St. Nicholas Parish 24252 El Toro Road, Laguna Woods, CA 92637 (949) 837-1090; FAX (949) 837-9510; School of Religious Education: (949) 837-7676 Our Parish Mission Statement St. Nicholas Parish is a Catholic community, celebrating our faith through the Sacraments, Liturgy, Prayer and Service. We strive to nurture family life and to create one body out of many in the Lord. We share the Good News with people of all ages, cultures and faith backgrounds. CLERGY Pastor: Senior Priest: In Residence Visiting Priest Visiting Priest Visiting Priest Visiting Priest Deacon Spanish Deacon Rev. Richard Delahunty Rev. Michael Mai Khai Hoan Rev. Timothy MacCarthy, Retired Rev. Msgr. Colm Conlon Rev. Msgr. Lawrence Gibson Rev. Msgr. John Campbell Rev. Gerald Walker Wayne Thompson Luis Gallardo BAPTISM Fourth Sunday of the month at 2:00 P.M. Arrangements must be made a month in advance. Parents must attend two preparation sessions. MARRIAGE Arrangements must begin at least three months in advance with a priest of the parish. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Call Parish Office in an emergency. Special Service celebrated in fall/spring as announced. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 4:00 P.M., 7:00 P.M. in Spanish Sunday: 7:30 A.M., 9:00 A.M., 10:45 A.M., 12:30 P.M., and 5:00 pm in Vietnamese. Monday through Friday: 7:00 A.M., and 9:00 A.M. Saturday at 9:00 A.M. Filipino Mass: 5:30 P.M. First Saturdays, October-June. Holy Days: 4PM Vigil; 7AM, 9AM, 12PM, 6PM, and 7:30PM (Vietnamese) RECONCILIATION [Confession] Saturday 9:45-10:15 A.M., and 3:00-3:45 P.M., or by appointment. FUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS At the death of a family member, please call the Parish Office at your earliest convenience to plan for the Mass of Christian Burial. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION DAY 24-hour adoration begins the second Wednesday of the month at the 9:00 A.M. Mass. DEVOTIONS & BENEDICTION Wednesday evenings at 7:30 P.M. Recitation of the Holy Rosary and Benediction. Parish Office Hours: Sunday: 8:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Monday through Friday: 9A.M. -12 Noon; 1P.M. - 4:30P.M.; 6P.M. - 8P.M. Saturday: 9A.M. - 12 Noon October 19, 2014 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time EVERYTHING BELONGS TO GOD The first reading from the prophet Isaiah concerns the Persian King Cyrus, called the Lord’s “anointed.” Cyrus deserves this title because he ended the Babylonian captivity of the Jews. However, Isaiah reminds us that it was God who gave Cyrus his power. He may be a great king, but “I am the LORD and there is no other,” says God (Isaiah 45:5). Today’s Gospel is also concerned with worldly power. In the passage from Matthew, the Pharisees try to trick Jesus into speaking against the emperor. His famous answer is the perfect reply. Like the kings of old, Caesar can be given the respect due his position, but everything belongs to God. In the second reading, Paul gives thanks for all who are faithful to Jesus Christ and his gospel. He, too, reminds us that our call and the power to be faithful come from God. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TODAY is World Mission Sunday We are invited today to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Your prayers and generous gift to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in the collection today help the wor k of pr iests, r eligious and lay leaders in Mongolia and through-out the Missions who offer the poor practical help and the experience of God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers, and please be as generous as you can in today’s collection. For more information, please visit Thank you! Stewardship of Treasure “Stewardship is not about our generosity; it is our response to God’s generosity.” 2013 October 12th Teen Fund $18,588.36 2014 $18,950.64 $ 3,579.00 52-Weekly Required Budget $22,987.00 October 19, 2014 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Calendar This Week MONDAY Monday: 7AM Jimmy Schmidt (d) 9AM Carmine Michelle Lim (d) Tuesday: 7AM Ed Dolendo (d) 9AM Jose Taclaban (d) Wednesday: 7AM Gustavo Peniche (d) 9AM Celmira Azcuenaga (d) Thursday: 7AM Patricia Jackson (d) 9AM James Kellard (d) Friday: 7AM Nick Nichols 9AM John Gushue (d) Saturday: 9AM Funeral Mass for Eileen Stevens 4PM For the Parish Sunday: 7:30AM Walter Sidlowski (d) 9:00AM Intentions of Joseph Varghese family 10:45AM Garces Family 12:30PM Maria Matthew (d) We Remember Irene Partridge, Masako Dulude, Aurea Samson and Jennifer Campos who entered their new and eternal life in Christ. Our Parish condolences are extended to their families. Grant them eternal rest, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading: Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 The LORD said to Cyrus, his anointed, “I am the LORD, there is no other.” Psalm 96: Give the Lor d glor y and honor . Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy to the church of the Thessalonians: We thank God always for all of you. Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21 Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s. Sewing Group, Small Hall, 8AM Divine Mercy, Room A, 3PM Religious Education for Elementary, Parish Center, 4:15PM Faith Alive, Room C, 7PM Hispanic Rosary Group, Church, 7PM TUESDAY Wills & Trusts Meeting, Room 201, 10AM Divine Mercy, Room A, 3PM Religious Education for Elementary, Parish Center, 4:15PM SRE for 7 & 8, Parish Center downstairs, 7PM Confirmation I, Parish Center upstairs, 7PM Thanksgiving Committee, Room A, 7PM Oracion Talleres Group, Room C, 7PM St. Nicholas Chorale, Small Hall, 7:15PM Spanish Dance Milagros, Room B, 8PM WEDNESDAY ESL Classes, Rooms B&C, 9AM Charismatic Prayer Group, Room A, 10AM Filipino Choir-Simbang Gabi, Small Hall, 10AM Library Ministry, Room C, 2PM Divine Mercy, Room A, 3PM Religious Education for Elementary, Parish Center, 4:15PM Devotions & Benediction, Church, 7:30PM Filipino Choir, Small Hall, 8PM THURSDAY St. Vincent de Paul, Room C, 7:30AM Faith Alive, Room A, 10AM Divine Mercy, Room A, 3PM Hispanic RCIA, Room B, 6:30PM Hispanic Council, Room C, 6:30PM RCIA, Rooms 201-204, 7PM Teen Choir, Church, 7:30PM St. Nicholas Choir, Small Hall, 7:15PM FRIDAY Fr. Dick, Bible Study, Room 201, 9:45AM Eucharist Disciples of Divine Mercy, Room C, 1:45PM Divine Mercy, Room A, 3PM Hispanic Group, Preparation in Parish Center, 6PM Hispanic Bible Study, Small Hall, 6:30PM SATURDAY Hispanic Choir, Room C, 4PM Teen Mass, Church, 4PM Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive, Parking Lot, 4PM Hispanic Group Reception, Parish Center, 8PM SUNDAY Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive, Parking Lot, 7:30AM Library Ministry, Room C, 10AM—12:30PM Baptisms– English, Church, 2PM PARISH LIBRARY The liturgical commemoration of Our Lady of the Rosary was on October 7th. We have many books on the Rosary in the Library! The Library is open on Sundays 10AM to 12:30PM & Wednesday, 2PM to 4PM. We are located behind the Parish Office in Room C. October 19, 2014 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time School of Religious Education Check us out on Facebook! Thank you to all who helped with the Kidsfest this Saturday! Schedule of Classes for all SRE Grades: Elementary Classes: Monday thr ough Wednesday, October 20, 21, 22 from 4:15PM to 5:30PM in Parish Center downstairs. Junior High Classes: October 21 fr om 7PM to 8:30PM in Parish Center downstairs. Confirmation I Classes: October 21 from 7PM to 8:30PM in Rooms 201-204 in the Parish Center upstairs. Confirmation II Classes: October 28 fr om 7PM to 8:30PM in Rooms 201-204 in the Parish Center upstairs. Choir Rehearsal… Thursday evening, October 23rd at 7PM in the Church. Teen Mass is on Saturday, October 25th at 4PM. In honor of St. Nicholas’ 50th Anniversary in 2015, SRE students will be collecting stuffed animals for the rest of October to donate to the Orangewood Children’s Foundation Annual Christmas Party. The foundation was founded over 30 years ago with a vision to build a facility to shelter Orange County children who were the victims of abuse, neglect and abandonment. It currently sponsors many activities, scholarships, support and programs to give every child a chance to succeed in life. Tootsie Roll Drive… Saturday & Sunday, October 25 & 26 after all Masses. Call the SRE Office to volunteer, 837-7676. The Hispanic Prayer Group of St. Nicholas invites you to the Procession & Mass in honor of the LORD OF THE MIRACLES Saturday, October 25th Procession at 6:15PM; Mass at 7PM Reception in the Parish Center after Mass READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21 Eph 2:12-22; Ps 85:9ab-14; Lk 12:35-38 Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48 Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19; Lk 12:49-53 Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59 Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9 Ex 22:20-26; Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51; 1 Thes 1:5c-10; Mt 22:34-40 Bountiful Blessings Concert at Christ Cathedral, Freed Theater—Renee Bondi and Tony Melendez Quadriplegic singer/speaker, Renee Bondi, is thrilled to share the stage with guitarist Tony Melendez as she celebrates the bountiful blessings our Lord has provided. Come see why Tony, born without arms has been her inspiration for years! Friday, November 14th at 7:30PM –Freed Theater Concert tickets: $15; Pre-Concert Chat: $20 Tickets available at: or 800-795-5757 or at the door (concert only) Proceeds benefit Bondi Ministries. Christ Cathedral—Freed Theater 13280 Chapman Ave, Garden Grove Hispanic Prayer Group Events October 25—Lord of the Miracles 6:15PM Procession 7PM Mass 8PM Reception—Parish Center November 1—Bishop Kevin Vann & Fr. Charbel Grbavac 7PM 8PM Spanish Mass Reception—Parish Center November 15 & 16—Tamales After all Masses—Parish Center December 12—Our Lady of Guadalupe 6:15AM 6:30AM 7AM 8AM Procession Mananitas Mass Reception—Parish Center Masses and events are in Spanish. October 19, 2014 THIS TUESDAY!! Orange Catholic Foundation—Wills and Trusts October 21st - 10AM at St. Nicholas Take steps to protect those you love with a new or updated estate plan. Through proper planning, the legacy of love and care that you leave for your family and friends can be encouraging and even inspiring. If you have questions on how to begin or update your own estate plan, please join us here at St. Nicholas on Tuesday, October 21st, 10AM to 12PM in Rooms 201-202 in the Parish Center (2nd floor). During the presentation, our local Catholic estate planning attorneys will answer questions regarding estate taxes, probate expenses, trusts, guardianships of minor children, selection of personal representatives, and outline steps on how to create or update your Will or Trust and other information to consider. Admission is FREE—Refreshments will be served. Reservations are not necessary but welcome. Call: 714-282-4208 or Email: Confused Catholic? Inactive Catholic? Alienated Catholic? An Advent Invitation If you’ve been away from the Church— drifting away from the Church—If you’ve been hurt by the Church—If you’re confused or angry because of our Catholic experience, please consider this invitation to come and talk with us. Perhaps this Christmas can be a time of renewal of hope in your faith journey. We’ll meet starting on Tuesday, November 11th, at 7PM in Room A. If interested, call Gloria at 768-7228. St. Nicholas Parish Senior Singles OCTOBER EVENT! Tuesday, October 28th at Club House 5: We have reserved a table at the California Club’s Steak and Lobster Dinner. Food also includes 2-hors d’oeuvres, red/white wine, and pumpkin cheesecake. Live entertainment provided by Jim Gilman’s dance band. Please make out checks to: California Club: $20 for members and $24 for guests. I need your checks in hand no later than Oct 18th to reserve seats at our table. Please note: Cocktail Attire!! RSVP: Dolores at 472-3580 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH OFFICE STAFF Parish Liturgical Secretary: Business Manager: Receptionist/Records: Ministry to Sick & Homebound: Director, Youth Ministry Director, Religious Education Secretary/Assistant Religious Education: Music Ministry: Plant Supervisor: Cate Wolski Irma Contreras Karen Falagrady Barbara Price Gwen Wieser Gwen Wieser Debbie Treister Emett Loera Steve Burton SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: (949) 837-7676 VIETNAMESE MINISTRIES: (949) 837-1090, Ext. 116 Sr. Maria Loan Tran, LHC, (949) 837-1090, Ext 137 NEXT SUNDAY is Priesthood Sunday October 26th is Priesthood Sunday: a special day set aside to honor the Priesthood in the United States. It is a day to reflect and affirm the central role of Priesthood in the life of the Church. Please participate in an opportunity to affirm your own parish priests and write a simple note. Pastor: Senior Priest: In Residence: Visiting Priest: Visiting Priest: Visiting Priest: Visiting Priest: Visiting Priest: Visiting Priest: Rev. Richard Delahunty Rev. Michael Mai Khai Hoan Rev. Timothy MacCarthy, Retired Rev. Msgr. Colm Conlon Rev. Msgr. John Campbell Rev. Gerald Walker Rev. Dang Chin Rev. Juan Caboboy Rev. Charbel Grbavac Example thoughts for a note: Thank our priests for their dedication, generosity, and leadership in our church. State at least one way our priests personally enrich your life and thank them. Prepare a spiritual bouquet with prayers, rosaries that you will say, or have a mass and prayers said for our priests. On October 26th, give your note, and/or spiritual bouquet to specific priests, or leave it at the Parish Office. You could also put it in the collection basket. Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive The Annual Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive will take place the weekend of October 25/26 after all Masses. The Knights will be outside the Church accepting your donations. The proceeds assist people with intellectual disabilities within our community. The Knights are grateful to parishioners for their generous support. Yours in Christ—Art Lange October 19, 2014 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time The St. Nicholas Knights of Columbus... would like to thank those parishioners who have generously donated a vehicle to the Knights. These parishioners have received a tax deduction for their vehicle and all the proceeds received by the Council will be used to benefit the parish and/or the community. Should you, or anyone you know anywhere in the United States, wish to donate a vehicle, please contact any Council Member or phone Ron Wells at 949-606-5089. THANK YOU! Many thanks to the St. Nicholas Parishioners who helped make our Holiday Boutique a big success last Saturday and Sunday. This event would not be possible without the talents of the St. Nicholas Sewing Group that meet each Monday morning, the Council of Catholic Women who volunteered to work at the event, the St. Nicholas Facilities Management team who set up the Parish Center, and Fr. Dick who promotes our efforts. A big “hug” to my husband who worked at the 2-day event and who supports me in my sewing efforts every day! The generosity of time, talent and support from everyone is most appreciated! An added “thank you” to the St. Nicholas Coffee Committee for opening extra early and serving after the 7:30AM Mass as well as the 9AM and 10:45AM Masses. The delicious donuts kept us going! Proceeds from the event are provided to various charities and the unsold items are distributed to Birthchoice, the Veterans, Share Ourselves, and the needy in the county. Cate, Sewing Director Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola 2014 Winter Session—Beginning Nov 1st—Nov 6th …..DO YOU FEEL AN INTERIOR CALL TO GROW IN HOLINESS? These classes, offered at St. Peter Chanel in Hawaiian Gardens and given over an 11-week period, will greatly intensify your spiritual life and your desire to go to Heaven. Come and learn the real purpose of your life, and how to achieve it through selfdiscipline, deep prayer, and discernment of spirits. You’ll see miracles happen in your life! Go to: for information/registration; call Mary Martorona at 562-924-5193. Cornelia Connelly School A Catholic, independent high school for girls 2323 West Broadway, Anaheim, CA 92804 714-776-1717, Ext 221 Parents and daughters are invited to spend an enjoyable, informational evening with Connelly students, parents and faculty on Monday, October 20, 2014, 7PM—8:30PM—RSVP REQUIRED Reception Hosted by: St. Norbert Parents St. Norbert School Faculty Lounge 300 East Taft, Orange, CA 92865 40 Days For Life From September 24th through November 2nd our community will join a worldwide peaceful pro-life effort that consists of three components: Prayer & Fasting, Community Outreach, and Peace Vigil. With God’s help, 40 Days for Life will save thousands of babies from abortion throughout this country and abroad. Please get involved...YOU can help! The Orange County Peace Vigil is located at the Planned Parenthood Abortion Center at 700 South Tustin Ave, Orange. The hours are 6AM to 6PM every day. Please contact Kiersten Lynch by email: to arrange for a specific time that you wish to pray at the abortion center. You may also select a specific time by using the website: and link on the available times and dates calendar. For more information, contact Al DiDomenico, Respect Life Representative, 949-461-1025. Thank you for your prayers and participation. 14th Annual Oktoberfest—Saturday, October 18th till 7:30PM Come for dinner after the Saturday, 4PM Mass All proceeds from this event are donated to the School of Religious Education.
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