Voice the Volume LXXI • Number 3 NOVEMBER 2014 • 8 CHESHVAN - 8 KISLEV 5775 Sisterhood 2014 Woman of Valor Michelle Fields Sunday, November 16th at 9:30 a.m. Please RSVP to the office by November 10th Congregation Sons of Israel • Manalapan, NJ • 732.446.3000 Voice Join our FREE E-mail Mailing List the Table of Contents From Our Rabbi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adult Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fundraising News I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Men’s Club Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sisterhood News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fundraising News II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Torah Tots Tidbits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nursery News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mazel Tov/Condolences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ritual News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trees in Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November Yahrzeit List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November Birthdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November Anniversaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Donations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calendar: November . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calendar: December . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Minyan Times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 6 7 9 11 12 13 13 13 15 15 19 23 23 25 30 31 32 About Our Advertisers Please support our advertisers who have helped reduce the production costs of the Voice. Wine on Nine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Melmed Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Israel Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Merrill Lynch - Jay Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brooker Photography & Video . . . . . . . . . . Marlene’s Favors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keller Williams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Network 1 Financial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steven Stern, D.M.D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coldwell Banker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Martin & Edith Stein Hospice . . . . . . . . . . . Benchmark Lending - Jay Lillianthal . . . . . Bloomfield-Cooper Jewish Chapels . . . . . . 2 4 12 18 20 20 20 20 22 22 26 26 26 28 Timely Synagogue information can be sent to you via e-mail. It’s easy to register. Go to our Web site http://www.sonsofisrael.com and click the “Join our Free Email Mailing List” for instructions. Do you need to earn Community Service? Occasionally, the office at CSI gets very busy. If anyone (teens or adults) is available to help out for an hour or two, please call Allison in the office at 732446-3000. Be one in a minion! Our evening minyan (Sunday-Thursday 8:30pm) needs your help. Please call the office to commit to one evening per week. the VOICE • 8 CHESHVAN - 8 KISLEV 5775 From Our Rabbi HIGH HOLIDAY SERMON “RE-CAP” By Rabbi Robert S. Pilavin osh HaShanah #1. I spoke about the heartfelt reactions of one of our young adults (“Yonina”) to my 2011 Rosh Hashanah sermon on Israel. She felt that High Holiday sermons should focus on selfimprovement – not the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. She also felt that a narrow focus on Israel distracts us from our larger mission of being citizens of the world. She also felt that I was too harsh on Israel’s neighbors. I opined that Yonina and like-minded peers might find such concerns addressed by the life of Menachem Begin. I cited a new biography by Daniel Gordis: Menachem Begin: The Battle for Israel’s Soul. The late Israeli Prime Minister - often derided as a racist, militant and demagogue - proved to be quite the opposite. He rescued Vietnamese boat people and the black Jews of Ethiopia (hardly a racist). He brokered the only peace treaty with an Arab neighbor – Egypt (hardly a militant). He risked his own life on behalf of both the democratic process and to avoid civil war (hardly a demagogue). I respectfully disagreed with Yonina. The legacy of Begin (particularly if viewed through Gordis’ nuanced account) shows that Israel is an appropriate topic for Rosh Hashanah. In supporting Israel, we are engaged in self-improvement and we simultaneously make the world a better place. (I then ended with our annual Israel Bond Appeal). osh Hashanah #2. I noted another new book: Joseph Telushklin’s Rebbe: The Life and Teachings of Menachem M. Schneerson. I remarked: “I am not a Lubavitcher in either belief or in practice....but after examining Rabbi Telushkin’s book, I am quite open to his claim that the Rebbe was – and is – the most influential Rabbi in modern history.” I then speculated on what the Rebbe would have R R said about the recent landmark study of U.S. Jews by the Pew Research Center – and offered an answer from his writings. I also noted that the Rebbe instituted ten mitzvah campaigns: tefillin for males and Shabbat candles for females, Torah educatioin for children and Torah study for adults, giving tzedakah (charity) and loving your neighbor as yourself, mezuzahs on our doorposts and kosher food in our kitchens, the use of the mikveh as part of married life, and acquiring a basic Jewish library at home. I suggested ten mitzvah campaigns for our congregation. The Rebbe connected with individuals. I indicated a desire to meet one-on-one with you. We’d replace the annual “physical” with an annual “spiritual!” Based on a quote of the Rebbe I suggested the formation of a “Bywhat-right-do-you-retire?” committee for prayer, study, and social action. I noted the Rebbe’s warm connections to many (Jews and gentiles) with whom he had strong religious differences. I asked if this is true of us. I mentioned stories of non-Lubavitchers who were touched by the Rebbe. One of them was Howard Feinstein, of blessed memory, a 30+ year member of our shul. The Rebbe had great influence on political leaders, including Presidents, Prime Ministers, Governors, Senators, Congressmen and Mayors. He didn’t make appointments with them. They made appointments with him. When asked