JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ CHESHVAN - KISLEV 5775 Sh'ma NOVEMBER 2014 שמע Kehilat Ahavat Achim – A Reconstructionist Synagogue Dear JCNP Congregants, Family and Friends: If you joined us at our High Holidays services this year, you heard about a very special and unique opportunity to support our shul. A congregant who wishes to remain anonymous has given us an exceptional gift by matching all contributions two for one – meaning that, for every dollar you donate, the congregant will donate twice the amount, allowing us to gain three times the original contribution. (Example: $100 donated by you generates $200 in additional donation from this generous individual – for a total of $300 donated to JCNP) This opportunity only lasts until the end of the secular calendar year (December 31, 2014) so it is of utmost importance that we leverage it now. If you have already taken advantage of this opportunity – Thank You!!! If you’ve been thinking of making a contribution – whether to mark the High Holidays, to donate to one of our funds or to acknowledge a life event – this is the time to do so. As you all know, our dues do not cover our operating expenses, and we rely significantly on fundraising to meet our annual budget. This extraordinarily generous gift to our synagogue will help us significantly in ensuring we are prepared financially for this year. Please take a moment to consider making a donation and allowing us to realize this special benefit. With our best wishes to you and your families for a happy, healthy and sweet year, Susan Cohen and the JCNP Board of Trustees Don’t forget our New Member Welcome Shabbat services on November 14 and our 50th Anniversary Dinner/Dance on November 15! See inside. JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ CHESHVAN - KISLEV 5775 NOVEMBER 2014 BOARD OF TRUSTEES RABBI President: Susan Cohen 566-3210 Rabbi Bill Strongin 616-7403 Vice President: Marc Schain 687-0667 Secretary: Meri Lederer 256-0315 Treasurer: Paul Zuckerman 255-7257 Financial Secretary: Adele Ruger 255-5379 James DeArce 255-3457 Amy Donnelly 901-5791 Marci Formato 883-7937 Caryn Hinson 255-8613 Dafna Neiger 706-2760 Amanda Paul 255-9922 Lisa Randleman 256-0011 Spenser Rohrlick 255-5116 Myra Sorin 255-5016 Marilyn DeAngelo 389-9282 Arnie Kahgan 917 608-8498 OFFICE Abby Chance 255-9817 CONTACTS Archivist Adult Programming Gladys Gottlieb Donna Sherman Wendy Rudder Baby Naming Amie Adams Building Operations Paul Zuckerman Building Scheduling Carol Nolan Caring Myra Sorin Cemetery Plots Gerry Sorin Choir Amie Adams Corresponding Sec’y Marci Formato Dues Paul Zuckerman Finance Adele Ruger Fundraising Meri Lederer Hebrew School Teri Gil Leslie Rubin Kitchen Coordinator Alan Kraus Library Gerry Sorin Maintenance Rachel Pekarsky Membership Ellen Butowsky Memorial Plaques Barry Tunkel Nominations Meri Lederer Rabbi Liaison Tom Nolan Gerry Sorin Robin Hayes Ritual Paul Zuckerman Supermarket Cards Don Schiff Security Paul Zuckerman Sh’ma Editor Amy Donnelly Tikkun Olam James DeArce Teen Committee Marci Formato Pam Tate UC Jewish Federation open position Web Keeper Tom Nolan 331-7589 633-8445 255-0436 256-1458 255-7257 255-0877 255-5016 255-5016 256-1458 883-7937 255-7257 255-5379 256-0315 255-2516 256-9692 255-1378 255-5016 532-8756 255-3316 255-8983 256-0315 255-0877 255-5016 255-6755 255-7257 255-7143 255-7257 901-5791 255-3457 883-7937 895-9234 255-0877 Where you can find us: Shul: 8 Church Street Community Center: 30 North Chestnut Street Address: P.O. Box 577, New Paltz, New York 12561 Website: 2 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ CHESHVAN - KISLEV 5775 NOVEMBER 2014 CARING COMMITTEE One Book One New Paltz ~ Discussion & Bagel Brunch Sunday, November 16, 11:00 AM in the Community Center Rabbi Bill will lead a discussion of this year’s community book: Nemesis by Philip Roth. This short but very rich novel takes place in the 1940s in Newark, NJ, during the polio epidemic; the