November(22!26,$2014" Camp"Edgewood"Winter" Camp"Leaders"Guide" ! ! ! ! ! BSA!Calcasieu!Area!Council! 304!Dr.!Michael!DeBakey!Drive! Lake!Charles,!LA!!70601! Phone:!337A436A3376! Fax:!337A433A0758" Table of Contents Preparing For Camp Winter Camp Fees 2 Campsite Reservation 2 Financial Assistance/Campership 3 Registration Procedures Emergency Contacts 3 Medical Information 3 Insurance 4 Check-in Procedure 4 Correspondence 5 General Information Transportation and Parking 5 Visitors in Camp 5 Check-out Procedure 6 Program Information Merit Badge Information 6 Confirmation and Changes 7 Brownsea 7 Order of the Arrow 7 Training for Leaders 9 Family Night 10 Information for Parents 11 Winter Camp Schedule 12 Merit Badge Class Schedule 13 Forms 14-24 Registration Fees Map 18 25 ! 1! ! ! Welcome to Winter Camp 2014 For our fellow Scouts and Scouters: In the pages before you is an exciting program being offered at Camp Edgewood! We have worked diligently to modify our program in order for everyone to have an awesome winter camp experience. As you read through the guide, you will notice many exciting options for Scouts and Scouters alike. We hope you find our winter camp experience to be as exciting as we do! Schedule of Fees for Winter Camp Troop Deposit - $100.00 to reserve site (With Troop Reservation Form) Troop Deposit Due By October 17, 2014 Scout Fee - $125 per Scout due by Nov 10th Late Scout Fee -$150 per Scout after Nov 10th TROOP SCOUT FEES MUST BE PAID IN FULL BY DUE DATES TO GUARANTEE PRICES Cancellation Fee of $70 after Nov 10th Program-Specific Materials Please read through the informational portion of the Leader’s Guide to determine any additional materials that may need to be purchased from the Trading Post in order to complete the merit badge. If class minimums are not met by the beginning of camp, the Camp Director and Program Director reserve the right to cancel a particular session to allow effective use of the Camp Staff. Campsite Reservation At Camp Edgewood, there are several options for camping accommodations. We offer you the opportunity to camp in your own tent, sleep in an Adirondack, or try out one of our screened cabins. Cabins and Adirondacks are available on a first come first serve basis. Please request your campsite preference when completing the Troop Registration Form, and we will do our best to accommodate you. Scouts with Physical Disabilities have the option of using Campsite 14, which is a fully accessible Campsite for those in need. Scouts with disabilities, along with their Troop, will be given priority access to Campsite 14 when campsites are assigned. 2! ! ! Provisional Camping is a program designed for the Scout who would like to attend Winter Camp, but his troop is not attending. Scouts who attend camp without their Troop will be adopted by another Troop and will fall into one of their patrols for the week. Scouts Needing Assistance Camperships are available to help Scouts who need financial assistance. The Scoutmaster must make a request in writing by filling out a Campership Application (page 20). The deadline for Camperships is October 24, 2014. The amount of the Campership will be based upon the extenuating circumstances. The Scout’s family, Troop, and Chartered Organization should pool their resources first, with a Campership request for the balance. In Case of Emergency Should an emergency situation arise, a qualified medic is on duty 24 hours a day. In the unlikely event of serious illness or injury to a Scout, he or she will be taken to a nearby hospital. No prescription medication will be paid for by the camp or the council. Normal insurance filing procedures will apply. Camp Emergency procedures will be covered at the opening leaders’ meeting. Required Medical Forms All Scouts and leaders are required to have a physical examination before camp and to complete the appropriate medical forms. All scouts or leaders should complete Parts A, B, and C signed by a health care provider. ! Medical Information Each youth and adult who attends Camp Edgewood must have an Annual Health and Medical form. Please note on Part C, both sides of your insurance card must be copied and attached. In addition, Part C includes the parent/guardian’s consent for emergency care and it must have a parent or guardian’s signature. Also, be sure to have the proper contact numbers, home/cell/office/alternate, for such emergency possibilities. (Our experience shows this to be necessary. A Scoutmaster cannot authorize emergency treatment. The Individual Health Forms must be submitted to the Camp Health & Safety Officer at time of troop check-in. The scout troop is responsible for collecting their health forms at the close of camp. The Council does not retain copies of these forms. 