how he had the stamina to attend to so many Jews, he said: “every soul is a diamond. Can one grow tired of counting diamonds?” I concluded: “And that’s the part of his legacy I hope you’ll take with you. [He] was remarkable for more than his scholarship, activism, or advice. He taught continued on page 5 WWW.SONSOFISRAEL.COM 3 Voice the A News Magazine Published Monthly by Congregation Sons of Israel Rabbi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert S. Pilavin President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .David Binder Nursery School Director . . . . . . . . . . Renée Narson Men’s Club President . . . . . . . . . . . . .Michael Katz Sisterhood Co-President . . . . . . . . . . . . Bonnie Leff Sisterhood Co-President . . . . . . . . . . .Barbara Zagha Editor, the Voice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bill Berger Manager of Communication & Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Allison Robinson Manager of Bookkeeping & Special Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Michele Sacks www.sonsofisrael.com 732-446-3000 the Voice is the official monthly publication of Congregation Sons of Israel and is mailed free to all congregants and nursery school families. Third class postage paid at Freehold, New Jersey. Advertising rates upon request. Congregation Sons of Israel Gordons Corner Road • PO Box 369 Manalapan, NJ 07726 Comments, Suggestions, Questions.. Rabbi Robert Pilavin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rpilavin@gmail.com President David Binder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dbinder@rwjf.org Executive Vice President Bob Schwartz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rss19@verizon.net Vice President/House Rudy Stanko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .stankorf@optonline.net Treasurer Howard Mucha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .sethjared@aol.com Manager-Communication & Business Allison Robinson . . . . . . . . . . . .arobinson@sonsofisrael.com Manager-Bookkeeping & Special Events Michele Sacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .msacks@sonsofisrael.com Vice President/Ritual Steve Wertheim . . . . . . . . . . . . . .steve.wertheim@gmail.com Vice President/Education & Nursery Stacey Katz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . katzfamily4@aol.com Vice President/Membership & Programming Darrin Goldman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dgoldman53@aol.com Vice President/Fundraising Maurice Zagha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . maurice@webaum.com Publicity Sheldon Gasior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ellenshellg@gmail.com Men’s Club Michael Katz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . katzfamily4@aol.com Sisterhood Co-Presidents Bonnie Leff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bonnieleff@gmail.com Barbara Zagha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .bzagha@optonline.net Recording Secretary Marla Weinstein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .marlababes@aol.com the Voice Bill Berger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . berger21@optimum.net Articles for the next issue of the Voice are due November 10 Ads for The Voice are needed to help us pay for the publication of each issue. If you are a dentist, doctor, lawyer, accountant or Indian chief and you want to let our readers in on the secret, advertise in The Voice. If you own a business or work in a business that sells to the public, advertise in The Voice. Solicit your doctor, realtor, the places that you eat and drink, get your hair cut or your nails manicured to advertise in The Voice. If you need information on rates, etc., contact Allison Robinson at the Synagogue office or email Jack Linder at AvronJL@aol.com. Give us your leads, we will follow them up. 4 the VOICE • 8 CHESHVAN - 8 KISLEV 5775 continued from page 3 that each of us is a diamond. A diamond in the rough, perhaps, but a diamond nonetheless. May each of us polish our diamond in 5755.” ol Nidre. I noted the imminent 50th anniversary of the Broadway premier of “Fiddler on the Roof.” I gave background on this beloved musical based on a new book by Alisa Solomon: Wonder of Wonders: A Cultural History of Fiddler on the Roof. I noted that the 50th anniversary was but a pretext for exploring Yom Kippur themes: When Tevye speaks of Tradition, he means the real deal. At the library last week I saw a display of 16 books on Rosh Hashanah. 13 were cookbooks. Tradition is more than menus. And while we’re on the topic, what are we serving our guests next week for Sukkot and Shemini Atzeret? Tradition is not a condiment. It’s the main course. It’s about balance. Tevye had a vision of Jewish life that he’d pursue if he were a rich man. We are infinitely wealthier than he. Have our Jewish goals kept pace? We say the most important thing is to be a K mensch, but how? Is our untrained intuition better than the Torah? Perchik is a cautionary tale. The Jewish family is in distress. Our young people are struggling to find appropriate partners. Anatevka reminds us that the community could help. Even with our best efforts, however, Chava will sometimes meet a Fyedka. The creators of Fiddler worried that it was “too Jewish.” They feared that it would close after the last Hadassah group had seen it. But the inner life of the shtetl stirred the hearts of people throughout the world ... perhaps we do a better business when we don’t water down our product. L’Chayim! izkor – We noted that the theological basis for Yizkor on Yom Kippur is the belief that the dead, no less than the living, are in need of atonement. Since they are no longer physically with us, we cannot pay them back. It is still possible, however, to pay forward. By performing mitzvot in their honor and in their memory, we extend their legacy by “padding” their resume. Y ADULT EDUCATION NOTES Our classes at Levy’s are on Wednesdays (November 5-12-19) at 10 AM. Hebrew reading classes are on Monday evenings. Call the office for details. ASK THE RABBI Rabbi, I have a problem every Yom Kippur. Kol Nidre is at 6:15 PM. Candle lighting is 6:20pm, so I can't get there on time because I light candles. Some of the women were discussing this as