HOLY FAMILY OCTOBER 18 & 19, 2014 1 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS – MASS SCHEDULE OCTOBER 25 & 26: Rosary @ 8:35AM Monday – Friday 5:00 PM Julie Anderson, Margaret Huppman, TWENTY-NINTH WEEK IN ORDINARY TIME Richard, Peg & Katie Bailey, MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 Mark Kay, Kathy Kendrick, 6:45 AM Margret Steves/Palazzoli’s & Sheridan’s Donna & Andrea Marshall, 9:00 AM Heidi McCallops/Dan & Shirley Teska Linda Vishnesky TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 7:30 AM Janice Bader, Karen Fruscello, 6:45 AM ANN: Audrey Gleason/ John & Teresa Brusa, Ed & Shelly Terzolo Maureen Malay, Marie McClusky 9:00 AM Christine Belouin/Margaret B. Ball 8:45 AM Patty Costello, Lyle Hassel, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 Thomas & Suzanne & Sarah Mahar, 6:45 AM Rose Sloppy/Grandaughter Dan & Kris McGuire, 9:00 AM ANN: Arthur Gasparini/Family Laura Meluni, Patricia Reney, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 Marcia Ryan 6:45 AM Veronica & Dick Boyle/Family 10:30 AM Lucille Andorante, Beth Polge, 9:00 AM Richard Burdick/Jane B. Malloy Jack & Eleanor Caltabiano, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 Jim & Mary Curry, 6:45 AM ANN: Antoinette Mossarotto/ Mary Ellen Koegel, Donald Thome, Nick, Kathy & Joe Andrew Villa, Mary Lou Yacano 9:00 AM ANN: Erin Ascioti/The Brigati Family 12:15 PM Lourdes Alvarez, Mary Fangio, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 Frank & Rosemary Bovalino, 8:00 AM ANN: Robert J. Price/Shirley & Family Christian Huddleston, Jamie Rae, 5:00 PM Martin Kress/Ann Schrank Helen Ann Lynch, James Pirro, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 Rosemary Smith, Tina Vecchio THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 4:00 PM John Buttner, Kathy Czajak, 7:30 AM Lisa Moser/Family Lorraine Dardani, Shelly Dodge, 8:45 AM ANN: Muriel Bisignani & Nancy Lawrence Scott Harris, Ben Hunter, Rech/Dana & Katie Rech Frank Procopio, Jennifer Scott, 10:30AM ANN: Frank Lamacchia/ Joe Sullivan, Jesse Williams Mike Ventrone & M.J. 12:15 PM MASS FOR THE PEOPLE OF LECTORS – OCTOBER 25 & 26: HOLY FAMILY 5:00 PM Tom & Kimberly Gdula 4:00 PM Milan Cheskosky/The Midgelys 7:30 AM Frank Bellso, Mary Ellen Byrne 8:45 AM Katie Battaglia, Julie Hassel LITURGY UPDATE 10:30 AM Carmen Branca, Barry Burge Fr. Jason will preach October 25 & 26. 12:15 PM Jodi Smolen, Marion Whipple Dc. Bob will baptize October 26. 4:00 PM Molly Clark/Elizabeth Garn READINGS: OCTOBER 18 & 19 ALTAR SERVERS – OCTOBER 25 & 26: First Reading: Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 5:00 PM Bridget Bailey, Ellen Kearney Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b Jayden & Jared Delahunt Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21 7:30 AM Gabriella Giacovelli, Sean Mitchell, Charles & Daniel O’Malley 8:45 AM Tommy Bidwell, Lauren Crane, PRAYER CHAIN: Please call requests to Ryan & Jack McLane Judy Shanley at 488-2487. For surgeries 10:30 AM Lore Dixon, Austin White please contact two weeks in advance. Chris & Alex Polge 12:15 PM Kara & Connor Chawgo, Olivia Grome, Maggie Smith 4:00 PM Raphael & Matthew Evans, John Michael Owens, Bianca Sacco HOLY FAMILY OCTOBER 18 & 19, 2014 PASTOR’S NOTES How do you convince someone to vote for you? One way is to discredit your opponent. During this election cycle this approach seems to be the most popular approach. In today’s Gospel this is what Jesus’ opponents are attempting when they ask the question about taxes. Should they pay the tax, as some advocate, or resist preserving their identity as God’s chosen people? Either answer would inflame some listeners. Jesus avoids the trap. Throwing the problem back on each individual while implying that returning the token that the empire had manufactured need not express one’s true allegiance. Jesus remains outside the political conflict, trusting in His Father’s plan for