3! ! ! Medicine A locked box and a refrigerator in the Health Lodge are available for any medications. All medications must be accompanied by written permission and any necessary instructions or documentation from a parent or guardian. During camp, any illness or accident incurred must be reported and logged by the Camp Medical Officer. Insurance The Calcasieu Area Council provides camp insurance for all youth and adults currently registered in its council. Out-of-Council campers should be covered by their own council’s policy or individual troop policy. Troop policies should be presented at check-in and maintained in the troop’s medical files. Parents should make arrangements for treatment of any pre-existing conditions. Check-In Procedure In order to make check-in a more efficient process, we will utilize staggered check-in times. Approximately two weeks before arrival at camp, you will be contacted with your scheduled time. Once you have arrived at camp, you will be greeted by one of our friendly staffers who will act as your guide for the orientation tour. The Scoutmaster and Senior Patrol Leader will report to the Camp Office to finalize all paperwork, schedule requests and to receive their camp packet. Please have all medical forms ready and on hand before reporting to the Camp Office. At that time, all campers will be assigned a wrist band which MUST be worn while at Camp Edgewood. The wrist band indicates that you are checked-in and are approved for all meals and activities. Once check-in is complete, your guide will take you to several check points including: the Health Lodge where all medical forms are to be handed to the Camp Medic for review, dining hall, troop photo, program areas, and campsite location. We ask that all troops wear their full field uniform for the troop photos as well as at all flag ceremonies. 4! ! ! Correspondence Before and During Camp CORRESPONDENCE PRIOR TO CAMP Calcasieu Area Council 304 Dr. Michael DeBakey Drive Lake Charles, LA 70601 Phone: 337-436-3376 Fax: 337-433-0758 CAMP MAILING ADDRESS (During Camp) Scout Name: _________________________ Troop Number: _______________________ 3419 Camp Edgewood Road DeQuincy, LA 70633 Phone: 337-786-2094 Fax: 337-786-9055 Please Note: The camp phone and fax numbers are provided for business and emergency use only. It is the only camp administration line to the property. Since Camp Edgewood is not equipped with a paging system, non-emergency messages will be delivered at the next dining opportunity. Transportation and Parking Included in your camp packet is a vehicle pass. Each Troop will be issued ONE pass in order to access your campsite to unload/load gear. Only one vehicle per Troop will be allowed into the campsite at a time and the vehicle pass must be displayed in the windshield. Trailers may be left in your campsite; however, ALL vehicles are to remain in the parking lot for the duration of camp. These precautions are for the safety of the scouts and must be followed while at camp. Visitors in Camp Registered scouters and immediate family members are always welcome at Camp Edgewood and we want to ensure that their stay is safe and enjoyable. Anyone wanting to volunteer will also be welcome. All visitors must check–in at the camp office to communicate their purpose and duration of their visit as well as receive their wrist band that must be worn while on camp. All visitors are required to depart camp by 9:30 p.m. unless specific arrangements have been made with the Camp Director. Upon departure, all guests must check-out at the camp office. If guests would like to stay for meal time, a meal ticket is required. The price for the meal ticket is $6 for adults and $3 for youth 10 and under. These policies and procedures are in place to ensure the safety of all persons in camp. Please assist us by following these procedures and communicating their importance to your visitors 5! ! ! Check-Out Procedure Check-out for winter camp is to be completed between 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday morning. We will do our best to have everything ready for you; however, if you are departing on Tuesday, we will not be able to have all class completion reports ready. Before departing camp, your guide, along with the Scoutmaster and Senior Patrol Leader, will inspect your campsite. Upon completion of the inspection, your Troop will receive a signed form from the guide clearing your Troop to proceed to the camp office. Once completed, proceed to the office