we arrived late for services. Every year it's the same. Thoughts? B Dear B – The posted candle-lighting time is usually 18 minutes before sundown. That is the deadline for lighting candles, not the precise moment to light them. The solution is to light candles just before you want to leave for Kol Nidre. For instance, the candles could have been lit at 5:45 or 6:00 PM on Friday. (By the way, this happens routinely during spring and summer. Our Friday night services are uniformly at 6:30 PM from roughly May to September - even though sundown may be an hour away. The candles are lit before going to services.) WWW.SONSOFISRAEL.COM 5 Fundraising News by Maurice Zagha Introducing The Mishan Hall at Congregation Sons of Israel We are pleased to announce that in celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary, Rafi and Miriam Mishan have chosen to mark this important personal milestone with a major gift to Congregation Sons of Israel. The Board of Directors and fellow members of our shul extend a hearty Mazal Tov to the 0LVKDQV DV ZHOO DV D KXJH ´7KDQN <RXµ IRU WKHLU H[WUDRUGLQDUy commitment and generosity. In recognition of their gift, we have named our beautiful Social Hall for Rafi and Miriam, WREHNQRZQKHQFHIRUWKDV´7KH0LVKDQ+DOOµ Rafi and Miriam! Yasher koach, todah rabbah and hD]DNX·EDUXFK to you from all of us! May you and your family go from strength to strength, as you lead us by example in this and so very many other shul endeavors! 6 the VOICE • 8 CHESHVAN - 8 KISLEV 5775 president’s message By David Binder preparation for Sukkot we held a Sukkot Workshop, ow that the High Holidays are past us, I hope our and our annual Sukkot Across America featuring the Kol Nidre and Yom Kippur services were Odessa Klezmer Band was a big hit. Sisterhood also inspiring and motivating for everyone. A big thank you held their opening event which featured Robin Fox, the to Rabbi Pilavin and Cantor Jack Muchnick for leading “grand champion” of the Ladies of Laughter us in the prayers. On Kol Nidre night, I had the honor Competition (Gotham Comedy Club) and winner of of announcing the renaming of our social hall to the the 2010 Gilda’s Club laugh off award. Mishan Hall in celebration of Miriam and Rafi We also held our first of 4 congregational Mishan’s 50th anniversary. As a result of their meetings where we discussed the status of our generous donation to CSI, I was able to present budget and Nursery school as well as sharing them a plaque that will hang on the entrance information on our cemetery benefits. I to the Mishan Hall. hope this was helpful to everyone who This year the ending of the Yom attended and I look forward to our Kippur fast was marked by not one next meeting. but three tremendous Shofar Coming up this month on blowing, thanks to Mayer Wednesday, November 12, is Brandwein, Marty Wisniewski, Sisterhood’s Book Chat, where and the Cantor. I received they will be discussing Sue many positive comments and I Monk Kidd’s “The Invention of hope we will all be able to Wings,” which will be led by hear them again next year. Jane Goldstein. A very Speaking of Kol Nidre, important upcoming event is I’d like to remind everyone Sisterhood’s second annual that our annual Kol Nidre Woman of Valor celebration pledges are an important part of honoring Michelle Fields. This maintaining our budget, so breakfast is being held on Sunday, please send in your pledges that November 16, at 9:30am, so be sure you committed to when you were to send in your RSVP card. There will called. If we didn’t speak to you also be a journal, so please send in your directly on the phone to mark your donation as soon as you can. pledge, you can still send in your donation The Men’s Club is trying to gauge interest on to the office and specify that it is for the Kol several upcoming events: 1. Wednesday night, Nidre pledge. On behalf of the Board and the Rabbi, I December 17, 2014, 7:00pm, the NJ Devils vs the thank you in advance for your support. Ottawa Senators (First night of Hanukkah, also Jewish Speaking of the Board, this month’s Board Heritage Night with special Hanukkah related member spotlight is shining on Bill Berger, our Trustee programming) for a special price of $25 a ticket. 2. at Large who is responsible for putting together our Sunday afternoon, March 8, 2015, 5:00pm, the NJ monthly Voice newsletter. As someone who has firstDevils vs the Philadelphia Flyers for $53 a ticket. hand experience on what it takes to accomplish this Group outings to NJ Devils games now include the every month, I know that Bill puts in a tremendous ability to go on the ice after the game and take a group amount of hours in gathering the articles, formatting picture at center ice with the NJ Devils logo and/or and laying out each individual page, and making sure play a game of broom ball on the ice after the game. If that you receive the Voice in a timely manner. Another you think you would like to purchase any of these way of looking at it: Bill is responsible for a 30 – 35 tickets, please email Mike Katz, at page report that is presented to all our members every michael.katz@gs.com month. I want to give a big “Thank You” to Bill for I’d like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving… doing this job so well for over 4 years. please remember that no matter what, we all have a lot Last month we also were able to join in the Sukkot to be thankful for! and Simchas Torah festivities and services. Hopefully, many of you were able to participate and eat in our beautiful Sukkah at some point during the holiday. In N WWW.SONSOFISRAEL.COM 7 !"#$$ %& %&'& '&(# (# !" #$!%& 8 the VOICE • 8 CHESHVAN - 8 KISLEV 5775 Men’s Club Happenings By Michael Katz, President ur Sunday morning breakfast programs will kick off on November 23rd at 9:30 AM with a Scotch tasting. What better way to enjoy your bagels, lox and cream cheese than with a sampling of some wonderful Scotch Whiskies? If you have any suggestions for our breakfast programs, please send them to Michael Katz at katzfamily4@aol.com. As many of you know, the Men’s Club has run an annual group outing to a New Jersey Devils hockey game. We are looking at two possible games: 1. Wednesday night, December 17, 2014 at 7:00 PM vs the Ottawa Senators, which is Jewish Heritage night with special Hanukkah related programming, is being offered at a special price of $25 a ticket. 