Paramus High School East 99 Century Road Paramus, NJ 07652

Paramus High School
East 99 Century Road
Paramus, NJ 07652
201 261-7800 Ext. 3130
Fax: 201 634-0791
Donald Roll
Supervisor of Wellness and Athletics
REMINDER: All Physical forms must be received by the Athletic
Trainer, John Conway Athletic Office or PHS School nurse
ONLY and approved by the Health Office before participation in
any of our Athletic programs. All fall sports medical forms
must be submitted by November 3rd, 2014. Please do not hand
in forms to coaches, teachers or any other office. During the
summer, you may place your forms in the lock boxes outside of
the nurse’s office at the high school. Please refer to the
Athletic Information Packet on the Paramus High School
athletic website:
Tentative Scrimmage schedules are posted on the school website Athletic Overview tab
with the following link: Coaches will also forward schedules
to all families via email and will communicate all practice and walkthrough schedule
changes directly to the student athletes. Please note that all schedules are subject to
change. Additionally, all scrimmage and game changes will be corrected on the
school’s website and all registered parties will receive an email message from regarding these changes – please remember to register!
Ice HockeyHead Coach: Denis Jelcic email:
Ice hockey begins on Monday November 10 with off ice training. On ice tryouts are
held the week of Nov 11-15. Student Athletes will meet on Monday November 10 at
3:00pm. Please bring running shoes, water and/or gatorade. The Ice Hockey program
is co-ed and is comprised of individuals who can compete at the Junior Varsity and
Varsity level. Our home rink for all ice time is the Ice House in Hackensack. We will
be bussed from Paramus High School to Ice House and back for all practices and
Varsity Games.
Student Athletes are expected to compete at a high level of competition while also
maintaining their academic requirements. All athletes must be cleared by Paramus
High School Athletic Trainer John Conway before being able to participate.
The hockey season begins on November 10 with on-ice practices on Tuesday and
Thursdays and off-ice practices on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. There is also preseason scrimmages and a preseason tournament which is normally held at the Ice
Vault in Wayne. Our regular game season starts at the end of November and will
continue through the end of February with our league playoffs. The state tournament
games could take us as far as the middle of March. Our games are normally played
on Friday, Saturday and Sunday afternoon/evenings with an occasional weeknight
game. We also participate in a holiday tournament in December. In addition to
varsity scheduled games, we offer a Junior varsity program which is in addition to any
varsity scheduled games.
In addition to our Junior Varsity and Varsity program we also offer additional camps
and training sessions for individual skill improvement.
Boys Basketball
Head Coach: Dan Reddan
Junior Varsity: Jason Vieira
Freshman: Howard Blackwood
Tryouts will be held for all levels on Monday November 24, Tuesday November 25, and
Wednesday November 26. The final cuts will be made by Wednesday November 26 and
will start practice the following Monday. There will be no practice over the
Thanksgiving weekend. Tryout times will be after school TBD.
All appropriate paperwork must be completed with an Approved updated physical on
file with the athletic trainer in order to participate. Without updated paperwork you
will not be allowed to tryout for the team.
Full season schedules will be handed out to those that make the team on Monday
December 1st
For tryout week please bring a reversible jersey if one is available.
Practice during the season will be held Monday-Saturday morning. We will not have
practice on a Sunday. We will also not be practicing on December 24-25 and January
Preseason workouts will be as follows;
September and October- Weight lifting sessions will be before school from 6:157:15AM
November- Conditioning and weightlifting will be held after school from 3:15-4:30 on
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons.
Camp/clinic dates and other information will follow.
You can follow ParamusBball on Twitter for updated information regarding workouts,
practice, and information
Winter Track
Head Coach: Jeff Schorling
Sign- ups will be in mid-October in the middle gym right after school. You just sign
your name and get an information sheet.
All paperwork must be submitted by Friday, Nov. 14th to John Conway the Athletic
This year’s winter track season will start on Monday, Dec. 1st.
We will meet at 3:05
Be dressed to go outside in layers of clothes !!!!
It is a short season for sub-varsity members so attendance is important!
There are some scheduled meets and practices over Christmas break!
