ool PTA h c S e id Norths tter e l s w e N The Pelican From Mr. Mortillaro’s Desk... ber. Once again, the students will receive “Pelican Bills” as positive character is displayed. The chilI would like to take this time dren love to collect their “bills” to welcome back students and and shop at The Pelican’s Nestfamilies to Northside School! our school store! We hope that you had a wonAs you also know, Halloween is derful summer and were able around the corner! We look forto spend quality family time ward to our annual parade with your loved ones. (weather permitting) and hope to We are ready for another fun, see you there. You will receive a exciting, and demanding new memo regarding details and all year. The Northside staff has the information to make it a fun, been working diligently to adsafe day. just our teaching practices accordingly to provide the high- In closing, I would like to extend my gratitude to all on a very sucest quality education for our children. Please take the time cessful opening to the new school year. Northside School will conto work with your children. Look through their backpacks, tinue to create an atmosphere that fosters safety, happiness, and review the work that is and a comfort level that allows sent home. It is so important them to strive for excellence. for the children to see an imThank you for being such an importance placed on their eduportant part of that equation. cation. We thank you for the time you spend reinforcing what we do; and appreciate the With Warm Regards, excellent teacher/parent/ bond we have established as a Frank Mortillaro, Principal learning community . We will be kicking off our “Get -A-Voice” program during the month of October continuing to educate the students about the importance of character education. The character trait, Courage will be our focal point for the month of OctoDear Northside Families, Next PTA MEETING… October 21st at 10am in the Northside library. Looking forward to seeing you there! October, 2014 Inside this issue: PTA Presidents’ Message 2 GUESS WHO BABY? 3 Target/Stop & Shop A+ 4 PTA Membership Form 4 PTA Halloween Fun & PTA Fundraiser 5 THE NURSE KNOWS 6 BITS & PIECES 7 Letter of Thanks 8 The Children NEED YOU! 8 THE PELICAN’s NEST 9 PTA Crossword 10 LEADD 11 UPDATES & CALENDAR 11 MESSAGE FROM THE PTA CO-PRESIDENTS... Dear Northside Families, We would like to welcome back all the returning families and a big welcome to all the new families. Whether this is your first year at Northside, your last, or somewhere in the middle - we are committed to making it your best! Your PTA has been working throughout the summer to bring Northside students and families amazing programming and events to make memories that will last a lifetime. We are so fortunate to have a wonderful principal, staff and families all committed to the success, happiness and well-being of our children. Northside's PTA contributes to these efforts year round, by providing important events like Anti - Bullying Assemblies, Healthy Snack Day, PARP (Parents as Reading Partners), and Family Fun Events to name a few. All these events have been huge successes in the past, and promise to be great this year as well! Please remember to fill out and send in your membership form. Your participation is vital to the success of all our wonderful programs. Committee sign-up sheets will be available at our first PTA Meeting on Tuesday, September 23rd at 7:30 PM. We appreciate any time you are able to donate to PTA. Again, this is what makes our events such a huge success. The PTA welcomes you to attend our meetings to raise your concerns and contribute your ideas and talents to better our school. We have regular PTA meetings throughout Page 2 the year that alternate between mornings and evenings to accommodate as many schedules as possible. We look forward to seeing you there! Co-Presidents Kristine Ekberg & Krista Hill The following is a list of the 2013/14 PTA Executive Board Members and all of the committees for your review: willingness to give of themselves. The following is a list of committees: Standing Committees: Cultural Arts Council Budget Pelican Showcase Family Fun Elementary Curriculum Food Service Health & Safety Hospitality Legislation/Advocacy SEPTA Pelican Supply Cart Secondary Curriculum Historian Co-Presidents - Kristine Ekberg & Krista Hill Special Committees: 1st VP - Jennifer Lambert Audit Bake Sale Blood Drive 2nd VP - Susan Massoni Budget By Laws Giving Tree 3d VP - Debbie Yovino LEADD Gloria Bell PARP 4th VP’s - Tracy Alber & Allison Fleigner Pictures Tribune Recording - Elaine DeBono Secretary Corresponding - Dayna Ferreiro Secretary Treasurer - Jennifer Sampugnaro Delegates - Kathy Choy Heidi Finn Jeanette Badger Nominating Reflections Product Labels LSCS Inc. Holiday Boutique Honorary Life Student Council Spirit Wear HS Liaison Spring Boutique Staff Recognition Healthy Snack Middle School Liaison 5th Grade Activities 5th Grade Yearbook 5th Grade T-shirts Tina Adamo Debe Howe Shari Nocera Laura Miller ******************************* The PTA is always seeking volunteers interested in chairing/ volunteering for any of the many PTA committees. Volunteers are the life line of the PTA, and we are always looking for people with a If you are interested in participating in or chairing any of the aforementioned committees, please contact Jennifer Lambert at jenlambertpta@yahoo.com. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Northside PTA please feel free to contact our co-presidents at Northsidepta11756@gmail.com The Pelican I bet it is hard to imagine your teachers as children, but they were! Lets see if you can tell who these cute babies are. You see them every day. One of them might be your classroom teacher, your special subject teacher, your principal, your speech or reading teacher, office staff etc.. See how many “baby Northside staff” you can identify. When you are stumped, their names can be found on the Bits & Pieces page (7)! Thank you Mari Ganga for suggesting this fun idea for the Pelican! 9 GUESS WHO BABY? 18 19 10 12 11 2 20 1 13 4 3 21 14 15 16 5 6 8 7 October, 2014 22 1617 23 24 Page 3 Stop & Shop ‘A+’ and Target ‘Take Charge of Education’ Programs What better way is there to raise money for your children’s school than to shop for yourself and your family? Yes, that’s all there is to it! Shop as usual and Northside gets CASH! Target REDcard Customers: Go to target.com, click on REDcard and ‘Take Charge of Education’ to enroll your credit card. Choose school ID:76610 and Target will donate 1% of all your REDcard purchases. It's that simple! The total amount of money Northside has been awarded to date is $8508! There are currently only 46 cards registered, designating Northside for donation. Lets get those numbers up! Stop & Shop Customers: October 3, 2014 through March 19, 2015 Northside School will have the opportunity to earn cash through Stop & Shop A+ School Rewards Program. If you did not register last year, all you have to do is log on to www.stopandshop.com/aplus to register online using your Stop & Shop Card #. Northside School, ID# 08642 New this year: You will NOT have to reregister your Stop & Shop Card to support the same schools as last year. But, be sure to check back to verify your information! After you register your card, each shopping trip (from 10/3/14 – 3/19/15) at Stop & Shop using your Stop & Shop Card earns CASH for our school! Our school will receive a check at the end of the program. The money can be used for any of our school’s educational needs. Remember, even if you registered your card last year, you must reregister this year. Over the past two years your participation in the A+ Program has resulted in over $3,000 for Northside School. So register (or check your information) today and support Northside School! MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIPISISONLY ONLY$10 $10 PER PERSON PER PERSON Page 4 The Pelican Let the PTA FUN begin! What better day than Halloween to get the PTA fun started? This year the PTA will be organizing a school wide Halloween bash. After the parade, the students will enjoy a party in the gym, with activities and snacks. The whole school will attend the party, with each half of the student body attending one of the two party sessions. There will NOT be any class parties as a result. This PTA activity will replace the classroom parties this year. So be on the look out for more info about the Halloween festivities. Please know the class parents will coordinate ‘class by class’ snack donations (please be allergy aware). Don’t forget there is more FUN to come in the future. SLINGO Night and Snowball are just a couple of the GREAT PTA activities Family Fun will offer to the students and their families in the coming months. Remember, if you are interested in helping to make the FUN happen, just contact 1st VP Jennifer Lambert at jenlambertpta@yahoo.com. $$$ PTA FUNDRAISER $$$ Don’t forget to submit your Prestige/David’s Cookies & Cheesecake orders, ASAP! Purchases can be made online as well at: www.prestigefundraisinginc.com Remember… the more you sell, the more money the PTA receives! That money allows the Northside PTA to provide all the wonderful free or low cost activities and events to students and their families. Should you have any questions, or you are available to help distribute orders (dates to follow), please contact Debbie Yovino. Thank you for your continued support! NORTHSIDE BRINGS MUSIC TO YOUR EARS... We are looking forward to a musical year. The Chorus, Band, Orchestra and Ensemble will all start rehearsing in the month of October from 8:15 to 9:00 a.m. Band rehearsals will be on Mondays. Ensemble will be on Tuesdays. 3rd Grade Chorus will be on Wednesdays. 