The Scroll CONGREGATION SHAARA TFILLE 84 Weibel Avenue, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Tel. (518) 584-2370 Fax (518) 584-5226 E-mail: October 2014 Published Monthly CALENDAR OF EVENTS October 3 Erev Yom Kippur Kol Nidre Service ....... 7:00 pm 4 Yom Kippur Services ...... 9:30 am Yizkor ..................... ~11:30 am Childcare ...10:00 am - 12:00 pm Mincha ....................... 4:30 pm Yom Kippur ends ....... 7:14 pm 6 Hadassah Dolls ............. 7:00 pm 8 Erev Sukkot 9-10 Sukkot 12 Synagogue Breakfast ..... 9:30 am 12 Unveiling ....................... 1:00 pm Marty Zelikofsky 12 Unveiling ....................... 2:00 pm Selma Berkowitz 13 Columbus Day 15 Erev Shemini Atzeret 16 Shemini Atzeret/Yizkor Services ..................... 7:30 am 16 Erev Simchat Torah Dinner ........................ 6:00 pm Service ....................... 6:30 pm 17 Simchat Torah 18 Bat Mitzvah ................. 10:30 am Renee Barr 21 Havurah Vatik ............. 11:00 am 21 Board Meeting .............. 6:00 pm 25 Bar Mitzvah ................... 9:30 am David Cohen 28 Sisterhood ..................... 7:00 pm Regular Services Mondays and Thursdays ..... 7:30 am Saturdays: October 4, 11 and 25 .... 9:30 am October 18 .................. 10:30 am Hebrew School Sundays .............................. 9:30 am Wednesdays........................ 5:30 pm No Hebrew School October 1, 5, 8 and 15 Bingo Thursdays................................ 5:30 pm No Bingo October 9 and 16 Office Hours Mon-Fri ................ 9:00 am - 1:00 pm The office will be closed: October 3, 9, 10, 16 and 17 7 Tishrei – 7 Cheshvan, 5775 Vol. 7 Issue # 9 From the Desk of Rabbi Blatt: Yom Kippur is the Jewish holiday which enjoys the highest level of synagogue attendance during the year. Regular attending congregants, as well as those who only attend religious services once a year are drawn to the synagogue to participate in a communal act of atonement. While each of us approach the observance of Yom Kippur in our own way, many people do carry out a full day of fasting to fulfill the biblical commandment to practice self-denial. Midrashic writings from the ancient rabbinic sages also stress fasting as a historic reminder of Israel’s repentance for the incident of the Golden Calf. The act of fasting not only reminds us of our total dependence upon forces greater than ourselves for food, but reinforces our ability to concentrate on prayer, repentance and self-improvement, at least for one day a year. In ancient times, the observance of Yom Kippur was quite different from what we do today. The biblical ceremony of atonement reflected the strong belief in magic and superstition prevalent among the people of that era. The High Priest of the Temple, or Kohen Gadol, performed a rite of expiation on behalf of all the people. As described in the Torah, Leviticus 16:7-22, two goats were brought before the High Priest and based on the drawing of lots, one goat was sacrificed on the altar as a sin offering and the other was designated as a “scapegoat.” Symbolically, the “scapegoat” assumed all the sins of the people as the Kohen placed his hands upon the animal’s head. Then, the goat was driven off into the wilderness, supposedly carrying with it the blame for our misdeeds during the past year. Once the First Temple was destroyed, however, and the Judeans were driven into exile in Babylonia, the observance of Yom Kippur changed radically. The need to find new ways to atone led to individual and communal prayer, fasting and the giving of charity. Even after the Temple was rebuilt and animal sacrifice was resumed, the new rituals were retained. When the Second Temple was finally destroyed by the Romans in the year 70 of the Common Era, animal sacrifice ceased forever, leaving prayer, fasting and charitable giving as the primary rites of Yom Kippur observance to this very day. I want to wish all of our congregants an easy fast and “G'mar Hatimah Tovah” / “May You Be Sealed for a Good Year (in the Book of Life).” Sincerely, Dr. Kenneth Stuart Blatt, Rabbi/Cantor Congregation Shaara Tfille Serving the greater Jewish community for over 100 years The Board of Congregation Shaara Tfille In the event of an emergency, Rabbi Blatt may be contacted by cell phone at (917) 723-4571. Rabbi .......................................... Dr. Kenneth Blatt Board of Directors Judith Ehrenshaft ................................... President Philip Weissman ............................ Vice-President Michael Fischer ...................................... Treasurer Barbara Opitz ......................................... Secretary Volunteers Needed !!!!!!!!! Board Members Joseph Greenbaum .............. House and Grounds Deborah Sabin ............................ Youth Education ........................................Program & Social Action Allen Kasin ............................................. Cemetery Naomi Raphan .................................Gabbi Liaison Robert Katzman ............................... Legal Advisor Jerry Grodin ................................... Board Position Eileen Woodcock ........................... Board Position Pamela Polacsek ........................... Past President We are in need of volunteers to help prepare and/or sell Bingo food. It takes about 1½ hours to make the sandwiches and 2 hours to sell them (these are two different jobs). Please call the office if you would be willing to donate your time once a month or every other month. Please remember: the funds raised from Bingo help with our annual budget. Thank you. Committee Chairs Religious ......................................... Milton Mintzer Membership ........................................... Tera Nadi Fundraising ............................................................ Budget .......................................... Michael Fischer Strategic Planning ...................... Pamela Polacsek Sisterhood Liaison. ....................Judith Ehrenshaft Men’s Club Liaison......................... Allan Polacsek Bingo Liaison. ........................ Joseph Greenbaum Pull Tabs Liaison......................... Carole Polacsek Endowment Fund. ..........................Stephen Golub Computer & Web ......................... Michael Fischer Scroll ....................................... Susan Greenbaum If you have volunteered to help make bingo sandwiches, sell bingo food, sell pull tabs or help with selling of bingo cards, PLEASE remember to show up at your scheduled time. We have asked only the number of people needed to volunteer. We do not have extra people to help when others forget to show up. We appreciate all of our volunteers and their dedication to Congregation Shaara Tfille. Office Administrator ....................Carole Leakakos Rabbi Blatt’s office hours are by appointment. Please call the office at 584-2370 to set up an appointment with him. Please notify the office if you or a member of your family would like to request a hospital visit by the Rabbi. Call the office at 584-2370 if you have any questions about any of our programs. Support the Local Food Bank The deadline for all articles is the 10th of the month prior to publication. If possible, please e-mail articles to: Otherwise, leave in the synagogue office. Thanks. Sue Greenbaum, Scroll Editor Please remember our neighbors in Saratoga who are less fortunate than we are. Please be generous with your food pantry donations. We have a box in the front lobby waiting to be filled. Please bring unopened, nonperishable foods. Thank you in advance for your generosity. A Congregation Shaara Tfille Community Project Reminder: Due to the increase in postage and materials, the price of contribution cards sent from the synagogue will be a minimum of $10. 