A Dynamic, Welcoming, Faith Community Committed To Inspiring & prayerful worship · Quality, lifelong, religious education for everyone In the spirit of our Patron, loving service to those in need 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday: 8:15 am, 5:00 pm Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:45 am, 5:00 pm Weekdays: 6:45 am and 8:15 am (Monday - Friday) RECONCILIATION: Saturdays 3:30-4:30 pm Sundays 10:00-10:30 am PRIESTS: Rev. Daniel J. Kampschneider Pastor Rev. Kevin Joyce Associate Pastor October 18 & 19, 2014 The Church celebrates the Beatification of Pope Paul VI on October 19, 2014 in Rome as Blessed Paul VI. 2 St. Vincent de Paul Parish PARISH NEWS Monday, October 20 6:45 am † Buzz Tuttle 8:15 am † Samuel Woods Tuesday, October 21 6:45 am † Richard Formico 8:15 am † Emerson & Marie Eller (Grades K-4) Wednesday, October 22 6:45 am † Hub & Dorothy Campney 8:15 am Special intention—50th wedding anniversary of Dave & Marilyn Keller (Grades 5-8) Thursday, October 23 6:45 am † Theresia Horrum 8:15 am † Dr. Chuck Rush Friday, October 24 6:45 am † Betty Lou Pupkes 8:15 am † Mary Pichik Saturday, October 25 8:15 am Special intention for Julian Van Haute 5:00 pm † Gary Kohles Sunday, October 26 7:30 am † Ronald Chun 9:00 am † Norma Herbert 10:45 am † Dick Costanzo 5:00 pm Our Parish Family ANNUAL BLANKET DRIVE—Do you have any new or gently used blankets you would like to donate? You can drop off your donations this weekend in the gathering space of church. All blankets will be donated to Siena-Francis house in Omaha. POPCORN SALES ARE BACK! Cub Scout Pack 99 from St. Vincent de Paul is selling popcorn to support the pack again this year. If you are interested in purchasing popcorn, please contact a scout or Katie Zimmerman at katie.zman@gmail.com. Thank you for your support! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS PANCAKE BREAKFAST—The Knights of Columbus will host a pancake breakfast. THIS SUNDAY, October 19, after the 7:30, 9:00 and 10:45 am Masses. Please plan to join our parish community for a great meal and lots of fellowship. Addi- tional breakfasts are planned for Nov. 9, Dec. 7 and Jan. 25. Please mark your calendar. HOUR OF ADORATION— During October we celebrate the feast of St. Faustina. She wrote in her Diary that her mission to the Church and the world was to spend her life pleading for mercy for the world. Commemorate St. Faustina’s life and devotion to The Divine Mercy in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament by joining us THIS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19TH at 3:00 pm for an Hour of Adoration in the Church. MEN'S CLUB MEETING—The October Men's Club meeting will be held on Monday, October 20th starting at 8:00 p.m. at Ragazzi’s Pizza, 15475 Ruggles St. Our mission is to raise funds to support SVdP athletics, provide an opportunity for social networking for the men of the parish and to provide charitable outreach for needy youth organizations within the Omaha Archdiocese. For more information on the club, please email Greg Johnson at greg.johnson@travelexinsurance.com. Expected speaker for October is Darian DeVries, Creighton Men’s Assistant Basketball Coach. All are invited to ABIDE a special hour of Eucharistic Adoration next Sunday, October 26th at 7:00 pm with Praise and Worship music, a teaching from Fr. Kevin, and time for personal prayer. Let us come and open ourselves to God’s graces which flow from the Eucharist! NEW PARISHIONER ORIENTATION—If you have recently joined the parish, you are invited to complete the registration process by attending a brief orientation, a guided tour of our beautiful worship space followed by fellowship and refreshments. Join us on Sunday, October 26 from 11:45 to 12:45 pm in the Family Room which is located next to the gathering space of Church. We look forward to meeting you! ADULT TEAM MEMBERS NEEDED—Children’s Liturgy of the Word is available during the 9:00 am and 10:45 am Masses on Sunday. We are in need of additional team members at the 9:00 am Mass to lead the children from church to our Lady’s Chapel for a discussion of the readings of the day in age appropriate