HOLY FAMILY JANUARY 3 & 4, 2014 MASS SCHEDULE Rosary @ 8:35AM Monday – Friday MONDAY, JANUARY 5 Feast of St. John Neumann 6:45 AM Frank McCarthy/ John & Elaine Driscoll 9:00 AM ANN: Dick Mercurio/Wife & Family TUESDAY, JANUARY 6 6:45 AM Al Todeschini/John & Elaine Driscoll 9:00 AM ANN: Robert Kosty/Family WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7 6:45 AM Anne Veith/Tom & Peg Maher 9:00 AM Richard McDowell/ Lorraine & Gary Wenner THURSDAY, JANUARY 8 6:45 AM ANN: Mary Ann Wainwright/ Bernie & Reenie 9:00 AM Stefano Mantelli/Maria Pia & Stefania The Heffernan Family 7:00 PM Michael Mangano/Julie Hazelwood FRIDAY, JANUARY 9 6:45 AM Roseanne Webster/ The Burke & Laszolo Families 9:00 AM ANN: John Testone/Wife & Son SATURDAY, JANUARY 10 8:00 AM ANN: Robert J. Barrett/Wife & Children 5:00 PM Beverly Lawless/ Holy Family Health Ministry SUNDAY, JANUARY 11 BAPTISM OF THE LORD/ 7:30 AM MASS FOR THE PEOPLE OF HOLY FAMILY 8:45 AM ANN: Carmen Romano & Jane Romano Mangano/Family 10:30 AM Nicholas & Beverly Dranschak/ Daughter & Grandchildren 12:15 PM Mary Lu Pfohl/ Mimi & Kevin Didio & Family 4:00 PM ANN: Pauline Anthony/Paula LITURGY UPDATE Fr. Jason will preach January 10 & 11. Msgr. Francis will baptize January 11. READINGS: January 3 & 4: First Reading: Isaiah 60:1-6 Second Reading: Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6 Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 1 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS January 10 & 11: 5:00 PM Kathleen Gonzalez, Mark Kay, Kathy Kendrick, Monique LaForce, Mary Lou Lake, Andrea Marshall, Bob McCauley, Linda Vishnesky, Sharon Wells 7:30 AM John & Teresa Brusa, Mary Ellen Byrne, Karen Fruscello, Kathy Rudy, Karen Sansone 8:45 AM Patrick Brusa, Debbie Germano, Dolores Grace, Geoff Parkes, Lyle & Julie Hassel, Thomas, Suzanne & Sarah Mahar, Barb Parkes 10:30 AM Leticia Andolina, Ann Betts, Chauncey & Arlene Ball, Carmen Branca, Tom Maier, Jim & Mary Curry, Peter Petrone, Theresa Waters 12:15 PM Lourdes Alvarez, Joseph Antonio, Alicia Castrello, James Pirro, Michael & Julia Natoli, Rosemary Smith, Tina Vecchio, Lisa Vignogna, Marion Wierowski 4:00 PM John Buttner, Molly Clark, Kathy Czajak, James Evans, Elizabeth Garn, Grace Keegan, Beth Ann Meluni, Joe Ranieri, Jr., Jodi Smolen, Ed Terzolo LECTORS – JANUARY 10 & 11: 5:00 PM Donna Marshall, Kathleen Wheeler 7:30 AM Janice Bader, Paula Meseroll 8:45 AM Cheslea Parkes, Kathleen Yennock 10:30 AM Barry Burge, John Milligan 12:15 PM Mary Ellen Masterpole, Pamela Tobin 4:00 PM Tom & Kimberly Gdula ALTAR SERVERS – JANUARY 10 & 11: 5:00 PM Travis, Alexa & Makenzie Robbins, Andy Troiano 7:30 AM Maria, Tim & John Brusa III, DJ Caloia 8:45 AM Nicole & Allison Brusa, Paul & John Michael Owens 10:30 AM Christopher, John Paul, Stephen & Thomas Maier 12:15 PM Matt Cabal, Shannon Celeste, Griffin McIntyre, Maggie Smith 4:00 PM Meghan Christie, Raphael Evans, Emma Leonhardt, Sean Mitchell HOLY FAMILY JANUARY 3 & 4, 2014 PASTOR’S NOTES A Visit from the Magi We tend to think of the magi as three kings arriving a few days behind the shepherds at the Christmas stable. St. Matthew would be charmed, but would likely remind us that magi are not kings. Magi are eastern astrologers and interpreters of dreams, that the number three, a good guess from the number of gifts and the popular song, is actually not part of scripture, and that the location is not the stable, but a house where the Holy Family is living in Bethlehem. The star, no real help to pinpoint the exact address, recalls the prophecy of the astrologer Balaam in Numbers 24:17 and highlights the significance of Jesus’ birth within the whole sweep of God’s plan for salvation. Other elements of St. Matthew’s Chapter 2 recall Israel’s story: travel into and out of Egypt, escape from an abusive ruler, and the vocation to be Isaiah’s light for the nations. (Isaiah 60:1-6; 49-6). This passage from St. Matthew’s Gospel turns out to be a brilliant way of