CHICAGO ELITE VBC NEW ATHLETES CHIELITEVBCWMN2 A B C D Flash Store Code 11/05/2014 - 11/12/2014 Available Stores ending after 11/17/14 are not guaranteed to ship and deliver before the December holiday (pending product availability). Nik e DQT LS Court Raide r Je rs e y E Nik e Court Warrior LS Je rs e y Nik e Wom e n's Ave nge r Knit Warm Up Jack e t F G Nik e Ave nge r Knit Warm -Up Pant H Pack Price:$410.00 Nik e Pe rform ance Gam e Short I IT’S TIME TO GET YOUR GEAR. Here's how: Lids Short Sle e ve Te e Nik e Bras ilia Back pack WM NS Volle yball Zoom Hype rs pik e J Lids Short Sle e ve Lids Short Sle e ve INSTRUCTIONS ORDERING TeSTEP e e .com on or afte r the s tart date lis te d above . 1: Go to lids te am sTe ports STEP 2: Click on "Flas h Store s " STEP 3: Type in the flas h s tore code (lis te d on top of the ins truction s he e t) and click "Subm it Code " STEP 4: Se le ct te am m e rchandis e and add to s hopping cart. STEP 5: Once s hopping is com ple te , click on "Che ck out" and e ithe r re gis te r as a ne w cus tom e r or log in w ith pre vious ly re gis te re d inform ation. *PLEASE NOTE - Orde rs m us t be com ple te d on or be fore the End Date lis te d. Flash Store ID:39306 E-MAIL QUESTIONS TO:
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