language. Would you like more information about this? Contact Vicki Smith, smithv@svdpomaha.org or at 402-493-1642. Thank you! ONE CAN HELP—This weekend (and every third weekend of each month) we collect food for the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Juan Diego, and Heart Ministry Food Pantries. If you forgot to bring your bag to Mass, you can drop it off in the donation box inside the church doors during the week or make a monetary donation using the envelopes located on the side of the wooden donation box. Thank you very much for all who participate in this very worthwhile program. October 18 & 19, 2014 A MESSAGE FROM THE PASTOR Praying with others at Saturday evening or Sunday Mass is the highlight of our week. We are honoring the Lord by keeping the Lord’s Day holy (Third Commandment) by our attendance at Mass. Worshipping at Sunday Mass is a gift and a blessing from God. We join others of the parish family to honor God in prayer and song. If you are new to the parish or have been attending for years, we hope to make your worship experience as prayerful as possible. Worshipping at Sunday Mass is an obligation for Catholics. To intentionally miss Sunday Mass is considered seriously wrong. Understandably, if a person must work during the times of Mass, that is not seriously wrong. If someone travels and makes a serious effort to attend Mass, but is unable to do so, that is not seriously wrong. If a person intentionally misses Mass, they should come to the Sacrament of Reconciliation to confess this serious sin and express the desire to attend Sunday Mass as regularly as possible in the future. When we come to Sunday Mass, we dress accordingly for the Lord. There is a phrase to wear our Sunday best which means we dress up for church. Sunday Mass is the most important special activity of our week. There may be occasional times when some people are not able to dress up due to an activity before or after Mass. We should try to dress up regularly as it reflects our appreciation for the importance of the Sunday Mass. We welcome young parents with children to our church. I always enjoy seeing parents come in with their little children. I am grateful for the extra effort in getting them ready for Sunday Mass. It is not easy! We want to help parents by providing little book bags for young children through preschool ages. These bags can be found on the side of the gathering space by the Family Room. There are religious books and other books which can help children keep their attention during Mass. PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Parish Office Phone: 402.496.7988 Priest House (Rectory): 402.498.8425 PRIESTS: Rev. Daniel J. Kampschneider Pastor Rev. Kevin J. Joyce Associate Pastor DEACONS & WIVES: Deacon Bill and Virginia Barnes Deacon Richard and Janet Jizba Deacon Jay and Mary Ann Reilly PARISH STAFF: Wendy Everson, Pastoral Minister Mike Poulin, Pastoral Minister Kathy Mayer, Director of Worship Bob Verkuilen, Development Director Deacon Bob McClellan—Director of Operations Deacon Don Clausen—IT Director SCHOOL: Dr. Barbara Marchese, Principal Phone: 492-2111 Web: www.svdp-school.org We want to assist parents with infant or young children when it is difficult for them to stay quiet in church. We invite parents to bring them to the Family Room where they can watch the Mass on the large screen. If a child is crying loudly in church, we appreciate the parents taking them out of church for a brief time in the gathering space or in the Family Room. When they have quieted down, parents are welcome to bring their children back into the church. RELIGIOUS FORMATION: Vicki Smith, Director Religious Education Mike Poulin, Dir. Adult Formation Steve Nespor, Dir. Youth Ministry Phone: 402.493.1642 One of the gifts of worshipping at Sunday Mass is finding a place of silence for personal prayer. We try to maintain a spirit of silence with no talking before Mass so people can enter more deeply into the celebration of the Mass. Once the closing song is over, people are welcome to visit with each other as they leave the church. I am grateful how we help each other with a respect for silence