2. Sunday afternoon, March 8, 2015 at 5:00 PM vs the Philadelphia Flyers is being offered at $53 a ticket. Group outings to Devils games now include an end of game group photo on the ice with the Devils logo and/or a game of broomball on the ice. Please contact Michael Katz at either katzfamily4@aol.com or michael.katz@gs.com if you have interest in attending either or both of these games so we can determine if there’s sufficient interest to purchase tickets. O Details of our programs and events will be forthcoming utilizing the CSI web site, www.sonsofisrael.com, email notifications, telephone messages, future issues of the Voice, flyers in the Synagogue and mailings. You can always contact the Synagogue office at 732-446-3000 for information on our events. To those who have already sent in their dues for 2014/15, thank you very much. For those who have yet to do so, please join us. Your $36 membership dues help the Men’s Club provide assistance to our Synagogue for capital improvements as well as charitable donations to many worthwhile causes. We are looking for men who would like to be trustees for the Men’s Club. Please contact Michael Katz at katzfamily4@aol.com if you are interested in joining our board. When you look at the Men’s Club wall in the main entranceway, you will see a special “Men of Distinction” section. As many of us have honored the special women in our lives with inclusion on the “Women of Valor” wall, the Men’s Club would like you to honor those special men in your life with a plaque in the “Men of Distinction” section. The cost is $150 for this special honor. 0(1·6&/8%´0E12)',67,1&7,21µ Is your husband, son, father, grandfather, or any other special man in your life deserving of special recognition? If your answer is yes, as well it should be, there is a way for you to honor that special man or men, iQ \RXU OLIH DQG DW WKH VDPH WLPH DVVLVW WKH 0HQ·V &OXE LQ LWV IXQG raising activities. As you may have noticed, one wall in our synagogue lobby is GHGLFDWHG WR WKH 0HQ·V &OXE 2QH VHFWLRQ RI WKDW GLVSOD\ LV VHW DVLGH IRU ´0HQRI'LVWLQFWLRQµVLPLODUWRWKH6LVWHUKRRG·V´:RPHQRI9DORUµ<RXFDQ honor the man, or men, in your life by placing his name on what, we hope, will be a growing list. The cost for the brass plaque is $150 for a lifetime of honor. 7KH 0HQ·V &OXE KDV EHHQ UDLVLQJ IXQGV LQ D YDULHW\ Rf ways since its inception 35 years ago. During that time, we have contributed over $100,000 to the Synagogue for capital improvements. In addition, we have donated over $50,000 to Jewish and other charities and have provided ongoing financial assistance to youth activities. )RU IXUWKHU LQIRUPDWLRQ UHJDUGLQJ WKH ´0HQ RI 'LVWLQFWLRQµ KRQRU UROO please call the synagogue office or Michael Katz @732-792-1096. WWW.SONSOFISRAEL.COM 9 10 the VOICE • 8 CHESHVAN - 8 KISLEV 5775 sisterhood news By Barbara Zagha and Bonnie Leff isterhood: A congenial relationship or companionship among women; mutual female esteem, concern, and support. And, if you joined us at our paid up membership dinner on October 20th at the synagogue you felt this very special relationship around the room. Our Mishan Hall was filled with laughter thanks to entertainment by Robin Fox, “Grand Champion” of the Ladies Laughter Competition. Complete with good eats the evening was a huge success. The Sisterhood would like to thank our great committee, and all of the “extra hands” for orchestrating such a lovely event and for helping us to gain new members with this wonderful launch to our year. Our next book chat is right around the corner. Meet us in the synagogue library on November 12th at 7:15 p.m. as we discuss “The Invention of Wings” by Sue Monk Kidd. If you think you are too late, think again – everyone is welcome for this thought provoking evening – even if you haven’t read the book you will soon see that you have life experiences to share right along with our book characters; you will surely feel a special camaraderie in the room. The next book will be “The Interestings”, by Meg Wolitzer. (Mid-Winter, stay tuned for confirmed date). Last year we began a unique event for our synagogue in the establishment of the Woman of Valor breakfast. This year, we have chosen to honor Michelle Fields for her dedication and passion for Sisterhood S since 1991. All of those who know Michelle, or have worked by her side know full well that she is the embodiment of our mission: to promote the welfare of the Jewish community, at home and globally through social, financial and benevolent activities. Join us for this heartwarming morning as our Sons of Israel community comes out to honor Michelle Fields and recognize her dedication to Daughters of Israel and our congregation on Sunday, November 16th at 9:30 am. Admission to this event is $10.00 per person. (RSVPs are due by November 8th). And as we look ahead, yes….we feel like dancing….again. Speed Limit returns for a night of Rock’n Roll on Saturday evening December 13th in the Mishan Hall. Save the date, and bring your friends. Anyone who was there last year will surely be on hand to repeat a fun night with friends and community. As the year evolves we will need many sets of hands to expedite all of our commitments to Congregation Sons of Israel. Even a “small bite” of volunteering on any committee will add to our mutual success. We look forward to seeing all of you as the year progresses! Together we can make a difference. Please consider contacting one of our Presidents and raise your hand to help with our endeavors – Bonnie Leff, bonnieleff@gmail.com & Barbara Zagha, bzagha@optonline.net. WWW.SONSOFISRAEL.COM 11 Fundraising News Koren Siddurim for Shabbat and Holidays By way of a generous donation from Steve Ellis and family, our congregation is now enjoying these new and beautifully embossed Koren Siddurim. The Koren Sacks Siddur is the first new Hebrew/English siddur in a generation. The siddur exemplifies Koren's traditions of textual accuracy and intuitive graphic design, and offers an illuminating translation and commentary by one of the world's leading Jewish thinkers, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. To the Ellis family - Yasher koach and todah rabbah to you from all of us! Thank you