main character is a young Jewish man working in a playground in that city, who must make many difficult decisions. ~ sponsored by the Caring Committee Get Well Wishes to Steve Ford Condolences to Donna Manger-Weil and family on the death of her father in late September Meryl Kalus and family on the death of Meryl’s brother in early October Deb Kaufman and family. Deb is a former JCNP and Caring Committee member, who lost her mother in early October. Congratulations to Elissa and Rusty Staub, whose son was married this past summer Susan Stessin and Rob Cohn, whose son was also married this summer Amy Donnelly, whose son David was married in October Outstanding October Luncheon On Tuesday, October 7, a lovely fall day, we held our Community Luncheon with approximately 25 people in attendance. Nicholas Baxter, our wonderful volunteer chef, captured the best of the season in his culinary offerings. Assisting Nicholas in the kitchen were Don Gottlieb, Lynne Rachlin, Artie Raphael, Joel Swartzberg and Ron Zuckerman. Other helpers were Jacki Brownstein, Gladys Gottlieb, Sharon Raphael and Myra Sorin. We started with a delightfully sweet baba-ganoush & pomegranate-molasses dip and a golden-orange honeyed sweet-potato spread, served with warm pita wedges and fresh French bread. Next was a hot and fragrant eggplant-tomato-basil soup. The main course was baked filet of whitefish topped with creamy yogurt, diced tomatoes and lemon. Alongside were sautéed greens, couscous with dried apricots, and butternut squash wedges. The dish was a delight to the eyes as well as the palate! Dessert was a wonderful Gala apple cake with autumn fruit compote. So-o-o good! Shades-of-pink carnations with baby breath, chosen and artfully arranged by Sharon Raphael, graced the tables. After dinner Artie Raphael, assisted by Sharon, led an exciting sing-along of American folk songs. Our next luncheon will be Tuesday, November 11, Veterans Day. Won’t you join us? Our delicious community luncheons, sponsored by the Caring Committee, are open to all adults, with special encouragement to seniors. For more information or to reserve your place, contact Myra Sorin at 255-5016 or We always have a good time and eat the best food! Help Us to Help You! The Caring Committee’s most important work is providing support to families experiencing illness, hardship or bereavement, and congratulations to families with lovely accomplishments. Please bring such things to our attention by contacting Carol Zuckerman (255-6604 or or any member of the Caring Committee. We appreciate your help, and can’t do it without you! Rides: If a ride is needed for a synagogue event, please contact Sharon Raphael at 255-5367. 3 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ CHESHVAN - KISLEV 5775 NOVEMBER 2014 ADULT PROGRAMS Jumpstart The Stories of Your Life "What ma(ers in life . . . is not what happens to you but how you remember it." -‐ Gabriel Garica Marquez We all have stories to tell and they ma1er to you, your family and our community. In this 90-‐minute workshop, journalist, essayist and editor Be#y Marton will help you begin to write your story no ma1er where you are in the process. Come with an idea and leave with a clearer vision of what you can accomplish and the steps you need to take. Requirements: Bring something to write on and a willingness to share your ideas. Sunday, November 9th, 4:30 PM at the JCNP Community Center Free for JCNP members $5 for non-‐members QuesGons? Contact Be1y Marton at or 845.256.9040 Not Your Typical Israel Trip "On the one hand, Israel is the only na=on in the West that is occupying another people. On the other hand, Israel is the only na=on in the West that is existen=ally threatened. Both . . . make the Israeli condi=on unique." -‐ Ari Shavit When we consider the history of the Israeli/Pales5nian conflict and the prospects for a peaceful resolu5on, many of us harbor complex, nuanced opinions and feelings that can be difficult to discuss ra5onally: • Deep connec5on to Israel and concern for her security • Support for the Pales5nian cause • Horror over recent reports of growing an5-‐Semi5sm, especially in Europe In September, Carol Nolan had the opportunity to par5cipate in a study tour sponsored by Americans for Peace Now, of Israel and the West Bank. Carol will discuss the trip and her reac5ons to it in a talk sponsored by the Adult Programming CommiMee of the Jewish Congrega5on of New Paltz. Sunday, November 23rd, 4:30 PM at the JCNP Community Center Free for JCNP members & par5cipants in the 2012 JCNP Israel Trip $5.00 for non-‐members with Rabbi Bill (and a cast of Biblical characters!) rah o T dy Stu Mondays 7 - 8:30 PM in the Community Center library Enjoy stimulating, freewheeling discussions of Judaism and the Torah. 4 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ CHESHVAN - KISLEV 5775 NOVEMBER 2014 The Jewish community of New Paltz invites you to HAVURAT HA’LEV A contemplative Shabbat morning service led by Rabbi Rena Blumenthal Saturday, November 8th in the JCNP Community Center, 30 North Chestnut St. Service – 10:00 - 11:30 AM Kiddush & a nosh – 11:30 - noon Havurat Ha’Lev means “Fellowship of the Heart.” Our services will be informal, innova=ve and interac=ve. There will be spirited singing and chan=ng; periods of silence, guided medita=on, personal sharing, and a lively Torah-‐based discussion. No prior knowledge or experience is assumed. We hope you will join us! EVERYONE IS WELCOME! BRING SOME FRIENDS! For more information, please contact Rena ( or Dafna ( SAVE THE DATE the next Havurat Ha’Lev will take place on Saturday, December 13th 5 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ CHESHVAN - KISLEV 5775 NOVEMBER 2014 YAHRZEITS Name Observed This Year Hebrew Date Edward Cynamon Observing this yahrzeit Schwartz, Martin & Gail Saturday, 11/1/2014 Relationship grandfather Cheshvan 8, 5775 Lawrence Schaffel (Elisha) Observing this yahrzeit Scherrer, Daniel & Schaffel, Jo Saturday, 11/1/2014 Relationship father Cheshvan 8, 5775 Jerome Gillman (Shoal) Observing this yahrzeit Gillman, Gloria Sunday, 11/2/2014 Relationship husband Cheshvan 9, 5775 Bernard Scherer (Biyumin David ben Yisschar) Observing this yahrzeit Rothman, Alan & Jessica Sunday, 11/2/2014 Relationship father Cheshvan 9, 5775 Sol Cohen Observing this yahrzeit Sorin, Gerald & Myra Monday, 11/3/2014 Relationship father Cheshvan 10, 5775 Samuel Schreier Observing this yahrzeit Adams, Scott & Amie Monday, 11/3/2014 Relationship grandfather Cheshvan 10, 5775 Josef Mazur Observing this yahrzeit Ruger, Kip & Adele Thursday, 11/6/2014 Relationship father Cheshvan 13, 5775 Anna Schiff (Chaya Roysa) Observing this yahrzeit Schiff, Donald & Joyce Thursday, 11/6/2014 Relationship mother Cheshvan 13, 5775 Walter Schwartz Observing this yahrzeit Schwartz, Martin & Gail Friday, 11/7/2014 Relationship father Cheshvan 14, 5775 Walker Curry Observing this yahrzeit Nolan, Tom & Carol Saturday, 11/8/2014 Relationship father Cheshvan 15, 5775 Harry Davis Observing this yahrzeit Davis, Donald & Darlene Saturday, 11/8/2014 Relationship uncle Cheshvan 15, 5775 Shirley Diller (Lottie Sosha) Observing this yahrzeit Torres, Wil & Robin Saturday, 11/8/2014 Relationship aunt Cheshvan 15, 5775 Ronald Jacobowitz (Riuvain) Observing this yahrzeit Paz, Bryan & Jacobowitz-Paz, Marcia Monday, 11/10/2014 Relationship brother Cheshvan 17, 5775 Jerome Schapiro (Yakov ben Zalman v'Cherna) Observing this yahrzeit Cohn, Ron & Lois Tuesday, 11/11/2014 Relationship father Cheshvan 18, 5775 Rose Schreier Observing this yahrzeit Adams, Scott & Amie Friday, 11/14/2014 Relationship grandmother Cheshvan 21, 5775 6 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ CHESHVAN - KISLEV 5775 NOVEMBER 2014 YAHRZEITS Name Observed This Year Hebrew Date Bessie Bell Observing this yahrzeit Ford, Steve & Carole Saturday, 11/15/2014 Relationship mother Cheshvan 22, 5775 Helen Yuder Freeman Observing this yahrzeit Krikun, David & Freeman, Phyllis Saturday, 11/15/2014 Relationship mother Cheshvan 22, 5775 Ronald Greenfield Observing this yahrzeit Cullen, Scott & Greenfield, Donna Saturday, 11/15/2014 Relationship father Cheshvan 22, 5775 Melvin Slade (Moishe) Observing this yahrzeit Baxter, Nicholas & Slade, Margot Saturday, 11/15/2014 Relationship father Cheshvan 22, 5775 Sanford (Sandy) Tex Observing this yahrzeit Formato, Anthony & Marci Monday, 11/17/2014 Relationship father Cheshvan 24, 5775 Jose Copernik (Yoseph) Observing this yahrzeit Feigen, Ronald & Zelda Thursday, 11/20/2014 Relationship father Cheshvan 27, 5775 Bill Rudder (Chaim) Observing this yahrzeit Rudder, Ed & Wendy Thursday, 11/20/2014 Relationship father Cheshvan 27, 5775 Muriel Klein (Mindle bat Tzvi Moshe) Observing this yahrzeit Tunkel, Barry & Lori Sunday, 11/23/2014 Relationship mother Kislev 1, 5775 James Greer Observing this yahrzeit Swartzberg, Joel & Jackie Monday, 11/24/2014 Relationship brother Kislev 2, 5775 Leo Staub Observing this yahrzeit Staub, Rusty & Elissa Monday, 11/24/2014 Relationship father Kislev 2, 5775 May Cynamon Observing this yahrzeit Schwartz, Martin & Gail Tuesday, 11/25/2014 Relationship grandmother Kislev 3, 5775 Helen Meltzer (Chava bat Shmuel) Observing this yahrzeit Sherman, Mark & Shelley Wednesday, 11/26/2014 Relationship mother Kislev 4, 5775 Lawrence Levine Observing this yahrzeit Rosen, Nancy & Lurie, Andrea Friday, 11/28/2014 Relationship brother Kislev 6, 5775 Jack Meltzer Observing this yahrzeit Slotnick, Sam & Susan Friday, 11/28/2014 Relationship father Kislev 6, 5775 Rose Noyman (Rashe) Observing this yahrzeit Harkavy, Sondra Saturday, 11/29/2014 Relationship mother Kislev 7, 5775 7 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ CHESHVAN - KISLEV 5775 NOVEMBER 2014 JCNP Board of Trustees meeting minutes September 14, 2014 Present: Not Present: S. Cohen, A. Kahgin, A. Ruger, C. Hinson, M. Lederer, L. Randleman, D. Neiger, P. Zuckerman, A. Paul, A. Donnelly, M. Schain, M. Formato, S. Rohrlick, J. DeArce, M. Sorin, M. D’Angelo, Rabbi Bill None Welcome to new Board member, Marilyn D’Angelo Moment of Silence/Prayer Approval of July Minutes: Approved unanimously with four absten5ons. High Holidays prepara7on: Rosh Hashanah Luncheon: Helpers are needed for the luncheon, specifically people to prepare some of the • dishes and set up and clean up. A mee5ng for the volunteers is scheduled for Tuesday. Flowers for the Bimah will be ordered by A. Ruger and picked up by E. Butowsky. Amy Donnelly will sponsor • the Rosh Hashanah flowers and Susan and David Cohen will sponsor the Yom Kippur flowers. Yom Kippur Break Fast: This will be discussed at the Rosh Hashanah volunteer mee5ng on Tuesday. The • commiMee will compile a list of items that are needed and people will be asked to sign up to bring specific things. People should plan to bring a large dish to share. P. Zuckerman will make the appeal during Yom Kippur services. M. Schain will speak about the Illustrated • Torah project at Rosh Hashanah and will announce it (but not make a speech about it) during Yom Kippur. Children’s Services are set. There are new books and Elaine Faver (Elisa Dugatkin’s mother) will lead it on a • volunteer basis. Thank you notes need to be sent out. • Hiring of addi7onal teachers: Mo5on made by D. Neiger to hire Machelle Clark as a teacher for the Dalet and Hay classes and as a leader of • the Junior Congrega5on. Seconded by A. Ruger. Approved unanimously. Mo5on made by D. Neiger to hire Rachel Markowitz to teach Chaverim Arts. Seconded by L. Randleman. • Approved unanimously. Fi;ieth Anniversary of JCNP: There will be a dinner/dance (not a fundraiser). There will also be an oneg the weekend of November 15. Some of the longer-‐term members of the congrega5on will be asked to be involved. CommiMee members for this event are: S. Rohrlick, A. Ruger, M. Lederer, M. D’Angelo, S. Cohen, L. Randelman, M. Formato. Oneg for outgoing Board members: Tenta5vely