before Mass begins and visit with those around us after the closing song. BULLETIN DEADLINE: Bulletin Editor: Kathy Wilhelm Articles due by Monday 12:00 Noon E-mail: wilhelmk@svdpomaha.org Fr. Dan Kampschneider kampd@svdpomaha.org PARISH MEMORIAL MASS – Tuesday, November 4th at 6:00 pm in the church. Have you experienced the death of a loved one in the past year? Are you grieving the loss of someone special who died years ago? Gather with others and pray for a deceased love one. Each year, around the time of All Souls Day, it is part of the tradition of St. Vincent Parish to have a Memorial Mass. This will be a special time to celebrate a Memorial Mass together and remember dear family members and friends. A dessert reception in the St. Vincent Room will follow Mass. Everyone is welcome! PASTORAL COUNCIL: Adam White, President arwhitejd@gmail.com BAPTISMS: Contact the Parish Office at 402.496.7988. MARRIAGE: Contact Parish Office at least 6 months in advance; at least 3 months registration required before setting date. 4 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH NEWS PARISH NEWS SILVER & GOLDS—Want to meet others parishioners and have some time during the day? Join us for fun on Tuesday, October 28th for the Annual Halloween Party with entertainment by KIRK ESTEE (Laughter is good for the Soul!) Noon to 2:00 pm in the St. Vincent Room. Costumes are encouraged (but optional) and prizes to win!! Lunch will be catered - $10/person. RSVP by: Monday, October 20th to Wendy in the parish office at 402.496.7988 x.239 or eversonw@svdpomaha.org. Sponsored by Silver & Golds—Aging with Grace! This event includes everyone in their 60+ years! MONTHLY CAREGIVER GATHERING—Wednesday, October 29th from Noon to 1:30 pm in the Family Room. Join other caregivers for fellowship, prayer and share ideas in caregiving. Each person brings a dish to share for lunch. Please RSVP by to Wendy at the parish office 402.496.7988 x.239 or eversonw@svdpomaha.org or if you have not attended a gathering before and have questions. TRAVELING MONSTRANCE BLESSED BY SAINT JOHN PAUL II—Our parish has the privilege to bring this monstrance, which displays a large Communion host, to Our Lady Chapel on SAT., NOVEMBER 1. It will display the Blessed Sacrament from 3:30-5:00 pm and again after 5:00 Mass from 6:00—7:00 with a rosary at 6:20 pm and Benediction at 7:00 pm. We will pray before this special monstrance for an increase of religious vocations for ordained ministry and consecrated life. This monstrance was blessed by Saint John Paul II and designated for use in North America. It has travelled over 140,000 miles and visited almost 100 different cities. Come and pray before this special monstrance holding the Eucharistic Lord before or after the 5:00 pm Mass. 2014 CHRISTMAS GIVING PROGRAM—It’s time again to sponsor families for Christmas. Sign-up begins the first weekend of November. This year we are sponsoring 50 families from two shelters and 65 Veterans. You may sponsor a family or individuals for toys, clothes and/or food. The giving guidelines will remain the same as last year and will be published in an upcoming bulletin. This is a wonderful way to get the whole family involved in the true meaning of Christmas. Sign up the weekends of November 1/2 and 8/9 after all Masses. HOW WILL THE IGNITE THE FAITH CAMPAIGN BENEFIT YOUTH MINISTRY PROGRAMS? Each of us is formed in the faith at a different time in our lives. For most of us, it was when we were children, adolescents, or as young adults. We want to be sure that faith programs are available and applicable to today’s young people beyond the walls of our schools. Our campaign to Ignite the Faith will make sure that the spiritual flame is ablaze for the next generation of Jesus’ disciples and why $200,000 from the campaign will go to support our parish youth ministry programs. The archdiocese will partner with parishes to provide assistance for youth apostolates, such as YDisciple. Funds from the campaign can be used to launch new programs or enhance the existing offerings at parishes. To date, our parish has raised, $1,500,644 toward our goal of $2,513,892 or 60% with 327 gifts. Remember, 