TBSC BULLETIN Week 6 Friday 10th October, 2014

Week 6
Friday 10th October, 2014
TBSC Contact Details
Telephone: +58 (212) 266 2270/ 265 5870
Fax: +58 (212) 265 2141
Email: info@tbscaracas.com
Twitter: @tbscaracas
Facebook: TheBritishSchoolCaracas
In this week’s bulletin
Message from the Head
TBSC Quick News
Primary Section
Secondary Section
Upcoming Dates
Message from the Head
Language and the appropriate use of language is always an interesting and thought provoking subject. As we know, what is
acceptable in one culture may not be acceptable in another. However, the use of professional, appropriate language around
school is not a topic up for discussion. TBSC expects the highest standard of language and of a school-appropriate context.
We have launched a whole school initiative to ensure the language our students use is appropriate. Staff will be closely
monitoring students. TBSC has a zero tolerance policy on the use of inappropriate language around school. Parents will
be immediately contacted and informed if a student breaks the rule.
We will also be working with our students in order to ensure that they understand what is meant by ‘appropriate language’.
This includes educating them about the difference between ‘street’ talk and ‘school/professional’ talk. We will also ensure
that students understand what a zero tolerance policy actually means.
Please help us in this whole school initiative by talking and discussing this with your child.
Yasir Patel
A Cup of Tea with the Head
Dear Parents,
We would like to invite you to the first 'A Cup of Tea with the Head' gathering. This will take place on Wednesday 15th October
from 830am to 930am in our Staff Room.
This is an opportunity to discuss what is happening at TBSC in an informal environment. We encourage you to bring your thoughts
with you on what you feel is working, what can be improved and new initiatives that you feel can be introduced (for example, this
gathering is an idea from parents!). And of course, there will be tea to drink!
Please send an email to our Office Assistant, Carla Tacoa, ctacoa@tbscaracas.com to confirm your attendance.
We look forward to meeting you and chatting.
Yasir Patel
TBSC Quick News
Head of Primary search: Mr Patel and Mrs Felts will be in England from Friday 17th October to Wednesday 22nd October
interviewing candidates for the Head of Primary position.
Secondary Teacher-Librarian search: Mr Patel and Mrs Felts will also be interviewing for a Secondary Teacher-Librarian
whilst in London.
Board Training: Dr. David Wells trained our Board on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th October.
INSET: Teachers spent Friday 3rd October discussing assessment at TBSC. Saturday 4th October saw two consultants
come to school to train teachers on the use of technology inside classrooms.
Sharing Good Practice: Teachers taught teachers on Wednesday 8th October during our first Sharing Good Practice
session of the year.
Assembly: Year 5 produced a great assembly about Greece on Wednesday.
Wednesday football: Parents are invited to join us in a game of football on Wednesdays at 7pm.
Prefects: Secondary Prefects were announced in a great Secondary assembly.
Healthy Eating School
Today’s Key Stage 2 (Mileposts 2 and 3) assembly
looked at how we can continue to be a healthy
eating school. We looked at healthy options for
snack and lunch.
Mr. Dawson gave some great ideas on how we can
be energetic and healthy students.
Next week classes will be visited to check that our
students are eating healthily.
Please discuss this topic at home with your children.
Spanish Department
El próximo jueves 16 de octubre, el Departamento de Español de
Primaria estará presentando el taller “Aprendiendo a leer”, dirigido a los
padres y representantes de Y1. Hablaremos de los diferentes métodos
de enseñanza de la lectura, les mostraremos los recursos que
para llevar a cabo esta tarea, así como también,
compartiremos algunos consejos para trabajar en casa.
¡Los esperamos!
Lugar: Salón 74
Hora: 2:00 pm
Facilitadoras: Mariana Hernández y Dana Paz
“Amar la lectura es cambiar horas de aburrimiento
por horas de agradable y deliciosa compañía”
(John F. Kennedy)
Early Years (Milepost Foundation)
Kinder’s current topic is ´Families and
Friends´. The children have been busy
exploring ideas around families and friends.
They have thought about, talked about and
made books about their families. This week
the children in KJ made family trees - each
child’s own family as well as their class family.
KS has been introduced to the Robinson
Family - Mum, Dad, Kipper, Biff, Chip, and
Floppy the dog. These are the main
characters in the Oxford Reading Tree stories
you will see coming home. Next week it will be
the turn of KJ to meet the Robinsons, and KS
to make family trees. Kipper, Biff and Chip are
not the childrens real names. Ask your child
why they are known by these names.
Key Stage 1 (Milepost 1)
Year 1 classes have been
busy painting to get ready
for our display boards.
Class 1N has chosen India
and 1S has chosen Kenya.
We learned as much as we
could about each country.