4th and 5th Grade Chorus will be on Thursdays, and Orchestra will be on Fridays. We are looking forward to a great year with our young music students. We will share many exciting upcoming events together. Mrs. Castillo and Mrs. McClancy Northside Parents Music Club The NPMC is excited about the start of another ‘melodic’ year! The NPMC is a non-profit, charitable organization dedicated to supporting music education at Northside. We rely on you, the parents, families and comPage 5 munity members, to join us in our effort to subsidize the Music Department at Northside and enhance the music education provided to EVERY student. At the most basic level you can do so by simply becoming a member. A family membership is just $8.00 and gives the Northside Parents Music Club some of the funds needed to purchase, and then donate to the music department, supplies needed that the department budget does not cover. In addition to membership, we engage in on-going fundraising efforts throughout the year. In the past 4 years, with your generous support, we have been able to donate items and sponsor events for the students valuing more than $12,000! We would like to continue to support Northside music education in this fashion, so BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! Co-Presidents Susan Massoni & Marie Reid “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” ― Plato Please send $8.00, your name, your child’s name/teacher’s name and an e-mail address to school in an envelope labeled Northside Parents Music Club TODAY! Any questions? Contact us at mariefreid@gmail.com The Pelican NORTHSIDE’S NURSE KNOWS! With a new school year underway and the changes of seasons upon us we find we also have to deal with a variety of colds, flu and other illnesses. While you don’t want your child to be absent, neither do you want to send a sick child to school and endanger him/her and the other children as well. The current recommendation from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) and the New York State Department of Health advise that children continue to attend school as long as they are not sick and do not have flu symptoms. Symptoms of flu to watch for are sore throat, bad cough or runny nose, body aches or chills, and fever. Here are a few guidelines you should follow. If you think your child is getting a virus, cold or the flu: It’s very important that he or she does not report to school or other places where he or she might make other people sick, such as after-school programs, group events or public places like stores or malls. Call your health care provider to talk about your child’s symptoms and history. Your health care provider will advise you if you need to bring your child in. It’s important to call first. Have a thermometer in the house and use it if you think your child has a fever. Do Not medicate your child with Tylenol or Motrin and send the child to school. With a temperature of 100 degrees or over, the child MUST stay home; returning to school only after one full day (24 HOURS) without fever and without using Tylenol or Motrin to keep the fever down. Vomiting and/or diarrhea are two symptoms that may indicate a viral infection and the child should be kept home until free of symptoms. Coughing, sneezing and runny noses can make learning very difficult. A bad cough, or cold symptoms can indicate allergies, a severe cold, bronchitis, flu or even pneumonia. With a diagnosis of Strep throat, the child must be on the medication a minimum of 24 hours, and then be fever free and feeling better. Please inform the nurse of any infectious disease such as Strep, Conjunctivitis, Fifth’s Disease, Chicken Pox or Lice. What should I do to help prevent the spread of cold or flu? Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it. Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way. Stay home if you get sick. CDC recommends that you stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them. When your child will be late or absent, please call the health office with the reason for his/her absence. The health office phone number is 516-434-7505 or 516-434-7506. Messages may be left on the answering machine 24 hrs. per day. Be sure to send an absent note to the teacher upon your child’s return to school. Physicals and dentals are due October 1, 2014 for grades K, 2 and 4 and all new students. Please get them to my office as soon as possible. Those children without a documented physical will be seen by the school doctor. I would also remind you that in order for the school nurse to give any medication (even over the counter medicine, i.e., Tylenol or cough drops) the medication must be in its original container or the prescription bottle with the child’s name on it and may only be transported to the school by an adult. Children are not permitted to bring any kind of medication to school. The medication must include a prescription for in school administration from the physician and written parental permission. The medication will remain in school for the duration the child requires it and/or the parent picks it up. We appreciate your cooperation and support as we all try to keep the school environment healthy and as germ free as possible. Cara Rutzel, RN School Nurse Page 6 The Pelican The Pelican is committ ed to being ‘GREEN’! Please look for the Pelican on the Le vittown Public School s Northside web site, as ALL future iss ues will ONLY be avail able there! to ally want tter. We re e sl isw n e N ca li A e ture P side PT the North to see in fu is e to n k t li ca n u li a e o w y P The ight t would ing they m you! Wha ave anyth h y hear from ht want to e ig th m if t the kids a studen e sk b A y a . Have any s? m e su elican… y enjoyed P e e th t th a in th t t even is issued read abou bout a PTA he Pelican a T ! le t w ic o rt n a k r. The nex let us write an school yea as? Pease r e e e id p th n s e e fu k , su a e 1st. M ling 6 is creativ December onth, tota t m t u r a o e b e a ri th r a o o ail M every on-line on er, just e-m be issued l newslett o o h issue will . sc s a e e d or id UR Northsi ny articles Pelican YO om with a .c il a m g @ mariefreid The Food Pantry a t Wisdom Lane Nee ds Your Help! Please br in g donatio ns of NON per good -PERISHAB s, cleanin LES (food g supplies, office at , patoiletries Wisdom ) to the m Lane Mid bins at 4 d ain le 0 Meande School, o r Lane or r t o la b e any ques led 276 Gard tions abo iners Ave ut how y .. Direct ou can h Nina Glen elp to: n, SW at 520-8370 . PTA the … s ll labe ill be co t c e w ing rodu ur p ommitte generat o y ct l c nd A! Colle t Labe els a l PT b o a c o l u h Sc Prod g those side h n i t t r lec r No $ fo NORTHSIDE BABY STAFF MEMBERS 1. Ms. Kirk 2. Mrs. Pappa 3. Mr. Lapp 4. Mrs. McClancy 5. Mrs. Rutzel 6. Mrs. Shuman 7. Mrs. Downing 8. Mrs. Hekimian 9. Mrs. Bamberger 10. Mrs. Higgens 11. Mr. Mortillaro 12. Mrs. Peters 13. Miss Cosentine 14. Mrs. Mongiello 15. Mrs. Meehan 16. Ms. Richuisa 17. Mrs. Nyquist 18. Ms. Ewald 19. Mrs. Unger 20. Mrs. Conrad 21. Ms. Capizzano 22. Mrs. Basile 23. Mrs. Alber 24. Ms. Kushner October, 2014 PTA ‘B I & PIE TS CES’ The Northside PTA is on Facebook… check it out and ”LIKE” us! Northside will be participating in the National PTA Reflections Art Program which encourages students to create works of art for fun and positive recognition in dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography and visual arts. Since 1969, the Reflections Program has been bringing families, schools and communities together in support of student success through the arts. This years theme is “The World Would Be A Better Place If…” The program will take place in November. Parents are urged to encourage their child to submit an entry. More details will be available on the Northside PTA Facebook page for more details. Levittown SEPTA (Special Education Parent Teacher Association) WHAT IS SEPTA? SEPTA - a PTA within a school district bringing together people interested in children with educational needs that cannot be met in the regular classroom setting. Organized to support, strengthen and promote a greater awareness of special education. Encourage and promote an understanding of students' needs, while striving to discover and implement ways of best meeting them. SEPTA MEMBERSHIP Your SEPTA membership of $8.00 per person helps to provide programming for parents and teachers. Help us help you and join today by filling out our membership form and return it to your child's teacher or mail it to: Levittown SEPTA, LMEC, 150 Abbey Lane, Levittown, NY 11756 Special Education Dept. - Membership Page 7 We love to hear from you! A letter to the PTA... At the end of the 2013/14 school year the Northside PTA received this letter. We wanted to share it… Dear Northside School PTA, I have been a parent at Northside since 2006. My son has since moved on to middle school and my daughter just completed the 3’d grade. Over the years I have read about various PTA functions and heard about them from my children. During the past 2 years I have had the good fortune to see more of the goings-on first hand. I saw all the hard working, dedicated members of the PTA, and the extent of their efforts to make each event/activity possible. I think I never really understood that the PTA is responsible for so much! Boutiques, Slingo, healthy snack, family movie night, P.A.R.P., Reflections, book fairs, LEADD, and of course all the special assemblies (Cultural Arts), are all provided by the PTA. These volunteer parents/family members, who donate their efforts, skills, creativity and often large amounts of time, do so to the benefit of ALL the students, not just their own children. So I am writing to thank you all! Thank you for making my children’s experience of elementary school better. Thank you for working so hard, often thanklessly, to make the school and my community better! Your efforts are often unsung, but know that I will always sing the Northside PTA’s praises! With Gratitude, S.A. YOUR CHILDREN NEED YOU! The key to the success of any PTA unit is, of course...its members! The Northside PTA is proud to have so many dedicated parents, guardians, grandparents, teachers, staff, etc. participate in our efforts to provide the students at Northside School with the best possible experience of elementary school. So now is the time to become a PTA member for the 2014/2015 school year! As it is any strong PTA unit’s goal to have a diverse membership, we would like to reach out to new kindergarten parents and parents unfamiliar with the Northside PTA. It is our hope that the entire Northside community: will be made aware of the PTA’s purpose and efforts, get to know each other, has questions answered, and feels comfortable enough to get involved in the future. In order for the PTA at Northside to grow and improve, new members are needed to participate in the PTA. In doing so they bring new ideas and energy to the unit, while learning PTA structure and procedures. In