October 19, 2014 Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 22 Hackensack Ave, Weehawken, NJ 07086 201.863.6464 www.stlweehawken.com StLawrenceRCChurch Vision To share and foster the gospel values of worship, charity, justice and service. Pastoral Team Msgr Robert S MeyerAdministrator administrator@stlweehawken.com Geoffrey Scheer Office Manager officemanager@stlweehawken.com Claudia Pastrana Aguirre Director of Religious Education dre@stlweehawken.com Nancy Ballato McGrath Director of Music music@stlweehawken.com Adele Faulkner Front Desk frontdesk@stlweehawken.com John Charlesworth Beth Keating Trustees Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday — Sunday 9 AM —1 PM 3 PM —7 PM 9 AM — 1 PM 3 PM — 7 PM 9 AM — 1 PM Closed Parish Office Hours Sunday Masses Vigil (Saturday) 4:00 PM Sunday10.30 AM g 12 Noon Daily Liturgies Monday Communion Service 9.30 AM Tuesday Friday Mass 9.30 AM Other Daily Masses available in the Deanery: St Ann Monday — Friday 7 AM St Francis Monday — Friday 8 AM Ss Peter and Paul Tuesday —Friday 12.10 PM Our Lady of Grace Monday — Friday 12:30 PM Our Lady of Grace Monday — Thursday 7 PM Sacrament Of Reconciliation Saturday 3:30 PM sharp Devotions St Jude Novena Mondays at 7:30 PM Ministry For The Sick If you are aware of any parishioners who no longer can come to Church and would like to receive Communion and a visit from someone at our Parish please call the Parish Office. My dear parishioners: We continue to see more and more improvements at St Lawrence each day. The offices are fully moved into the parish center, the internet and phones are almost working properly and processes and procedures are becoming more normalized. I am grateful to Geoffrey Scheer, our Office Manager for his shepherding these processes. I met this week with parish trustees John Msgr Robert S Meyer Charlesworth and Beth Keating to review the Administrator parish budget submitted in July to the Archdiocese. This is an annual requirement of the Archdiocese and civil authorities. I appreciated their honesty, commitment and encouragement to me, and more importantly to our parish. St Lawrence is blessed to have them in our midst. In the very near future we will be calling for resumes for folks interested in serving on the parish Finance Council. Next week we will run in the bulletin the guidelines required and responsibilities to serve our parish in this important capacity. I hope that those who meet the criteria will consider applying. We have spent some time this week with lawyers, engineers, and marketing folks, to devise a prioritized plan to address our many physical plant needs, as well to consider ways of re-imaging our presence in the community. Although there is much to do, I am energized by the challenge. Finally, as we continue to move forward, I wanted to take a moment to address those negative voices who continue to "look backwards". As I mentioned the first weekend of my arrival, my mandate from Archbishop Myers is to reconfigure the parish so as to ensure its sustainability well into the future. Realigning the mass schedule, re-purposing staff, and re-energizing our public prayer will only be fruitful when, and if all parishioners work with me and work together to bring us back to our feet. In that spirit, respectfully, and in the name of Jesus I am counting on each of you. Many blessings! Fr Bob Sunday Readings First Reading: Isaiah 45:1, 4–6 Second Reading: 1 Thess 1:1–5 Gospel: Matthew 22:15–21 All parishioners and guests are welcome to join us every Sunday for our Coffee Social after the 10:30am and the 12noon Mass in the Parish Center main hall! —Mary Ward, Jessica Gaeta, John Devery, Coffee Social Committee members Prayer Intentions of the Holy Father for October General intention: Peace. That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most battered by war and violence. Missionary intention: World Mission Day. That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world. Weekday readings Monday St.Paul of the Cross Ephesians 2:1–10 / Luke 12:13–21 Tuesday Ephesians 2:12–22 / Luke 12:35–38 Wednesday Ephesians 3:2–12 / Luke 12:39–48 Thursday St John of Capistrano Ephesians 3:14–21 / Luke 12:49–53 Friday St Anthony Mary Claret Ephesians 4:1–6 / Luke 12:54–59 Saturday Ephesians 4:7–16 / Luke 13:1–9 This Week's Mass Intentions Sunday, October 19 10:30 am † Robert Lansing & Robert Cummings 12:00 pm † Maria Dunien Tuesday, October 21 9:30 am † Concetta Blancato