health. This is a mandatory course which is part of the orientaon program. Staff are encouraged to review this, prior to their annual performance development meeng. Documentaon Clinical documentaon DEV918 (Online) Documentaon and ABF for clinicians DEV927 (Online) CORE SKILLS PORTFOLIO A member of the CEWD team has been allocated as the contact person for the ‘Core Skills’ porGolio. Their role is to coordinate and evaluate this training and facilitate the growth of educaon resources available under this porGolio. If you have any quesons about this or have idenfied an educaon need please contact: 9 SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 GOVERNANCE Courses that sit within the ‘Governance Skills’ Pathway are designed to ensure that we provide safe, high quality professional services and environments to our paents, their families, the community and our workforce. Governance Courses are allocated into the following categories: • Work Health and Safety • Professional Pracce • Quality and Safety Work Health and Safety Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs to meet legislave requirements BSBWHS401A (1 day face to face) Major incident medical management and support (MIMMS) team members OHS1253 (1 day face to face) Manual handling train the trainer OHS1266 (Online) Manual handling train the trainer OHS1219 (Face to Face) Manual handling online theory OHS1224 (Online) Manual handling videos OHS12100 (Online) Fire Safety Training (Theory) OHS1244 (Online) Hazardous manual tasks WHS905 (Online) SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 10 Work Health Safety Introducon to Work Health Safety WHS912 (Online) WHS for managers—an introducon WHS903 (Online) WHS for all staff coming soon... (Online) Noise safety OHS1296 (Online) Clean Environmental Surfaces OHS1265 (Online) Waste management WHS907 (Online) Sustainable waste management coming soon... (Online) Security awareness WHS908 (Online) Hazardous substances and dangerous goods OHS1242 (Online) Food safety coming soon... (Online) ChemAlert modules 1 - 3 OHS1276, OHS1277, OHS1278 (Online) Return to work and injury management for managers OHS12160 (Online) Hand hygiene video OHS1299 (Online) Hand hygiene OHS1268 (Online) Hand hygiene naonal auditors training CQI1215 (Online) Naonal hand hygiene iniave workshop for auditors CQI903 (1/2 day face to face) 11 SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 Work Health and Safety Infecon control standard precauons OHS1298 (Online) Infecon prevenon & control principles coming soon... (Online) Infecon prevenon & control in pracce coming soon... (Online) Violence Prevenon and Management in the Workplace (Online) Module 1: awareness - WHS906 Module 2: introducon to legal & ethical issues - DEV928 Module 3: high risk areas (seclusion) - coming soon Module 4: for managers - DEV925 Module 5: promong acceptable behaviour in the workplace - DEV926 Module 6: restraint - coming soon Professional Pracce Public interest disclosures COM1238 (Online) Privacy - know your boundaries COM923 (Online) Fraud and corrupon COM937 (Online) Open disclosure video COM1244 (Online) Privacy—handling personal health informaon coming soon... (Online) SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 12 Quality and Safety Safety improvement programRoot cause analysis OHS1202 (1 day face to face) Your role in taking a paent related complaint CQI1207 (1 day face to face) Clinical improvement methodology CQI1205 (1 day face to face) Clinical incident management OHS1201 (1/2 day face to face) Evaluang your improvement project CQI1218 (1 day face to face) Quality improvement tools CQI1203 (1/2 day face to face) Wring for quality awards CQI1204 (1 day face to face) GOVERNANCE PORTFOLIO A member of the CEWD team has been allocated as the contact person for the ‘Governance Skills’ porGolio. Their role is to coordinate and evaluate this training and facilitate the growth of educaon resources available under this porGolio. If you have any quesons about this or have idenfied an educaon need please contact: 13 SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 EDUCATION & RESEARCH Courses that sit within the ‘Educaon & Research Skills Pathway’ are designed to: • provide key staff members with the capability to contribute to the ongoing development of staff. • provide our workforce with the skills to parcipate in research in order to improve service delivery for be0er paent outcomes. Educaon & Research Courses are allocated into the following categories: • Teaching • Research Teaching Introducon to clinical educaon DEV1224 (1 day face to face) CNE/CME professional development and support program DEV1225 (6 days face to face) Public speaking & presentaon skills COM1243 (1/2 day face to face) Teaching on the Run DEV1228 (2 days face to face) Statements of A:ainment for units of competency from the TAE40110 Cerficate IV in Training and Assessment (3 days face to face) Supporng the learner DEV931 (Online) SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 Teaching on the Run (workplace trainer) DEV1229 (2 days face to face) CNE Professional Development Day NPD1280 (1 day face to face) 14 Research Research skills for beginners: introducon to research coming soon... (Online) Research skills for beginners: planning the research process coming soon... (Online) Introducon to research Ingham Instute Applied Medical Research (Evening program, 12 sessions) Apply via: The Clinical Informaon Access Portal (CIAP) provides access to clinical informaon and resources to support evidence-based pracce at the point of care. h:p:// home.html EDUCATION & RESEARCH PORTFOLIO A member of the CEWD team has been allocated as the contact person for the ‘Educaon and Research Skills’ porGolio. Their role is to coordinate and evaluate this training and facilitate the growth of educaon resources available under this porGolio. If you have any quesons about this or have idenfied an educaon need please contact: 15 SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT Courses that sit within the ‘Leadership & Management Skills’ pathway are those that are designed to improve the ways in which we manage, support and lead our most valuable resource, our staff. Leadership and Management Skills Course are allocated into the following categories: • People Management • Preceptorship and Supervision • Leadership • Finance • Administraon People Management Support the recruitment, selecon and inducon of staff Manage people performance BSBMGT502B BSBHRM405A (half day face to face) (1 day face to face) Support the recruitment, selecon and inducon of staff Performance management MAN1212 MAN1223 (Online) (Online) SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 16 People Management Deal with conflict MAN1238 (2 days face to face) Crical conversaons COM919 (Online) Conflict resoluon DEV919 (Online) Grievance management for managers MAN905 (Online) Crical conversaons—advanced module coming soon... (Online) Management of grievance and discipline MAN1207 (1 day face to face) Performance development coming soon... (Online) Preceptorship & Supervision Group clinical supervision MAN1221 (3 days face to face) Preceptor program NPD1241 (1 day face to face) Group clinical supervision: professional development day for supervisors MAN1224 (1 day face to face) 17 SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 Leadership Diploma of Management BSB51107 (5 days face to face) Provide workplace coaching PSPGOV415A (2 days face to face) Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) COM1200 (half day face to face) Leaders of the Future MAN1232 (8 days face to face) Team processes DEV930 (Online) Cerficate IV in Frontline Management BSB40812 (15 half days face to face) Coaching for performance MAN906 (Online) Accelerated implementaon methodology (AIM) DEV901 (2 days face to face) In charge workshop for RNs NPD1210 (2 days face to face) Team leadership skills in a clinical area coming soon... (Online) Building effecve teams MAN904 (Online) Personalies and flexible team interacons DEV932 (Online) Change management coming soon... (Online) Project management in a nutshell MAN907 (Online) SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 18 Finance Financial Management Educaon Program MAN902 Combinaon of self paced online modules and two days face to face ABF modules 1 - 3 DEV910, DEV911, DEV912 (Online) Administraon Wring briefing notes and le:ers