for your continue support or our congregation. May you and your family enjoy peace and happiness in the New Year. 12 the VOICE • 8 CHESHVAN - 8 KISLEV 5775 nursery news By Renée Narson Always busy – on the run Every day is filled with fun! Sukkahs, Shofars, Shabbat at School, And our Tot Shabbat was really cool. V.I.P. Shabbat will be a special day, November 14th is the Shabbat Way, To recognize the people who we love And thank Hashem from up above. Now, on to Fall, to leaves and trees, To counting, writing, and painting scenes, To giving Thanks for all we’ve got, Collecting Food – For those who do NOT. Busy, Fun, Learning and Caring, Our school is filled with Loving and Sharing. TORAH TOTS TIDBITS By Renée Narson We are so lucky to have the nicest, sweetest, smartest Tzedakah and the act of “paying it forward”… a perfect Torah Tots. We celebrated all of the Fall Holidays lesson before Thanksgiving. together: we made mini sukkahs, we ate in the Synagogue Sukkah, and we paraded with our Torahs for Simchat Torah. Now, we are working on Mitzvot, May we all have much to be thankful for... We will talk to you soon when we are getting all set for Chanukah: cooking, parties, shows and gelt. mazel tov Condolences Aileen & Joe Minchello, on the birth of their grandson, Noah Greyson Minchello Louise & Jack Linder, on the birth of their great-grandson, Noah Greyson Minchello Rabbi Jeffrey and Enid Miller, on the birth of their grandson Mitchell Strear, on the loss of his beloved wife, and our longtime member, Sheryl Strear Eileen Ganezer, on the loss of her beloved sister, Sheila Silverman WWW.SONSOFISRAEL.COM 13 !"# $$# %&'( )( * # # ( % ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ,++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - +++++++++++++++++++++++++++.+++++++++++++++++ /(++++++++++++0*1+++++++++++++++++++ *++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #++++++++++ +++++++++++## +++++++++++++++## & #2 ++++++++++ & 3"!42 524 14 the VOICE • 8 CHESHVAN - 8 KISLEV 5775 Ritual News By Steve Wertheim s David Binder mentioned in his remarks at Neilah, the amount of work required to get ready for the Yom Tovim is extraordinary. The burden of getting the seating done, assigning and reassigning the honors, managing the honors during the holidays and all the physical preparation, falls upon the shoulders of some very dedicated people. So thank you and yasher koach to the entire Ritual Committee for the tremendous help in getting ready for the High Holidays. Our new Koren Siddurim are now in the pews and fully operational. In last month’s notes, I indicated that we had an anonymous donation of 100 Siddurim. While the books are anonymous, the donation did not need to be. So a big thank you to Mike Katz and the entire Men’s Club, for their very generous gift to the A shul. The Men’s Club Siddurim will remain blank until they’re dedicated by members of the shul at $36 per book. We received a great deal of positive feedback on the new padded seats and we will be thrilled to increase our number of padded rows for next year. If you are interested in donating a block of chairs, please contact me directly. As we prepared for the holidays, we discovered that several of our white Torah mantles are in need of replacement and several of our Torah scrolls require minor repair. For Simchat Torah, we asked honorees to make donations in multiples of Chai to support those improvements. If you are planning on making a donation to the shul, for any reason, please consider designating the monies for the “Torah Fund”. The PTO of Sons of Israel is selling honors & memories!! We now have a program in which you can purchase trees for Israel. The cost will be $ 18 per tree TO: Mitchell Strear & family In memory of your beloved wife, mother, and grandmother, Sheryl Strear FROM: Gladys & Spencer Halper TO: Sandra Weinberg In memory of your beloved father FROM: Ira & Pnina Matlow and family TO: Ariala Boyum In memory of your beloved father FROM: Ira & Pnina Matlow and family TO: Dr. Kenny Nahum & family In memory of your beloved mother FROM: Tobi & Matthew Stelzer TO: Joyce Rubenstein and Family In memory of your beloved son, Lloyd Rubenstein FROM: Moshe, John, Pat Russo, Joe TO: Ira Marshall In honor of your birthday FROM: Barbara & Maurice Zagha TO: Mitchell Strear & family In memory of your beloved wife, mother, and grandmother, Sheryl Strear FROM: Harlean & Jerry Enis TO: Helen Bronner and Family In memory of your beloved husband, Sam Bronner FROM: The Card Players WWW.SONSOFISRAEL.COM 15 16 the VOICE • 8 CHESHVAN - 8 KISLEV 5775 At Congregation Sons of Israel Our Five Session Course continues through November 24, 2014 Every Monday Night at 8:00 PM (1 hour) Please contact the synagogue office at 732-446-3000 to RSVP WWW.SONSOFISRAEL.COM 17 ISRAEL BONDS INVESTMENT OPTIONS GENERATE INCOME ∙ SAVE FOR THE FUTURE ∙ DIVERSIFY YOUR PORTFOLIO Investment Options Available From Development Corporation For Israel/Israel Bonds Enable You To Select An Israel Bond Specific To Your Personal Financial Goals, Including: DIVERSIFYING PENSION FUNDS AND IRAS PRESERVING CAPITAL STRENGTHENING PORTFOLIOS GROWING FOUNDATION ENDOWMENT FUNDS BUILDING TRUST FUNDS PARTICIPATING IN MATCHING FUNDS PROGRAMS GIVING FOR CHARITABLE AND INDIVIDUAL GIFTS JUBILEE ISSUE BONDS (2, 3, 5 & 10–YEAR): Fixed rate, $25,000 minimum investment and $5,000 increments; semi-annual interest paid May 1 and November 1. MACCABEE ISSUE BONDS (2, 3, 5 & 10–YEAR): Fixed rate, $5,000 minimum investment and $500 increments; semi-annual interest paid May 1 and November 1. SABRA SAVINGS BONDS (3-YEAR): Fixed rate, $1,000 minimum investment and $100 increments; interest paid upon maturity. FLOATING RATE LIBOR BONDS (2, 3, & 5–YEAR): Variable rate, $5,000 minimum investment and $500 increments; semi-annual interest paid June 1 and December 1. MAZEL TOV BONDS (5-YEAR): Fixed rate, $100 minimum investment and $10 increments; interest paid upon maturity. Maximum allowable amount purchased by one person on a specific date, registered in the name of one holder, is $2,500. eMITZVAH BONDS (5-YEAR): Fixed rate, $36 minimum investment and $18 increments; interest paid upon maturity. May only be purchased online. Maximum allowable amount purchased by one person in a transaction, registered