planned for Oct. 17 (Simchat Torah) pending the availability of the outgoing Board members. Building Issues: A new furnace is needed for the community center. An offer was made to give us a used oil burner in good • condi5on. Propane may be a more viable op5on. This is being explored. The security system in the synagogue will be upgraded to have intruder protec5on. • Building issues constantly arise and there isn’t any one person who is responsible for managing these issues. • Someone is needed to fill this role. Illustrated Torah Update: There are 33 por5ons and 2 books that have been underwriMen. The plan is that ader Simchat Torah, the opportunity to have one’s name inscribed in the Torah will end. The goal is to have 40 por5ons underwriMen. There are s5ll several people who may be interested. 8 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ CHESHVAN - KISLEV 5775 NOVEMBER 2014 JCNP Board of Trustees meeting minutes September 14, 2014 Red Cross Training: There are eleven congregants who have signed up. Calendar of Board mee7ngs and Exec. commiJee mee7ngs: A schedule was developed and reviewed. Calendar of Board mee7ngs and Exec. commiJee mee7ngs: A schedule was developed and reviewed. Rabbi Rena Blumenthal’s proposal: D. Neiger met with Rabbi Rena Blumenthal, who was the Rabbi at Vassar. She is interested in doing a monthly Shabbat service in the form of a Chavurah service (informal, small group, Torah discussions) with a different type of spiritual focus (medita5on, chan5ng, contempla5on, reflec5on, etc.) She has proposed leading 8 services. Mo5on: (P. Zuckerman): Approve two such services at $400 each and then review further. Seconded by A. Ruger. Approved unanimously with one absen5on. Other/New Business: • An informa5on session for the New Paltz Central School District’s Capital Campaign was scheduled for erev Rosh Hashanah. It was suggested that some Board members write to the school district explaining the significance of this. S. Cohen will send a leMer to the school district on behalf of the Board. • Tikun Olam Crop Walk is on Oct. 19. • The liaison to the Federa5on posi5on is unfilled at this point. Gladys GoMleib is interested in filling it. • Sh’ma: Things MUST be submiMed to A. Donnelly by the tenth of the month to be included in the Sh’ma. • Board members signed up to give gids at upcoming B’nei Mitzvahs. • There is now Stop and Shop scrip available as well as Shoprite. Adjourned: 8:44 If you could donate to the Jewish Congregation of New Paltz without it costing you a dime, would you do it? Of course you would! Here's how: SHOPRITE GIFT CERTIFICATES AND NOW . . . STOP&SHOP GIFT CERTIFICATES TOO! in $20, $50 and $100 denominations. JCNP receives five cents on each dollar. For example, if you purchase a $100 certificate, the congregation earns $5 and you get to buy $100 worth of ShopRite or Stop&Shop merchandise. So if you shop at Stop&Shop or ShopRite anyway, it’s a no-brainer. Contact Don Schiff at 255-7143 for more information or to buy your certificates. If you wish to schedule an event at the shul or Community Center, please confirm that the space you need is available BEFORE finalizing your plans. To reserve a space for your activity, contact Carol Nolan at Submissions to the Sh’ma are due by November 10 for the December 2014 issue. Questions? Contact Amy Donnelly at or (845) 901-5791. 9 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ CHESHVAN - KISLEV 5775 NOVEMBER 2014 NEW MEMBER WELCOME! Friday, November 14 7 PM Join us and celebrate all the members of our community who have joined JCNP in the last year. Bring the whole family to shul and meet new and old friends. Our wonderful choir, the Chai Notes, will sing for us and with us! NOTES for FAMILIES from Rabbi Bill CHILDREN'S SERVICES Children’s Services begin at 7 PM (half an hour earlier than other services) on these Shabbat evenings: 11/7, 12/5, 1/9, 2/6, 3/6, 4/10, 5/1, 6/19 Note to parents: at any and all services, our congregation