where camp management personnel will be ready to receive your campsite inspection form. You will then receive your camp packets. Please glance through them to make sure you have all necessary documents (including medical forms) before you leave camp. Troop Pictures During orientation, troop pictures will be taken at the council ring and will be available at the camp office during Winter Camp free of charge. They will be given to you in a digital format. Please bring a flash drive or laptop for ease of transfer. Merit Badge Programs Most merit badges can be completed at camp; however, because of time requirements, special projects, or other considerations, some merit badges require prerequisites or a special skill level. Please note that some badges may require an offsite trip. Permission slips for those classes must be completed and signed by the parent before coming to camp. It is recommended that all Scouts bring a signed offsite permission slip with them to camp. Sometimes trips are added at the last minute or there may be a schedule change, and we would hate to see a scout miss out on a trip because he does not have a valid permission slip. Scout units are expected to provide at least one leader to teach a merit badge session. Without the leadership of dedicated volunteers, we cannot have a winter camp program. Please contact the camp director for any concerns. Please fill out the provided merit badge spreadsheet for all merit badge requests 6! ! ! Confirmation and Changes When registering for classes, remember, you are submitting a request. Due to limited class sizes, a scout may not be able to get every merit badge class he requests. If any changes need to be made, the scoutmaster will be notified as soon as possible in order for substitutions to occur. Once your troop’s schedule is finalized, a copy will be emailed to you. It is not mandatory for scouts to enroll in all 5 sessions. Younger scouts may get overwhelmed by taking too many merit badges and get discouraged to come back to camp. Brownsea Brownsea is Camp Edgewood’s first year camper program. Participants will learn basic scout skills and will fullfill several rank requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class and First Class. Order of the Arrow Purpose The purpose of the Order of the Arrow is fourfold: 1. To recognize those Scout campers who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives 2. To develop and maintain camping traditions and spirit 3. To promote scout camping 4. To crystallize the scout habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others 7! ! ! History The Order of the Arrow (OA) was founded by Dr. E. Urner Goodman and Carroll A. Edson in 1915 at the Treasure Island Camp of the Philadelphia Council, Boy Scouts of America. It became an official program experiment in 1922 and was approved as part of the scouting program in 1934. In 1948 the OA, recognized as the BSA's national brotherhood of honor campers, became an official part of the national camping program of the Boy Scouts of America. Today, the OA is recognized as Scouting's National Honor Society. Membership The OA has more than 181,000 members located in lodges affiliated with more than 285 BSA local councils. Eligibility To become a member, a youth must be a registered member of a Boy Scout troop or Venture Crew and hold First Class rank. The youth must have experienced 15 days and nights of camping during the two years before his election. The 15 days and nights must include one, but no more than one, long-term camp consisting of six consecutive days and five nights of resident camping, approved and under the auspices and standards of the Boy Scouts of America. The balance of the camping must be overnight, weekend, or other short-term camps. Scouts are elected to the OA by their fellow troop or venture crew members, following approval by the scoutmaster or venture crew advisor. Induction The induction ceremony, called the Ordeal, is conducted at scout camp and is the first step toward full membership. During the experience, candidates must undergo a series of challenges designed to test their courage and determination to uphold the ideals of scouting which the Order of the Arrow is based on. Brotherhood Membership After 10 months of service and fulfilling certain requirements, a member may take part in the Brotherhood ceremony, which places further emphasis on the ideals of scouting and the Order. Completion of this ceremony signifies full membership in the OA. Vigil Honor After two years of service as a Brotherhood member, and with the approval of the National Order of the Arrow Committee, a