in the name of one holder, is $90. INVEST IN ISRAEL ∙ ISRAELBONDS.COM Development Corporation for Israel/Israel Bonds ! " # $ % & ' ' ! This is not an offering, which can be made only by prospectus. Read the prospectus carefully before investing to fully evaluate the risks associated with investing in Israel bonds. Member FINRA 18 the VOICE • 8 CHESHVAN - 8 KISLEV 5775 NOVEMBER Yahrzeit list November 2 Bessie Afsanick November 3 Sidney Kraus Philip Schultz William Schwartz November 5 Isidore Gerber Louis Hornstein Louis Hornstein Leo Rosmarin November 6 Isidore Fletcher Pearl Wasserman November 7 Gussie Flax Abe Stern November 8 Rachel Solk November 9 Frieda Freed November 10 Solomon Fassman Moe Klores Ida Slade November 11 Tillie Finkelstein Molly Friedman Eugene Kutten Isadore Rosenblatt Abe Rosenblum November 12 Douglas Fink Samuel Haimowitz Eugene Thaler November 13 Marcelle Galimidi Harold Garber November 14 Harry Berg Roslyn Eisner Kate Kersen Pauline Kivel November 15 Bessie Bell David Davies 9 Cheshvan mother of Shirley Wold 10 Cheshvan father of Harvey Kraus father of Marsha Garber father of Ronnie Gold 12 Cheshvan father of Carol Goldstein father of Naomi Trachtenberg father of Sally Green father of Jack Rosmarin 13 Cheshvan father-in-law of Joseph Litman mother of Bernard Trachtenberg 14 Cheshvan grandmother of Roberta Levine father of Steven Stern 15 Cheshvan grandmother of H. Raymond Solk 16 Cheshvan relative of Charles Jaslow 17 Cheshvan father of Donna Fassman father-in-law of Aaron Harmon mother of Elaine Goldberg 18 Cheshvan mother of Gary Finkelstein aunt of Merrill Jaslow relative of Aileen Minchello grandfather of Diana Cohen father of Diana Cohen 19 Cheshvan brother-in-law of Jeffrey Weiss father of Henry Haimowitz father of George Thaler 20 Cheshvan mother of Ellis Galimidi father of Arnold Garber 21 Cheshvan grandfather of Keith Epstein mother of Fred Eisner mother of Ilene Kornblum mother of Roberta Thaler 22 Cheshvan mother-in-law of Lillian Bell father of Gladys Halper Simon Epstein Ethel Tamres November 16 Sol Steckman November 17 Irma Matlow Bernard Tulgan November 18 Rudy Fuchs Rae Tulchiner November 19 Morris Gross Sam Roth November 20 Louis Garber Marilyn Held Reiner Donna Satuloff Jean Weiskott November 21 Harry Rosenberg Henry Schoen November 22 William Siminoff November 23 Sam Silver November 24 Rachel Vidro Reba Weinzimer November 25 Harry Margolis Martin Satuloff November 26 Moe Perlman Martha Spencer November 27 Dorothy Abramowitz Mina Goldstein November 28 David M. Kaplan Batia Mishan November 29 Ruth Weiner November 30 Anabel Faden Sharon Marcus Ester Orenbuch WWW.SONSOFISRAEL.COM grandfather of Sandy Leiser mother of Barbara Klein 23 Cheshvan uncle of Shelley Finkelstein 24 Cheshvan mother of Ira Matlow father of Norman Tulgan 25 Cheshvan father of Susan Finkelstein mother of Judith Horowitz 26 Cheshvan father of Carol Sigman father of Rochelle Epstein 27 Cheshvan father-in-law of Phyllis Garber sister of Robert Held sister of Ruth Levine mother-in-law of Jerry Stahler 28 Cheshvan father of Michelle Rosmarin father of Joyce Cohen 29 Cheshvan father of Ellen Gasior 1 Kislev grandfather of Mindy Fromm 2 Kislev mother of Louise Leight mother of Lillian Rosenberg 3 Kislev father of Brenda Spielzinger father of Ruth Levine 4 Kislev father of Joel Perlman mother of Gertrude Indig 5 Kislev mother of Sue Vogel mother of Yitzhak Goldstein 6 Kislev father of Barry Kaplan mother of Raphael Mishan 7 Kislev wife of Herman Weiner 8 Kislev great aunt of Nancy Goldstein sister of Larry Godel mother of Hal Orenbuch 19 Two names you know and trust! 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CRPC§LVDUHJLVWHUHGVHUYLFHPDUNRIňH&ROOHJHIRU)LQDQFLDO3ODQQLQJ 0HUULOO/\QFKPDNHVDYDLODEOHSURGXFWVDQGVHUYLFHVRIIHUHGE\0HUULOO/\QFK3LHUFH)HQQHU6PLWK,QFRUSRUDWHGDUHJLVWHUHGEURNHUGHDOHUDQGPHPEHU6,3&DQGRWKHUVXEVLGLDULHVRI%DQNRI$PHULFD&RUSRUDWLRQ ¬%DQNRI$PHULFD&RUSRUDWLRQ$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG_$5&8_$'%_30_ 20 the VOICE • 8 CHESHVAN - 8 KISLEV 5775 Sukkot Across America, October 12, 2014, with the Odessa Klezmer Band Photos by Alan Brooker WWW.SONSOFISRAEL.COM 21 Money Management Individually Managed Accounts Custom Investment Portfolios Tactical Asset Allocation Personal Financial Planning STEPHEN LITWOK Portfolio Manager The Galleria 2 Bridge Avenue • Red Bank, NJ 07701 732 758-9066 • FAX 732 758-6671 • E-MAIL: Slitwok@netw1.com Ad for Network 1 Financial We All“TheStart With No Cavities Voice” Magazine • August 2, 2010 Keep YourAd Child’s Healthy Size: 7.125 xSmile 4.875 Pediatric dentistry focuses on the oral health Prepared and unique needs of young people. We are concerned about your child’s total health and know that good oral hygiene and proper nutrition are essential. by Jack Ives • 732.643.8702 $ VSHFLDOL]HGOHYHORIGHQWDO care focused on preventing problems BEFORE they need to be “fixed” E ARLY cavity assessment and risk intervention Our Smile Team helps children feel good about visiting the dentist. Parents and children are taught proper oral hygiene and diet habits. Our special office design and kid-friendly communication style create a positive dental experience. 2UDO)DFLDOJURZWKDQDO\VLV FREE INITIAL VISIT FOR ALL CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF TWO Steven P. Stern, DMD, PA Pediatric and Adolescent Dentistry 4AYLORS-ILLS2OADs-ANALAPAN.