Wednesday, October 22 9:30 am † Lena Introna We Need Lectors, Altar Servers and Eucharistic Ministers Get involved in the Liturgy by proclaiming the Word of God as a Lector, serving at the Altar or or helping with the distribution of the Blessed Sacrament as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion ("Eucharistic Minister"). Training and commissioning are required and will be provided. Please use a suggestion card or contact the Administrator by email if you'd like to get involved. Introducing The Legacy Fund of St Lawrence Church St Lawrence Music Ministry The music ministry will be forming an Adult Choir and invites new members who are willing to share their talent with the assembly. Prior singing experience is helpful, but not required. Rehearsals will begin on October 21st and be held each Tuesday evening from 7:00-9:00PM in the church. We will be gearing up for the Advent/Christmas season very soon, so please join us for some fellowship and joyous music-making. For more information about how to get involved with this important ministry, please contact Nancy McGrath at music@stlweehawken.com PARISHIONER TALKS “We Highly Recommend Serving St Lawrence!” Lou Scarpa, MA development@stlweehawken.com Last weekend, three wonderful parishioners Thursday, October 23 9:30 am † Pat Sullivan Your parish is an important part of spoke at masses about their commitment to your life. Make it an important part St Lawrence. Pat Bilka, Ann Ivory, and Jessica Gaeta shared their stories, inviting all to beof your legacy. Friday, October 24 9:30 am † Frank Sirio Saturday, October 25 4:00pm † Mary Pizutta To sustain the good work of St Lawrence, a Legacy Fund has been establish to provide funding for parish-specific projects such as repairs, improvements, the purchase of materials necessary to enhance our ministries. Mass intentions scheduled for cancelled Masses will be rescheduled. Sanctuary Lamp offered in memory of †Maria Dunlea. Altar Bread offered in memory of † Irene Cheplic. Altar Wine offered in memory of † Pat Sullivan. Mass Book Our 2014 Mass Book still has openings. If you are interested in reserving a Mass or the Altar Bread, Altar Wine and Sanctuary Light for your loved ones, please call the Rectory during office hours and ask for Adele or Michele. Thank you Senior Social Group Starting Monday, November 10th , the Senior Social Group will be meeting at 1:30pm in the Senior Citizen Nutrition Center located on 201 Highwood Avenue in Weehawken. We look forward to seeing you then! — Joe Fredericks, Senior Social Club president The St Lawrence Legacy Fund is a restricted fund, meaning that 100% of the contributions received directly support St Lawrence Church and are not subject to the 13% Archdiocesan assessment (tax). St Lawrence supports the ministries of the Archdiocese of Newark through our monthly assessment and the Archbishop's Annual Appeal. Please consider designating the Legacy Fund as the recipient of gifts along life’s path--in lieu of flowers at the passing of a loved one, a bequest in your will, in celebration of an anniversary, in thanksgiving to God for his love and goodness. Please let your family and friends know that St Lawrence is dear to your heart and that you wish the parish to be remembered through the Legacy Fund. Your generous gift will help assure the parish's well-being for future generations. For more information, please contact Father Bob or Louis Scarpa, stewardship coordinator at 201-659-2276 x306 or at development@ stlawrence@gmail.com. God bless you for remembering St Lawrence today. come engaged and supportive of the parish. Each speaker related how they were invited to participate in a ministry at the parish, accepted the invitation (at first reluctantly due to busy schedules, etc) which then, in Ann Ivory’s words, “created a deeper bond with the community.” In roles as catechists, Cornerstone coordinators, lectors and more, our three speakers also indicated how important it was for them to support St Lawrence financially. Pat, Ann and Jessica are just like all of us — each is given 24 hours in a day — and they encourage us to give back some of that time, talent and financial resources to God’s church. They assure us that it will be enriching for the parish and for the individual. Today, please think about how you can become involved--start with one area, perhaps being a lector every few weeks. Please ask yourself if you are meaningfully supporting the parish to