14 20 The Wellington School 3650 Reed Rd Columbus, OH 43220 Saturday, October 18, 2014 First Name Last Name ____________________________________ Address City/State/Zip School Grade Telephone # Date of Birth Email address USCF# Expiration Date Rating Please circle the section you would like to enter. Non-rated sections (players with more than 10 rated games are not eligible for these sections) K-3 non-rated 4-6 non-rated 7-12 non-rated Rated sections (these require a current USCF membership). Tournament organizers reserve the right to change sections based on the number of entrants. U500 U900 Open Players in rated sections must have USCF membership. New memberships and renewals will not be handled by tournament organizers. For renewal or new USCF memberships go to http://www.uschess.org Mail Online Fee $10 for all entries postmarked by 10/5/14, $15 after $10 for all entries Payment Make Checks Payable to: The Columbus Chess Academy Pay by credit card or debit card through Paypal Deadline All mail entries must be postmarked by 10/11/14 and received by 10/15/14 All online entries must be submitted by 10/15/14 Address Mail entries to: The Columbus Chess Academy c/o Andrew Quinlan 2290 Indianola Avenue Columbus, OH 43202 Please register for the event via the website: http://columbuschessacademy.org/fallclassic/ Total Amount Enclosed: $_________________________ 20 14 The Wellington School 3650 Reed Rd Columbus, OH 43220 Saturday: October 18, 2014 Sections: Note that all sections have grade level and rating requirements. Players with more than 10 rated games are not eligible for the non-rated sections. Players in the rated sections must be registered with http://www.uschess.org before the tournament. In unrated games, notation is not required and clocks are not required but may be used if both players agree. In rated games, notation is optional for grade K-3 players in U500/U900, but a player may lose the right to make claims requiring a score sheet; notation is required for all other rated players. Rated players are expected to bring their own clocks. Non-Rated sections will not use clocks unless it is agreed to by both players or if the tournament director places a clock on players in the last few minutes of a round. Sections Open U900 U500 K-3 non-rated 4-6 non-rated 7-12 non-rated Time Controls 4 rounds/ G/45, d/0 5 rounds/ G/30, d/0 5 rounds/ G/30, d/0 5 rounds/ G/30, d/0 5 rounds/ G/30, d/0 5 rounds/ G/30, d/0 Round 1 will begin at 9:00. All other rounds will begin as soon as possible after the completion of the previous round. Awards: Trophies will be given to the top 20% of each grade level. All other participants will receive medals. Entry Fee: $10 for all entries postmarked by October 5, $15 after October 5 and received by October 15. $10 for all online registrations [http://columbuschessacademy.org/fallclassic/] by October 15. Refunds for withdrawals with $5 administrative fee will be given if requested by 5:00 pm two days before the tournament. No refunds thereafter. Check in: Check-in is from 8:00 AM to 8:45 AM at the front desk upon entrance through front doors. No section changes after 8:30 and no on-site entries. Concessions: Food and drinks will be available for purchase. Directions: Wellington is located at the corner of Fishinger and Reed Roads in Upper Arlington in northwest Columbus. From SR-315: Exit at Ackerman Road. Take Ackerman Road West to Kenny Road. Turn right on Kenny Road and follow it to Fishinger Road. Turn left on Fishinger Road and follow it until you reach Reed Road. Turn right on Reed Road and Wellington will be on your right. Please park in the rear lot. Continue straight, past the tennis courts upon entering the school. Contact: Katherine Lin lin@wellington.org
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