* 732-409-0044 www.stevenpsterndmd.com 22 LET’S GO TO THE DENTIST VOTED ONE OF NJs TOP PEDIATRIC DENTISTS! MOST DENTAL INSURANCE PLANS ACCEPTED the VOICE • 8 CHESHVAN - 8 KISLEV 5775 Call our office for details. Specialty Permit #2451 nOVEMber Birthdays 1st Saul Spital 2nd Lisa Aurbach David Raanan Harlan Gaile 3rd Allan Dolman Toni Moskovitz Rick Narson Samantha Rosen 5th Aaron Harmon 7th Frieda Schwartz 8th Brian Krane Jeffrey Yigdal 9th Larry Godel Cheryl McKenna 10th Michael Lebowitz Yitzhak Goldstein Asher Kantor Jack Linder Rena Brenman Abraham Levine 11th Michael Peller Neal Cohen Rena Toubin 12th Beth Cohen 13th Norman Tulgan Leah Lebowitz 14th Pauline Froster 16th George Thaler Jo Freud Alexa Schindel 17th Jack Cohen Renée Narson 18th Tyler Brenman Robert Held 19th Stephen Kurzer 20th Diana Cohen 21st Herman Weiner Ruth Levine 23rd Richard Baum Lyla Grossberg Harold Solat 25th Phyllis Heumann Susan Feinstein 26th Linda Rubin Jeremy Weinstein 28th Raychel McKenna Sharon Jaffe-Goser Jeff Erdman 29th Jan Lillianthal Fred Mosesman 30th Adam Fromm Joel Krinsky nOVEMber Anniversaries 2nd Allan & Phyllis Katz Harvey & Judith Horowitz Mitchell & Arlene Lustgarten 4th Alex & Peggy Cohen Richard & Elaine Stern 6th Leonard & Sheila Schindel 7th Samuel & Laurie Landy 16th Keith & Rochelle Epstein 18th Stewart & Sunny Schwartz 21st Larry & Vickie Amron George & Ellen Bennet 23rd Jeffrey & Natalie Levine Mark & Julie Ginsberg Murray & Eileen Ganezer 25th Gary & Susan Finkelstein 26th William & Karen Moskowitz Harlan & Sima Gaile Alvin & Charlotte Rubin 27th Howard & Teri Mucha Abraham & Ruth Levine 29th Irving & Shirley Camp Mitchell & Rena Brenman 30th Rick & Renée Narson WWW.SONSOFISRAEL.COM 23 Daughters of Israel of Congregation Sons of Israel Makes Shopping for Gift Cards as easy as 1-2-3!! 1. Choose the Retailer(s) to purchase cards. Use the list on next page. View more retailers at www.glscrip.com ***Food establishments that do not sell kosher food items will not have gift cards sold by Daughters of Israel*** 2. Call Vickie at: 732-987-5988 Check payable to: Daughters of Israel WƌŝƚĞƚŚĞǁŽƌĚ͞^Z/W͟ŽŶƚŚĞ memo line Mail checks to: Daughters of Israel of Cong. Sons of Israel P.O. Box 369 Manalapan, NJ 07726 3. Pick up your gift cards at Sons of Israel Office Fundraising made easy: By purchasing your gift card through the synagogue, you eliminate the need to run from store to store as well as allowing the Sisterhood to earn a percentage of your purchase without additional cost to you!!! Orders will be placed each time we accumulate a minimum of $500.00 24 the VOICE • 8 CHESHVAN - 8 KISLEV 5775 donations Your dues make up only a small part of our synogogue’s total income. We rely upon your generous contributions and we thank the following for their tzedekah to our congregation. RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Michael Morris in memory of Marcus Morris Robert Held in honor of Harlean & Jerry Enis Michael Morris in memory of Sophie Morris Laurie & Sam Landy Rochelle & Fred Schwartz in memory of Rose Schwartz JEWISH MOURNER’S BOOK OF WHY Elaine Fields in honor of Ira Marshall's 80th birthday Congregation Sons of Israel Nechama Committee in memory Sandra & Murray Shenberg in honor of the marriages of Craig of Sheryl Strear Ginsberg to Randi Elberg and Stephanie Ginsberg to Paul Ellis MICHELLE’S MAGIC GARDEN Joseph Litman in memory of Clara Lisker Michele & Jefferey Lejfer for a speedy recovery to Jeff Levine Gerald Barad in memory of Evelyn Barad Michele & Jefferey Lejfer in honor of Lynne WeissMarshall's Marcia & Hy Weiner in memory of Bertha Glassman thoughtfulness Marcia & Hy Weiner in memory of Jack Weiner Denise Rosner & Eileen Weinstein in memory of Sarah Poller Rhoda & Emanuel Chodosh in memory of Sarah Isenberg Audrey & Irwin Kotkin in memory of Bella Stern Rhoda & Emanuel Chodosh in memory of Solomon Isenberg Rita & William Kaplowitz in memory of Ethel Lazerson Thelma Leader in memory of Michael Leader Marsha & Bob Levine in memory of Gertrude Fleischman Bonnie & Fred Stone in memory of their parents and siblings Philip Gaines in memory of Sylvia Gaines Robert Goodman in memory of Louis Goodman BIBLE FUND Marsha & Richard Reimer in memory of Esther Meltzer Iris & Harvey Kraus in memory of Harry Kostre Marsha & Richard Reimer in memory of Stuart Reimer Marsha & Richard Reimer in memory of Louis Meltzer BIKUR CHOLIM FUND Sunny & Stewart Schwartz in memory of Rose Schwartz Michael & David Sudit in memory of Faina Sudit & Isai Sudit Michele & Jefferey Lejfer in memory of Dora Rosinsky Maxine & Art Finkel in honor of Ira Marshall's 80th birthday Carol & Barry Weiss in memory of Mae Weiss PRAYER BOOK FUND Carol & Barry Weiss in memory of Miriam Posner Rita & William Kaplowitz in memory of Ruth Kaplowitz Rita & William Kaplowitz in memory of Louis Lazerson CEMETERY FUND Rhoda & Emanuel Chodosh in memory of Sarah Isenberg Rita Goldstein in memory of Stanley Tatkow Rhoda & Emanuel Chodosh in memory of Solomon Isenberg Rita Goldstein in memory of Seymour Goldstein Gladys & Spencer Halper in memory of Leah Davis Elaine & Richard Goldberg in memory of Sherry Slade Judith & Kenneth Gesser in memory of Isaac Spector Elaine & Richard Goldberg in memory of Rose Goldberg Sybill & Jack Schier in memory of Hyman Schier Harriet Bernstein in memory of Yetta Bernstein Cheryl Herbst in memory of Leo Garber Sandy & Ronald Leiser in memory of Edith Leiser Elliot Herbst in memory of Jack Herbst HIGH HOLIDAY MACHZOR FUND READING IS REWARDING FUND Sharon & Bernard Gitlitz in memory of the Jewish martyrs and Diana & Harold Cohen in honor of the birth of Mr. & Mrs. survivors of the Ilya shtetl Gary Cohen's granddaughter Sharon & Bernard Gitlitz in memory of the Jewish martyrs and Barbara & Maurice Zagha in memory of Elihu Baum survivors of the Lodz Ghetto RABBI SCHORR MEMORIAL FUND HOLOCAUST FUND Bobbi & Howard Levine in memory of Rabbi Nathan Schorr Hilary Edelstein in memory of Moses Indig Devora, Hal & Liana Bluzer in memory of Bert Fink SANCTUARY FUND Carol & Marshall Sigman in memory of Musia Gross Rita & William Kaplowitz in memory of Abe Kaplowitz Rena & Steven Toubin in memory of Harold Singer Steven Rand in memory of Harold Rand Donations continued on page 29 WWW.SONSOFISRAEL.COM 25 Jewish Hos H osppice C os are Jewish Hospice Care at Th scar aand nd EElla lla Wi W ilf C ampus fo ffor or SSenior enior LLiving iving at Thee O Oscar Wilf Campus t&YDFMMFOU/VSTFUP1BUJFOU3BUJP t&YDFMMFOU/VSTFUP1BUJFOU3BUJP t) PNF)FBMUI"JEF4VQQPSUG UGPPS'BNJMZ t )PNF)FBMUI"JEF4VQQPSUGPS'BNJMZ t#FSFBWFNFOU4VQQPSU.POUIMZ.FFUJOH t#FSFBWFNFOU4VQQPSU.POUIMZ.FFUJOH t$PPNQMFNFOUBSZ$IJDLFO4PVQQMVT)BSQBOE.BTTBHFUIFSBQJFT NQMFNFOUBSZ$IJDLFO4PVQQMVT)BSQBOE.BTTBHFUIFSB FSBQQJFT t Accr creedited by by the National National Institute Institute for for JJewish ewish Hospice Hospice Accredited Veronica A ve., Suite Suite 206 49 Veronica Ave., Somerset, Somerset, NJ 08873 732-227-1212 Serving Monroe Serving M onroe Township: Township: To 609-716-1212 www.SteinHospiceNJ.org www.S www .SteinHospiceNJ.org Alan Kurlander Is Ranked In Top 250 Agents In America For Sales Volume By Wall Street Journal/Real Trends - 2013 • Closed Over 250 Units