2 Mort Zelikofsky in honor of the recent retirement of his brother-in-law Dr. Irwin Friedman Iris and Michael Jourdan sending get well wishes to Irving Goldsmith Iris and Michael Jourdan in memory of Morris Figelman’s first Yartzeit Shirley Lavine in memory of Gerald Selig Patricia Bruder in memory of Joseph Mintzer Shirley Lavine in memory of Joseph Mintzer In Memory of Ralph Caprow Patricia Bruder Pamela, Carole and Allan Polacsek Dorothy and Gordon Sanders Lila and Larry Berger In Memory of Debbie Mintzer Redfearn Judith Ehrenshaft Sondra and David Silverhart Iris and Michael Jourdan MEMORIAL CANDLES Jack Polacsek in memory of Lena Polacsek Jack Polacsek in memory of Gertrude Polacsek Jack Polacsek in memory of Francine Polacsek Bobbie and Charley Mintzer in memory of Sadie Mintzer Jean Caprow in memory of Dorothy Gantz Carole and Allan Polacsek in memory of Lena Polacsek Carole and Allan Polacsek in memory of Phillip Kaspin Carole and Allan Polacsek in memory of Gertrude Polacsek CONTRIBUTIONS Andre Rebeuh Milli and Elizabeth Macy in honor of Carole Leakakos Rhoda and Avram Freedberg in honor of Carole Leakakos Patricia Bruder in memory of David Golub, brother of Stephen Golub Patricia Bruder in honor of the birth of Amelia Weissman, granddaughter of Susan and Philip Weissman Iris and Michael Jourdan in memory of Iris Levine Rachelle Rubenstein in honor of the marriage of Bambii Rae and Harvey Brody Bobbie and Charley Mintzer wishing continued good health to Allen Kasin Bobbie and Charley Mintzer in honor of Barbie Kahn’s recent conversion Mort Zelikofsky in honor of Helen and Sid Gordon’s anniversary PRAYER BOOK FUND Loretta and Arthur Ostrov in memory of Dr. Joseph Mintzer KIDDUSH CONTRIBUTION Deborah Sabin in memory of Mitchell Hallow’s birthday Celebrate your special birthday, anniversary, or other happy event with all your friends. Sponsor a Sabbath Kiddush or Friday night Oneg. Call the synagogue office at 584-2370 to arrange a date. From Mort Zelikofsky in loving memory of his wife Marty and for her love and devotion to her mother, Sadie Hochstetter Thank you all for your generous contributions in honor of Carole Shapiro Leakakos. The following ½ page sponsors did not make it into Carole’s celebration program. Please mention Congregation Shaara Tfille when frequenting these business: · 518-495-0053 5 Glenwood Drive · Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 3 We will once again have childcare available for Yom Kippur from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. It will be in the downstairs of the building. HIGH HOLIDAY TICKETS: If you are expecting out of town guests, or have friends or relatives in the area who will be joining us for services, please contact Carole in the office to purchase your High Holiday guest tickets. You must have a ticket to attend services. Synagogue Breakfast Sponsored by Men’s Club T T he monthly synagogue breakfast with a speaker will be held on Sunday, October 12th at 9:30 a.m. here are no dues, only a $10.00 charge for breakfast. RSVP to 584-2370 by Wednesday, October 8th, if you are able to attend. YOM KIPPUR: Friday, October 3rd Candle Lighting: ...........6:16 p.m. Kol Nidre ......................7:00 p.m. Saturday, October 4th Morning Service: ..........9:30 a.m. Yizkor: ........................11:30 a.m. (approximate time) Afternoon Mincha: ........4:30 p.m. Yom Kippur Ends: ........7:14 p.m. SUKKOT: Thursday, October 9th ....7:30 a.m. SHEMINI ATZERET / Yizkor: Thursday, October 17th ..7:30 a.m. SIMCHAT TORAH: Thursday, October 17th Dinner ..........................6:00 p.m. Service .........................6:30 p.m. O Sisterhood Meeting P lease join us on Tuesday, October 28th at 7:00 p.m., for a synagogue Sisterhood monthly meeting and speaker. ll women at Congregation Shaara Tfille are invited to attend. A ctober will be a very busy month with the observance of two major holidays: Yom Kippur and Sukkot. J udith Ehrenshaft, President of the Congregation, has again graciously invited our Hebrew School students and their families to come fulfill the mitzvah (commandment) of dwelling / noshing in her beautiful Sukkah on Sunday, October 12th at 11:30 a.m., following Hebrew School. T wo special celebrations will also take place this month that I hope all Hebrew School students, their families, and all of our congregants will attend. Renee Barr, Sam’s and Jacob’s mom, will become a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, October 18th (10:30 a.m.); and David Cohen will become a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, October 25th (9:30 a.m.). Rabbi Kenneth S. Blatt 4 Congregation Shaara Tfille sends its deepest sympathy to Bobbie, Charley and