loves to see children. And hear them! It is when they begin to run around or make too much noise that parents must take a hand, and bring them outside the sanctuary. Children should sit near their parents. _____________________________________ JUNIOR CONGREGATION Junior Congregation is led this year by our own homegrown Machele Clark, with parent helpers, in the Community Center, on these Shabbat evenings at 7:30 PM: 11/21, 12/12, 1/23, 2/27, 3/20, 4/17, 5/15, 6/12 Note to parents: please do not simply drop your kids off at the Community Center! Come over to the shul for the adult service. You will enjoy the spiritual break, and you’ll be out in time to pick up your kids. _____________________________________ B’NEY MITZVAH & VAV FAMILY CLASSES ON SHABBAT MORNINGS B'ney Mitzvah and Vav classes meet monthly for family classes: each student should be accompanied by at least one parent. We meet at the Community Center on Saturdays, 9 to 10:30 AM, followed by Shabbat services, 10:30 to 11:15 AM. Attendance is expected, so mark your calendars now! 11/1, 12/6, 1/10, 2/7, 3/14, 4/11, 6/6 _____________________________________ CHAVERIM ARTS Rachel Markowitz and her team introduce your young children to Jewish learning and to our community. 10 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ CHESHVAN - KISLEV 5775 NOVEMBER 2014 CONGRATULATIONS TO US ALL ! WE’RE 50! The Jewish Congregation of New Paltz celebrates our 50th anniversary with a DINNER & DANCE November 15, 7 PM at the Community Center tickets $25 - reserve now Mazal Tov to these members of our shul who are celebrating November wedding anniversaries! Donald & Joyce Schiff Richard & Cheryl Leopold David & Elisa Dugatkin Steven & Alexis Strongin Yale & Amy Barash Maurey & Deena Levitz Steven Nussbaum & Lauren Rodman Best wishes to these members of our shul’s extended family who are celebrating November birthdays! Jonah Graubard Wil Torres David Dugatkin Helise Winters Susan Slotnick Leah Paz Mira Paz Elijah McKee Sam Hayes Ron Zuckerman Jaiden Johnson Charlie Friedman Lauren Rodman Jeffrey Goldman Deborah Kaplan Ben Hayes David Holt Israel Burd Frank LaRonca Eva Hayes Sahana Hughes Liza Darnton Daniel Weltsch Seth McKee Amanda Paul James DeArce Gerald Teters Arnold Kahgan Rebecca Lynch Alexa Friedman Jeremy Tunkel Lucas Latino Robin Torres Peggy Donnelly Mikal Kalus Michael Gadol 11 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ CHESHVAN - KISLEV 5775 NOVEMBER 2014 from the Rabbi Dear Ahavat Achim Family: I have included here an excerpt (with a bit of editing to fit this context) from my Rosh Hashanah evening sermon, regarding the fiftieth anniversary of our congregation, which we are celebrating this year: In Tishrei of 5725 (October of 1964), this congregation held its first services. Tonight, as we welcome in the crescent moon Tishrei of 5775, we begin to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of this important event. The synagogue was opened on the 26th of Tishrei, that is, a few days after Simchat Torah. Congregation Agudas Achim of Kingston lent us a Torah scroll until we could buy our own, which we did in February of 1965. bought 2,500 acres of land at the confluence of several Native American trails and on a creek. He built a mill house on that creek, which until recently was marked on maps as “Jew’s Creek.” He established a trade with the Esopus tribe of the Lenape Nation: finished goods from Europe and New Amsterdam exchanged for pelts. It was one of the few occasions where everybody did well and was happy with the deal. The Mill House is the oldest still-standing Jewish structure in North America, and you can see it off 9W in Marlboro. The oldest synagogue in our immediate area is Emmanuel in Kingston, established in 1853. Other synagogues were eventually established, and Jews in New Paltz had a choice among Kingston, Poughkeepsie, Newburgh, Ellenville … Up until fifty years ago, the Jews of the greater New Paltz area had no center, no