salvation. Parish Mission Please welcome Fr. Simeon Gallagher, O.F.M. Cap., who will be leading our Parish Mission this week. Fr. Gallagher grew up in Philadelphia and became connected with the Capuchins while in high school and was ordained a priest by Capuchin Bishop Firman Schmidt in 1971. He has had a wide array of assignments as a Capuchin priest and in his own words, “I have been blessed by the various ministries I have done: campus ministry, parish ministry, teaching ministry, and military ministry, but the preaching ministry has been a grace beyond imagining!” Please set aside some time to be a part of this very Spirit-filled Parish Mission October 20 – 23. SACRED HEART STATUE RESTORATION Thank you to Peter Forsythe for all the hard work on the sacred heart of Jesus statue in the shrine for his Eagle Scout project. Peter sanded and painted the statue. He also cleaned up the area and planted flowers. Please remember Peter in your prayers as he continues his work towards his Eagle Badge. PARISH REGISTRATION To register, go to the parish website at holyfamilysyr.org. Click on “Join Holy Family”. YEAH! Due to popular demand we were able to schedule a FLU SHOT CLINIC Sunday November 2 – 9:30 – Noon HOLY FAMILY CHURCH HALL 2 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Mark your calendar for October Events: 18th & 19th – Blood pressure screening after all Masses in the multipurpose room th 30 – Deadline for Christmas program November nd 2 – Flu Shot Clinic – 9:30AM - Noon Human Development is busy preparing for the holidays already! If you’d like to get involved call the Office at x 24. We are in need of volunteers for many of the programs. The commitment varies depending on the program. We have recently canceled Coffee Hour for the winter months as we do not have cochairs to do the shopping, set up, and clean up. We are also in need of co-chairpersons for the school supply program. There are also many opportunities coming up for service hours for school or confirmation. If you have any questions please call the Human Development Office at ext. 24. Thanks for all the generous donations last weekend! GIFT BEARERS October 25 & 26 8:45 AM – William Bisignani, Lynn Wentworth, Elizabeth DePietro, Rita Lawrence Parishioners: If you have an intention for a loved one coming up at a weekend Mass and would like to bring up the gifts, call Esther @ 487-5466. GREENBACK WINNERS #2998 – Thomas Bianco - $100 #3292 – Not Sold $200 Jackpot Next Week Tickets still available at the Parish Office CRAFTERS WANTED! Our Holy Family Craft Fair will be Saturday, November 29, 9-2PM. We are currently accepting applications for crafters. Please visit our website at holyfamilyyouth.com for more details or contact Chris Spilka at 488-5884. Engaged Bible Study – Due to the holiday & the Parish Retreat, our next bible class will be October 28 @ 6:15 PM. Any questions call Barb Parkes at 6728084. HOLY FAMILY OCTOBER 18 & 19, 2014 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Divine Mercy Novena – 3PM Daily MONDAY, OCTOBER 20 9:30 AM Parish Mission - Church 7:00 PM Parish Mission – Church TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21 9:30 AM Parish Mission – Church 7:00 PM Parish Mission – Church WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 22 9:30 AM Parish Mission - Church 7:00 PM Parish Mission - Church 8:00 PM AA - Cafeteria THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 9:30 AM Parish Mission 5:30 PM Pray it Off - Church Hall 7:00 PM Parish Mission FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24 10:00 AM Lectio Divina - #2 6:00 PM PTO Halloween Party - Gym SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 7:00 AM Men’s Prayer Group – MPR 9:30 AM Riley Bible Study - #2 3:30 PM Confessions – Church 6:00 PM Altar Server Training - Church SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 9:45 AM K – 8 – School 1:30 PM Baptisms – Church 4:00 PM 7th Grade Mass 