We are God’s People sharing a responsibility to witness to God’s unconditional love and to bring Christ’s healing presence to our world. OCTOBER 18-19, 2014 Oct. 20 — Monday TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8 AM JEFFREY MARTINEZ by Aunt Diane & Uncle Jerry Fausel Tuesday 8 AM COMMUNION SERVICES Wednesday 8 AM Thursday 8 AM Friday 8 AM Oct. 26 4 PM THOMAS J CROWLEY by the family Saturday Sunday 8AM ALL PARISHIONERS 1030AM ELEANOR BOEHLKE by her daughters LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR NEXT WEEEND 4 PM 8 AM 10:30 AM LORRAINE TREMMEL GERAL FAUSEL CHRIS PETERS Stuart Mann Laura VanValkenburg Douglas Baxter Jeff Lewis Louis Martin Arlene McKeon Jeanne Cary Colleen Lynch Tammy Hathaway Mark Maraglio Charles Mahoney Peggy Matheny LECTORS LECTORS LECTORS Melody Eldred Nancy Belycia Colleen Hazelton Katrina Josberger Jeannene Albright Beth Hazelton SERVERS SERVERS SERVERS Anna Marino Austen McDonald Regina Desrosiers Sydney Weinstein Ciera McDonald Therese Desrosiers COLLECTION REPORT TOTAL ATTENDANCE Last Week 3,225 360 Same Week Last Year 3,390 COFFEE HOUR COORDINATOR: PATRICIA MCCARROLL 8 AM MARIE KADLICK EVELYN LEIN FRED DONOVAN 10:30 AM TAMMY HATHAWAY MARAFIOTI FAMILY SANCTUARY CARE Karen & Jeff Lewis CHILDREN’S LECTIONARY 10:30AM (AGE 4-6) LIBBY HELLEN EVENING ROSARY PRAYER Tuesdays. 7PM. Church. MEETINGS: PASTORAL COUNCIL: 10/19. 9:15AM. Rectory. FINANCE COMMITTEE: 10/26. 9/15AM. Rectory STEWARDSHIP MAINTENANCE TEAM: Work Session.10/25. 9AM. YOUTH MINISTRY CORE TEAM: 10/26. 9AM. Maria Hall. PASTORAL CARE TEAM: . 11/13. 8:30AM. Rectory. World Mission Sunday: We are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Your prayers & generous gift to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in the collection today help the work of priests, religious and lay leaders in Mongolia and throughout the Missions who offer to the poor practical help and the experience of God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your prayers and be as generous as you can. www.IAmAMissionary.org Copyright 2014 by Bruce Janiga. Published by Resource Publications. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission under license number 87737 WWW.RCDA.ORG/CHURCHES/STMARYS/INDEX.HTML 459 Pg 1 We are God’s People sharing a responsibility to witness to God’s unconditional love and to bring Christ’s healing presence to our world. SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY: Your business can sponsor St. Mary’s calendars for 2015 and place your name and message on 350 calendars distributed to parishioners. Call the rectory at 731-8800 for further information. HOW TO HAVE EVEN BETTER CONVERSATIONS A WORKSHOP UTILIZING THE CONCEPT OF NON-VIOLENT COMMUNICATION. Led by Steve Andersen. Tuesday, October 28, 7-9PM at St. Michael’s Church, 175 Williams Road, Troy. For more information contact the Consultation Center at 489-4431 or visit its website, consultationcenteralbany@rcda.org. This program is sponsored by the Consultation Center and the Diocesan Peace and Justice Commission. ST. MARY’S CEMETERY CLEAN UP: November 8. 9AM All decorations will be removed and discarded. Lot owners should remove all decorations they wish to save prior to the above date. We need your help with the clean-up. Please come out and give us a hand! DIVORCED MINISTRY SUPPORT GROUP Divorced? Join with others in prayer and shared experience at Detours on the Journey, a support ministry for Catholic men and women who have experienced or are experiencing divorce. The Albany program began on Tuesday, October 7 and runs for eight weeks from 7 PM to 9 PM at the Diocesan Pastoral Center at 40 North Main Ave in Albany. For more information and registration please email Mary.Fay@rcda,org or call 453-6630. FAITH FORMATION & YOUTH MINISTRY: BOB DESROSIERS 731-9268 STMARYFFO@AOL.COM Faith Formation – The year has begun. If you wish to register your children and youth, please contact Bob at 731-9268 or at stmaryffo@aol.com or by going to the parish website to get the registration forms. A K-6 class close to registration when they reaches 12 students. Monday 2nd grade is closed to registration. Youth Ministry 10 Week Club – week 3 winner is Tammy Hathaway. Tammy, thank you for your continued support of our youth! Pyramid Life Center (PLC) seasonal closing – 13 youth and 4 adults from Youth Ministry assisted the Albany Diocese in closing its Summer Retreat Facility on Columbus Day Weekend for the winter. Those who participated are: Matt Baxter, Nicole Marino, Tom and Emma Messick, Elizabeth Heinzinger, Joseph Lapp, Stuart Mann and Joseph Mann, Matthew Gallagher, Thomas Simboli, Christa, Charlie, Regina, Therese and Katherine Desrosiers, and Mike Gatt. World Youth Sunday and Confirmation Rite of Enrollment – the Annual World Youth Day Celebration Liturgy is Sunday Nov. 2 at the 10:30 AM Mass. Blessed Pope John Paul II began