telling the real history. Herod the Great was indeed a contemporary pharaoh (recalling Israel’s slavery in Egypt) famous for his great building projects and murderous rule. In the end, Jesus truly does turn out to be a king, whose nonviolent power challenged abusive secular power. Jesus was indeed rejected by the religious leadership of His day, and Jesus would be accepted, indeed done homage, more widely by Gentiles than by the historic people of Israel. Jesus would prove to be the new Moses leading His people on a new Exodus. This descendant of David will, as risen Lord, turn out to be everything St. Matthew writes while quoting Micah 5:1 (ruler from Bethlehem) and 2 Samuel 5:2 (shepherd of God’s people Israel). “God’s people Israel” entails all twelve tribes, the restoration of Israel expected in the Messianic age, the Church. To the anonymous donor…..you’re right! Sometimes things are more valuable than they may appear. HOLY HOUR Begin the New Year in the awesome Presence of Jesus. Wednesday, January 7, 2015 6:30PM at Holy Family Church Confessions available 2 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT We would love to see new faces in all of our programs. Consider a New Years Resolution to give back to the Parish and needy families in our area through volunteering… Dec. 24th – Jan. 4th – Human Development Office is CLOSED Mark your calendar for January Events: 7th – Coffee Hour Elizabeth Ministry th th 10 & 11 – Food Collection Weekend 12th – Food Sorting 9:30 th 14 – Senior Homebound Deliveries 20th – Human Development Meeting 7pm All Co-chairpersons and Advisory board members are asked to attend. All are welcomed to come and find out more about the Human Development TeamChurch Hall st 21 – Coffee Hour DEMONSTRATE YOUR THANKFULNESS THIS SEASON Each Christmas season, Holy Family anticipates and relies on a seasonal increase in contributions. It is through the donations of every individual and family in the community that we are able to carry on our work now and throughout the year. If you need a convenient way to make recurring contributions or plan to make an additional gift before the end of the year, we encourage you to check out our electronic giving options. As the pace of life speeds up around the holidays, you may find electronic giving a most welcome way to make contributions. To set up a recurring giving schedule, visit us on holyfamilysyr.org and locate the Online Giving button. Or if it’s easier, call the parish office (488-3139) and we will send a form. Just drop it in the collection basket or at the office. Thank you for your generosity and support. HOLY FAMILY BUSINESS MANAGER We are looking for a part-time Business Manager (16 hours per week). Knowledge of Quick Books is required and experience in budgeting is necessary. Applicants should submit a resume to the Parish Office to the attention of: Search Committee. Nick, who is our current Business Manager has accepted a position at St. Matthew’s/St. Mary’s/St. Francis. HOLY FAMILY JANUARY 3 & 4, 2014 CALENDAR OF EVENTS MONDAY, JANUARY 5 3:00 PM Divine Mercy Novena – Church 7:00 PM Baptism Class - #1 TUESDAY, JANUARY 6 3:00 PM Divine Mercy Novena – Church 6:15 PM Faith Formation – School 6:30 PM Engage Bible Study – Church Hall 7:00 PM Endow #2 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7 9:30 AM Coffee Hour – Church Hall 3:00 PM Divine Mercy Novena – Church 6:30 PM Holy Hour for Evangelization - Church 6:30 PM Confessions – Church 6:30 PM Edge Youth Group – Church Hall 7:00 PM Charismatic Prayer Group – Chapel 7:00 PM RCIA - #1 7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal – Choir Room 7:00 PM Theology of the Body - #2 8:00 PM AA – Cafeteria 8:30 PM Men’s Lectio Group – Church Hall THURSDAY, JANUARY 8 9:30 AM Food Pantry Open 1:00 PM Social Justice – Church Hall 3:00 PM Divine Mercy Novena – Church 5:30 PM PIO – Church Hall 6:00 PM Life Teen Core – FF Office 7:00 PM Knights – Church Hall 7:00 PM Daughters in