5:00 PM Life Teen - Church Hall HOLY FAMILY SENIORS Christmas Party Tuesday 12/2/14 @ Noon Twin Trees Too! $15 – Members/$20 – Non-Members Call Esther Wood for reservations – 487-5466 3 MUSIC MINISTRY This Sunday: 5:00 PM Gabrielle Giacovelli, Joyful Sound Ensemble, Trudy Butler 8:45 AM Mikell DiGiorgio, Tony Alvaro 10:30 AM Mikell DiGiorgio, Adult Choir, Tony Alvaro 12:15 PM Mikell DiGiorgio, Trudy Butler 4:00 PM Holy Family Praise & Worship Band Next Sunday: 5:00 PM Gabrielle Giacovelli, Trudy Butler 8:45 AM Mary Kate Walsh, Tony Alvaro 10:30 AM Mary Kate Walsh, Adult Choir, Tony Alvaro 12:15 PM Mary Kate Walsh, Trudy Butler 4:00 PM Holy Family Praise & Worship Band ADULT CHOIR NOTE: No rehearsal Wednesday, October 22 Attend the Parish Mission! Next Mass: Sunday, October 26, @ 10:30AM JOYFUL SOUND Next Rehearsal: Saturday, Nov. 1 @ 4:15pm. Next Mass: Saturday, Nov. 1 @ 5pm. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED UPSTATE’S COMMUNITY CAMPUS Support Patients & Staff through various service positions – patient visitors, wheelchair transporters, patient support – geriatric emergency room. To apply or for more information email Brucek@upstste.edu or call 488-‐3694. DAY OF BLESSING & HEALING ONGOING BOTTLE DRIVE The Central City Bottle Redemption will continue to receive drop off donations at 224 Chapel Drive. Any time Monday – Friday, 9AM - 6PM and Saturday, 9AM – 3PM to support our youth. Please specify EDGE or Life Teen Youth Group when you drop off. Every nickel counts! Thank you! November 15, 2104 8:00AM – 3:30 PM Barbagallo’s Restaurant Maria Vadia, Catholic Evangelist & Woman with Healing Ministry and Padre Amedeo Guida $40 payable to Charismatic Renewal - West, 4888 Abbottsbury Lane, Syracuse, NY 13215, includes continental breakfast and lunch. Registration deadline is Saturday, November 1. No tickets sold at the door. Contact Teresa Brusa @ 373-0771 with questions. . HOLY FAMILY OCTOBER 18 & 19, 2014 4 increasing our own trust in God as a loving Father. “Oh Jesus, my Love, may my heart be consumed in loving Thee; make me humble and holy; give me childlike simplicity, transform me into Thy holy love. O Jesus, life of my life, joy of my soul, God of my heart, accept my heart as an altar on which I will sacrifice to Thee the gold of ardent charity, the incense of continual, humble and fervent prayer, and the myrrh of constant sacrifices! Amen” - St. Paul of the Cross, Priest, Feast Day Oct. 20 Life Teen welcomes all students in grades 9-12 Sundays, Mass at 4pm, Life Night 5-7 pm, Church Hall. chris@holyfamilyyouth.com call 382-7883. 10/19: Take the Plunge! The Sacrament of Baptism The goal of this night is to provide teenagers with a basic understanding of the Sacrament of Baptism, its importance to our faith in Christ and to challenge teenagers to remember their baptism as an affirmation of God’s love for them. 10/26: Life Teen Kareoke Social Night Even if you can’t carry a tune….Come join the fun and bring a friend! Would you like to cook a meal for Life Teen? Please contact Kathy Czajak at 468-2041 if you would like to share your gift of cooking. She can help with all the details and some ideas! Thank You1! God is Good All the Time, All the Time God is Good! All students grade 6-8 are welcome. Wednesday nights, 6:30-8:00pm in the church hall vincent.l.dangelo@gmail.com or call 380-2208 10/22: A Most Beloved Son – I must be dreaming because our semester on scripture is flying by! Join us as we focus on the story of Joseph. We will learn how he was an example of trust and hope in God. We will try and uncover what “real” trust in God is and how that can impact other aspects of our faith, such as forgiveness. We will have the opportunity to examine our own relationship with God and identify ways of 10/29: EDGE Social Night – Holy-Ween Come join the fun and bring a friend! 