for 2012-2013 & Over $100 Million in Sales • #1 Coldwell Banker NJ Agent Units Closed - 2012 • #2 Coldwell Banker NJ Agent Units Closed - 2013 • #1 Coldwell Banker Agent - Middlesex, Monmouth & Ocean Counties • Top 1% Coldwell Banker Agents Worldwide • NJAR Circle of Excellence Sales Award - Platinum - 2011, 2012 & 2013 • Coldwell Banker International President's Council - 2011, 2012 & 2013 • NJ Monthly Magazine "Five Star Agent" - 2011, 2012, 2013 & 2014 Alan Kurlander Sales Associate Contact Alan for all your real estate needs. Cell: (732) 284-6302 • Direct: (732) 409-5024 aljay1@aol.com • www.alankurlander.com (732) 462-4242 335 Route 9 South, Manalapan, NJ 07726 • ©2013 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker® is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned and operated by NRT LLC. 26 the VOICE • 8 CHESHVAN - 8 KISLEV 5775 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY [Our apologies to the ladies who attended who are not shown in the pictures] WWW.SONSOFISRAEL.COM 27 be a voice booster You can add your name to the list of boosters by filling out the accompanying coupon and attaching your $18 check. VOICE BOOSTERS Nancy & Bill Berger Nurit & Steve Litwok William & Rita Kaplowitz Larry Bloom Sybill & Jack Schier Ellen & Sheldon Gasior Myrna Rizick 28 r! Be A Voice Booste rael Voice. pport the Sons of Is su n ca u yo 8 $1 y For Onl ’s issue. dged in next month le ow kn ac be ill w All contributors _______________ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ______ Name: __________ ___ ________________ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Phone #: ________ to the Please return this ad 732-446-3000. shul office or call the VOICE • 8 CHESHVAN - 8 KISLEV 5775 Donations continued from page 25 Steven Rand in memory of Rebecca Heller Jacqueline & Marvin Becker in memory of Morris Becker Leonard Hassan in memory of Lila Hasan Gail & Stuart Rizick in memory of Abraham Joseph Rizick Gladys Reinisch in memory of Jerome Reinisch TORAH FUND Nancy & Yitzhak Goldstein in memory of Elimelech Faden Reneé & Rudy Stanko in memory of Alan Goldman Nancy & Yitzhak Goldstein in memory of Rifka Warech Diana & Harold Cohen in memory of James Schwarz' mother Nancy & Yitzhak Goldstein in memory of Moshe Warech Shirley & Irv Camp in memory of Joseph Camp Nancy & Yitzhak Goldstein in memory of Netti Schwartz Shirley & Irv Camp in memory of David Linder Nancy & Yitzhak Goldstein in memory of Joseph Schwartz Larry Bloom in memory of Fannie Bloom Nancy & Yitzhak Goldstein in memory of Miriam Kohn Larry Bloom in memory of Mollie Deutsch Nancy & Yitzhak Goldstein in memory of Zosha Schwartz Nancy & Yitzhak Goldstein in memory of Nunio Schwartz GENERAL DONATIONS Nancy & Yitzhak Goldstein in memory of Chava Schwartz Murray Shenberg for a speedy recovery to John Mattioli Joseph Litman Miriam & Rafi Mishan in honor of Ira Marshall's 80th birthday Marlene Abelon Michelle & Jay Fields in honor of Ira Marshall's 80th birthday Nancy & Yitzhak Goldstein in honor of receiving an aliyah on Gary & Nona Schwartz in honor of Ira Marshall's 80th birthday Rosh Hashanah Rita Leff Sandra & Murray Shenberg for the continued recovery of Jerry Enis Deborah & Roger Wilbert Barry Frost Denise Rosner in memory of Samuel Taus Hyman Nathan in memory of Solomon Nathan Harlean & Jerry Enis in memory of Sidney Enis Haren & Steven Haber Peggy & Alex Cohen in memory of Harry Cohen Beth Mamroud in honor of Robert M. Mayerovic Sponsor a Kiddush at Congregation Sons of Israel! Standard Kiddush (up to 60 people) includes challah, butter, cream cheese, herring, cookies, cake, water, soda, coffee, tea Expanded Kiddush: (includes all of the above) a) add an occasion cake b) add tuna salad and egg salad c) add bagels and bialys d) add lox (with tomato & onions)* e) add tuna salad and egg salad and lox (with tomato & onions) f) add pasta salad or vegetable salad g) add kugel h) add hummus platter (includes pita) i) add quiche j) add fruit Suggested Pasta Salads: Sesame noodle, Pesto, Spinach/tomato/olive, Orzo, Primavera Vegetable Salads: Green Salad, Israeli Salad, Caesar Salad, Fresh Vegetable Platter A meat Kiddush is also an option. Call Michele at 732-446-3000 for more information. * belly lox available by request WWW.SONSOFISRAEL.COM 29 $"%!& ()() *+ + , -. +#%! ! . +// %!0 12345 0 # # 1&6-4 ,5 (- # ! # 235 %!0 ++ . +0 ! $%!& 9 ''%& $%& 2 ''% "& $% #& &5+1 2%6 .51 " " ''% !& # # $% "& )++ 0 52 235 %!0 !08//55+ )++* 8//5:55 8//5:55 9 ; -.)/ #%! )++ 0 52 12345 0 ! " ! 30 7,4 55 8//55 0 1&6-4 ,5 (- 7,4 55 8//55 0 ! .) % 0 1&6-4 ,5 (- " 9 -*5 0 235 %!0 / ,5 9.)/ + +0 5#%! 12345 0 1 95 12345 0 " ! 235 %!0 1 +0 " ''%& the VOICE • 8 CHESHVAN - 8 KISLEV 5775 ! # 14, -%! , -..%!+ /&012 34 51 789149 * )* %!+ 6 /4 -#+ " , #+ '%& 496 : /4 4960 : # " '%"& $$ %& # '%"& :49 **+ " 496000 : >..+ ! ! '%& '%&($$ % & :49 **+ /4 49600 : & 49,:- ;+5; :49 **+ /&012 34 51 ! '% & 6 )* %!+ 4--, -#+ 449 45--"+ '%& " ! 49000 : '%& 6 4900 : ! $$ %& 490 : :)* + # 349 ! '%#& 789149 * /&012 34 51 " )* %!+ '%& 4906 9< : = ,/4 " $$ %& # '%& >..? +; ; + >..+ 6- ! ! >..+ >..+ >..+ # WWW.SONSOFISRAEL.COM 31 Congregation Sons of Israel Gordons Corner Road PO Box 369 Manalapan, NJ 07726 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Freehold, NJ Permit No. 305 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED POSTMASTER; DATED MATERIAL Minyan Times - for November Friday Afternoon November 7, 14, 21, 28 . . . . . . . . . . . Saturday Mornings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Weekday Mornings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:15 A.M 4:15 P.M. Sunday Evening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:30 P.M. 9:00 A.M. Monday-Thursday Evenings . . . . . . . . . . 8:30 P.M. Services Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 27) are at 8:30 AM and 4:15 PM. Saturday Mincha November 8, 15, 22, 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:00 P.M. Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:30 A.M We urge all members to consider at least a once-a-week commitment to one of the morning or evening services that are held each day. It will be good for the soul and ensure that we have a “minyan” promptly each and every day!
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