Leonard Mintzer on the recent passing of their daughter and sister Deborah Mintzer Redfearn Cemetery Information Mort Zelikofsky invites the congregation to the unveiling for his wife Marty Zelikofsky Sunday, October 12th at 1:00 p.m. The Cemetery Rules and Fees document spells out eligibility, rights, and fees. It also sets guidelines for use of the building and sanctuary during funerals. Jack Berkowitz and Judy Zassenhaus Congregation Shaara Tfille sends This document can now be invite the congregation its deepest sympathy to found on our website: to the unveiling for Tim Redfearn Selma Berkowitz on the recent passing of his wife Click on “About Us/General Sunday, October 12th at 2:00 p.m. Deborah Mintzer Redfearn Info.” Then under “MINYAN! MINYAN! MINYAN!,” click on “rules, regulations and prices”. Or call Carole in the office at 584-2370 or Al Kasin at 587-3737 for a copy. October Yahrtzeits Oct Heb Member Deceased Rel 1 Tishrei 7 Bobbie Rapp Isaac Zelikofsky GF 1 7 Morton Zelikofsky Isaac Zelikofsky GF 1 7 Ellen Messing Lillian Rosenblatt M 2 8 Judith Ehrenshaft Marjorie Ehrenshaft M/L 2 8 Naomi Raphan Saul Feinstein F 4 10 Franklin Rapp Freida Rapp GM 5 11 Linda Ike Bertrand Murray Ike F 9 15 Bobbie Rapp Charles Zelikofsky F 10 16 Arthur Ostrov Morris Resnick GF 10 16 Jerome Ostrov Morris Resnick GF 10 16 Richard Ostrov Morris Resnick GF 14 20 Jean Caprow Louis Caprow F/L 14 20 Sol Figelman Morris Figelman B 16 22 Patricia Balasuriya Don Balasuriya F Oct Heb Member 16 22 20 26 22 28 23 29 23 29 28 Cheshvan 4 28 4 29 5 31 7 31 7 31 7 31 7 31 7 31 7 Joseph Jacobson Ellen Messing Roberta Baruch Stephen Golub Joseph Jacobson Robert Katzman Franklin Rapp Bernard Raphan Carole Leakakos Carole Leakakos Carole Leakakos Marilyn Shapiro Marilyn Shapiro Marilyn Shapiro Deceased Trudy Jacobson Elias Rosenblatt Jordan Baruch Samuel Cohen Benjamin Jacobson Joe Katzman Max Rapp Goldie Raphan Jeannette Shapiro Harold Shapiro Michelle Shapiro Jeannette Shapiro Harold Shapiro Michelle Shapiro Rel W F F GF F F GF M A U C A U C Please help us keep our yahrtzeit list up-to-date. Call Carole in the office with any additions or corrections. SUGGESTION BOX in the kiddush room / social hall Please Note: There will not be any Friday Evening Shabbat Service this month. Congregants can make suggestions or share their ideas on how to improve the way we do things at the synagogue. The box is locked, and you can leave notes anonymously, if you wish. Prayer Book Dedications: Chumashim (Etz Hayim Torah and Commentary) can be dedicated in honor of someone for $72. Siddurim can be dedicated for $36. Please contact the synagogue office for details. Thank you 5 O O n behalf of the entire congregation, Rabbi Kenneth Blatt and President Judith Ehrenshaft, extend a Mazel Tov to n behalf of the entire congregation, Rabbi Kenneth Blatt and President Judith Ehrenshaft, extend a Mazel Tov to David Cohen Renee Barr for his being called up to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on October 25, 2014. David is the son of Zhanna and Martin Cohen. for her being called up to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on October 18, 2014. Renee is the daughter of Judith Ehrenshaft and mother of Sam and Jacob Barr. PARKING LOT FUNDRAISERS October Birthdays and Anniversaries A big THANK YOU to all who volunteered to help with our fundraisers at the Saratogian and Fingerpaint parking lots in August. Carole Leakakos Eileen Woodcock Barbie Kahn Andy Kahn Mike Fischer Phil Weisman Ed Dweck Ruth Dweck Linda Bertrand Al Kasin David Kieserman Susan Weissman Because of their help, we raised $1,130! Special thanks also to both venues for allowing us to have this fundraising opportunity! 