10% of what we raise is coming back to us for our parish needs! Please continue your prayers and pledges to assist us in this important work to pass on the faith to our kids and form the next generation of Catholic leaders 5 October 18 & 19, 2014 PRAYER FOR PRIESTS RELIGIOUS FORMATION—SUNDAY SCHOOL THROUGH GRADE 8 Dear Lord, we pray that the Blessed Mother wrap her mantle around your priests and through her intercession strengthen them for their ministry. We pray that Mary will guide your priests to follow her own words, “Do whatever He tells you” (Jn 2:5). SACRAMENTS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29: 7th grade Confirmation Kick-Off for registered 7th graders and parent(s), 7:00 to 8:30 pm. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5: 2nd grade “Gift of Reconciliation” book due to teacher. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8: First reconciliation as assigned. YOUTH MINISTRY NO L.I.F.E. SENIOR HIGH YOUTH GROUP on Sunday, October 19 since we are taking a number of youth to the Archdiocesan High School Youth Rally. Next week is our Hayrack Ride and Bonfire night, so get your permission slips in by going to the youth pages of the parish website and downloading the forms. See below for details. May your priests have the heart of St. Joseph, Mary’s most chaste spouse. May the Blessed Mother’s own pierced heart inspire them to embrace all who suffer at the foot of the cross. May your priests be holy, filled with the fire of your love seeking nothing but your greater glory and the salvation of souls. Amen. CLUE! Sunday afternoon on NOVEMBER 9 at St. Robert Bellarmine from 2:00 to 5:00 pm. Come take part in solving the mystery. Youth are the detectives! A fast-paced, energetic afternoon of fun. Experience a new way to look at our faith! An event for 7th & 8th Graders in the Archdiocese of Omaha. Cost of $15 includes event t-shirt. Registration form on the website. Forms need to be turned in by October 20 to be able to get the event t-shirt. OUR HALLOWEEN COSTUME DRIVE ends this weekend. If you would like to help our Youth Group provide homeless and lower income children with smiles and positive memories this fall, drop off new or gently used costumes and accessories in the Youth Ministry Office. HALLOWEEN TREAT, a fun for the whole family event and a chance to get an extra use out of those Halloween costumes. Families are invited to come to Hanneman Hall any time between 1:00 and 2:30 pm (please note the slightly earlier time) on Sunday, October 26th for some safe, indoor trick or treating. Lots of fun activities for the little ones. SENIOR HIGH HAY RACK RIDE: Sunday, October 26th. Join us for some food and fun with friends after the sun sets. No registrations will be accepted the day of the event. Fee includes transportation, Hayrack Ride attraction, the Haunted House, Campfire complete with a hot dog roast, chips, drink, & marshmallows for roasting or turning into S’mores and more. Cost $35 – other details on the website. Check the Youth Ministry Pages on the parish www.svdpomaha.org hover over the Youth Ministry tab. website at Priesthood Sunday Website Priesthood Sunday— October 26th STILL HURTING AFTER AN ABORTION? God has forgiven you; but you can’t forgive yourself? Confidential, caring Rachel's Vineyard Retreat for post-abortion healing; women, men, and couples. November 7-9, near Omaha, $180 per person. Email helpingrachel@yahoo.com or call 402-253-9936 for more information. Scholarships are available. 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 6 PARISH NEWS ADULT MONEY COUNTERS ARE NEEDED to help the money counters with the Sunday giving envelopes. Adult volunteers are needed on Sundays from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Angela at garretta@svdpomaha.org or call 402-4967988, ext. 231. PRESCHOOL/PREKINDERGARTEN PARENT MEETING—There will be an informational meeting for all parents interested in sending their child to the 2-, 3-, 5day Preschool, for the 2015-16 school year, on Monday, October 20, at 6:30 p.m. in the school media center. Parents who already have children in the Preschool are always welcome but are not expected