scout may be recognized with the Vigil Honor for outstanding service to scouting, his lodge, and the community. This honor is bestowed by special selection and is limited to one person for every 50 members registered with the lodge each year. 8! ! ! Lodges Each Order of the Arrow lodge is granted a charter from the National Council, BSA, upon annual application by the local council. The OA lodge helps the local council provide a quality scouting program through recognition of scouting spirit and performance, development of youth leadership and service, promotion of Scout camping and outdoor programs, and enhancement of membership tenure. Sections An Order of the Arrow section consists of lodges within a geographic area of the region. Our section consists of six lodges: Quelqueshoe, Atchafalaya, Sebooney Okasucca, Chilantakoba, Quinipissa, and Comanche, encompassing most of Louisiana and parts of Mississippi. Once every year, representatives of lodges in the section come together for an event called Conclave. Call Out Ceremony This year at Winter Camp, the Order of the Arrow Quelqueshoe Lodge 166 will be conducting a call-out ceremony at the closing campfire to recognize those scouts and scouters who have been elected to become members of the lodge. If you are in need of a unit election, call John Williams, our Lodge Chief, at (337) 479-0415 or email Training for Scoutmasters Some of the training opportunities include but may not be limited to: Climb on Safely, Trek Safely, Weather Hazards, Safe Swim Defense, Safety Afloat and Committee Challenge. If there is enough interest, we will hold a Red Cross CPR class. ALL adult leaders over 18 years of age must have completed Youth Protection Training and show proof of completion at check-in. Scout Leader Cook-off Extravaganza So, you think you’re the best dutch oven chef around? Well then we have the perfect competition for you! Join us in the Scoutmaster Dutch Oven Cook-off aka “The Edgemaster”. Judging will be in two categories: main dish and dessert. You may enter as many dishes as you would like. The only requirement is that the dish is cooked in a dutch oven over a cook fire or 9! ! ! coals. No stoves allowed! Winners will be announced and awarded at the closing campfire Tuesday night. Trading Post The trading post will be open and fully stocked during Winter Camp. Often overlooked items such as flashlights, batteries, insect repellent, along with an assortment of additional scouting items will be available for purchase. Shirts for Winter Camp will be offered on a pre-order basis only and are not included with the camp registration fee. Please use the Winter Camp Shirt PreOrder Form (page 24) to place orders for all shirts and caps. All orders are pre-pay only and nonrefundable and must be submitted to the council office by October 24, 2014. Family Night Come join your son for a delicious meal! You may arrive any time after 5:00 pm on Tuesday, November 25, 2014 and join your son for dinner. The cost is $6 for each adult guest; children under 10 eat free. All guests must report to the camp office upon arrival to check in and receive your appropriate wrist band. We request that all families, Scouts, and leaders stay for the closing campfire which is when special awards will be given to Scouts and Troops. Winter Camp Fees The Fee for Winter Camp 2014 is $125 per Scout. All fees must be paid in full by Friday, November 10, 2014. After November 10, 2014, the late fee is $150 per Scout. A Troop deposit of $100 with completed Troop Registration Form is required when the Troop registers for camp. Paying the troop deposit does not give you a reprieve from the final fees deadline. The $100 deposit is non-refundable, and counts toward the total registration fees for the troop. The camp fee covers the cost of program supplies, food, and camp operations. Refunds for no-shows will only be given with a written doctor’s excuse. The troop will be responsible for all scouts registered or reserved as of November 10th . However, the Council will withhold a $70 cancellation fee from each refund. All fees must be paid in full by November 10th, A Troop will not be allowed to access camp until all fees are paid and the account settled. Finally, all fees must be paid by the troop only, not individuals. A Few Helpful Hints for a Comfortable and Safe Camping Experience • • Wear closed-toed shoes Use insect repellents containing DEET or Permethrin • Carry a flashlight when walking at night • Shake out clothing and shoes before wearing them • Keep food out of tents ! 