Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont LEADERFEST Saturday, January 10 Register by December 18- registration opens September 30! RING IN THE NEW YEAR WITH US! JOIN US FOR SOME FUN! Grab your hat and join the fun! Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont offers Girl Scout volunteers not one, not two, but three A.W.E.S.O.M.E. (Adult Workshops Everywhere. Sleep Overnight. Meet Everyone) Retreats during the year. Whether you need to complete a “license,” want to broaden your skills in arts and crafts or outdoor knowledge or are looking for an opportunity to benefit from the gold mine of other volunteers’ experience, you WILL want to join us! You can choose to come for a day or for a weekend, to stay close to home or explore a camp that’s new to you- or do it all! Trainfest, Leaderfest and Leaderee are designed for Girl Scout volunteers and are planned and implemented by council volunteers. We’ll roll out information for each event around the time the previous event registration closes, so there is always an A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Retreat available to you! • Leaderfest, January 10, 2015 at Camp Ginger Cascades, Lenoir • Leaderee, May 1-3, 2015 at Keyauwee Program Center, Sophia • Trainfest, 2015 date TBD (generally held the third weekend in October), Camp Pisgah What you need to know for Leaderfest... REGISTRATION PROCESS: Volunteers can register themselves online via E-Biz starting September 30. Expect an immediate e-mail response telling you your registration has been processed. Registration is also available using theenclosed registration form and either mail, fax or hand deliver to your nearest service center. Please allow a few days for paper registrations to be processed. Registration deadline is December 18. Early bird registration and scholarship request deadline is December 5. CONFIRMATIONS: About two weeks to 10 days before the event, you will receive a confirmation packet with directions to camp, emergency phone numbers, what to bring, when to arrive and more! If your packet does not arrive, contact to request a replacement. REFUNDS: Refunds are granted up until the date registration closes. After that date, we encourage you to find a substitute to take your place. SPECIAL NEEDS: Indicate special needs when registering. Dietary and health accommodations and shuttle service are available. 2 2015 Leaderfest Ring in the New Year January 10, 2015 Camp Ginger Cascades, Lenoir Leaderfest Agenda Session Times 8:30-10:10 a.m. Session 1 Classes 10:30 a.m.12:10 p.m. Session 2 Classes 12:30-1:30 p.m. Lunch 1:45-3:25 p.m. Session 3 Classes 3:45-5:30 p.m. Session 4 Classes The registration deadline is December 18. Register by the Early Bird deadline of December 5 and save $10! Friday Evening Option: Participants may come to camp on Friday evening and spend the night . Lodging will be in camp units with heated space. If you would like to spend the night at camp, you must indicate your intent on your registration form. Of course, this year, Sing in the New Year will be going on Friday and would be a wonderful way to spend your evening making new friends and learning Girl Scout songs. Saturday Details: Check-in begins at 8 a.m. Plan to arrive about 30 minutes early to check-in and enjoy a light breakfast with friends. At check-in, you will receive your schedule, class locations and a camp map. Our day together ends at 5:30 p.m. unless you plan to stay for Sing in the New Year. Lunch: Lunch will be served in the dining hall from 12:301:30 p.m. If you have special dietary needs, please indicate them on the registration form so that you may enjoy lunch with all of us. Tea, coffee and water will be available throughout the day. All participants are welcome to bring their own lunch or snacks if they prefer. What is LEADERFEST? Well, it is a one-day fun, casual and relaxing A.W.E.S.O.M.E. event for volunteers- whether you are a volunteer working with girls, other youth groups or even adults. There are no opening or closing ceremonies, no gifts to bring and no special dress. Just a chance to sit back, enjoy yourself and make new friends! You can also extend your weekend by staying overnight Friday and/or Saturday at camp. New this year is a change of season. While we have traditionally held Leaderfest in the fall, we’ve decided to enjoy this relaxing event after the holidays! Christmas is over, your Girl Scout year is well underway and it’s time to sit back and re-invigorate yourself for the rest of the year. Also new this year, Sing In the New Year, an annual tradition, will be held at Camp Ginger Cascades this same weekend. It is a weekend long sing-in for adults and a Saturday activity for girls. Childcare will be provided for school-age children of Leaderfest attendees for a small fee. See E-biz, starting September 30, or www. for more information and registration information. Please remember that Leaderfest is an adult learning event and retreat for our adult Girl Scout volunteers over the age of 18. There is no child care available for infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers. Leaderfest also offers you an opportunity to give back to the community and take advantage for some good deals. Look for more information in your confirmation letter about our Dollar Table, our camp weekend auction and also our service project. 