Adoration – Chapel 7:00 PM HEALING MASS - CHURCH 8:00 PM Lectio 2 - #2 FRIDAY, JANUIARY 9 10:00 AM Lectio Divina - #2 3:00 PM Divine Mercy Novena - Church SATURDAY, JANUARY 10 7:00 AM Men’s Prayer Group – MPR 9:30 AM Riley Bible Study - #2 3:00 PM Divine Mercy Novena - Church 3:30 PM Confessions – Church 4:15 PM Joyful Sound Rehearsal – Choir Room 6:00 PM Young Adult Ministry – Church Hall FOOD COLLECTION WEEKEND SUNDAY, JANUARY 11 8:45 AM & 12:15PM Liturgies – 1st Communion 8:45 Mass - HF School Father/Dghtr. & 4th Grade 9:45 AM K-8 Grades – School 1:30 PM Baptisms – Church 1:30 PM Summer Confirmation I & II - School 3:00 PM Divine Mercy Novena – Church 5:00 PM Life Teen – Church Hall 3 MUSIC MINISTRY This Sunday: 5:00 PM Mary Kate Walsh, Joyful Sound Ensemble, Trudy Butler 8:45 AM Gabrielle Giacovelli, Tony Alvaro 10:30 AM Gabrielle Giacovelli, Adult Choir, Tony Alvaro 12:15 PM Gabrielle Giacovelli, Trudy Butler 4:00 PM Holy Family Praise & Worship Band Next Sunday: 5:00 PM Gabrielle Giacovelli, Trudy Butler 8:45 AM Mary Kate Walsh, Tony Alvaro 10:30 AM Mary Kate Walsh, Adult Choir, Tony Alvaro 12:15 PM Mary Kate Walsh, Trudy Butler 4:00 PM Holy Family Praise & Worship Band ADULT CHOIR Next Rehearsal: Wednesday, January 7 @ 7PM Next Mass: Sunday, January 11 @ 10:30AM JOYFUL SOUND Next Rehearsal: Saturday, January 17 @ 4:15PM Next Mass: Saturday, January 17 @ 5PM. WEEKLY OFFERINGS: December 27 & 28: Regular Offering Last Year Christmas Last Year Capital Campaign Number of Pledges Total Pledged Pledges Received to Date Outstanding Pledges $21,531.19 $20,810.68 $43,437.03 $46,895.33 975 $1,279,042.95 $1,153,765.50 $125,277.45 ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS Are you considering to attending LeMoyne College? Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) has teamed with LeMoyne College to offer at $4000 ($1000/year) scholarship. You must be attending a school in the Diocese of Syracuse and planning to attend LeMoyne. Applications can be picked up at the parish office and turned in to Ed Campagna/Scott Harris by January 12, 2015. HOLY FAMILY JANUARY 3 & 4, 2014 4 BAPTISM CLASS NEXT BAPTISM CLASS MONDAY-JANUARY 5, 2015 FROM 7 PM to 8:15 PM PASTORAL CARE OFFICE: Sr. Anna Maria, D.S.M.P. and Marion Whipple Please call: 488-3139, ext. 23 to make arrangements for the baptism of your child. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT COUPLES ATTEND THE BAPTISMAL CLASS BEFORE THE BABY IS BORN. (If you have attended a baptism class within the past few years, you may not have to attend again.) Normally, baptisms are the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. Pope Francis speaking to the families and their children, he was pleased to meet them, saying it was clear that they “love the family and they love life.” “Each of your children”, he said, “was wanted by God” and it amazes us how great a miracle a child is.” A child is somebody who changes our life. He also underlined the important role played by grandparents, saying they can not only provide practical support but above all can help the parents pass down to their children their faith. And please, continue praying for me, the Pope ended, “because in a way I’m like a grandfather for all of you.” HOMEBOUND Anyone needing a priest to visit for any of the Sacraments please call the pastoral care office at 488-3139, ext. 23. Are you willing to share some of your time and your love for God in the ministry for the homebound as a Eucharist minister? Please Call Sr. Anna Maria at 4883139 ext. 23. ONGOING BOTTLE DRIVE The Central City Bottle Redemption Center will continue to receive drop off donations at 224 Chapel Drive anytime Monday – Friday, 9AM – 6PM and Saturday, 9AM – 3PM to support our youth. Please specify Edge or Life Teen Youth Group when you drop off. Every nickel counts! Thank you! GREENBACK WINNERS #6210 – Ceil Pullano -$100 #5862 – NOT SOLD $300 JACKPOT NEXT WEEK GUANELLIAN SISTERS DAUGHTERS OF ST. MARY