21st Annual Nebraska ENA Conference Cost: $65 for ENA members $85 for non-members $25 for nursing students $35 for EMS providers ($10 fee for all cancellations) Please register by October 17th 21 ANNUAL NEBRASKA ENA CONFERENCE ST Name: _____________________________ ENA Member #:______________________ Job Title:____________________________ Address: ___________________________ City, State, Zip: _____________________ ___________________________________ Email Address:____________________________ Payment accepted by cash, check, or online via PayPal. For payments by check, make checks payable to: Nebraska ENA Send registrations by October 17, 2014 to: Kim Brandenburg 1916 15th St Columbus, NE 68601-5127 For payments by credit card via PayPal, please scan completed registration and email to Anna May at amaze610@yahoo.com or mail to above address. Make payment by clicking the PayPal link on: www.enanebraska.org. Questions?? Contact Anna May at amaze610@yahoo.com or (402) 670-9795 (call or text) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23RD, 2014 Mahoney State Park Ashland, NE CONFERENCE TOPICS - Pediatric Head Injury -Trauma Care and the Bariatric Patient -Understanding the Factors that Influence Rural Nursing Care - The Affordable Care Act and the ED Nurse - Street Drugs - ED Throughput: Developing a Hospital-wide Response Team PROGRAM GOALS: At the conclusion of the conference the participant should be able to: 1. List subtle signs and symptoms of pediatric head injury not found on radiologic exam. 2. Describe unique anatomical challenges presented by the bariatric patient who presents with traumatic injuries. 3. Discuss resources and limitations faced by rural nurses in caring for obstetric patients. 4. List some of the common and uncommon illegal substances on the streets of the Midwest in present day. 5. Identify challenges and opportunities in emergency care with respect to the Affordable Care Act. 6. Discuss process improvement and response to creating a capacity management plan to enhance ED throughput. AGENDA 0745-0800: Registration 0800-0805: Welcome Sue Deyke, MSN RN CEN, NE ENA State President Kody Moffatt, MD MS FAAP FACSM Emergency Department, Childrens Hospital and Medical Center, Omaha – Specializing in Pediatric Sports Medicine Kalyana Nandipati, MD General Surgeon, CHI Health, Omaha, Specializing in Abdominal and Bariatric Surgery Kandis McCafferty, PhD BA RN Creighton University College of Nursing, Omaha Kevin Donlan, High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Analyst, Omaha Metro Drug Task Force Stephene Moore, RN Regional Director, US Dept of Health and Human Services Keri Dillon, BSN RN CEN Core Coordinator, Emergency Department, Methodist Hospital, Omaha This program is designed for RN’s and other health care providers involved in the care of acute care patients. REGISTRATION 0810-0910: Pediatric Head Injury Dr. Kody Moffatt 0915-1015: Trauma Care and the Bariatric Patient Dr. Kalyana Nandipati 1015-1030: Break with Vendors and Basket Giveaway 1030-1130: Understanding the Factors that Influence Rural Nursing Care Kandis McCafferty, PhD BA RN 1130-1230: Lunch, Basket Give-away, Vendor Presentations 1230-1330: Street Drugs Kevin Donlan, OPD 1335-1435: Emergency Departments and the Affordable Care Act Stephene Moore 1435-1450: Break and Basket Giveaway SPEAKERS TARGET AUDIENCE 1450 -1550: ED Throughput: Developing a Hospitalwide Response Team Keri Dillon, BSN RN CEN 1600-1630: NE ENA Election Results, Updates from National ENA Office, Wrap Up Sue Deyke GIFT BASKETS In honor of the 21st Anniversary of the NE ENA Fall Conference, we’re continuing our long -standing tradition of gift basket giveaways. Please consider donating a basket for drawings at the conference. Registration fee includes breaks, lunch, handouts, health and wellness activities, and other amenities involved in making this a pleasant learning experience. LOCATION Mahoney State Park, Peter Kiewit Lodge, Nebraska Room. Mahoney State Park is located near Ashland, NE, just off I-80 at Exit 426. Emergency Phone Number: (402) 944-2523 Lodging available by calling: (402) 944-2523 CONTINUING EDUCATION This activity has been submitted to the Emergency Nurses Association for approval to award contact hours. The Emergency Nurses Association is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. PLANNING COMMITTEE Sue Deyke, MSN RN CEN – President, NE ENA Adam Bruhn, BSN RN CEN CPEN -- Secretary, NE ENA Kim Brandenburg, BSN RN CEN CPEN – Treasurer, NE ENA Anna May, MSN RN-BC CEN CPEN – President-elect, NE ENA Ashley Emmel, MSN RN Patty Peska, MSN APRN CPEN A Special Thanks to Our Corporate Sponsors – Marathon Pharmaceuticals, Johnson & Johnson, AirMethods, and Stryker Visit with our generous vendors and be entered in a drawing to win two tickets to the November 22nd NEMinnesota football game!!
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