the best of your ability. St Lawrence needs your time, talent, financial support and love. Please contact Lou Scarpa at development@ stlweehawken.com for more information. You have been invited! Please accept! Catholic Education Hoboken catholic Academy Open House This year’s open house will be held on Wednesday, October 22 at 10 AM until 12 PM and on Saturday, October 25 from 10AM until 12PM. HCA application forms will also be available at that time. For more information visit: www.hobokencatholic.org Notre Dame High School of Manhattan Open House Notre Dame High School of Manhattan will host its annual Open House on sunday, October 26 from 2.30 PM until 5 PM for 7th and 8th grade girls and their parents. Notre Dame is located at 327 West 13th Street, New York. For further information, please call 212620-5575. A Night with Archbishop Hebda Come join us for a night set aside just for the teens of our archdiocese to have the chance to meet, learn more about and talk with Archbishop Hebda —in a “Town Hall” style gathering! A night with Archbishop Hebda will be held two times in October and the event is free. The second time will be Thursday October 23rd, at St Theresa’s School Gym (540 Washington Ave, Kenilworth). For questions please contact : Rich Donovan @ 201998-0088 x 4150 or via email at donovari@ rcan.org Queen of Peace High School Important Dates Open House: Sunday, October 19, 2014 from 11 am – 2 pm and Monday, November 3, 2014 7 pm – 8:30 pm. COOP High School Entrance Exam: Friday November 7, 2014 If you need further information, please contact QPHS at: 201.998.8227 Ext: 32 ALL REUNION, St Augustine’s School On November 21st, 2014, St Augustine School, Union City, will be having an ALL REUNION. Visit your old alma mater, interact with former classmates and teachers and find out how you can contribute to the SAS Legacy. $25 includes appetizers and soft drinks. School tours will be given; Monies raised will go to the Sr Roberta O’Hea Scholarship Fund. Please send check to St Augustine’s School to reserve your spot. Last day to purchase tickets in November 14. Website Updates This week we added some pages about stewardship, spirituality and evangelization. Check them out from the left-side menu! For any assistance with our website, which continues to grow, please contact ITSupport@stlweehawken.com FAITH FORMATION Praying & Preparing Please pray for our children preparing for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. Next Sunday at our 10:30AM Family Mass they will sign their names to the parish book as a sign of commitment and preparation. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process that welcomes new members into the Catholic Church. This process is concerned with the total formation of the person into believing with the church community (doctrinal information) living with the church community (practical information) praying with the Church community (liturgical formation) and serving with the Church community (apostolic formation). This gradual development culminates in the Claudia Pastrana Aguirre Catechetical Coordinator dre@stlweehawken.com celebration of the Initiation Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. Are you or someone you know interested in learning more about the Catholic faith? Are you an Adult Catholic who has not received Baptism, First Eucharist and/or Confirmation, or do you know someone who is an Adult Catholic but has not received these sacraments and would like to begin the RCIA process, please have them contact me at the Parish Office for more information. COLLECTION The collection for October 11/12 was $3,049 or 61% of what we need to raise weekly. We appreciate your efforts to bring St Lawrence back on a UST raise sustainable financial path. arish M he p t t eek a h W ery w ev ollection C l a tu Ac $5,000 $3,049 FUNERAL HOME 2000 Kennedy Blvd. Union City, NJ 07087 (201) 863-1100 James Leber, Manager NJ Lic. No. 03599 DignityMemorial.com www.hudsoncountyroofing.com Clerici Funeral Home Dedicated to Service Domenick E. Angelosante / Manager, NJ Lic. No. 3106 Gino E. Clerici / Founder 1918-1996 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 42nd Street & Kennedy Boulevard, Union City (201) 863-7586 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal l mpanion a n o s Per ayer Co r u o Y Pr through 2030 Designed to be Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. 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