10! ! ! Information for Parents WHAT TO BRING TO CAMP Medical form (MANDATORY) Scout Uniform (shorts or long pants)* T-shirts Shorts, extra Socks and underwear Shoes (tennis and/or hiking) Poncho or rain gear Swim Trunks Blankets or Sleeping Bag Fishing Gear (Optional) Insect Repellent Pen and Paper Pocketknife Compass Scout Handbook Flashlight (with fresh batteries) Toilet kit (toothbrush, towel, soap, etc.) Spending Money for the Trading Post Merit Badge pamphlets WHAT NOT TO BRING TO CAMP Bikes Skateboards Sheath knives Butterfly knives Fireworks Pets (Except for Seeing Eye Dogs) Firearms Camp Edgewood policies do not permit the wear of camouflage clothing or open toe shoes. Radios, CD players, I-pods, I-pads, gaming devices, etc. are left to the discretion of individual Troops and Scoutmasters. No loud music will be permitted. *The official Scout uniform is suggested for wear at camp. Scouts and Leaders are expected to wear the complete Field Uniform for evening meals, campfires, and ceremonies. All other times, the Activity uniform is acceptable. Remember, this is the Boy Scouts of America. 11! ! ! Camp Edgewood 2014 Winter Camp Schedule Sat Sun Mon Reveille Tues Polar Bear Swim Reveille 6:30 Reveille Reveille 7:00 A Flag A Flag B flag B flag 7:15 A Breakfast A Breakfast B Breakfast B Breakfast A Assembly A Assembly 6:00 B Assembly 7:45 B Breakfast B Breakfast A Breakfast A Breakfast 8:00 SM Coffee SM Coffee SM Coffee SM Coffee 9:00-10:20 Session 1 Session 1 Session 1 Depart 10:30-11:50 Session 2 Session 2 Session 2 12:15 A lunch A Lunch B Lunch 12:45 2:00-3:20 B Lunch Sports Tournament Session 3 B Lunch Sports Tournament Session 3 A lunch Sports Tournament Session 3 3:30-4:50 Session 4 Session 4 Session 4 1:00-1:50 5:30 A Flag A Flag B Flag B Flag 5:45 A Supper A Supper B Supper B Supper B Assembly B Assembly A Assembly A Assembly 6:15 B supper B supper A Supper B Supper 7:00 SM/SPL Roundtable Chapel Service Twilight Activities Twilight Activities 8:00 Opening Campfire Session 5 (7:45-9:30) Session 5 (7:00-9:30) Closing Campfire Dutch Oven Cook-off 8:30 9:30 Reflections Reflections Reflections Reflections 10:00 Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out Lights Out 12! ! ! Wed *** Completion Reports will be available upon check out Wednesday morning**** Merit Badge Schedule Cit Com 1 Cit Nat Cit World 3 2 4 1 Cinematography Cannot complete req. 3 at camp 4 2 Personal Management 3 3 and 4 Astronomy Communications Cannot complete req. 2 and 3 at camp 5 Cannot complete req. 2 at camp 5 1 and 2 Game Design 5 Cannot complete req. 5 and 8 at camp 3 and 4 Theater 1 2 Brownsea 1 and 2 Personal fitness Environmental Science 1 and 2 Reptile and Amph 1 Electricity Must have a signed Off Site Permission Slip First Year Camper Program 3 and 4 Cannot complete req. 8 at camp 3 Cannot complete req. 8 at camp 2 4 Fingerprinting 5 Monday night only Fire Safety 5 Sunday night only Space Exploration 1 4 Disability Awareness 2 3 Chess 2 3 Programming 1 4 Pulp and Paper 5 Geocaching 2 4 Traffic Safety 3 First Aid 3 Emergency Preparedness 1 and 2 Orienteering 1 Wilderness Survival Camping 4 Cannot complete 2d at camp Cannot complete be completed at camp. 2 4 2 4 1 3 Pioneering Cannot be completed at camp 3 Weather 5 Welding 1 Auto Maint 1 Farm Mechanics Shotgun 2 3 1 4 3 2 Music 1 Must be 13 years of age. 3 2 Rifle Archery Req. 5 is a prerequisite- bring kit to camp. 2 4 3 5 13! ! ! Must bring your own instrument. Camp Edgewood Camp Staff Application Applicants for Camp Edgewood Staff should be at least 14 years of age. Please complete this application and return it to the Calcasieu Area Council. Camp Staff Members will wear the official Boy Scout Uniform during camp. Must be turned in to Scout Service Center by October 17, 2014. Personal Information Name __________________________________________ Address _____________________________________ _________________________ Home Phone ________________________ City State Zip Cell Phone ___________________________ E-mail Address ___________________________________ Emergency Contact ______________________ Emergency Phone ______________________ Age as of 11/22/2014 _____________ Date of Birth _________________ T-shirt Size _______ Scouting Experience Council _____________________ Unit # _____________ Position ____________________ Were you a Cub Scout? _______________ Highest Rank ___________________________ Are/Were you a Boy Scout? ________________ OA Member? _____Level? ________ Highest Rank ___________________________ NYLT Training? _______________________________ Winter Camp Experience Camper Years ________________ Where? ______________________________________ Staff Years __________________ Positions Held _________________________________ Please list any other Training, Awards, or Scouting Experiences: (National Camp School, Wood badge, etc.) _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 14! ! ! Education School _________________________ City & State ____________________GPA ________ School _________________________ City & State _____________________ GPA ________ Work Experience/ References Employer Position Dates Supervisor Phone # _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Winter Camp Staff Positions (positions subject to change) Shooting Sports Director** Rifle & Shotgun Instructor Camp Commissioner Archery Instructor ** Dining Hall Steward Kitchen Staff Trading Post Manager + Outdoor Skills Instructor Nature Instructor Trading Post Staff Handicraft Instructor Brownsea Instructor * must be age 21 or older + must be age 18 or older ** must be BSA National Camp School Certified Desired Position: First: ______________ Second: _______________ Third: _____________ What do you like best about Winter Camp? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ (continued on next page) 15! ! ! Why do you want to work on the Camp Edgewood Staff? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ In making application, I understand camp employment is for the entire term of Winter Camp (November 22-26. 2014) for which I have been hired. Staff assignments are on a conditional basis, management reserves the right to reassign or release staff. Permission is granted to contact all references and previous employers. __________________________ ______________________________ Applicant’s Signature Parent/Guardian Permission (if under age 18) _________________________ Scoutmaster / Crew Advisor Approval ** Applications without Scoutmaster signature will not be considered for Staff Positions** Direct Questions / Comments to: Camp Director at Kevin McMurrian ( 337-436-3376 Please submit applications to: Camp Edgewood Winter Camp Staff, 304 Dr. Michael DeBakey Drive, Lake Charles, LA 70601 or fax to 337-433-0758 by October 17, 2014. You may also scan and email to 16! ! ! Camp Edgewood Winter Camp 2014 Troop Registration Form (2 pages to complete) Troop ________ Council _______________________ Contact Person ______________________ Position in Troop _______________ Phone: _________________ E-mail: ___________________________________ Does your unit require electricity for medical purposes? ___________ Does your unit require campsite 14 due to physical limitations? ___________ Our troop will adopt provisional scouts if needed Yes No (please circle) Scoutmaster Camp Leader / Alt. Contact Name ________________________ _________________________ Address ________________________ _________________________ City, St., Zip ________________________ _________________________ Phone ________________________ _________________________ E-mail ________________________ _________________________ (continued on next page) 17! ! ! Camp Fees Estimated # of Scouts ______ x $125 = __________ Estimated # of Scouts ______ x $150 = __________ Adult Leaders (no charge) ______ x $0 = __________ Estimated # of Additional Adults ______x $75 = __________ = __________ (to be paid in full by November 10, 2014) (After November 10, 2014, late fee will be assessed.) (2 free with troop registration) Total Camp Fees Owed by Troop Deposit Paid _________ _________ = __________ Payment _________ = __________ _________ = __________ date paid _________ date paid Additional Payment _________ (if needed) date paid amount paid amount paid amount paid Email (, Deliver, or Fax this form to Calcasieu Area Council Office, 304 Dr. Michael DeBakey Drive, Lake Charles, LA 70601 Fax: 337-433-0758 Phone: 337-436-3376 18! ! ! Provisional Scout Registration for Winter Camp 2014 THIS FORM IS FOR SCOUTS WHO ARE ATTENDING CAMP WITHOUT THEIR TROOP. SCOUTS WILL BE “ADOPTED” BY ANOTHER TROOP, AND WILL BE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF THE ADOPTING TROOP. Scout’s Name ______________________________ Nickname __________________ Troop ___________________ Council ____________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________ City _____________________________ State ___________ Zip ______________ Phone _______________________ E-mail ______________________________________________________________ Activity Sessions Session 1: ________________________ Session 2 :________________________ Session 3: ________________________ Session 4: ________________________ Session 5: ________________________ The registration fee is $125 per Scout due by November 10, 2014. After November 10, 2014, the late registration fee is $150 per Scout. Scouts must have Health and Medical Record and offsite permission slip. PLEASE SEND OR DELIVER THIS FORM TO: CALCASIEU AREA COUNCIL, 304 DR. MICHAEL DEBAKEY DRIVE, LAKE CHARLES, LA 70601 OR FAX TO 337.433.0758 19! ! ! Calcasieu Area Council Campership Application The purpose of the Campership Program is to make Winter Camp available to deserving Scouts who would not otherwise afford the attendance fees. Care is exercised to make sure that only Scouts who need and deserve such help shall be aided. Details of the application are confidential. In keeping with the ninth point of the Scout Law, “A Scout is Thrifty” all Scouts who receive a Campership are required to earn or provide part of the fee. Submit no later than October 24, 2014 for Winter Camp to: Calcasieu Area Council- BSA Camperships, 304 Dr. Michael DeBakey Drive, Lake Charles, LA 70601 or please fax to 337-433-0758. Name: _______________________________ Unit: __________ District:__________________ Address: ______________________________ City: ____________ State: _____ Zip: _______ Phone: _________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________ Age: ______________ Date: ________________ Reason for Request of Campership: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Unit Participation in Friends of Scouting: Yes or No Youth Participation in Popcorn Sales: Yes or No Council Camp Fee: $ __________ Chartered Partner will pay: $ ______________ Unit will pay: $ ____________ Campership Requested: $ ________________ Scoutmaster’s Name: ____________________________________ Phone: _________________ Scoutmaster’s Signature: _________________________________ Date:___________________ Parent or Guardian’s Name:_______________________________ Phone: _________________ Parent or Guardian’s Signature: ___________________________ Date: ___________________ A Campership in the amount of $________ has been granted and credited to your unit camp fee. 20! ! ! ! ! 21! Last Name Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Phone2:_________!Email:_________________! Email!to!! First Name & Rank !Troop!_______!!Council!_______!!!Contact!Person:_________________! Phone!1:__________! Activity!Session!(Merit!Badge)!Registration!Form! Scout’s Name: _____________________ Troop Number: ____________________ Camp Edgewood Calcasieu Area Council, BSA Winter Camp 2014 Offsite Merit Badge Permission Form I give permission for my son, __________________, to attend an Offsite Merit Badge Class while he is attending Winter Camp at Camp Edgewood with his Troop. I understand that my son will be traveling in the personal vehicle of a volunteer leader from Camp Edgewood, who may or may not be a leader within my son’s Troop. Two deep leadership will be established at all times. In case of emergency, I may be reached by calling _________________. (phone number) In the event that I cannot be reached, an alternate contact would be __________________________________ at _____________________. (name) (phone number) Parent Signature______________________________ Date__________ Parent Name (print)_________________________________ Scoutmaster’s Signature________________________ Date__________ 22! ! ! Merit Badge Instructor Commitment Form Winter Camp 2014 Winter Camp Instructors are Adults and older Youth from each Troop. Please list the Instructors from your Troop and the Merit Badges they are qualified to teach. The Camp Director and Council Merit Badge Registrar will assign the Instructors to each session. Please complete and email ( or fax to Calcasieu Area Council at 337-433-0758. Name__________________________________________ Troop _____ E-mail_________________________________________ Phone___________________________ Merit Badges Qualified to Teach __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 23! ! ! " " ! Trading"Post"Order"Form" Troop:!_____________!!!!Contact!Person:!_______________! Phone:!___________!!!!!EAmail:!_______________________! ! This!form!is!for!all!shirts!and!hats,!including!shirts!for!Campers.!! All!Trading!Post!PreAorders!must!be!submitted!by!October"24,"2014! Limited!quantities!will!be!available!for!purchase!during!camp,!at!a!cost!of!$20!each.! Fax!to!337A433A0758!or!email!! ! ! !! Quantity! Size! Price! Total!Price! Youth!Medium! $12!! !! !! Youth!Large! $12!! !! !! Adult!Small! $12!! !! !! Adult!Medium! $12!! !! !! Adult!Large! $12!! !! !! Adult!XL! $12!! !! !! Adult!2x! $15!! !! !! Adult!3x! $15!! !! !! Adult!4x! $15!! !! !! !! Embroidered!Baseball!Cap! $10!! !! !! !! Winter!Camp!2014!Shirts! !! Total!Cost! 24! ! ! $! 25! ! ! 26! ! !
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