coming soon... (Online) Making meengs work DEV929 (Online) LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT PORTFOLIO A member of the CEWD team has been allocated as the contact person for the ‘Leadership and Management Skills’ porGolio. Their role is to coordinate and evaluate this training and facilitate the growth of educaon resources available under this porGolio. If you have any quesons about this or have idenfied an educaon need please contact: 19 SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 SUPPORT SERVICES Courses that sit within the ‘Support Services Skills’ pathway are for staff who provide valuable support roles to our managers & frontline clinicians. Cerficate IV in Business Administraon BSB40507 (8 days face to face) Cerficate III Health Administraon HLT32912 (8 days face to face) Cerficate IV Health Administraon HLT43212 (for clinical coders only) (8 days face to face) Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately BSBMED301B (30 hours face to face) Business wring DEV1209 (half day face to face) Organise meengs and minute taking COM1202 (half day face to face) SUPPORT SERVICES PORTFOLIO A member of the CEWD team has been allocated as the contact person for the ‘Support Services Skills’ porGolio. Their role is to coordinate and evaluate this training and facilitate the growth of educaon resources available under this porGolio. If you have any quesons about this or have idenfied an educaon need please contact: SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 20 CLINICAL Courses that sit within the ‘Clinical Skills’ pathway are for frontline clinicians who provide direct paent care across the organisaon. Clinical courses, where possible, have been grouped according to the clinical streams and services within SWSLHD. Although many of our courses are inter-professional, some have specific target groups. Please consult the LMS prior to enrolment: • General • Crical Care • Cardiovascular & Renal Care • Complex Care • Surgical Care • Aged Care and Rehabilitaon • Cancer Care • Women’s Health • Paediatrics and Neonatology • Mental Health • Drug Health • Community Health 21 SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 General Diabetes management PTC1217 ( 1 day face to face) Adult cannulaon and venepuncture program CSK12199 (3 hours face to face) Wound care module 1 CSK12177 ( 2 days face to face) Foot assessment and foot care CSK12219 ( 1 day face to face) Pressure injury prevenon CSK12269 (Online) Wound care module 2 CSK1206 ( 2 days face to face) Wound management for hand therapists CSK12158 ( 1 day face to face) Blood collecon CSK12259 (Online) Wound cleansing and debridement CSK1288 ( 1 day face to face) Wound Care: Management coming soon... (Online) Wound idenficaon and dressing CSK12261 (Online) Wound Care: Assessment coming soon... (Online) Blood and Blood Products Administraon CSK12308 (Online) BloodSafe CSK901 – Bloodsafe – Clinical Transfusion CSK965 – Bloodsafe – Collecng Blood Specimens CSK966 – Bloodsafe – Transporng Blood CSK967 – Bloodsafe – Postpartum Haemorrhage CSK968 – Bloodsafe – Iron Deficiency Anaemia CSK997 – Bloodsafe – Crical Bleeding (Online) h:ps:// SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 22 General Graduated compression CSK1287 ( 1 day face to face) Advanced graduated compression CSK12247 (1 day face to face) Conduct pressure injury audit coming soon… Online) Asepc technique CSK999 (Online) Falls champion NSC1206 (1 day face to face) Championing falls in April DEV1226 (1 day face to face) Post falls management for clinicians coming soon… (Online) Falls prevenon & falls risk management strategies for clinical staff coming soon… (Online) Falls risk screening, assessment & management plans for adults coming soon... (Online) Connence & catheter workshop CSK12223 (1 day face to face) Acute care nursing: Fundamentals: Module 1 CSK1286 (1 day face to face) 23 SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 General Pain management CSK1240 (2 days face to face) Paent controlled analgesia (PCA) adult CSK996 (Online) Connuity in medicaon management module 1: overview CSK978 (Online) Connuity in medicaon management module 2: medicaon reconciliaon on admission CSK987 (Online) Connuity in medicaon management module 3: medicaon reconciliaon at transfer CSK995 (Online) Intramuscular injecons CSK12242 (Online) Grief and loss focussed communicaon skills CSK12245 (1day face to face) The ABC of palliave care CSK1204 (3 days face to face) Advanced care planning: Module 1 CSK12169 (1 day face to face) SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 Conscious sedaon part 1 CSK12289 (Online) Conscious sedaon part 2 CSK12290 (1 day face to face) Grief, loss and bereavement CHF1215 (1day face to face) Grief from the perspecve of a:achment theory CSK12270 (1day face to face) Advance care planning CSK993 (Online) Advanced care planning: Module 2 CSK12216 (1 day face to face) 24 General Recognising delirium - improving paent care for be:er outcomes CSK12165 (1 day face to face) Fundamentals in acute care nursing: Module 1 CSK1286 (1 day face to face) Domesc violence roune screening CSK12182 (4 hours face to face) Foundaons: breaking bad news COM933 (Online) Foundaons: communicang with challenging paents, families & peers COM934 (Online) Foundaons: introducon COM927 (Online) Foundaons: interprofessional communicaon COM931 Online) Foundaons: me management 1 COM928 (Online) Foundaons: understanding & supporng the roles of other health professionals COM930 (Online) 25 Foundaons: expressing opinions competently & conflict resoluon COM932 (Online) Foundaons: me management 2 COM929 (Online) Movaonal interviewing coming soon… (Online) SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 General ISBAR for clinical handover COM921 (Online) Lung pathology CSK12200 (Online) Dysphagia ASSIST CSK12142 (Online) Introducon to blood borne viruses CSK1218 (1 day face to face) Dermatology & healthy skin CSK12285 (1 day face to face) Between the Flags CSK979 Basic Awareness: Module 1 CSK980 Charts and Escalaon: Module 2 CSK981 Systemac Paent Assessment and Inial Management: Module 3 CSK982 Communicaon Documentaon and Teamwork: Module 4 CSK983 Respiratory Deterioraon: Module 5 CSK984 Cardiovascular Deterioraon: Module 6 CSK985 Neurological Deterioraon: Module 7 CSK986 Renal Deterioraon: Module 8 (Online) DETECT CSK911 DETECT (4 hours face to face) CSK926 DETECT (workplace trainer) CSK974 DETECT Junior (Has prerequisite of online & Praccal RESUS4KIDS) CSK975 DETECT Junior (workplace trainer) CSK976 DETECT Junior (super trainer) CSK12279 DETECT (refresher) (1 day face to face) SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 26 Crical Care Adult advanced life support CSK1225 (1 day face to face) Adult advanced life support CSK12239 (Online) Adult, infant and child basic life support: Workplace trainer CSK1229 (1 day face to face) Adult, infant and child basic life support: Workplace trainer refresher OHS1235 (1 day face to face) Tracheostomy Care CSK1255 (1 day face to face) Adult, infant and child basic life support OHS12145 (Online) Advanced emergency pracce (AEP) NPD1201 (4 days face to face) Caring for a tracheostomy paent CSK12140 (Online) Emergency management of the seriously ill child (EMSIC) CHF1225 (1 day face to face) Essenals in emergency NPD1214 (1 day face to face) Transion to Emergency Nursing Program: Part 2 CSK947 (1 day face to face) Transion to Emergency Nursing Program: Part 1 CSK946 (1 day face to face) Trauma Nursing CSK1260 (3 days face to face) Transion to Emergency Nursing Program- Specific populaons: Part 3 CSK948 (1 day face to face) Limb examinaon CSK12233 (Online) Triage nursing CSK1222 (2 days face to face) 27 SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 Cardiovascular & Renal Care Acute coronary syndrome CSK1249 (1 day face to face) Introducon to ECG CSK1211 (1 day face to face) Advanced ECG CSK12135 (1 day face to face) ECG: Module 1 Introducon to Electrocardiography CSK1211 ( 1 day face to face) Arrhythmias and ischaemia CSK12313 (1 day face to face) Arteriovenous fistula and graN Module 1 CSK12152 (Online) Temporary cardiac pacing CSK1215 ( 1 day face to face) Arteriovenous fistula and graN Module 2 CSK12153 (Online) Vascular nursing: Module 2 CSK12129 ( 1 day face to face) SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 28 Complex Care Managing the paent with obstrucve lung disease CSK12173 (1 