time, as more seasoned members move on with their children, the natural progression of the younger grade members taking on greater roles in the PTA can happen in an efficient manner. This keeps the PTA unit strong and ever evolving rather than “starting over” with each new group pf PTA leaders. So we are excited with each new school year to meet new people and watch them become a part of the PTA ‘culture’. This culture develops relationships between families, children, teachers/staff and parents, and makes our community stronger. This time in the lives of our children is so brief. Elementary school is the fastest 6 years of YOUR life! They enter Northside ’babies’, and leave pre-teens! Take full advantage of this time… the time when they are still genuinely excited to see you at school, on trips, and participating in events. Your involvement in the PTA on any level, allows for you to be a part of this… the best time in your child’s life… and your child will remember it as such… because of your participation in the Northside PTA! Page 8 The Pelican The pelican nest… Where good character is rewarded! The transformation in the 500 hallway is nothing short of remarkable! As if the character building program at Northside was not enough, now the students have this special place dedicated to their achievements! Mr. Mortillaro worked tirelessly to have this space renovated, resulting in the perfect space for the students to exchange their earned ‘Pelican Bills’. The gorgeous art work was completed this summer by the talented students of Levittown’s MacArthur HS Art Program. Who wouldn’t be excited by this colorful, spirited, Northside scene, greeting them as they so proudly select the rewards that they have earned? Each month the school features a different character trait which is presented to, discussed with, and encouraged in the students. ‘Family Reflection Night’ consists of the student, at home, engaging in a discussion about the featured character trait, then writing a description of someone they know who personifies the trait. The students are then asked to put into practice these character traits in their daily lives, at school and at home. October will feature “Courage”. When observed by their teachers and staff engaging in acts of good character, the stuOctober, 2014 dents’ behavior is rewarded with ‘Pelican Bills’. This Northside themed behavioral modification program, with Northside themed currency, allows the students the opportunity to periodically use their bills to “buy” prizes at the newly completed Pelican’s Nest store. As if this was not enough, the children have the option to delay their gratification and save their bills until they have enough for a larger more costly item in the store or plan for longer term savings. Some students save to be an assistant teacher for the day or to have lunch with the principal! So be sure to ask your children about their efforts to earn Pelican Bills and encourage them to be the best people they can be, in and out of school! Page 9 What The PTA Brings Your Way...Crossword Puzzle Can you figure out all the clues? All the clues are for PTA involved activities. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ACROSS DOWN 3 PTA reading program 1 Northside clothes 5 Levittown Educators Against Destructive Decisions 2 School government 6 Buy gifts for Christmas/Hanukkah/Quanza here 4 School mascot, and 7 A family fun night with raffles and games the name of this 8 A day yummy healthy foods are brought to class newsletter 9 Winter dance The following is the 14/15 school year schedule for the Northside School PTA meetings. Meetings are held in the school library. Please join us. Meetings are a great forum for discussions, information, and an exchange of ideas that bring a community together and make it better! October 21st at 10am November 18th at 10am January 13th at 10 am February 10th at 10am March 24th at 7:30pm April 28th at 7:30pm May 26th at 10am LEADD LEADD (Levittown Education Against Destructive Decisions) week starts on October 26th. Drug awareness education continues throug hout the year as an integral part of the health cur riculum. Teachers and students discuss hea lth issues, drug abuse and their right to be safe and say "NO". The PTA adorns trees and fences around the school with large red ribbons as cle ar declarations to the community that Northside is a drug free school. This will be the 17th annual LEADD Family Walk and Fair at Levittown Memoria l Education Center. CALENDAR of EVENTS 10/6 SEPTA Meeting 7:30 LMEC 11/20 PTA Council Meeting 7:30 LMEC 10/8 Regular BOE Meeting 7:30 LMEC 11/20 Parent/Teacher Conferences 10/13 Columbus Day 10/16 PTA Nassau Region Fall Conference 10/16 Picture Day 10/21 Northside PTA Meeting 10am 10/26 LEADD Walk 10:30am Fair 11am 10/27 SEPTA Meeting 10/31 NO SCHOOL 11/21 Parent/Teacher Conferences 1/2 DAY 7:30 LMEC HALLOWEEN 11/4 Election Day NO SCHOOL 11/11 Veterans Day NO SCHOOL 11/12 Regular BOE Meeting 11/14– 11/16 NO SCHOOL 7:30 LMEC NYS PTA Convention 11/17 SEPTA Meeting 7:30 LMEC 11/18 Northside PTA Meeting 10 am 11/19 BOE Planning Session 7:30 LMEC 11/27 Thanksgiving
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