Girls Basketball:
Head Coach: Scott Papetti
Cell Phone: 201-983-9849
Tryouts for Basketball will be after school on Monday, November 24th and go for 3
days till Wednesday the 26th. Then you will have the Thanksgiving break off and
come back to practice on Monday December 1st. The times for practices will be either
3-5 pm or 5-7 pm depending on the level you will play at and also gym
availability. The majority of the time, basketball will either practice or play 6 days of
the week with Sundays being a day off. We will play through and practice during the
Holiday break around Christmas and New Years (Christmas and New Years will be off),
as well as the Winter Break in February. It is expected that if a girl decides to commit
to playing basketball, then she will be available during both of those breaks. Practices
and Game times will be given out in the early season to those who commit to
Practices will be in either of the two gyms at the high school, at times freshman may
be bussed to Eastbrook or Westbrook to practice there (also, depending on gym
All times and locations of games can be found on
Each and every year the expectations of the coaches and players should continue to go
up. Our goals are to finish above .500, contend for a league title, gain entry into both
the county and state tournaments as well as win in each of those tournaments.
During the summer months we try to continue to better our skills individually as well
as a team by taking the girls to a college team camp (place & date TBA) as well as
compete in summer leagues locally at FDU and other High Schools. The time we work
out for the summer is usually around the third week of June to the third week of
July. That gives the girls plenty of time to plan for vacations and have some free time
before their fall season starts up.
Off season weight training and conditioning is dependent on our basketball players
playing other sports. We do not like to take our athletes away from other sports
during that season, but if a basketball player is not doing anything during the offseason then she is expected to attend off-season weight training and
conditioning. (dates & times TBA)
Once practice begins, Varsity and JV girls will be issued a practice jersey to be worn at
practice as much as possible. If they have other reversible jerseys available it is
recommended that they wear them to practice because it makes it easier to play
against one another if they have different colors on. If the are not issued a practice
jersey at the freshman level they are expected to wear a Paramus blue or white t-shirt
as much as possible to practice. The rest of the attire for practice should basically be
a pair of shorts and basketball sneakers. Water will be provided during practice.
Any questions anyone may have regarding Girls Basketball should feel free to contact
Coach Papetti at the email address above, or you can call his cell phone at any time.
HC – Jonathan Morrisette
Email –
There are tryouts to make the bowling team. Varsity = 4 bowlers, JV = 8
bowlers. There will be two days to bowl during the tryout process in late
November. Matches start in December and there are typically two matches per
week. The county and state tournaments are during Saturdays in January.
Paramus Wrestling
Head coach: Steven Klass
Phone Number: 610 533-9068
Email Address:
Website :
Twitter : @paramuswrestling
There are no tryouts for Wrestling, interested athletes must be cleared by the athletic
trainer – John Conway, or you will not be able to participate. Practice starts Monday
November 24th. Practices will be held every day after school starting at 3:00 PM, and
10:00 AM on Saturdays. When there is no school practice will be held at 10:00 am
every day except Sundays. Practices are held in the small gym across from the school
cafeteria. Wrestlers are expected to attend every practice and match during the year
and adhere to the Paramus Wrestling Honor Code while in season. Wrestling shoes
are required and a practice t-shirts will be provided by the parents club. Our
offseason training takes place Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays while school is in
session, this includes lifting, running and cross fit workouts. During the summer we
have open wrestling practices Monday Wednesday and Friday from 3:00 – 5:00.
Boys and Girls Swimming:
Head Coach:
Tim Donohue
The first three days of practice at the pool serve as the swimming tryout. The swim
team is a competitive team and swimmers need to be able to demonstrate competency
in at least freestyle, preferably two strokes. On the third day of pool practice, time
trials will be held at the pool, and specific freestyle times need to be met in order to
make the team. Practices are designed to improve stroke technique and overall
fitness, and swimmers are expected to attend all practices—especially those at the
pool. The season consists of twelve dual meets against local teams as well as two
championships meets. Pool practices, which begin 11/18, are held at Bergen
Community College on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights from 8:00-9:45.
For those practices, swimmers are expected to bring a bathing suit, towel, water, and
other swim gear—as outlined by the coach. When the pool is not available, dry land
practices will be held on Monday and Friday from 3:00-4:30 at Paramus High School
on the football field or in a gym/hallway. Swimmers should dress appropriately
(sneakers, shorts/sweats, etc.) and be prepared for either indoor or outdoor practice—
weather permitting. Swimmers are expected to attend practices over winter break
both at the high school and at Lyndhurst Pool. Finally, please be sure that all medical
forms—fully completed—are submitted to the school nurse by 11/1.