11/11: EDGE RETREAT – All About You and Your Journey - 8AM – 5PM. This retreat is designed to take you on a daylong journey through YOUR story – past, present, and future. You will be challenged to see how Christ redeems our past history, sins, and hurts. You will be called to walk with Christ every day. Finally, you will be given the tools to look forward to your eternal destiny in heaven and strive for sainthood daily. Cost is only $20. Please visit our website @ holyfamilyyouth.com to download a permission form. Email Vince D’Angelo @ holyfamilychurchedge@gmail.com or call 488-5884 for more information. UPCOMING EVENTS AND DATES Visit us at holyfamilyyouth.com to download registration/permission forms. Fall Faith Formation Schedule: 10/18: First Communion Parent & Child Retreat Info. Meeting 3-4:45PM, Holy Family School 10/19: Confirmation I (1st year) classes, 10-11:30AM 10/19: Confirmation II (2nd year) classes, 11:451:15PM 10/19: No K-8 Faith Formation classes 10/21: No 1-8 Faith Formation classes 10/26: K-8 Faith Formation classes, 9:45-11AM 10/26: 7th Grade Mass, 4PM 10/26: NO CONFIRMATION CLASSES 10/28: 1-8 Faith Formation classes, 6:15-7:30PM Life Teen & EDGE Volunteers Needed Our Life Teen and Edge youth groups are also looking for volunteer core members. If you are interested in this ministry, please call Chris Spilka at 382-7883 or Vince D’Angelo at 380-2208. EXPERIENCE CBA A Whole New World! ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE Sunday, October 26, 1 – 3 PM Entrance Exam (incoming 7th & 9th) Saturday, November 8 & 22 @ 8AM Contact 446-5960 x 1231 or www.CBASyracuse.org. HOLY FAMILY OCTOBER 18 & 19, 2014 5 Richard Toliver & Sara Alexander BAPTISM CLASS NEXT BAPTISM CLASS MONDAY-November 3rd, 2014 FROM 7 PM to 8:15 PM PASTORAL CARE OFFICE: Sr. Anna Maria, D.S.M.P. and Marion Whipple Please call: 488-3139, ext. 23 to make arrangements for the baptism of your child. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT COUPLES ATTEND THE BAPTISMAL CLASS BEFORE THE BABY IS BORN. (If you have attended a baptism class within the past few years, you may not have to attend again.) Normally, baptisms are the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. Let us make one point, that we meet each other with a smile, when it is difficult to smile. Smile at each other, make time for each person in your family. (Mother Theresa) HOMEBOUND Anyone needing a priest to visit for any of the Sacraments please call the pastoral care office at 488-3139, ext. 23. Are you willing to share some of your time and your love for God in the ministry for the homebound as a Eucharist minister? Please Call Sr. Anna Maria at 4883139 ext. 23. “In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count; it’s the life in your years.” (Abraham Lincoln) ELECTION DAY PASTA SUPPER Tuesday, November 4, 2014 Holy Family Cafeteria 4-7PM Dinner includes: pasta, meatballs, salad & drink Take out available $5.00 – Small $7.00 – Large Baked goods available for purchase. You are invited to bring a non-perishable item for the Food Pantry. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus for Benevolent Works: Education Funds, Seminarians, Care Packages for Soldiers, International Wheelchair Fund and More. WELCOME NEW CHRISTIANS: Lillian Faith Morton child of John & Jill Morton Mackenzie Allison Toliver child of BEREAVEMENT He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart. Isaiah 40:11 MAY THEY REST IN PEACE George Gleason Richard McDowell, Arlene Balls’ Brother-in law Teresa Viscomi – Jason Nami’s Grandmother PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION “This is visiting and spending time with Jesus in the Sacred Host. It is an expression of our love for Jesus, Who loves us so much that He never wants to leave us and stays with us day and night in the Blessed Sacrament. The visit to the Blessed Sacrament is a great treasure of the Catholic Faith.” (Pope John Paul II – 1970). The Adoration Chapel is open to anyone who wishes to spend time in adoration of Jesus