at this meeting. The material covered will be information you have already received. The registration process will begin on November 1. Registration papers will be available on-line at www.svdp-school.org. If you have any questions please contact Michele Madrigal (madrigalm@svdpomaha.org) or Dr. Marchese (marcheseb@svdpomaha.org). Hope to see you there! SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETER—An interpreter will be signing the 5:00 pm Mass on Sat., October 25th and Sat., Nov. 1st. Those in need of this service may sit in the 2nd pew of Section 7. As you come into church, Section 7 will be to your right. The section of pews closest to the piano is Section 8. Look for notices in the bulletin announcing future signing of the Mass as they are scheduled If you or someone you know would benefit from sign language (ASL) of the Mass, please let them know of this opportunity. If you have any further questions, please contact Kathy Mayer at mayerk@svdpomaha.org PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL THOSE WHO HAVE DIED, AND ESPECIALLY FOR: † Mary Rauth, sister of Fr. Phil Rauth † Francis Wilger, father of Sandy Wilger Gutsmiedl, grandfather of John and Claire † John Bendon, husband of Marion, father of John Bendon, Jr. † Earl Duignan, husband of Sharon May their souls and the souls of all the faithful receive the mercy of God. Amen. PARISH NEWS F AMILY GUILD AUTUMN BAKE SALE – OCTOBER 25TH AND 26TH in the school upper commons AFTER the 5:00 pm Saturday and after ALL Sunday morning Masses! Each parish family is asked to help by donating one or more baked homemade goodies for the sale and then come shop. Proceeds support our funeral lunches, student scholarships and much more! St. Clare Circle is hosting and for further information contact member, Donna Holmes at 402-492-8733. See the parish website at www.svdpomaha.org under Parish Group – Guilds for labeling and pricing information. Thank you! ST. FRANCES CABRINI PARISH SPAGHETTI DINNER—This Sunday, October 19th from Noon to 6:00 pm. Adults $9, Children $5. Enjoy our wine, cannoli homemade meatballs, sauce and Italian cookies. We’re making every effort to continue our school at All Saints, so this year our Spaghetti Dinner is more important than ever! Take out available. 10th & William. AGING WITH GRACE AND COURAGE "SWITCHING FROM FACE CREAM TO WRINKLE CREAM", Tuesday, October 21 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Knowles Mercy Center, Waterloo. Featuring Author Joy Johnson, this women’s retreat will help you take a look at facing life's challenges as you age with...grace, humor, courage, and confidence. Fee: $30 includes lunch. For more information or to register, call 402-359-4288 or email kmscenter@mercywmw.org. PRAYER AND BLESSING, October 24 – 26 at Saint Benedict Center, Schuyler. How can our prayer become deeper and more personal and our relationship with God more intimate? We will also explore opportunities for blessing others in daily life and practice it: loved ones, neighbors, even adversaries and enemies. Starts Friday at 7:30 p.m. Facilitated by Father Prior Mauritius Wilde, OSB, Ph.D. For more information, call (402) 352-8819 or visit www.StBenedictCenter.com October 18 & 19, 2014 CALENDAR OF EVENTS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 WORLD MISSION SUNDAY – 2ND COLLECTION BLANKET COLLECTION FOR SIENA FRANCIS SHELTER ONE CAN HELP GROCERY DONATION DROP OFF 8:00 am Pancake Breakfast—HH 9:00 am Sunday School—MC/K1/K2/K3 9:00 am Catechesis Good Shepherd—SR3/MR 10:00 am Reconciliation—CH 10:45 am Mass—Awesome Angels Choir—CH 12:15 pm Baptism Service—CH 1:00 pm Sports—MPR 3:00 pm Adoration—CH 6:00 pm Sr High LIFE—StV 6:00 pm Senior Server Training—CH/Sacristy 7:00 pm YA Bible Study—MC 8:00 pm Men’s Basketball—MPR MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 6:45 am Mass—LC 8:15 am Mass—CH 9:00 am Mothers-in-Fellowship—FR/HH 1:00 pm Crafters for Charity—StV/StL 3:10 pm Sanctuary—StV/FR/CR 5:00 pm Sports—MPR 5:30 pm Outreach Committee—StL 6:00 pm Cub Scouts—HHc 6:30 pm New Preschool Parent Meeting—MC 7:00 pm Women’s Bible Study—StL 7:00 pm Seeking Truth—StV 7:30 pm Boy Scouts—HHc TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 6:45 am Mass—LC 8:15 am Mass—CH (K-4) 7:15 am Women of the Well—FR 8:45 am Coffee Group—StL 3:00 pm Grade Coordinators Meeting—StL 5:00 pm Sports—MPR 6:30 pm Knights of Columbus—StV 6:30 pm Grade 6 Invention Convention—HH 7:00 pm Lord Teach Me to Pray—L 7:00 pm Finance—StL WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 6:45 am Mass—LC 8:15 am Mass—CH (5-8) 9:00 am Men’s Prayer Group—StL 3:15/4:00 pm Awesome Angels—CH 6:00 pm Catechist In-service—L/MR 7:00 pm Mini-Versity—FR 7:30 pm Adult Choir—CH THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 6:45 am Mass—LC 8:15 am Mass—CH 7:00 pm Women’s Bible Study—FR 7:00 pm RCIA—HHb 7:00 pm Scripture Series—StV FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 6:45 am Mass—LC 8:45 am Mass—CH 9:15 am Bible Timeline—StV 10:00 am St. Clare Circle—StL 6:00 pm Rehearsal—CH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 6:15 am That Many Is You—L 7:00 am Heavenly Dusters #2—CH 8:15 am Mass/Rosary—CH 10:00 am Rosary—FR 2:00 pm Wedding—CH/CR/FR/ StL 3:30 pm Reconciliation—CH 6:15 pm Baptism—CH GUILD BAKE SALE - UC 7b 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time SACRIFICIAL GIVING October 12 Giving by envelope ......................................... Giving by automatic withdrawal ........................ Online giving Total Sacrificial Giving ......................... $ $ $ $ 19,061 11,473 6,977 37,511 Children’s Collection ..................................... Miscellaneous ................................................... $ $ 208 553 Fiscal year 7/1/14-6/30/15 Year-to-date actual amount............................ Year-to-date budgeted amount ......................... Year-to-date negative variance ...................... $ 519,290 $ 559,920 $ (40,630) (Through September 30, 2014) SIMPLIFY YOUR SACRIFICIAL GIVING THROUGH THE ONLINE GIVING PROGRAM! It’s easy, plus our parish family benefits in many ways. If you would like to sign up, please contact Bob Verkuilen at verkuilenb@svdpomaha.org WORLD MISSION SUNDAY—2ND COLLECTION—This weekend, Oct. 18 & 19, our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions. Through the work of these churches, and their witness to Christ, the poor receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy. Thank you for your generosity! KEY TO ROOMS ON PARISH CALENDAR CH—Church, LC—Our Lady Chapel, FR—Family Room, CR—Conference Room (Bride’s Room), MC—Media Center, MPR—Multi-Purpose Room (Gym), HH—Hanneman Hall (Cafeteria), MR— Music Room, L—Faculty Lounge, UC—Upper Commons, LoC—Lower Commons, StV—St. Vincent Room, StL—St. Louise Room 8 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time PARISH NEWS PRIESTHOOD SUNDAY—Priesthood Sunday, the thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time, is on October 26th. It is a special day set aside to honor the priesthood in the United States. It is a day to reflect upon and affirm the role of the priesthood in the life of the Church as a central one. The lay faithful of all parishes in the country develop their own special way of marking the day and honoring their parish priests. Personal Message—If you would like to write a personal message to any of our former or present priests, please feel free to send them a card. Below are their current assignments and addresses. Rev. William D. L’Heureux St. Lawrence P.O. Box 332 Silver Creek, NE 68663 Rev. Francis Nigli 2005 Davis Drive Blair, NE 68008 Rev. Dennis Hanneman St. Mary Church 811 W. 23rd Ave Bellevue, NE 68005 Rev. Ralph O’Donnell Conception Seminary College P.O. Box 502 Conception, MO 64433 Rev. An Duy Phan St. Wenceslaus Church 743 E. 2nd Street Dodge, NE 68633 Rev. Patrick McLaughlin St. Francis Church 203 S. 5th P.O. Box 116 Humphrey, NE 68642 Rev. Joseph Broudou St. Rita of Cascia 6243 S. Fairfield Ave Chicago, IL 60629 Rev. Walter Jong-A-Kiem Rev. Daniel Kampschneider Mary Our Queen Church or 3535 S. 119th Street Rev. Kevin Joyce Omaha, NE 68144 St. Vincent de Paul Rev. Bernie Starman 14330 Eagle Run Drive Our Lady of Guadalupe Omaha, NE 68164 4930 S. 23rd St Omaha, NE 68107
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