2 3 5 12 19 20 20 21 22 24 28 29 David Cohen Norman Mann Robert and Ellen Messing Naomi Raphan Andy Kahn Jocelyn Keene Pamela Polacsek Renee Barr Allen Kasin Allan Polacsek Jerry Grodin and Felice Karlitz Joe Greenbaum If you find any errors or omissions in The Scroll, please notify the office. The correction or addition will be noted in the next issue. Thank you. C ongregation Shaara Tfille has invested in an Automated External Defibrillator as a means of protecting the heart health of the congregation and its visitors. Sudden Cardiac Arrest can strike anyone at anytime. In these situations, external defibrillation improves the chances of heart attack patients by 65%. As extra protection, the AED cabinet has been connected to the county 9-1-1 system. Should the AED be activated, help will be immediately dispatched to the synagogue. W I e are proud to be one of the first houses of worship in Saratoga to install this life-saving device. To date we have nine congregants and synagogue employees trained and certified to use the AED. f you would like to donate to the AED fundraiser, please send your check directly to Congregation Shaara Tfille. Please call Carole in the office at 584-2370 with any questions. 6 October 2014 Sunday Monday 7 Tishrei – 7 Cheshvan, 5775 Tuesday Wednesday 1 The office will be closed October 3rd, 9th, 10th, 16th and 17th 11 Tishrei No Hebrew School 6 12 Tishrei Services 7:30 am 7 2 7 Tishrei No Hebrew School 8 13 Tishrei Bingo 5:30 pm 9 14 Tishrei 19 Hebrew School 9:30 am 13 19 Tishrei Sukkot 5 Services 7:30 am 20 Tishrei Sukkot 6 15 2 Cheshvan Hebrew School 9:30 am 16 5:54 pm Erev Shemini Atzeret 26 Tishrei Services 7:30 am 21 27 Tishrei 27 3 Cheshvan Services 7:30 am 22 28Tishrei 28 4 Cheshvan Hebrew Schoo l 5:30 pm 29 22 Tishrei Shemini Atzeret / Yizkor Services 7:30 am Office Closed No Bingo Simchat Torah Dinner 6:00 pm Service 6:30 pm 5 Cheshvan 23 29 Tishrei Bingo 5:30 pm 30 6 Cheshvan Services 7:30 am Hebrew Schoo l 5:30 pm Sisterhood 7:00 pm 7 6:16 10 16 Tishrei Sukkot 2 11 17 Tishrei 18 24 Tishrei 25 1 Cheshvan Sukkot 3 Services 9:30 am Office Closed 17 23 Tishrei Simchat Torah Bereishit Services 10:30am Renee Barr Bat Mitzvah 5:51 pm 6:53pm Services 7:30 am Havurah Vatik 11:00 am 4 10 Tishrei Yom Kippur Services 9:30am Yizkor Service Office Closed ~11:30 am Child Care 10:00 am—noon pm Mincha Service 4:30 pm Erev Yom Kippur Kol Nidrei Yom Kippur Ends Services 7:00 pm 7:14 pm 9 Tishrei 7:05 pm No Hebrew School Board Mtg. 5:30 pm 26 21 Tishrei Sukkot 7 Hoshana Rabbah 3 Saturday 6:03 pm Erev Sukkot 14 Friday No Bingo Columbus Day 20 Services 7:30 am Sukkot 1 6:06 pm Hadassah Dolls 7:00 pm 18 Tishrei Sukkot 4 Hebrew School 9:30 am Synagogue Breakfast 9:30 am Marty Zelikofsky Unveiling FOREVER IN OUR 1:00 pm HEARTS Selma Berkowitz Unveiling 2:00 pm 25 Tishrei 15 Tishrei Office Closed No Hebrew School 12 8 Tishrei Services 7:30 am No Hebrew School October 1st, 5th, 8th and 15th No Bingo October 9th and 16th 5 Thursday Bingo 5:30 pm 24 30 Tishrei Rosh Chodesh 5:40 pm 31 7 Cheshvan 5:30 pm Rosh Chodesh Noach Services 9:30 am David Cohen Bar Mitzvah to 8 RESERVATIONS: Due to the significant increase in synagogue programming and special events, it is important that we have an accurate count of the number of people attending each event so that we can prepare accordingly. Therefore, we will not accept reservations for any event after the posted deadline. This applies to everybody. This policy has the support of the Rabbi and the President of the Board. Thank you for your cooperation. Congregation Shaara Tfille needs your support! Please attend our services! Havurah Vatik September Event Tuesday, October 21st, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at Congregation Shaara Tfille All area Jewish Seniors 55 plus are welcome! Rabbi Abba Rubin “We All Speak Yinglish” Rabbi Rubin has been serving the Saratoga community as Chabad Rabbi for over 12 years with a goal of promoting Jewish identity through Torah, art and music, and creating a welcoming setting for all. Yiddish vocabulary has infused the English language. Rabbi Rubin invites you to bring your own examples of English spoken words to add to the 50-word collection he has accumulated. He will also present a lively taste of Lower East Side Yiddish songs, that are easy to join in, with both Yiddish and English. Rabbi Rubin’s wife Raisel will tell us about how she came to write and publish a series of popular Yiddish workbooks. A catered lunch will be served. It is very important that you contact Temple Sinai at 584-8730, mailbox 4, or by October 16th if