Christ. We encourage adorers to commit to a specific hour. Call Tom Colabufo for details at 487-8377. ELIZABETH MINISTRY REQUEST FOR DONATIONS Our annual Bake Shoppe/Raffle will be held this December 7th in the church hall. All proceeds will go to benefit the Elizabeth Ministry which gives support to women, children and families through the joys and sorrows of life. We are asking for fresh baked deserts such as pies, cookies, cupcakes, etc. We also need sugar free/gluten free goods. For our raffle, we are looking for new items, handmade crafts, gift certificates and services. This can include anything from raking leaves, to beginner guitar lessons, or perhaps plowing an elderly person’s snow. These services are not to be underestimated! For sign up or more information call Rita Condon at 673-9458 or email elizabethministryritatgamil.com. - Remember we are part of the JPII Center For Women – check us out via the HF website. HOLY HOUR FOR EVANGELIZATION Wednesday, November 5, 2014 @ 6:30 PM Holy Family Church Confessions available Give thanks to all His goodness! HOLY FAMILY OCTOBER 18 & 19, 2014 HOLY FAMILY SENIOR TRIP SENECA NIAGARA CASINO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23 Leave Holy Family @ 8AM/Leave Seneca @ 5PM Cost: $38.00 = $20 – Coin/$5 - Food Make check payable to Holy Family Seniors by 10/19/14. Reservations: Call Esther Wood @ 487-5466 or Cathy Jenkins @ 487-3949. SYRACUSE CATHOLIC WOMEN’S CONFERENCE October 25, 2014 at the Oncenter in Downtown Syracuse. Features: Kim Daniels, Fr. Joseph O’Connor, Kimberly Hahn, Martin Doman’s music and an afternoon Mass with Bishop Cunningham. Register at www.SyracuseCWC.com or pick up a registration form in the gathering space. Invite a friend and share a day of encouragement in the faith! PIE CRUST ROLLERS NEEDED! Holy Family School’s Annual Apple Pie Sale is November 21 & 22. The crust rolling nights are as follows, from 6:30 – 8PM in the school cafeteria: Tuesday, October 28 and Monday, November 3. Please bring your own rolling pin and we hope to see you! THEOLOGY OF THE BODY I – AGES 16 & UP This is an introduction to the Theology of the Body: Discovering the Master Plan for Your Life. This eightpart study led by Ann Marie Mullen is designed to give you solid understanding of God’s plan for humanity – a plan stamped right into our bodies. Classes are Wednesday evenings @ 7PM in the parish office. To register call the Faith Formation Office at 488-5884. SAFE ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM New volunteers and employees must take “Protecting God’s Children” training. St. Joseph’s in Camillus has added a new session on November 15th from 9AM – Noon. All training sessions are posted on the diocesan website www.syrdiocese.org. Questions? Call Debbie @ 488-‐3193 x 13 or email: Debbie@holyfamilysyr.org. 6 NEW ALTAR SERVERS NEEDED Students in 4th grade and up – if you would love to serve the Lord in this very special ministry, ask your parents for permission and come to Altar Serving Training in the church on the following dates and times: Saturday, October 25, Saturday November 1, 8, 15, 22 and Saturday December 6 @ 6PM. All new servers will be commissioned at the 5PM Mass on Saturday December 13th with a family pizza party to follow. Any questions, please call Deacon Bob at 488-‐4022. PLEASE PRAY FOR ATTENTION PARISHIONERS: We will print the “Please Pray For List” on a month-to-month basis. If you would like your loved one on the list, please call the parish office. The name will stay on for one month. You must call each month to have the name put back on the list. Bob & Marie Wing, Louis Lomonaco, Betty Sabene, Peter Mastracco, Dorothy Pirro, Joe Adams, Theresa Pullano Towers, Ed Towers, Margaret & John Contini, Dorothy O’Leary, John Krupka, M. Davis, P. Davis, Marie Schiller, Judy Tilton, Sandy Dalton, Mary Jo Smith, John Larca, Joseph McClusky, Lorraine Shenandoah, Joe Mandolfo, Angel Solomon, Nancy