Good News Brief Welcome our new Rector! The Rev. Shelly Fayette will celebrate and preach at the 8:00 & 10:00 AM church services. We are inviting the chapel congregation to join the Nave service today. October 19, 2014 WANTED! WANTED! WANTED! We are seriously understaffed in several key areas: ALTAR GUILD: We need at least 3 new Altar Guild members to cover the 8AM, 10AM and mid-week chapel service. These are the invisible hands that make our worship services possible. Many hands make light work! ACOLYTES are torchbearers and assist the priest during the service. Both adults and children are welcome to join our teams. No experience required. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS are chalice bearers and readers. Training and a license are required. Prayers for healing will be offered this Sunday after the 10:00 am service. Edie Burkhalter and Leslie Zeman will be at the prayer station in the south transcept. Adult Education is on hiatus at present. An announcement will be made when its ready to resume. Join us at Coffee Hour today to welcome Shelly & Aaron to Christ Church. Rector’s Aid Sale TODAY: Come see and buy our Husky & Seahawk items plus all our regular products. Start your holiday shopping early. Just remember our items are unique and our prices are the very best! Rector's Aid meets weekly on Wednesdays from 10:30 AM to 2:00 PM in Wilson Hall. Anyone interested in handwork/needlework projects is invited to join the group. Bring a brown bag lunch. Bring your travel & sample sized toiletries: The Christ Church Men's Group is asking parishioners to bring Razors, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Shampoo, Floss, Conditioner, Deodorant, Lotion and Socks to be made into hygiene kits at the men's group meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 21. They will be delivered to University Churches Emergency Fund for handout where needed. A box, marked for UCEF, is next to the food baskets at the entrance to the sanctuary. Thank you for your support!! AROUND THE PARISH Please contact the parish office if interested in any of these activities. Enjoy Compline at Christ Church on Wednesday evenings at 9:30 PM. All are welcome. UW Episcopal Campus Ministry meets Wednesdays with supper for students at 8:30 PM and a 9:30 PM Compline service open to all. The chaplain is The Rev. Rebecca Kirkpatrick, Canon for Faith Formation: 35 and Under. Rebecca can be reached at: or (206) 325-4200, x 2044. Website: Facebook: OPEN MIC NIGHT: the next scheduled Mic Night is Friday, November 7 at 8:00 PM. Come and enjoy! Those interested in performing or helping set up should call John Anderson at 360-631-1078. Suggested donation $5.00. Christ Episcopal Church 206-633-1611 4548 Brooklyn Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105 Email: Rector: The Rev. Shelly Fayette Email: >>>Transitions UPDATE FOR THE WEEK OF 12 OCTOBER to 19 OCTOBER 2014 Shelly's here! The transition team volunteers - Carlotta Han, Liz Osbourne, and Geneva and Sean Hudspeth will be working with Shelly and Aaron to help them settle into Seattle life and into the U District. The vestry will be working with Shelly to identify, over the next 3 months, 2-3 tasks we want to jointly accomplish over the next year. Please join us for Coffee Hour today to welcome Shelly and her wife, Aaron Scott, to the parish. And don't forget to RSVP for 1 November if you haven't already! WE'RE HAVING A PARTY!! In case you didn't know, we're having a party on Saturday, Nov. 1st, when Bishop Rickel comes to participate in our Celebration of New Ministry. The service starts at noon, the party follows and a good time will be had by all. In order to bring this off, we need help. We still need: people to help St. Faith's Guild with the potluck party, setup, cleanup, serve or just bring food! Please sign up with your intentions or contact the parish office. people to assist in the worship part: We need 1-2 more ushers, and some greeters to help answer questions or direct folk to parking, childcare, restrooms, the undercroft, etc. (information will be provided so you know what to say). Please sign up or contact the office. Sign up sheets are at the back of the church. Thanks to those who have already volunteered. Donations: General expenses of the day will be covered by the call process fund; however, all money in the plate that isn't explicitly designated (e.g. for a pledge) will be used to jumpstart Shelly's discretionary fund. If you want to specifically donate to Shelly’s discretionary fund, write the check to “Christ Episcopal Church” and note “discretionary fund” in the memo line. And if you are dropping off a check for any other purpose that day (e.g. pledge), be sure to note the purpose in the memo line. We are expecting an overflow crowd, so please RSVP at so we know how many to expect both in the Nave and at the party following. Thanks! The Parish said “Thank You” to the Rev. Sue Reid on her last