The children were excited
to see each country’s
special characteristics such
as culture, foods, and
animals. You willl have to
wait to see our finished
display boards!
Key Stage 2 (Milepost 2)
Year 3
We have been learning
about measures this
week. We worked in small
groups to measure the
Cancha in metres. We had
to be really careful to
make sure our metre
measurements were
Key Stage 2 (Milepost 3)
Year 5 Class Assembly
Class assemblies started this year
with an exciting production from
Year 5. Statues located in a
museum sprang to life and were
interrogated by visitors who
wanted to know more about the
Greek gods.
A rousing song listing the benefits
of living in Greece rounded off the
Key Stage 2 (Milepost 3)
Year 5 Class Assembly
Key Stage 2 (Milepost 3)
with Year 5
Year 5 went to
the pool on
Tuesday for the
first swimming
lessons this
Fun was had by
Key Stage 2 (Mileposts 2 and 3)
Year 6 teaching Year 3
Over the last couple of weeks Year 6 have been discussing strategies to use to calm themselves
down when they become angry. They came up with a variety of ideas from taking a bubble bath,
playing their favourite game, to breathing deeply and even meditating.
They then made booklets using Publisher to print off and present to the Year 3’s, both year
groups thoroughly enjoyed this session. Year 6 were great at teaching the younger children and
explaining their strategies to them and Year 3 learnt a lot.
Secondary House Responsibilities
These are your new House Captains for 2014-15
Andres Bello
Last Tuesday the voting
started for House, Vice-House
and Junior-House Captains.
On Tuesday´s assembly the
winners were announced and
awarded their badges.
Well done to everyone.
Prefects 2014-15
It has finally happened!
After weeks of planning,
we now have a Prefect
System at TBSC, and
these are the first ever
We are sure they will be
great ambassadors for
the School and strive for
excellence in everything
they do!
We wish them well.
Tapas Por Vidas Project
It has been the first week that we have been an official collection centre and thousands of lids
have been brought in. Thank you all for your support and help in making this project such a huge
success. The bins look great (thanks to Miss Thais Rugeles, Y6G Teaching Assistant) and the
children have done a great job at putting them into the correct ones.
This weeks total are:
1500 lids = 3 chemotherapy sessions
167 lids = 0.3 chemotherapy sessions
534 lids =1 chemotherapy session
Andres Bello: 800 lids = 1.6 chemotherapy sessions
Great work everyone!
A special congratulations to the first weeks winners;
Miranda :)
Keep bringing those lids in!
Mathematical Puzzle of the Fortnight
One more week
Detailed answers to the Mathematics team:
Ms Achtymichuk kachtymichuk@tbscaracas.com, Mrs Merrett jmerrett@tbscaracas.com and Mr
Patel at head@tbscaracas.com
PTA Book Club
Change of date!!! We will now be meeting the second Tuesday of every month!
Our October book is The gambler by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Per Goodreads: "In this
dark and compelling short novel, Fyodor Dostoevsky tells the story of Alexey
Ivanovitch, a young tutor working in the household of an imperious Russian
general. Alexey tries to break through the wall of the established order in Russia,
but instead becomes mired in the endless downward spiral of betting and loss. His
intense and inescapable addiction is accentuated by his affair with the General’s
cruel yet seductive niece, Polina. In The Gambler, Dostoevsky reaches the heights
of drama with this stunning psychological portrait."
We will be discussing it Tuesday October 14th at 6:30 pm at the school primary
library. Refreshments and wine will be served. Everyone is welcome
We will be hosting a Halloween
decoration workshop after school
on Friday October 17th. Come one,
come all! Mums and children will
meet at 2:45 pm in the school
cafeteria! Please bring your own
scissors to create skeletons,
monsters and beautiful lanterns!
The PTA Annual general meeting (AGM) will
take place October 14th at 8 am. Current
PTA members will present a report on last
year's activities and the new PTA will be
elected for the next two years. Any TBSC
mother or father can sign their name up in
order to have a chance on being elected to
take part in all the planning and organizing of
fun activities that this entails! Any questions
or doubts, please contact us at
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday 14th October (8am)
Annual General Meeting for PTA
Thursday 16th October
Spanish workshop for Y1 parents
Friday 17th October
Halloween Art Workshop
Tuesday 21st October (4pm-8pm)
Secondary Parents’ Evening
Wednesday 22nd October (805am)
Year 2 Assembly
Thursday 23rd October
Halloween Parties
Saturday 25th October
Sunday 2nd November
Half Term Vacation
Our Halloween party will take place Thursday, October 23rd!
Please remember costumes are homemade in order to be able to win a
prize, so start planning! We will be hosting a decoration workshop after
school on Friday October 17th. If anyone wants to help let us know!