OF PROVIDENCE In this year dedicated to the Consecrated Life, we ask all of you to keep us in your prayers, as we continue to follow God in our vocation as Guanellian sisters according to the spirit of our founder St. Louis Guanella to serve and love God’s people. “This is the beginning of the new year. Stand before the altar of your God and say: “You are my Lord. You are my Savior”. Entrust yourself to God’s wisdom, entrust yourself to God’s goodness, and focus all your heartfelt affections on Him. (St. Louis Guanella) BEREAVEMENT If you could fully comprehend how deeply you are loved by God, you would never feel alone again. MAY SHE REST IN PEACE Mary Ann Bouvier – Arlene Ball’s Sister NEWLY BAPTIZED BLESSING Jesus said: “Let the little ones come to Me, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Come join us for: A Special blessing for the newly baptized. WHEN: January 11, 2015 WHERE: Holy Family Church TIME: 10:30AM Mass ATTENTION: Theology of the Body II will be starting in January on Wednesday evenings from 7 – 8:30PM. The first class begins on January 7, 2015. If interested, please call the Faith Formation Office at 488-5884. WELCOME NEW CHRISTIAN: Mason Anthony Balduzzi child of Mathew & Kassindra Balduzzi HOLY FAMILY JANUARY 3 & 4, 2014 5 UPCOMING EVENTS AND DATES Life Teen welcomes all students in grades 9-12 Sundays, Mass at 4pm, Life Night 5-7 pm, Church Hall. chris@holyfamilyyouth.com call 382-7883. 1/4: A LIFE TEEN EPIPHANY – What is God revealing to you? 1/11: Virtues Of Our Faith This Life Night will focus on many of the most prominent virtues of our faith. As we move on into the new year, we will discover many of these traits and how we can use them to improve our lives. 1/21 & 1/22: Life Teen is standing up for Life! We are traveling to Washington, D.C. for the 2015 March for Life. Join us as we also tour popular areas such as the Inner Harbor, St. Mary’s Seminary, Baltimore Basilica, Verizon Center and much more! This trip is open to all teens in grades 9-12 and the cost is only $75. Hand in permission forms and money today! Would you like to cook a meal for Life Teen? Please contact Kathy Czajak at 468-2041 if you would like to share your gift of cooking. She can help with all the details and some ideas! Thank you! God is Good All the Time, All the Time God is Good! All students grade 6-8 are welcome. Wednesday nights, 6:30-8:00pm in the church hall vincent.l.dangelo@gmail.com or call 380-2208 1/7: Who’s Your King? – An EDGE night on David! We all face “Goliaths” in our lives from time to time. How can we overcome them? Join us as we take a look at how the story of the life of David provides us with a great example of courage and repentance. 1/14: What is the Creed? An EDGE Night on the Creed. Join us as we kick off our new semester on the Creed. What do we believe? Why do we pray it? Where does it come from? We will try and answer these questions and get organized for a great semester! Join us and bring a friend. Visit us at holyfamilyyouth.com to download registration/permission forms. Fall Faith Formation Schedule: 1/4: First Communion Mass (8:45AM or 12:15PM) 1/4: K-8 Classes 9:45 – 11AM 1/6: K-8 Classes 6:15 – 7:30PM 1/11: 4th Grade Mass 8:45AM 1/11: K-8 Classes 9:45 – 11AM 1/11: Confirmation 1 Class 10 -11:30AM 1/11: Confirmation I Class 10 - 11:30AM 1/11: Confirmation 2 Class 11:45AM – 1:15PM 1/11: Summer Confirmation Class 1:30 – 3PM 1/13: K-8 CLASSES 6:15 - 7:30 PM 1/21-1/22: March for Life Trip 1/25: K-8 Classes 9:45 - 11AM 1/25: Confirmation 1 Class 10 - 11:30AM 1/25: Confirmation 2 Class 11:45 - 1:15PM 1/27: K-8 Classes 6:15 - 7:30PM Life Teen & EDGE Volunteers Needed Our Life Teen and Edge youth groups are also looking for volunteer core members. If you are interested in this ministry, please call Chris Spilka at 382-7883 or Vince D’Angelo at 380-2208. ELIZABETH MINISTRY WISHES YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR! 