you are planning to attend or need transportation or to cancel your reservation. We are grateful to our sponsors: and . LET’S KEEP HAVURAH VATIK GROWING…………BRING A FRIEND! Sunday, October 19, 2014 1:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Schenectady JCC, 2565 Balltown Rd., Niskayuna, NY Free, family friendly event featuring demonstrations, arts and crafts, art exhibits, live music created by individuals with disabilities, an inclusive multimedia quilt from across the Capital Region, and more. Honorary Chair: Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara For more information, call (518) 377-8803 or email: 9 Emcee: Dori Marlin CBS6 The JCC of Schenectady Sunday, October 12, 3:00 PM Celebrating the Music of Jewish Composers Mendelssohn, Schoenfield, Schulhoff, and Milhaud. Acclaimed pianist and distinguished Artist in Residence at Skidmore College Pola Baytelman has toured the US, Europe, China and Chile. Her CDs are frequently broadcast in several continents. Saturday, October 11th at 7:30 p.m. Fill the Void: Shira, the youngest daughter of an ultraOrthodox family in Tel Aviv, is about to be engaged. When her older sister dies during childbirth, their mother, afraid that her son-in-law may leave the country with her only grandchild, proposes a match. Shira has to make a choice. Beautifully done, intimate story exploring universal themes. Winner of 7 Israeli academy awards. The performance, with explanations, includes romantic co m p o s i t i o n s an d m u s i c i n fl u en ced b y Klezmer, Jazz, and Brazilian music: Mendelssohn, Schoenfield, Schulhoff, and Milhaud. (Hebrew with English subtitles) Rabbi Eleanor Pearlman will lead a discussion Saturday, November 1st at 7:30 p.m. The Lady in Number 6 and Nyosha The Lady in Number 6: In this inspirational film, Alice Herz-Sommer, 109 year old, the world’s oldest pianist and Holocaust survivor, shares her story on how to achieve a long and happy life. She discusses the importance of music, laughter, and having an optimistic outlook on life. An Oscar winning 2003 documentary. Nyosha: a hand-drawn animated film about a 10-year old girl during the Holocaust, and how her faith and a pair of black shoes saved her life. Based on a true story. Discussion led by Lauren Savage, LCSW The Schenectady JCC Jewish Film Festival runs from October 2014 - March 2015 and includes 8 events. Individual Events: $5 member, $9 non-member, $3 student All 98 Events: $30 member, $55 non-member For more information, contact Irit Magnes at (518) 377-8803 or go to Cost: $13, $9 Member, $5 Student with refreshments. The Robert & Dorothy Ludwig JCC of Schenectady 2565 Balltown Road, Niskayuna, 12309, 377-8803 ALBANY JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER AUTUMN CONCRET IN THE AFTERNOON MY NAME IS BARBRA: A BARBRA STREISAND TRIBUTE performed by Joni Lambert Thursday, October 23, 2014 1:30-2:45 p.m. Albany JCC auditorium Light refreshments served following the concert Tickets: $12 in advance, $15 at the door With the look and sound of Barbra Streisand, Joni Lambert brings the excitement and unmistakable vocals of the great Barbra herself. A lifetime performer with years of classical vocal training, Lambert’s artistry and stage experience bring Barbra to life right before your eyes. Sidney Albert Albany Jewish Community Center 340 Whitehall Rd., Albany, NY Claire Sigal: (518) 438-6651 x 112 10 11 Congregation Shaara Tfille 84 Weibel Ave. Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit #8 Saratoga Springs, NY The Jewish Community Center Congregation Shaara Tfille Celebrates SUKKOT Service Schedule: First Day of Sukkot, Thursday, October 9th at 7:30 am Shemini Atzeret (Yizkor), Thursday, October 16th at 7:30 am Simchat Torah, Thursday, October 16th — see below: Join us on Simchat Torah For a Pizza and Salad dinner at 6:00 pm Followed by a Family Service at 6:30 pm There is no charge for dinner, but we need your reservation in order to prepare accordingly RSVP for dinner to Carole in the office at 584-2370 by Monday, October 13th Don’t forget to bring your kosher candy to share! 12
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