day face to face) Sleep disordered breathing and noninvasive venlaon CSK12175 (1 day face to face) Respiratory nursing CSK12246 (3 days face to face) Opthalmology nursing: An introducon CSK12202 (1 day face to face) Surgical Care Introducon to ear, nose and throat nursing CSK1257 (1 day face to face) Stomal therapy nursing: Praccal CSK1280 (1 day face to face) Stomal therapy nursing: Theory CSK1254 (1 day face to face) 29 SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 Aged Care and Rehabilitaon Ageing- Physical changes, needs and nursing management AGE1201 (2 days face to face) Behavioural challenges in aged care nursing AGE1200 (3 days face to face) Rehabilitaon: Promong opmal independence PTC1205 (3 days face to face) Crical incident posive outcome: Aged Care OHS1285 (3 days face to face) Crical incident posive outcome: Aged Care Refresher OHS12170 (1 day face to face) Posive approach to the care of the older person (12 weeks course ) h:p:// Behavioural and psychological symptoms of demena (BPSD) Person centred care in the Community (6 weeks course ) (6 weeks course ) h:p:// h:p:// Cancer Care Anneoplasc drug administraon course (ADAC) Module 1: Handling neoplasc drugs and related waste safely Module 2: Understanding how anneoplasc drugs work Module 3: Reviewing prescripons and protocols Module 4: Educang the paent and carer Module 5: Assessing paents Module 6: Administering oral anneoplasc drugs Module 7: Administering intravenous anneoplasc drugs Module 8: Prevenng and managing extravasaon of anneoplac drugs coming soon ... (online) SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 30 Women’s Health Antenatal care workshop CHF1241 (1 day face to face) Speculum examinaon for midwives CSK1239 (3 hours face to face) Obstetric emergencies (FONT) CSK1233 (1 day face to face) Postnatal care workshop CHF1229 (1 day face to face) BreasPeeding: back to basics CSK12273 (1 day face to face) Advanced breasPeeding including the older baby CSK12276 (1 day face to face) Midwifery competency assessment workshop CHF1223 (1 day face to face) Management of gestaonal diabetes CSK12283 (1 day face to face) Fetal welfare assessment (FONT) CSK1231 (1day face to face) Perineal care and repair for midwives (Beginners) CSK1237 (3 hours face to face) Midwifery-led neonatal health Assessment CSK12226 (1day face to face) BreasPeeding for premature infants and babies with complex needs CSK12275 (1 day face to face) Advanced breasPeeding: Preparaon for IBCLC candidates CSK12277 (1 day face to face) K2 Training (FONT) BreasPeeding CSK1230 (Online) h:p:// educaon/K2MS/index.html Improving maternal health care for Refugee women COM1253 (1 day face to face) Sacral injecons for pain relief in labour CSK12307 (3 hours face to face) (Online) 31 SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 Paediatrics and Neonatology Paediatric and Emergency senior nurses workshop DEV1216 (1 day face to face) Paediatric emergency guidelines CSK12263 (Online) Paediatric Nursing Roadshow (Emergency Departments) COM1232 (Contact Tracy Hickey: or Amanda Hooton: Supporng families early (SFE) MEN904 (Online) Paediatric Nursing Roadshow (Children’s Wards) COM1231 (Contact Tracy Hickey: for dates) Paediatric Tracheostomy CSK12241 (Online) RESUS4KIDS CSK940 RESUS4KIDS (pre-requisite for CSK941, CSK944 and CSK974 ) (online) h:p:// CSK941 RESUS4KIDS Praccal (pre-requisite for CSK974 and CSK944 ) (2 hours face to face) CSK944 RESUS4KIDS (Train the trainer ) (3 hours face to face) Safe administraon of oral medicaons to infants, toddlers and preschool aged children CSK990 (Online) SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 Paediatrics medicaon safety fundamentals CSK977 (Online) 32 Paediatrics and Neonatology Special care nursing update CSK12274 (1 day face to face) Basics of neonatal care CSK12297 (1 day face to face) Introducon to neonatal special care nursing CHF1219 (4 days face to face– 16 weeks) Basics of neonatal venlaon CSK12280 (1 day face to face) Advanced neonatal venlaon strategies CSK12282 (1 day face to face) Neonatal resuscitaon CSK1281 (1 day face to face) Neonatal basic life support: Workplace trainer (Refresher) CSK12193 (3 hours face to face) 33 SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 Mental Health Clinical Ulity Standardised Outcome Measures in Mental Health Services (MH-OAT) MEN1229 (1 day face to face) Clinical ulity of outcome measures for specialist mental health services for older people MEN1246 (log on to LMS for training dates) Management of borderline personality disorder in the inpaent environment: An introducon (Module 1) MEN1240 (1 day face to face) Suicide detecon, assessment and management training for mental health clinicians MEN1204 (2 days face to face) Community aggression response program (CARP) MEN1228 (1 day face to face) Clinical ulity of outcome measures for child and adolescent mental health MEN1245 (log on to LMS for training dates) Mental health assessment for mental health staff MEN1201 (2 days face to face) Management of borderline personality disorder in the inpaent environment: An introducon (Module 2) MEN1249 (1 day face to face) Suicide detecon, assessment and management training for non- mental health clinicians MEN1203 (1 day face to face) Crical incident posive outcome: managing challenging behaviour OHS1280 (5 days face to face) Crical incident posive outcome: Refresher OHS1284 (1 day face to face) Foundaons: Mental health basics: Module 9 COM936 (online) SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 34 Drug Health Cannabis treatment and check-up MEN1244 (1 day face to face) Community Child and family health monthly forum CHF1247 (log on to LMS for dates and venues) Community health nurse monthly forum NPD1235 (log on to LMS for dates and venues) Chronic disease self -management PTC1201 (2 days face to face) Counselling for non– counsellors CSK1283 (2 days face to face) Family partnership training CHF1216 Management of diabetes in the Community PTC1209 (1 day face to face) (Contact: A member of the CEWD team has been allocated as the contact person for the ‘Clinical Skills’ porGolio. Their role is to coordinate and evaluate this training and facilitate the growth of educaon resources available under this porGolio. If you have any quesons about this, or have idenfied an educaon need, please contact: 35 SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 Contacng the Centre for Educaon and Workforce Development The Centre for Educaon and Workforce Development (CEWD) office hours are Monday to Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm. There is no support provided out of office hours, over the weekend, or during public holidays. Please direct all enquiries via: Email: or Phone: (02) 9828 5920 Mailing address: SWSLHD Centre for Educaon and Workforce Development Locked Bag 7279, LIVERPOOL BC 1871 How to Apply Most courses and programs menoned in this document are available for all SWSLHD employees through CEWD’s learning management system - TotalLMS. You can locate TotalLMS by going to the intranet home page >>> Click on Training and Educaon >>> Click on Centre for Educaon and Workforce Development >>> Click on Courses tab and then on the Start TotalLMS bu8on. Before you click on the Start TotalLMS bu8on, please read instrucons on how to log on. Your username is your 8 digit employee number and your password is the word password in the first instance. You can also download the ‘Learner's User Guide’ which is on this page and located on right hand side. Cancellaon Parcipants can log on to TotalLMS and cancel their applicaon through their Training Schedule located under the Learn drop down menu. Approval process Selecng a date and submiQng an applicaon does not secure a seat in the class. Applicants’ managers need to approve the applicaon by logging on to TotalLMS before the applicant is enrolled in the class. Some courses have third level approval set up for culling applicaons, based on priority, relevance or pre-requisites; in which case an applicaon can be rejected by the CEWD educator or consultant, even if applicant’s manager has approved the applicaon. External Applicants All external applicants must contact CEWD via email to request an ‘External Applicant’s Package,’ for informaon on fees, cancellaon and refund policy, and other related informaon. SWSLHD CEWD—Educaon Opportunies 2014 36
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