'For a Son of God each day should be an opportunity of renewal, knowing for sure that with the help of grace he will reach the end of the road, which is Love. That is why if you begin and begin again, you are doing well. If you have a will to win, if you struggle, with God's help you will conquer. There will be no difficulty you cannot overcome.' St. Jose Maria Escriva HEALING MASS There is a power to lift us up, stronger than all the things that hold us down. Bring yourself, a friend, or the intentions of someone in need to the Healing Mass on Thursday, January 8, 2015 @ 7PM. HOLY FAMILY JANUARY 3 & 4, 2014 ENGAGE CHRISTIAN BIBLE STUDY For Adults and Teens Come and learn more about God and ways to apply His Word to our everyday lives! Holy Family is excited to offer a 12 week Bible Study of the Book of Ephesians starting Tuesday, January 6 from 6:30 – 8PM in the church hall. No prior bible study experience is necessary. Cost is $10.00. PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Mother Teresa said, “When you look at the crucifix, you understand how much Jesus loves you. When you look at the Sacred Host, you understand how much Jesus loves you now.” Each moment that you spend with Him will deepen your union with Him and make your soul more glorious in heaven. Please visit our Adoration Chapel and consider your own individual hour as a part of our Adoration Ministry. Call Tom Colabufo at 487-8377. A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE: The Magi in today’s gospel were led to Jesus by a star. Who are the stars your children follow? Don’t let it be the tabloid stars. Resolve in this New Year to be the guiding star in the life of your children. GO FORTH MINISTRY KICK OFF (All college ages & students – 18ish – 25ish) All college age, 18ish to 25ish, are invited to attend a night of prayer and fellowship at the Go Forth Ministry Kick-Off here at Holy Family Church beginning with Saturday Vigil Mass @ 5PM January 3rd, 2015. The group will meet in the gathering space of the church before Mass. After Mass we’ll proceed to the church hall for the “kick off” of this exciting new ministry. If you are interested in joining us contact Fr. Jason at 488-3139 or Nick Longo at sthsquared@yahoo.com. PRAYER CHAIN: Please call requests to Judy Shanley at 488-2487. For surgeries please contact two weeks in advance. 6 PLEASE PRAY FOR ATTENTION PARISHIONERS: We will print the “Please Pray For List” on a month-to-month basis. If you would like your loved one on the list, please call the parish office. The name will stay on for one month. You must call each month to have the name put back on the list. Marie Wing, Betty Sabene, Dorothy Pirro, Theresa Pullano Towers, Judy Tilton, Sandy Dalton, Joseph McClusky, Joe Mandolfo, Angel Solomon, Ed Campagna, Hank Smith, Anthony Tangredi, Jason B., Charles Gridley, M. M. Special Intention, Dr. Joseph Thornton, James Spinoso, Eric Kehn, Anthony Tangredi, Mark Degon, Anita Baraniewiecz, Ben Bruce, Jason B., Steve M., M. Davis, Lynne O’Neill, Bob Castelluccio, John Krupka, P. Davis, Mary Kehn, Mary Lambert, John Hunter, Nancy Waters, Fran Communtzis, Jo Foertch, Rich Molatch, Rich Wilkenson, Robert Eldred, Robin Lamson, Ocasio Hazeltine, Kennedy, Frank Loperfido, Alison McCauley, Cheryl Davis, Nicole Canavan, Janet Leeb, Phyllis Stevens, Jeanne & Lou Kempton, Christopher Piotrowski, Dorothy O’Leary, Lillian Schmidt. NOTE: Due to HIPPA, hospitals are not allowed to give names of patients to us. If you have a loved one in the hospital or a nursing home who would like a visit from a priest or deacon, please notify the parish office. GIA N N A SY R A CU SE Experience a new approach to w om en’s health care Located at Holy Family parish – Gianna Syracuse is a medical practice dedicated to empowering women with restorative, scientifically based method for monitoring their health. Contact Karen Dalton MD NFPMC (585) 369-6803 www.giannasyracuse.com GIFT BEARERS January 10 & 11 8:45 AM – Grade 4 Parishioners: If you have an intention for a loved one coming up at a weekend Mass and would like to bring up the gifts, call Esther @ 487-5466 HOLY FAMILY JANUARY 3 & 4, 2014 7 YOUNG ADULTS HOLY FAMILY BASKETBALL Saturday, February 21, 2015 GAME SCHEDULE: Holy Family Church BOY’S JUNIOR HIGH 9AM – 3:30PM Sunday, Jan. 4, HFI @ St. Rose – 6:30PM All welcome – Free - Lunch Provided HFII @ St. Joe’s I – 4PM Featuring Matthew Leonard, internationally known Thursday, Jan. 8, St. Pat’s @ HFI – 6:30PM speaker, author and Executive Director of the St. MHR @ HFII – 8PM Paul Center for Biblical Theology founded by Dr. Sunday, Jan. 11, St. Ann’s @ HFI – 6:30PM Scott Hahn. A convert to Catholicism and former HFII @ IC – 6:30PM missionary to Latin America, Matthew is a frequent HIGH SCHOOL guest on radio programs across the country and Sunday, Jan. 4, IC @ HF appears on EWTN, Shalom Media and the JV – 6:30PM V – 8PM Magnificant. He is a host of the Journey Through Tuesday, Jan. 6, St. Lucy’s @ HF Lighthouse Catholic Media and holds a Masters in JV – 6:30PM V – 8PM Theology from Franciscan University in Steubenville. In addition to numerous articles, he Thursday, Jan. 8, HF @ St. Mary’s is the author of two books: Louder Than Words: JV – 6:45PM V – 8:15PM The Art of Living as a Catholic and Prayer Works: Sunday, Jan 11, HF @ St. Joe’s Getting a Grip on Catholic Spirituality, both JV – 5:30PM V – 7PM published through Our Sunday Visitor. Matthew Men’s Open Gym – Todd Layo has been coordinating lives in Ohio with his wife Veronica and their five this program for sometime. Due to other children. Register online @ commitments he cannot oversee the program. WE http://youngadultcatholicconference.wordpress.com are in need of a coordinator. If interested, please contact Ed. Campagna (487-‐1683). Until we can get a coordinator the will be no Men’s Open Gym. PARISH WEIGHT LOSS – Eat Less, Move More and Pray - The 15th Session of Pray it Off begins on January 8, 2015. Over the past 7 years this group has permanently lost thousands of pounds with this FREE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS YOUTH ministry. Holy Family Parishioners, if you have 30 or more pounds to lose, call Ellen M. McCauley at 468FREE THROW CHAMPIONSHIP 4233 before January 3rd. Catholic non-parishioners, All boys and girls ages 10 to 14 are invited to who need to lose 50 pounds or more, are also participate in the local level of competition for our welcome. You have to make a six-month commitment local Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship. to meeting, once a week, on Thursday’s from 6-7 p.m. This local competition will be held Saturday, January in the Parish Hall. 17 at 1PM in the Holy Family School Gym. The Knights of Columbus Free throw Championship ATTENTION PARISHIONERS REGARDING is sponsored annually, with winners progressing CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS through local, district and state competitions. NOW is the time to fill out the tax returns for 2014. In International champions are announced by the K of C an effort to reduce our postage costs, we are asking headquarters based on scores from the state level parishioners to request contributions statements. If competitions. All boys and girls will compete in their you wish to have a statement sent to your home, please respective age and gender divisions. Since its’ fill out the form below and put it in the collection beginning in 1972, over 2.5 million youths have basket. participated in the contest. All contestants on the local level are recognized for PLEASE SEND ME A CONTRIBUTION their participation. Participants are required to STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR 2014. furnish proof of age and written parental consent. For NAME:_____________________________________ entry forms or additional information contact Paul Morrell at 407-‐1010. ADDRESS:_________________________________
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