cohesion. And then they did. And thus we do. It was a birth: a new organism emerged into the light of day. A stable ground for Jews to From the Rabbi stand upon took its shape William Strongin because some Jews fifty years ago made a decision to build a community. The children of some of these people are with us, and many of them have children and grandchildren. We have other members who joined the community forty years ago. My family has been here for thirty. And some of us are members for twenty years, or ten, or five, or one. Some have just recently joined our community, and every single one of us is a link in a chain that holds up the whole “Jewish thing”. But fifty years ago the Jews of New Paltz created their own place. Without this place and all of these other local congregations, without Jews taking on memberships and active roles, contributing their sweat, money and passion in these examples of very carefully organized religion, there would be no Jewish life in this area. There might be Jews, but not Jewish life. This sermon in its entirety, and the other sermons from this year’s Days of Awe services can all be found on our website: The first Jews in this country who were able to establish an enduring community came into New Amsterdam, only ninety or so miles from here, in September of 1654, exactly 360 years ago. In 1714, exactly 300 years ago, Luis Moses Gomez, a Sephardic Jew who came up the river into the mid-Hudson Valley, then called New Netherlands, 12 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ CHESHVAN - KISLEV 5775 NOVEMBER 2014 DONATIONS Endowment Fund Lara & Daniel Savelson Joanna Arkans & Eric Savelson Illustrated Torah Project Illustrated Torah Project General Fund Regina Cohn Elizabeth Dipippo Diana & Harry Ellis Jacki & ScoG Morrison Stefanie Morrison P & G's Restaurant Ruth & Terrence Quinn Diane & Rabbi Bill Strongin Amie & ScoG Adams Rosalyn Cherry Carole Ford Donna Sherman & Charles Gadol Emily Goldberg Ellen Butowsky & Seth McKee Carol Straus & Sol Melamed Nancy & Laurence Rand Andrea Lurie Barbara Strongin Claire Wasserman Patricia Weltsch Carol & Ron Zuckerman Ginny & Peter Beitchman Helene & Stuart Bigley Abby & Jesse Chance Robin & Wayne Critelli Joan & Mitchell Dominus Marilyn & Thomas Golgoski Madeline Lee Laura Matlow Wong-‐Pan Bess & Solomon Manger David Oxman Ellen & Paul Schwartzberg Shelley & Mark Sherman Margie & Ron Simon Alexis & Steven Strongin Jackie & Joel Swartzberg Bella Zeines Cynthia Brown Sharon & ArOe Raphael Rebekah Slotnick Helise & Larry Winters Carol & Ron Zuckerman Janice Cohen Yom Kippur Appeal Yom Kippur Appeal Yom Kippur Appeal Yom Kippur Appeal Yom Kippur Appeal Yom Kippur Appeal Yom Kippur Appeal Yom Kippur Appeal Yom Kippur Appeal Yom Kippur Appeal High Holy Days donaOon Yom Kippur Appeal Yom Kippur Appeal Yom Kippur Appeal Yom Kippur Appeal Yom Kippur Appeal in memory of Larry Meltzer Yom Kippur Appeal Yom Kippur Appeal DonaOon Yom Kippur Appeal Yom Kippur Appeal High Holy Days donaOon Yom Kippur Appeal High Holy Days donaOon in memory of my grandmother, Henni Gleeman Yom Kippur Appeal High Holy Days donaOon Yom Kippur Appeal High Holy Days donaOon High Holy Days donaOon High Holy Days donaOon Yom Kippur Appeal Yom Kippur Appeal Yom Kippur Appeal Yom Kippur Appeal Yom Kippur Appeal High Holy Days donaOon Yom Kippur Appeal Book of Remembrance Book of Remembrance Book of Remembrance Book of Remembrance Book of Remembrance Book of Remembrance 13 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ CHESHVAN - KISLEV 5775 NOVEMBER 2014 Thanks for your Help! WINTER COAT AND BLANKET DRIVE to benefit Family of New Paltz In August of 2015, Naomi Greenfield will celebrate her bat mitzvah in our shul. For her Community Service Mitzvah Project, Naomi is running a winter coat and blanket drive to benefit Family of New Paltz. She has placed collection boxes in the shul and at the Community Center (on the outside landing opposite the main entrance). Please donate by