Sunday, Oct. 12. One of our toddlers made a point of holding her hand during the service, and a lovely cake was provided at Coffee Hour. Sue Pilarski and crew gave Sue a colorful quilted hanging. Kudos to Work Party: The Ravenna Park clean-up team worked Sunday, Oct. 12, after church and Sue's farewell party in the same area of the park they have cleared before. Under the guidance of Ann Stevens from the Friends of Ravenna Park they cleared and opened up a space along a thoroughfare in the park. Three years ago a large group tackled a place where Himalayan blackberries and other large invasive weeds had usurped a space. Huge piles of debris mounded up after the work party. Last year a smaller group turned out to nip in the bud any remaining blackberries and invasives. This year Mary Lou Hatcher, Kathy Chamberlain, Owen Ewald, Gus Webster, and Joan Burton worked again on the same area. This time they could see some bare ground in places and vestiges of planted native plants, such as penstemon and geum, coming up. Gus brought down several dead trees to open up the space to more sun and light. Blackberries were dug up and seedling weed trees were uprooted. The work party was followed by a picnic on Ravenna Park tables consisting of cupcakes, cookies, sandwiches, and vegetables. Workers agreed the work party was fun and that they would like to come again. ~ Joan Burton Save the date! The Christmas Tea will be held on Saturday, December 13. Festive decorations, good company, entertainment and your favorite menu items are part of this annual tradition. Tickets are $15 each; sales will begin on Sunday, Nov. 9. Seating is limited, so reserve early for this popular event. AROUND THE DIOCESE & THE WORLD ST. PLACID PRIORY SPIRITUALITY CENTER October and November program offerings in Lacey, WA. Go to for details. The Two Theresas: Teresa of Avila and Therese of Lisieux October 25 Saturday 9:00AM-3:00PM Poetry: One Cell in the Body of God November 1 Saturday 9:00AM-3:00PM Songs of the Heart: Meditation and Sacred Music November 8 Saturday 9:00AM-3:00PM The Celtic Way of Prayer – in word and song November 15 Saturday 9:00AM-3:00PM Appreciative Living November 15 Saturday 9:15AM-3:00PM Traveling Light: Holding On and Letting Go November 22 Saturday 9:00AM-3:00PM Advent Retreat: Giving Birth to the God of Peace December 5-7 Friday 7:15PM-Sunday 1:00PM AROUND THE DISTRICT PARKING RATE CHANGES starting in November: East of Brooklyn NE street parking will increase to $2.50/hr. West of Brooklyn NE street parking will decrease to $1.00/hr. Street parking is free North of NE 50th, East of 15th NE, and West of Roosevelt. Details available at parking/paidparking_2014.htm Remote Area Medical coming to Seattle – October 23-26 Free dental, vision and medical care will be at Key Arena, Seattle Center. Remote Area Medical® (RAM), is partnering with more than 50 local health, human service and civic organizations from across the State to produce a free giant health clinic. This four-day volunteer-driven clinic will provide a full range of free care to underserved and vulnerable populations in the region. Please help spread the word and consider how you can help your clients and/ or community participate. Go here for more information: The life of Gordon Pollard was celebrated at a service at Christ Church on Saturday, Oct. 18. Sue Reid officiated. Gordon is survived by his parents, Frank & Judy Pollard, his sister Emily, his girlfriend Dawny Pack, and many other friends and family. Gordon grew up in Christ Church, so he will be missed by many. This Week at Christ Church: Oct. 19 - Oct. 26 TODAY, Sunday, October 19 8:00 AM Rite I Holy Eucharist, Church 10:00 AM Rite II Holy Eucharist, Church (Chapel congregation invited to Nave.) 10:00 AM Nursery, Church School, Lower Level 10:00 AM EPIC/Youth Forum, Lounge 11:30 AM Coffee Hour, Welcome Rector, Undercroft 5:00 PM UW Bridge Club, Wilson Hall Tuesday, October 21 6:30 PM Men’s Fellowship, Lounge 7:00 PM Vestry Meeting, Wilson Hall Wednesday, October 22 10:30 AM Rector's Aid, Wilson Hall 11:30 AM Holy Eucharist & Prayers for Healing, Chapel 8:30 PM UW Episcopal Campus Ministry, Wilson Hall 9:30 PM Compline, Church Thursday, October 23 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal, Church Sunday, October 26 8:00 AM Rite I Holy Eucharist, Church 10:00 AM Rite II Holy Eucharist, Church 10:00 AM 1928 Holy Communion, Chapel 10:00 AM Nursery, Church School, Lower Level 10:00 AM EPIC/Youth Forum, Lounge 11:30 AM Coffee Hour, Undercroft 5:00 PM UW Bridge Club, Wilson Hall Silent Auction begins at 3:30pm Dinner, Program and Live Auction at 5:00pm This is SHARE’s main fundraiser for the year and they are in need now, so your support is encouraged. RSVP for Nov. 1 Installation service and reception! Christ Episcopal Church 206-633-1611 4548 Brooklyn Avenue NE, Seattle, WA 98105 Email: Rector: The Rev. Shelly Fayette Email:
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