3 The Ed Whitmire Scholarship Fund Ed Whitmire was a dedicated trainer for both the Pisgah and Hornets’ Nest Girl Scout councils for many years. After his death in 2005, the Ed Whitmire Scholarship Fund was created in his honor, as a way of continuing his work of training and inspiring adult Girl Scout volunteers. Each year, the fund is fed and nurtured by fundraising at our three A.W.E.S.O.M.E. Retreats. If you have donated or purchased items offered at the auctions at these events, YOU are helping to continue Ed’s work. If you need assistance and request a scholarship in order to attend these or other training events, then you are also helping continue his legacy. Please don’t let financial issues keep you from the fun, fellowship and training available to you here at GSCP2P! Submit the scholarship application with your Leaderfest registration. (Scholarship requests must be made by December 5.) The form can be found here under The Ed Whitmire Scholarship tab: www. What classes should I choose? There really is no “should” when it comes to course selection- you are free to select the classes you like. The icons below will appear beside the course descriptions to help clarify requirements for completing licenses. COOK OUT LICENSE CAMP LICENSE FIRST AIDER GETTING STARTED Required for fires, outdoor cooking at council camps (Pre-requisite: Overnight License) Required for tent camping or camping on non-council property (OVernight and Cook Out License prerequisites) Required for many activities including camping and travel Not required, but recommended to help with basic skills and knowledge for a smoothrunning troop Fire Building Outdoor Cooking Tenting Child and Adult CPR First Aid Too many to list! Everything from Ceremonies to roundtable “Dear Daisy” discussions to highest awards! 4 Leaderfest: Session 1 Classes 8:30-10:10 a.m. LF 1.1: CEREMONIES Ceremonies have always been a big part of Girl Scouting. We love to recognize accomplishments. Learn about ceremonies for special days, special awards, bridging and Girl Scouts Own ceremonies. Learn to use a handy card game to help get the girls involved in planning ceremonies and understand why they are important. Fee: None Min/Max: 6-12 LF 1.2: WAGGGS Learn about our World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), goals and activities, and the four World Centers from a USA WAGGGS committee member of Friends of WAGGGS. You will leave this class wanting to travel to the World Centers. Fee: None Min/Max: 6-20 LF 1.3: DECO MESH WREATHS Learn to use that wonderful “deco mesh” to make a beautiful wreath that you can enjoy again and again. Explore the possibilities of wreaths for every season and occasion. Fee: $17 Min/Max: 4-10 LF 1.4: WINE GLASS CANDLE HOLDERS Make a candle holder out of a wine glass! You will be able to use this all year long – just change up the inserts. You may even be able to use it in a Girl Scout ceremony! Bring a hot glue gun. Fee: $5 Min/Max: 6-12 LF 1.5: FIRST AID A First Aider is required when troops participate in many activities. In this class you will earn a twoyear First Aid certificate. Fee: $15 Min/Max: 6-12 Leaderfest: Session 2 Classes 10:30 a.m.- 12:10 p.m. LF 2.1: DESTINATIONS AND MONEY MAKERS Our experienced world traveler will share moneymaking ideas to make travel experiences, including Girl Scout destinations, affordable for all. Fee: None Min/Max: 6-20 LF 2.2 BIRTHPLACE BOUND Juliette Gordon Low founded Girl Scouts in Savannah, GA, and we are so fortunate to be only a six-hour car ride away. Learn about the Girl Scout Heritage visit at Juliettes’ birthplace and other activities in Savannah from a leader who has made this trip many times. Fee: None Min/Max: 6-20 LF 2.3 DEAR DAISY A roundtable discussion group for leaders who have questions for experienced leaders. Get the real scoop from those who have lots of experience under their belt. Fee: None Min/Max: 6-12 LF 2.4 THINKING DAY CRAFTS Thinking Day is an annual event for Girl Scouts to learn about the world and different cultures. You will learn some crafts that help to bring home the Thinking Day message in a fun and crafty way. Fee: $3 Min/Max: 6-12 LF 2.5 CPR Child and adult CPR are required