Waters, Bob Casteluccio, Marion Goldthwait, Michael Maliwesky, John Hnotko, Ed Campagna, Melissa Bederka, Hank Smith, Anthony Tangredi, Regina Finaggio, Ed Lundy, Christopher Piotrowski, Frank Lopefido, Nicole Canavan, Alison McCauley, Mary Redick, Jason B. Mischka, Steve M., Beryl Welch, Micha Ordway, Charles Gridley, Mary Kehn, Lynn O’Neil, Ben Bruce, Joan Cooney, Michael Madalon, Michael Mastry, Marge Daily, Mary Lambert, Cheryl Davis, Christopher Piotrowski, Lynn Hutchinski, Nicole Canavan, John Omolino, Kathleen Wall, Months Mind Special Intention, Carol Murphy, Robert G. McCarthy. NOTE: Due to HIPPA, hospitals are not allowed to give names of patients to us. If you have a loved one in the hospital or a nursing home who would like a visit from a priest or deacon, please notify the parish office. HOLY FAMILY OCTOBER 18 & 19, 2014 7 HOLY FAMILY BASKETBALL Open Gym -‐Boys Junior High (Grades 6, 7, 8) Sunday, October 19, 3-‐5PM NO OPEN GYM FOR JV (GRADES 9 & 10) AND V (GRADES 11 & 12) NO MEN’S OPEN GYM October 24. COUNSELING SERVICES Holy Family has begun providing counseling services through Catholic Charities. Mary McGrath will provide affordable, confidential, professional counseling to our community on Thursdays at the convent (207 Chapel Drive). Fee is based on ability to pay but cost need not be an obstacle. Mary makes her own appointments – call 362-7565. You need not be a registered parishioner to take advantage of this service. WEEKLY OFFERINGS: GUANELLIAN SISTERS DAUGHTERS OF ST. MARY OF PROVIDENCE In St. Luigi Guanella testimony, so full of humanity and attention to the least, we recognize a bright sign of the presence and charitable action of God, with God….May this new Saint of love be for everyone, especially for the members of the Congregations founded by him, a model of profound and fruitful synthesis between contemplation and action that he himself lived and put into practice. We can summarize his whole human and spiritual life in his last words on his death-bed: “in caritate Christi”. It is Christ’s love that illumines the life of every person, revealing through the gift of himself that nothing is lost but is fully realized for our happiness. May St. Luigi Guanella help us grow in friendship with the Lord to be bearers of the fullness of God’s love in our time, to promote life in all of its forms and conditions, and to ensure that human society increasingly become the family of God’s children.” (Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI) A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE Jesus was exasperated when He scolded: “Why do you put me to the test?” It is natural for children to test parents: this is how they learn and how we teach limits, rules and values. Be like Jesus in today’s gospel. He was firm, honest and direct. HEALING MASS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6 @ 7PM Especially remembering those who are grieving. Encourage someone by offering to accompany them into the Healing Presence of Christ. Due to the Columbus Day holiday we’re a little behind. Double account next week! Thanks for your patience! Catholic Fellowship for Young Professionals Tuesday, October 28th @ 6:30PM The first part of the evening begins with candlelit Eucharistic Adoration from 6:30 – 7:30PM. The second part moves to Buddy’s Pub, which is located across the street from Holy Family Church. Father Jason Hage will lead both parts of the night. All are welcome: married couples, single people, and any young adults in between. Any questions? Please contact Fr. Hage at the parish office, 488-‐3139. COFFEE CUP MINISTRY PRESENTS: HOLY FAMILY MARRIAGE PREPARATION MINISTRY W HEN: NOVEMBER 1, AFTER THE 5PM MASS, NOVEMBER 2 AFTER THE 10:30AM & 12:15 PM MASSES Please com e visit us after Mass and see what a gift this m inistry is to our church and com m unity. Coffee and doughnuts will be served.
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