December 1, 2014 - new and gently used adult and children’s winter coats, winter hats, gloves and scarves, winter boots and blankets. Thank you! Lend us a hand We need volunteers to help to fold issues of the Sh’ma, stuff envelopes and mail them, a couple of hours per month. Please help us -- it’s quick, easy and comes with a little nosh. If you’d like to participate, contact Amy Donnelly at amy.staronomy or 845 901-5791. Thank you! Yom Kippur Food Drive Members of our Congregation donated over 100 items for Tikum Olam's Peanut Butter/Tuna Fish drive. These foods were selected because they are among the items that most children (and adults) like to eat. We collected 90 cans of tuna, 38 jars of peanut butter, 6 jars of jelly and other assorted canned foods. Everything was delivered to Family of New Paltz right after the holiday. The staff at Family expressed gratitude for the generous donations, which will be used to feed our neighbors in need. Thank you to everyone who made a donation. Please Support these Businesses! SCOTT I. MORRISON, O.D., F.A.A.O. Diplomate, American Board of Optometry (845) 255-4696 THE PROFESSIONAL CENTER 243 MAIN STREET SUITE 120 NEW PALTZ, NY 12561 (845) 778-3591 ROUTE 208, SUITE 7 MONTGOMERY, NY 12549 2294 CLINICAL FACULTY - STATE COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY 33 WEST 42ND STREET - NEW YORK, NY 10036 (845) 691-6969 216 Route 299, Suite 2 Highland, NY 12528-7517 14 JEWISH CONGREGATION OF NEW PALTZ CHESHVAN - KISLEV 5775 NOVEMBER 2014 Please Support these Businesses! 83 Main Street, New Paltz, NY 12561 P: 845.255.9902 F: 845.255.1610 E: STORE HOURS: MON – SAT 10AM to 6PM SUN 11:30AM to 5PM Your Ad Here call: 255-9817 Nt3 Firs tare WALK-IN MEDICAL CENTER The Doctor Will See You. Now. I. I- Urgent and Non-Urgent Medical Treatment of Adults and Children • -- Work. School, Camp and Other Physicals X•Rays. Blood Tests, EKG, Vaccinations DOT Exams, Work Related Injuries - - - Most Insurances and Uninsured Welcome Open 7 Days, No Appointment Needed 222 Route 299, Highland. NY 15 CHESHVAN - KISLEV 5775 NOVEMBER 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 8 Cheshvan LECH LECHA Vav & B’ney Mitzvah family class 9 AM Shabbat services 10:30 AM 9 Cheshvan 3 2 Chaverim Arts 10 Cheshvan 4 11 Cheshvan 5 12 Cheshvan 6 Rabbi’s office hours 5:30 - 7 PM @ CC Bet & Gimmel classes Dalet & Hey classes Torah Study 7 - 8:30 PM @ CC 23 1 Kislev Dalet & Hey classes Bet & Gimmel classes Torah Study 7 - 8:30 PM @ CC 24 ‘NOT YOUR Rabbi’s office hours 5:30 - 7 PM @ CC TYPICAL ISRAEL TRIP’ Torah Study Discussion 4:30 PM @ CC 7 - 8:30 PM @ CC Rosh Chodesh Kislev 3 Kislev 26 Bet & Gimmel classes 4 Kislev Vav & B’ney Mitzvah classes NO Dalet or Hey classes 27 NEW MEMBER WELCOME & Choir Service 7 PM FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY DINNER DANCE 7 PM @ CC 27 Cheshvan 21 28 Cheshvan 22 Rabbi’s office hours 5:30 - 7 PM @ CC 2 Kislev 25 HAVURAT HA’LEV Shabbat services with Rabbi Rena Blumenthal 10 - 11:30 AM followed by Kiddush & a nosh 11:30 - noon @ CC CHAYEI SARA Rabbi’s office hours 5:30 - 7 PM @ CC Dalet & Hey classes 15 Cheshvan VAYERA 20 Cheshvan 14 21 Cheshvan 15 22 Cheshvan Vav & B’ney Mitzvah classes 24 Cheshvan 18 25 Cheshvan 19 26 Cheshvan 20 Rabbi’s office hours 5:30 - 7 PM @ CC Children’s Shabbat Services 7 PM Rabbi’s office hours 5:30 - 7 PM @ CC Bet & Gimmel ‘JUMPSTART Rabbi’s office hours 5:30 - 7 PM @ CC classes THE STORIES OF Torah Study YOUR LIFE’ 7 - 8:30 PM @ CC COMMUNITY Discussion LUNCHEON 4:30 PM @ CC noon @ CC ONE BOOK ONE NEW PALTZ Discussion & brunch 11 AM @ CC 14 Cheshvan 8 Vav & B’ney Mitzvah classes 9 16 Cheshvan 10 17 Cheshvan 11 18 Cheshvan 12 19 Cheshvan 13 16 23 Cheshvan 17 13 Cheshvan 7 Shabbat Services & Junior Congregation 7:30 PM 5 Kislev 28 NO Vav or B’ney Mitzvah classes 29 Cheshvan TOLDOT 6 Kislev 29 NO Shabbat Services 7 Kislev VAYETZEI NO Rabbi’s office hours ____________ 30 8 Kislev 16
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