when troops participate in strenuous activities. In addition, it is an excellent skill to have in any situation. Earn a two-year CPR certificate in this class. Fee: $35 Min/Max: 6-12 5 Leaderfest: Session 3 Classes 1:45-3:25 p.m. LF 3.1: CAMP LICENSE UPDATE If it has been more than five years since you earned your Camping License, it’s time to update! This three-hour class, which extends into Session 4 classes, will bring you up-to-date and also teach skills that may not have been taught in your original class. Pre-requisite are the two Be Safe, Be Ready courses: Girl Planning and Outings and Overnights (which you can find on our council website by clicking the owl icon at the top of the homepage). You must bring proof of completion of these online courses. Please note: You must also register for LF 4.1: Camp License Update, Part 2. Fee: $2 Min/Max: 5-12 LF 3.2: TECHBRIDGE SAMPLER Are you interested in learning about the Techbridge program and how to facilitate this program for your girls? Here’s your chance to learn about the Techbridge boxes and how to work with your girls through hands-on activities and career opportunities. During this class, you will get a chance to try some of the activities. Gain some tips on how to set up the career exploration activities and related field trips. Please note: You must also register for LF 4.2: Techbridge, Part 2. Fee: $8 Min/Max: 6-12 LF 3.4: SWAPS Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere! A Girl Scout tradition! But who doesn’t need some new ideas for SWAPS? Come away inspired with more ideas for this wonderful tradition. Fee: $2 Min/Max: 6-12 LF 3.5: HAIRBOWS & ACCESSORIES Hair ribbons can be fun, economical items that your girls will enjoy making and wearing, but that can also be used as a fundraiser for your troop. Fee: $2 Min/Max: 6-12 LF 3.6: BLING YOUR COOKIE BOOTH Cookie booths are a great way to boost your troop’s cookie sales. And of course, you want to bling your booth to catch the attention of your customers and have some fun doing it. Fee: $3 Min/Max: 6-12 LF 3.7: GEOCACHE Can you find a hidden cache using a GPS device? Take this class and you will find out why it is such a popular hobby for many and a great activity to share with our girls. This class will take you outside so dress for the outdoor temperatures! Please note: You must also register for LF 4.7: Geocache, Part 2. Fee: $1 Min/Max: 6-12 LF 3.3: BRING ON THE BRONZE Get ready to help your Juniors earn their Girl Scout Bronze Award. You will learn the ins and outs of the Bronze Award process, the difference between service and Take Action projects and what paperwork is required, as well get answers to deadline and money questions. Fee: None Min/Max: 6-12 6 Leaderfest: Session 4 Classes 3:45-5:30 p.m. LF 4.1: CAMP LICENSE UPDATE, PART 2 LF 4.2: TECHBRIDGE SAMPLER, PART 2 LF 4.3: RUBBER BAND LOOM CRAFTS Are your girls crazy over those rubber band looms? Want to learn so you can incorporate this popular craft into your activities? Join us for the basics and some other tricks of the trade. Fee: $2 Min/Max: 6-12 LF 4.4: RECYCLED ART Back by popular demand – see what our recycled art guru has for us this year. Use your resources wisely ! If you are a typical leader, you have saved stuff that you just know you will use sometime. Or find out what you should be saving now. Fee: None Min/Max: 6-12 LF 4.5: PVC MAKE-IT, TAKE-IT What can’t you make with PVC tubing? Come see some of these ingenious gizmos and build one to take with you. Fee: $10 Min/Max: 4-8 LF 4.6: HIGHEST AWARDS DISCUSSION GROUP Come out to discuss Girl Scout leadership awardsBrownie Spark, Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards will all be included. Bring any questions that you have and brainstorm with others to come up with ideas to take back to your troop. Fee: $2 Min/Max: 6-12 LF 4.7: GEOCACHE, PART 2 7 2015 Leaderfest: Ring in the New Year Registration Form Please use one form per person. Early bird registration deadline is December 5. Final registration deadline is December 18. Remember you can register online using E-biz, starting September 30, at Name: ___________________________________________________________ Payment Details Address:_________________________________________________________ $ __________ Registration Fee (Early Bird City, State, Zip: ____________________________________________________ registration fee is $20 before December 5. After December 5, the registration fee is $30) Service Unit: ___________________________________ Troop #: ___________ Phone (H): ______________________ Phone (C): _______________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________________________ Are you a: _____ (event) committee member? + $__________ First Choice Class/Supply Fee - $__________ Subtract