the Annual World Youth Day celebration in 1984. During the Mass, our Confirmation Candidates will participate in the Rite of Enrollment; a public acknowledgement of their desire to prepare this year to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation in the spring. Please join our youth and Confirmation Candidates in this wonderful celebration! Mark Your Calendar – Youth Ministry is sponsoring the annual breakfast fundraiser for the benefit of the Catholic Charities Emergency Fund on Sunday November 16. There will be servings following each Sunday Mass. Tickets will go on sale at church the week of November 1st. Thank you!! The BISHOP’S APPEAL does not officially end until March 2015. We have received 247 gifts/pledges totaling $45,199. Pledges may still be made by placing your Appeal envelope in the offertory basket or mailing it to the rectory. WWW.RCDA.ORG/CHURCHES/STMARYS/INDEX.HTML 459 Pg 2 Did you know that graves are available in ST. MARY’S CEMETERY on Route 385? Contact the rectory for details STMOFF@AOL.COM or 731‐8800. “WHO HAS KNOWN THE MIND OF THE LORD?” Looking to make a difference in life? Why not consider being a priest, deacon, brother or sister? There are so many ways that you can have a positive impact on the lives of others & bring God’s love to a world that desperately needs to experience it. Contact Fr. Jim Walsh at our Diocesan Vocation Office: 453-6690. CATHOLIC RADIO: http://pax-et-bonum-radio.org A Word A careless word may kindle strife DO YOU HAVE A WILL? It is important to know the essentials about wills. And then it is important to have a will. Don’t over look the goals a will can help you meet: providing for loved ones, naming a trustworthy, loving guardian for your children, designating a capable executor for your estate, as well as remembering friends and also your parish. A cruel word may wreck a life A bitter word may smite and kill A gracious word may light a day RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FRO ADULTS (RCIA): The parish offers opportunity for the celebration of Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. -Perhaps you or a loved one would like to know more about our Catholic Christian Faith; -Perhaps you are discerning on becoming Catholic; -Perhaps for whatever reason you have not received the sacrament of Confirmation but would now like to as an adult; A timely word may lessen stress A loving word may heal and bless. RCIA may be for you. Please contact Bob 731-9268. LITERATURE RACK INFO The Literature Rack in the back of church has numerous Catholic publications for the family, on religious help, readings and prayers. There are also Literature Donation Envelopes located on the literature rack. GREATWEBSITES: WWW.THEJESUITPOST.ORG WWW.CATHOLICTV.COM WWW.LOYOLAPRESS.COM/3‐MINUTE‐RETREATS‐DAILY‐ONLINE‐PRAYER.HTM Have you asked someone to be a priest, deacon or religious today? WWW.RCDA.ORG/CHURCHES/STMARYS/INDEX.HTML 459 Pg 3 COXSACKIE PAL PROGRAM: Looking for lightly loved, used or new coats, hats, gloves/mittens, and winter boots so we can help children and families in the C-A School District keep warm this winter! All clothing collected stays in our community. Distribution begins: 11/1. For questions or pick up please call Dawn Marie Smith: 518-731-8764. Drop Off locations: C-A District Office, C-A HS Nurse, Town of Coxsackie Ambulance Bldg, National Bank of Coxsackie (W. Coxsackie Branch), Universal Dry Cleaners & Laundromat, Coxsackie Police Dept at Village Bldg. Monetary donations gladly accepted to support the efforts of the PAL Program. Make checks payable to Coxsackie PAL program; mail to: PAL 119 Mansion Street Coxsackie, NY 12051. Is There Really Religious Liberty in America? An Interfaith Panel Discussion Sponsored by the Greenville Area Interfaith Council Question and Response session to follow the presentation. ALL ARE INVITED. Light refreshments will be provided. Free Will Donation: All proceeds will go to the Greenville Interfaith Council for continuing its charitable works. The Albany NY Chapter of Magnificat is hosting a Women’s Breakfast on Saturday, November 15 from 9AM–12PM at The Vista Restaurant at Van Patten Golf Club, 924 Main Street, Clifton Park, NY. Tickets: $20.00; Clergy & Religious Free. Join Catholic women from around the Albany Diocese as we fellowship, worship God, enjoy a meal together and hear an inspiring testimony by our speaker Beth Lynch, former Event Coordinator and Museum Manager for the Shrine of Our Lady of the Martyrs at Auriesville and a freelance writer. Register before November 9 @ www.albanymagnificat.com or send a check for $20 payable to Albany NY Chapter of Magnificat, PO Box 340, Clifton Park, NY, 12065. Include your name, address, phone no. and email address. Questions, call Heather @ 877-8034. WWW.RCDA.ORG/CHURCHES/STMARYS/INDEX.HTML 459 Pg 4
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