Amount Requested on Adult Learning Scholarship Form $__________ Total Amount Enclosed Payment Method _____ (event) consultant/instructor? Cash (do not send in mail) $______________ _____ attending Sing in the New Year? Check (payable to GSCP2P) $______________ $______________ Check all that apply: Credit Card VISA Discover Leaderfest Instructor Leaderfest Committee Volunteer - New Volunteer - Returning I will need transportation assistance to/from workshops. I will spend the night on Friday. Arrival Time: _____________________________ I would like the vegetarian lunch option. Other medical, dietary needs or concerns Name on Card: _______________________________ Account Number: _____________________________ CVV-code: ____________________ _______________ (3 digits on back of card) Expiration Date Signature: __________________ _______________ Required for all credit cardholders Date Registration Options Register Online _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Requesting a scholarship? Submit a hard copy registration form with the scholarship application. Scholarship requests must be made by December 5. The form can be found at Master Card American Express Register through mail or in person Register through fax Register via e-mail For immediate registration confirmation, please register through E-biz, starting September 30, at www.girlscoutsp2p. org (Visa, Master Card, American Express and Discover are accepted online) Return registration form with registration fee to: 530 4th Street SW, Hickory, NC 28602 Fax registration form with credit card payment to : 828-328-6870, attn: Lana Hodgson Complete a hard copy of the registration form, scan and send to registrar@ 8 2015 Leaderfest: Ring in the New Year Registration Form Please mark your first and second choice using the Leaderfest Class Schedule as a reference. If a class is two-part session, please register for both! Session I Classes - 8:30-10:10 a.m. Course ID and Name Choice # 1.1 - Ceremonies _________ Session 3 Choices - 1:45-3:25 p.m. Fee Course ID and Name Choice # Fee 3.1 - Camp License Update _________ $2 _________ $8 (also select LF 4.1) 1.2 - WAGGGS _________ 3.2 - Techbridge Sampler (also select LF 4.2) 1.3 - Deco Mesh Wreath _________ $17 3.3 - Bring on the Bronze _________ 1.4 - Wine Glass Candle Holders _________ $5 3.4 - SWAPS _________ $2 1.5 - First Aid _________ $15 3.5 - Hairbows & Accessories _________ $2 3.6 -Bling Your Cookie Booth _________ $3 3.7 - Geocache _________ $1 (also select LF 4.7) Session 2 Classes - 10:30 a.m. - 12:10 p.m. Course ID and Name Choice # Fee 2.1 - Destinations & Money Makers _________ Session 4 Choices - 3:45-5:30 p.m. 2.2 - Birthplace Bound _________ 2.3 - Dear Daisy _________ 2.4 - Thinking Day Crafts _________ $3 2.5 - CPR _________ $35 Course ID and Name Choice # Fee 4.1 -Camp License Update, Part 2 _________ 4.2 - Techbridge Sampler, Part 2 _________ 4.3 - Rubberband Loom Crafts _________ 4.4 - Recycled Art _________ 4.5 - PVC Make-It, Take-It _________ $10 4.6 - Highest Awards Discussion _________ $2 4.7 -Geocache, Part 2 _________ $2 9 Stock up on Girl Scout merchandise! The camp trading post will be open at specific times during the weekend of Leaderfest. A mobile shop will also be open during lunch! Bring cash, checkbook or credit card and go shopping for you or your favorite Girl Scout at home! You can also place orders in the council shops and arrange a delivery to the event. ALL ABOUT SWAPS SWAPS are a fun part of all the A.W.E.S.O.M.E. events! Don’t miss out! SWAPS are inexpensive, small items or tiny crafts that Girl Scouts give as gifts or trade with old and new friends for remembrance. They may be store-bought or hand made. SWAPS etiquette requires that you make a one-on-one contact to make a new friend or renew your friendship with an old friend- it’s more than swapping items! SWAPS may be shared throughout the event as you meet new friends and see your old friends at workshops or on the trails. These tips will help you create and share SWAPS! SWAPS TIPS ♥ SWAPS shouldn’t be edible — no cookies or candies. Skunks, mice and even bears like edible SWAPS! ♥ Include your name, e-mail address, etc. on your SWAP so your new friends can reach you. ♥ SWAPS frequently have pins so they may be worn on a hat, sash, ribbon or jacket, although they can also be patches, necklaces, bracelets... ♥ SWAPS may depict the theme of the event, represent one of your interests, share something about your hometown- the sky is the limit! ♥ Be courteous! Swap with everyone. It’s nice to give SWAPS to someone who doesn’t have any to trade. ♥ Carry extra SWAPS so no one is left out. We recommend 50-100 SWAPS. ♥ Forgot your SWAPS? Swap a hug! ♥ Always say thank you! 10
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